Sunday, September 08, 2019

Turmoil At The RNC: There Ain't No Primary Challenger!

RNC chief and Trump conspire to squash competitors in Republican primaries.
Ronna Romney McDaniel has sparked controversy. She said that any primary against Donald J. Trump will not go forth. That means those who want to challenge Trump in Republican primary aren't going to get any attention.

Former governor of Massachusetts Bill Weld, former South Carolina governor and congressman Mark Sanford and former Illinois congressman and talk radio agitator Joe Walsh are actively challenging Trump for the nomination.

They cite the incompetence and Republican hypocrisy as a reason for their decision to run for president.

Three states will not honor Republican primary challenges. That means all the delegates will directly go to Trump and no challenger will be offer a platform in their state.

South Carolina, Nevada and Kansas will not hold any primaries or caucuses. Other states could follow suit soon. That means the primary challengers will have no way to attract support and generate political donations.

That eliminates Trump's competitors.
Three Republican contenders want to take on Trump. The party won't allow them to debate or contest Trump.
The move is not unprecedented for incumbent parties. In 2004, ten states cancelled their nominating contests to support George W. Bush.

CBS News reports that Republicans in state party leadership have to pay to hold its primaries or caucuses, so if there is an incumbent with considerable support, then the party is inclined not to incur the cost of putting on an expensive primary. According to the Nevada GOP spokesperson, the state party would save nearly $150,000 if it cancels the caucuses for the 2020 cycle. That means Trump can go golfing at his private resorts on the Republican Party's dime.

McDaniel said that the RNC doesn't dictate whether a state party should hold nominating contests.

A wink and nod folks.

Trump's campaign went out quickly to state party leaders demanding they eliminate the competition.

So far, Trump has 92% favorability among Republicans.

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