Friday, August 30, 2019

I Live Here And I'm Lawfully Armed! Why Are You Arresting Me?

North Carolina man gets detained by the law in his own home.
This is an another edition of "What Happened To...?"

The Raleigh, North Carolina Police have to do some explaining. They are doing damage control after one of their cops detained a homeowner in his underwear.

Kazeem Oyeneyin becomes the latest example.

He said this was one of the most humiliating experiences he's ever faced. White cops showing up to his home on the report of a false burglar alarm at his own home. They end up placing him in handcuffs at gunpoint and walking him to a police car in just his boxers as his neighbors were watching.

"I was counting the seconds because I thought he was going to kill me," Oyeneyin said. "He was shaking the gun. All he has to do is slip and hit that trigger and I'm dead."

This incident happened on August 17 and it was a misunderstanding that lead to a cop entering his home with gun drawn demanding Oyeneyin to come out with his hands up.

One of his friends was staying at his home. He left the home and set the alarm by mistake.

The alarm company called Oyeneyin to let him know that it was triggered. He told the company that he was aware and disarmed it. After he got off the phone he went back to sleep. The alarm tripped again.
Cop open the door with gun drawn.
He was asleep and didn't hear the alarm, His cellphone went off and he answered the call and disarmed the alarm once again.

Well as Oyeneyin went to sleep he forgot to lock his door. He didn't think anyone was able to enter his home since he had a security cameras located everywhere.

Well around noon, a Raleigh cop arrives. He opens the door and calls out.

Security cameras show the cop entering his home with gun in hand and pushing the unlocked door.

"Police. If you're inside, make yourself known. Come out with your hands up."
I felt humiliated by the whole encounter.
After a few minutes, Oyeneyin comes out. But he went into his closet and grabbed his firearm. As he is coming down stairs, the cop orders him to drop his firearm.

Oyeneyin pauses and says to the cop, "What for?"

Oyeneyin responds to the cop by acknowledging he is armed and he lives at this home. He also brings out his cellphone to record the encounter. He would place his firearm on the ground and proceed to the cop.

"Just turn around and put your hands behind your back and get on your knees," the cop demands.

Oyeneyin keeps telling him that he lives here and he didn't do anything wrong. The cop said to him that he doesn't want to hear it. "Turn around and face away from me," according to the video.

Oyeneyin told ABC News that he's still rattled by the incident.
I live here. I'm in my underwear.
"This was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life," he said, adding the claim that he doesn't have a criminal record and has a permit to carry a concealed weapon. "I mean, I felt like my character was defamed. I went outside the other day, the neighbors wouldn't even wave at me. They don't know what's going on. They think I'm a whole criminal over here."

Oyeneyin said he's just thankful that his 6-month-old son wasn't at the house at the time of the incident.

"My son was with his mother at the time, thank God," he said.

Oyeneyin claims officers identifying themselves as being from internal affairs showed up at his house to ask him about the incident after WTVD did a story about it on Friday. He said he declined to accept their invitation to go to the police station and make a formal complaint.

"They've got me scared. I ain't going to lie to you," Oyeneyin said. "I don't know how to trust them."

He said he hasn't decided yet whether to seek legal advice or what action to take, but added, "I just think people need to be aware of this. This ain't right."

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