Monday, October 29, 2018


Black folks rocking the "Make America Great Again" hats. Is the Black vote swaying towards the Republicans because of Donald J. Trump? Coondace Owens and Kanye West want to slogan a #WalkAway movement.
Condescending rapper and condescending activist are trying to encourage Black folks to join the Republican Party.

Why would I want to join the party that caters to white nationalism?

Why would I want to join a group of individuals who are probably a bunch of slap happy shucking penguins?

Tuxedos and monocles for the first Black person here to say they support this.

Trump speaks at the Young Black Leadership Summit last week.

Better yet, didn't the rapper once say, "George Bush doesn't care about Black people."

What better way to encourage Black people to join the Republicans than creating a slogan!
Trump meets with members of the Young Black Leadership Summit.

Coondace Owens and Kanye West started a movement called "Blexit"

It's a word play on Brexit, the controversial referendum to have the United Kingdom separate from the European Union. The Blexit movement is a move for Blacks to exit the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party has 94% support of Black support. Republicans only have 6% of the support. Trump managed to pull in 15% of the Black vote.

The Republican support from the Black community is extremely low.

Many black folks believe the Republican Party caters to white nationalism.

Do you support the BLEXIT movement?

Yes. I am tired of the Democratic Party taking advantage of my vote. I support Donald Trump and his policies. I believe Blacks will be awaken to the real possibilities.
Yes. I am a Black conservative who believes that the Democratic Party is the true party of racism. The party can't hide its racism.
No. I am not going to support a movement of Black folks willing to support white nationalism. I don't tap dance or scrap for chicken bones. I will not support Black tokenism.
No. I am not a Republican. I support Democrats because of their policies. I will not support Republican policies or conservatism.
I have no opinion of BLEXIT. If I had to vote, I  rather just vote on issues and not party identification.

West's designs made their debut at Turning Point USA's Young Black Leadership Summit. West wasn't there.

As TPUSA’s Communications Director Coondace Owens, actaully gushed about the conversation-starting designs and "fellow superhero" West.
Black men raising their fist to the white man's party.
"Blexit is a renaissance and I am blessed to say that this logo, these colors, were created by my dear friend and fellow superhero Kanye West," she said, according to Page Six.

She added: "[West] has taken one of the boldest steps in America to open a conversation we have needed to have."

The t-shirts come in various colors, including bright orange and teal, and sport the slogan "Blexit" and "We Free."

It's not about the issues, it's about the party. See if I wanted to be a part of the BLEXIT movement, I would hope these people address some real issues.
Coon-Yeezy. Candace Owens and Kanye West at TMZ studios preparing for their interview.
Issues like white people calling the law on people of color was not mentioned by Coondace Owens and Kanye West. Issues like police brutality isn't on the table.

Issues like job discrimination, housing discrimination, food deserts, gun violence, voter suppression, the school-to-prison pipeline, white nationalism, black ownership and missing black children isn't on the agenda for MAGA hat wearing Black folks.
BLEXIT and WE FREE are the slogans for the Black coonservatives.
It's all about revisionist history. Blaming others for the problem for America. And getting national coverage for a movement that might only last a few months.

This is the same old playbook. The playbook that Rush Limbaugh, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Matt Drudge, Fox News and Breitbart gave to the Republican Party. This is a party desperate for attention.

Instead of worrying about the looming demise of Sears and Kmart, we rather be worked up over an entertainer using his freedom of speech to criticize Melania Trump.

Instead of worrying about the number one threat in the United States being gun violence, the Republican Party continues to run on the narrative that gun control is taking away the Second Amendment. We have about 96 people being killed by firearms a day. So in definition, there has to be over 35,000 people killed by firearms a year. People of color are being killed by firearms far more than white people. And yes, bad cops are getting good cops killed.

Instead of worrying about healthcare, they are scaring up people with racially charged buzz words like "illegals" and "radical Islam."
The BLEXIT mascot.
Instead of worrying about the economy, they rather you be worked up over remarks by lawmakers, rappers, athletes and media agitators who criticize Donald J. Trump.

Name one thing the Republican Party done to improve the lives of Americans!

Not one thing.

Remember, this is a distraction. Don't be distracted.

Are you going to vote?

Yes. I'm voting Democrat.
Yes. I'm voting Republican.
No. I am not voting.





Let's restore sanity back in Washington. We are the people who employ these lawmakers. We need to show them that they're not entitled to their position.

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