Thursday, June 07, 2012

Money Talks!

Mitt Romney's monthly fundraising surpassed President Barack Obama. The Republicans are determined to make this a big money race. The Republicans are energized after the victory of Scott Walker in Wisconsin.
The Obama Presidential Campaign has a strong fundraising operation. He better be prepared for the Romney campaign, and the allies! The Republican nominee Mitt Romney is catching up and it's going to be a big money race!

The May figures say that the Romney Presidential Campaign and the Republican National Committee raised over $76 million in cash. The Obama Presidential Campaign and the Democratic Party raised about $60 million.

It looks like the ride is going to be a lot tougher for the embattled president. With the economy being the number one problem facing Americans, President Barack Obama must continue to push the message that he has created jobs and he's working to help middle Americans.

The Republicans are energized by the victory of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin. The conservative pushed forth this notion that the public sector unions, the lower class who depend on welfare, food stamps and entitlements are screwing up the nation. They want to cut these programs that provide safety nets for those who are struggling. They are practically rooting for a global recession.

President Barack Obama has a stronger advantage with cash on hand. He carries over $105 million. Former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney carries over $10 million. He will catch up with the president soon.

The Republicans are seizing upon the notion that the president's policies are failing. The Republicans offered austerity bills that could derail the economic progress. They refuse to pass an infrastructure bill that could help construction workers build highways and homes. The Republicans would rather try to pass legislation that could restrict voter's rights, women's rights and enable firearms in public buildings (i.e. hospitals).

They'll waste the rest of the year trying to screw up this country so they can regain power.

People are so fixated on blaming the president for an economic crisis that he inherited. The American public is so freaking impatient when it comes to things.

Let repeat this again! The president's foes were complaining that he was slated to raise nearly $1 billion in campaign fundraising. They were all up in arms about it. Now that Mitt Romney managed to raise slightly more in fundraising, the same foes of the president are crowing about it.

The only things to worry about the U.S. Presidential Elections is two things.

If you support President Barack Obama, Mitt Romney's pick for vice president and how he can debate the president are the only things people should be concerned about.

When the fundraising runs in favor of the Romney campaign, we'll see the president continue to push his supporters to help him win.

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