Monday, June 22, 2015

Why Would You Fly The Flag Of A Losing Side?

Fire: Protesters in South Carolina have begun burning Confederate flags (above) in response to the state's refusal to remove the flag from the capitol
Black activists light up the Confederate flag. This will rile up extremists. 

The South Carolina governor Nikki Haley is a prominent Republican lawmaker. She is one of the youngest and most attractive women to hold office. A woman of great prominence is dealing with a controversy.

In the wake of a mass shooting at a historically Black church in Charleston, Haley must decide on taking measures to ensure her residents that she's got everything under control.
 Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) are the only two Black lawmakers representing South Carolina. 
For a woman of color, it should be a no brainer. She should acknowledge that a portion of her state's residents have some extremists views.

As you know many White southerners fly the Confederate flag as a homage to those who fought in the Civil War. They may think of it as heritage, I look at the flag as a disgrace to America. Why on earth would anyone fly the flag of the losing team?

In downtown Charleston, protesters deface statues dedicated to the Confederate soldiers.

The Charleston Post and Courier reports police dispatchers were tipped off to the vandalism around late this afternoon.

Another message, “This is the problem #racist,” also was spray-painted on “To the Confederate Defenders of Charleston — Fort Sumter.”

The damage was reported to police dispatchers just after 12:30 p.m. The statue was covered up by residents who wrapped a large tarp around it about 1:30 p.m.

Two signs were placed on the tarp after the graffiti was covered up. One said, “All lives matter #charlestonunited,” and the other said, “Take down racist statues.”

The incident occurred in the wake of the fatal shooting Wednesday of nine black people inside Emanuel AME Church in what police say was an attack by a white supremacist. The church held its first service since the shootings on Sunday.

The attack has led to a nationwide call for South Carolina to remove the Confederate battle flag from the Statehouse grounds. At least 1,000 people gathered Saturday in Columbia to call for the flag to be taken down. Numerous petitions also call for the flag’s removal.

The statue caused a stir downtown Sunday as several individuals began arguing about the battle flag. Zachary Gaither of Charleston helped cover the graffiti on the statue and said he did not associate the flag with racism.
South Carolina is facing heat over its embracing of the Confederacy.

“I was covering up something that was demoting our city,” he said of the graffiti, adding, “the Confederate flag is a Southern heritage of pride to me.”

Tighe Berry, who is from out of town but wouldn’t say where, argued for the graffiti to be left up.

“That was a disgusting war that was to separate this country to keep an institution of hatred, racism and violence and slavery,” he said.

Madea Benjamin of Washington, D.C., put up the sign encouraging the statue to be taken down.

“It’s important for this state to say we don’t support white supremacy, we don’t promote pro-hatred groups or symbols,” she said.

The Confederate flag is sort of like the Swastika flag. It's symbolically a historical failure.

Already the agitators are outraged at DeRay McKesson.

McKesson has been effective in his protests and they hate him like they hate Rev. Perm. He promise more protests in the wake of the shooting.

Ever since McKesson appeared on that network that may have inspired that racist shooter to kill those nine innocent lives, he's been a target of conservative ire. McKesson plans on making an appearance in Charleston.

The pot called the kettle black. Here's a concern troll on the social media who claims that President Barack Obama and Rev. Perm should stay away.

Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) are two elected members of Congress. One is a Black Democrat and the other is a Black Republican.

They have both express sadness over this. But however, they both have a different view of the Confederate flag being flown at the state house in Columbia.

There's an active movement to have the flag formally removed from the state house.

Allegedly activists defaced the Confederate soldiers monument.

Do you believe that the Confederate flag is sign of heritage or a symbol of racism?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Say If Obama Criticized The Pope?

Conservative outrage over Pope Francis addressing climate change.

Cue the conservative outrage. If the president decided to attack the pope on his stances towards women, the LGBT community, and the ongoing investigations into religious priest molesting children, the racist right would go bonkers.

They would call the president anti-whatever.

According to the racist right, President Barack Obama is anti-gun, anti-Israel, anti-White, anti-Black, anti-Catholic, anti-American, and anti-whatever.

Obama is not allowed to criticize a mass shooting, the racial divide, the need for reform, and leaders the conservatives support. But it's cool for them.

The Pope is a "Marxist" says conservative comedian Greg Gutfield. For what reason?

The Pope had called for worshipers to respect the planet. In their minds of the lunatics running, Francis believes in climate change.

Now that the lunatics running for that red nose are pissed off at Pope Francis, are the conservative agitators willing to attack Republicans for attacking the Pope?
The biggest douche to run for an election fires the first shots at his faith.
So what?

Can he have respect for this planet.

Man does contribute to the planet. From the animals we wipe outs to the active weather events, its here and apparently it's getting worse.

The attacks on the Pope began with Go-Go Gadget Santorum. Perennial candidate Rick Santorum decided to take it upon himself to tell the Pope to shut up about climate change.

Then it went on to Big Chris Christie. The New Jersey governor attacked the Pope.

Perennial candidate Mike "Uncle Sugar" Huckabee and Jeb Bush decided to now pile on this attack of the Pope.

Two notorious concern trolls happen to get into the fray. That old fart Rush Limbaugh went on a rant about the Pope and even San Fran's biggest weenier Michael Savage decided to call out the religious leader.

It's pathetic to say that climate change is a joke. But what do you expect from a bunch of jokes running for higher office!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

NOLA Mourns An Officer Killed While Transporting Dangerous Suspect!

Officer Daryle Holloway was gunned down by a coward who managed to get the drop on him. The FBI and U.S. Marshals are aiding in the search of this creep. New Orleans is in mourning of an officer who devoted his life to service.

What was a routine transport to the parish lockup turned into active in manhunt. New Orleans police aided by the state officers are in search of a murderous creep. This creep took the life of an officer who let his guard down. The suspect maneuvered like a worm and reached for the service weapon.

Officer Daryle Holloway was transporting Travis Boys to the parish lockup for aggravated assault when somehow this creep managed to get the drop on him.

The suspect grabbed the service weapon and hit Holloway in the head.

The police cruiser would crash in at an intersection. Boys broke the window and high tailed it out of the area.

Louisiana state patrol, the FBI and the U.S. Marshals are assisting in the apprehension of this dangerous suspect.

Travis Boys is a wanted man.
Holloway leaves behind a wife and three children. What makes it so sad is the fact that he was a motivate speaker. Many fellow officers describe him as a "friendly", "easy going" and "devoted" worker.

The AP reports that New Orleans Crimestoppers organization announced a $10,000 reward for information leading to Boys' arrest.

Rifle-toting police in bullet-proof vests, some with trained canines, searched whole blocks of one neighborhood about a mile from the city's French Quarter Sunday afternoon. Residents clustered on street corners to watch as officers checked backyards and squinted under modest homes elevated on flood-protection piers.

"He will be caught and he will be brought to justice for the murder of Officer Holloway and for this assault on our entire community," Harrison said in a police department statement.

The shooting happened Saturday morning as Boys was handcuffed in the back seat of the vehicle. Boys managed to get his hands from behind his back to the front and obtain a weapon as well, Harrison told reporters at the scene in a video interview posted on the department's Facebook page.

Boys got to the front seat through an opening in the cage that separates front and back seats and shot Holloway, Harrison said.

"Officer Holloway put up a fight to try to get the subject to not exit the vehicle but succumbed to his injuries," Harrison said.

Department spokesman Tyler Gamble said police were trying to determine what weapon Boys used and how he obtained it, but do not believe Boys used the officer's gun.

John Polk, who lives around the corner from where the police SUV came to rest, said he was just awakening when he heard a loud noise and his power went out. The noise, he figured, was an electrical transformer blowing.

"I look out the door — I'd heard the boom — I see the fire truck here on the corner," he said. It was only later 45 minutes later, after police had swarmed into the area that he learned what happened.

A helicopter circled overhead as marked and unmarked units from state police and other law enforcement agencies cruised the side streets. Utility workers worked to replace the downed power pole.

State police, St. Tammany Parish deputies, Housing Authority of New Orleans police and the U.S. Marshals Service were among those searching for Boys.

Police seeking Boys halted traffic Saturday into an area of several city blocks of the St. Roch neighborhood not far from where the shooting occurred. Officers kept people from entering the area, and others from leaving.

Gun crimes on the rise in America.
Vincent Alexander, a prep cook at Margaritaville restaurant in the French Quarter, said he was walking home from work when police detoured him a short distance from his house. "I just called my roommate. They're not letting him get out the house."

Holloway had been a member of the New Orleans Police Department since 1992. He was the father of three children.

Harrison said Holloway was not the arresting officer but was transporting Boys to the lock up when the shooting occurred.

New Orleans mayor Mitch Landrieu also said some harsh words for Boys.

"Killing an officer in the line of duty is an attack on our community and it will not stand", says Landrieu. The heart and soul of New Orleans is heavy today as we mourn one of our city's finest".

Okay, where are the concern trolls? Are they going to find some reason to blame the president instead of the shooter for this senseless tragedy?

I mean seriously, the shooter should get the blame. But to the agitators, the finger President Barack Obama, civil rights leaders, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former Eric Holder for this.

After all, cries for better policing is code for anti-cop says the conservative concern trolls.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Daryle Holloway.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Cue The Concern Trolls!

Instead of calling it terrorism, the junk food media and agitators think of this as a mental illness. Instead of thinking this event was motivated by race, they believe it's an attack on the Christian faith. When they said that Obama politicizes tragedies, we wait for the next mass shooting to occur.

Who's fault for the mass shootings in America?

A. Barack Obama
B. The Republican Party
C. The Democratic Party
D. The Junk Food Media (i.e. cable news, talk radio, the bloggers, the agitators etc.)
E. The Shooter
F. All Of These Above

Okay, easy answer it's the shooter. But if you answer A, B, C, then you're right in some way.

President Barack Obama has spoken many times on the wake of tragedies in the United States.

He's called upon Congress to do something about it. The Congress has failed in the wake of numerous mass shootings in America. They can't pass a simple background check law because  they fear the National Rifle Association.
Concern trolls like Matt Drudge focus on Black crime.
The NRA believes that any law that involves gun control is impeding on the owner's right to sale a firearm to a terrorist.

The most recent shootings of nine at a Charleston, SC church to the morning incident in Cincinnati where a police officer was gunned down, has got the nation talking.

The concern trolls are often trigger happy when it comes to the blame game. They finger someone other than the perpetrator for these tragedies.

Yeah, the rhetoric is overheated by those on the left and the right. Yeah, I've singled out mostly our conservative agitators in the media of creating the racial divide. I believe the liberal agitator exploit the racial divide.

For every shooting in America, there's talk about what the shooter's motives were. Witness said that Charleston shooter Dylann Storm Roof told a woman that he wanted to shoot because in his mind, Blacks are raping our White women, taking over the government and ruining the country.

That seems pretty racially motivated. Despite the conservative agitators trying to make it less than what it seems, Black America has seen it one too many times.

And of course, the verb crew. The would have, should have, could have, may have crowd.
These old farts are concern trolls too. When an event that occurs in America involving Black men, these agitators find some way to change the subject. They often focus on Barack Obama as the reasons for racial unrest. Their audience could be inspired to carry out a terrorist attack.
Again, a person who is motivated to shot will not care who gets hits. A concealed carry shooter will likely be the first person gunned down. Cause a shooter isn't going talk to you. He's gonna shot you.

Let's blame Obama, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Black America, Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives and whoever we can type in our social media comment section.

You have a right to point the finger at everyone but the shooter. Given the polarizing media coverage of shootings and the racial divide, it's expected that someone will find some issue with it.

Black right wing troll Kevin Jackson.
There's no difference between a 21 year old who killed nine to a 21 year old who killed a member of law enforcement. But to the concern trolls, it's a matter of that racial skin color.

So tell me what event happened in America that involved guns?

I mean there's probably over 100 incidents within the minute I've typed.

Concern trolls are pathetic. They often find some tangent to a situation. Check it. If there were six major events where the police used brutal or deadly force on Black Americans, the concern troll will find some reason to discredit the need for better policing.

The concern troll will bitch about Black crime in America. They will say that without cops, armed vigilantes, stop-and-frisk tactics, Blacks wouldn't cause so much crime.

They say that Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims shouldn't own firearms. They believe that Obama doesn't talk about criminal behavior by Black America. They believe that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are not concerned.

Oh course, they're concerned. Sharpton has done many events in which he's discussed the gun violence in Chicago and many other cities.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Kevin Jackson, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News The Drudge Report, Colin Flaherty and Charles C. Johnson are notorious concern trolls. They have no shame in what they do. They are considered enemies of the Black community. Those who associate around them are often extremists.

These agitators say in one breath the need for gun control. This need only applies for non-White citizens. They can't go a day without dragging President Barack Obama's name into a controversy.

How many more times?

Mass shootings in America is almost like a daily occurrence.

Words by Jon Stewart. The comedian may end his season with these powerful words. Retirement is one thing he's looking forward too. But in the meanwhile, he continues on with his style of taking on the news. In this video, he didn't joke much about the tragedy. He basically went right on it.

Trying To Run Away From Their Talking Points....LMAO!!!!

Cincinnati Mourning An Officer Killed In Morning Shootout!

Cincinnati Police Officer Sonny Kim.
Sonny Kim was an officer for the Cincinnati Police. He was gunned down by a suspect. He and the suspect were killed.

Again when the chips are down, the good ones die. And today, Cincinnati Police announced the death of 48 year old Sonny Kim, a 27 year veteran of the department.

He and others were responding to an erratic man in Madionsville. I am guessing the man decided to go out with a bang. In the firefight, Kim was injured gravely. He would die at the hospital. The chief Jeffery Blackwell express shock and sadness. He commended Kim as a great officer who done what was right for his community and the people he swore to protect.

World News Today send our condolences to family of Sonny Kim.

Kim immigrated from South Korea to settle in the city of Cincinnati. He would join the force in the 1990s and continue his work in public service.

The suspect 21 year old Tre Hummons would later die of his injuries and the city is sharing their thoughts on it. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports that details are emerging on what happened today.
Scene at Whetsel and Roe Streets, Madisonville where
Cincinnati police respond to a man with a firearm. One of their own took a bullet. 
Much of what happened near the intersection of Roe Street and Whetsel Avenue is unclear, but Blackwell did provide a basic timeline:

Police got a call at 9:03 a.m. about a man with a gun. At 9:10 a.m., a second call came in to dispatchers. Nine minutes later, Kim responded. And seven minutes after that, at 9:26 a.m., frantic officers were hurrying to the scene to provide backup.

Both Kim and the suspect were taken to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.

Blackwell praised officers' "valiant" attempts to save their fallen colleague's life. He asked the community to pray not only for Kim's family, but also for the department as a whole.

Kim was known as a friendly, familiar face around the neighborhood as a longtime District 2 officer. He was passionate about martial arts, having served as an instructor with Japanese Karate-Do for nearly 20 years. Blackwell described him as an exemplary officer, well liked and physically fit.

Capt. Jeff Butler, who worked closely with Kim in District 2, fought back tears as he spoke to reporters.

"Sonny Kim was the consummate police officer," he said.

City Manager Harry Black said the city would honor Kim as a hero.

"This is a stark reminder that all jobs are not created equal," Black said, adding that police officers "have the courage and conviction to do what many of us might not be prepared to do -- that is to sacrifice their lives if necessary."
Cincinnati mayor John Cranley and police chief Jeffery Blackwell are shocked that an officer died in the line of duty.
Blackwell said earlier this morning that the officer had been wearing body armor, but that he was struck anyway in the chest.

In a March 2014 interview with the online karate magazine The Shotokan Way, he described how stressful his job as an officer was and how important he considered his training.

Alleged shooter Tre Hummons.
"In the USA, most of our police tactical training deals mainly with firearm encounters," Kim told the publication. "Having an assailant with a firearm will put you under some emotional and physiological duress."

He said police trainers have a saying: "You will perform how you train."

"One must train hard and under pressure in a realistic environment," he said.

Kim's Facebook cover photo an image of his three sons, posed together and smiling.

Kim is the 98th Cincinnati police officer to die in the line of duty -- the first since 2000.

"There's not much you can say," said CPD Chaplain Tyronne Patrick. "I let the officers talk to me. They have to do the talking. It's like losing a child."

Somber-faced officers embraced and consoled each other as it rained off and on at the shooting scene.

"My heart is just heavy for his family at this time," Sara Sheets, director of the Madisonville Community Urban Redevelopment Corp., said of Kim. Sheets has lived in Madisonville for 12 years.

Her home is a block from the shooting.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Concern Trolls Find Some Reason To Blame The Victims!

Motives are being sought by the FBI. 

Now that we've found out the shooter is a White man, who's gonna get the blame for this?

Of course we blame the shooter. But in the junk food media, the finger points directly at President Barack Obama, the gun control advocates, the NRA and the Republicans.

Again we here at at World News Today send our condolences to those lost in this senseless tragedy.

Once again a mass shooting happens in America. Nine people lost their lives to a terrorist. A man who entered a church in Charleston, South Carolina lit up the place. He ended up killing the pastor who is an elected state senator for the state. Dylann Storm Roof is now being sought by the South Carolina Active In Manhunt taskforce and the FBI.

He was captured in rural North Carolina.

The 21 year old terrorist is being sought by the FBI for mass murder.
Republican Governor Nikki Haley, President Barack Obama and local leaders are shocked by this tragedy. What type of person would deliberately take the lives of people who wanted to peacefully worship?

Then off course the junk food media ups the ante. You may see some of your news agitators down in Charleston talking to residents saying stuff about how this event changed the narrative.

Just this week alone, we've been swarming the life of Rachel Dolezal. The previous week we've swarmed the lives of the Black teens, the three White instigators and D. Eric Casebolt in the McKinney pool controversy. The last one was the Duggars and their perv son Josh.

We've chased the shiny coin one too many times. Now it's seems to be a driven narrative.

Now of course, we've seen horrible mass shootings of the previous years and Congress once again not lifting a finger to do anything about it. They fear being force out of Congress.

The NRA is a powerful lobbying group.

And the concern trolls. They believe that if they were in a life or death situation, they would strap up and lit the place up just to kill the threat. They don't see that the hypothetical doesn't work. A gunman would never announce his presence. He would never allow you to get the best of him.

Of course, the suspect may have ties to hate groups. Big deal says the concern trolls. Black on White crime is more of threat than this twerp. The concern trolls would tried to find a tangent to this.

One said that a robbery of a white couple by a suspect who is Black is a "race crime". So as the Black suspect broke into a person's home, did he mutter hateful rhetoric towards the victims? Just asking.

I am guessing they weren't at home at the time.

Do me a big favor, let's first send our condolences to the victims of this!

I really wish that politics took a backseat.


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