Monday, March 18, 2013

Man Wants Idiotic Thief To Return His iPad!

A month later, Engstrom and his family were surprised when a stranger's self-portraits began appearing on their Apple devices. "After a while we figured out what was going on," Engstrom told KTHV News. "That's the person that has my iPad." A stupid woman decides to steal a man's iPod and the man seeks to publicly humiliate this individual into returning it.

Well it's picking up steam on Buzzfeed, a liberal-leaning news agitating blog that covers viral videos and stories.

Could you imagine the moron would try to use his device to take a self-portrait of herself?

You know this mug will be featured on some racist watering hole.

When the public sees this face, they'll alert the police.

Still you got to admit that in the digital age, you wouldn't be that stupid to post a crime you do online, right?

This kind of nonsense will light up the conservative/white supremacists forums with ugly racial slurs, word vomits about Black on White crime, and of course an Obama name drop! This will be a reason for these extremists to paint Blacks as NIGGERS who commit crimes to the WHITE MAN! They've concluded that the NIGGERS voted for that MUSLIM SOCIALIST WHO DISGRACED THIS COUNTRY with his GUBMINT GIVEAWAYS. 

The conservative/white supremacist bubble will name drop Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Trayvon Martin in their word vomits. 

White supremacists already label Black people as "animals" who have their monkey paws on their properties.

Rewind to the CPAC event. A white nationalist was saying that he's being disenfranchised because of him being a WHITE GUY. He thought it was cool that Blacks deserved to be enslaved. In his mind, he believes that crime would be down if Blacks were enslaved.
Allen Engstrom will take his campaign to the internet. He will post the photo of the iPad thief online to eventually shame the individual into returning the device. The police are hoping they'll find the woman as well.
Now this young woman makes the guy look like a genius. Black people like this individual makes agitators like Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Neal Boortz, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin, and the numerous White supremacists online rally their base of bigotry.

Allen Engstrom of North Little Rock, Arkansas is making the news recently. He was on a plane trip from Phoenix to Denver when his iPad was left on the plane.

Engstrom says that the iPad has his name and contact information etched onto its back, so whoever has the tablet knows that it's not theirs.
Since he linked his iPad to Apple's iCloud service, all his music, photos and podcast were on every device his family owned. A month into the iPad being missing, these strange pictures started to show up on his other Apple devices.

Engstrom realized that something was amiss when his young son received a bizarre picture via the family’s photo stream.

"He said, Mommy, who's this? And of course, she said, I have no idea who that is. It showed up on my phone too," Engstrom told Denver's KTHV. "After a while, we figured out what was going on. That's the person that has my iPad."

While it’s unlikely that Engstrom will be able to recover his stolen iPad, he has managed to capitalize on the thief’s stupidity.

On one picture, he wrote “Hey cool! This is an actual pic of the wonderful person who stole my iPad. Apparently the pics she is taking of herself are backing up and appearing on my phone. No I'm not kidding, this is really happening.

"I have no problem with putting it on Facebook, because, hey, it's fun for me, and it's apparently fun for a lot of other people, and there's always the chance that someone will say, hey, I know who that is," Engstrom told KHTV. "And I want my iPad back."

Engstrom's social media exploits have also generated some leads. By coordinating with fellow Twitter and Facebook users, he has learned that the iPad bandit lives in Phoenix, as well as her Instagram account name.

Of course, all of this could have been avoided if Engstrom hadn't turned off the device’s location function.

This broad is not any one of his friends. So he was hoping that he could communicate to the woman to get it back. After all he left his name and information inscribed in the back of the iPad, just in case if it was lost.

To this day, the device hasn't been returned.

So the only way to get this iPad back, he takes his revenge on the thief by posting all her photos online through his Facebook and Twitter pages.

It's going viral.

So far the public campaign is growing and people are starting to notice. It's just a matter of time and patience.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ohio Teens Found Guilty In Rape! [NSFW]

Their futures are ruined by this incident. A reminder to all men, young and old: RAPE IS RAPE!

The rust belt city of Steubenville, Ohio is the center of a national story.

A reminder to those reading, we advise that you take discretion in reading this.  A party in the city with teens being drunk on stupidity led to a young girl being raped by two star football players.

The individuals were found guilty in this incident.

This controversy attracted worldwide attention after Anonymous, the hacktivist group unearth the social media of those involved in this sexual assault.

Also what this attracts is conservative ire and White supremacists. The fact that one of the accused is Black and the young girl is white will certainly rile these extremists up! 

This would lit up their forums with ugly racial slurs, word vomits about Black on White crime, and of course an Obama name drop! This will be a reason for these extremists to paint Blacks as sex crazed NIGGERS who voted for that MUSLIM SOCIALIST WHO DISGRACED THIS COUNTRY with his GUBMINT GIVEAWAYS. 

The conservative/white supremacist bubble will name drop Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Trayvon Martin in their word vomits. 

White supremacists already label Black people as "animals", who obsess with their women. 

They can't figure out who's more at fault for the rape, the Black man or President Barack Obama!

This incident advocated online activism about corruption. The social media is a tool to help people connect. So far this year, Facebook surpassed over 1.3 billion in registered members. The social network is also a tool for the most controversial things. It's why most people work in education, the media, government, and private sector warns their employees not to engage in matters that may land them in the unemployment line.

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter are the most popular social networks in the country. They've entertained, angered and inspired many. But unfortunately, they can make people do the most stupidest things.

The two involved in this rape, Trent Mays and Ma'lik Richmond are going to be sentenced soon for their involvement in this. The iron college will not be kind to these two. If they go to the iron college for adults, they'll be bait for the mentally disturbed who love the fresh meat.

Their futures are permanently ruined by this.
The picture that set the world ablaze. Trent Mays and Ma'lik Richmond  were pictured with the victim.

As soon as they get out of the iron college, they'll be registered as sexual offenders.

Their participation in the alleged sexual assault of the young girl shows that their behavior was reckless and they should have left the drunk girl alone. They didn't think!

They'll be thinking about it while sitting in the iron college.

Many are seeking to put these guys in prison for life.

The Associated Press reports that Steubenville High School students Trent Mays and Ma'Lik Richmond were sentenced to at least a year in juvenile jail, capping a case that came to light via a barrage of morning-after text messages, social media posts and online photos and video. Mays was sentenced to an additional year in jail on a charge of illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material, to be served after his rape sentence is completed.

The two teens broke down in tears after the verdict was read and later apologized to the victim. Both were emotional as they spoke, and Richmond began sobbing so heavily that he bent over and had to be helped back to his seat. Richmond's father, Nathaniel, also asked that the victim's family "forgive Malik and Trent for the pain they put you through."

Mays, 17, and Richmond, 16, were charged with digitally penetrating the West Virginia girl, first in the back seat of a moving car after an alcohol-fueled party on Aug. 11, and then in the basement of a house.

The case roiled the community amid allegations that more students should have been charged — accusations that Ohio's attorney general pledged to look into — and led to questions from a much wider audience online about the influence of the local football team, a source of a pride in a community of 18,000 that suffered massive job losses with the collapse of the steel industry.

Protesters who sought guilty verdicts stood outside the courthouse Sunday morning, their arms linked, some wearing masks. Later, prosecutor Marianne Hemmeter criticized the efforts by the hacker collective Anonymous to publicize the case, saying the extra attention led to a chilling effect on those willing to testify.
Disturbing pictures of the victim circulated on the internet because these idiots took pictures and posted them online.
The trial opened last week as a contest between prosecutors determined to show the girl was so drunk she couldn't have been a willing participant that night, and defense attorneys soliciting testimony from witnesses that would indicate that the girl, though drunk, knew what she was doing.

The teenage girl testified Saturday that she could not recall what happened the night of the attack but remembered waking up naked in a strange house after drinking at a party. The girl said she recalled drinking, leaving the party holding hands with Mays and throwing up later. When she woke up, she said she discovered her phone, earrings, shoes and underwear were missing, she testified.

"It was really scary," she said. "I honestly did not know what to think because I could not remember anything."

The girl said she believed she was assaulted when she later read text messages among friends and saw a photo of herself taken that night, along with a video that made fun of her and the alleged attack. She said she suspected she had been drugged because she couldn't explain being as intoxicated as defense witnesses have said she was.

"They treated her like a toy," said special prosecutor Marianne Hemmeter.

Evidence introduced at the trial included graphic text messages sent by numerous students after the night of the party, including by the accuser, containing provocative descriptions of sex acts and obscene language.

Lawyers noted during the trial how texts have seemed to replace talking on the phone for contemporary teens. A computer forensic expert called by the state documented tens of thousands of texts found on 17 phones seized during the investigation.
Anonymous had a huge role in getting this story out there!
In sentencing the boys, Judge Thomas Lipps urged everyone who had witnessed what happened in the case, including parents, "to have discussions about how you talk to your friends, how you record things on the social media so prevalent today and how you conduct yourself when drinking is put upon you by your friends."

The girl herself recalled being in a car later with Mays and Richmond and asking them what happened.

"They kept telling me I was a hassle and they took care of me," she testified. "I thought I could trust him (Mays) until I saw the pictures and video."

In questioning her account, defense attorneys went after her character and credibility. Two former friends of the girl testified that the accuser she was drinking heavily that night, had a history of doing so and was known to lie.

"The reality is, she drank, she has a reputation for telling lies," said lawyer Walter Madison, representing Richmond.

The accuser said that she does not remember being photographed as she was carried by Mays and Ma'Lik Richmond, an image that stirred up outrage, first locally, then globally, as it spread online. Others testified the photo was a joke and the girl was conscious when it was taken.

After the trial, the accuser's mother rebuked the boys for "lack of any moral code."

"You were your own accuser, through the social media that you chose to publish your criminal conduct on," she said.
Don't blame a victim. Blame the rapist.
The photograph led to allegations that three other boys, two of them members of Steubenville High's celebrated Big Red team, saw something happening that night and didn't try to stop it but instead recorded it themselves.

None of them were charged, fueling months of online accusations of a cover-up to protect the team, which law enforcement authorities have vehemently denied.

Instead, the teens were granted immunity to testify, and their accounts helped incriminate the defendants. They said the girl was so drunk she didn't seem to know what was happening to her and confirmed she was assaulted.

After Mays and Richmond were taken into custody Sunday, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said he planned to convene a grand jury next month to investigate whether anyone else should be charged in the case.

Noting that 16 people refused to talk to investigators, many of them underage, DeWine said possible crimes to be investigated include failure to report a felony and failure to report child abuse.
Ma'lik Richmond breaks down in tears after he and Trent Mays were found guilty in the rape of teen.
"This community desperately needs to have this behind them, but this community also desperately needs to know justice was done and that no stone was left unturned," he said.

Mays and Richmond were determined to be delinquent, the juvenile equivalent of guilty, Lipps ruled in the juvenile court trial without a jury.

The length of their sentence beyond the minimum one year will be determined by juvenile authorities; they can be held until they're 21. Lipps said that "as bad as things have been for all of the children involved in this case, they can all change their lives for the better."

The accuser's mother echoed that, saying the case "does not define who my daughter is. She will persevere, grow and move on."

Sarah Palin Makes Conservatives Look Like Idiots!

Palin sucking on more than a 7-Eleven Big Gulp! 

The ghosts of past elections rise to the surface.

One in particular is the "Palin Da Ass", former governor Sarah Palin.

The Tea Party Queen is the featured headliner at this weekend's CPAC.

Her stump speech was to cheer up a bunch of dispirited bigots who felt that "NIGGER" won the presidency on the whims of giveaways and snake oil charm. Yeah, the former vice presidential nominee was fired from Fox News this year after she bombed in the ratings.

Coming back to the forefront is something the media didn't expect. I got to admit, it was a passionate speech. Although a bunch of petty attacks against the president, Palin managed to keep the crowd on its toes.

Let get right down to her speech. Usually a word salad from Sarah Palin is easy to translate.

She calls the president, "All Drama Obama", takes shots at Karl Rove, Michael Bloomberg and evil liberal media scourge. Makes a speech that gives fire to the belly of the right wing extremists and politicians who embrace them.

So folksy and so ignorant.

She may have gotten the crowd wild, but she came in the bottom tier of candidates of a hypothetical presidential candidates in their stupid straw poll.

Ironic, she mentions that President Barack Obama's governance is like reality television.

This gulp's for you! - Sarah Palin.
That's funny to say that! Didn't Palin hang out with reality star Kate Gosselin?

Wasn't her daughter Bristol, on Dancing With The Stars?

You know the president never watches this stuff. He practically ignores this type of crowd. He knows he can't win this group of lunatics.

The only people who relish in giving this moron air time are those in the mainstream media (i.e. conservative agitators, news junkies, and die hard supporters).

BeforeItNews contributed to the transcript. View the transcript and this video at your discretion.

Fox News Contributor: Ashley Judd Is A B****!

Steven Crowder, you may remember was the guy who agitated a man into swinging into his face. He went to Lansing, Michigan at the peak of a hostile debate over the Republican led state house passing legislation making the heavily union state, a right to work state.

Fox News and conservative talk radio were making such a fuss about the unions, President Barack Obama and the Democrats. Crowder was there.

He shoved a man who supported the unions and the man socked him in the face. He went on to edit the scene where he agitated the whole event. 

He threatened to charge the individual for hitting him. But the Michigan State Police determined that he agitated the event and so far the individual that hit him wasn't charged for the assault.

What makes this guy so familiar with me is the fact he was trashing Detroit in one of his YouTube videos.

He has the nerve to run up on people with stupid questions about politics. 

Republican attacks signals run for Ashley Judd.
Steven Crowder is a cowlick douche who appears on the Fox Nation columns section writing nonsense about how the global warming is fake, or you can overeat and still live til your 100 years old.

Crowder runs to Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren and Geraldo Rivera whenever he post a video on YouTube. He is often making fun or getting socked in the face by a liberal or random individual he harasses on the street.

Yesterday it was reported by The Huffington Post that the conservative agitator took a shot at actress Ashley Judd. The actress is thinking about running for U.S. Senate in the deeply conservative state of Kentucky against a formidable but yet unpopular Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader).

"What is this obsession with Ashley Judd and rape?" Crowder asked while joking about Judd and Apple products. "It's pretty unnerving."

Now here's what I call a stupid human turd!

Let's remind the Republican Party and his conservative allies that "rape is rape" and this type of nonsense is not welcomed. Even though he has the right to say whatever the heck he wants, this type of stuff towards women is pretty offensive.

Matter of fact, does Crowder even have a wife or a girlfriend for that matter?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rand Paul: King Of The Nuts!

My cult supporters, I need you! Drink the blood of Satan and join me! - Rand Paul.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) won the CPAC presidential straw poll. Paul beats out Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Once again proving to the Republicans, that they're seriously screwed if they continue to line up losers for the nomination.

I got more than a thumbs up, governor! - Ted Cruz
The son of perennial candidate for president, Ron Paul, the senator was a featured headliner at the Nut Farm we call the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Ron Paul, the former Republican congressman from Texas is the cult leader of flock of delusional college Republicans and Libertarians who believe in the "limited gubmint" and "liberty" crap that comes from him and the senator.

They're the ones who flock the internet trolling for all things Paul.

They seriously believe the government is out to get them. They get their "sources" from millionaire agitators such as Glenn Beck, Michael Savage and Alex Jones.
Anybody got a book I could sign? I mean my name is still popular around here! - Sarah Palin
Information about FEMA Death Camps, 9/11 Inside Job rhetoric, drones killing people on American soil, and President Barack Obama being either "not an American" or a "Muslim" comes directly from the cult of Ron Paul.

Besides most Republicans who parade themselves as "culture warriors" and "freedom loving patriots", the Ron Paul cult believes in "REVOLUTION".

They believe Ron Paul was shafted by the mainstream media because he was speaking the "truth" about our government and the world didn't want to hear it.

CPAC wraps up with the fiery speech from former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin. The world's most dumbest politician rose from her political grave. The conservative agitator was fired from Fox News after a rocky term with Roger Ailes and his staff.

Palin knocks teleprompters, Big Gulps, and every other word salad that she vomited at CPAC.
My friends, I'm not Herman Cain! Please stop calling me that! - Benjamin Carson.
Wisconsin governor Scott Walker brags about beating the unions and activists. He managed to survive a recall election and a FBI probe into corruption. So what does he do? A victory lap!

Oh, there's Dr. Who?

I meant to say Dr. Benjamin Carson, the guy who was at the National Prayer's Breakfast. He managed to upstage President Barack Obama with his speech. That lit the internet up and now you hear these idiots demanding he throw his hat into the political arena.
Don't give me that stare! I'm a Black woman who support ya! - Mia Love
Mia Love, the mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah made an appearance as well. Fresh from a defeat in the general election, the ever spirited Black conservative wants to "wake up" them Black folk in

I can see this guy as the reincarnation of Herman Cain. If you remember Herman Cain, you know that character managed to sink his political career chasing tail. I wouldn't be surprised that Carson was chasing a few of them doctors and nurses!

Hey, I survived a recall election! Why couldn't you guys help turn Wisconsin red? - Scott Walker
CPAC is chalk full of nuts. From the fat white guy who wanted Blacks to thank their slave master for the food and shelter, to the cult leader emeritus winning the pathetic straw poll.

You know if a Paul wins a straw poll, it actually means that Senator Marco Rubio won this!

You can pack the room full of supporters and pay a lump of dollars to generate a strong straw poll.

You know the only Republicans who are winners are Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Republican governors Mike Pence (Indiana), John Kasich (Ohio), Chris Christie (New Jersey) and Bob McDonnell (Virginia) and Rick Scott (Florida).

They didn't waste taxpayer's money to travel to an event catered to a bunch of ignorant bigots.

For every politician who went out of their way to attack the president for taking vacations and outings, they seem to be partying up with the elite and wealthy!

This ends and now we move to the fights ahead. Trusted we know Republicans are willing to fight tooth and nail to defeat an aggressive president!  They're losing grip on reality and soon the public will be aware of it.

If this is a sign of who's going to be the Republican nominee. Uh, it's looking like the Democrats will win in 2016 and I place my odds on that Julian Castro being the next president.
Hey, if you would had elected me, we wouldn't have all the "blah" people on welfare! - Rick Santorum

Are there any English speaking folks here? - Steve King
You guys are so grateful to me and Mitt? When will you actually apologize for not voting for us! - Paul Ryan

Drudge Taunts The Game!

Compton-based rapper Game riled up Michelle Malkin and Matt Drudge again!

Game is a controversial rapper. He endorses the gang lifestyle. He's a product of the violent, sexist, homophobic, narcissistic, ignorant culture of hip-hop. Game had openly embrace gun violence and facing numerous lawsuits for his over the top antics.

His recent bouts with Compton-based rapper .40 Glocc may likely have him shelving out money.

But his recent controversy had riled up the gay conservative agitator Matt Drudge.

The Drudge Report put on stories that rile up White supremacists. Without a Black story, The Drudge Report wouldn't be so relevant.

This story about the rapper getting a tattoo of President Barack Obama on his stomach has the white supremacist/conservative bubble totally batshit right now!

The rapper isn't shy to express his support for the president.

After all he represents the mindset of Black voters who detest the Republican Party and their conservative allies.

Last December, The Game released his recent album Jesus Piece and it attracted controversy for the depiction of the Lord and Savior being a Gang member.

Michelle Malkin, the conservative agitator post Andrew Breitbart got into a heated feud with Game over the album cover.

They both went to Twitter to rant off about how one is racist and overreacting.

Game declared Malkin lost her "ghetto pass" and issued a boycott upon her and Fox News.

Malkin in return mocked his lackluster sales and warned her supporters that "liberal extremists such as this vile rapper" threaten people like her.

He was once a member of the Bloods and a member of G-Unit. The rapper debuted his album The Documentary in 2005. The rapper had help from Dr. Dre and 50 Cent at the time of its release.

Game ended up having a huge fallout with his former mentors and was forced off the G-Unit label. During that time, the rapper engaged in this ongoing feud with his former group and 50 Cent.

The rapper shows off his nice tat to the nation.
That's my Nigga, Obama! - Game
The reaction to it from conservative isn't nice. I mean look how vile these assholes on the internet are!

Bess Byers  21 hours ago

And in 10 years, this tattoo will be the equivalent of someone tattooing Hitler on their stomach...

LMJ313   19 hours ago

In the past such idiotic fawning and idol worship would have cast a
shameful blot on the idol. It's unfortunate that this is hardly
surprising to us anymore.

nemcrna  12 hours ago

Would have been more appropriate to bend over , spread his cheeks and have Obama tattooed around the periphery of his rectum

Rebecca Leigh Randolph  4 hours ago

these morons actually think that President Mom Jeans, the one that likes to take nice long walks on the beach with Reggie, throws like a 10 yr old girl and goes "skeet shooting" is listening to rappers like Jay-Z, The Game and Young Jeezy?!?! oh, I forgot, he's got darker skin pigment and he said so......obama's so lame I'd put money on him not even being able to spit out one line from any of their music....but he likes their money and said thanks for the vote!! you guys got played by a dude that commuted 45 min to work on the south side of Chicago before he'd actually live in the black community!!

Jonathan Logde  21 hours ago

This is really news? A C list rapper is blinded by the color of the president, and admits that he doesn't even care about the issues....gets the president's mug tatted on his's news? Really?

KZ "Colt 45" Jam Jam  LMJ313  17 hours ago

Yo, yo.
My name is da Game,
I be full o' fame,
an' I gots the Presidents
on my solar plexus,
He be smilin' all brightly,
'cause we is stickin' it to whitey.
Got taxes goin' up
and da b!tches goin' down
We is rollin' a spliff with our Welfare checks
and the Brothers be singin'...

Of course there's more than just these random samples of White extremism. The Drudge Report is akin to the racist mentality of the Republican Party and their conservative allies.

Obama tattoo embraces the rapper's heavily inked flesh, beneath a his ode to N.W.A. tattoo. The portrait is in black ink with the word “COMPTON,” a shout out to Game’s hometown, scrolled in bold letter beneath the president’s image.

The Game appears on Interscope Records.

Dianne Feinstein And Ted Cruz Duke It Out Over Gun Control!

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) didn't know Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) was victim of a gun crime!

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) is staunch advocate for reasonable gun control. She got her bill through the committee and it's likely to die in the senate. Still even if it did, the House of Representatives would kill it or the National Rifle Association run a scare campaign to defeat Democrats.

In the age of President Barack Obama, gun sales are rising. The Sandy Hook tragedy of last year is fading from the limelight. The Republicans managed to take this issue off the table, and now we're just waiting for the next massacre to occur by another crazed White terrorist.

But still Democrats never forgotten this.

Yesterday, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is making himself the star of the Republican Party. He's the Tea Party endorsed candidate who won the Texas primary and easily won his election.

He's trying to school a veteran on the U.S. Constitution. I guess he needs a lesson himself.

It's a shame that people like Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) act like this.

They're elected like every other politico in Washington. They all pledge to defend the U.S. Constitution!

But these Republicans act like the president and his Democratic allies aren't capable of understanding it.

Senator Cruz and Feinstein get into this little feud during a testimony on gun control.

The Republicans love to throw the Constitution in your face in order to promote their bigoted agenda against those who want progress. Hence the term progressive.

The Republicans are totally extreme. They've filibustered judicial nominees, presidential cabinet picks, stalled legislation and continue to endorse policies of the old guard. Instead of moving forward, they're still motivated on a president who reigned during the 1980s. They're 30 years behind.

They're looking for the next "Ronald Reagan" while the Democrats are looking for a candidate who could win.

These candidates they're trying to line up aren't appealing. They're not going to win!

I don't care what anyone says, these individuals are showboating for attention. Not presidential.

The only benefit these politicos get is the camera time!

CPAC: Chalk Full Of Nuts!

I wish I could have been your president, but that "N****r" Obama won and we're pissed about it! - Mitt Romney.

The event for all right wing extremists. Where being an Obama basher is a sure hand clapper. Conservatives will have to be farther to the right of Hitler in order to be a part of the jubilee.

They scratched off the fat guy who is governor of New Jersey. The fat guy embrace the federal assistance of that "Kenyan" Obama. That Virginia governor named Bob is dead to them after he said he wanted to tax his citizens.

The Conservative Action Political Conference is held in Washington. The American Conservative Union gives ratings to politicians who drink the blood of Satan. The one who could be the most conservative gets the invite. So if you're drinking Satan's blood, you're a die hard conservative.

Whereas a handful of nuts come together and with ideas of "America" and "liberty" vomited in a 15 minute speech. Where a bunch of washed up politicos and conservative agitators gather to cry about how that evil "Hussein" Obama defeated their standard bearer.

Perennial loser Mitt Romney and former running mate Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) appeared with the other headliners. Some of them testing the water for potential run for defeat in the presidential election.
Embrace my support, my cult followers! Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) gets the cult riled up just like his daddy.

Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Dr. Benjamin Carson, Texas governor Rick Perry (aka Mr. Oops), Sarah Palin, and Ryan are the often floated around names for a potential run at defeat. Each of them getting an opportunity to shine in the limelight as the person capable of fixing the mess that "Muslim" Obama created the day he took office.

Each event must include a few gun totting celebrates. Besides Mr. Opps, there's Wayne LaPierre and David Keane, the National Rifle Association's standouts. They're trying to scare the audience with threats of gun rationing and pea shooting liberals like the "Elitist" Obama.

Seeing that even a few tokens were present beside Scott, there was Dr. Carson. Carson is the guy who made his political debut at the National Prayer's Breakfast where he promoted conservatism to that "dictator" Obama.

He's back from the ass whooping he got in 2012, Allen West, the former Congressman of Florida.
The CPAC token quota got better, they've add Colonial Allen West to the roster. A defeated politician, the former Florida lawmaker hints another chance to reign in his influence in Washington against the "Socialist" Obama.

Seeing Mr. Oops and those washed up politicos Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Sarah Palin was amazing. They've managed to not only attack that "Communist" Obama but take shots at that perennial loser Mitt Romney.

I heard from Arianna's grapevine that even Fox News was snoozing on the perennial loser. They cut his speech shorter than "terrorist" Obama.

Even a few Democrats were there. Look there's a washed up politico like Pat Caddell at CPAC!

Wasn't he the one who wrote an article calling for the "racist" Obama to resign. He and Doug Schoen were on Fox News frequently saying that "totalitarian" Obama was going to lose.

Just ask Dick Morris if he still figured that perennial loser Mitt Romney was ahead of the game!

The Alaskan former governor Sarah Palin is probably kicking herself right now! No one is paying attention to her! So what does a "celebrity" like her go since Fox News let her out of her contract this year?
Why on earth you Republicans couldn't beat my [Democratic] Party? I practically spin the news in your favor! -  Pat Caddell, the washed up politico who once helped Jimmy Carter become president.
Donald Trump, the reality television star who is a mogul of a real estate company decided to be headliner to the event as well. Wow I wonder if the Donald would bring up the questions of that "retard" Obama and his forged birth certificate?

You know Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal and Jeb Bush got little attention for their speeches. After all didn't they once tell the Republicans that they can't run on stupid anymore?

Is Steven Crowder still running around trying to get hit in the face?

Did Artur Davis walk into the arms of friends? I guess he dreamed he was a Democrat. Today he's woken up to become a proud Republican. A former Democratic congressman who got pummeled in the primary nomination for Alabama governor, now wants to run in Virginia as a Republican. How Black is that?

How that minority outreach working for you?

I mean a few Brown and yellow tokens were featured speakers. But there was a whole lot of Confederate themed t-shirts on the backs of old fat White guys. I guess if you're thinking about giving Blacks an opportunity to be proud conservatives, I guess keeping them separated from the rest of society is a conservative principle. We should thank our slavemasters for giving us Black folk food and shelter. They just keeping the animals fed!

It's quite funny that the fat white guys were in the presence of a Black Republican.

The Black Republican thinks he's Fredrick Douglass. And he wants to say the Democrat Party, the one party to nominated that "NIGGER" Obama for president started the Ku Klux Klan.

I guess the Democrat plantation keeps them enslaved by the "gubmint". Ask the fat white guy about us Black folk being happy being enslaved. After all a few scraps and a nice shack keep the Black folk out of trouble right?

You know I am just as surprised that the cabal of lunatics would embrace failures. I mean how did Newt Gingrich get an invite? Didn't he sit next to that crazy liberal Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California, Minority Leader)? He was at the "tar baby" Obama's inauguration this year!

Could you count the amount of times a speaker says either America, Ronald Reagan, freedom, liberty, Iran, Obama, tyranny, military, new, liberal, Pelosi, Reid, kids (grandkids), future, time is now and take our country back?
No "oops moments" here, my friends! We're packing some heat! - Rick Perry.
I feel such comfort around you great people! You guys give an old gunslinger much love and I shoot my love back! - Wayne LaPierre, the spokesman for the National Rifle Association.

Why didn't you guys focus on that "moron" Obama's birth certificate? - Donald Trump

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lil' Wayne's "COOL" Says Reps!

Representative for Lil' Wayne say the rapper recovered from a major seizure.

BREAKING. Out of Los Angeles, the world's most popular rapper, Lil' Wayne is recovering from a severe seizure. The rapper had been treated at Cedar-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. The rapper was at a video shoot with labelmate Nicki Minaj.

Apparently, the rapper was released from the hospital earlier this week. He had a much serious seizure and was rushed to the hospital that night.

Word got around the internet and people from across the entertainment industry poured their sympathies to the rapper.

We seen how the internet could rile up the celebrity agitators. Reality star/rapper Clifford "T.I." Harris went to the social networks to slam celebrity agitator TMZ for spooking the nation.

I don't blame him. We were all concerned about the rapper's health. The controversial rapper had been in the news recently. He was being celebrated for being the first entertainer to surpass Elvis Presley in Billboard record hits.

The rapper also was under fire for some lyrics in which he mocked slain teenager Emmett Till and the perennial loser Mitt Romney. The rapper also was criticized for being titled the best rapper since Tupac Shakur.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) is a fan of the rapper and recently dismissed the title. He claimed that only one rapper could be 'Pac and it's Tupac Shakur.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our prayers to Lil' Wayne and his family.

If anything should happen to the rapper, we will cover it as soon as it becomes available.

Lil' Wayne appears under Cash Money Records.
T.I. appears under Grand Hustle Records/Atlantic Records.
Nicki Minaj appears under Cash Money Records.

BREAKING: Lil' Wayne In Critical!

News spreads about popular rapper's health.

The news will travel that Dwayne Carter, known as Lil' Wayne is hospitalized in Los Angeles after having a major seizure.

The reports are coming in and we can't confirmed but they said that it's a severe seizure and the medical doctors have put him in an induced coma.

The rapper apparently was at a video shoot for labelmate Nicki Minaj and then the rapper had another seizure.

We have no confirmation about his health as of now! We'll keep you informed on this story.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our prayers to Lil' Wayne and his family.

The rapper is currently 30 years old. His album I Am Not Human Being II will be released in late March.

The rapper was declared the "KING OF HIP-HOP" by many music journalists.

TMZ reports that the rapper done the binge! It's the stuff that killed Pimp C, Big Moe, and DJ Screw.

He had a sizzurp binge after being released Wednesday. Today, this binge got him high amounts of codeine in his system.

The rapper started his career with Cash Money Records since he was 11 years old. The rapper released ten albums so far and created a label called Young Money Entertainment. The rapper helped bring in Nicki Minaj, Tyga and Drake. He had recently surpassed Elvis Presley as the male with the most chart topping singles.

Lil' Wayne appears under Cash Money Records.
Drake appears under Cash Money Records/October's Very Own Entertainment.
Nicki Minaj appears under Cash Money Records.
Tyga appears under Cash Money Reocrds/Young Money Entertainment.

GOP Ohio Senator Warms To Gay Marriage!

Ohio senator Rob Portman shocks Republicans with his endorsement of gay marriage.

Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) was often floated as a potential vice presidential nominee for perennial loser Mitt Romney. The Republican senator was then U.S. Trade Representative and budget director under then President George W. Bush.

Portman is the co-owner of The Golden Lamb Inn. The hotel/restaurant in Lebanon, Ohio is the major stop of a Republican candidate running for president. The previous nominees, Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), perennial loser Mitt Romney and then president George W. Bush were there.

Portman won the 2010 U.S. Senate election during the Tea Party swept of the U.S. House of Representatives. The senator represents the moderate wing of the Republican Party. The moderate Republicans represent the Northeast and Midwest, with exception to Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pennsylvania) and Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin).

Senator Portman, Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine), Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Senator Dan Coates (R-Indiana), Senator Mark Kirk (R-Illinois) and Senator Roy Blunt (R-Missouri) are considered moderate. These Republicans are the deal breakers in a party mostly consumed by gridlock and obstruction.

Portman was often the sparing partner for most Republican nominees. He would often be asked to portray the Democratic nominee in a presidential debate.

Portman's announcement today marks a breakthrough for the LGBT community. The Republican comes out in favor of gay rights. Last year, President Barack Obama came out in favor of gay rights.

The middle son, Will came out as gay. CBS News reports that Portman informed reporters from several newspapers in his home state of his reversal, which The Columbus Dispatch calls "stunning."

Portman told The Cincinnati Enquirer his evolution on the subject began in 2011 when his son, Will, then a freshman at Yale University, told his parents he was gay.

Portman told the Enquirer his new views reflect "a change of heart from the position of a father" and that he first talked to his pastor and others, including former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose daughter is a lesbian.

As a member of the House in 1996, Portman co-sponsored the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as between a man and a woman and bars federal recognition of same-sex marriage.

The Supreme Court is slated to hear arguments on a challenge to DOMA next week.

"Like former President Bill Clinton, who signed the law," the Dispatch says, "Portman now wants the high court to invalidate the law's declaration that marriage is between a man and a woman. Instead, Portman said he would prefer that it be left to the states to decide the definition of marriage."

In an interview with CNN, Portman explains, "I've come to the conclusion that for me, personally, I think this is something that we should allow people to do, to get married, and to have the joy and stability of marriage that I've had for over 26 years. That I want all of my children to have, including our son, who is gay."

It seems to be a civil war between the Republican Party and those in the conservative movement.

While Senator Portman decided to come out in favor of equal rights, his fellow Republicans were over in Washington, D.C. trashing the president and gay rights.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) are often floated as potential candidates for the Republican nomination in 2016. They appeared at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference).

Senator Paul is often the most vocal member of the Republicans. Last week, he held up the Senate nomination of CIA chief John Brennan over conspiracy theories. Paul claimed that the president would use drones to strike individuals on American soil. He demanded the president and Attorney General Eric Holder provide more (often not necessary) details to the program.

Senator Rubio is supposed to be the hipster of the Republican Party. He listens to hip-hop music, a fan of sports, loves to talk about what's good in pop culture and is the key to pass President Barack Obama's immigration reform. The senator goes to the CPAC to trash the president and the very issues he often supported.

CPAC is the yearly event for conservative activists and extremists to promote their vision during a second Obama term.

Most attendees are washed up politicos and controversial figures. Besides perennial loser Mitt Romney, there's the washed up politicos like Allen West, Artur Davis, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. And of course Mr. Oops himself Texas governor Rick Perry tries for a second run for president.

Besides Paul and Rubio, Senators Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina), John Barrasso (R-Wyoming), Kelly Ayotte (R-New Hampshire), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin), Pat Toomey (R-Pennsylvania), and Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader) parties with the extremists.

The perennial loser Romney will reunite with former running mate Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) for one last time.

Portman once represented the conservative 2nd district in Ohio. The district's most conservative regions include eastern Cincinnati, Indian Hill, Lebanon, the city of Batavia, Hillsboro, Wilmington and Portsmouth.

Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) represents this district.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Here's A White Conservative's Reaction To Us!

Screaming but yet no one hears you!

Here's an example of what a condescending White conservative writes!

They don't even know us personally but for every word vomit they've put in our comments section, it proves the point that they continue to embolden this warfare against people of color. They don't understand why Blacks hate the Republican Party.

They don't understand that President Barack Obama has finally guaranteed a secured permanent voting block. And soon the Hispanic/Latino vote will become secured. So far the Republican Party is doing a great deal of damage to this voting block. Their stubbornness on immigration reform will doom them. Even Senators Marco Rubio (R-Florida) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) are willing to allow immigration reform to happen.

They seem to not understand that for every blog they've read, ours seem to be the only one they want to push their narratives of how it's not them who promote racism.

Once again, the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement are akin to White male, Evangelical, well-off, elitist, racist and less educated.

Yeah, Democrats do have members who are racist, but they're likely conservative minded.

Here is a word vomit from an "Anonymous" commentator. Hence the commentator didn't leave a name. This is  the reaction to the tragic incident in Warren, Ohio in which six teenagers lost their lives.

Anonymous said...
I'm white and find that offensive.This is a tragedy no matter the color. These teens did what so many teens do these days and in past years in every generation, they got careless. I dont who in the world would say mean stuff due to a skin color. But again that's just me. God bless those that are affected by this tragedy. May they peace in the loving hands if the lord.

Anonymous said...
I just finished reading this blog about the tragedy of these children and like millions of other people am saddened and struck with a feeling of powerlessness when something like this happens.

I was shocked that the writer of this blog is a racist and spent about 20% of the article saying how white conservatives would be "celebrating and blaming Obama".

I am a white conservative and NOT a racist, unlike the writers of Journal de la Reyna who cannot control their seething hatred of whites to make slanderous accusations of one demographic. Too bad you used this opportunity to grand stand your own hatred and to further polarize different demographics when the tragedy could have had brought people together. How sad, that you are so angry. Your angry destroyed any value to your article. Bravo!

Anonymous said...
I was born and raised in Warren, which was split equally at the time racially. I am white and conservative, mainly because I am very pro life. I now live in another state but when I picked up my paper and saw the news on the front page that 6 young people died, my heart broke. I did not know their race, not did I care. My feelings did not change when I learned they were African American. Life is life and I am thankful I was raised in an area where I could see firsthand that the pigment in one's skin did not matter rather it was the character of the person. You demonstrate the very hate and prejudice that you rail against. You are stereotyping all white and conservative people just like the white suprematist (sic) trash do against people of color. Check your heart because the same hate consumes you that consumes the skinheads. We are all sons & daughters of Abraham no matter race, religion or creed.

Hey, if you're still reading this blog and happen to stumble across this again: I got your answer!

Okay, let's clear up somethings! Warren, Ohio is a majority Black city. The city is a part of the rust belt where this community and others were doomed to failure of steel mills closed up. The steel mills leaving the Youngstown-Warren area put hundreds of workers on the streets. It left them unemployed and poor.

Whereas, White people who were laid off, decided to leave, Blacks had figured other opportunities were in the city. White people have better opportunities based on skin color in jobs, raises, promotions, school choices, and the opportunities to leave rust belt cities.

Blacks are stuck with the burdens of a crumbling city.
Keep your comments coming!
Your heart broke because you seen innocent lives were lost in your town. Fine.

But some of your WHITE CONSERVATIVE friends on the internet have no sympathy for these individuals.

Seeing these individuals were Black, young and reckless became a sure agitation for White male conservatives who spew hateful words and racial slurs. Inside the conservative/white supremacist bubble, they often include any story that involves Black people into a word vomit of President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Trayvon Martin.

Have you ever visited The Drudge Report or Fox Nation?

Have you seen the countless websites that cater to White supremacists?

Have you seen continuous agitation from Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and Glenn Beck towards people of color?

Have you not seen the conservatives reactions to the president's speech during times of tragedy?

Have you not seen the conservatives reactions to concerns about voting rights, healthcare reform, and immigration reform?

Have you noticed that firearm sales are up because of perceived fears and made up nonsense?

Did you know that all this talk about President Barack Obama being a Muslim, Socialist and "lazy" were created by conservative groups who thought it would help them win votes?

No you didn't!

You just got caught like every other White conservative!

You seem to look at things with your blinders on. You don't understand the plight of Black America. You don't see the rise of extremism within the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement.

You can sit behind the computer and type all this nonsense on any comment section and never be satisfied!

You can scream all day about how our blog is "racist", "anti-white" and "anti-conservative" all you want!

We know what we're doing here!

And we succeeded in proving a point.

Your comments are welcomed.

We understand that we touch nerves.

But until the Republican Party cease this ongoing culture war against President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, the Black and Hispanic community and other groups, we'll continue on.

So if you have any comments to our response, please don't hesitate to write back in our comment section!


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