Thursday, June 23, 2016

Cop Walk in Freddie Gray Murder!

The cop who drove the van that carried Freddie Gray to his death found not guilty.

It seems like it's impossible for cop to convicted on the murder of unarmed suspects. The Baltimore Court found Caesar Goodson not guilty in negligent homicide of Freddie Gray.

The second degree murder charge was a tall order for prosecutors. 

It just didn't stick because Goodson was not intentionally trying to kill Freddie.

Goodson was the driver who transported Freddie Gray to the lockup. 

Freddie was severely injured after being transported to lockup. He was placed on a ventilator before being declared brain dead. 

Goodson was the one who got the most charges in this.

Judge Barry Williams said there wasn't enough evidence to convict Goodson.

Goodson's freedom assures that notion that the remaining three officers would walk.

The travesty of justice once again proves that the blue wall of silence still exist. 

It makes it harder for the law to get witnesses in the case of a criminal act. It might rile up residents. 

Even with it being filmed, an unarmed Black suspect can be killed. The cops can lie and slander their way out of a murder. The unarmed Black suspect will always be seen through the lense of #AllLivesMatter and White conservatives as guilty of a crime and responsible of his own death. 

Freddie Gray's death sparked unrest and rioting in the city. It eventually led to Anthony Batts being fired out the cannon as the city's police commissioner and Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake not seeking reelection.

Goodson is getting protective security after the verdict. He's told the junk food media that he's been getting death threats from this.

He is the third officer who managed to walk in the case. This is another blow to Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby.

So far this event gives me the notion that Black lives doesn't matter. A cop or a vigilante can beat the system because of entitlement. After all we're supposed to trust the cops, right?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Steve King Feels Better Having Harriet Tubman On A Food Stamp!

One Republican lawmaker believes Harriet Tubman belongs on a food stamp.

Iowa Republican lawmaker tried to block the U.S. Treasury Department decision to have abolitionist and civil rights icon Harriet Tubman from appearing on the $20 U.S. dollar bill.

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) a notorious racial agitator in Congress has openly express frustration with the president and Secretary of Treasury Jack Lew.

CNN reports that King introduced an amendment to bar the Treasury Department from spending any funds to redesign paper money or coin currency.

The amendment would have nullified the Treasury Department's plans to replace the current image of Jackson on the $20 bill with a portrait of Tubman, one of the most prominent abolitionists for her work in the Underground Railroad during the Civil War. She will become the first black woman ever to appear on a U.S. banknote.

Speaking to CNN at the Capitol on Wednesday, King said Tubman's accomplishments didn't measure up to the seventh president.

"As much as she did, she didn't change the course of history," King said.

But King's amendment to block Tubman from the bill won't get a vote in the House.

The House Rules Committee determined Tuesday evening that the amendment had a point of order, meaning it was not in compliance with House rules. The committee will not be taking up the amendment, averting a potentially contentious vote.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) are worthless lawmakers. They are apart of this "Freedom Caucus" which supports racially motivated policies.
Iowa Democratic Party Chair Andy McGuire hit King's amendment as an attention-grabbing stunt.

"For King, a Congressman who has based his entire career on hate speech and xenophobic policies, to accuse President Obama of dividing the country is the definition of hypocrisy. The truth is Rep. King is more interested in grabbing headlines than in improving the quality of life for Iowans in the 4th district," McGuire said in a statement.

In 2030, Tubman will appear on the twenty dollar bill. Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States. Jackson has an ugly legacy as the president and many civil rights leaders praise the decision as a sign of progress.

Back in the day, conservatives were associated with the Democratic Party. They were the party that was in favor of imperialism and slavery. Old Hickory was a notorious cheater on his wife and allowed his buddies into the job.

Conservatives now hang with the Republican Party. King is a proud member of that party. His racism is showing again.

Donald Trump even said that he prefers Tubman on the $2 U.S. dollar bill. Like the asshole he is!

Remember Little Marco Hates His Job!

The dim witted Marco Rubio decides at last minute to run for reelection for the U.S. Senate. He is a failed presidential candidate who lost his own state of Florida.

The only lawmaker with the worst voting record ever has decided he'll run for reelection for the senate seat he said he'll give up. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has decided to run for reelection.

He and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) spent a lot of time running for president. They couldn't win the nomination so now they want to focus on helping the Republicans continue to hold the Senate.

They want to be rewarded for failure.

Little Marco was the permanent nickname given to the failed presidential candidate. It was given by the controversial billionaire Donald Trump.

Trump labeled Rubio that name after the Republicans plotted to have a contested convention and urged Rubio to start laying into him. When Rubio mocked Trump for having little hands (and a little package), Trump decided to play the words and hit him where it hurts.

Rubio had a meltdown. New Jersey governor Chris Christie, another failed presidential candidate said that Rubio has the same robotic stump speeches and has little accomplishment as a senator.

Rubio released his statement.

In politics, admitting you’ve changed your mind is not something most people like to do. But here it goes.

I have decided to seek reelection to the United States Senate.

I understand my opponents will try to use this decision to score political points against me. Have at it. Because I have never claimed to be perfect, or to have all the answers.

Still, the people of Florida deserve to know why I’ve changed my mind.

I have often said that the U.S. Senate can be a frustrating place. And it’s true. After witnessing the gridlock that grips Washington, I think just about every American – Democrat or Republican – would agree.

But the Senate is also a place from which you can perform great services for the people you have the honor of representing. And I am proud of the work we have done to help thousands of Floridians over the last six years.

The Senate can also be a place from which great policy advances can be made. I am proud that we have done that too.

But as we begin the next chapter in the history of our nation, there’s another role for the Senate that could end up being its most important in the years to come: The Constitutional power to act as a check and balance on the excesses of a president.

Control of the Senate may very well come down to the race in Florida. That means the future of the Supreme Court will be determined by the Florida Senate seat. It means the future of the disastrous Iran nuclear deal will be determined by the Florida Senate seat. It means the direction of our country’s fiscal and economic policies will be determined by this Senate seat. The stakes for our nation could not be higher.

There’s also something else. No matter who is elected president, there is reason for worry.

With Hillary Clinton, we would have four more years of the same failed economic policies that have left us with a stagnant economy. We would have four more years of the same failed foreign policy that has allowed radical Islam to spread, and terrorists to be released from Guantanamo. And even worse, if Clinton were president and her party took control of Congress, she would govern without Congressional oversight or limit. It would be a repeat of the early years of the current administration, when we got Obamacare, the failed stimulus and a record debt.

The prospect of a Trump presidency is also worrisome to me. It is no secret that I have significant disagreements with Donald Trump. His positions on many key issues are still unknown. And some of his statements, especially about women and minorities, I find not just offensive but unacceptable. If he is elected, we will need Senators willing to encourage him in the right direction, and if necessary, stand up to him. I’ve proven a willingness to do both.

In the days ahead, America will continue to face serious challenges – the possibility of terrorist attacks at home and abroad, a declining military, anemic economic growth and low wages, assaults on our rights and values, outdated health care, education and pension programs in desperate need of reform – that face backward or uncertain responses from either Clinton or Trump.

No matter who wins the White House, we need a strong group of principled, persuasive leaders in Congress who will not only advance limited government, free enterprise and a strong national defense, but also explain to Americans how it makes life better for them and their families. I ultimately changed my mind about this race because on that front, and in that fight, I believe I have something to offer.

In the end, this was a decision made not in Washington, but back home in West Miami over Father’s Day weekend, with my wife and our four children.

There were two paths before us. There was one path that was more personally comfortable and probably smarter politically. But after much thought and prayer, together we chose to continue with public service; to continue down the path that provides the opportunity to make a positive difference at this critical and uncertain time for our nation.

In the end, there was simply too much at stake for any other choice.

The opponents will use his little accomplishments as a senator against him. And to make things more interesting, will the constituents support him now that he's changed his mind?

After he was trounced in the Florida primary, the odds of him winning reelection in the U.S. senate race dimmed to 49%.

In a match up against Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), Rubio would win 48% - 45%.

In a match up against Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL), Rubio would lose 49% -48%.

Republicans hope Florida would give Rubio a second chance. Hopefully the Democrats takes the seat and send Little Marco back to West Miami with his wife, children and the mistress he's allegedly had an affair with.

Dems: No Bill, No Break!

House Democrats, including, from left to right, Rep. Joe Courtne, of Connecticut, Rep. Elizabeth Esty, also of Connecticut and Rep. John Lewis, of Georgia, sit in to protest for a gun control vote. (Rep. Robin Kelly/Twitter)
Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) returned to his protesting roots. He staged a sit-in inside the House of Representatives chamber after House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) decided to call for a recess instead of a floor vote. It's becoming a trending issue.
Call the Congress on (202) 224-3121 to demand the House of Representatives do their jobs and pass bipartisan measures to stop gun violence.

Tell them that they need to get things done. Enough of the prayers and silence.

Gotta give up to the Democratic Party. They finally got a spine. They are staging sit-in in the House of Representatives today. They are getting tired of Republicans and their constant inaction on gun violence.

In the wake of the Orlando massacre, Democrats call upon a bill that bans people on the controversial "NO FLY LIST" to have no access to firearms. The Republicans objected to this notion because they believe that the bill would include conservative groups on this list.

Republicans rather waste time chasing after Hillary Clinton's emails than focus on actual issues. They rather waste $9.4 million on Benghazi than a bill that deals with the reasons contributing to gun violence.

By the way, concern trolls: The Democrats mentioned gun violence in every community. It's just not in Orlando, but Chicago, St. Louis, Cleveland, Detroit and many urban centers. The lawmakers have expressed outrage at Republicans for ignoring the concerns of families who want gun control.

They believe that the National Rifle Association and the acolytes of the conservative media will try to distort the message. They are running a sit in on Periscope.

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) started this sit-in around late morning and it's being recorded on social media through Periscope.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) are running it through Periscope and it's been streamed live on CSPAN.

The junk food media have ignored the cries from Democrats.

The Republicans have control of the floor and they cut off the cameras and started their umpteenth recess.

#NOFLYNOBUY is becoming a hashtag as well as #NOBILLNOBREAK.

Will the theatrics work?

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

California Pastor Lost His Church Because He Cheered The Orlando Massacre!

Pastor Hate got booted from his church.

While the conservatives are bitching about the scourge of "radical Islam", they turn a blind eye to the "radical Christians" who promote the same rhetoric.

Religious extremism is a threat to the United States.


We all mourned the tragedy in Orlando. This terrorist murdered 49 people before the law put him down. As the world mourn the lost of innocence, this asshole pastor from California was excited.

Roger Jimenez was making national news when he said Orlando is a little safer tonight knowing that 50 pedophiles were killed. He only wished "the tragedy [would have taken out] that more of them.

He said that he wasn't one bit upset over this. He wished this terrorist would have finished everyone off.

These comments were condemned by the world and the public went to protest his church.

He laughed at them and said that the junk food media has given him new attendees.

The backlash gotten so much attention, the owner of the property said that Jimenez can practice his religion in his garage.

The property management and owner of the building in which Verity Baptist Church and its Pastor Roger Jimenez preside have decided not to renew the church's lease, and have asked church officials to consider moving.

His attacks on the LGBT and Muslim community are disgusting. In the wake of a tragedy, the concern trolls often find blame with those who aren't the shooter.

This mass shooting has sparked issues on gun violence, hate crimes against Muslims and the LGBT, and terrorism (domestic and international).

This bigot is free to express his bile around the pughs. Unfortunately he's not going to do it at his original location. He's outta of there!

Good riddance.

We mourn with the families of the Orlando tragedy. Our friends in the LGBT and Muslim community have our support.

Watch this with discretion.

Report: The Law Found A Stash Of Kiddie XXX In MJ's Home!

Magazine claims Michael Jackson had a stash of kiddie porn.

We're coming to the seventh year since the passing of Michael Jackson. He died of a drug overdose and it set the world ablaze. On June 25, the world will mourn a legend. 

Well there might be some who might willing to mark the death after Radar Magazine reported on this bombshell. During the Michael Jackson child molestation trial, the California state investigators obtained a trove of child and bondage porn in the Neverland Ranch estate. 

There were gruesome pornography featuring animal torture, S&M and gore. 

There were dozens of investigators who were seen on video examining the property.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's office found some really nutty shit in the trove of MJ's digital devices. 

The 88-page report cites several picture books, magazines, and videos containing images of nude and semi-nude children. The items described as material intended to "groom" young victims and reduce their sexaul inhinbitions.

The Jackson family spoke out against the report saying that it's pretty much bullshit. Even the Santa Barbara County Sheriff questioned the report. They denied leaking this to the press. 

The Jackson family released this statement.

Seven years ago this coming Saturday, the world lost an amazing artist and humanitarian devoted to helping children in need in all corners of the world. Michael Jackson's fans, including the Executors of his estate, prefer to remember the wonderful gifts Michael left behind instead of having to once again see his good name dragged through the mud by tabloid trash.

Everything in these reports, including what the County of Santa Barbara calls "content that appears to be obtained off the internet or though unknown sources" is false, no doubt timed to the anniversary of Michael's passing. Those who continue to shamelessly exploit Michael via sleazy internet "click bait" ignore that he was acquitted by a jury in 2005 on every one of the salacious charges brought against him in a failed witch hunt.

MIchael remains just as innocent of these smears in death as he was in life even though he isn't here to defend himself. Enough is enough. 

The Estate of Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson estate is worth an estimated $2 billion. His three children Blanket (Michael, Jr.), Prince Michael and Paris Michael Jackson are in the custody of his mother Katherine Jackson.

Congress Continues To Be Inept!

Time to go..! Republicans are extremely bad at what they do.

In the wake of a mass shooting, the Congress continues to be inept.

Congress continues to support terrorism by allowing them access to firearms. The four amendments that could prevent access to firearms if you're on a terrorist watch list failed.

Sens. Jon Tester (D-MT), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Joe Manchin (D-MT) aided the Republicans in crashing the bills.

The background check amendment failed, the terrorist watch list amendment and the semi automatic weapons ban were dismissed by the senate.

The GOP and those spineless Democrats have once again failed in passing reasonable gun control in the wake of terrorism, mass shootings and grieving families.

Is it time for the voters to dismiss the inept lawmakers?

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) voted for the bills. He said this opportunity missed shows that Congress is totally inept and the National Rifle Association once again wins the battle.



I am really tired of the Republicans in control of Congress. They can't pass laws, they stall President Barack Obama's nominees and continue to waste taxpayer money grandstanding.

O'Reilly Threatens To Slap A Black Lawmaker!

Always the asshole, O'Reilly goes after Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC).

Sometimes you want to slap the shit out of some people. That's figuratively speaking of course. But for those in the junk food media, what you say could end up getting you fired out the cannon.

It's a damn shame that Bill O'Reilly hasn't gotten fired out the cannon for all the shit that comes vomiting out his mouth. He is still the reigning king of agitation. The O'Reilly Factor continues to be America's top cable news program. And despite the boycotts, the hand wringing and the bitter feuds with people he deem "pinheads", O'Reilly is still on making the Fox News executives rich.

His demeanor and his attitude towards others is disgusting. 

The way he treats others is the reason why he's a divorced man. The way he acts is the reason why his children aren't in his custody. 

He's feuding with Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) over the Orlando massacre. 

He accused the Democrats of being soft on terrorism and turning the focus solely on firearms.

The Politico reports that the conservative agitator made an appearance on Fox & Friends when he let his tongue slip. 
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC).
It just angers me. There’s two separate issues: There's the terrorism, and there’s the gun control. But what was it, Congressman Clyburn, is that his name?" O'Reilly said.

Then O'Reilly launched into an impression of Clyburn's voice and speech patterns: "It’s not about terrorism; it's about gun control," referring to comments Clyburn made on MSNBC on Tuesday, a day after he followed a moment of silence for the Orlando victims by asking House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) when gun-control legislation would be considered.

"You know, and I just want to slap him," O'Reilly said, adding, "with all due respect."

"You know? What is it going to take? Do the ISIS people have to come to your backyard, do they have to put you in the cage? Because they will," O’Reilly continued. "So when you start to — when you start to tell Americans lies, that there isn’t a terror threat, that it's all about gun control, only if we banned all guns we'd be safe from ISIS. When you start to lie at that level, and it's acceptable lies, then we're in trouble as a country."

Clyburn's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

O’Reilly said in the same segment that Congress should be able to decide whether there are certain weapons that cannot be sold to the public.

"I mean, look, I think that Americans who are sane — there are crazy people on the right, too — I get letters, like, 'I want my assault rifles, and don’t you come near me!' Listen, pal, this isn't anarchy here," O’Reilly said, giving another impression of an outraged viewer. "If Congress decides there are certain weapons [that] can't be sold to the public, that's our country. You can't buy a mortar, you can't have hand grenades, so if there are giant rifles with big clips that Congress believes is a danger, then that's what we accept. Let's debate it and vote on it."

The Congressional Black Congress call upon O'Reilly to formally apologize to Clyburn.

O'Reilly shrugged off the calls for an apology. In typical fashion, O'Reilly brings up the murder rate in Chicago. The city has experienced another rough summer with gun violence.

Conservatives continue to run this bullshit about Black violence being ignored by the Congressional Black Caucus, #BlackLivesMatter and President Barack Obama. It just don't get much coverage on Fox News because they're too busy demonizing Black leaders.


Congressman Clyburn has been actively calling for an assault weapons ban. His state was the site of the Charleston massacre at Mother Emanuel AME Church. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Trump Fires His Top Thug!

Trump fires his body man.

Donald Trump had to deliver his trademark "You're fired" on his top man. Corey Lewandowsky is fired out the cannon weeks ahead of the Republican National Convention.

Lewandowsky was a controversial figure in the Trump campaign.  He was caught up in his own issue when he shoved a news agitator at a Trump rally.

It's the ominous signs of a struggling campaign.

Trump is trying to rebound from a few weeks of mishaps and Republican concern. Trump is still struggling to win appeal from the establishment.

Trump's inner circle was extremely worried by the falling poll numbers.

They want Trump to focus only on Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.

With Trump focusing on Republicans who are going against him, it's causing a huge distraction that may keep GOP donors away from him.

Michelle Fields now works at the Huffington Post and I can only imagine how she feels about this bit of news.

Lewandowsky went to CNN to thank Trump for allowing him be a part of an "amazing " campaign.

Word on the street, Eric, Donald Jr., and Ivanka were not pleased with the campaign and they wanted dad to get rid of him.


Cavs Win NBA 2016 Championship.

Briefly, the Cleveland Cavaliers knocked off the Golden State Warriors in Game 7 of the NBA Championship. The Warriors were considered the favorites to sweep this. But it seems like the Cavs splashed their dreams out the water.

It's a historical win for the Cleveland Cavaliers. The NBA Championship comes to LaBron James, Kyrie Irving, JR Smith, Kevin Love, and Tristan Thompson.

52 Years in the Making.

93-89 was the final score for the Cavaliers.

Congratulations to the 2016 NBA Champions.

Came from a 3-1 deficit to beat a team that everyone believed would have a REPEAT.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Little Marco Thirsty For Another Run!

Rubio is considering running for reelection despite saying he's done. The Orlando massacre and the weak field has Republicans begging for him to stay.

Could he win?

Does Florida wants a candidate who doesn't really want the job?

Who knows? The race is still TOSS UP and the Democrats are hoping to embarrass Republican once again.

Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL) and Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) and about half a dozen Republicans are competing candidates for the open seat being vacated by the most thirstiest senator in the state.

Marco Rubio, the failed Republican candidate for president had the backing of most of the establishment. He had a halo around his head. The Republicans were banking on either Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio securing the nomination.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump stepped into the arena and knocked Little Marco out.

Rubio went back to Florida in disgrace. Now this terrorist attack in Orlando has gotten major attention. The Republicans fear this controversy could help Democrats win a crucial seat.

Rubio is seriously considering running. Rep. David Jolly (R-FL), the freshman lawmaker who replaced coke boy Trey Radel was a favorite among the Republicans. But with little name recognition and lack of interest, Jolly decided to bow out clearing the way for Rubio to jump in if he choose to.

Rubio has the worst voting record in the senate. Since he started in 2011, the Republican has been gearing up for a presidential bid.

Wayne LaPierre: "Janet" Lynch Ain't Taking My Gun!

The Three Stooges stand firm in guns, name calling and all out bitching. Chris Cox, Donald Trump and Wayne LaPierre go to GOP Sundays to deny facts. Sen. Jeff Session (R-AL) comes along for the ride.

Ignorance continues to be a part of American culture. We are numb to gun violence. Everyday 20 to 50 people are killed by firearms. About 3,000 people are killed by firearms.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch heads to GOP Sundays to discuss the Orlando massacre, Hillary Clinton's emails, and the president's gun control proposals. 

Congress continues to hold a moment of silence and their prayers with the 

There's not enough prayers to stop this.


Donald Trump goes to GOP Sundays to discuss his falling poll numbers, his upcoming appearance at the oldest gun lobbyist group the National Rifle Association and why he is being criticized by fellow Republicans.

The NRA president and spokesman for the group go to GOP Sundays to defend their stance on firearms. Chris Cox, the president of the the NRA-ILA and chairman Wayne LaPierre both appear on GOP Sundays to complain about the president and Lynch.

Mind you that LaPierre is an idiot and he couldn't even say her name right.

Wayne LaPierre says that "Janet" Lynch and her gun grabbing losers at the Justice Department ain't going to take his gun.

The Brady Foundation teams up with the victims of gun violence to head to Virginia with the intentions of protesting the NRA's stubborn views on gun violence.

Also the old tired argument of the "good guy with the gun". 

In the wake of an active shooting, the good guy with a gun wouldn't be even capable of stopping a threat given the mass shooter having an automatic firearm. The law doesn't see a "good guy" with the gun. They see a threat. Even if you disarm the threat, the law might mistake you as a threat or you could end up injuring a victim. You will likely face criminal charges if you kill an innocent victim.

The good guy with a gun argument is stupid. You can't predict the motivations of a mass shooter. 

Trevor Noah and Jordan Klepper knocks down the argument of a "good guy" with the gun.


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