Boehner said he won't negotiate with the president this year. Now all of sudden when the polls show that Republicans are losing, the weeping speaker wants to now have "sit down" with Obama. |
Well some are reporting back to the job. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel got the word. And he made sure that 400,000 workers are heading back to the bases. The military and civilian workers can go back to work.
But unfortunately, the federal government jobs in the domestic sector are still off the job as far as I know.
The weeping speaker, Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) has went to GOP Sundays to talk to George Stephanopoulos. He went on this rant about the president refuses to work with him on passing a deal.
Alas, Mr. Boehner, your words come back to haunt you!
Earlier this year, Boehner told the junk food media that he's no longer going to negotiate with the president.
He signaled he won't talk to the president. That one thing is pretty much a reason for why the president's not wasting an ounce of time with him. Boehner told the press and his fellow Republicans he is done with private, one-on-one negotiations with President Obama.
He even made a snide comment about negotiations with the president. He stated that the Democrats will go first on all bills. So the U.S. Senate passed immigration reform. Where's the Republicans on that one?
During both 2011 and 2012, the Speaker spent weeks shuttling between the Capitol and the White House for meetings with the president in hope of striking a grand bargain on the deficit.
Now we're in the later of this year and all of sudden, Boehner wants to sit down with the president to work out a deal. Now this deal is no longer about Obamacare, but now about spending cuts.
It's pathetic.
How can you maneuver through a year of trying to repeal Obamacare over 40 times?
How many laws were passed and still get nothing done?
What if the Democrats decided to shutdown the government because they couldn't pass gun control, immigration reform, a rise in the minimum wage, increases on taxes on high end earners, and regulations on oil drilling on federal lands?
How many times have the Democrats threaten impeachment on a Republican?
This is political theater at its best. Boehner as Speaker of the House is ranked very unfavorably. I am guessing his own district is tired of him too.
But how far is too far?
The Republicans don't want "BIG GOVERNMENT". In regards to what type of government they want, they have no answer. They'll have some symbolic themed statement or a hype of fear to rile up their gullible supporters into fundraising for the next election.
The president told the press that Boehner has the votes to pass a clean bill. If the House passes a bill, it could finally end the government shutdown. Boehner won't pass it because he fears a usurp by the Tea Party members of the House. And yes, he fears the blowback from the agitators of the conservative media.
The government shutdown is an ongoing issue. We'll keep you informed on Journal de la Reyna.