Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tactical Douchery!

Tactical Response CEO James Yeager

Douche gun trainer/business owner threatens people online over gun control!

There you have it! Another reason to hate Republicans and their conservative allies.

Okay, this was getting play on Angry Black Lady Chronicles, The Raw Story and Balloon Juice, and I happen to click on it and seen a bald middle aged man throwing up his feces to the wall hoping it will stick.

The douche, James Yeager clicked on either InfoWars or The Drudge Report for his latest rant about how President Barack Obama is.............Whatever!

It's another WHITE EXTREMIST who felt the need to vent off about the proposals ensuring that another mass shooting is going to happen if laws were enacted. Thank you President Barack Obama for doing whatever you can!

Seriously, we to take a look into the gun culture.

The National Rifle Association, talk radio and the conservative blogs are blazed up with thoughts of Hitler dancing in their bandwidths and credit cards being maxed out for the last semi-automatic firearm from Walmart. They're screaming: "OBAMA COMIN' FOR THE GUNS" over and over until the next irrational extremist carries out a mass shooting in the middle of a town.

While they're open to taking away firearms from Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims, the WHITE EXTREMIST in the conservative media is more concerned about that "BIG EARED JUNGLE BUNNY" coming for their guns. They rooting for the minorities to kill one another, because doesn't meddle in their daily routine. But just when you have a shooting in a suburban school or a place of business, it's always conservatives rushing to say that's it wasn't the gun's fault, it's the person. Okay trying to have their ice cream, pie and cake and then eat it too.

Tactical Response based out of Big Sandy, Tennessee is a facility that trains firearm user the proper way to carry a firearm. Unfortunately, the CEO, Douche Yeager will not have his license for awhile.

His rant went viral and it was turned over the the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security and the lit up the internet over the First and Second Amendment, once again.

The Raw Story obtained portions of the douche's epic rant:

“Vice President [Joe] Biden is asking the president to bypass Congress and use executive privilege, executive order to ban assault rifles and to impose stricter gun control,”

“Fuck that.”

“I’m telling you that if that happens, it’s going to spark a civil war, and I’ll be glad to fire the first shot. I’m not putting up with it. You shouldn't put up with it. And I need all you patriots to start thinking about what you’re going to do, load your damn mags, make sure your rifle’s clean, pack a backpack with some food in it and get ready to fight.”

“I’m not fucking putting up with this. I’m not letting my country be ruled by a dictator. I’m not letting anybody take my guns! If it goes one inch further, I’m going to start killing people.”

Now would you like to have this guy in your home with children?

That rant made it clear that Yeager processed "material likelihood of risk of harm to the public".

“The number one priority for our department is to ensure the public’s safety. Mr. Yeager’s comments were irresponsible, dangerous, and deserved our immediate attention. Due to our concern, as well as that of law enforcement, his handgun permit was suspended immediately.

We have notified Mr. Yeager about the suspension today via e-mail. He will receive an official notification of his suspension through the mail,” Commissioner Bill Gibbons said.

Social media once again plays in the fall of another idiot!

C'mon Rihanna: Enough Of The Bad Publicity!

She's practically making herself a target of celebrity agitation these days! Robyn Fenty performs as Rihanna.

The singer appears under Def Jam Records.

The Barbadian pop singer is once again in the news for all the wrong reasons. Although, she's entitled to live her life as a rock star and the such, many people are rethinking about sympathy her.

Many Americans thought that being a domestic violence victim was going to change her to become more productive to the cause of victim's rights. Alas, that's not the case.

Every so often, I hear stories about Rihanna's boyfriends and lifestyle. The more I hear, the less I like about her personally. Her relationship with troubled pop star Chris Brown is back in the news.

They've reconciled and are dating once again.

Also Rihanna was spotted in Hawaii smoking a swisher with marijuana. She later went to the social networks and shrugged off the criticism with a simple: Fuck YOU!

Apparently, it's reaching the helms of Jay-Z. The media mogul was instrumental in signing her, Rick Ross and Young Jeezy to Def Jam and so far each of these entertainers have suffered bad publicity. Their rises to fame comes with a price. Young Jeezy got into a fight with Rick Ross at the BET Awards. Rick Ross is getting extra protection after he was threaten by the Gangster Disciples.

Rihanna's latest controversy added to the list of many for the troubled star.

Her movie Battleship flopped.

A New York High School mocked the infamous 2009 incident in which Chris Brown attacked Rihanna.

Chris Brown and Drake (born Aubrey Graham) got into a huge fight at a New York nightclub. Drake once dated Rihanna and they had a bitter fallout. Chris Brown got into it with the singer when word got out that Drake dissed them on a song featuring rapper 2 Chainz.

Chris Brown also got into a Twitter fight with pop singers Raz B, Omarion and comedian/celebrity agitator Jenny Johnson.

Jay-Z's wife, pop singer Beyonce is also sounding off about her behavior. The Examiner tells a tale of representatives of Beyonce are sounding off about Rihanna. One friend said that Beyonce  is truly concerned for Rihanna’s welfare and she’s afraid that hubby Jay-Z’s protégée is “beyond saving”. Beyonce has been watching Rihanna’s recent conduct and thinks she may be spiraling out of control.

Beyonce allegedly had some more harsh words for Rihanna saying she’s hurting others because she just won’t grow up. She’s pushing Jay-Z to distance himself from her.

Meanwhile after sitting down recently for a lengthy gut-wrenching interview with the songstress, Oprah Winfrey told “Extra” that she won’t judge her for giving Chris Brown a second chance. “I think that if she is prepared to deal with that and is prepared to help him help himself then so be it”, Oprah said according to The New York Daily News.

Even some of her closest friends and family are worried. Her father is most concerned about the bad behavior. Ronald Fenty believes it’s just terrifying to see his daughter acting like this.

Her father isn't proud of the behavior! He explained that his daughter will end up suffering the same fate as recently deceased pop icon Whitney Houston.

“Rihanna was obsessed with everything about Whitney… I pray she doesn't end up like her,”

Obama's Cabinet Getting Flack From Liberals!

File:President Barack Obama with full cabinet 09-10-09.jpg

It's bad enough that Republicans signal a political fight for the confirmations of John Brennan, Jack Lew, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, but those in the Democratic Party are complaining just as much.

Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-New York), Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire) are voicing concern about the president's cabinet lacking women, minorities and LGBT members.

Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-New York)
"It's as embarrassing as hell," Rangel said on MSNBC's "Jansing & Co." of Obama's top picks. "We've been through all of this with Mitt Romney. And we were very hard on Mitt Romney with the women binder and a variety of things."

"I kinda think there's no excuse when it's the second term. If it's the first term, you could see people got to know who is around and qualified in order to get this job, number one," he continued.

"I had thought that it could be the Harvard problem where people just know each other, trust each other. And women and minorities don't get a chance to rub elbows and their reputations and experience is not known ... so in the second term, these people should be just as experienced as anybody, any other American."

Okay, Democrats here's a dose of reality for you!

Your liberal allies are going to doom you! Just like Republicans right now, they have a problem with their allies in the conservative movement. Perennial loser Mitt Romney, Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, Fox News, Grover Norquist and the NRA aren't really helping the Republicans in the popularity contest. They're likely going to hurt the Republicans in the long term.

Democrats are doing the same thing. They need to drop the extremist wing of their party. I mean Rangel of all people gives these conservatives are reason to scream! Rangel is a Black politician who under investigation for possible corruption. Rangel lost his committee spot for his inept actions.

He shouldn't complain too much about the president's picks. I mean he does have women running the Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Commerce, an ambassador to the United Nations, and of course the State Department and Labor department still has two until retirement. The president has the first African American Attorney General. The president is Black and the first of the nation to be elected twice to lead the United States.

C'mon people.

Give the man a break!

I mean seriously, for him being the first Black president, you hear a lot of NIGGERIZATION from the likes of conservatives. First you hear about President Barack Obama taking your guns, then later a gun crime in an urban area is the fault of the president. Second you hear that President Barack Obama proposes legislation, appoint members of his cabinet, federal judges and pardons, only to be gridlock by Congress, but then when he does an executive order, they scream that he's violating the Constitution.

It doesn't matter what the president does, he's going to have critics screaming at the top of their lungs about these issues without merit.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Conspiracy Linked!

Alex Jones is profiting off the phony outrage. The conspiracy theorist who sparked controversy this week is becoming more mainstream. The Drudge Report is now linking his websites as source for anti-Obama rhetoric.

Since this week's epic battle against British tabloid journalist Piers Morgan, the American media is now wondering "WHO THE HELL IS ALEX JONES"?

It comes as no surprise for years, that the Austin, Texas native has a fixture of the internet for some time.

My late friend, Thomas Harper was a conservative. He was involved in politics and conspiracy theories. He died in 2009, shortly after Barack Obama took the oath of office.

As military veteran, Tom listened to talk radio and was inspired by the rhetoric of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Michael Savage and others. He would click on websites such as WorldNetDaily, Townhall and Alex Jones' PrisonPlanet and InfoWars website. He used to email me the latest information about the New World Order, Project for New American Century, Operation Northwoods, and Bohemian Grove, a private resort outside of San Francisco. Tom used to have an obsession with the 9/11 attacks. He read information from PrisonPlanet that determines that the attacks were conspired by the federal government to force us into war. 

Tom was a huge fan of Alex Jones.

Tom was supporter of perennial loser and cult following politician Ron Paul. The fringe themes promoted by the former Texas congressman about small government, legalizing marijuana, end the Federal Reserve were inspirations for libertarian minded Americans frustrated with the government overreach by then President George W. Bush and later President Barack Obama.

Tom inspired me to follow politics. At one time, I was a supporter of Ron Paul. I was influenced by the libertarian views of limited government, legalizing of sin (drugs, prostitution, and gambling) and Paul's swift demands of ending wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many Americans were frustrated with President George W. Bush handling of the economy, the wars and of national crisis. It gave easy way for then Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to enter the race. The epic battle for the Democratic nomination pitted liberals against the moderates. Moderates wanted Clinton and liberals wanted Obama. Republicans on the other hand were hoping the field wasn't going to be riding the coattails of Bush.

Drudge promotes Alex Jones conspiracies.
Libertarians were mad that the media refused to cover fringe candidates Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich and their campaigns. These individuals were the choose of stoners, anti-war activists and the mind your own business crowd.

Barack Obama happened to be the goldmine for conservatives. Ever since he took office, conservative books sell reasonably well. Talk radio ratings spiked up. Fox News ratings became very successful during the first years of the president. Conservative groups were gathering new members. The National Rifle Association brags about his new memberships during the president's first years. Everything was on the table.

Alex Jones profited reasonably well with his conspiracy themed anti-government jobs.

Tom followed politics closely especially when it came to the media blackout of Ron Paul. Many activists were upset with Fox News in particular, a friendly ally to the Republican Party shunning Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee and Tom Tancrando. 

Tom believe the media was corrupt and they were hiding an agenda and Alex Jones was the "only source" for the truth.

Alex Jones is American talk radio host, actor and filmmaker. His syndicated news/talk show The Alex Jones Show, based in Austin, Texas, airs via the Genesis Communication Network on over 70 AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations across the United States and on the Internet. 

Mainstream sources have described Jones as a conservative  and as a right-wing conspiracy theorist.

Jones sees himself as a libertarian, and rejects being described as a right-winger. He has also called himself a paleoconservative and an "aggressive constitutionalist". Jones has been the center of many controversies such as the one surrounding his actions and statements about gun control after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and has accused the US government of being involved in the Oklahoma City bombing and September 11 attacks.

The radio show is a mixture of conspiracy, politics and survival prepping. The term "prepper" is commonly used when you're listening to his program. Jones sells products such as survival kits and prepared dry foods.
Alex Jones issues a photo of himself confronting TSA workers at an airport. 
Guest included: perennial loser Ron Paul, right wing extremist Pat Buchanan, troubled actor Charlie Sheen, liberal agitator Alan Colmes, anti-war libertarian Adam Kokesh, atheist conspiracy writer Noam Chomsky, ex-wrestler/governor and conspiracy theorist Jesse Ventura were on the show.

Alex Jones has been interviewed on talk shows such as Piers Morgan Tonight, The Alan Colmes Show, The Stephanie Miller Show, and The Glenn Beck Program. Each agitator mentioned has distanced themselves from Jones. 

The Drudge Report is notorious for allowing racial themed stories to occupy its page. Most of the Drudge linked articles comes from either Breitbart, Twitchy and InfoWars. 

Matt Drudge maintains his news agitating website 24/7 with stories that target President Barack Obama.

Most of the news stories that are linked through the Drudge Report attracts some of the most extreme members of society.

No matter how the story is found, a Drudge imprint is a buzz worthy story for him. He takes pride in his work.

Drudge openly endorses stories that appeal to White supremacists, radical Christian fundamentalists, and ill-informed conservatives who all have a bone to pick against President Barack Obama. Those ill-informed conservatives are usually the birthers who refuse to believe the president's citizenship or hostile conservatives who believe the President Barack Obama is a Communist.
Shedding crocodile tears.
Some conservatives think the president is an idiot. Of course, these are the people who couldn't finish a complete sentence. Conservatives can thank Drudge when he finds pictures of President Barack Obama and use them in negative light.

Read some of the comment section online. Anything that is linked through the Drudge Report usually has a word salad that involves President Barack Obama. 

There's thousands of conspiracy kooks believing that President Barack Obama is the "trojan horse" to a secretive government.

Drudge links up birther stories to his website. Most of these comes from Alex Jones and his affiliates.

One of the leading voice of the birther movement, Alex Jones is praised by those in the conservative media when he brings to light "questionable" theories of the president's birth certificate. 

Richard Poplawski
In the latest attempt to profit of the birth certificate controversy, he made a movie called the Obama Deception. When it comes to trying to bring anti-gun, anti-government issues into the limelight., Jones is there bringing the bullhorn. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a Civil Rights organization has noted that the ranting of Alex Jones inspires militia groups and white supremacists. 

The Sandy Hook shooting was the tipping point to lax gun laws. The president and Vice President Joe Biden are looking for reasonable solutions for gun control. The NRA and many others were against it and they'll fight this tooth and nail.

Jones rise came from the perennial petitions on the White House website demanding seceding from the United States, arresting NBC News anchor David Gregory and deporting Piers Morgan. 

Jones continues to agitate the extremism by allowing himself to get worked up over things he knows aren't true or he can't control.

A Black entertainer, rapper, actor, sport figure, politician, criminal or immigrant was the fixture of InfoWars and The Drudge Report. Stories about race-riots and the president looking out for his "brothas" were features extremists took very seriously.

He refuses to take responsibility for the actions inspired by his over-the-top rants.

In 2009, Richard Poplawski, a self-proclaimed White supremacist got into a heated argument with his mother over a dog urinating on the floor. Poplawski threatens his mother with a firearm and she calls the police. As the police arrive, the man opened fired on the police. A mentally disturbed individual with a firearm was a mixture for trouble. Poplawski had previously enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, but he was discharged from boot camp after throwing a food tray at a drill instructor.

Mark Potok, a representative of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which had reviewed Poplawski's internet postings, stated that "he believed the Jews were coming, the Jews controlled society, you know, we're all under the thumb of Zionists and so on."A report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) stated that Poplawski had expressed frustration that "not enough attention was being focused on the evil of Jews."

Poplawski was a member of Stormfront, a white supremacist website, where he was a frequent visitor and poster. Poplawski had reportedly posted a picture of his tattoo, a "deliberately Americanized version of the iron eagle" to the website, as well as a link to a YouTube video of Congressman Ron Paul discussing with Fox News host Glenn Beck the rumored existence of FEMA-managed concentration camps.

Poplawski last logged into Stormfront at 3:32 a.m. Saturday, only hours before the shootings.

Poplawski also frequently visited and occasionally posted on Alex Jones' Infowars website. One of his frustrations with the site, though, was that it supposedly didn't focus enough on the nefarious roles played by Jews in all these conspiracies. "For being such huge players in the endgame," he observed in a March 29, 2009 posting to Infowars, "too many 'infowarriors' are surprisingly unfamiliar with the Zionists."

Among Poplawski's "last few links from MySpace" were a Meyer Briggs personality test, and a psychotherapy chart.

Edward Perkovic, a friend of Poplawski, said the gunman feared "the Obama gun ban that's on the way" and "didn't like our rights being infringed upon". Perkovic also stated that Poplawski "didn't like the Zionists controlling the media and controlling, you know, our freedom of speech" and that "He didn't like the control of the guns that was about to happen. He believed everything our forefathers put before us and thought that it was being distorted." Another longtime friend, Aaron Vire, said that Poplawski feared President Obama was going to take away his rights.

Poplawski posted that he believed that "the federal government, mainstream media, and banking system in these United States are strongly under the influence of -- if not completely controlled by -- Zionist interest. An economic collapse of the financial system is inevitable, bringing with it some degree of civil unrest if not outright balkanization of the continental US, civil/revolutionary/racial war . . . This collapse is likely engineered by the elite Jewish powers that be in order to make for a power and asset grab."
Militia groups are preppers for the great "race war!" White supremacists recruit former police officers, military officers and young people who feel like they're without a home. Extremism is on the rise in the country and the reelection of President Barack Obama fuels their rage. Gun sales are up because of phobias of the president taking the guns!
In March 2009, Poplawski wrote on a white supremacist website that "ZOG (Zionist-occupied government) is... One can read the list of significant persons in government and in major corporations and see who is pulling the strings. One can observe the policies and final products and should walk away with little doubt there is Zionist occupation and -- after some further research & critical thinking -- will discover their insidious intentions."

Poplawski was injured after he attacked the three officers. In 2010, the man was sentenced to death for the killing of Pittsburgh Officers Eric G. Kelly, Stephen J. Mayhle, and Paul J. Sciullo, II.

Alex Jones blames the government for inspiring him to commit such an act.

The conspiracy theorist and WHITE EXTREMIST Alex Jones hasn't made this issue any better.

The president is looking for a stricter background check and restrictions to high capacity magazines for automatic weapons.

The NRA isn't supporting any regulations to firearms. Conservatives are rallying what little power they have. And of course, Alex Jones makes the whole bunch look like a bunch of idiots. Not to mention they're looking more like RACISTS.

Tragedy At California High School!

Just about a month in, and of course the nation is still gripping with the Sandy Hook shooting. In California, a teenager shot at two individuals. One was injured. The individual was a victim of bullying and the person wanted revenge against his tormentors. I guess in my honest opinion, those indiviudals Bakersfield, California is the scene of at tragedy. The shooting at Taft High School was brought to an end by a courageous teacher. This tragedy reassures the nation that reasonable gun control is necessary.

The National Rifle Association was at the White House with Vice President Joe Biden. The talks didn't go well. The NRA wasted no time attacking on the proposals the vice president offered. And while they're in the meeting, a tragedy happens.

At a press conference held Thursday afternoon, Sheriff Donny Youngblood said that the shooter, a 16-year-old student at the high school, entered a science classroom at around 9 a.m. that morning armed with a 12-gauge shotgun.

According to Youngblood, the teen shot one student before shooting at and missing another. Law enforcement officials believe both students shot at were intended targets, and Youngblood said the shooter called his second target by name before firing.

The teacher began to evacuate the students out a back door, then he and a campus supervisor were able to engage the shooter in conversation and distract him while students evacuated the classroom, the sheriff said. The two adults were able to calm the shooter and convince him to put down the gun.

"[They] did a great job protecting the kids," Chief of Police Ed Whiting said at the conference.

The teacher suffered a minor pellet wound to the head.

Youngblood said a neighbor saw the shooter enter the school armed with the shotgun and called 911, and that Taft police were on the scene in less than sixty seconds.

The suspect is believed to be a student, Kern County sheriff's spokesman Ray Pruitt told the Associated Press, and police believe the weapon used was a shotgun.
Vice President Joe Biden and Attorney General Eric Holder meet with NRA representatives.
Two people have been reported shot, according to the station. The first victim suffered minor injuries and refused treatment, according to KGET. The second, a student, was airlifted to Kern Medical Center. Ryan Dunbier, senior deputy with the Kern County Sheriff's Department, told the New York Daily News that the airlifted victim had been shot in the chest and was critically wounded.

The incident occurred at about 9 a.m., according to KABC, and took place in the science building, according to the, a local paper's website.

At around 9:20, the suspect was taken into custody and students were evacuated to the football field. Parents were notified and asked to pick up their children.

Taft is a community of about 7,000 located 30 miles southwest of Bakersfield, in San Joaquin Valley.

An employee of the Taft Police Department told The Huffington Post the department would not release any information on the shooting. They also said a press conference would take place later today at the scene of the crime.

Taft Union High School in Taft, Calif., normally has an armed guard on campus to help officials with problems that go "beyond the scope" of the administration.

But on Thursday morning, as a student showed up with a shotgun and fired two to four shots at a teacher and a classmate, the officer was nowhere to be found.
"He couldn't get there because he was snowed in," Sheriff Donny Youngblood of the Kern County Sheriff’s Department said in a press conference Thursday afternoon.

To what extent the officer's absence contributed to the situation at Taft Union will never be known. Law enforcement officials were grateful on Thursday that the impact of the shooting had been limited. The suspected shooter injured only two individuals: a teacher who received what Youngblood called a "pellet wound" to the head, which did not cause significant damage, and a 16-year-old student who was evacuated to a hospital, where he or she remained in critical but stable condition.

Had another teacher and a campus supervisor not talked the shooter down from firing more rounds, Youngblood stressed, the situation could have been far worse. Youngblood estimated that some 20 additional students were at risk. Police arrived at the scene a minute after the first calls came in at 9:00 a.m. PST., and the suspect was in custody by 9:20 a.m.

The shooting goes down as yet another chapter in a series of recent instances of gun violence. Coming at the start of what promises to be a contentious political debate around gun control legislation, it could potentially alter the course of that conversation.

That's because Taft Union High School had already adopted the type of preemptive security approach that the gun rights community has been advocating for. In a School Accountability Report Card for the 2011 to 2012 year, officials listed the following under the heading: School Safety.

"Two campus supervisors and a uniform deputy sheriff (the school resource officer) monitor the campus before, during and after school."

A separate document from the school notes that "two campus supervisors and a full-time sheriff’s deputy work with the assistant principal on matters of student welfare." The document also notes that the high school "contracts with the Kern County Sheriff’s Department to employ a full-time school resource officer to deal with truancies and disciplinary issues that are beyond the scope of our administration."

A separate law enforcement official, briefing reporters on Thursday afternoon, said he and his colleagues were grateful for the school's policy, regardless of the fact that the armed officer had been unable to make it to the school that crucial morning.

"Unfortunately they can't be every place at all times," the official said.

Others following the gun policy debate have been more critical of the idea of posting armed officials on the campus of every school, a proposal pushed by the National Rifle Association following the shooting deaths of 20 first-graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Many observers questioned both the cost and the efficacy of the idea. An armed guard, after all, had been at Columbine High School the day of the shooting there. In addition, not all mass shootings take place at schools, raising the question of whether the country should have armed officials at every mall, movie theater and house of worship as well.

But the idea does poll well. And as Vice President Joe Biden puts together a list of recommendations with his gun policy task force, it's been suggested that he could throw the NRA a bone by proposing more money to place guards at schools.

Now I am very concerned that the NRA and the Republican Party are working a NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama. When he tries to reach out to them with this fallacy of bipartisanship, these WHITE EXTREMIST reject it or deny the reality of fact. This shooting in California, gives credence to what could happen if things don't change.

School bullying is an issue that leads to mass shootings. The president will have to make things happen with or without the help of Congress. The Congress is too partisan and too extreme based on how Republican obstruction gridlocked progress.

We're in the 21st Century and yet the very same agitators from the past century are still controlling an agenda that's so far out of the mainstream.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to those who may of been lost in this tragedy.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Quvenzhané Wallis: Youngest Actress Gets Oscar Buzz!

History was made today at the Academy Awards nomination reading. Quvenzhané Wallis is only 9-years old and she became the first African American to ever receive a nomination at such an age.

The Huffington Post/Associated Press reports that Quvenzhané Wallis just made history. With the announcement of the nominees for the 85th annual Academy Awards this morning, the Louisiana-born Wallis, just 9 years old, is now the youngest ever nominee for Best Actress in a Leading Role.

Wallis, who was just 5 when she auditioned for the role in "Beasts of the Southern Wild," has received major recognition and critical acclaim for her portrayal of the character Hushpuppy.

She beat out former record-holder Keisha Castle-Hughes who was nominated for "Whale Rider" at age 13. Wallis is up for the Best Actress honor against Jessica Chastain for "Zero Dark Thirty," Jennifer Lawrence for "Siver Linings Playbook," Naomi Watts for "The Impossible," and Emmanuelle Riva for "Amour." In an interesting twist, at age 85, Riva is now the oldest nominee for Best Actress in a Leading Role. (Riva will turn 86 on Feb. 24, which is Oscar night.)

Since her breakout role in "Beasts of the Southern Wild," Wallis has now been cast in the upcoming movie "Twelve Years a Slave," which also stars Paul Giamatti, Brad Pitt, and Michael Fassbender.

"Beasts of the Southern Wild" was nominated for a total of four awards. In addition to Wallis' nod for Best Actress, "Beasts" was nominated for Best Picture, Best Director for Benh Zeitlin, and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Out!

That was a surprise. The Secretary of Labor is going to need a replacement, the first Latina woman to serve this cabinet is resigning.

Under her leadership, Secretary Hilda Solis managed to pull unemployment from 10.9% to 7.8% as it currently stands. Her leadership lead to President Barack Obama bringing over 5.3 million jobs.

Conservatives were hammering on her over the unemployment numbers because they believe that she fixed the numbers to make the president look good. But so far, more Americans feel comfortable about the economy. Although it's still a long way to go, but the nation can return the right path to pre-recession rates.

Hilda Lucia Solis (/sɵˈliːs/; born October 20, 1957) is the 25th United States Secretary of Labor, serving in the Obama administration. She is a member of the Democratic Party and served in the United States House of Representatives from 2001 to 2009, representing the 31st and 32nd congressional districts of California that include East Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley.

Solis was raised in La Puente, California, by immigrant parents from Nicaragua and Mexico. She gained degrees from the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) and the University of Southern California (USC) and worked for two federal agencies in Washington, D.C. Returning to her native state, she was elected to the Rio Hondo Community College Board of Trustees in 1985, the California State Assembly in 1992, and the California State Senate in 1994. She was the first Hispanic woman to serve in the State Senate, and was reelected there in 1998. Solis sought to pass environmental justice legislation. She was the first female recipient of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award in 2000.

President-elect Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate Solis as the next U.S. Secretary of Labor. She took office after being confirmed by the United States Senate in February 2009, becoming the first Hispanic woman to serve in the U.S. Cabinet.

In a message to colleagues Wednesday, Solis said she made the decision after discussing it with family and close friends.

Karen Mills and Hilda Solis - Obama Delivers Statement On Monthly Job Numbers At White House
President Barack Obama address nation about monthly jobs report. Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis are resigning from the Obama Administration. Chief of Staff Jack Lew will replace Geithner if confirmed.
One of the highest-ranking Hispanics in Obama's administration, Solis has won praise from labor unions for aggressive enforcement of wage and hour laws and job safety regulations. But business groups have criticized her as not taking a more cooperative approach.

President Barack Obama calls Solis "a tireless champion for working families."

Separately, the White House says that Attorney General Eric Holder, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki will remain in their posts.

The White House confirmed the development in a statement:

Over her long career in public service - as an advocate for environmental justice in California, state legislator, member of Congress and Secretary of Labor - Hilda Solis has been a tireless champion for working families. Over the last four years, Secretary Solis has been a critical member of my economic team as we have worked to recover from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and strengthen the economy for the middle class. Her efforts have helped train workers for the jobs of the future, protect workers' health and safety and put millions of Americans back to work. I am grateful to Secretary Solis for her steadfast commitment and service not only to the Administration, but on behalf of the American people. I wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

We here at Journal de la Reyna wish Ms. Solis the very best in her endeavors!

Unbelievable: Drudge Compares White House Gun Control Proposals To Hitler!

Drudge does it again! (Thanks to Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs)


Why do these agitators resort to the 20th Century for their pathetic attacks on President Barack Obama?

The Drudge Report, InfoWars and numerous others now compare the president's proposals to gun control, a theme of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Really, the 113th Congress starts off with a single digit approval rating. The Public Policy Poll states that Congress job approval is at 9%. The Gallup Poll has Congress at 15% job approval.

The Sandy Hook and Aurora tragedies of last year have spark feverish pitch for reasonable gun control.

The president's second term agenda is to act on it. The president has ordered a review on it and has Vice President Joe Biden at the helm. The vice president will meet with members of the Brady Campaign and New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. Later this week, the vice president will meet the members of the National Rifle Association and Institute for Legislative Action.

Matt Drudge is a controversial blogger who founded the Drudge Report. The conservative agitator is best known for pushing forth the sex scandal involving former president Bill Clinton and his intern Monica Lewinsky. The conservative media looks at The Drudge Report for stories that appeal to their radical causes. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and perennial loser Mitt Romney relied on the website during the 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections.

Andrew Breitbart, the late conservative agitator who died in February 2012 was a protege of the reclusive Drudge. He assisted in carrying stories that had racial themes to them. Breitbart is credited to helping push more mainstream stories on the website. Breitbart carried on with his own websites before his death.

Arianna Huffington, Rob Redding, Tucker Carlson, and Glenn Beck created their own versions news agitating websites.

Arianna Huffington, a socialite and blogger created The Huffington Post, a progressive-leaning blog. Her blog is the largest of the news agitation.

Rob Redding, a Black talk radio host and former writer for the Washington Post created the Redding News Review, a website that covers issues involving the Black community. He promotes himself as an independent voice that refuses to follow suit into the respective political parties.

Tucker Carlson was known agitator in the conservative media. He started off from CNN Crossfire. In 2004, CNN ended the program and left Carlson to explore other areas. In 2007, Carlson hosted his own program on MSNBC for a brief period. The network purged most of its conservative agitators with exception to Joe Scarborough. Carlson soon emerges on Fox News and promotes his own website called The Daily Caller, a counterbalance to the Huffington Post, according to his staff. The website is frequently mentioned by The Drudge Report.

Glenn Beck, the controversial talk show host was let go from his duties on HLN and Fox News. Without a network home, Beck decided to create his own network. It first started with his news agitating website The Blaze. The blog is catered to centralizing a movement of Tea Party principles and libertarianism. The Blaze expanded to television and through satellite provider Dish Network.

Conservatives are unhinged extremists. They have no principles. They harbor themselves in racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and extreme nationalism. Their principles will doom this nation.

Drudge is certainly going to attract attention for this splash. It's already being mentioned by conservative talk radio, right now!

It Was Bound To Happen: Rapper's Reality Show Agitated Right Wing Media!

The Million Dollar Controversy Man!

Shawty Lo, the 36 year old rapper from Atlanta, Georgia  is snapping his fingers and rolling his camera on his HUGE family. The rapper's reality show All My Baby's Mamas which is a feature on the Oxygen Network is driving outrage from Civil Rights groups and of course practically begged the conservative and White supremacy bubble to rant about it.

Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, and numerous other agitators in the conservative media are fumed up over the rapper's television special being aired on the network.

The rapper fathered 11 children by ten women and he's proud to have them! But since he's strapped on cash and probably facing legal issues, Shawty Lo wants a controversy! So what does he do?
Shawty Lo appears with T.I. at a concert. The rappers are putting their families in the spotlight with reality television shows based loosely on their lives. 
Put his HUGE family on the television!

It was bound to happen! I knew the WHITE EXTREMISTS would rush to either their local racist waterhole! They'll listen to Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Neal Boortz, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity for outrage. They'll go online to conservative agitating blogs,The Drudge Report, The Blaze and The Daily Caller to toss a word salad of racial slurs and anti-Obama rhetoric.

I knew the Civil Right groups would rush to The Huffington Post, Bossip, SOHH, ThisIs50, WorldStarHipHop and AllHipHop for the news.

What these people failed to realize about this controversy: It's assured somebody's gonna watch it! You keep on mentioning it!

Jersey Shore, Buckwild, The Real World, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, TI and Tiny: The Family Hustle, Real Housewives, Basketball Wives, The Apprentice, and American Idol are television shows that promote controversy.
Still bitchin' about President Barack Obama beating that perennial loser Mitt Romney, Sean Hannity and Neal Boortz now waste their time finding outrage with Black entertainers who create controversy. They now automatically assume that any Black entertainer who drives controversy is an example of an Obama voter!
So what! Not a huge freaking deal?

These individuals are entitled to shame Shawty Lo (born Carlos Walker). I find no care for it! It's reality television, it's supposed to be chalk full of controversy.

They find it outrage with it because they think liberals promote racism. They figured out since this rapper has "baby mamas" he's automatically an Obama supporter who supports the GUBMINT.

They didn't complain when Jon and Kate Gosselin had promoted their children in the spotlight.

They didn't complain when Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar promoted their 20 children and 2 grandchildren.

They didn't complain too much about Mike and June Thompson promoting their daughter Alana "Honey Boo Boo" for the cameras.

They didn't complain because these people are Republicans.

They complain about The Kardashians, Jersey Shore and Buckwild because these people are young, vibrant and likely liberal supporters of Barack Obama.

But since he's a rapper and the hip-hop slang for "baby mama" was used: Sound the alarms, proof there is such a thing as "liberal racism"!

Shawty Lo and his children.
Shawty Lo also can celebrate this. It helps him generate buzz for his albums and concerts.

The rapper is a former member of the hip-hop group D4L. The group was known for the song "Laffy Taffy" and "Betcha Can't Do It Like Me!" The rapper also released a solo album. The single "Dunn Dunn" and "Dey Know" helped created a buzz for the rapper. Shawty Lo is affiliated with 50 Cent's G-Unit by association. The rapper is signed to Asylum Records, a Warner Music Group company.

Shawty Lo had a minor feud with T.I. (born Clifford Harris) in 2009. They since ended their feud.

T.I. has his own reality television show and his wive Tameka Cottle-Harris has previously hosted a reality show with Lil' Wayne's former wife Toya Cater.

Since people like Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Bill O'Reilly Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, Michelle Malkin and others on television rambling on about Black racism, they'll end riling up Black voters and in turn spark another high turnout against Republicans.

By the way, I stated this before! Rachel Maddow will surpass Sean Hannity in ratings in late 2013. People are getting tired of the right wing carnival. Sean Hannity's ratings are pummeling fast. This is the latest reason for people to change the channel. A middle aged man worrying his ass off about reality television.

Hey Hannity! It's all fake! It's nothing but a ruse to generate ratings! Just like your Fox News program!

This video coming from NewsNinja2012 has the conservative agitator debating phony liberal Tamera Holder and Black extremist Deneen Borelli over the reality show and the phony outrage about it. I bet you that Hannity drops President Barack Obama's name in the segment.

Aurora Shooter In Court! [NSFW]

Staring into the abyss.

White terrorist James Holmes is appearing in court and the families of each victim affected by the shooting at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater. The preliminary hearing is a chance for family members to face the killer.

Holmes being held in confinement. His mass shooting and the Sandy Hook shooting sparked national debate on firearms and gun control.

President Barack Obama ordered a review on how to tackle gun control. He asked Vice President Joe Biden to gather up supporters of gun rights and gun control to figure out a winnable solution.
Jon Blunk was gunned down in July after he and his wife attended the Batman: The Dark Knight Rises movie.
This week alone, we've seen the unhinged continue their path to insanity. This week, conspiracy kook Alex Jones didn't help his case for gun rights. He practically embarrassed himself on CNN last night. Wayne LaPierre and Larry Pratt, are proven to be WHITE EXTREMISTS by their flagrant attacks on the president and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California). Feinstein, was a survivor of a mass shooting that killed Harvey Milk, a gay councilman who championed equal rights in San Francisco. The NRA and Gun Owner's Association are working overtime to rile up White extremist into believing the president is coming for their guns.

The Denver Post details what's going on in Aurora. The boombox would blare the music. Holmes was trying to booby trap his apartment for another massive attack on police if they should find him.

The music would draw the attention. The attention would jostle the door. The door would tug the fishing line.

The line would topple the thermos full of glycerin, and the glycerin would mix in the frying pan with the potassium permanganate to create a flame.

The flame would set the petroleum-soaked carpet on fire. The fire would light the fuses. The fuses would detonate the jars filled with homemade thermite, smokeless powder and stove-top napalm mixed with bullets. The white ammonium chloride sprinkled across the floor by the front door, that was just to scare the police.

And that, Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Garrett Gumbinner testified Tuesday in the second day of the Aurora theater shooting preliminary hearing, was one of two active explosive systems investigators found inside suspect James Holmes' apartment.

There was one more, Gumbinner said, that involved 6-inch fireworks shells, a commercial pyrotechnic firing box atop the refrigerator, another boombox, a toy car and a remote control placed by a Dumpster.

"The whole apartment would have either exploded or caught fire," Gumbinner said.

It didn't, but only because neighbors who heard the loud music just after midnight on July 20 didn't bother to bang on the door.

Gumbinner was one of two detectives who interviewed Holmes the afternoon following the early-morning shooting, hoping to gain insight into how to safely defuse the explosive tangle they say he created.

"He said he rigged his apartment to explode and catch fire," Gumbinner said. "He said he was hoping to send resources to his apartment rather than the theater. By resources I mean law enforcement."

Prosecutors honed their attention Tuesday on the devilish, meticulous plotting they say was behind the July 20 attack that killed 12 and wounded at least 58 others.
President Barack Obama meets with shooting victims in 2012 during the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado.
In addition to Gumbinner, an Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent detailed the 16 separate purchases Holmes is accused of making to acquire the four guns; 6,295 rounds of rifle, shotgun and handgun ammunition; dozens of gun magazines; ballistic gear; weapon slings; two laser sights; two tear-gas canisters; hundreds of practice targets; explosive chemicals; fireworks supplies; handcuffs; and a military first aid dressing.

ATF agent Steven Beggs said the purchases — all from online retailers or the Gander Mountain and Bass Pro Shops sporting goods stores in the metro area — began on May 10 and ended July 14. There were five purchases, alone, in the first week of July.

An Aurora detective also testified about two online dating profiles Holmes placed on the websites and Adult Friend Finder. Det. Tom Welton said in both, Holmes asked the same question: "Will you visit me in prison?"
James Holmes official mugshot from Arapahoe County.
But, as prosecutors sought to establish premeditation in the attack, Holmes' attorneys also revealed more of their strategy.

After prosecutors finished questioning Beggs, defense attorney Tamara Brady asked him whether it was illegal, for instance, to buy body armor or tear gas. Beggs said it wasn't in Colorado.

"Is there any process in place in Colorado," Brady persisted, "to screen out whether a severely mentally ill person is purchasing these items?"

Beggs said no.

In afternoon testimony, Aurora homicide Det. Craig Appel testified that police did not request a blood sample from Holmes after he was arrested. He said Holmes' pupils were wide, but that "I saw now indication that he was under the influence of anything."

But under defense questioning, he said Holmes' behavior was at times odd while he was under observation.

Paper bags had been placed over his hands to preserve evidence and Holmes played with them as though they were puppets, Appel said. He also tried to place a staple into an electrical socket, he said.

Appel also testified that investigators collected six shotgun hulls, 204 live .223 shells and 65 .223 casings from the theater. Most of the casing were found near the door to Theater 9. The .223 ammunition is what is typically used in an AR-15 type weapon. Appel said some of the bullets went through the wall of auditorium and struck people in Theater 8.

Appel also said iPhone evidence shows Holmes purchased his ticket to the midnight showing of "A Dark Knight Rises" through Fandango. The ticket was issued for Theater 8, however patrons are allowed to move between theaters, so someone who purchased a ticket for Theater 8 could watch the movie in Theater 9, he said.

In earlier testimony Tuesday, 911 calls from inside Theater 9 were played in the courtroom.

A weeping 13-year-old girl can be heard with the chaos of the theater behind her.

"My two cousins, they're sitting on the floor ... one of them" is not breathing, the girl told the dispatcher.
The Century 16 reopens despite controversy. Many complain that it's just too soon to continue business as usual. 
The teen's cousins were 6-year-old Veronica Moser-Sullivan and Veronica's mother, Ashley Moser.

The girl tells the 911 dispatcher who was trying to give CPR instructions, "I can't hear ... it's too loud ... I can't hear you. I'm so sorry."

Veronica was one of those who died. Moser was partially paralyzed.

The first 911 call came from Kevin Quinonez at 12:38 a.m., about 18 minutes after the movie "The Dark Knight Rises" started.

In the 27-second call, Aurora Police Det. Randy Hansen said he counted 30 booms, which were gunfire.

Quinonez' voice is frequently drowned out by the sound of the shots, but he can be heard saying, "There's some guy ... after us."
Lives were lost on July 20, 2012. The Aurora movie shooting was one of worst shooting in the nation's history.
Within a 10-minute period, dispatchers received 41 calls from the theater.

Some victims and family members had seats in the courtroom Tuesday and listened to the tapes as they were played. One woman covered her face with a handkerchief.

Beggs said that on June 17 Holmes bought shooting targets.

The new district attorney for the 18th Judicial District, George Brauchler, was among those in the courtroom Tuesday. He was sworn in Monday.

During the first day of testimony Monday, Aurora police officers who arrived at the theater early July 20 testified about apprehending Holmes and helping victims.

Rita Paulina, 45, whose arm was shattered in the attack, and her husband, Anggiat Situmeang, who carried her from the theater, went to the hearing Monday but refused to go into the courtroom, instead watching on a television feed set up for victims and families in another room.

The stories they heard triggered painful memories and stirred their emotions, said Situmeang, 47. As police recounted the scene they found at the theater, Situmeang recalled, "my tears were coming out."

When Paulina saw Holmes she grew frightened that he would leap up and commit mayhem in the court itself. "Our minds go back to six months ago," Situmeang said.

Sam Soudani, father of 23-year-old victim Farrah Soudani, said Monday that his daughter attended with several friends and co-workers from Red Robin.

Farrah Soudani was hit by an explosive device in the theater, her father said. She lost her spleen and a kidney and had a big gash in her side

"I'm the father. I'm here to hold her hand. Personally, I don't want to be here."

"She had a really hard time looking at him," he said of Holmes. "He has no emotion. He's like a robot."

Prosecutors hope to show there is enough evidence against Holmes for him to stand trial on 166 counts of murder, attempted murder and other crimes for the shootings at the Century Aurora 16 movie theater that left 12 dead and at least 58 injured.

John Ingold: 303-954-1068, or

Jessica Fender: 303-954-1244, or
Denver Post staff writers Electa Draper and Tom McGhee contributed to this report.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Extremist Wants To Deport Piers Morgan!

Alex Jones is fired up! Worried about the end of days! But yet he manages to turn a profit!

Conspiracy kook Alex Jones made himself look like a fool in front of tabloid journalist Piers Morgan. Of course, his gullible audience will say that he mopped the floor with Morgan. It would be funny if not sad that to make yourself a part of the news, you would get into a shouting match for ratings. Great tactic Piers Morgan. You may be a worthy competitor to agitators Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow

It's the talk of the nation: gun control!

Since the Sandy Hook shooting, many Americans are now turning to Washington, DC for swift action on gun control. The National Rifle Association, Gun Owner's Association, Republicans and their conservative allies in the media are trying to hyperbole everything into the blame.
Alex Jones confronts Piers Morgan. The exchange was contentious.
The NRA blames President Barack Obama, the entertainment industry (i.e. video games, hip-hop music, movies, television programs, etc.) and gun control advocates for Sandy Hook. The NRA thinks its reasonable to have armed guards in America's schools.

The United Kingdom has strict gun control laws and less violence in number to domestic attacks by firearms.

Piers Morgan makes no bones about gun control. He's gotten into shouting matches with firearm supporters and it's riled them up! Morgan got into it with WHITE EXTREMIST Larry Pratt of the Gun Owner's Association. That lit up the internet and got PrisonPlanet/InfoWars/radio host Alex Jones ribbed.

Jones and his advocates took to the White House petition website to demand that Morgan be sent back to the United Kingdom (hereby banning him for speaking out against the Second Amendment of the Bill Of Rights).

Jones is no stranger to agitation. He's hated by both the left and right as a kook. While he's promoting the end of days, Jones is selling survivor kits and food preparation meals. The fool is a "prepper" and "Christian Identity" extremist. The Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League calls him an agitator of the "right wing extremism". His commentary and website promotes the 9/11 and birther conspiracies.
Little Green Footballs founder Charles Johnson, disassociated himself from the conservative movement after numerous racial attacks on President Barack Obama and the Black community from the likes of Matt Drudge, Michelle Malkin and Alex Jones. These three agitators were instrumental in posting stories about racial unrest. Little Green Footballs was once a conservative website, it leans liberal now!
The Drudge Report has put forth stories on the website about potential "racial unrest" in the nation due to the reelection of President Barack Obama. During the 2012 U.S. Elections, Alex Jones and his allies were posting stories about Black violence in urban areas. Matt Drudge was tipped off and it landed on his website.

It wouldn't be worth my time to explain this character. He's shady.

Jones would count himself as an agitator of the conservative media.

The man who wants Piers Morgan deported for advocating gun control faced off with the CNN host on Morgan's show Monday night, denouncing Morgan as "a hatchet man of the New World Order" and warning of a new American revolution.

Radio talk show host Alex Jones backed a petition on the White House website calling on Morgan, a British citizen, to be deported "for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens."

Alex Jones: "The Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns"

"We did (this) to point out that this is globalism, and the megabanks that control the planet and brag they have taken over in Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, you name it -- brag they're going to get our guns as well," said Jones, who said his show is carried on 140 U.S. stations.

Morgan has been outspoken in calling for restrictions of semi-automatic rifles like the kind used in last year's mass killings in Newtown, Connecticut, and Aurora, Colorado. But Jones said the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of a right to bear arms "isn't there for duck hunting. It's there to protect us from tyrannical government and street thugs."

"Hitler took the guns. Stalin took the guns. Mao took the guns. Fidel Castro took the guns. Hugo Chavez took the guns. And I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms," Jones shouted.

This is a portion of CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight in which he engages with Alex Jones.

Monday, January 07, 2013

Teen Caught In Failed Mass Shooting Plot!

Derek Shrout may get life in prison for his plot to carry out a massacre on his high school. The teenager claims he's a devoted White supremacist. Yeah, wait til you go to prison. They'll eat this boy alive. You notice that the police officers escorting him to the courtroom are Black! An insult right?

A self proclaimed White supremacist was caught over the weekend after its was revealed the extremist tried to plot a mass shooting and bombing at his high school.

I guess he wanted to top the Sandy Hook shooting! It's a good thing that someone ratted this White terrorist out! It could of have been another mass shooting in an American school.

The Ledger-Enquirer based out of Columbus, Georgia, reports that the teenager wanted to commit a massacre! The reelection of President Barack Obama has driven the hate up! Firearm sales are up and conservative agitators in the media continue to push forth more divisive controversies that trigger the mentally disturbed to commit an act of terrorism.

Derek Shrout, 17, was released Monday afternoon from Russell County Jail on a $75,000 bond after he was arrested for allegedly planning to use homemade explosives in a terrorist attack on fellow students at Russell County High School in Seale, Ala.

Judge Albert Johnson set the following conditions for Shrout: He must remain at home; wear a GPS locator bracelet on his ankle; refrain from initiating contact with anyone connected to the school; and be monitored by a parent while on the Internet.

Johnson scheduled Shrout’s preliminary hearing for Feb. 12 at 9 a.m.

Shrout’s hands and ankles were chained as deputies escorted him into the courtroom Monday. He made no comment during his bond hearing. His attorney, Jeremy Armstrong, entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf.

After the hearing, Shrout’s family members declined comment. Armstrong said the case against Shrout is an overreaction in the wake of last month’s shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

“Our position is that our client had no intention to harm anybody,” Armstrong said.

Russell County Sheriff Heath Taylor said Sunday a search of Shrout’s home Friday found about a couple dozen small tobacco cans and two large cans, all with holes drilled in them and containing pellets.

Russell County Sheriff Heath Taylor said Sunday a search of Shrout’s home Friday found about a couple dozen small tobacco cans and two large cans, all with holes drilled in them and containing pellets.

He said other ingredients to complete the small bombs such as black powder, butane and fuses were not found.

Taylor said the devices were just “a step or two away from being ready to explode.”

Shrout described the bombs he was making in a journal, Taylor said, and, if completed the way Shrout described, the bombs would have blown up.
Chew bombs. Shrout planned to have homemade grenades installed in chewing tobacco tins.  
“It would have been serious,” Taylor said.

A teacher found the journal, determined it belonged to Shrout and gave it to an administrator who got it to School Resource Officer Tommy Morrison, one of Taylor’s deputies. He recognized the potential for danger, and Shrout was brought in for questioning, Taylor said.

Taylor said Shrout claimed the writing in the journal to be fictitious, but Shrout’s parents, whom Taylor called “very cooperative,” allowed a search of the house and the bomb materials were located.

Russell County Sheriff’s Deputy David Webster arrested Shrout on Friday evening in the department’s headquarters and charged him with first-degree attempted assault. It is Shrout’s first arrest, according to the report. The report also shows that Shrout lives on Pope Street in Fort Mitchell, Ala., and was born in Manassas, Va.

Shrout admitted to being a white supremacist, according to authorities.

“He has a lot of pent-up anger toward blacks,” Taylor said.

Russell County junior Jessica Watkins confirmed Shrout’s racist reputation.

Although he is a senior, Shrout is in Watkins’ history class this year to make up credits after transferring from out of state with his military family in October, she said. Watkins sat in Shrout’s seat Monday and was horrified by what she saw written on the desk.

“It said, ‘white power’ with the F-word, and it was covered in Nazi symbols,” Watkins said. The teacher tried to scrub it off, she said, but couldn’t because it was in permanent marker.

Shrout often would holler “white power” and make a “W” sign with his fingers and hold it to his chest, Watkins said. “But I always thought he was joking around,” she said.

Watkins said he heard that the Hispanic and black students mentioned as targets in Shrout’s journal were in her history class. “I teared up when I found out,” she said. “That was our lives he was going for.”

Shrout was involved in JROTC and often wore camouflage and boots, but he also has a soft side, Watkins said. Shrout helped Watkins study in class. “He was always so quiet and sweet,” she said.

Most puzzling to Watkins, she said, is that Shrout would use the N-word and other racial slurs, but a black student was considered his best friend., GA News Weather


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