Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The invisible pregnancies of presidential daughters.

The invisible pregnancies of presidential daughters. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

Is Sarah Palin the first nominee on a major-party presidential ticket whose daughter got pregnant out of wedlock? Or is she just the first whose daughter didn't get an abortion?

The reason you're reading about Bristol Palin's pregnancy is that she's taking it to term. If she had aborted it, you'd never have known. Which raises the question: How many other daughters of nominees have gotten knocked up without your knowledge?

A Tour Of Poor Dayton - Let's take a ride down Salem Avenue [Months Later]

None of us is safe from police raids

None of us is safe from police raids -- baltimoresun.com

Prince George's County case offers a window into the brutal reality of paramilitary-style no-knock drug invasions

By Vera Leone

Imagine you're Cheye Calvo, the white mayor of Berwyn Heights, an affluent part of Prince George's County. Coming home one night in late July, you find on your front porch a large package that, unbeknownst to you, happens to contain a lot of marijuana. As it turns out, your spouse is the victim of a drug-smuggling scheme that targets innocent customers in the UPS system. You bring the box inside; moments later, the SWAT officers standing by break in and shoot your two beautiful Labradors. As the dogs lie there bleeding to death, you're held in the same room, handcuffed for hours. Nearly a month later, you have yet to receive an apology.

Because of who he is, the nation knows what happened to Mr. Calvo a few weeks ago. Here's what most Americans don't know: There are perhaps 40,000 such raids each year, according to a Cato Institute report, "Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America."

Now try to imagine that instead of a middle-class white man in the Maryland suburbs, you're a young Latino boy in Modesto, Calif. Shortly before dawn, in early September 2000, a SWAT team forces its way into your house. Thirty seconds later, although you comply with police orders to lie face down on the floor, you are dead from a shotgun blast to the back. The officer responsible is later cleared of wrongdoing in what is concluded an accidental shooting - though it was not the first time his weapon had "accidentally" discharged during a raid. Alberto Sepulveda had just begun the seventh grade.

Newsvine - Restraining order sought against police at RNC after independent journalists repeatedly targeted.

Lawyer and advocacy groups gathered in front of the Hennepin County Government Center this afternoon to request temporary restraining orders against police before the Republican National Convention kicks off on Monday. The request is due to a concern over increased incidences of unlawful seizure of media equipment being utilized by independent media groups and journalists. The legal order is aimed at preventing police to seize equipment such as video and still cameras, audio recording devices, and cell phones that may have these features.

Monday, September 01, 2008

VP Nominee Says Teen Daughter Is Pregnant

VP Nominee Says Teen Daughter Is Pregnant : NPR

Day to Day, September 1, 2008 · John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin says that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months' pregnant. Palin says her daughter Bristol will keep the baby and marry the baby's father.

Did a Mississippi Raid Protect Rightwing Politicians?

t r u t h o u t | Did a Mississippi Raid Protect Rightwing Politicians?photo

Laurel, Mississippi - On August 25, immigration agents swooped down on Howard Industries, a Mississippi electrical equipment factory, taking 481 workers to a privately-run detention center in Jena, Louisiana. A hundred and six women were also arrested at the plant, and released wearing electronic monitoring devices on their ankles if they had children, or without them if they were pregnant. Eight workers were taken to Federal court in Hattiesburg, where they were charged with aggravated identity theft.

Afterwards Barbara Gonzalez, spokesperson for the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), stated the raid took place because of a tip by a "union member" two years before. Other media accounts focused on an incident in which plant workers allegedly cheered as their coworkers were led away by ICE agents. The articles claim the plant was torn by tension between immigrant and non-immigrant workers, and that unions in Mississippi are hostile to immigrants.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blackwater Preparing to Deploy Into Areas Affected by Hurricane Gustav

Citizens for Legitimate Government

Bring it On

Email disseminated 29 August 2008 from Blackwater Worldwide

Blackwater Worldwide

Security for Hurricane Gustav

Blackwater is compiling a list of qualified security personnel for possible deployment into areas affected by Hurricane Gustav.
Applicants must meet all items listed under the respective Officer posting and be US citizens. Contract length is TBD.

Law Enforcement Officers (all criteria must apply)

1. Current sworn [may be full time, part time or reserve]
2. With arrest powers
3. Armed status (must indicate Armed and/or Semi Auto. Revolver only not accepted) expiration must be greater than 60 days out
4. Departmental credentials (not just a badge)

Armed Security Officers (all criteria must apply)

Only from the following states: OR, WA, CA, NV, NM, AZ, TX, FL, GA, SC, NC, VA, MD, IL, OK

1. Current/active/licensed/registered armed security officer
2. All training verification [unarmed and armed certificates of completion]
3. Current state issued face card indicting armed status [expiration must be greater than 60 days out]

Applicants will be required to provide an electronic copy of the above required credentials/documents, recent photo within the last six months with response to this AD prior to consideration for deployment.

Personnel who meet the above qualifications and are interested, please send resumes and files to: 25505@blackwaterusa2.hrmdirect.com.

'When crisis or disaster strikes the Blackwater Foundation reaches out to help those in need.'

Saturday, August 30, 2008

"Crazy" John Mc Cain chooses Gov. Palin of Alaska as his second...What will the hardcore misogynist Radial Right think about this?

Inteligentaindigena Indigenismo Novajoservo: "Crazy" John Mc Cain chooses Gov. Palin ofDAYTON, OHIO - AUGUST 29:  Presumptive Republi... Alaska as his second...What will the hardcore mysoginist Radial Right think about this?

Image by Getty Images via Daylife An Angryindian Editorial -

So, John "I can say Gook if I want to" McCain has finally announced his running mate, "Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a self-defined "hockey mom" who like Democratic Party pick Barack Obama has only recently entered political service is the "surprise" GOP Vice-Presidential candidate.

I for one cannot understand why anyone would be surprised since she logically helps balance McCain out with the Christian Right. She accepts Creationism, opposes abortion rights, laughs at his off-colour jokes and evidently does not personally see a problem with McCain's anti-female screeds that offend most everybody else. In effect, she is the perfect comic foil to McCain's Colonel Klink who will, as he has for the past several months, continue to stumble, misidentify or gaffe his way through his presidency should he be elected, or appointed by the corporate class like George W. Bush.

Being female she could sucker some of the disaffected among Hillary Clinton’s firm supporters but in the end it’s a White woman representing the elite classes versus the “Black Muslim” from the anti-White church with the White mama and funny name.

I could go on, but others have done the work already:
Who’s That Lady?
Poll: Voters uncertain on Palin
Palin currently being investigated for abuse of office
McCain VP pick laughed as radio host called Alaskan Senator a 'b*tch' and a 'cancer'

Exclusive: Chief Fired by Palin Speaks Out
Palin's Wikipedia Entry Gets Overhaul

Thanks To Palin, It's All About Abortion Now

Fox Pundit: Alaska ‘Right Next Door to Russia’
“Fox & Friends” co-host and international relations genius Steve Doocy filled some time before John McCain’s official VP unveiling extravaganza on Friday by suggesting that McCain’s chosen She-publican, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, is actually a formidable player on the world stage because of Alaska’s proximity to Russia.

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FISA court rejects ACLU request for transparency

The Raw Story | FISA court rejects ACLU request for transparency

A court created by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act denied an ACLU motion Thursday that would have increased public scrutiny of how the Bush administration's new spying law is reviewed, according to a statement released Friday.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed the motion 10 hours after President Bush signed the FISA Amendments Act (FAA) into law July 10, requesting that any further proceedings that might question the law's constitutionality be revealed to the public, according to an ACLU press release.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

DNC Protests: Police slam CodePink protester to the ground

YouTube - DNC Protests: Police slam CodePink protester to the ground

Police slam CodePink protester to the ground, call her a "bitch" before arresting her.

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"Because Obama Is Black" - Denver plot revealed, but only gun and drug charges for three

"Because Obama Is Black" - August 26, 2008

AUGUST 26--The U.S. Attorney's office in Colorado filed felony weapon and drug charges today against Tharin Gartrell, Nathan Johnson, and Shawn Adolf, three idiots allegedly involved in a plot to kill Senator Barack Obama.

According to an affidavit filed in federal court in Denver, an excerpt of which you'll find below, an unnamed female told a Secret Service agent that she went to a hotel room on Saturday with the three men and another woman to "'chill and do drugs'" and that the men discussed how they "'could not believe how close he (Obama) was to becoming president,' and that no 'nigger' should ever live in the White House.

" The woman also told the agent that Adolf, 33, believed that the prospective Democratic presidential nominee had a suite on the third floor of the same Hyatt hotel in which they had rented their room. Johnson, 32, who began to cry during his questioning by the Secret Service admitted that Adolf had previously threatened to kill the Illinois senator and that the group's desire to assassinate him was not political, but "because Obama is black."

While none of the men have been charged with making threats against Obama, the trio came to the attention of the authorities after Aurora police stopped Gartrell, 28, for suspected drunk driving. A search of the vehicle turned up rifles (one with a scope), ammunition, a bulletproof vest, walkie-talkies, and drugs. Gartrell, Johnson, and Adolf are pictured above in mug shots from left to right. (6 pages)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So-called "Hispanic" Heritage Month

Los Indios: So-called "Hispanic" Heritage Month

Despite my own contentions with the term "Hispanic" because of its obvious conveyance of Spain's cultural dominance over our identity, the following article is good. It shows the denial and reluctance to accept who we are as so-called "Latin Americans" which stems from the conditioning and miseducation we received over the past 516 years of oppression. This labels of identity, fostered by someone other than our own selves, that we ultimately aligned ourselves with and pledge allegiance to, as if the people who created these terms had the majorities best cultural interest in mind.

Afro-Latino’s View on National Hispanic Heritage Month
Written by Christopher Rodriguez - Blacktino.net

"National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated throughout the nation between the dates of September 15 and October 15, to observe the historical contributions Hispanics/Latinos have made in the United States especially in the arts, literature, music, politics and education.

Since I was born in the United States, this was a great opportunity to celebrate the diversity of people, which has become a hallmark of our nation’s history.

Video Exclusive: Alex Jones confrontation with Michelle Malkin at DNC

Peoples Press Collective » Video Exclusive: Michelle Malkin Attacked at DNC; “Kill Michelle Malkin”

Michelle Malkin was attacked by protesters and conspiracy nut Alex Jones during the “Shake Your Money Maker” event while Recreate68 attempted to levitate the Denver Mint. Another protester began shouting “Kill Michelle Malkin.”

Lame MSM description of the event, another reason for new media and not relying on the MSM for accurate coverage.

Gateway Pundit was there as well and has photos and another video.

[11:15 - bumping to top]


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