Sunday, May 15, 2016

Satirist Faces Ire After Publishing Sexist Cartoon!

This cartoonist wanted to poke fun at First Lady Michelle Obama and Melania Trump, the wife of presumptive Republican nominee Donald J. Trump.

This cartoonist is gaga for Trump. He makes it no secret that he's no fan of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

He goes all out with a sexist and borderline racist depiction of the first lady looking like a "man".

Check this nonsense out for yourself.

The cartoon was published by Ben Garrison who entitled this piece #MakeTheFirstLadyGreatAgain.

This cartoon gives the impression that the First Lady is a transexaul or a butch. Regardless of this, this is an example of what Republicans think of the First Lady of the United States, who happens to be a Black woman.

A professional Black woman who a mother. A woman went to Princeton and the Harvard Law School to become an educated lawyer is regarded by the sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic racists as a "transexual".

The cartoonist who drew this shit. Ben Garrison claims he's a "One Man Klan".
This is an insult towards Black women, transgender women and White women. To depict Melania Trump only as a beauty model instead of a business mogul is sexist too.

To make the impression that White women are more feminine than Black women is pretty damn racist.

Garrison claims he's a "One Man Klan" on the illustrations. You should see how he depicts Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.
This is how Ben Garrison depicts Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
He believes political correctness is killing America.

Garrison's cartoon shows the public that Trump isn't supportive of women's rights.

Any thoughts on this controversy?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Ohio Man Got Cut By A Racial Agitator!

Dayton man was hurt after being confronted over his relationship with a White woman.

Just when you thought that it couldn't happen in my community, here comes this bit of news. A Black man was treated from injuries sustained from an attack perceived as a hate crime. It happened in my city of Dayton, Ohio.

WHIO reports that the victim claimed that he was harassed by the attacker because he was involved with a woman who was White.

The alleged attack happened on Friday. The attacker had called the victim racial slurs and tried to instigate a fight. This ongoing conflict started over a four day period.

The victim was working on a door when the attack happened. The attacker pulled out a knife and swiped the victim in the arm.

The victim grabbed a hammer that was nearby and fought back and the attacker ran away after accidentally cutting himself with his own knife.

Dayton Police are searching for witnesses. If the suspect is caught, he will face felonious assault charges and if the situation turns out to be racial angst, then the feds may charge him with violation of the civil rights. Each charge could land the suspect in the iron college for 10 years.

Twitter Caged Rap Troll Azealia Banks!

Twitter puts an end to the trolling. Azealia Banks popped off one too many times and now she'll pay for it.

The Queen of Mean got blocked on social media after making a racially homophobic set of posts.

Azealia Banks, the rapper and fashion model once again creates a shitstorm and it's finally taken a toll with the folks over at Twitter. Banks engaged in a feud with former One Direction star Zayn Malik.

Banks also lost her performance gig. She is banned from performing in the United Kingdom.

Banks went in the wrong direction on Tuesday when she took offense to some of Malik's tweets, which she assumed were aimed at her. She responded with inflammatory tweets about the former One Direction member which included racial and gay slurs.

Then Banks decided to aim at a Disney actress. 14-year-old Disney Skai Jackson wasn't spared from the word vomit that rapper posted on social media. This one created a ton of buzz. Banks went after the young star in a series of insulting tweets after Jackson tweeted, "Azealia Banks needs to simmer down a little."

The Guardian reports that Banks, who rose to fame after the release of her 2012 debut single 212, and recently caused a stir when she publicly endorsed Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, has become well known for her inflammatory and unfiltered Twitter presence.

She has feuded on social media with Rita Ora and Lily Allen, and used homophobic slurs in one particularly memorable spat with blogger Perez Hilton.

In one instance, she tweeted in a derogatory fashion about the more than three dozen women who have come forward over the last year or so with accusations of sexual assault against Bill Cosby.

In September 2015 she allegedly attacked a man who blocked her path when she was trying to disembark a flight in Los Angeles, and used another homophobic slur against a flight attendant who tried to step in.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Trump's Butler Threatens Obama!

Trump's former butler is an old troll. He threatened President Barack Obama and has used racial slurs online.

Looks like we're well on our way to the long hot summer. The Trump campaign had to put some distance from a former butler who now runs one of Donald Trump's properties after it was revealed that he posted on social media threats towards President Barack Obama.

Anthony Senecal, who worked as Donald Trump's butler for 17 years before being named the in-house historian at the tycoon's Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, has repeatedly published posts on his Facebook page that express profound hatred for Obama and declare he should be killed.

Senecal, who is 84, says he has been employed at Mar-a-Lago since about 1959. Trump acquired the property in 1985, and Senecal remained on staff. "As [Trump] says, I came with the furniture," Senecal remarks. About seven years later, he became the butler for the celebrity mogul who is now the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee. In 2009, Senecal informed Trump he wanted to resign as butler, and Trump persuaded him to stay on as the in-house historian at Mar-a-Lago. There is no salary for the job, Senecal says, but he makes money leading tours of the estate.

Senecal regularly posts screeds on his Facebook page from a far-right perspective in which he decries Obama and his wife—along with Hillary Clinton, other Democrats, and Republican leaders. He often refers to Obama as "zero," and several times he has called for the president's execution. He confirms that he has written all the posts on the page that have appeared under his name. "It's all me," he says.

You can hate the president. You have a right to disagree with the president or Congress.

But you can't threaten the president and the family, the vice president and his/her family, the candidates running for president, the nominees of each respective party, their families, the Speaker of the House, the Majority Leader or foreign leaders here in the United States.

The U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Marshals might visit you at home or at your job. You might be charged with a crime. You could spend up to 10 years in federal time out.

Is the most annoying conservative agitator going to mention this on his right wing carnival? Remember Sean Hannity was so obsessed with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers and did everything he could to try to defeat President Barack Obama.

Mother Jones who is famous for the 47% comments by perennial loser Mitt Romney made this explosive story about the friends and associates that Trump keeps. I don't know if this is going to slow down the controversial billionaire's strength. He's already more polarizing than Hillary Clinton.

He's has heavy negatives on his shoulder.

You remember that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity was so obsessed with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. He seriously believed that "guilt by association" would doom Barack Obama's chances in the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns. It didn't work and he was soon demoted to 10pm and lost syndicators for that. He's downplayed the impact claiming that it's basically a move to spend time with family. But seriously, he's tanking and people are watching.

From now on, this annoying agitator will be referred to as "Softball" Hannity. He openly admits to being a concern troll, a pain in the ass and a butt kisser. Softball Hannity is not going to bring this up.

He admits openly that if he had Obama or Hillary Clinton on his show, he would be 100 times harder on them than Donald Trump. After all, Mr. Trump gives Softball Hannity access to his campaign is actually helping him pick a running mate. They are hoping that washed-up slob Newt Gingrich will be Trump's second banana.

Yeah, we're the critics who sit in our underwear hoping you may say something dumb so we can actually get some talent on radio and television. We watch you as you become more paranoid and delusional. We wait patiently for your downfall.

If Donald Trump loses, I may be the first to post on social media, "The End of the Road" for Softball Hannity, old fart Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge's conservative Craigslist.

Mother Jones has went hard on Trump. They are hoping something would stick because so far Trump's rising and it's given grave concern to world leaders.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Dropping The Bomb On "Stupidity"!

Destiny Watson (Provided by the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office)
In order to pull off a dine-and-dash, woman calls in a fake bomb threat.

Destiny Watson wins the "You Can't Fix Stupid" award for calling in a fake robbery threat to get out of fast food bill. The Cincinnati area woman was at a Gold Star Chili eating her heart's content.

When she was given a bill, she say that she had to go to the restroom to find her credit card, "she will be back!" In the restroom she phones in 911. She said that the Gold Star Chili location had a robbery and there's a bomb inside.

It didn't take long before the police and fire department arrived. They questioned the workers asking them if there's any suspicious activity in the area. The worker said no. So as the woman exits the restroom, the law questions her.

Watson consents to a search of her purse and phone. She admits to make a bomb threat to skip a bill.
A Taste of Cincinnati, Gold Star Chili. 
Watson was booked in the Hamilton County lockup on charges of inducing panic, misuse of 911, and theft. She has a court date in the coming days.

Her dine-and-dash "bombed". The law said that Watson made the situation even more troubling seeing that the location in Mt. Healthy was actually robbed by three assailants. They ended up robbing customers and workers.

Watson is innocent until proven guilty and if found guilty she could face a year in the iron college and a hefty fine.

Of course, she might be banned for life from area Gold Star Chili locations.

Obama Throws Shade At Pat McCrory!

Pres. Barack Obama greets Pat McCrory, the Republican governor of North Carolina.

In Donald Trump's America, you can ban a transgender woman from using the women's restroom because at birth she was born a boy.

The Republicans in the South are still seething over the Supreme Court's decision to make marriage equal in the country. Now they're trying to sneak around the law to make life miserable for the LGBT Americans living in their states.

The North Carolina governor is hoping to rally supporters to his cause. He decides to fight against the U.S. Justice Department in a last ditch effort to bring support for the "bathroom law" that mandates citizens to use the public restroom assigned to their given birth. Those opposed to the law see it as state mandated discrimination against those who are transgender.

The feds have thrown shade on the law. The U.S. Justice Department has thrown a federal lawsuit against the governor and his cronies. The governor struck back and filed a countersuit saying that the government meddling in the law is overreach.

President Barack Obama gave McCrory the third salute today. In a sweeping move, the president issued an executive order giving transgender students full access to use any public restroom or facility according to their gender identity.

The letter, signed by officials from the Education and Justice departments, does not have the force of law but contains an implicit threat that schools which do not abide by the Obama administration’s interpretation of the law could face lawsuits or a loss of federal aid.
Yes we still believe in a mens and womens restroom. But we also believe that transgender Americans have the right to use the mens and womens restroom.
"There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex," U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a statement.

"This guidance gives administrators, teachers, and parents the tools they need to protect transgender students from peer harassment and to identify and address unjust school policies," she said.

The move comes as the Obama administration and North Carolina battle in federal court over a state law passed in March that limits public bathroom access for transgender people.

By passing the law, North Carolina became the first state in the country to ban people from using multiple occupancy restrooms or changing rooms in public buildings and schools that do not match the sex on their birth certificate.

"No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus," Education Secretary John King Jr. said in a statement.
Protesters in Raleigh, NC.
"We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence," he said.

The Obama administration letter will say schools may not require transgender students to have a medical diagnosis, undergo any medical treatment, or produce a birth certificate or other document before treating them according to their gender identity.

Pat McCrory is the Republican governor who divided the nation.

Donald Trump is the most polarizing candidate running for president. Trump did speak on the law being bad for North Carolina. He quickly retracted his comments saying the matter is a "state's rights" issue.

Trump's allies in the junk food media (i.e. The Drudge Report, InfoWars, that annoying agitator Sean Hannity, Fox News, and Breitbart) have ignored this controversy.

Conservative Outrage Driven By Obama's Visit To Hiroshima!

Conservatives are worked up over President Barack Obama's anticipated visit to Hiroshima, Japan.

Barack Obama will be the first president to visit the Hiroshima bombing site. This historic visit is to advocate for a nuclear free world and remind the public the impact of wars.

Obama's visit to Japan isn't marred without controversy. 

Cue the conservative outrage. 

According to conservatives, Obama's visit to Hiroshima is an apology tour. Given the last time they were outraged, Obama met with Raul Castro. 

And of course, how can we not forget the time they got riled up over the president being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in his first nine months.

The White House has said the United States does not owe Japan a formal apology for using the atomic bomb in August 1945. Instead, officials say the visit will serve as a reminder the terrible destruction that nuclear weapons can inflict.

CNN reports that "He will not revisit the decision to use the atomic bomb at the end of World War II," Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy national security adviser, wrote on Medium Tuesday. "Instead, he will offer a forward-looking vision focused on our shared future."
President Barack Obama with Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe
Rhodes said Obama would deliver remarks on nuclear non-proliferation -- a central tenet of the 
President's foreign policy -- during the stop in Hiroshima, which is scheduled for May 27. That agenda hasn't always proved popular. The nuclear deal brokered between Iran and western powers is derided by Republicans, and the presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump has suggested that countries like Japan and South Korea should have access to nuclear weapons. Obama called that idea dangerous, and said it reflected Trump's ignorance of foreign affairs.

The White House said Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe would accompany Obama on the stop, which comes after a meeting of the Group of 7 in Ise-Shima.

In Hiroshima, Obama will tour the Peace Memorial Park, constructed atop the busy commercial district obliterated by the bomb. Earlier this year, Secretary of State John Kerry became the highest-ranking U.S. official to pay respects at the site, and hinted that Obama would soon make his own visit.

"The President and his team will make this visit knowing that the open recognition of history is essential to understanding our shared past, the forces that shape the world we live in today, and the future that we seek for our children and grandchildren," Rhodes wrote.

The United States entered World World II in 1941 after the Japanese done a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. 

World War II was one of the most deadliest acts of aggression in world history.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was tempted to drop the atomic bomb on Japan after this attack. He would die in office and his predecessor Harry S. Truman went ahead and ordered bomb drop on two major cities in Japan.

The bombings killed 218,000 people. It led to Japan surrendering to the Allied Forces. 

Let's Make Nice!

Paul Ryan meets with Donald Trump.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) met with Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump today.

The two were feuding over Ryan's refusal to endorse the candidate. That set off a slew of controversy.

Many see this attempt to at least find common ground given the highly polarizing Republican primaries.

Trump is determined to win over the hearts of skeptical Republicans who fear that his rhetoric could doom their chances at winning the White House.

“The United States cannot afford another 40 years of the Obama White House, which is what Hillary Clinton represents,” the pair wrote. “That is why it’s critical that Republicans unite around our shared principles, advance a conservative agenda, and do all that we can to win this fall. With that focus, we had a great conversation this morning.”

“While we were honest about our few differences, we recognize that there are also many important areas of common ground,” the statement continues. “We will be having additional conversations, but remain confident there’s a great opportunity to unify our party and win this fall, and we are totally committed to working together to achieve that goal.”

“We are extremely proud of the fact that many millions of new voters have entered the primary system, far more than ever before in the Republican Party’s history. This was our first meeting, but is a very positive step towards unification,” they conclude.

The controversial media mogul has called for banning Muslims entering the United States. Trump has called immigrants, rapists, drug dealers and criminals. Trump has said that Mexico will be responsible for paying for the border wall that he promises to build.

Trump beaten 16 candidates in one of the most contentious Republican primaries ever.

Under the whem of Ryan's buddy, Republican chairman Reince Priebus, the two met for a few hours to discuss concerns about his campaign.

Trump also had to kick out a delegate who was a devout White extremists. William Johnson was chosen to be a California delegate for Trump. He made robocalls and even went forth to stump for Trump. It turns out that he's hoping that Trump could win so he can enact his hateful agenda.

Zimmerman's Broke So He's Auctioning The Gun!


The gun that killed Trayvon Martin is being auctioned by the controversial Florida man who managed to be acquitted from second degree murder. George Zimmerman is broke and he's begging for attention.

He decides to troll the elections. He's a Trump supporter and he's willing to help the Republican defeat the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin endorsed Clinton for president. It riled up Zimmerman because he felt that he's being "scapegoated" by the junk food media for getting away with murder.

In February 2012, Zimmerman was former neighborhood volunteer who followed Trayvon Martin through a gated housing complex in Sanford, Florida. Zimmerman called 911 to report suspicious activity. The operator told him to wait on assistance. He didn't and went to confront Trayvon.

Apparently the two got into a fight and Zimmerman shot Trayvon in the chest killing him.

The Sanford Police ended up not arresting him and it led to Governor Rick Scott to appoint a special prosecutor to charge Zimmerman. In July 2013, Zimmerman was found not guilty on the charges of murder.

He would end up being a free man but forever tarnished. He had run-ins with the law. He was accused of assaulting his ex-wife and girlfriend.

He openly post offensive crap on social media.

To this day, he doesn't apologize for the incident and urges more Americans to take arms to prevent more "Trayvons". He wants to be a thorn in the hairs of Clinton and #BlackLivesMatter.

"I’m a free American," Zimmerman said of his decision. "I can do what I like with my possessions."

George Zimmerman Is....

Cashing off his celebrity.
Annoying as hell.
A cold-blooded killer.
Begging for attention.
About to meet his maker.
A hero.
make a quiz

This is another example of the pathetic behavior caused by the country's most hated man. A man who believes that his new found celebrity is worth more than gold.

UPDATE: The auction was apparently canceled today. The public outcry managed to get the dealer to end his partnership with Zimmerman.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Former SC Cop Faces Federal Indictment!

Slager got served with federal charges.

On top of a possible LIGHTS OUT COCKTAIL, the feds decide to stick former South Carolina officer Michael Slager with charges of violating the civil rights of an unarmed man who was gutted by him.

Walter Scott's name would have been tarnished by conservatives and the #ALLIVESMATTER crowd if it wasn't for an eyewitness showing clearly Slager murdering him in cold blood. Slager who worked for the North Charleston Police did a routine pull over of Scott.

Scott was pulled over. After giving the reason for pull over, Scott bolted from the vehicle and Slager gave chase. He would deploy the Taser on Scott.

Scott would get out of the Taser barbs and that's when Slager would pop his service weapon on him eight times. As Scott was lying on the ground, Slager would kick his Taser over by his dying body.

The South Carolina State Patrol and the U.S. Justice Department served Slager with this charge.

He will appear in federal court today.

Michael Slager is innocent until proven guilty. If found guilty of the state charges, he could face the LIGHTS OUT COCKTAIL or LIFE in the iron college. If found guilty on the civil rights violation charges, he could face 20 years in federal time out.

World News Today continue to send our condolences to the family of Walter Scott.

New York Post Runs Another Sexist Attack On Clinton!

Here's what the racist, sexist and Islamophobic New York Post put out today. This was linked up through the conservative Craigslist and it had this photoshopped image of Hillary Clinton on the race of one of contestants of Miss Universe.

The title "STOP THE CORONATION!" It had the features of Bernie wins another primary. It also brings light to Donald Trump and Clinton in a match up. They claim that Trump and Clinton are in hypothetical tie in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

It even pokes fun of Steve Harvey. When he hosted the Miss Universe pageant, he mistaken the runner-up as the winner. He quickly apologized and the junk food media lauded him for the error.

See we're living a country where right-wing extremism is on the rise. Who's leading the way?

Donald J. Trump.

Let's remind you that Trump is a birther. He made the case to say President Barack Obama not being a naturally born citizen. He made the case to say that immigrants come to the United States with drugs and rape. He would love to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border and have Mexico pay for it. He said that he would ban Muslims coming into the United States. He says that #BlackLivesMatter is anti-cop and the cops  should be respected even if they commit criminal acts. He attracts the likes of White extremists, global warming deniers, and ignorance.

The News Corp organization is owned by Australian-American billionaire Rupert Murdoch. The media mogul is truly the king of "yellow journalism". His organization owns The New York Post, Sky News, Fox News and Fox Television studios.

Murdoch isn't a huge fan of Donald Trump. But he sees money and potential if he could wrap his arms around the controversial Republican presumptive nominee.

Clinton's lost in the conservative state of West Virginia is being talked about in the junk food media.

Clinton carried the state in a Democratic primary landslide in 2008. Clinton vowed to stay in the race all the way to the end. It's like a repeat. Bernie Sanders won in a landslide and the very same agitators who believed Obama's defeat spelled doom are crowing about Clinton.

Republicans adverted a contested convention. They feared that the party would split apart if Ted Cruz and John Kasich stole the nomination from Trump.

Now that the Democratic race is prolonged by Bernie Sanders, Republicans are now hoping the Democrats have a bloodbath in Philadelphia.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Coal Bern!

It's not over until California.

Chalk one up for Bernie Sanders.

It seems like even though his chances at winning the nomination are slimmer, Bernie Sanders managed to win the state of West Virginia. The state that went to Hillary Clinton in 2008 now went to Sanders.

Clinton admits that her statements about the coal industry doomed her chances. She all but pulled out of the conservative leaning state. It wasn't worth it.

Clinton did come out a little better. She won the U.S. territory of Guam.

Donald Trump the sole candidate in the Republican race won by default. His win came a week after Ted Cruz and John Kasich finally admitted defeat.

Well never say never. Ted Cruz is reconsidering another attempt at usurping Trump. Last week, Cruz and his running mate Carly Fiorina exited after the Indiana primary. The conservative shitkicker hasn't ruled out a contested convention.

In hypothetical polling, Donald Trump would lose to Hillary Clinton by four points. Eerily similar to Mitt Romney's defeat. As of today, I believe the race is statistical tie between the two.

What lies between the next primaries is all but certain that Trump and Clinton will likely clinch the nomination.


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