Obviously a WHITE EXTREMIST created this because no right minded Black person would try to stir racial fears. |
The idiot's defense rests its case today. Now it will land in the jury and the verdict will come.
You really got to handed to those in the junk food media! They really want to see Black America really act a fool in the cities.
Seriously, me and S. Baldwin have realized that the political left and right have both did a shoddy job in handling this. They've really screwed up on facts and they've all thrown the blanket accusations at the victim and the accused.
They've come to the conclusion that this tragic shooting in Sanford, Florida will spark race riots if the decision doesn't favor the family of Trayvon Martin.
An unarmed teenager and a neighborhood watch volunteer sparked massive outcry in America.
Whether convicted or not, this man's life is going to be just like another Floridian who got famous for murder. Casey Anthony was acquitted in the murder of her daughter. She is now in hiding and cautiously living her life with bodyguards in tow. |
A 5'11" teenager who was on an errand run and 5'8" neighborhood watch volunteer on an errand run as well.
The volunteer sees the teenager go through a part of a gated community and it was raining. He calls the police and places a call to describe who's he's following. He believed that the teenager was "up to no good" and "acting like he was on drugs or something". He decides to follow him. While the volunteer follows the teenager he loses track of him. The dispatcher is telling him to "not to do that". The volunteer says okay.
The volunteer was armed with a Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm semi-automatic pistol. The teenager was holding a phone, an Arizona Watermelon fruit punch and pack of Skittles.
While on the phone, the teenager was talking to his friend and wondering what's going on with this guy following him?
The victim's family and the accused lives have forever been changed. They've become the instant celebrities due to the media's coverage of them.
The conservative media are hoping that that idiot would be acquitted in the murder of Trayvon Martin.
Much hearsay from those in the media claim the prosecutors didn't do enough to prove that the idiot was the agitator in the altercation. The conservative media is only focused on one man who claims that he say Trayvon Martin beating down on that idiot in a "MMA" style attack.
A dead body can't tell a story! |
Many think that due to the fact that it's the idiot's word against the "dead" body, it's pretty much a wrap for the defense. We don't know what was said between the victim and the idiot.
Somehow we're suppose to believe this guy because he's alive and the guy he's shot is dead.
A dead body can't tell a tale.
Still how desperate we've become. The conservatives and liberals have singled out Black America as the ones prone to violence.
Let's take a trip back to April 2013. Wasn't that incident in Boston caused by White men? Yeah, you're probably saying since their Muslims, they're not White. But they look White and acted "WHITE".
Oh, what about that incident in December 2012?
Wasn't that caused by a White guy? I mean all those innocent children and educators were gunned down by a White guy. I bet that you're saying that he's had mental issues, right?
Okay, this idiot on trial is WHITE. I don't give a fuck about him being half-Hispanic and his family. He identifies himself as part of the WHITE community. He doesn't care about Hispanics or Latinos.
His brother proved that point when he took to Twitter.
The idiot and his wife lied about how much they've got in order to release him on bond. They're facing the judge on that issue soon.
Look I am going to be upfront with you on the issue of race riots. I mean it could happen! But I doubt it. There's more important things to do then burn a city down!
I would rather this becomes a rally cry to boot the Republicans and their conservative allies out of Washington, DC and every locality in the nation. Seriously, I would love to see each Republican governor or lawmaker sent their walking papers.
I rather see us move our voices at the ballot box, instead of a weekend or an indefinite stay in the iron college.
Seriously, I have better things to do than ruin my community over a verdict.
When conservatives were saying that Barack Obama was going to lose in 2008 and 2012, they've said there will be race riots. He won. No race riots!
When Oscar Grant was killed by Johannes Mehserle, a BART transit cop, it sparked protest and rioting.
Yeah, that stuff happens. And yes, it could happen if that idiot is found not guilty.
Still I am certain that our society shouldn't be riled up by the decision.
The Martin family could sue the idiot for what he's got. Obviously, there will be a civil trial if this idiot is acquitted of second degree murder.
Because this idiot was reckless in his decision to exit his vehicle to confront an individual. He knew the police were on their way. Why would he have gotten out of his car to follow someone?
CNN reports that Florida authorities have a message as the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial looms: raise your voice, not your hands.
Anticipating that the outcome of the very public, and racially-tinged, case is likely to disappoint one swath of the population or another, law enforcement agencies have set up a response plan.
Part of it is a public service announcement that the Broward County Sheriff's Office released this week.
In it, a black teenage boy and a Hispanic girl urge viewers to "stand together as one. No cuffs, no guns."
Zimmerman is a white Hispanic who is on trial for last year's shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a black teen, in Sanford city. Sanford is in Seminole County.
He is charged with second-degree murder, and says he acted in self-defense. Prosecutors are arguing he profiled the teen.
What if? If Trayvon Martin was White and that idiot was Black, this would have been an "open and shut case". It would be plastered on all conservative/white supremacists websites about "BLACK ON WHITE" crime. |
Millions of Americans have already made up their minds about what should happen. And no matter how the verdict falls, authorities worry passions will be inflamed.
That's where the video comes in -- a plea not to resort to violence.
"Freedom of expression is a constitutional right," the sheriff's office said. "While raising your voice is encouraged, using your hands is not."
In the video, the boy says, "Let's give violence a rest, because we can easily end up arrested."
The girl adds, "Let it roll off your shoulders. It's water off your back, don't lack composure. Because in one instant it could be over."
The case has triggered a nationwide debate about Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, race and racial profiling.
"People care about gun rights. People care about race. People care about children. People care about the right to defend yourself," said CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin. "And this case has all of them wrapped up together, and that's rare."
Zimmerman's lawyer, Mark O'Mara, told CNN's "Piers Morgan Live" that regardless of the outcome, his client will forever be looking over his shoulder:
"First of all, my client will never be safe, because there are a percentage of the population who are angry, they're upset, and they may well take it out on him," he said. "So, he'll never be safe."