Showing posts with label Right-wing extremism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Right-wing extremism. Show all posts
Sunday, December 06, 2015
Fear Factor!
I don't fear any man, beast, machine or weather.
I am tolerant of race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, political and economic standings.
Everyone has a bias towards something. I admit that I do have strong bias towards things as well.
My biggest bias is towards idiocy and ignorance.
I want you to understand that I do not fear Muslims. I am not afraid of terrorists. I am not going act like a hero in a mass shooting event.
If I have to protect myself, I would use a firearm. But I rather have firearms in the hands of law enforcement, military and those who are qualified to handle them.
I want too see a stricter background check on people who purchase firearms. I want gun owners to have liability insurance and mandatory jail time for misuse of their firearm.
I want Republicans and Democrats to stop bickering over issues that aren't relevant to the country.
Gun violence is the number one threat in our country. Terrorism is a threat but it's not a daily occurrence. We have more gun incidents in our communities. More than most of the modern world.
Anyone who loses a child or a parent to gun violence is terrorized by this.
If the San Bernardino event was classified as terrorism, why don't they have every mass shooting or single gun crime be labeled as terrorism?
Why must we continue to fight each other on who's patriotic?
Why does the junk food media and politicians continue to stroke the fear for ratings and short term gains?
american racism,
Barack Obama,
concern troll,
Donald Trump,
Fox News,
Keith Ellison,
Marco Rubio,
Pam Geller,
Right-wing extremism,
Ted Cruz
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
The Klan Coming To Your Neighborhood!
The Klan is alive and well in rural Ohio. |
In the rural town of Eaton, Ohio, residents were awaken to a plastic bag on their lawns. Inside that plastic bag, some white rice and a pamphlet for recruitment to the country's oldest extremist group.
The Klan was trying to encourage conservative White people to join their cause.
It's certainly spooked some residents and they've asked for the law to do something about it.
The law can't do nothing about it. The only thing they can do is get them for littering and trespassing on property.
There was one person on social media happy to see this on his lawn. Look at the concern troll below.
Matthew Hetzel ·
Thanks fox for spreading there message!!! this phone number is spread far and wide now smile emoticon
The rise of extremism isn't solely a Muslim thing. The most dangerous person to fear is the resentful White male who believes the word vomit of agitators in the junk food media.
Conservative agitators are not solely to blame for the actions of one. Since conservatives love to blame #BlackLivesMatter or the Muslim community for the actions of one, it's only fair to judge them the same.
Monday, November 30, 2015
University of Chicago Mass Shooting Plot Foiled!
Extremist posted threats on social media. He wanted to massacre students at the University of Chicago. Feds put the brakes on the extremist. |
The feds nab a Black extremist who threatened to take out "White Devils" at the University of Chicago. That threat prompted a major shutdown of the campus.
The Chicago Tribune details the suspect and his twisted motives. This extremist was threatening to massacre White people in regards to the now disgraced cop Jason Van Dyke killing Laquan McDonald.
I can already assume the racist right will tie him to the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
The feds bust a student who lived near the campus.
Jabari R. Dean, 21, a student at the University of Illinois at Chicago, was charged with transmitting a threat in interstate commerce.
He appeared in federal court Monday afternoon wearing a red UIC hooded sweatshirt and jeans, and kept his arms at his sides as he quietly confirmed that he understood the proceedings. He will be held in jail until Tuesday, when he is expected to be released to the custody of his mother.
In an online post Saturday night, the extremist allegedly threatened to shoot and kill 16 students or staff, and then the police, on the U. of C.'s Hyde Park campus at 10 a.m. Monday, and then kill himself. He cited as a motive the fatal shooting last year of 17-year-old McDonald by a Chicago police officer, which has sparked protests around the city.
The officer, who shot McDonald 16 times, was charged last week with first-degree murder.
In response to the threat, U. of C. President Robert Zimmer canceled all classes and other activities planned for Monday on campus.
Zimmer called Monday a "challenging day" but said classes and other operations will resume Tuesday.
The FBI does not consider this extremist a threat, and he did not have the weapons to carry out the threat, federal prosecutors said in court. If convicted, he faces a maximum of five years in prison. The extremist was a student at Chicago State University from 2013 until summer 2015 before transferring to UIC this fall to study electrical engineering, according to records from both schools.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Ignoring The Real Threat!
The terrorist was a White man who had mental issues and a heinous motive. |
As the name of the victims were being released, the motive inspired by this terrorist could be possibly anti-government, anti-choice and anti-Obama. The recipes of rhetoric being vomited by agitators in the junk food media.
Of course, I don't blame the agitators for the actions of this terrorist. But since the junk food media is invested in this, I might as well tell you what the real problem is.
We're just tone deaf when it comes to these awful tragedies.
The families of Jennifer Markovsky, 36, and Ke'Arre Stewart, 29, confirmed their identities Sunday, The Denver Post reports. Jennifer was a mother of two who took her friend to the Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs. She was shot on site during the terrorist's medley. She was married and was a stay a home mother.
Ke'Arre served a tour of duty for the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. He was married and the father of two children. He was shot outside the grocery store near the women's health facility.
A terrorist killed two innocent people. Both of them were parents and had bright futures ahead of them. |
Before joining the UCCS police force, he was a nationally ranked junior figure skater and ice dancer.
He was married with two children.
The terrorist is being held on capital murder charges. He was denied a "get out free card". This terrorist is innocent until proven guilty. If found guilty on the charges, he could get the gas house.
The right wing network and the Republican candidates are deflecting the terrorist attack in Colorado Springs to the left.
They continue to ignore the real problem here in the United States.
You notice for every mass shooting, every police shooting of an unarmed person of color, and terrorist attack, conservatives use this as a moment to deflect from the real reasons why this stuff happens every freaking day in the world.
Concern trolls are Republican and conservative nobodies who like to deflect the real issues to hypothetical rhetoric and false equivalency.
Garrett Swasey died in the line of duty. |
On GOP Sundays, you have Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson and Republican lawmakers denouncing the terrorist but avoiding calling this act in Colorado Springs an act of terror.
Scratch that Huckabee did call it an act of domestic terrorism.
Fiorina found some way to place #BlackLivesMatter and the left in the fold. “This is so typical of the left to immediately begin demonizing a messenger because they don’t agree with the message,” Fiorina said.
Fiorina has been one of the most forceful Republican candidates in denouncing Planned Parenthood after heavily edited undercover videos were released supposedly showing Planned Parenthood staff discussing the provision of fetal tissue samples for research purposes.
Planned Parenthood locations across the country have faced an increase in violence since the release of the heavily edited videos by the anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress. There have been four arsons at Planned Parenthood locations in California, Illinois, Louisiana and Washington since the release of the videos.
Fiorina called the Colorado Springs shooting a “tragedy” and denounced the shooter as a “deranged” man who should be tried for murder.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Shooting At Planned Parenthood In Colorado!
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Mass shooting in Colorado Springs targeted Planned Parenthood. |
The Republicans were pretty confident that they could take on the women's health provider. Because of the undercover videos that were released showing Planned Parenthood workers explaining fetal tissue, Republicans have vowed to defund the organization.
Insurgents like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina have vowed defund Planned Parenthood.
It was getting major play on that right wing network. The AM agitators have brought it up.
It also inspired terrorists to create havoc among the providers and patients. There were over 10 incidents where terrorists have sought havoc on Planned Parenthood. This one happens to attract the junk food media's attention.
A terrorist who opened fire on lawmen and innocent civilians at a Planned Parenthood yesterday. The residents of Colorado Springs, Colorado once again experienced another major shooting in their community. The last shooting was a 31-year old terrorist who opened fire on civilians. He managed to kill four before the law killed him.
The city of Colorado Springs is one of the safest cities in the United States. These latest incidents of mass shootings in the city have the nation once again griping with the debate over firearms and the threat of terrorism (i.e. right wing extremism).
The president and Colorado's Democratic governor John Hickenlooper were notified.
World News Today send our condolences to those lost in this senseless tragedy.
CNN reports that three people were shot dead Friday, including university police Officer Garrett Swasey, whose body was escorted out early Saturday morning by his fellow officers. Five officers and four civilians are hospitalized in good condition, according to city police Lt. Catherine Buckley, after the assault.
This terrorist currently held in lock up on capital murder of a lawman and civilians. |
Planned Parenthood, which delivers reproductive health care and sex education to women and men across the United States, has come under attack before. But the group said Friday night that it didn't know anything about this facility being "targeted deliberately."
"The heart of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains is broken ... as we try to make sense of the horrific tragedy," the provider's regional division tweeted.
Ketanya Craion was a hostage. She said that see the terrorist shooting at the law. |
They have, however, identified the man they say is responsible: 57-year-old Robert Lewis Dear.
This terrorist was being held without bail Saturday in a Colorado Springs jail, according to the El Paso County Sheriff's Office website. He is scheduled to appear in court on Monday.
Ketanya Craion was in an exam room when the shooting began Friday morning. Three people were killed and nine others were injured before police arrested 57-year-old Robert Dear after an hours-long standoff.
“When I saw him shooting the guns, it looked like he was talking to himself as he was shooting,” said Craion.
Craion said she ran out of the exam room and into another, where she found a nurse and a patient unaware of the shooting.
“She was about to release the other girl to go back to the lobby because she was done with the services that they were doing,” she said. “When I came in, they weren’t aware of anything until they heard the gunshots and me identify that there was a gunman on site.
Craion said she and the others pushed an exam bed up against the door since it didn’t have a lock. The three of them sat in front of the door for about five hours.
Police haven’t released a motive for the shooting or said whether the Planned Parenthood clinic was the intended target. Dear exchanged gunfire with police throughout the day, authorities said.
“It looked like maybe there was someone outside that he was trying to aim at before he actually entered in the Planned Parenthood,” said Craion.
Okay, I want to know who's actually going to take the blame? Obviously the junk food media will attack someone. Obviously I am going to automatically blame the shooter. But who would you blame for this tragedy.
Now that the Planned Parenthood Shooter is captured, who really deserves the blame?
Let me be clear, that gun violence is the number one threat in the United States. I believe that our country is so tone deaf to mass shootings. It's like President Barack Obama said, we're numb to these events.
We reacted quickly to the terrorist attacks in Paris, France. The moment it was revealed the terrorist were supporters of the Islamic State, American lawmakers automatically tried to pass legislation to restrain Syrian and Iraqi refugees from entering the country. They did more in Congress to stop refugees from entering the country than trying to stop mass shootings.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Ohio Family Murdered By Neighbor!
An Ohio family was gunned down by a deranged terrorist. John and Christy Anderson and their son Landon were murdered in cold blood. Their daughter Makyleigh is fighting for her life. |
Another mass shooting in the United States. It was done by a deranged terrorist who had an obsession with weapons. He was an anti-government conspiracy theorist who believed President Barack Obama was a Muslim sympathizer.
This was the typical "NICE GUY" who had an odd obsession with firearms. The victims had once invited the suspect to dinner and kept an eye on each other's property.
The man suspected of shooting a family had threaten mass shooting six years ago.
Berry Kirk shouldn't have any access to firearms. But unfortunately, Ohio has lapse gun laws and those with mental issues were given the right to have them.
Kirk got upset with an employee at the Ohio governor's office in 2009 over an entitlement claim.
He said that he "wanted to make a big boom and start shooting people". This was obtained by the Associated Press under a freedom of information act.
This terrorist was also charged with telephone harassment of a woman. He was given probation for the action.
This terrorist was charged for vandalism and domestic violence. Those charges were dropped. The terrorist had many traffic violations.
The Columbus Police and FBI are trying to piece together the motive to why this terrorist shot up a family of four. Three of the victims died and the young victim is fighting for her life.
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The law put down this terrorist. He had access to firearms despite making terrorist threats. |
John Anderson II and his wife Christy were high school sweethearts. They were raising a son and daughter. John wanted to start a business with his brother while working at a stucco company. Christy was a homemaker who was taking her GED classes and college courses for dreams of becoming an X-ray technician.
They had a son name Landon and daughter Makyleigh.
John, Christy and Landon were murdered by this cold blooded killer. Makyleigh is fighting for her life. If she survives the injuries, she will be awaken to the news that her mom, dad and brother are gone.
John turned his back on the terrorist after an altercation.The terrorist decided to make himself known as a threat.
Christy runs to the aid of her husband. The terrorist would shoot her at point blank range. As Makyleigh dials 9-1-1 and tried to shield Landon, she was shot. Landon was shot after Makyleigh was injured.
The family suffered numerous gun shots.
The Columbus Police quickly put down this terrorist after he was aiming at the witnesses. The police were patrolling the area when they hear automatic gun fire.
The terrorist would die of his injuries. Now the Anderson family is coming to conclusions that this guy should have arrest for making threats toward John and Christy.
World News Today send our condolences to John, Christy and Landon Anderson. We pray for a speedy recovery for Makyleigh.
Alex Jones,
gun crime,
interracial marriage,
john kasich,
Kevin Jackson,
mass shooting,
Matt Drudge,
Right-wing extremism,
Sean Hannity,
Sheriff David Clarke,
Sunday, March 08, 2015
UNAPOLOGETIC: TN State Representative Sheila Butt's Racist Comments on Facebook
This is TN State Rep Sheila Butt
Look beyond the smile, people!
State Rep. Sheila Butt wrote a Facebook post in January that critics thought painted her as a racist, if taken at face value.
Any elected leader who believes this country needs an “NAAWP” deservedly would face scorn and ridicule. She never would be taken seriously again for the rest of her political career and likely have to go home in shame.
There’s just one problem. No one seems to hear what Butt is telling them.
The Republican from Columbia said she did not mean “National Association for the Advancement of White People,” as her critics charge. They thought she was playing off “National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,” or “NAACP.”
In January, Butt responded to a social media comment on Islamophobia by writing, “It is time for a Council on Christian Relations and an NAAWP in the Country.”
The Republican from Columbia, 63, said she meant “National Association for the Advancement of Western Principles,” and she really doesn’t care whether critics believe her or not.
“I know what I was writing,” Butt said as I spent a morning and afternoon with her at the State Capitol last week.”I am not going to apologize for something that I did not mean. It’s not going to happen.”
Butt describes herself as a Christian, conservative woman, in that order. The second-term legislator said she’s the most non-judgmental person you would ever meet. Furthermore, she said she does not rate people by race, creed or color. And she’s offended by anyone who thinks otherwise.
- See more at:
Here's more racism from Ms. Butt:
My take: As you and I can see, Right wing racism is in your face in 2015. This occur in less than one month after the racially and religious motivated killing of a Muslim family in Chapel Hill, N.C. Islamophobia is at an all-time high. Keep it up, conservatives!
Saturday, April 19, 2014
The Heartless Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin
Just spiteful
— ThinkProgress (@thinkprogress) April 19, 2014
How heartless of her! When is she going to get her comeuppance?
Hear what this "governor" has to say regarding Oklahoma's ban on local government setting minimum wage.
She is truly heartless!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Hank Aaron....
One poster sums it up quite perfectly:
"When one really looks at the whole landscape of America...things really haven't changed."- Brownhornet71
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