Showing posts with label Pam Geller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pam Geller. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Begs For Attention!

Troubled celebrity found Allah!

From A-list celebrity to D-list. The troubled entertainer is about to fail at another feat, Islam.

I am certainly wondering when this will last! Lindsay Lohan announced that she's converting to Islam after seeing the sunrise.

Lohan has a record of failure.

Lohan has been a troubled celebrity since the mid-2000s. She tried and failed at music. She's been partying hard. Drinking booze, smoking the weed, snorting the snow and shooting the arm candy.

She's dated men and women. She's broken too many hearts.

Many in Hollywood have said that she's extremely difficult to work with.

Now she's blackballed.

Lohan was a household name when she played in the Tina Fey's produced movie Mean Girls.

Friday, April 08, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Sesame Street's New Friend Zari!

"Suicide vest included?": Right-wing nutjobs go bonkers as "Sesame Street" unveils hijab-clad puppet, Zari
Zari, the young 6 year old girl from Afghanistan will meet the folks on Sesame Street.

When Jim Henson Productions and the Sesame Workshop introduced to the public a new character, many praise the move as a way to show its commitment to diversity. Sesame Street introduces a new character to the show.

Zari, she is from Afghanistan and is a Muslim. She wears a hijab and will introduce the characters to the her family and her culture.

And guess what, it's winning praise across the country. 

There are some who aren't keen to the idea of a Muslim Muppet. 

Cue the conservative outrage.

The conservatives aren't happy about it. They believe that it's a deliberate attempt at "political correctness" and some of the comments that came from underneath the bandwidth bridge was pretty ugly.

Some conservatives resort to Islamophobia and downright sexist comments.

It's pathetic that conservatives would resort to this hateful rhetoric.

“Sesame Street has done more to educate and entertain than any other children’s program in Afghanistan,” said Saad Mohseni, the president of the MOBY group, which airs numerous TV programs for Afghani children. “We are especially delighted about the introduction of Zari to Baghch-e-Simsim, which reflects Sesame’s commitment to the country and the show’s positive impact here.”

Monday, April 04, 2016

Islamophobia Stings Worse Than The Bees!

Conservatives mock American Muslims being attacked by killer bees. 

Our friends over at Raw Story had a story that was posted on the conservative Craigslist. The website linked an article in regards to an event that happened over the weekend.

A Islamic temple in Phoenix was invaded by a bee swarm.

It linked to the Fox Nation website. The Muslim Community Mosque of Metro Phoenix was hit by a swarm of the aggressive African colonized bees. The bugs managed to sting 20 worshippers.

The spokesperson for the mosque said that animal control will handle the situation. They will safely remove the bees.

Well it seems like racism and xenophobia isn't far away. Some people came from underneath the bandwidth bridge to mock the incident and bring President Barack Obama into the conversation.

Some of the word vomit was extreme. So far I've read a few of these inflammatory remarks.

One poster said that "Bees are doing more for our national security than the president".

Another comment was even more vulgar. "A press statement from Obama was just issued. He apologized to the Muslims for Racist Bee Violence.

Another one commented saying that "Further investigation revealed that these Bees were reincarnated Muslim terrorists that killed themselves and found out the virgin thing was a lie!!!! So now they are seeking revenge.,lol!"

These were some of the offensive word vomit from conservatives. It's vile, ugly and just utterly stupid.

These are the voters that Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich want.

A bunch of condescending racist bigots.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Now Who Are The Real Terrorists?

A woman has the right to wear a hijab. 

When conservative agitators bemoan about the rise of "radical Islam", their gullible audience sponges it up and run with it. They want Muslims to stand up and denounce terrorism.

Muslims across the world denounce the brutal and senseless acts of terrorism.

The Belgium attacks has sparked another rise in Islamophobia in the United States. The conservative agitators, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich continue to push their narrow minded goal to profile Muslims.

Donald Trump called for a ban on Muslims who travel overseas.

Ted Cruz wants law enforcement to profile Muslim neighborhoods.

John Kasich believes that President Barack Obama would do the tango then take on radical Islam. His state of Ohio will refuse refugees from Syria and causalities of war.

A young woman who was studying for cosmetology was attacked by a man with a knife. This terrorist slashes the woman's face causing a deep laceration on her face.

The young woman was a Muslim and she was a student at the Make-Up Designory.

The attack was random and the suspect wasn't named yet. But he will face a court date. He will face aggravated assault and attempted murder charges. It could be a federal hate crime charge.

The attack started by the terrorist calling the young woman a "TERRORIST".

The attack comes amid a rise in violent attacks against residents in New York. These attacks risen to a record 20 percent since last year.

Mayor Bill de Blasio vows to curb this amid tensions with the NYPD. Patrick Lynch of the Patrolman's Benevolent Association Union has been a contributing factor to tension between residents and the law.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda!

Conservatives complain about the president being at a baseball game in Cuba and not in Washington watching the events happening in Belgium. The Obamas and Raul Castro (right) enjoy a Tampa Bay Rays game.

The tongue is the only muscle that Republicans use when it comes to fighting terrorism. 

If saying divisive statements, profiling groups and threatening unknown assailants is the key to stopping terrorism, then I think we're doomed. It wouldn't make sense for the president to stop what he's doing to show up in Belgium. He would be a distraction and it won't accomplish nothing.

The president already ordered law enforcement agencies to aid Belgium. He is working with the State Department to find out if any Americans are hurt during the Brussels attack.

It didn't happen in the United States. It could happen. I mean the "NICE GUY" is the most dangerous person to have a firearm and an explosive device. If it happened in the United States, he would immediately head back home to handle the situation.

Conservative outrage over the president being in Cuba and Argentina than rushing back to Washington, DC for a terrorist attack in Belgium.

See many in the junk food media already saw it coming. They knew the conservative agitators would waste no time attacking President Barack Obama for not acting tough on terrorism.

In a historical visit to the island nation of Cuba, the president address the junk food media. Obama hopes to repair the relations to the Communist nation that the U.S. considered an enemy for over 50 years.

The president watched a baseball game. The Tampa Bay Rays got an opportunity to play a baseball game with the Cubans as a part of an American-Cuban exhibition game.

All three GOP presidential candidates condemned the president's moves this morning.

'President Obama is spending his time going to baseball games with the Castros,' said Sen. Ted Cruz, who is running for the Republican nomination for president, according to reporting from ABC News' Rick Klein.

Cruz, who is half-Cuban, had already come out against the Obama family's historic trip to Cuba this week, but the fact that the president's schedule will stay intact after the attacks was more salt on the wound.

Ted Cruz immediately went into this rant about the president not saying "radial Islam".
Attacks in Belgium kills nearly 50 people.
Cruz believed that if the feds and local law enforcement agencies would profile Muslims, then none of this stuff could happen in the United States.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, also running for president, soon chimed in making a similar demand.

'The president must return home immediately and get to work with our allies to respond with strength against the enemies of the west,' Kasich wrote.

Not to be outdone, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump soon chimed in.

'President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in Cuba, especially in the shadows of Brussels. He is being treated badly!' The Donald tweeted.

Donald Trump said that he was right on the Brussels attack. He called the president pathetic for not stopping his Cuban trip to return back to the United States. Trump once called Brussels a "hellhole" for it's diverse population which happens to include Muslims and immigrants from Syria.

Conservatives agitators in the junk food media were screaming out the anal cavities watching the president doing the wave at the baseball game.

See what the conservative fail to understand is that if we fear terrorism, they will win. Terrorists want to disrupt lives of people. We already know that. This stuff existed since.

What angers me is the fact that 324 million people should just stop what we're doing because a tragedy occurred in a foreign country.


Desperate Ted Cruz now calls for profiling of American Muslims.
President Obama spoke today by phone with Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel to offer his condolences on behalf of the American people following today’s horrific terrorist attacks in Brussels. The President reaffirmed the steadfast support of the United States for Belgium, and offered any assistance necessary in investigating these attacks and bringing those responsible to justice. The President reiterated that the United States stands together with the people of Belgium, as well as NATO and the European Union, and once again pledged the full cooperation and support of the United States in our shared commitment to defeat the scourge of terrorism.

World News Today send our condolences to those lost in this senseless tragedy.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Mass Attack In Brussels!

Terrorism in Belgium.

Tuesday morning in Brussels, a series of explosions rocked the city. We can't confirmed the alleged attack was inspired by the Islamic State. Given the junk food media's rush to judgment, it's likely inspired by homegrown extremists who have no care for the lives they've taken. They wanted to send a message to the government that they're out of options.

The "NICE GUY" is the most dangerous person to have a firearm or a bomb.

The "NICE GUY" is the rejected by society.

The "NICE GUY" is the person easily convinced that they have no future. They'll do anything to get attention. They would send a message to the world that they were rejected by life. They would send a message to the world that they were ignored and they were pushed aside. So they want to ruin the lives of others to prove they're noticed for these horrific acts.

We may never know the victims or the names of those involved. But count on the junk food media to make the case that we have to "fear" them. We will expect the junk food media to have ignore other mass tragedies overseas. I mean this is the umpteenth time a terrorist attack this year.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and al Qaeda has stepped up mass casualties events.
Suicide bombers hit the METRO in Brussels.
The coincidence that it happened after they nabbed Salah Abdeslam, the alleged co-inspirer in the Paris attacks.

The junk food media here is covering the tragic attacks in the Belgian capital. Wondering if Facebook activated the "I Am Safe" button?

But if you're not aware of the mass murder tragedies overseas, this one happened in a city that many Americans consider "advanced".

At peak time, a set of explosions went off in the airport. Another set of explosions at the train station.

We can't confirm the total of casualties or victims of this mass murder. It's likely going to be extremely high and the junk food media will break into normal programming to cover this.

I believe it's an act of terrorism.

This week the Belgian authorities were on high alert before this incident occurred.

There were two explosions at Brussels Airport this morning. One was in the international departure hall near the American Airlines and SN Brussels Airlines check-in desks, while according to French media the other was on the runway.

Belgium's federal prosecutor has since confirmed that the explosions were carried out by a suicide bomber.

A group of people entered a the metro subway during the peak hour. They set off a round of explosions around the Maelbeek/Maalbeek metro station and Schuman metro station near the European Parliament.

We haven't forgotten about the Istanbul bombing last week. And we haven't forgotten the mass shooting in Cote d'Ivoire. These acts were duly ignored by the junk food media.

Facebook probably didn't activate the "I Am Safe" a quarter of the mass murders in the world. It only activated the function for a select few. And it's getting much attention.

Facebook has come under fire previously for its selective use of the tool, noted Quartz. In November 2015 Facebook activated the feature for attacks in Paris in which more than 130 people died — the first time it did so for a terrorist event. But it didn't launch the tool for Lebanon's capital city Beirut, which had been hit by suicide bombings which killed 43 people the previous day.

President Barack Obama, France's President François Hollande and Great Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron were notified. The British intelligence and the FBI are going to send authorities to aid Belgian officials. No confirmation of American deaths.

Washington, DC, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Paris, London, Moscow, Madrid, Berlin, Delhi, and Amsterdam are increasing counterterrorism measures.

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will shift focus from bullshiting about issues here to focus on terrorism abroad.

Expect the conservative agitators to bitch about the president's response to the tragedy.

World News Today send our condolences to those killed and injured in these senseless tragedies here and abroad.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

A Lot Of Angry Faces!

The Southern Poverty Law Center released its Intelligence Report this week. The report states that there's a rise in extremism.

At the peak of President Barack Obama's first term and reelection bid, there were over 1,000 active hate groups in the United States.

It was trending downward for a moment. But unfortunately the rise in Republican rhetoric has driven the hate groups back out and they're on the move once again.

Should I blame the agitators of politics and media?

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, World Net Daily, Matt Drudge, Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Michelle Malkin, Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Lou Dobbs, Bill Cunningham, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Pam Geller, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity have often been cited as influences to anti-gubmint rhetoric.

They have driven the narrative that America is going down the shithole. They said #BlackLivesMatter is anti-cop. They believe that Obama's doing more for Blacks, Muslims and illegal immigrants. They believe the Republicans are giving Obama what he wants. They believe Muslims are infiltrating our country. They believe Republicans are weak and timid.

But are they responsible for the actions of those who may commit an act of terrorism?


Well, maybe.....

We may not like the divisive rhetoric but unfortunately, they're not endorsing the actions of anti-government extremists. They do look the other way when these extremists carry out actions that could be deadly acts of terrorism. These guys are so obsessed with "radical Islam".

The Southern Poverty Law Center says that there's nearly 900 groups.

Mark Potak wrote that anti-government militiamen, white supremacists, abortion foes, domestic Islamist radicals, Neo-Nazis and lovers of the Confederate battle flag targeted police, government officials, black churchgoers, Muslims, Jews, schoolchildren, Marines, abortion providers, members of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, and even drug dealers.

They laid plans to attack courthouses, banks, festivals, funerals, schools, mosques, churches, synagogues, clinics, water treatment plants and power grids. They used firearms, bombs, C-4 plastic explosives, knives and grenades; one of them, a murderous Klansman, was convicted of trying to build a death ray.

The armed violence was accompanied by rabid and often racist denunciations of Muslims, LGBT activists and others — incendiary rhetoric led by a number of mainstream political figures and amplified by a lowing herd of their enablers in the right-wing media. Reacting to demographic changes in the U.S., immigration, the legalization of same-sex marriage, the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, and Islamist atrocities, these people fostered a sense of polarization and anger in this country that may be unmatched since the political upheavals of 1968.

He added, that Donald Trump's demonizing statements about Latinos and Muslims have electrified the radical right, leading to glowing endorsements from white nationalist leaders such as Jared Taylor and former Klansman David Duke. White supremacist forums are awash with electoral joy, having dubbed Trump their “Glorious Leader.” And Trump has repaid the compliments, retweeting hate posts and spreading their false statistics on black-on-white crime.
The Bundy family was busted in Oregon after a month long stand off in Burns. Ammon and Cliven are facing serious federal charges. They could end up getting LIFE in federal time out.
Cliven Bundy and his sons Ryan and Ammon are held on federal charges for threatening law enforcement. After last month's standoff in Oregon, Bundy was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at the Portland International Airport while he was on his way to support the standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. He faces federal charges related to his own standoff with the Bureau of Land Management in 2014.

In a 32-page criminal complaint, federal prosecutors charged Bundy with one count of conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, one count of assault on a federal officer by use of a deadly weapon and aiding and abetting, two counts of use and carrying of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence and aiding and abetting, one count of interfering with commerce by extortion and aiding and abetting, and one count of obstruction of the administration of justice and aiding and abetting.

Bundy made his first appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Janice M. Stewart in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon in Portland on February 11. He sought court-appointed counsel.

At a detention hearing on February 16, Stewart ordered Bundy to be held without bail, citing the serious nature of the charges and the risk of flight.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled for the next week.

The charges alone could put the Bundys in the federal time out for 20 years to LIFE.

Cliven, Ammon and Ryan Bundy along with Brian Cavalier, Blaine Cooper, Ryan Payne, Jon Ritzheimer, and Neil Wampler are innocent until proven guilty.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Law Puts Down A Man With A Machete! Was It Terrorism?

The Columbus Police and the FBI are assuring that this incident was isolated but do fear the potential for a copycat could occur. Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch have been notified about the situation and are dispatching anti-terror analysis into the city.

What do they knew about the suspect Mohamed Barry who launched an attack at a Mediterranean restaurant?

Was he inspired by the Islamic State?

Anyway, the whole ordeal is getting MAD play on the conservative agitating websites. It's no surprise that the right will launch into the Blame Obama For This Situation Game.

What went down was this guy who was armed with a machete entering the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli.

If you don't say something, you advocate for these incidents to happen!

No one knows what goes on in the mind of the mentally insane.

The man entered the restaurant and engaged conversation with a few employees. At first he purchased a meal and left. About 30 minutes later, he returns to launch into a carnage.

He had stabbed some of the people and they were seriously injured. Some could survive their injuries.

The man tried to flee into towards Easton. He was stopped at the intersection of Morse and Steltzer.
A man storms the restaurant and attacks people with a machete.
When confronted he would ram into a cruiser and a few cars before his car would be damaged so badly it couldn't move. As the officers ordered the man to drop his weapon, he refused the order and they put the slugs in him.

Barry was pronounced dead at the local hospital. He was of Somali decent. He was being tailed by the feds after his friends and family said he acted differently. He was the "NICE GUY" who owned a Mercedes-Benz and worked a decent job. He had minor run-ins with the law. No potential threat until he traveled overseas.

He traveled to the Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for a vacation. But he may have strayed course into a place where he may have been inspired by extremism.

Barry's actions are the signs of potential "lone wolf" attacks that the Islamic State inspire its followers to commit. They want the followers to go after the soft targets. The soft targets could be a restaurant, a nightclub, a gas station, a school or mall. Those are places where a potential terror threat could occur.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Conservative Outrage: Behind The Mosque!

President Barack Obama meets with religious leaders at the Islamic Society of Baltimore.

President Barack Obama spoke at a mosque today. This is the first time a sitting president ever visited a mosque.

The Washington Post reports that the historic 45-minute speech at a large, suburban Baltimore mosque was attended by some of the country's most prominent Muslims. In what appeared to be a counter to the rise in Islamophobia, Obama celebrated the long history of Muslim achievement in American life from sports to architecture and described Muslims as Cub Scouts, soldiers and parents, pointing out the mother of the pre-med college student who introduced him at the podium.

"There are voices who are constantly claiming you have to choose between your identities…. Do not believe them…. You fit in here. Right here. You're right where you belong. You're part of America, too," Obama said, his volume rising as he said he was speaking in particular at that moment to young Muslim Americans. "You're not Muslim or American, you're Muslim and American. And don't grow cynical."

The speech was one of several almost back-to-back, high-profile Obama addresses to U.S. faith communities, talks he seems to be using to focus on religious tolerance during an election season where faith often comes up in fiery contexts. One week ago he spoke at the Israeli Embassy, saying the impulse to stigmatize people of other faiths is "deep within us." On Thursday he will address one of the most high-profile evangelical events, the National Prayer Breakfast.
One of the biggest voices spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Obama's comments come at a time when the country is furiously debating what constitutes religious freedom and who has the right to proclaim it: Is it for the Muslim refugee from Syria? The conservative Christian baker or photographer who can't in good conscience participate in gay weddings? The Orthodox Jewish private schools seeking funding? His comments Thursday will likely be closely watched.

Of course, in his last year, there's no rest in pissing conservatives off. Regardless of what Obama does, these conservatives will bitch about it.

It's pathetic. He's going all the way in pissing these guys off.

Obama already issued executive orders when it comes to firearms. The Iranian nuclear deal is active and the country is removing its nuclear stockpile. He rejected the KeystoneXL pipeline. He is "feeling good" about a potential Supreme Court ruling on his executive order on immigration. He and Vice President Joe Biden have spoken to Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton on how to address Republicans and their relentless bitching.

Obama also acknowledges his achievements and failures as president. He said that he wished he could have gotten firearm safety laws passed when he had a minor super-majority in Congress.

He also says that conservatives would be "out of business" once he leaves. They'll have nothing to bitch about.

If a Republican gets into the White House and a disaster happens, you should already know that conservatives will blame Obama for it. Conservatives refuse to blame Republicans for inept leadership.

I'm sorry. They do blame Republicans. But not the way I see it. They believe that compromise and bipartisanship is bad. They refuse to acknowledge cultural shifts in the country. They're still living in the 20th Century with Ronald Reagan and tactical fear mongering.

Who's the real extremists?

I believe its the agitators in the junk food media who bitch and bemoan about President Barack Obama in their latest phony outrage.

Wondering how much outrage will conservatives have knowing the day after the election, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton or an establishment Republican winning the general election.

So far, Republicans managed to piss off almost everyone including their own base. It seems so disorganized and so intrusive when it comes to the right to choice, right to press and right to religion.
The trio of Islamophobia: Brigitte Gabriel, Thomas McInerny and Pam Geller.
Conservatives are so obsessed with the word vomit de jour, "radical Islam".

Obama warned Republicans to stop using the term. He believes that their ignorance could legitimize the terrorists and inspire more hate crimes against Muslims.

They're complaining about the poor. They're trying to use 20th Century tactics when it comes to socialism. And they're blow the dog whistle when they're attacking Blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, and Muslims. The fear mongering and finger pointing is getting old and extremely tiring.

They refuse to acknowledge the Republican Party becoming more Whiter and isolated. Yeah, they may have Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio running. The Rainbow Coalition of Extremism isn't going to work.

White extremists hate them. They don't want a politically correct candidate.

Monday, February 01, 2016

Obama To Visit A Mosque!

President Barack Obama to visit a Baltimore Islamic center.

No he's not a Muslim. He's a part of the United Church of Christ. You may remember that they were hand ringing about the president's former pastor Jeremiah Wright making the fiery sermons about the United States and god's law.

Well the White House announced that President Barack Obama will head to the Islamic Society of Baltimore to address religious freedom and acceptance.

President Obama has been criticizing increasing anti-Islamic sentiment in the United States.

"When politicians insult Muslims, whether abroad or our fellow citizens, when a mosque is vandalized, or a kid is called names, that doesn't make us safer," the president said during the 2016 State of the Union.

Fear of terrorist attacks on American soil has risen after attacks in San Bernardino, California, and Paris. And according to a study by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, attacks on mosques in 2015 were at the highest point since the group began keeping track in 2009.

But presidents visiting mosques is obviously nothing new. President George W. Bush famously visited one just 6 days after the attacks on September 11, in another attempt to quell intolerance.

"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam," President Bush said when he visited the Islamic Center at Washington D.C. "That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace."

I am expecting the Islamophobia to be off the hook from assholes like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Pam Geller will be in the spotlight again.

That annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity or that old fart Rush Limbaugh will likely bemoan about the president refusing to say the polarizing word vomit "radical Islam".

It will be splashed on Matt Drudge's conservative Craiglist.

Ann Coulter would use her Twitter fingers to attack the president on being a sympathizer to Muslims.

And of course it will be more dog whistle to Trumpublicans to question the president's birth or religion.

These clowns on that right wing network going right into him.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Terrorist Blames Fox News For Failed Attack On Muslims!

Terrorist blames conservative media for his failed mass shooting plot.

The Huffington Post has this interesting story about some White extremist who is accused of plotting a mass shooting at the San Diego branch of the Council on American Islamic Relations. He allegedly binged watch on that right wing news channel during it coverage of the Charlie Hebdo and San Bernardino massacres.

The agitators of the racist right and Republican presidential candidates have taken this tongue wagging offensive on handling terrorism. They claim that "radical Islam" is the scourge of America.

The junk food media's obsession with scaring people with terrorism. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) has gotten about the same promotion as Republican front runners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

John David Weissinger decided to take responsibility for his actions. Weissinger pled guilty in August to felony charges of possessing an illegal firearm and making a criminal threat determined to be a hate crime, along with a misdemeanor charge of interfering with civil rights.

He left a chilling message threatening CAIR. The civil rights organization turned the voice mail over to the FBI and California State Patrol.

This Tuesday, during a sentencing hearing, Weissinger's attorney advanced a peculiar argument: His client, who was drunk when he made the threats, had committed the crimes “after a week of watching Fox News over and over.”

“Fox News is a hate machine, spewing out horrible things” about Muslims, attorney Michael Malowney said.

Now normally I don't want to go there. The freedom of speech allows that right wing network to promote commentators, guest and events in regards to covering trending topics. The rhetoric of Republicans, Fox News and talk radio has sparked a rise in Islamophobia. But the threats and criminal acts done by individuals like this terrorist are solely his to own.

Malowney said he wasn't trying to make up a "lame excuse" for Weissinger -- who he said struggles with depression and anxiety -- or say that "Fox News made him do it." But Malowney did argue that Islamophobia, of the sort propagated by media outlets like Fox News, helped push a susceptible man over the edge.

According to the liberal media watchdog group Media Matters for America, in the week after the Charlie Hebdo attacks -- when Weissinger was watching Fox News constantly -- the cable channel ramped up its rhetoric against Muslims.

The most annoying conservative agitator to host a show on that network is Sean Hannity. He is the biggest concern troll and racial agitator second to Matt Drudge.

Sean Hannity, for example, asked whether the U.S. should "insist" on assimilation from Muslim immigrants. Bob Beckel, the channel’s supposedly liberal counterweight, flat-out declared, "I'm an Islamophobe."

Fox News invited one polemicist after another to rail against Muslims in broad, blanket terms. Steve Emerson, a self-styled "terrorism expert" of limited credibility, appeared on the channel at least four times in the week after the Charlie Hebdo killings. Emerson claimed that Birmingham, England, was a "totally Muslim" city "where non-Muslims just simply don't go in." Birmingham is in fact 22 percent Muslim. In another appearance, Emerson said that Europe was "finished" because it had too many Muslims who hadn't assimilated to Western culture. In response, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron called Emerson "clearly an idiot."

Robert Spencer, director of the anti-Muslim website Jihad Watch, claimed on Fox News' “Hannity” that a "core principle" of Islam is "the idea of emigrating to a new place to conquer and Islamize it." Spencer is a known personality on the anti-Muslim circuit who “engages in fear-mongering through steady reference to theories like 'stealth jihad,' eminent 'Islamization of America,' and the infiltration of Congress by 'Muslim spy interns,’” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Brigitte Gabriel, once described by an editor of The Oxford History of Islam as a "professional Muslim basher," is the founder of ACT! for America, a group the SPLC says has "eagerly tapped into a groundswell of anti-Muslim rage and done what it could to fan the flames." Gabriel appeared on Fox News multiple times after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, arguing that Europe was "paying the price" for allowing Muslims in after World War II. Europe, she said, had "ignored the cancer growing within its body when it was at stage 2."

Fox News also had Frank Gaffney on the air, a man described by the SPLC as "the anti-Muslim movement's most paranoid propagandist." Gaffney once accused the prominent conservative Grover Norquist of being a mole for the Muslim Brotherhood.

"Agenda-driven media outlets like Fox create an atmosphere in which hate crimes are more likely to occur," CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper said. "It's not a shock to anyone that someone taking on a steady diet of Fox evening talk programs would come away with Islamophobic view points.”

The judge didn't buy Weissinger’s Fox News defense on Tuesday, sentencing him to a year in the iron college and five years’ in-house.

Does Fox News Promote Hate?
Poll Maker

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Americans Freed From Iran!

Conservative outrage over the release of prisoners in Iran.

Of course, no good deed goes unpunished. According to the ney sayers of the right wing media, the president didn't do enough.

The United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran are apparently working together for the sake of the world. If it wasn't for Pope Francis and the steadfast leadership of President Barack Obama, another crisis was adverted.

I am wondering if Donald Trump and Ted Cruz will crow over the fact their talking point was blown out the water.

I seem to remember that the Republican clowns running for president were complaining about the president not doing enough to retrieve Americans. The nuclear deal that was sponsored went into effect this weekend and the United Nations will now lift the sanctions.

Before I get into the story, I want to make you aware of what The Drudge Report headline.

Now as you know I am not one to complain about a peaceful diplomacy. The United States and Iran agreed to free all Americans held in custody. 

Only a few days ago, American sailors were detained by Iran for 24 hours before being released. The American sailors were detained after entering Iranian territory after apparently engine failure on their boat.

They were freed a few hours after President Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union Address.

Conservatives were outraged over the incident. They wanted the United States to flex its military muscle and bomb the life out of them. And of course, the Congress passed legislation to impose sanctions upon Iran. That bill is expected to be vetoed by the president. 

Four American citizens, including a Washington Post reporter, who have been imprisoned in Iran are set to board a Swiss aircraft Saturday from Tehran to an as-yet-undetermined location, where they will be freed as part of a prisoner release deal between the U.S. and Iran. The agreement is the result of 14 months of high-stakes secret negotiations between the two traditional adversaries.

"Our citizens have not yet been flown out of Iran, so we don’t want to do anything that could complicate it," a senior administration official said Saturday. "But we are told the deal is done, that they will be let out."

As part of the exchange, the U.S. will release seven Iranians who were being held in the country on sanctions violations. All were born in Iran, but six are dual Iranian-American citizens. The seven men all have the option to remain in the U.S.

The deal will bring home four Americans who have been imprisoned in Iran for years on trumped up charges, or in some cases no charges at all: Washington Post Tehran correspondent Jason Rezaian, former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, and Nosratollah Khosrawi-Roodsari. The imprisonment of Khosrawi-Roodsari has never been previously reported.

Rezaian's mother and his wife, who live in Iran, found out about Rezaian's release in advance and plan to board the flight out of Tehran. U.S. officials, who say they did not tell the Rezaians the exchange was imminent, had planned to notify all of the families of the prisoners once the plane took off for Tehran -- and after they were certain the agreement wouldn't collapse.

The transfer of the American prisoners back into U.S. custody was originally planned to occur in Bern, Switzerland, but may now occur at a different location due to weather concerns.

After the transfer, the four Americans will be taken to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, an American military hospital in Germany, for immediate medical treatment before returning home.

A fifth Iranian-American, Siamak Namazi, was not included in the prisoner deal and remains imprisoned in Iran. "We won't give up" on Namazi, the administration official said." Another American, Robert Levinson, disappeared on Iran’s Kish Island in 2007, where he was doing unofficial work for the CIA, but Iranian officials deny having knowledge of his whereabouts. "The case of Robert Levinson ... was aggressively pursued through this channel and through this process," the official said. "In the end, he did not go into this deal, but we have an arrangement with the Iranians ... and they will continue to seek information about his whereabouts."

Saturday's announcement comes after 14 months of negotiations between American and Iranian diplomats, some of whom were already meeting regularly to negotiate a landmark nuclear accord between Iran, the U.S. and five world powers.

The State Department never publicly disclosed the existence of negotiations to free the Americans and publicly rejected calls to tie the prisoners -- or any other issue -- to the nuclear talks. But privately, Brett McGurk, who until recently was deputy secretary of state for Iran and Iraq, led talks focusing on the prisoners.

Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, the public faces of the nuclear deal negotiations, also spoke in private about the prisoners. Kerry and Zarif deliberately kept the prisoner talks separate from the nuclear negotiations, never raising the two topics in the same meeting, according to a a second senior administration official. Kerry, faced with resistance to the deal at home and in Iran, kept the prisoner talks alive at several critical moments, the second senior official said. 

McGurk, who is better known for his current role as the U.S. special envoy for the coalition fighting the Islamic State, is also known within the State Department as a skilled negotiator who worked with Iranian officials during his extensive time in Iraq. He was also able to fly under the radar throughout months of negotiations with the Iranians, a feat that would have been more difficult for Kerry.

If all goes as planned, Saturday will mark a whirlwind of events for Iranian-American diplomacy. The International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to issue a report confirming Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal, triggering international sanctions relief.

Kerry will then sign a waiver lifting congressionally enacted sanctions related to Iran's nuclear program at the United Nations in Vienna. At the same time, Obama will issue a new executive order to lift sanctions that were enacted under his authority, and the U.N. and EU will move to provide sanctions relief to Iran.

Kerry is then expected to fly to the as-yet-undetermined site where the Americans will be released to welcome them. Later, the Treasury Department will likely announce new sanctions against 11 people and entities tied to Iran’s ballistic missile program -- just after lifting sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program.

Administration officials say it was coincidental that the prisoners' release happened on the same day as implementation of the nuclear deal. Despite the appearance a "grand plan," the prisoner deal was not tied to the nuclear deal implementation day, the second administration official said.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Is Facebook Going To Activate "I Am Safe" For All Mass Tragedies?

Facebook international office in Jakarta.

While we can't cover most events in the world, I want to assure you that we care! I believe that over in the United States, we're motivated to hashtag activism when it comes to "civilized" countries.

I assure you that over in the United States, no cares about the massacres over in Africa, South America or Asia.

If it happens in Tokyo, Paris, New York, London, Berlin, Rome, Los Angeles, Sydney, Moscow and Washington, DC, the junk food media would run it for weeks until the next tragedy occurs.

Did you know that the folks over at Facebook activated the "I Am Safe" function for users who report their safe in the case of a weather event or a mass murder tragedy?

It certainly was activated during the San Bernardino and Paris tragedies in which mass shooters killed numerous people. The shooters were inspired by the Islamic State.

But they forgotten about Beirut, Lebanon, Baghdad, Iraq and numerous other areas where a tragedy has occurred.

I am wondering in the wake of attacks inspired or carried out by al Qaeda and the Islamic State of the Levant, will Facebook activate the "Am I Safe" option?

Did you know that there were mass attacks in numerous cities?

Kabul, Mogadishu, Pathankot, Zliten, Hurghada, Istanbul and Ouagadougou were hit with mass murder tragedies.

And not to mention the deadly attacks in Jakarta. Individuals who claim allegiance to the Islamic State have tried to detonate a mass explosion around a Starbucks and police station. When they failed at doing it, they decided to let the slugs fly.

And tonight there's a tragedy in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso was reported by the international media and Buzzfeed.

Still waiting on "I Am Safe" function.

Yes, terrorism exists in the world.
Mass murders in the world ignored by junk food media and Facebook.
Reasons for it are clearly unknown. But most analysis figured that the social outcast, poverty, corruption in government and foreign intervention are reasons to why terrorists are good at recruiting individuals to fight for their causes.

Soft targets are often looked at as areas where mass shooters go for the most causalities. Terrorism would single out areas such as shopping centers, universities, traffic congested areas, and military bases for plots of massacres.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of these senseless tragedies in the world.

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Cop Dodged And Daesh'd!

Philadelphia Police nabbed man who tried to shoot up an officer. He claimed that he's devoted to the Islamic State.

Philadelphia Police are hailing a fellow officer for his bravery. He managed to dodge the grim reaper on Friday morning. A man who claims support to the Islamic State ran up on a lawman in an undercover vehicle. He let 13 slugs fly into the cruiser.

The officer returned fire.

Edward Archer is being treated for his injuries along with the officer. Archer will be charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Man ambushes the lawman.
Police Commissioner Richard Ross echoed the statement at a news conference on Friday, saying that Archer confessed to the shooting "in the name of Islam." But Mayor Jim Kenney told ABC-6 that the attack had nothing to do with "being a Muslim or the Islamic faith," and everything to do with mental illness.

Archer's mother told that her son had been hearing voices, and Ross said investigators are not yet sure whether he was truly radicalized. Late Friday, a U.S. Muslim advocacy group told Reuters that Archer didn't appear to be a mosque-going Muslim.

"At this hour, it does not appear that he was an observant or mosque-going Muslim" in the local community, said Jacob Bender, executive director of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

The officer, identified as 33-year-old Jesse Hartnett, was sitting in his patrol car around 11:30 p.m. at 60th and Spruce Streets when a gunman fired nearly a dozen shots through the driver’s side of the car.
(credit: Philadelphia Police)
Jesse Hartnett survived a point blank shooting by nutjob.
“When you look at the video, this is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen,” Commissioner Ross said. “This guy tried to execute the police officer. The police officer had no idea he was coming. It’s amazing he’s alive.”

“We’re thankful to God he’s here today because it easily could’ve been a police funeral.”

Hartnett was taken to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center where he underwent surgery for a broken arm. Ross says the officer’s arm suffered significant damage and that he has a long road to recovery.  As of Friday night, he was listed in stable condition and police officials say he will need several surgeries to repair his arm.

World News Today send our prayers to Jesse Hartnett.

Archer could face LIFE in the iron college if he's convicted of attempted murder. Archer is innocent until proven guilty.

Sunday, January 03, 2016

Trump In Terrorist Recruitment Vid Won't Hurt Him!

Trump blames Clinton for terrorist recruitment video.

Hillary Clinton was caught telling a lie. Politifact rated her claim that the Islamic State uses Donald Trump in recruitment videos is false. But using Trump in an al-Shabaab video is true.

The Republican frontrunner and conservative agitators are the best recruitment tool for the terrorists.

The al-Shabaab group are allies of al-Qaeda. It's a notorious group operating out of Somalia, Sudan and Kenya. The group is lament's term is a known as the "Youth Islamic Resistance". The group has carried out mass causality attacks across many urban regions in 10 countries. It often uses the internet and social media to attract Westerners and social outcast to the group.

The video starts off with excerpts of Malcolm X and Anwar al-Awlaki. The video urges Black Americans fed up with racism in the United States to join their movement. It brought up the Michael Brown, Freddie Gray and parts of the al-Jazeera's Black in the United States documentary.

In portions of the video al-Awlaki brings up the Army major Nidal Hassan. Hassan who is facing the gas house at the military brig. Hassan opened fired on 13 of his fellow military officers in 2009.

The video is spoken in English and Arabic with subtitles.

For the most part, the Trump campaign said, "Good for them". Donald Trump on GOP Sundays vows to take on the threat of terrorism (or uh, radical Islam).

The conservatives and Republicans are squawking about radical Islam. The candidates as well are bragging about what they could do if they're in charge.

Unaware that they're rhetoric is sparking a movement of extremism.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Again Who Are The Real Radicals Here In The U.S.?

A small mosque in Houston, Texas was firebombed by a terrorist.

Who are the real terrorists here?

There has been headline fodder on many local and some national news agitators, the threat of terrorism upon Muslims is real. This holiday weekend was brought to the news of many attempts of terrorist acts upon American Muslims.

There was a firebombing of a California mosque. In the city of Tracy, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) of Sacramento Valley have called for an investigation into an attempted bombing of a mosque.

There was a "Molotov cocktail." tossed at the gate and into a side door. The California state authorities and the FBI are looking into this as a possible hate crime.

And let travel at least 1,870 miles to the fourth largest U.S. city.

There was a attempted bombing at a Houston mosque. Texas state authorities and the FBI are investigating this a possible hate crime. The terrorist decided to launch an attack upon a mosque in a shopping center in the Belfort neighborhood.

There were people attending the mosque for Saturday prayer. The people were lucky that this didn't kill them. They were in a different section of the shopping center while the mosque was being bombed.

As you know, the Republicans and conservative agitators have been bitching about "radical Islam".

The candidates running namely Donald Trump has set off this shit storm of overheated rhetoric.

Many Americans are spooked by the junk food media's coverage of terrorism. The threats of terrorism is often blown up by the media. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) has become a threat to western nations. The West vows to destroy the group.

They are falling into the trap. The terrorists want America to bankrupt themselves fighting them.

The terrorists know that if the lawmakers in Washington can relax gun laws and federal safety regulations, they find opportunities to pull off a massive murder.

Republicans are pretty stupid when it comes to handling terrorism. The only muscle the Republicans got is their tongues. Their tongues are all talk and no action.

They will not condemn the terrorist attacks upon Americans who practice Islam in peace. They won't condemn the threats upon American Muslims who believe the acts done by the Islamic State are deplorable as well. American Muslims do not support the Islamic State.

There are people who are inspired by rhetoric. I mean think about it!

If Trump is saying that he would advocate a ban upon Muslims coming into the United States, some White extremists would take that to heart. The agitators in the conservative media would also push the "concern troll" narrative. They say that Muslims won't condemn violence and stand up against the threat of "radical Islam".

The divisive word vomit "radical Islam" already gives the narrative that the United States is targeting Muslims. The Islamic State has proven their point by going after the rhetoric.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Sponge Soaks Attack Muslims!

Who are the real radicals in the United States?

The Republican Party is the best recruitment tool for the Islamic State.

Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant want Republicans in the White House. They believe the Republican Party and its conservative allies are stupid. They see their rhetoric as a reason to inspire individuals who feel lost, forgotten, hated and hurt. The terrorists can prove to the inspired that Western nations are bigoted to Islam. They can say that Israel's influence on the world is the reason to why Muslims suffered at the hands of Western powers.

Republicans will try to cut government agencies. Some of those government agencies are essential to the health and safety of the United States. They will unwittingly allow terrorists a loophole.
Still up in the polls. Donald Trump's rhetoric is extreme but Republicans love it.
They will continue to relax gun laws. It will be more easier for a person to obtain a firearm now that Republicans continue to block gun control regulations.

The terrorists take advantage of the opportunities Republicans leave them.

People who get inspired by rhetoric by Islamic State will leave their families to join the extremist group. These are probably people who were bullied by society. They were spurned by a relationship. They were loners. They were the "NICE GUYS and GALS" who many never expected to be involved in terrorism.

Even in intelligence, the terrorists are getting better at alluding the spies. The terrorists believe that the United States will bankrupt trying to fight a faceless enemy.

The United States is actively attacking the group. The U.S. airstrikes are happening daily in Syria and Iraq. President Barack Obama is cautious about putting more troops back into Iraq and possibly Syria.

The Republicans are crowing that the president isn't doing not enough.
Sarker Haque got a shiner after a bigot came into his store and punched him in the face.
Since the San Bernardino attack, many in the conservative media shifted focus to terrorism. The Republicans and their conservative allies have the only muscle they can use when fighting terrorism.

It's their tongues. Their tongues are slobbering with rhetoric that could inspire attacks on innocent civilians who are worshiping Muslims.

Now I don't blame the agitators for the rise in hate crimes. I am done trying to fault these people for spewing hate. They are allowed to spew hate. The fault of the actions carried out solely goes to the person who committed the crime. But let's do a poll before I go into my post.

Who's responsible for the rise in hate crimes against Muslims?

Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Fox News
Talk Radio
The Republican Party
Muslims Themselves
The Suspects
free quiz maker

The word vomit de jour is "radical Islam". The agitators and candidates running for president have been on this kick about President Barack Obama not mentioning "radical Islam". They want the president to show leadership. Given a solution to handle terrorism, the Republicans and their conservative allies have two things on their mind: military boots on the ground or bomb them to hell.

Remember we have the freedom of speech to spew whatever nonsense we can agitate to the public with. It's unfortunate that the consequences could inspire people to violence.
Man assaults a cashier as a restaurant in New York.
A handful of sponges soaked up the rhetoric and reacted towards their fellow Americans. And what for reason? Because they believe if you're a worshiping Muslim, you're a terrorist.

A handful of Republican primary voters support the Trump idea of banning Muslims from entering the country. What's worse is the fact that religious tests are the very thing our founding fathers opposed.

A man in New York has been charged with a hate crime after he launched a profanity-laced, violent outburst at a restaurant in Manhattan.

The workers at this restaurant called Salt and Pepper was disturbed by the ignorance of Robert Murino. This 26-year old sponge soak was drunk and he began throwing his temper tantrum at Muslims.

He was caught on surveillance video hitting a worker with the five finger knuckle roll. He was ordered to leave the restaurant. He decided he didn't like the way he was being talked to, so he decides to pick up chairs and toss them over the counter. Some of the chairs ended up smashing the food case and food counter.

Tahir Mohmood was working behind the counter. He said that the sponge soak got violent after he started throwing his word vomit at paying customers about Muslims. He decided to throw his five finger roll at Tahir.

"You Muslim guys, you motherfuckers" was the word vomit chanted by Murino.

Tahir tried to defend himself from the blows and the flying chairs. While he went crazy, a witness Lina Parvin called the law. She was hiding under the counter crying.
Hate continues in the Western world. 
"I feel so sad, that at night I can't sleep you know. I can't sleep the whole night because I'm really afraid," said Lina.

Murino was busted by the NYPD and was charged with criminal mischief and assault. They will likely charge him with a hate crime.

While that was going on in Manhattan, another man gets five finger rolled by another sponge soak.

The sponge soak managed to deck a Queens store owner. This happened by a man who wanted to "kill Muslims".

Fatima Food Mart owner Sarker Haque told the junk food media, that this sponge soak came into his store last Saturday and began serving him a five finger roll.
Brigitte Gabriel is a right wing extremist who appears on right wing networks.
"He punched me here," said Sarker, motioning towards an ice cream cooler. After being decked in the face, he tumbled over towards the floor. Sarker told him "What the hell you doing? What's wrong with you?"

The sponge soak said that he wanted to "kill Muslims".

Sarker was fighting back tears when he told the junk food media that he emigrated from Bangladesh to make a life in the United States.

The sponge soak was identified as Piro Kolvani. He would have put Sarker in the hospital. If it wasn't for the actions of a Latino customer, Sarker would have been dead.

Kolvani will likely be charged with a hate crime.

"It doesn't matter what color or nationality you are," said Sarker. "We are in America. Everybody came from somewhere,"

There was a young girl in The Bronx was attacked by three boys at her middle school. The girl was a sixth grader who was playing recess. The three boys grabbed her hijab and tried to rip it off. They were taunting her. They referred her to "ISIS" the junk food media's portrayal of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
Vandalism. The ignorance sprayed on a mosque.
The boys put the girl in a headlock and punched her. They tried to pull off her hijab. The NYPD responded to the call and reported the attack at P.S. 89.  It was called to school administrators.

The boys were placed in juvie time out. They face a court date for the allegations. The names of the victim and attackers were withheld.

The principal declined any comments when the junk food media swarmed up on the school.

The young girl and her family will likely file a lawsuit against the school and attackers.

Down the road, the Philadelphia Police and the FBI are investigating the deliberate act of hate at a mosque. There was a severed pig head left at the door of the mosque.

Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter said that these cowards will be brought to justice.

The head was found outside the Al-Aqsa Islamic Society early Monday morning.

Pork and products with byproducts of pork are haram or forbidden, in Islam.

Surveillance video shows a red truck driving by the mosque. On the return, the red truck stopped and someone decided to toss a butchered pig's head towards the door.

"It's too early in the investigation to determine if it is a hate crime, but I aniticapte that will be the direction the investigation will go," said Philadelphia top cop Leeloni Palmiero.

An earlier threat came to the mosque. A man said on a voicemail, "Are you happy about what happened in France?" "God is a pig!" and "God is pork!"
The Bonnie & Clyde of anti-Islam. Pam Geller and Robert Spencer peddle Islamophobia.
Nutter didn't spare anyone in his press conference. He slammed Trump, Ted Cruz and Benjamin Carson for their rhetoric. He called Trump an "asshole".

Now you know there were more incidents that happened besides what I've explained today.

It also goes to the recent incidents in California.

A sponge soak named Denise Slader threw coffee in the face of Rasheed Albeshari after he filmed the woman go into a verbal tirade about how Islam is the "devil religion". A park ranger intervened and told Slader to leave, she gets more irate when Rasheed told the ranger that she solely instigated the situation. Rasheed and his friends were praying in a park in San Francisco.

There was a fire at a mosque in southern California. In the deeps of Coachella, a community is gripped by a callous act of terrorism. In the wake of the San Bernardino attacks, Muslims in California are fearing the backlash.

The Islamic Center of Palm Springs was attacked by a firebomb. The fire was contained to the front lobby. No injuries were reported by the law.
They are Americans who want to worship in peace.
People inside heard a "loud boom" and started seeing flames. Imam Reymundo Nour said this incident is a result of the stroking fears of politicians and those in the junk food media.

A spokesman for the Riverside County Sheriff's office declined to state whether the event is considered an act of terrorism or an arson.

The mosque is 75 miles from San Bernardino. The attack has went into its second week and conservatives are still egging it on. The sponges keep soaking up the narrative that American Muslims are secretly plotting for the destruction of the United States.

The mosque was hit by gunfire in November 2014 in what authorities investigated as a possible hate crime. No one was injured in this attack but this case is still under federal investigation.

These incidents have Muslims fearing terrorism from their fellow Americans.

Democratic lawmaker Rep. Rual Ruz of California said that this act is tragic. He believes this is a result of a hate crime.

What we should call these incidents explained as acts of terrorism.

But who am I?

I'm just a blogger who calls a spade a spade!


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