Showing posts with label Mike Huckabee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Huckabee. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Papa Smurf Up In The Polls!

Benjamin Carson and Donald Trump lead in the polls. Trump is down in the CBS/New York Times poll to Carson.

Wednesday will have the third Republican debate. CNBC will host this debate at the University of Colorado in the city of Boulder. There will be ten candidates on stage to debate who can be a wiz in economics. Many of the candidates who are on stage will be the usual ones but who will be the center is up in the air. Today, a new poll shows a real competition for the top spot.

Ben Carson for the first time is leading in the national polls. The CBS/New York Times poll has the former neurosurgeon up by a few points against Donald Trump.

Trump who has been leading for months saw a decline in this poll. Carson who suspended his campaign for fundraising and promoting his newest book has gradually seen religious conservatives flock to his bandwagon.

The junk food media has been watching the back and forth between Trump and Carson. These two are extremely controversial candidates.

Trump already sparked outrage when he mocked Carson's religion. Trump considers his rival a "low energy candidate". I agree with Trump on that thing.

Carson is a Seventh Day Adventist and vegetarian. His soft spoken demeanor and "genius" skills makes him a pretty boring guy. I believe he's an opportunist who has no real capability of running government.

Conservatives are hoping Carson avoids playing "the race card" when he excels in the race for the nomination.

On GOP Sundays, Carson made some comments that got some attention. He said comments that were just as bad as Todd Akin.

When you look at the polls, many Republicans aren't excited about their candidates. I mean Trump still has the advantage on "populist outrage" and "a need for change". Carson has the advantage on "who can appeal" and "what conservatives stand for".

The polls have also been well for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Rubio is facing criticism for being a relatively inept lawmaker. Rubio claims that he can't stand his job as a lawmaker. So why the fuck is he running for president? The president is the head of government.

Other candidates who are struggling but still in this race are Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and John Kasich.

The lower tier candidates Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Jim Gilmore and George Pataki will host their debate in the early.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Lincoln Chafee Folds Like A Table!

I guess I'll endorse Hillary or Bernie!

The former Rhode Island governor is expected to drop out of the race today. I guess even appearing on that annoying conservative agitator's right wing carnival couldn't move the needle.

Lincoln Chafee just announced will drop out at the Democratic Women's Forum.

 "We have a winning message of building a strong middle class, investing in education and infrastructure, extending health coverage to more and more Americans, granting a path to citizenship to those who have lived in the shadows for too long, accepting the science of climate change and having the leadership to cut back on our fossil fuel consumption with sound policy, We defend our civil liberties and women’s reproductive freedoms, respect the rights of our LGBT friends, understand that black lives matter and that we need to do more for Native Americans. And you can be sure that Democrats will make good appointments to the Supreme Court, something this country needs and deserves," said Chafee.

 "As you know I have been campaigning on a platform of Prosperity Through Peace. But after much thought I have decided to end my campaign for president today," he added.

The junk food media picked up on a social media response. The "hints" were dropped as soon as he posted.

The one term governor was struggling with raising campaign funds and name recognition. He couldn't muster enough support from his own state.

Chafee was a former Republican senator who was defeated in 2006 by Sheldon Whitehouse. He became one of the many Republicans who endorsed Barack Obama for president.

Chafee left the Republican Party in 2009. He ran as an independent in 2010 to become Rhode Island's governor. During his term he was a reckless governor. His state went into 9.3% in unemployment under his watch. He also got a lot of ethics problems.

Nonetheless he thought he could motivate the independents and Democrats who weren't satisfied with Hillary Clinton.

Nope, the independent senator from Vermont stole his thunder.

Now it's only four candidates in this race. Martin O'Malley and Larry Lessig are the only lower tiers left in this race. They haven't conceded out the race.

Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are the front runners in this race.

Vice President Joe Biden announced this week he wasn't going to run for president. It gave Clinton a clear path to beating Sanders. Clinton saw a bump. Her Benghazi testimony may have inspired Democrats who sat on the fence.

In the race for the Democratic Nomination as of today.

Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O'Malley
Larry Lessig

In the race for the Republican Nomination as of today.

Donald Trump
Ben Carson
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz
Carly Fiorina
Jeb Bush
Chris Christie
Mike Huckabee
John Kasich
Rand Paul
Rick Santorum
Bobby Jindal
George Pataki
Jim Gilmore
Lindsey Graham

Here's the greatest hits or misses of Lincoln Chafee.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Huckabee: Trusting Bernie Sanders Is Like A Hungry Korean Around A Dog!

A joke that fell extremely flat.

They don't believe in political correctness. So it's no surprise that this clown made that joke.

It fell flat just like his poll numbers. Mike Huckabee is no stranger to controversy. He's often saying stupid things while pretending to be a Christian moralist.

This is the clown who defended the ugly troll in Kentucky who tried to deny marriage licenses to gay couples. Yeah, she had an opportunity to met Pope Francis last month. It was one of the biggest things to happen to the ugly troll. Unfortunately, the Pope had to wash his hands of the nasty and take his campaign to New York to feed the homeless.

Huckabee and the religious right wanted to make her a martyr to religious freedom.

So far it's backfired. The feds might throw her back in the iron college. The marriage licenses are under scrutiny. Some say that the licenses were altered. The ugly troll may have ran a bait-and-switch on some of the licenses.
Dog gone it. Bernie Sanders is getting much needed attention.
Nonetheless her biggest supporter is struggling in the polls. He's being clobbered by the inept insurgents. Donald Trump and Ben Carson. They are still leading despite the media getting really tried of them.

Republicans feel that a new face is better than a perennial candidate like Huckabee.

As the Democrats wrapped up their first debate, Huckabee went to social media to complain about how "boring" the debate was. He also wanted to make the world scared of a "Democratic Socialist".

It's true that Koreans do cook dogs for consumption. It's a controversial practice. Some people believe that eating dog meat is for medicinal usage.

Many activists slam the idea. The inhumane slaughter of dogs makes the motive even more controversial.

Any thoughts on the controversial comments from this perennial loser?

Friday, September 25, 2015

Conservative Outrage At Pope Francis! Seriously, The Pope!

Pope Francis delivers a speech at the Joint Session of Congress.

Getting upset over the most trivial things is something that runs common among conservatives.

When Pope Francis delivered a Joint Session of Congress, many Republicans sat and grumbled as he delivered issues that involved climate change, nuclear weapons, immigration and the repeal of the death penalty.

Many conservatives have the nerve to call The Pope, a "Marxist". For what reason?

Because some of his stances are considered liberal. You're overracting to this?

It would be funny if it wasn't sad to have this type of behavior expressed as a foreign leader who devotes his life towards peace. I guess in the minds of those self-serving conservatives, peace is blowing the hell out of those evil "MUSLIMS".

The Pope sympathizes with the poor and the needy. He knows the decline in the church. The church's decline is due the young losing faith in religion.

He is hopeful to change this around.

His mission is to bring to light the plight of the poor. His speech included a mention of the poor and how we can improve our lives. He also condemned those who were involved in the priest scandal. He promises to reform the Catholic church.

They even got upset at President Barack Obama for "bowing" to The Pope. Matter of fact, the airplane carrying the Pope was delayed a few minutes because of the U.S. Secret Service demands to wait until the president made it.

Conservatives getting upset at The Pope is pathetic.

The Pope was invited by the weeping Rep. John Boehner (R-OH). Boehner got really emotional after he gave Pope Francis a handshake.

Earlier this year, Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu without notifying the White House. In March, the controversial leader tried to influence Congress to not support the Six Party Iranian nuclear deal.

The nuclear deal was authorized on September 17.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Scott Walker Couldn't Cut The Cheese!

It looks like he couldn't cut the cheese. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker announced that he will end his bid for the White House. The clown car is down to 15 candidates.

The controversial governor survived three elections. Yet, he couldn't survive an insurgent Donald Trump. The last debate performance was a disaster.

Walker was the pick of David and Charles Koch, the billionaires of Koch Industries. He was the candidate that I had the halo around. I thought this guy had the potential to be the president.

Walker saw the slide in Iowa and South Carolina. He was supposed to regain that lead. It turned out to be harder than expected.

Walker was one of the most high profile candidates to run for the bid.

Walker gained support from conservatives after he took a fight to the public sector unions.

Walker had a war chest but not enough support.

Walker never lived up to expectations on the campaign trail or the debate stage. Walker is expected to announce he is dropping out of the race Monday evening in a press conference in Madison, Wis, three Republicans confirmed.

Walker, whose super PAC raised millions, had difficulty raising hard dollar donations and couldn’t afford to maintain his large campaign staff, one of the Republicans said.
I thought they liked me! 
In a CNN/ORC national poll of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents Sunday, Walker garnered less than 0.5% support, from well into the double digits earlier this year. In recent months, Walker has struggled to gain attention in a media environment dominated by Donald Trump and Ben Carson, and has found his pitch as a battle-tested reformer to be overshadowed by the desire for political outsiders.

Time reports that Walker’s swift exit from the race draws easy comparison to the 2011 withdrawal of former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (formerly known as T-Paw), who quit the race after losing the Iowa Straw Poll and garnering just 2% in national polling in August of that year. He too struggled with hard-dollar fundraising in a crowded field. Pawlenty later said he regretted the early exit.

Walker’s withdrawal brings the record Republican field down to 14 major candidates, after former Texas Gov. Rick Perry dropped out of the race on Sept. 11.

Walker’s money trouble further highlights the limits of super PAC fundraising, which can accept unlimited dollars but cannot use them for the core functions of a campaign, such as travel costs, office rent and payroll.

Republican operatives have been warning for months that Walker’s operation had grown too large without a corresponding emphasis on fundraising. Instead, Walker’s circle pointed to the robust super PAC as a stopgap to their own lagging financials. That group, Unintimidated PAC, had already reserved more than $9 million in television ads for the early presidential primary and caucus states.
If the Democrat wins the White House, Walker might try it again. I hope not!
His exit offers an opportunity for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush to consolidate his support among voters looking for a experienced executive. It also opens a potential avenue for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Gov. John Kasich to become darlings of those same voters, who are wary of a third Bush in the White House.

In recent weeks, Walker has resorted to ever more dramatic efforts to claim headlines and drive grassroots enthusiasm. Just two weeks ago, Walker rebranded his campaign around promising to “wreak havoc” on Washington. And on Sept. 14, launched a new assault against national public sector unions in hopes of recapturing conservatives’ imagination.

Walker, 47, rose to national prominence in 2011 when he declared war on many of his state’s employee unions, sparking months of protests and failed recall effort in 2012. Walker became the first governor in American history to survive such a challenge. He won three elections in four years, while signing into law a host of measures that endeared him to conservative voters, including Right to Work legislation and new restrictions on abortion rights.

Watching from afar, donors and activists cheered Walker and pledged financial and political support. ​*He was at one point a darling of the political network assembled by billionaire conservative donors Charles and David Koch.*​ That aid was slow to come.

So if you're looking forward to at least a Walker presence, look for his endorsement of a candidate.

But if he is to keep his political fortunes in tact, he might want to run against Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) when 2018 comes forth.

Walker's name can finally be retire from World News Today.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Ben Carson: Muslims Need Not Apply!

Ben Carson once had a brain.

Serving a helping of Uncle Ben's with a side of turkey. The candidates are following the Trump formula of being ignorant (i.e. politically correct).

Dr. Ben Carson went to GOP Sundays to talk about his poor debate performance. He was on Chuck Todd's show.

Carson was asked about the Donald Trump supporter who questioned President Barack Obama's faith. The moron said that Islam is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution, and he doesn't believe that a Muslim should be elected president.

Carson, the only Black candidate running for the clown car was a former neurosurgeon. I thought he was a smart person. Alas, he's definitely not a smart person. He's a stupid bigot.

"I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation," Carson said. "I absolutely would not agree with that."

Carson's moronic comments led to a swift condemnation from the Council on American-Islamic Relations and other civil rights groups. Many on the left and rational believe the Republicans are extremely stupid.

Tell you the truth, a half of the primary Republican voters can't stomach them all. Only a 28% of primary supporters are in favor of Trump. After the debate, Trump took a slide and Carly took a rise.

Carly Fiorina is another idiot running. After her debate performance, as expected, her polls went up.

The poll shows that Fiorina is in second place or tied with Carson.

The reason why Carson caught so much flack, was the junk food media's coverage of the Trump campaign. This ignorant concern troll caused such an uproar by saying that the president "hates America" and is a Muslim. He said that he would love Trump to "eradicate" Muslims. It became a story. Trump didn't stop the concern troll from making an ass of himself.

Trump was on George Stephanopoulos's show and he didn't hold back. He actually somewhat defended the concern troll. The concern troll's name wasn't released to the public.

All the Republicans were asked about the negative comments from the concern troll. They deflected and distracted.

Carson is truly an extremist in his own right.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Thud!

Trump high five pic
How about some skin...

The circus was a disaster. Once again we see Republicans struggle to explain their policies. The only thing I've seen overall is the negative criticism of President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Trump is the front runner. He along with Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina have been the insurgents who managed to steal the show.

In the debate, most agree that Fiorina won this debate. Trump survived. Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, John Kasich, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are struggling to climb out the decline.

Chris Christie Ted Cruz, and Mike Huckabee had the best applause lines. 

Carson may have bombed at the debate.

The primary debate had the four juniors. Jim Gilmore wasn't invited to the event. Lindsey Graham and Bobby Jindal were the winners of the junior league debate. George Pataki did pretty well in the junior league.

Rick Santorum will continue to be the officially last place candidate. 

CNN may see big ratings for this three hour train wreck.
Overall, I didn't like the debate. It was just like its rival, another stupid attempt to generate controversy among candidates who have no necessary reason to be running. 

I am almost certain that Trump coverage will start dying down. Carly Fiorina may have risen in stock after this debate. Bush, Paul, Pataki, Christie, Jindal, Walker, and Kasich better step their game up or bow out.

The word vomit spewed by the Republican candidates. The candidate gave the most time to their idol Ronald Reagan. They aimed their vomit at the current president, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.


Minimum Wage - mentioned by candidates. Walker and Carson were asked about it. 
Gun Crime - mentioned by candidates. No mention of everyday occurrence of gun crime.
Vehicle Safety - no mention of this.
Black Lives Matter - no mention of this.
Police Reform - no mention of this.
Sick Pay And Family Leave - no mention of this.
Wealth Gap - mentioned briefly.
LGBT Rights - mentioned briefly.
Women's Rights - mentioned briefly.
Supreme Court - mentioned by candidates. Cruz, Bush and Christie had talked about it.
Bernie Sanders - mentioned by Huckabee in a snide comment.
Financial Aid Reform - no mention of this.
Free Community College - no mention of this.
Labor Rights - mentioned by candidates. 
Coal Mining Safety - no mention of this.
Energy Renewal (i.e. Solar Power, Man-Made and Wind) - Some mention of this.
Climate Change - mentioned by candidates.
Immigration Reform - mentioned by candidates. Lindsey Graham stood out on immigration.
U.S.-Canadian Border - no mention of this.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

CNN Deliberately Trying To Make Republicans Fight!

CNN is a total mess. Just like its rival, the cable agitators see $$$$$$$ in the insurgents.

CNN is in Simi Valley at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library for the second Republican debate.

The 11 candidates and 4 minor leaguers had an opportunity to duke it out. And in the first five minutes of both debates Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama came up in topic.

Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul already gotten into it.

CNN deliberately trying to get Republicans to fight Trump.

I'm not a fan of Trump. But what CNN and the establishment is trying to create is these immature fights for ratings. Not much was talked about on stage other than "I think I'm so much better than Obama.... Clinton.... Bush and I can be like Reagan".

I'm pretty damn sure that me and many others see this CNN debate as a fucking joke.

Republicans are supposed to be talking about real issues. Not petty name calling.

I know they hate President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Democrats.

The Republicans are falling into the trap. They're too predictable. With them being predictable it becomes a weakness.

I don't want to watch bitching. I want to hear serious issues.

John Kasich may have save this train wreck by pointing out the deliberate tactics conducted by CNN to get them to fight one another. Kasich was rational but a tad bit boring and uninspiring.

This post will be updated throughout the debate. I will go ahead and give insight to this train wreck.

It was a clusterfuck of time. Three hours of partisan bitching. All of them mentioned Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Ronald Reagan by name.
Fiorina won the debate.
Trump got the most talk time and was the most mentioned by name after Obama and Clinton. I am certain that the night wasn't his best. Trump's lead may cap. I'm certain that he will see a drop in the polls. This debate was focused on the rise of Fiorina. We'll see in the coming weeks if the debate damaged Trump's lead.

Walker got little time and not enough time to debate his issues. Walker seemed unprepared for this debate. He faced off with Trump. Trump knocked Walker for causing the state of Wisconsin to be in debt. Walker wanted to deflect the hard truth about his budget. He managed to use the same old strategy of attacking Hillary Clinton and Trump for using Democratic "talking points".

Bush got some time and is still struggling to recapture his lead. Bush defended the brother's "keep us safe" narrative. Okay, Bush, what about September 11, 2001 and August 29, 2005. Them events didn't keep us safe. Bush stumbled on the talking point about Trump taking property for his casinos. Trump knocked Bush, Christie and Fiorina for being failed leaders in business and government. No mention of Terri Schivo or Bush's role in the "stand your ground" law.

Christie got some talk time. He interrupted the most in this debate. Got the best applause lines. Of course, Christie blasted Obama for failed leadership. No mention of the president's handling during Hurricane Sandy in which Christie said that government did right. Christie wanted to make the focus on the people "suffering" under Obama's economic policies. He also wanted to take the spotlight off the candidates accomplishments. He told the viewers that their accomplishment don't mean shit. He wants to be the candidate that watches Americans achieve accomplishments and not failure.

Fiorina is the likely winner but will that matter in the polls? If the polls matter Carson and Trump could cap their leads. Trump's controversial "her face" managed to get into the debate. The candidate got an opportunity to respond to his comments. She didn't go hard on him, but she did address the fact that women are struggling for greatness and her role in this race is to make everyone succeed. Trump didn't apologize or make any snide comments at her. All he done was basically praise her for her beauty and the opportunity to be on stage with him.

Paul got little talk time. Got nailed by Trump on falling polls. Trump also knocked the candidates for all being in the pocket of special interest. Paul did mention the failed leadership in Iraq. Although he is in support of military action against the Islamic State, Paul failed to explain how his policies would be able to cap the drama over in Syria. All the candidates fault Obama for withdrawing from Iraq. Depsite the Iraqis wanting the U.S. out of their country, the candidates claim that even though Iraq was a mistake. They believe Obama's early withdraw cause the "vacuum" of "radical Islam" to retake Iraq.

Huckabee got little talk time. He said that Kentucky's state ban on marriage should have stand. He said that Kim Davis should have not been put in the county lockup. Huckabee was stern on the religious freedom. He believes that there's a double standard. Convicted mass murder Nidal Hassan was allowed to have a beard when he faced his military tribunal. He lumped a military officer to an elected politician in his argument. The Republicans couldn't agree on religious freedom. Kasich and Bush both argued with Huckabee. Davis was wrong they said. Cruz had an opportunity to defend her as well.

Rubio got the least talk time. He didn't get much time to explain his foreign policy when it comes to Iran, Cuba and Mexico. These issues were a must for Rubio. Since he's got nothing to lose, he is often floated as a potential vice presidential candidate. He's still a novice on domestic policies.

Carson got some talk time. Spared foreign policy question.

Cruz got little talk time but had the most aggressive response to policies. Cruz knocked Supreme Court chief John Roberts. He believed that Chief Justice Roberts was "immorally" wrong on Obamacare. He also said that Bush and his father Bush, Sr. were caving to political pressure in nominating moderate or liberal justices.

Kasich got little talk time and was combative with CNN agitators.

Okay the debate was covered by the news agitators and they all agree that Carly Fiorina won the debate. I agree as well. The candidates didn't have ample time to debate real serious issues.

Also the debate on a woman being on a $10 bill. Kasich and Bush picked foreign. Bush picked Margret Thatcher. Kasich picked Mother Teresa. Fiorina said no woman should be on a bill. Carson and Huckabee picked family over politicians. Trump, Cruz and Rubio said Rosa Parks. Cruz wanted to put Parks on $20 because he denounced the Andrew Jackson legacy. Walker pulls Red Cross founder Clara Barton. Christie picked Abigail Adams.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Simi Simi Ya!

Another debate where Obama and Clinton's names are mentioned more than policies.

The circus is heading to Simi Valley, California. CNN will do round two of the Republican debate. There will be 11 candidates on stage debating the front runner Donald Trump.

The Ronald Reagan Library will host the event. Once again Republicans will deflect issues. They will be counted on the times they've mentioned in policies or saying the same themes. We will determine who gets the most airtime and the least airtime.

We will have an expected back and forth between candidates and Trump. CNN bowed to pressure. They allowed Fiorina on stage after she succeeded in that rival network's minor league debate.

Jeb Bush is losing footing. He will have to regain the momentum. People are already writing Bush off as a viable candidate. He's well funded and principled. But like Hillary Clinton, Bush has to defend the actions of his dad and brother, presidents respectively. Clinton has to defend her husband and former boss's actions. They were presidents, respectively.

Ted Cruz's failed attempts to stop the Iran deal hasn't slowed his standings. He is tied with Carly Fiorina in the national polls. His presence in this race has been many a headache to establishment Republicans. Cruz stands firm in shutting down the government if President Barack Obama supports Planned Parenthood.

Ben Carson hopes to pass Trump in the next poll. Carson's quiet approach may benefit him. Carson best get his foreign relations skills together, he gonna get some questions about foreign policies. He's in second place. Trump leads with 35% of supporters. Carson has 14%, Bush has 8%, Cruz and Fiorina have 7%.

Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie and John Kasich will join the rest of the candidates on stage. They made the cut.

Bobby Jindal, Lindsey Graham, Jim Gilmore, Rick Santorum and George Pataki missed the cut. They will have an opportunity to talk to CNN pressers. Rick Perry bowed out after he failed to make the cut and ran out of cash.

What I expect on Wednesday night's debate will be the usual word vomit


What I could hear (but I highly doubt it).

Minimum Wage
Gun Crime
Vehicle Safety
Black Lives Matter
Police Reform
Sick Pay And Family Leave
Wealth Gap
LGBT Rights
Women's Rights
Supreme Court
Bernie Sanders
Financial Aid Reform
Free Community College
Labor Rights
Coal Mining Safety
Energy Renewal (i.e. Solar Power, Man-Made and Wind)
Climate Change
Immigration Reform
U.S.-Canadian Border

Currently, the rival network hosted the first debate. It pulled in 24 million viewers. As Trump puts it, if he wasn't running, that network would only obtain 5 million viewers. It was a train wreck.

This debate is a make or break for the candidates.
Ronald Reagan is a Republican god.
Rand Paul is trailing in national polls. He is at a measly 2%. His attacks on Trump failed. Trump aimed at Paul for running as a presidential candidate and senator. The state of Kentucky is not thrilled about Paul.

Scott Walker was the leader in Iowa until Trump got into the game. Trump stomped out every lead Walker had in the state. Now Walker stuck at 3% is hoping to make a comeback. He's struggling in fundraising and support.

Chris Christie is still on stage. Despite many Republicans souring on him as the governor of a failed state, Christie often brash tone could make interest. The governor wants a round with Trump. But could this bout with Trump and nemesis Paul doom his chances? Christie is at 4%.

Kasich is the Jon Huntsman of the debate. Huckabee is hoping people remember he still exist. He had an opportunity to give martyr status to Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis. He will likely mention that as well as Paul's failure to support her.

Are you willing to watch the debate?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Oopsy Daisy!

The glasses didn't help much.

It seems like the Republican clown car had left one behind at the truck stop. It seems that the second time was really a bad decision. The biggest bad decision that former Texas governor Rick "Oops" Perry made when he decided to go for it again.

I guess the spotlight wasn't really on it. I mean he didn't make the cut yet again. CNN will host the second Republican debate and it seems like Perry wasn't ever going to take on Donald Trump.

I mean he's broke literally.

He couldn't keep any of his Iowa and South Carolina staffers paid.
At the Eagle Forum, Perry declared his ill fated journey to the White House adieu.

"We have a tremendous field – the best in a generation – so I step aside knowing our party is in good hands, and as long as we listen to the grassroots, the cause of conservatism will be too," Perry said.

"I give you this news with no regrets," Perry added. "It has been a privilege and an honor to travel this country, to speak with the American people about their hopes and dreams, to see a sense of optimism prevalent despite a season of cynical politics."
It wasn't my time.
Now that Oops is the first one to bow out, who will be next? Matter of fact, who's gonna take those supporters?

Another lower tier Bobby Jindal may find some interest in it. He was first to congratulate Perry on a failed run.

Matter of fact, Scott Walker and Jeb Bush may need some of them Perry supporters.

The Donald even wished him well. Despite the two having some bad blood.

I wonder what Perry would do next?

I am guessing he'll end up on that network with that annoying conservative agitator and Megyn.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Kim Davis: Out On Bail Bitches!

Kim Davis, Rowan County Kentucky clerk ordered out. By federal order, she is to not interfere with marriage licenses. Davis vows to meddle.

The controversial Kentucky county clerk who refused to marry gay couples was ordered out of lockup today. After spending the Labor Day weekend in the county lockup, the federal judge said it's wrap.

U.S. Federal judge David Bunning ordered an immediate release of Kim Davis.

The clerk may soon be out of lockup by 5pm.

The order comes with a price. She cannot interfere with clerks willing to issue licenses. I am guessing she will defy the order and be put back in the lockup.

This issue came forth after she stood on religious grounds to block marriage licenses to three gay couples and two straight couples.

She admits that her Christian faith would not allow her to marry couples. Being a government. Defying a Supreme Court ruling, the Rowan County clerk had become a much talked about issue. The racist/religious/stupid right has gathered to the jail to do a protest rally for Davis.

Davis even got support among the clowns running for the nomination. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee will seek her endorsement. They plan on visiting the jail for moral support and votes.
Huckabee will be in Ashland, KY to rally supporters.
The Liberty Counsel has aided her legal defense and argued that the government went too far in jailing her.

Now this has set a rebellion of judges, county clerks and state workers willing to be jailed for refusing marriage licenses to couples.

This impact may spark the rise of the religious extremists who dominated the 1990s. The legacy of Jerry Falwell continues. Falwell was a dominate force in the religious right. He made Republicans and some Democrats take pledges to vow a Christian agenda. This pledge stands with many lawmakers. Pat Robertson and Franklin Graham are the living embodiment of religious extremism.

Davis is a registered Democrat by the way. The Democratic Party denounced her.

The release will assure that she will once again meddle in this. She will likely stand defiant in this.

Okay, what's your thought on the matter?

Do you believe Kim Davis's right to religious grounds?

Is it right to defy a federal order?

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Conservative Outrage Over RNC Loyalty Oath!

Still leading.

How much of that donor's money been used for this "loyalty oath"?

Reince Priebus is getting tired of Donald Trump and insurgent candidates. He believes that Trump's influence on the Republican Party could damage its brand.

So in order to quarrel any attempts to go third party, Priebus is aiming to get the 17 candidates to sign a pledge to not "run third party". This is meant to stop Trump from running a third party.

The pledge reads:

I, _______, affirm that if I do not win the 2016 Republican nomination for President of the United States I will endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee, regardless of who it is.
I further pledge that I will not seek to run as an independent or write-in candidate nor will I seek to accept the nomination for president of any other party.

I mean who's to stop him?

Regardless of whether he signs it or not, I don't believe any Republican should sign it. I think they will cave to the party politics. Matter of fact, most candidates consider themselves as "outsiders" and the such.

So why do you want to kiss and make nice with the very insiders who look at your campaign as a joke?

I mean they really want Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul out of the race.
Republican chief trying to squash Trump and Cruz before they become the nominee.
The party leaders hate them as candidates. They believe these clowns could make the party too extreme for independent voters.

The conservatives are outraged over this. They believe that this is an attempt to line up an establishment candidate.

Republicans are having a hot mess on them. The insurgent candidates are leading in the national polls. Trump, Carson, Fiorina and Cruz have lack of experience.

Trump is still the front runner despite his feuds. Everyone was writing him off during his ongoing feuds with NBC, Macy's, Mexico, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Megyn Kelly, Jorge Ramos, Anthony Weiner and Rosie O'Donnell.

Many speculate that the Trump backlash has not affected his poll numbers. For you see, he's still in the lead and it's stomping the Republican insiders.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Josh Duggar: I Got Needs!

Josh Duggar confirms he cheated on his wife. Jim Bob hasn't confirmed his cheating yet! The oldest son of the Duggars was named in the Ashley Madison hack. This hack is one of the biggest since the Sony hack.

When Avid Life Media Group got hacked by unknown hacktivists, a massive data dump came. Last week the group that owns Ashley Madison and two other social dating websites was hacked by The Impact Team, a group that stolen personal information about the site's user base, and threatened to release users' names and personally identifying information if Ashley Madison was not immediately shut down. On August 18 and August 20, the group leaked more than 25 gigabytes of company data, including user details.'

Names that popped up included a whole lot of government workers and one washed up reality television star who is an activist for traditional family values.

Josh Duggar already is another example of the wealthy and powerful caught up in sex scandal.

His family suffered a major blow when TLC canceled the 19 Kids and Counting. The show focused on Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. The Duggars had Josh and 18 other children.

A tabloid exposed the Duggars hiding a dark past. Josh was caught sexually abusing his siblings and a babysitter. The law dismissed it and gave him a "there, there" you'll get help talk.

The Duggars kept this quiet until now. It seems like Jessa and Jill were the main victims. They publicly told the junk food media that they forgive Josh and hope the faith will treat him.
Josh Duggar is hoping to save his marriage. He went to cheating website Ashley Madison to seek a freaky girl. His wife Anna could of have been a little freaky. He should have asked her!
It seems like Josh was not treated for his sexual lust. He was named in the Ashley Madison hack.

So he quickly released a statement saying that he's only human. He wants to make amends to his wife Anna and get treatment.

 "I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the Internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife" ... "the last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country I was hiding my own personal failures."


Josh and Anna have four children together. No telling how many women or men Josh slept with.

Hopefully he doesn't get caught up with a sexually transmitted disease or another Duggar on the side.

I wouldn't be surprised that Jim Bob gets caught up too!

The Duggars are an extremely conservative family. They have supported Republican candidates and fought to keep gay couples from getting married. Josh was the spokesman for the American Family Association. He resigned from the group after he was caught up fondling his siblings.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Trump: Kentucky Made A Mistake In Choosing Rand Paul!

Still leading. He put Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on blast. Donald Trump said how the hell can a candidate for president run for senate as well. He knocked Paul for being a part of the system that creates his huge lead.

The Donald has single handily made life challenging for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Rick Perry, Carly Fiorina and Jeb Bush.

These were the candidates who called out Trump. Apparently it didn't stop the momentum.

Trump is top tier along with Ben Carson and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are leading in the polls.

Polls don't mean shit. Until the delegates are distributed to the winning candidate, we'll see who can make the cut. So far, it seems like the herd is beginning to thin out!

Matter of fact, Perry is having a real "OOPS" moment. The former Texas governor was a strong candidate back in 2012. But the infamous debate performance where he couldn't name the government agencies he would eliminate damaged his brand severely. Even the hipster glasses aren't motivating. Trump called him a moron who thinks he's smart because he wears glasses.

Paul on the other hand got the yokels in his state talking. People are wondering, why the hell is he running for president and yet still running for the U.S. Senate. He's also a candidate on the Kentucky ballot for reelection. Unlike Florida, you can run for both offices in the state of Kentucky.

Trump hit Paul for his two ambitious campaigns. [Like John McCain], our politicians are all talk, no action. They're all the same. Our politicians have let the vets down. Rand Paul has let the vets down. He has let the vets down. You know, I don't blame him. He is doing so poorly in the polls so he attacks [me] -- you know, hey, look, I've been attack now by Perry of Texas. And he went peeing like a rocket ship except in the wrong direction. I was attacked by Lindsey Graham. And he had two points. Now he has zero. Now, Rand Paul has very few points. But I think he's going down, too. I will say one further thing about Rand Paul then let's not waste a lot of time. But Rand Paul is using the people of Kentucky.

Either run for Senate and do a good job or run for president. You don't run for president and by the way, if I don't make it, I will become your senator reluctantly. If I were somebody -- a good, strong Republican from Kentucky, I would run against him in a heartbeat. And you would win. Because the people of Kentucky are being used by Rand Paul. Now, think of it. They're saying is, oh, if he doesn't make it, we will take him. That's not the way it works. The people of Kentucky should get a senator that wants to represent them, not a senator where it's a backup plan. So, if I was in Kentucky, I would run against him. Believe me, I would win.

Rubio, a first term senator is retiring to focus solely on running for the clown car. 

Even the network devoted to calling Iran the state sponsor of terrorism tried to trip the Donald.

But it motivated conservatives to denounce the network and support Trump.

Many candidates and agitators said that Trump is a side show and entertainment. Clearly ignoring the fact that he could end up being our next president. Trust me, we laugh now. But if he wins, I bet some of these people will cry later.

The Iowa State Fair had a first. A presidential candidate who allowed his supporters and others ride with him in his helicopter.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Ben Carson: Useful Idiots Would Normally Vote For Liberal Ideas!

Carson is placed either third or fourth in national polls. He does a victory lap on GOP Sundays to talk about Donald' Trump's feud with the network that thinks radical Islam is more dangerous than heroin addiction.

Ben Carson, former neurosurgeon and clown running for the Republican nomination appears on GOP Sundays to talk about his performance. He was also brought into the Trump controversy with Megyn The Outrage Princess.

GOP Sundays managed to score interviews with Donald Trump. He was on the programs except the network that think Black pool goers are doing a little dance around a McKinney, Texas cop. Trump was pissed at the Smirking Chimp Chris Wallace and Megyn after he put them in the place with those set up questions.

On GOP Sundays John Dickerson asked his thoughts on the matter between Trump being banned from the RedState Gathering to how Republicans are towards women.

"I think that may be a difference between political correctness and, you know, courteous speech.

What bothers me is when people say, you know, 'You can't say this word, you can't say this phrase, you can't event think that, you, can't express this,' And it's very difficult for people to have an honest conversation if they can't express themselves. But in no way do I advocate, you know, saying mean things about people. That has nothing to do with political correctness."

Quite funny hearing that from someone who called people who support Hillary Clinton for president a bunch of "useful idiots". 

Isn't that kind of mean, Dr. Carson?

"If Hillary is the candidate, which I doubt, that would be a dream come true. But you know, the fact of the matter is, she is the epitome of the progressive -- the secular progressive movement. And she counts on the fact that people are uninformed, the Alinsky Model, taking advantage of useful idiots.

Well, I just happen to believe that people are not stupid. And the way I will come at it is to educate people, help people to actually understand that it is that progressive movement that is causing them the problems.

You know, you look at the -- the national debt and how it's being driven up. If I was trying to destroy this country, what I would do is find a way to drive wedges between all the people, drive the debt to an unsustainable level, and then step off the stage as a world leader and let our enemies increase while we decreased our capacity as a military person. And that's what she's doing."

Carson's sure enough can dish it out! He insults Hillary and her supporters. But when it comes to Trump insulting Megyn and that network that once paid him as a contributor, he doesn't think it was nice and respectful.

The Republicans love to call people names and such. So does the Democrats. But seriously, the problem lies where the party stands. 

Trump has widen the gap between Republicans. They don't know how to control this. They love it when he dogs on President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Rosie O'Donnell. But they turn chicken when he aims at John McCain and Megyn. 

See Donald Trump was well aware of what to expect from the establishment. I haven't check the polls but it seems like he's still holding a solid lead against Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. 

I might also question to why this was timed. Rosie O'Donnell agitated a war with Trump over her views of the Miss USA and Miss Universe contestants behavior outside of the crown. She also blasted Trump for being a "snake oil salesperson". That became a nearly decade long feud in which they have publicly blasted each other on television and radio. I heard that that MSNBC fired Meghan McCain out the cannon. McCain now joins the network that hired Elisabeth Hasselbeck but fired the cannon on the ex-Alaskan governor. 

The main debate and second tier debate were a total mess. I mean it was something out of a reality show. None of them presented a decent policy nor a counter balance to what President Barack Obama offered. All I heard was probably 2,500 mentions of Hillary Clinton and 1,800 mentions of Obama. I am of course probably exaggerating how many mentions but clearly this what the first debate dealt with. How bad was one and how bad could be the next!

Carson is ranked in either third or fourth place is he is bragging about his performance at the debates.

Before I go, I just learned that NFL legend and sport announcer Frank Gifford has passed away. He is the husband of NBC News daytime agitator Kathie Lee Gifford. He died at age 84, a few days shy of his and Kathie Lee's birthdays. World News Today send our condolences to the Gifford family.

Friday, August 07, 2015

Jon Stewart: If You Smell Bullshit, Point It Out!

The end of the road for Jon Stewart. The Daily Show finished second to the Republican debate.

Thanks to Jon Stewart for 16 great years hosting The Daily Show on Comedy Central.

He ends his bid as the host of the political satire show. I mean the left is so disappointed he didn't want to stay through the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections. Especially with Donald Trump running.

Trevor Noah will take the helm in late September. He will bring his A game to an already skeptical audience.

But as with the Stephen Colbert departure, it's going to be hard to accept but we'll move forward.

John Oliver went to host Last Week Tonight on HBO. He made an appearance.

Wyatt Cenac, Samantha Bee, Steve Carell, Jessica Williams, Jason Jones, Kristen Schaal, Larry Wilmore, Aasif Mandvi, Michael Che, Mo Rocca and Craig Kilborn made appearances on the show.

The best of the show was the appearance of Stephen Colbert. Colbert ended the Colbert Report this year to join CBS as the host of The Late Show. He got a big spot to fill now that David Letterman retired. Same standard. Colbert will bring his A game to an audience used to see Dave run the show.

His departure came around the Republican debate. Stewart would have found a whole lot of zen in this debate. Especially with the hosts of that network he called Bullshit Mountain.

Chief Roger said in a parting shot that Jon's efforts didn't stop his network. Matter of fact, Roger said that his impact helped bring more to the network.

Don't worry too much, I am guessing that Jon will turn up somewhere. Don't think retirement is the end of a career.

Well wishes to Jon Stewart and his family.

The Republican Debates Were A Hot Mess!


Oh, this is a disaster. Donald Trump and the other nine contenders were spending most of their time attacking Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama and one another. Trump was the focus of most of the barbs.

This was a memorable debate to say at least. Trump didn't disappoint. When Bret Beier, Megyn The Outrage Princess and Smirking Chimp Chris Wallace went into the question about an independent run, everyone but Trump raised his hands. That got a boos, applause and chants of plant.

And of course it set for about two hours of finger pointing, complaining about liberals, Obama bashing, Clinton bashing and jabs at the moderators.

Not all candidates got an opportunity to speak. Yeah, this is what happens when you're bottom tier.

Just like the first debate. It lack substance. It lack charisma.

It was like listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Ann Coulter, and Michael Savage.

It was a train wreck.

Who won the night?

I don't know.

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, Rand Paul were by far the most violate. John Kasich, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee tried to be humble but missed the mark.

Okay, and the debate is a dud. In my opinion, I felt they spent too much time on issues that we all know where they stand on. They failed to talk about some major issues. This was a disaster.

ISRAEL - Some 
ENERGY - Some 
CUBA - No Talk
EBOLA - No Talk
HEROIN  - No Talk

If YouTube could keep the debate you can watch these train wrecks. On who won?

The network that scares White people with stories of Black men running naked down a highway in the nude.

Thursday, August 06, 2015

The Circus Comes To Cleveland!

A crowded room. Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Jim Gilmore, George Pataki, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, Carly Fiorina, Mik Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump, Scott Walker, John Kasich, Ben Carson, Chris Christie and Rand Paul will all meet in Cleveland to see who's going to bring up Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama's name the most.

The Republicans will gather in Cleveland for a trial run. The city is hosting the 2016 Republican convention and nomination. And it's the first city to host the Republican debates. There will be sanctioned nine debates. The chief Reince Priebus was pissed that they've held 20 debates and it created a mess. The fewer the better, right!

NOPE. It's a mess. Some of the candidates are crying foul. The network that claims that President Barack Obama gives free phones to people in Cleveland will host a forum and then the big debate.

The candidates are complaining that the network is looking for ratings rather than advocating candidate policies.

Matter of fact, the debate could generate up 20 million viewers through the network, radio, social media and print. One reason is the biggest target in the room. That target is a real estate and media mogul.

Here's the rundown. The junior league and the majors.

The junior league has candidates who are considered second tier. Joining the list of second tier is the pouting mouth former Texas governor Oops. Rick "Oops" Perry didn't make the cut. Perry, Bobby Jindal, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Rick Santorum, George Pataki and Jim Gilmore will do the minor league debate.

It will be held today at 5pm.

The big league who are considered the top tier. Joining the list of top tier are Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, John Kaisch, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, and Donald Trump.

Of the latter, some were contributors to the network.

Kasich was a host of Heartland. Left the network to successfully become governor of Ohio. Host of the Republican debate and convention.

Huckabee was a host of Huckabee. Left the network to run again.

Santorum was a contributor to the network. Left the network to run in 2012 and 2016.

Carson was a contributor to the network. Left the network to run.

Of the latter besides Kaisch, some are currently governors. Christie, Walker, Jindal, and Kasich are term limited and they won reelection handily despite being extremely controversial lawmakers.

Of the latter besides Huckabee and Santorum, some are perennial candidates running. Perry, Gilmore, Fiorina, Huckabee and Santorum have tried to run for higher office. Perry successfully won three terms as governor of Texas but failed at winning the nomination. Gilmore won a term as governor but failed in winning the nomination for president and nomination for senator. Santorum won as congressman and senator but failed in winning the nomination for president. Huckabee won two terms as a governor but failed in winning the nomination for president. Fiorina is a failed nominee for the senate.
It could be the most watched debate ever.
Some are considered political dynasty. Paul is the son of perennial candidate Ron Paul, a former Texas congressman. Bush is the son and brother of the 41st president George H.W. Bush and 43rd president George W. Bush.

Some are considered the establishment. Bush, Kaisch, Graham, Gilmore, Pataki and Christie are the establishment.

Some are the new generation. Jindal, Fiorina, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Paul and Walker are the new generation of conservative politicos according to the agitators.

Some are of the religious right. Jindal, Huckabee, Santorum, and Carson are extremely religious.

Of the latter, Donald Trump is the only one who doesn't want to practice. He believes that being told what to say and being political correct will be disastrous. The Republicans will zoom in on him because of accusations of being a plant.

Republicans will meet at the Quiken Loans Arena for the debate and the Republican nomination.

What will be the topics they'll discuss. Okay get a glass and start drinking because obviously there will be mentions of policies, name-drops, fear tactics, and baseless lies. If you look at the list of what I believe will be discussed given that the network that's hosting the debate, you clearly know what's coming up.


I would be surprised if this comes up.


The debate is on. Are you watching it?

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Cop: I'll F**king ______ That ________, And Make It Look Like ________!

Alabama cop Troy Middlebrooks (right) was caught on tape telling the suspect's family member that he would fuck that Nigger up and make it look it was self defense.

The U.S. Justice Department and Alabama authorities are digging through the crates. They are trying find evidence of a frame up by an officer who is currently in the freezer.

As I told you in the previous postings, the law can lie when they do a pull over, a citation, a search of your vehicle, an arrest, or use of deadly force. The blue wall of silence is similar to no snitching.

The law will protect their own if they've done wrong and those who see criminal activity rather stay out of it. Those who refuse to snitch are often key witnesses to a criminal act. They fear that the law will not help them regardless of the crime.

It's a dice game. You're rolling a chance being either a person in law enforcement or a person of color.

This officer makes me think that his department would gleefully allow a possible criminal act to occur in his precinct.

This officer was caught on tape saying some choice words about a suspect he arrested. He was telling a family member that he would set this NIGGER up. If he could, he would kill him and tell his superiors that the suspect tried to harm him.

Troy Middlebrooks is the officer who is in question. He was pissed over the suspect escaping a harsh drop. He was at a residence when he made his tirade about the suspect. Turns out that suspect's brother-in-law is a White guy with a camera phone. Middlebrook complains about how the system is rigged, Obama this, Obama that, Black people know.

Vincent Bias was arrested by this officer. He is a Black resident who was none too thrilled to hear his name being dropped in the recording.

This bombshell is covered by The Guardian.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Third Rail!

The word on the street, the Veep might run for the White House. Vice President Joe Biden is thinking about running.

Speculation is strong for a third run says some washed up columnist. The Vice President of the United States could be signaling another perennial bid for his boss's office.

Vice President Joe Biden is currently debating whether he can join the race.

If he joins the race there will be six candidates in the blue clown car. There are currently 17 candidates in the red clown car.

Former Virginia governor and perennial candidate Jim Gilmore decided to run again.

Now the network that inspires potential extremists is hosting a Republican political debate in Cleveland. The 17 clowns are trying to bonk one another. The second-tier bitched about not getting noticed in the media. The network gave them an opportunity to duke it out without the fanfare.

They will have their debate at 5pm and then the big clowns including Donald Trump will have theirs at 9pm. How interesting that reality television and business mogul managed to become the lead in.

While Hillary Clinton is still the clear leader. The concern trolls are trying to muddy her up so she can't face the potential clown in the Republican race.

She would clearly beat every candidate in the Republican clown car. But to the concern trolls, she's falling fast. The migraines believe that Hillary's emails are destroying her chances.

They've tried this stuff with Martin O'Malley. He's just a blip in the race. Same with Jim Webb and Lincoln Chafee. They are not even getting media attention . So they watched Bernie Sanders run and gave him the media attention. He hasn't cracked the bar. So now, here's Joe.

Maureen Dowd is running her mouth through a keyboard. She made the claim that a bedside Beau Biden told his father to make another play for the White House.

Now Vice President Joe Biden is 72 years old. He is currently the president in the Six Power talks. He's been a big player in the U.S. Senate. While he's not getting much attention in the junk food media, his ratings are relatively modest. By him not being mentioned in the news and the death of his son, he's rose to 50% job approval. He and his boss President Barack Obama are comfortably in the high 40s in job approval.

He's behind the scenes trying to stop the Republican fear factor. The fear is this Iranian nuclear deal. The world supports it. Only Republicans, a few spineless Democrats and religious extremists hate the idea.

Perennial candidates are failed experiments. They gain traction only to be slaughtered in the primaries and general election.

John McCain, Ron Paul and Mitt Romney didn't get the message. They learned the hard way. It's just plain fact. The world hates them.

So when you hear about Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Jim Gilmore running again, you shake your head! Let them know that if you couldn't beat Barack Obama, what makes you think you can win?


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