Showing posts with label Far Right. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Far Right. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Right Wing Alert: Sally Kern Equates Disagreeing With Her With 'Stoning' God

Sally Kern Equates Disagreeing With Her With 'Stoning' God

                                            Sally Kern, Oklahoma's right wing's favorite Daughter.

Here are several of her right-wing fanaticism at the Oklahoma legislature.  Here's a video wanting the OK Legislature to protect students creating imaginary weapons, guns included:

All of this proves to me is that Oklahoma needs to enter the 21st century, not back to the Dark Ages or Jim Crow!

At least the good people of North Carolina rose up to protest the right-wing Dark Ages policies of Gov. Pat McCrory.  The Tar Heels ain't having any of that nonsense! They will not go back to the days of Jessie Helms.  No way!

How come the people of Oklahoma aren't protesting against Governor Mary Fallin, Rep. Sally Kern, RamZPaul, Sen. Inhofe, etc.?  When are they going to get a comeuppance?

Georgia, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Alabama had their Moral Mondays.  Why not Oklahoma?  Why not my home state, Ohio?  We, too, have a governor that is just as repressive as Fallin and McCrory.  

What are your thoughts?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Where is the C in CPAC? | American Renaissance

Where is the C in CPAC? | American Renaissance

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Paleoconservative White Nationalists Jared Taylor criticized CPAC for not being conservative and racist enough. Isn't it ironic that conservatives are fighting one another when they say that liberals are disunited.  It's the conservative movement that is in array.  They're fighting about who's the most conservative, more White, and Christian.  Obviously, Mr. Taylor doesn't think that CPAC is racist enough and yet the latter agrees with Mr. Taylor about the inferiority of People of Color.

Well, Mr. Taylor, America is a changed country.  Get used to it!

Monday, March 03, 2014

Limbaugh: That "MAGIC" Word Gave 12 Years A Slave The Win!

The conservative agitator attacks 12 Years A Slave.

More fan fiction from the country's most listened and most controversial agitator.

A reason to why President Barack Obama won reelection, this conservative agitator continues to send the Republican Party back to the minority. Hopefully he'll continue the party's march to political disaster.

The conservative agitator during his radio show today was criticizing the Academy Awards win for the graphic movie 12 Years A Slave. The agitator makes a note to the critically acclaimed movie having the word "slave" in it.

“If it was the only thing that movie won, it was gonna win best picture. There was no way. It didn’t matter if it was good or bad. I haven’t seen it. It was going to win. It had the magic word in the title. Slave.”

This adds to the list of racially insensitive comments this agitator vomited onto the radio.

The reason to why he made the comment comes from his viewing of That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall's website. King Hippo and That Guy Who Helped Obama Win both rely on this website to get their talking points.

Friday, February 07, 2014

Oklahoma Residents Keep This Racist Bar Open!

Enid, Oklahoma restaurant has a history of racial discrimination.

S. Baldwin had posted earlier about this Oklahoma restaurant owner who is running his mouth straight out of his ass. This jackass is getting national attention after he turned away one of his longtime customers after he spotted him in a wheelchair.

Remarkable that we have this nonsense in America.

The Tea Party and Republicans are individuals who are constantly wrapping their asses around American flag in defense of these silly culture wars.

The Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement are reactionary bigots. These bigots harbor hatred of minorities, the lower class, the middle class, the working class, independent women, Muslims and the LGBT community.

The Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement have issues a person's with race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.
Oklahoma voters elect bigots like Jim Bridenstine to office to push these ridiculous culture wars against President Barack Obama. The state of Oklahoma is most Republican friendly state in America.
The Republicans are determined to defeat the president at any cost.

The Republicans and their conservative allies are the racist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, condescending, pain inducing morons that the Democrats and liberals paint them out to be.

Congressman Jim Bridenstine, a Republican lawmaker from the Tulsa area openly allowed a constituent to threaten President Barack Obama. This controversy came forth after video leaked this week showing the constituent saying that Americans should "executed" the "son of a bitch!"

"A public figure cannot control what people say in open meetings," Bridenstine said in a statement released by his office.

"I obviously did not condone and I do not approve of grossly inappropriate language. It is outrageous that irresponsible parties would attribute another person's reckless remarks to me."

In the video that appears on YouTube, a town hall participant says: "Obama is not [my] president as far as I'm concerned. He should be executed as an enemy combatant."

The jackass owns a restaurant in Enid. The establishment is now getting heat after one of its patrons posted a pretty strong message on social media about discrimination.

The restaurant and bar has been open for more than four decades and carries quite the reputation.

Gary James, owner of Gary’s Chicaros, said, “I’ve been in business 44 years, I think I can spot a freak or a faggot.”
A good member of the Tea Party Movement.
He added, “I don’t deal with these people walking down the street with no jobs on welfare.”

James said, “If I reached over there and slapped the sh** out of you, you should be offended. But to call someone a ‘chink’ or someone call me a bigot, that doesn't bother me.”

Now, a wave of comments on Facebook claim James refuses to serve African-Americans, Hispanics and people with disabilities, like Matt Gard.

Gard said, “He doesn’t like certain people of race, color, ethnicity.”

Gard was a regular at Gary’s Chicaros restaurant for years.

He said he turned a blind eye to the owner’s choice of customers, until recently.

Gard said, “Now, he tried to find a weak excuse not to let me in with my wheelchair or the weak excuse of having loud people with me.”

After getting turned away for a steak dinner, Gard said it’s about his disability.

James claimed that’s just not the case.

James said “He created an issue. You only have one time here. You create an issue, you’re out forever.”
This is what goes on in the Midwest and the South. White conservatives are driven to madness. White extremism is on the rise in America.
Gard and at least 140 others posted on a Facebook page that said James’ attitude has crossed the line to discrimination.

Even the business’ t-shirt is viewed as offensive.

The shirt features derogatory slogans against homosexuals, it has the N-word on the front and threatens violence against Muslims, minorities and Democrats.

James said he is proud to wear that shirt.

He said, “I really don’t want gays around. Any man that would compromise his own body would compromise anything.”

Gard said, “The people who still go back and patronize his business are condoning his behavior in how he treats others.”

James said, “Well if you work, you own a business, pay your taxes, you’re more than welcome here. If you’re on welfare, stay at home and spend my money, there.”

Strong words in a small town where no one has challenged his business practices.

The Office of Civil Rights Enforcement is a division of the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office which investigates cases of discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability and age.

If you feel that you are the victim of civil rights discrimination, you are asked to contact the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office.

Oklahoma Restaurant Owner Won't Serve "Freaks, F*ggots, Disabled" Or Tho...

Trigger Warning:  The language is demeaning and hateful.  It's not surprising from a state that has a reputation of being unfriendly to Blacks, women, and gays.  It produces bigots such as RamZPaul and David Yeagley, whom I had several run-ins with several years back.

Here's the story from The Raw Story:

A restaurant outside of Oklahoma City is facing criticism after its outspoken owner made a series of inflammatory comments after one of his former customers, who is disabled, complained that he’d been banned from the establishment.
Matt Gard claims that the owner of Gary’s Chicaros restaurant, Gary James, banned him from the restaurant because of his wheelchair. James, however, says otherwise: “He created an issue. You only have one time here. You create an issue, you’re out forever.”
Gard claims that’s just “a weak excuse,” and that James’s real problem with him is that he’s on disability.
James doesn’t deny that he thinks some people shouldn’t patronize his restaurant. “Well if you work, you own a business, pay your taxes, you’re more than welcome here,” he told KFOR. “If you’re on welfare, stay at home and spend my money, there. I don’t deal with these people walking down the street with no jobs on welfare.”
Gard also claims that James has routinely turned away customers for decades. “He doesn’t like certain people of race, color, ethnicity,” Gard said of James.
James told KFOR that he’s owned Gary’s Chicaros for 44 years, so he “think[s] I can spot a freak or a f*ggot.”
The restaurant’s official t-shirt makes it clear that a “f*ggot” isn’t welcome in James’s establishment. It features that word, the N-word, and threatens violence against Muslims, Democrats, and members of many minority groups.
James says he is “proud” to wear the shirt: “I really don’t want gays around. Any man that would compromise his own body would compromise anything.”

Maybe Oklahoma needs a Moral Monday to protest against racist attitudes of its citizens.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tactical Douchery!

Tactical Response CEO James Yeager

Douche gun trainer/business owner threatens people online over gun control!

There you have it! Another reason to hate Republicans and their conservative allies.

Okay, this was getting play on Angry Black Lady Chronicles, The Raw Story and Balloon Juice, and I happen to click on it and seen a bald middle aged man throwing up his feces to the wall hoping it will stick.

The douche, James Yeager clicked on either InfoWars or The Drudge Report for his latest rant about how President Barack Obama is.............Whatever!

It's another WHITE EXTREMIST who felt the need to vent off about the proposals ensuring that another mass shooting is going to happen if laws were enacted. Thank you President Barack Obama for doing whatever you can!

Seriously, we to take a look into the gun culture.

The National Rifle Association, talk radio and the conservative blogs are blazed up with thoughts of Hitler dancing in their bandwidths and credit cards being maxed out for the last semi-automatic firearm from Walmart. They're screaming: "OBAMA COMIN' FOR THE GUNS" over and over until the next irrational extremist carries out a mass shooting in the middle of a town.

While they're open to taking away firearms from Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims, the WHITE EXTREMIST in the conservative media is more concerned about that "BIG EARED JUNGLE BUNNY" coming for their guns. They rooting for the minorities to kill one another, because doesn't meddle in their daily routine. But just when you have a shooting in a suburban school or a place of business, it's always conservatives rushing to say that's it wasn't the gun's fault, it's the person. Okay trying to have their ice cream, pie and cake and then eat it too.

Tactical Response based out of Big Sandy, Tennessee is a facility that trains firearm user the proper way to carry a firearm. Unfortunately, the CEO, Douche Yeager will not have his license for awhile.

His rant went viral and it was turned over the the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security and the lit up the internet over the First and Second Amendment, once again.

The Raw Story obtained portions of the douche's epic rant:

“Vice President [Joe] Biden is asking the president to bypass Congress and use executive privilege, executive order to ban assault rifles and to impose stricter gun control,”

“Fuck that.”

“I’m telling you that if that happens, it’s going to spark a civil war, and I’ll be glad to fire the first shot. I’m not putting up with it. You shouldn't put up with it. And I need all you patriots to start thinking about what you’re going to do, load your damn mags, make sure your rifle’s clean, pack a backpack with some food in it and get ready to fight.”

“I’m not fucking putting up with this. I’m not letting my country be ruled by a dictator. I’m not letting anybody take my guns! If it goes one inch further, I’m going to start killing people.”

Now would you like to have this guy in your home with children?

That rant made it clear that Yeager processed "material likelihood of risk of harm to the public".

“The number one priority for our department is to ensure the public’s safety. Mr. Yeager’s comments were irresponsible, dangerous, and deserved our immediate attention. Due to our concern, as well as that of law enforcement, his handgun permit was suspended immediately.

We have notified Mr. Yeager about the suspension today via e-mail. He will receive an official notification of his suspension through the mail,” Commissioner Bill Gibbons said.

Social media once again plays in the fall of another idiot!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Nazi Group Adopts A Highway Near Brighton

Nazi Group Adopts A Highway Near Brighton


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tea Partying with White Supremacists! - White Supremacists and Far Right Militias Mobilizing Anger against President Obama

Al Jazeera Reports: White Power USA - The Rise of White Supremacists In The Age of Barack Obama.

With the election of the Barack Obama, a failing economy and anti-immigrant sentiment on the rise, some activists are calling it the perfect storm for recruitment by racist organisations.

Supremacist groups are reportedly targeting soldiers returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as trying to become part of 'mainstream' conservatism by organising around the successful 'Tea Party' movement. 2010 © AlJazeeraEnglish, Inc.

A new report from the Anti-Defamation League© 2009 - 2010 Anti-Defamation League

The Tea Party phenomenon, which began with anti-tax rallies staged across the country on April 15, 2009, will continue as activists in almost every state are planning similar events on July 4. Notably, white supremacists are again planning to participate. As they have done with other political and social issues, for example, promoting the Ron Paul campaign and using the immigration debate, white supremacists and anti-Semites are planning to exploit Tea Parties to disseminate their hateful views and recruit a larger following.
Extremists plan to recruit at Tea Parties
Stormfront, the most popular white supremacist Internet forum, is home to discussion between extremists eager to influence the events. In addition to circulating a list of local organizers and promoting planned rallies, Stormfront members are trying to find ways to involve themselves in the events. In posts to the forum, many voice their intent to attend the Tea parties for the purpose of cultivating an "organized grassroots White mass movement."

Posts to Stormfront:
  • "We need a relevent [sic] transitional envelope-pushing flyer for the masses. Take these Tea Party Americans by the hand and help them go from crawling to standing independently and then walking toward racialism."
  • "We intervene to shape the new pro-White grassroots agenda from within the crowd. We intervene for active effect at the event, for advancement of White racial consciousness and solidarity, and for the growth of the organized grassroots White mass movement and the most perceptive racially aware activist element."
  • "I also agree that spreading the WN message at these events is a good idea-it's time already,we've gotta do it!! Carefully, of course."
  • "A big crowd of irate White folks protesting the government seems like the perfect time and place for us WN's to promote our cause, at least to my way of thinking."
  • "I distributed WN literature at the last Tea Party in Phoenix. I will be doing it again in July. This is the time and the place. For those on a budget, I would suggest printing business cards with the web address of your group or organization. Keep it simple."
  • "I think they'd be ideal for spreading WN literature and gaining recruits in large numbers, more quickly."

Tea Party Americans Coalition
An anti-Semite and white supremacist using the name "Whites Forward" created the Tea Party Americans Coalition (TPAC) as "a working group for serious White racialist ACTIVISTS in the US who want to effectively coordinate our efforts and intervene for effect in Tea Party-type events." Anti-Semitic, racist, and anti-immigrant themes run through the six issues on which the working group is based.
"Whites Forward" is hoping that TPAC will be the "genesis of our new White mass movement and the fertile womb for our pro-White political party." He has called on other white supremacist groups to align themselves with the coalition, "Take these Tea Party Americans by the hand and help them go from crawling to standing independently and then walking toward racialism." —Stormfront member "Whites Forward"including the Council of Conservative Citizens, the Nationalist Coalition, David Duke's EURO organization, and European Americans United.
Currently, 42 individuals have registered as TPAC members, including:
  • Don Black, well-known throughout the white supremacist and anti-Semitic community, both for his role as the founder and operator of Stormfront, and for his appearances and speeches at racist and anti-Semitic gatherings. Based in Florida, Black is a former Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan who served prison time for plotting to invade the Caribbean island of Dominica and overthrow its government.
  • John Ubele, the Florida-based Operations Manager for the neo-Nazi Nationalist Coalition. A former member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, Ubele was also a founding member of the Sons of Liberty Committee, a group whose stated goal was for "the interests of European Americans…to reign supreme in all deliberations and actions of our government." Ubele also hosted "Radio with John Ubele," a weekly radio program hosted on Stormfront.
National Alliance leader tells followers to spread neo-Nazi message at Tea Parties
Erich Gliebe, who heads the West Virginia-based National Alliance (NA), devoted a May 2009 Internet radio broadcast to recast the purpose of the Tea Parties as opportunities to unite the white race and motivate its members to action. Gliebe argued that white people have simply had enough of what he described as minorities relying on tax dollars to fund government programs. He explained that "middle class White Americans are finally protesting."
Optimistic that recruitment at the Tea Parties could expand his group's membership, Gliebe suggested that "a number of those who turned out on April 15th are ready to embrace the National Alliance's message." He also alleged that the NA had experienced an increase in applications and requests for information as a result of the Tea Parties.
Gliebe encouraged white people to exploit the events to form a movement that will address the "major issues facing White Americans today." Finally, he requested that individuals intending on participating in future tea parties distribute a pamphlet created by deceased National Alliance leader William Pierce.
White supremacist Billy Roper a Tea Party organizer in Arkansas
Billy Roper, who heads the white supremacist White Revolution group, based in Arkansas, is listed as an organizer on a Tea Party movement Web site. In a June 2009 post to the White Revolution blog, Roper claimed to be organizing a Tea Party in Arkansas and sending White Revolution "representatives who will be witnessing and converting lost souls at Tea Parties from North Carolina to Arizona." [emphasis in original]
A May blog post revealed that White Revolution members will attend local Tea Party protests and distribute leaflets and flyers. Their goal will be to "educate, activate, and recruit." The blog post encouraged readers to "plan to attend one to do your part for our race and nation!"


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