Showing posts with label FBI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FBI. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2016

Cop Walk In Freddie Gray Case!

Cop walk in Freddie Gray case
It's likely all the cops involved in the injury of Freddie Gray will be not indicted for his murder.

One of the Baltimore cops who was on film carrying an injured Freddie Gray screaming was not indicted. Brian Rice was found not guilty in the involuntary manslaughter and murder of Freddie Gray.

Prosecutors failed to find evidence of an intentional act.

Judge Barry Williams found Lieutenant Brian Rice not guilty on all counts on Monday. The case was decided by Judge Williams himself instead of a jury, as Rice opted for a bench trial, like his colleagues Edward Nero and Caesar Goodson Jr.

Gray’s injuries occurred at some point while he was being transported to the police station following his arrest. He was not buckled in with a seat-belt while he was riding in the back of a police van, restrained by handcuffs. The arrest took place after officers apprehended him following a foot chase. Rice initiated the chase, after he and Gray made eye contact and Gray ran, while walking in Baltimore on April 12, 2015.

Prosecutors argued that Rice should have known of the Baltimore Police’s new policy of making sure that passengers are secured by seat-belts, and that he is responsible for Gray not being buckled in. Prosecutor Janice Bledsoe said in her closing argument that “Lt. Rice’s decisions cannot be be blamed on poor judgement or error,” and that “[i]t was an intentional act that started a chain leading to the death of Freddie Gray.”

The defense countered that Gray’s injuries did not take place until some time between the police van’s fourth and sixth stops after Gray’s arrest, and that Rice didn’t have any contact with him at that point. They also called witnesses who testified that the death should have been deemed an accident. This countered the findings of assistant medical examiner Dr. Carol Allan, who determined that Gray’s death was a homicide.

Rice faced charges of involuntary manslaughter, reckless endangerment and misconduct in office, after Judge Williams dropped an assault charge and an additional misconduct in office charge, according to WBAL.

Rice was the fourth officer connected to Gray to face trial. Officer Williams Porter‘s trial resulted in a hung jury and he awaits a new trial, while Officers Nero and Goodson were acquitted by Judge Williams.

This will certainly raise tension.

With many in law enforcement not facing criminal charges for killing unarmed people of color, it's sparking Black extremists to take revenge on cops and agitators in the junk food media.

Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson warns of backlash against police officers in the wake of the fatal shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Definition Of Irony!

TJ Williams and friends get bucked livestreaming.

The price of internet celebrity.

Three men were bucked by a gunman in another callous mass shooting in Norfolk, Virginia. The Hampton Roads community is at a lost of words.

These young men were enjoying life and some terrorist with a firearm shot them.

World News Today send our prayers and condolences to the families of this senseless tragedy.

You know what!

I am tired of giving prayers! I want something done immediately about the epidemic of gun violence not only plaguing the Black community but America as a whole.


Congress assures more massacres to occur because they're lily livered cowards when it comes to gun control. They fear the almighty National Rifle Association and their merry band of kookspiracy nuts and old White extremists.

Republicans and their conservative agitating allies rather see White people have firearms. In the same breathe they concern troll about how many lives were lost to gun violence in Chicago and Black leaders not mentioning it in the junk food media.

Newsflash: The Black community, President Barack Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Black Lives Matter have addressed these issues many times. It's ignored by conservatives.

They rather bitch and bemoan about how our problems are the reasons to why America in general is fucked up.

They would often find us guilty before innocent. They often judge us for criminals than human beings.
Life was good.
In their glass houses, they can't do no wrong. Hey see a Black man smoking weed on camera, and conservatives say it's "Thugs" and "Niggers".

No one is perfect. But damn, these guys were having a good time and this asshole would take away that freedom that you conservatives all so bitch about!

The only person who deserves the blame for gun crimes is the shooter. The person who decided that my life, and your life doesn't matter. That's why Black Lives Matter formed.

When a Black unarmed teen's killer managed to skirt the system when clearly he should have been convicted, the rage of mistrust and a justice system privileged only towards Whites is often a rally cry for Black men and women. They feel that if the law can't help us when we're in need, who can we really turn to when there's actual criminal activity in our neighborhoods.

And the social media craze is probably one of the culprits in the latest round of shootings.

People are taking a likening to Pokemon Go and Facebook's Livestream function. Nintendo raked in a cool $10 billion after the Pokemon app went live. Over 500,000 downloads in the first hour of the release. It's probably obtained over 32.9 million users surpassing even social media titian Twitter.

Facebook is capitalizing off the daily routine. The livestream app is pickup and people are engaging in doing daily posting of their normal day. They share their normal day with millions of others.

Also giving themselves a beacon. Now I haven't used Facebook's Livestream yet but I can only imagine that it gives a homing beacon to where you live and it could invite criminal activity to your door.

Well the victim who recorded his demise was confirmed as TJ Williams. The men who were aged 27 and 29 respectively were also hit.

Williams is seen smoking and listening to hip-hop music but into five minutes, gunfire. The gunfire landed into the vehicle and they were down.

Within the seconds of the shootings, the residents come to the aid of the victims.

Two of the victims have life-threatening injuries. One has non-life threatening injuries.

This is the edited version of the video. The full video is over 75 minutes long and it details the cries of help from the men and the residents screaming.

This comes a few weeks after another man filmed his tragic demise. A Chicago man was gunned down while livestreaming on Facebook.

The tragic incident in Minneapolis also was livestreamed. The death of Philando Castile also brought attention to alleged police brutality.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Michigan Deputies Killed After Inmate Stole Gun!

The FBI is investigating a fatal shooting of two bailiffs at a courthouse.

As Black Lives Matter protests continue, we have a tragedy in St. Joseph, Michigan. There was a shooting at the Berrien County Courthouse.

Sheriff Paul Bailey, Governor Rick Snyder and President Barack Obama were notified about this incident. The incident happened when the terrorist, Larry Gordon got the drop on them.

He managed to grab their firearm and a fight ensued.

The terrorist managed to shoot the bailiffs. He shot them at point blank range. He also injured another deputy and an innocent victim waiting in the lobby.

The terrorist was going to take hostages. After a few moments of negotiation, other bailiffs got the drop on the terrorist. The bailiffs shot the terrorist as he tried to flee the courtroom.

He killed Joseph Zangaro and Ronald Kienzle, both retired officers and court appoint county deputies. Deputy James Atterberry was injured in the arm. He was treated and released.

The Michigan Department of Safety, the ATF and FBI are investigating the incident.

There were no warning signs from this terrorist.

Also it's reported that President Barack Obama and George W. Bush will attend a memorial for the slain Dallas Police and Dallas Area Rapid Transit officers killed by a terrorist. The terrorist lived with his mother. The FBI is probing the family. They believe that the family didn't tell the law.

White suspect kills two Michigan deputy bailiffs. Who's gonna get the blame for this?

An inmate in a Michigan managed to kill two state court bailiffs. He was killed. Now that it's over, who gets the blame?
Barack Obama
The Shooter
Please Specify:

Of course, the stakes are high. Those in law enforcement are on high alert of possible copycats.

This incident in Michigan will not be mentioned by the conservative agitators. You won't hear the comments about the suspect being a "thug". You won't see the conservatives troll the suspect's social media page to indicate that he was prone to violence.

Where's the outrage from Softball Hannity, old fart Limbaugh, loudmouth Bill Cunningham, Sheriff David Clarke, Kevin Jackson and all the concern trolls who want us to focus on gun violence in the Black community?
The victims.
By the way, I haven't forgotten about the shooting Chicago where two young children were seriously injured. I haven't forgotten about the shooting in Bristol, Tennessee where a terrorist murdered a newspaper delivery woman and injured two deputies. The terrorist was a Black man who was inspired by the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. There were police shootings in St. Louis County, Missouri, a police shooting Decatur, Illinois and East St. Louis, Illinois.

There were riots in St. Paul, Baton Rouge and Phoenix. The police used militarized tactical gear at the #BlackLivesMatter protests. The arrest of activist DeRay McKesson was also mentioned in the news.

So far, if I say all the names of the victims of gun violence, it be nearly impossible to correctly name the victims.

So I don't want to hear the concern troll nonsense about how the president doesn't address gun violence in Chicago.

World News Today send our condolences to the families of Joseph Zangaro and Ronald Kienzle.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Kansas Cop Fired Out The Cannon After Trolling Dallas Mom!

A brave mom who posted an innocent photo of her child on social media got hit with death threats from a cop who runs a beat in suburban Kansas City.

If cops don't get rid of the problems, this cycle will continue. The Blue Wall of Silence is equal to the NO SNITCHIN' philosophy where a person won't tell the law about a criminal act. Even criminal acts within the police department are not often reported.

It's usually the old saying, "You should trust the cops!"

That was thrown out the window today.

A suburban Kansas City cop was fired out the cannon after he went to a Texas mom's social media page to word vomit his frustrations with #BlackLivesMatter and President Barack Obama.

Rodney Wilson has the right to appeal his cannon firing through his police union. But the backlash may eventually have him banned in Kansas. It may have him go to another department.

This officer won't have a job in Overland Park.
Wilson was a one year officer who decided to see how people are reacting to the fatal mass shooting of five Dallas cops by a terrorist. The terrorist was motivated by the shootings of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling. The terrorist believes that Whites and the junk food media are out to make Black Americans targets.

The mom LaNaydra Williams was served with a racially offensive posting on Facebook. 

"We'll see how much her life matters soon... better be careful leaving your info open where she can be found :) hold her close tonight, it'll be the last time."

As a mother, she was surprised that an innocent picture of her child would be a threat on her life.

"For this guy to just come out of nowhere, just being disrespectful. How can you be an officer? How. How? It's unacceptable. For anyone but especially for a police officer. Cops like this don't value our lives and have the audacity to publicly comment on my child's picture," said LaNaydra Williams.

The chief of Overland Park Police Francis Donchez, Jr. said that this behavior is unacceptable and he personally apologized to LaNaydra and her daughter India, by which Wilson was singling out.

LaNaydra says that this action caused by Wilson makes the case that Blacks are coming under attack by the badge. "I'll just say he was one bad cop, Not all of them are like that. I don't think [my daughter] thinks they're all like that either way. She loves the police."

By the way, the ladies of The View and many others are slamming Rudy Giuliani for making the condescending notion that "Black parents never tell their children on how to respect the police." 
What got him in trouble was this vile posting.
He went out his way to say #BlackLivesMatter is racist. 

You see people who are Black, White, Hispanic, Muslim, immigrant and victims of police brutality speak out against injustices. Often conservatives dismiss their concerns.

They conclude that #BlackLivesMatter is responsible for the deaths of cops, Black victims of gun violence and turmoils in the country.

They often blame President Barack Obama for inciting violence against cops.

They claim that liberals hate the law and whatever else they vomit in the comment section.

Conservatives don't respect the law enforcement either. 

The Republican Party is trying to strip them of their bargaining rights. Republican police chiefs and unions leaders rack up millions of dollars to take luxury trips and soapbox for approval of conservative agitators. 

The Republicans won't pass a simple background check law to keep firearms out the hands of the criminally insane. It gives the law more time spent trying to stop a mass shooter. 

The junk food media constantly brings up the unarmed Black suspect's criminal history to say it's a justifiable killing. 

All off the backs of the hard working men and women of law enforcement.

World News Today wishes LaNaydra Williams and her daughter well on their journey. The freedom of speech comes with a price. Your offensive statements could have you in deep trouble with your job or the law. That's why they created the websites HelloRacist and RacistGettingFired.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Will Someone Put A Cork In Rudy Giuliani's Mouth!

Shut up....Giuliani!

The failed 2008 Republican presidential candidate and serial finger wagger Rudy Giuliani was on GOP Sundays blaming #BlackLivesMatter for the deaths of five Dallas police officers.

Giuliani was playing the concern troll today with this.

He basically called the group racist.

Giuliani added that "When you say black lives matter, that's inherently racist."

The inflammatory rhetoric from Giuliani isn't helpful. When he appeared on CBS "Face The Nation", Giuliani had little to say about the fatal encounters of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, but he had a lot to say about the terrorist who murdered five Dallas officers.

"The real danger to them, 99 out 100 times, is other Black kids who are going to kill them," Giuliani said.

The closest estimate the FBI's 2014 homicide data, which said Black victims are killed by other Black people 90% of the time. The rate of White on White crime, the stats says is 82%.

Giuliani says that "the real danger" in the African American community is Black kids.

Will someone please put a cork in this asshole's mouth.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

What Happened To Alva Braziel?

Man shot and killed by law enforcement in open carry Texas.

Is there a war on Black people or a war on cops?

The junk food media is spreading the flames to the long hot summer.

Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) said that Congress must act on gun violence and police reform or this could inspire more attacks on not only law enforcement but all Americans.

The fatal shootings of Dallas Police officers was sparked by a terrorist who had hatred of White people (especially White cops). The names of the officers were released. Bret Thompson, Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Michael Smith, and Lorne Ahrens were murdered by this cold hearted terrorist.

The motives of this terrorist were sparked by the fatal encounters of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. These two men had legal right to carry firearms but the officers fired upon him.

The officers who shot these men are in the freezer. The FBI and Attorney General Loretta Lynch are investigating the incidents.

And here we go again. Social media is flooded with the name of a man who was fatally shot by Houston Metro Police.

Alva Brazel was killed in the early morning. This happened when the officers ordered him his revolver down. The police were dispatched to an incident in which they claim a Black man was waking in the middle of the road with his revolver.

He pointed it in the air and the officers let him have it. They shot him 10 times and he was killed immediately.

In the state of Texas, it's open carry. He had the right to carry his firearm in the public without any fear of arrest. Somehow it's only good if you see White people carry firearms in public.

But if a Black man has a revolver (not a high powered M15 assault weapon), it's still grounds for kill.

The officers were in danger.

The officers in the freezer after this. The Texas Department of Safety and Harris County district attorney are investigating the incident. The U.S. Justice Department and FBI will be notified of this situation.

World News Today send our condolences to families of the murdered Dallas Cops and Alva Braziel.

What Happened To Dylan Noble?


The U.S. Justice Department and the California Attorney General Kamala Harris are looking into the fatal shooting of Dylan Noble.

In the wake of two unarmed Black men being shot by the law, this incident happened. This was overshadowed by the terrorist attack in Dallas. The terrorist killed four officers after he get upset with the law kill unarmed Black men.

The nation is mourning the deaths of the officers alongside the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philadno Castile. Now we can add Dylan Noble to the list of men killed by the Fresno Police being unarmed.

The shooting happened last month but it was brought to major attention yesterday after someone posted the encounter on social media. The officers had body cameras on them. The police and district attorney won't release the video.

This was a traffic stop. The law was tipped about a man walking with a rifle around the afternoon of June 25. They observed a black pickup truck speeding as they searched the area. They pulled over the truck after a 1/2 mile. The truck pulled over at the Chevron gas station.

The officers pulled him out of his vehicle and ordered him to get on the ground. The cops claimed that he was saying "he wanted to die" and "he hated his life".

Dylan was lying on the ground as two officers with their guns drawn stand feet away from him. As the officers yell, "Keep your hands up" and other commands. Then one shot is fired.

Seconds later, a third officer arrives and then more shots. Noble screaming in pain saying "I've been shot".

The witness video doesn't show the moments of the fatal encounter. But the video in which he was shot was clear as day.

The officers defend their actions. Police chief Jerry Dyer said Dylan raised his shirt twice and had his left hand and used his right hand to reach under his shirt into his waistband. The officers feared for his life.

The body cameras will show what exactly what happened. They were standing 12 to 15 feet away.

The officers were not named at the time of the shooting. One of the officers had 20 years and the other had 17 years of experience on the beat.

Of course, he was a White male and it sparked the local racial agitators. Some of his friends and residents of Fresno came out in support and protest of the event. The "Justice for Dylan" was cheered by residents.

Some of the racial agitators there in attendance were wearing "WHITE LIVES MATTER" t-shirts and others were driving with the Confederate flag.

The use of lethal force in a two minute encounter has sparked another debate over trigger happy lawmen.

#BlackLivesMatter is not a group. It's a movement.

It calls for police reform, an end to military style policing, more training for officers, accountability for officers who fatally shoot unarmed citizens, harsher penalties for those who attack LGBT Americans and an end to profiling Black, Hispanic and Muslim Americans.

It's hated by the conservatives and police unions. They believe the rhetoric is anti-cop and anti-White.

Conservatives always try to blame the fatal shootings of police officers on #BlackLivesMatter.

World News Today send our condolences to Dylan Noble.

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Another View!

Shot Alton Sterling at point blank range.


Two shootings of Black men by law enforcement managed to spark discussion on police brutality.

It's no secret that unarmed Black suspects are judged through the lens of conservatives. Already some are accusing the victims of being gang members and rapists. Even a washed up celebrity went to social media to denounce the victim because she got her info off an internet troll.

The men were in their legal right to have firearms. It doesn't matter to the law or the court of pubic opinion, they are guilty until proven innocent. The deaths of both Alton Sterling and Philando Castile sparked feverish protests.

If these events weren't filmed, the outcome would have been the officer's word against the deceased.

Shot at point blank range.
Now you know the deceased can't talk. The deceased is dead.

The cop can say anything to beat a preliminary hearing and a grand jury indictment.

But no matter how much video evidence shows the cop acted in the wrong, the grand jury will likely say he acted in self defense and the evidence isn't there. It's come to the point where I believe no cop will be indicted on the murder of an unarmed Black suspect.

Today, the junk food media released the second video of the Baton Rouge police officers shooting Alton in the chest. This was being filmed by the owner of the store where Alton was selling his CDs and DVDs.

The second video was filmed by Abdullah Muflahi, the owner of the convenience store outside which the shooting occurred.  The police officers had been called after reports that a man selling CDs outside the convenience store had threatened someone with a gun.

They shot him three times, and rolled off of him. Then they shot him three more times.
Alton Sterling didn't deserve to die.
“That’s his gun they are taking out of his pocket.

"As soon as I finished the video, I put my phone in my pocket. I knew they would take it from me, if they knew I had it. They took my security camera videos. They told me they had a warrant, but didn’t show me one. So I kept this video for myself. Otherwise, what proof do I have?"

Muflahi added that Alton had been carrying a gun for self-defense.

He said: "He started carrying a weapon a couple of days ago after a couple of his friends that also sell CDs at different locations were robbed."

According to the junk food media, an anonymous call was placed about a man waving a gun at a person. CNN claims that the person may have been a panhandler or homeless person.

So Alton and Philando had firearms on them. It that illegal for them to have firearm?
Alton's family is completely angered by the thoughtless death.
No. They had a legal right to have a firearm. They didn't fire at the officers or point at them.

Still they end up in a pool of blood and cop's word is that he's attempted.

The names of the officers were released. The names Howie Lake II and Blaine Salamoni were released to the junk food media. They are in the freezer pending a state and federal investigation.

Okay, when will the conservatives and internet trolls look into the social media of these two?

When will the junk food media start asking the amount of  hours of training the officers had before they hit the streets?

The family did a presser yesterday. The emotion on his 15-year old son broke my heart. It just got to him because according to the family, to watch that video and the reaction from critics who believe this is justifiable devastates you.

World News Today send our condolences to the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

What Happened To Philando Castile?

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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

What Happened To Alton Sterling?

The junk food media is covering the tragic police shooting of Alton Sterling.


How long will it take before conservatives start savaging a man who was fatally bucked by police?

Too late, the conservatives are trying to say that he was a "no good thug" already.

Will the junk food media mention the victim's previous run ins with the law to justify the shooting?

Too late, they already said that he has a criminal history.

Will the video evidence show gross negligence by the officers or self defense?

There's not evidence to indict the officers. A grand jury has decided to not indict the officers involved in this shooting. That's what the law and junk food media says.

When will we hear bemoaning by conservatives about Chicago's gun violence or President Obama's thoughts on these incidents?

Of course, concern trolls will talk about the 2,000th victim of gun violence in Chicago. They won't mention the name of the victim but they'll complain about how Black Lives Matter and President Barack Obama rush to judgement or fail to mention Black on whatever crime. They will say that the rhetoric from Obama and BLM is anti-cop, anti-white, etc.

Black Lives Matter doesn't ignore intraracial gun violence. The junk food media doesn't cover this because it doesn't fit in the narrative of watching the protester scream "Fuck The Police" on camera.

The group is determined to get police reform. They are devoted to ending the domestic terrorism of gangs.

The deadly police shooting of Alton Sterling has become a national outrage. Me and S. Baldwin are taking notice to the situation in the city of Baton Rouge.
Police killing of 37-year-old Alton Sterling was allegedly filmed on a mobile phone and has sparked local protests. (Photo: Screen capture)
Caught on film.
A 37-year old father of five was shot and killed after police responded to a disturbance call at a local store. He was selling CDs and DVDs outside the store.

Allegedly he pulled a gun on a person. Okay here's where the story got disturbing. In the video you going to see from an eyewitness is Alton on the ground and police yelling at him. Then the moment you hear "gun" from the officer and then the popping sounds. The eyewitness drops the phone and starts crying.

They shot him at point blank range. He was shot five times and the chest and neck.

The two officers who shot Sterling were placed in the freezer. We don't have their names yet or the times spent on the beat yet.

Here's what pisses me off?

The conservatives start going into his social media to find "incriminating" evidence to say that his death was justified.

Charles Johnson, the infamous internet troll who created GotNews already trying to unearth Alton's social media.

Social media gave their say to this.

The Raw Story catches CNN running the mugshot of Alton to give the perception of a justifiable police shooting.

It's unfortunate. We already know what's going to happen. I can bet you that they'll walk.

Regardless of the situation being caught on video, the evidence will not go to a grand jury. The grand jury will say that the victim's history in the iron college is enough to say that his life

The conservatives will complain about the junk food media giving attention to this situation. Racial agitators like Charles Johnson, Colin Flaherty, Matt Drudge, Softball Hannity, and Old Fart Rush Limbaugh will find some way it about Black America or the president.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Alton Sterling.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over No Indictment!

Clinton is not indicted.

In an alternative universe, Hillary Clinton would be indicted for mishandling classified information.

There would be calls for her to step down and the Democrats have to scramble for a candidate who could be capable of winning against Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Well in a perfect world, conservatives would be overjoyed with happiness knowing their sworn enemy is finally facing a criminal charge which could put her in federal time out.

Well in the real world, it's not happening and we can thank that FBI director James Comey for this.

"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case," said Comey.

Comey wrapped up his investigation saying that despite Clinton and her aides grossly misusing federal and top secret information, the act wasn't intentional and there's no need to go on with an indictment.
Bigger fish to fry. FBI director James Comey determined that Hillary Clinton didn't commit any crime.
The misconduct of emails isn't really a top priority for the FBI. It's just not worth even bringing to a federal prosecutor.

Conservatives of course are outraged over the decision. Once again getting their information from the bubble of misinformation, the right isn't capable of understanding how a Republican appointed lawman could betray their cause.

There were 113 emails on Clinton's servers with information classified.

Clinton was "extremely careless" in handling very sensitive, highly classified information.

Now conservative agitators are bemoaning about how the Obama administration is corrupt and they gave Clinton a pass. Despite all their hopes of a criminal indictment, they fell flat on their face again with it.

Once again, if Hillary Clinton does become the President of the United States, I will make it my mission to make conservatives tune out Softball Hannity and The Drudge Report.

Again, I seriously believe that Softball Hannity and Matt Drudge hope for a Clinton victory. They need her to keep the profit rage ongoing. They need to rile up their audience.

Clinton continues on.

Now the odds of Hillary Clinton being the President of the United States is 65%.

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Hillary Clinton Gets Grilled By The FBI!

Clinton heads to the FBI.

The presumptive Democratic nominee is getting interviewed by the FBI today in regards to the email server in the never ending Benghazi scandal. Hillary Clinton is being talked to by the feds about using her personal server instead of a government server.

This interview was over 3 1/2 hours and conducted in Washington, DC. The meeting had been anticipated as the FBI investigates whether classified information was compromised by her email arrangement.

The FBI must now decide if there should be criminal indictments.

This week ends with Republicans crowing about Attorney General Loretta Lynch meeting former President Bill Clinton in Phoenix. The encounter lasted 30 minutes but it was enough for the agitators to complain.

Regardless this event should eventually come to an end. If the prosecutor recommends charging anyone (including Clinton) with a criminal charge, Lynch will go forth with it.

Mind you that I don't really consider a scandal!
Hillary Clinton in federal time out. Not likely. 
If Clinton wasn't running for president, this would not be an issue. Obviously, since Republicans hate her and President Barack Obama, they will find a scandal where there isn't one.

They read from The Drudge Report, watch Fox News, and listen to AM agitators. This combination of news agitation creates a bubble. Regardless of how many facts dispelling the lies, conservatives will concoct another reason to doubt the truth.

This revelation came to light back in 2015 when the Benghazi committee found that Clinton was using a personal server. The Republicans and their conservative allies have spent years trying to find a scandal.

Practically costing $9 million in taxpayer's money, the Benghazi incident has been the most partisan event so far in the inept Republican controlled Congress.

This event spent more the 9/11 commission, the JFK assassination, the Watergate scandal and the Iran-Contra scandal.

The event in Benghazi killed American ambassador Chris Stevens, CIA operatives Ty Woods, Glen Doherty and aide Sean Smith.

Friday, July 01, 2016

The Feds Caught The Pretty Face!

Shanika Shantel Minor
Shanika Minor couldn't find the right person to hide with. The fugitive was placed on the FBI Most Wanted list a few days ago. She was caught in North Carolina.

The woman who was added to the 10 Most Wanted Fugitives was nabbed today in North Carolina.

Tameeca Perry was gunned down.
Shanika Minor was accused of murdering a woman who was pregnant with her unborn son after a dispute over music. Minor popped the victim in the chest in front of her children and boyfriend.

The victim Tameeca Perry was the mother of two with one on the way. The Milwaukee Police, U.S. Marshals and the FBI were determined to catch this fugitive.

The fugitive was caught in Fayetteville after the junk food media released her image to the nation.

The Cumberland County Boys and Fayetteville Police managed to grab her in a hotel. The caller said Minor was staying at the Airport Inn on Gillespie Street.

Around 2 a.m., authorities arrived at the motel and confirmed Minor was in room 122.

The March incident was unsolved until the tips came pouring in. The fugitive was assisted by friends and family. They will likely face charges for aiding a federal fugitive if the FBI determines that they deliberately allow her safe travels.
The family of Tamecca Perry can rest easy knowing that this dangerous individual is off the streets.

Minor will be extradited back to Wisconsin in the coming days. The price of a successful capture is $100,000. That will go to the person(s) who tipped the law.

Again, Minor is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The charges could carry a mandatory LIFE sentence in the iron college. Any family member or friend who aided her throughout the whole ordeal could be indicted on federal charges.
Minor's selfies and social media left a digital trail. The Feds found that useful in nabbing her.
Minor along with Brenda Delgado were added to the FBI Most Wanted fugitives list this year making this the ninth and tenth so far. The FBI Most Wanted fugitives does state that women added on the list is very rare.

Delgado was caught in Mexico after she plotted a successful hit on a dentist who went out with her ex-boyfriend. Delgado, the hitman and his girlfriend were nabbed.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Tameeca Perry.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Bill Clinton Sharing Flight With Loretta Lynch!

Conservatives scream bloody murder after U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with former president Bill Clinton.

If I met a friend of a friend who is involved in an alleged criminal act, does it make me a criminal?

If I say hi to someone who has a family member under investigation for a criminal act and I had some knowledge of the case, would that be a conflict of interest?

It seems like a conflict of interest says the junk food media. It seems like 42 and Attorney General Loretta Lynch had a private talk and the agitators want to know what was said

Of course, we're still in this "nonetrosersy" about Hillary Clinton, then secretary of state using her personal server instead of a government server in the wake of the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

Cue the conservative outrage....!

The private meeting took place on the west side of Sky Harbor International Airport on board a parked private plane.

Former President Clinton was visiting the Phoenix area and arrived to Sky Harbor Monday evening to depart.

Sources tell ABC15 Clinton was notified Lynch would be arriving at the airport soon and waited for her arrival.

Lynch was arriving in Phoenix for a planned visit as part of her national tour to promote community policing.

ABC15 asked Lynch about the meeting during her news conference at the Phoenix Police Department.

"I did see President Clinton at the Phoenix airport as he was leaving and spoke to myself and my husband on the plane," said Lynch. 

The private meeting comes as Lynch's office is in charge of the ongoing investigation and potential charges involving Clinton's email server.

The private meeting also occurred hours before the Benghazi report was released publicly involving Hillary Clinton and President Obama's administration.

Lynch said the private meeting on the tarmac did not involve these topics.
Conservatives can't get off the Clinton obsession.
"Our conversation was a great deal about grandchildren, it was primarily social about our travels and he mentioned golf he played in Phoenix," said Lynch Tuesday afternoon while speaking at the Phoenix Police Department.

Sources say the private meeting at the airport lasted around 30 minutes.

"There was no discussion on any matter pending before the Department or any matter pending with any other body, there was no discussion of Benghazi, no discussion of State Department emails, by way of example I would say it was current news of the day, the Brexit decision and what it would mean," she said.

As you know, conservatives won't buy this excuse. Even if they pass through a hallway, the kooks will speculate that Clinton is trying to clear Hillary of wrongdoing. 

Conservatives are hoping that Hillary Clinton will be indicted by a federal prosecutor for allowing her private server be allegedly compromised by foreign threats. 

All speculation and a mountain out of a molehill. 

Never in my time have the Republicans ever been so bad at what they do. They don't really have much to prove but they'll follow this notion from word-of-mouth.

Mind you that Bill Clinton appointed Lynch as a U.S. Attorney for the Brooklyn division. Mind you that President Barack Obama nominated her for Attorney General. Mind you it took over 135 days before the Republicans finally decided to nominate her as the top cop.

They are seriously wasting taxpayer money digging in the crates for allegations that don't stick.

These god damn emails haven't kill anyone. It's just another partisan bitchary from Republicans and conservative agitators to drive Hillary Clinton's poll numbers down. Thank Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for mentioning that.

Congratulations to Bill and Hillary Clinton's daughter Chelsea giving birth to her second child. 

The FBI Wants To Nab This Pretty Face For Murder!

Screenshot of Shanika Minor’s Top Ten Poster
The feds want to put this woman in the joint for murder.

The FBI added another woman to the Ten Most Wanted list. Shanika Minor is being sought by the feds after eluding a shooting a nine month pregnant woman.

In the early hours of a March night, Shamika Minor killed a neighbor over a long-standing feud that involved music and verbal insults. Senseless violence sparked by ignorance.

Since Brenda Delgado made the list this year, very few women earn the title of "MOST WANTED FUGITIVE".
Tamecca Minor was murdered along with her unborn child.
The Milwaukee Police and FBI hopes the public finds the suspect and nabs her before she causes great harm to people or herself. Shanika Minor is a 24 year old woman from Milwaukee who is being sought in the death of Tamecca Perry and her unborn child.

Minor is being charged with murder, intentional homicide of an unborn child. The charges are likely to carry a LIFE sentence. The FBI offering a $100,000 in the capture of her and anyone who helped her flee the feds.

This happened over a minor dispute over music. Minor had complained that Tamecca was playing her music loud in the early AM. She had a firearm on her and put the burner on the young mother.

FBI wants this fugitive.
Minor's mother tried to calm the situation. But heated words led to Minor pulling the trigger. The bullet hit Tamecca in the chest. Tamecca ran away before collapsing. The young mother collapsed in front of her children and her boyfriend.

The family of the victim is hoping that Minor turns herself in.

"Wherever you at Shanika, I would appreciate it if you could come. I don't want you to get hurt. I just want you to just come forward," said Cynthia Freeman, the mother of Tamecca Perry. "I just want her caught so I can rest. I don't sleep. I don't eat. I really want to know the reason why she would pull a gun out and do what she did to my daughter."

Shanika doesn't have much of a paper trail. Some say that she was a delivery person. The woman doesn't have no other jobs.

The feds are hoping to nab her. She has ties to Missouri, Mississippi, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio and Georgia. So all the state agencies are hoping that Minor makes a slip-up.

Minor is innocent until proven guilty. The charges alone could put her away for LIFE. The Death card could be issued if the suspect had willingly intended on murder.

Anyone who aids in Minor's escape will be charged with aiding and abetting a federal fugitive.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Tamecca Perry and her unborn child.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Wayne LaPierre: "Janet" Lynch Ain't Taking My Gun!

The Three Stooges stand firm in guns, name calling and all out bitching. Chris Cox, Donald Trump and Wayne LaPierre go to GOP Sundays to deny facts. Sen. Jeff Session (R-AL) comes along for the ride.

Ignorance continues to be a part of American culture. We are numb to gun violence. Everyday 20 to 50 people are killed by firearms. About 3,000 people are killed by firearms.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch heads to GOP Sundays to discuss the Orlando massacre, Hillary Clinton's emails, and the president's gun control proposals. 

Congress continues to hold a moment of silence and their prayers with the 

There's not enough prayers to stop this.


Donald Trump goes to GOP Sundays to discuss his falling poll numbers, his upcoming appearance at the oldest gun lobbyist group the National Rifle Association and why he is being criticized by fellow Republicans.

The NRA president and spokesman for the group go to GOP Sundays to defend their stance on firearms. Chris Cox, the president of the the NRA-ILA and chairman Wayne LaPierre both appear on GOP Sundays to complain about the president and Lynch.

Mind you that LaPierre is an idiot and he couldn't even say her name right.

Wayne LaPierre says that "Janet" Lynch and her gun grabbing losers at the Justice Department ain't going to take his gun.

The Brady Foundation teams up with the victims of gun violence to head to Virginia with the intentions of protesting the NRA's stubborn views on gun violence.

Also the old tired argument of the "good guy with the gun". 

In the wake of an active shooting, the good guy with a gun wouldn't be even capable of stopping a threat given the mass shooter having an automatic firearm. The law doesn't see a "good guy" with the gun. They see a threat. Even if you disarm the threat, the law might mistake you as a threat or you could end up injuring a victim. You will likely face criminal charges if you kill an innocent victim.

The good guy with a gun argument is stupid. You can't predict the motivations of a mass shooter. 

Trevor Noah and Jordan Klepper knocks down the argument of a "good guy" with the gun.

Monday, June 13, 2016

This Is A Hate Crime!

Failed presidential candidate Marco Rubio doesn't call the Orlando shooting a hate crime. He calls it "radical Islam".This is an prime example of terrorism. The U.S. senator and many Republicans forget that the victims were part of the LGBT community. They pretend to be "concern" about the victims.


There were probably many other gun crimes in the city of Orlando. This one managed to touch us all.

What has the junk food media and the world watching was the worst mass shooting in American history. The Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando by this madman sparked feverish debate over gun control, terrorism, bullying at the workplace, protecting those who LGBT and Muslims in the wake of a tragedy.

Already, Zero Hedge and The Gateway Pundit are saying this terrorist was a "liberal" and "registered Democrat". These websites are part of the problem here in America. They rush to judgement and we're quickly condemn people who are not the shooter. I don't give a flying fuck about the political views of a terrorist. They often do this nonsense to deflect the issues away from conservatives.

Obviously, if he was a registered Democrat, you wouldn't hear the name U.S. senator Marco Rubio or Florida governor Rick Scott. Yeah, he came from a district that is R+3 and it's represented by Patrick Murphy, a congressman who is running for the senate as a Democrat. He was a Republican who got fed up with the insurgency's ignorance. He and his challenger Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) will beg for the NRA's support.
After the junk food media leaves the area, what happens next?
The Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump licked his chops yesterday by posting on social media that he was "right" about this tragedy. This is the 15th time President Barack Obama spoke to the nation on the wake of a mass shooting. Obama said this was an act of terror and hate.

The terrorists believe that the inept Congress is giving away the farm. The inept Congress will not pass a law that bans automatic assault weapons or a stricter background check. Law abiding individuals can purchase a firearm. Even if you're under federal watch, you can purchase a firearm.

If you say that you hate Blacks, Hispanics, illegals, Muslims, gays, Jews, police, America and the government in rantings or public venue, you're entitled to do so. You are still able to purchase firearms. You're not committing any criminal act whatsoever. You just expressing violate speech.

If you were under federal watch, as long as you hate without causing an eminent threat, you can gun hoard.

Republicans quickly pounced on the president for not saying *drumroll* "radical Islam". Yet, they refuse to say this act was a hate crime.

How is saying "radical Islam" fighting terrorism?


Like I've said, the Republican and conservative agitators use the only muscle they got in the fight against terrorism. It's their tongues. And it's tongue tied with rhetoric that's not helpful in stopping it.

In other words, this was terrorism and a hate crime. This was an event in which a madman massacred so many people who were out having a good time.

Republicans now start having "concern" for the LGBT community. They continue to push the narrative that if "the good guy had a gun". The good guy had a gun, he was shot at and a member of the SWAT team got hit in the head by the gunman. Luckily, he was protected by his teflon helmet.

Republicans are saying that the LGBT community should start thinking about how Democrats treat them as pawns in the wake of a mass shooting.

In Elkhart, Indiana, President Barack Obama said with frustration that he has a list of people on federal watch and he can't stop them from purchasing firearms because the inept Congress won't pass legislation that bans semi-automatic firearms. They can't pass a stricter background check.
The good guy with a gun was nearly killed by the terrorist. 
I am having trouble trying to understand that for all the innocent lives killed in senseless acts of violence, we debate this stuff and then after awhile it disappears from the radar.

Over 50 people lost their lives to this senseless act of violence for being gay, transgender or straight.

They were having a good time at the club. Who knew that their night out was their last! Besides the death of 29 year old terrorist Omar Mateen, the victims who were confirmed by the Associated Press include a various group of men and women between the ages of 21 to 42. There were 36 names released to the junk food media.

  • Stanley Almodovar III, 23
  • Amanda Alvear, 25
  • Oscar A. Aracena-Montero, 26
  • Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21
  • Martin Benitez Torres, 33
  • Darryl R. Burt II, 29
  • Simon A. Carrillo Fernandez, 31
  • Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25
  • Luis Daniel Conde, 39
  • Cory James Connell, 21
  • Tevin Eugene Crosby, 25
  • Franky J. Dejesus Velazquez, 50
  • Deonka D. Drayton, 32
  • Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25
  • Mercedez M. Flores, 26
  • Juan R. Guerrero, 22
  • Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22
  • Miguel Angel Honorato, 30
  • Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40
  • Jason Benjamin Josaphat, 19
  • Eddie J. Justice, 30
  • Anthony L. Laureanodisla, 25
  • Jean C. Mendez Perez, 35
  • Kimberly Morris, 37
  • Luis O. Ocasio-Capo, 20
  • Eric I. Ortiz-Rivera, 36
  • Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32
  • Enrique L. Rios Jr., 25
  • Xavier E. Serrano Rosado, 35
  • Gilberto R. Silva Menendez, 25
  • Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34
  • Shane Evan Tomlinson, 33
  • Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, 37
  • Luis S. Vielma, 22
  • Luis D. Wilson-Leon, 37
  • Jerald Arthur Wright, 31

Let's remind the kookspirary nuts on the internet that these victims aren't "crisis actors." This is not a FEMA training video or a deliberate government sanction murder. This is a crazy man with a gun firing off at anyone standing in his way.

FBI director James Comey said that the terrorist had faced bullying from co-workers. His ex-wife said that he was abusive to her and showed signs of bipolar disorder. His father said that he held strong angst towards gay men who were in public kissing or holding hands. The FBI said that in their investigation of the terrorist, he told them he was "joking" and upset over being bullied over his religion.

All these issues don't excuse the callous acts of this terrorist. But it's giving the insight to the motives.


World News Today send our condolences to the victims.

Our friends in LGBT and Muslim community grieve with the rest of the world.


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