Wednesday, February 09, 2022

The Shade Room Churned Crack Into Gold!

The far right media is pushing fake news about SAMHSA's push to curb drug and substance abuse.

Update: The Shade Room deleted the article and tweet. They will issue an apology. The damage is done and there is no turning back. 

There is some in Black media that are just as shady as the far right media.

The coronavirus pandemic has sparked a rise in drug abuse. 

Over 925,000 Americans are dead from the coronavirus. 

There is 1 in 50 per 10,000 Americans having mental health issues and possible drug abuse. 

Over 50,000 Americans died from drug abuse last year.

The pandemic has driven more folks to using drugs. The Biden Administration is trying to save lives while the far right and many of these heartless fucks are stirring more discourse.

The Shade Room is facing heavy backlash after it pushed fake news about President Joe Biden's agenda. On top of that, it made it into the bloodstream of American politics. Instead of fact checking and getting official confirmation from government agencies, they just run this shit without any care in the world.

The gossip agitator claimed that the Biden Administration was shoveling out $30 million worth of crack pipes.

According to The Shade Room, the grants will be part of a $30 million Biden administration program that includes money for not-for-profit groups to purchase “safe smoking kits/supplies according to a report in the Washington Free Beacon.”

It’s also reported that the pipes would encourage drug users to smoke drugs instead of injecting them because injections are said to run a higher risk.

The biggest mistake was taking a talking point from The Daily Mail and Washington Free Beacon, two far right platforms notorious for pushing fake stories. On top of that, Fox is involved. A network devoted to pushing white nationalist talking points.

The headline reads: "Biden Administration Reportedly Finalizing $30M Program To Provide Drug Paraphernalia To Drug Users To Prevent Infection."

They ran on this allegation that the Biden Administration was passing out crack pipes and syringes to keep drug abuse up. 

They shared that shit on social media and the far right quickly picked it up.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is charged with improving the quality and availability of treatment and rehabilitative services in order to reduce illness, death, disability, and the cost to society resulting from substance abuse and mental illnesses. The Administrator of SAMHSA reports directly to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. SAMHSA's headquarters building is located outside of Rockville, Maryland.

A comprehensive prevention strategy, harm reduction is part of the continuum of care. Harm reduction approaches have proven to prevent death, injury, disease, overdose, and prevent substance misuse or disorder. Harm reduction is an effective approach to addressing the public health epidemic involving substance use as well as infectious disease and other harms associated with drug use. Specifically, harm reduction services can:

  • Connect individuals to overdose education, counseling, and referral to treatment for infectious diseases and substance use disorders.
  • Distribute opioid overdose reversal medications (e.g., naloxone) to individuals at risk of overdose, or to those who might respond to an overdose.
  • Lessen harms associated with drug use and related behaviors that increase the risk of infectious diseases, including HIV, viral hepatitis, and bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Reduce infectious disease transmission among people who use drugs, including those who inject drugs by equipping them with accurate information and facilitating referral to resources.
  • Reduce overdose deaths, promote linkages to care, facilitate co-location of services as part of a comprehensive, integrated approach.
  • Reduce stigma associated with substance use and co-occurring disorders
  • Promote a philosophy of hope and healing by utilizing those with lived experience of recovery in the management of harm reduction services, and connecting those who have expressed interest to treatment, peer support workers and other recovery support services.

SAMHSA is now accepting applications for the first-ever SAMHSA Harm Reduction grant program and expects to issue $30 million in grant awards. This funding, authorized by the American Rescue Plan, will help increase access to a range of community harm reduction services and support harm reduction service providers as they work to help prevent overdose deaths and reduce health risks often associated with drug use. SAMHSA will accept applications from State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments, Tribal organizations, non-profit community-based organizations, and primary and behavioral health organizations.

Drug abuse is a mental health issue.

SAMHSA will distribute $10 million per year over the next three years. Grant recipients must use the funds to support harm reduction services. Harm reduction service providers will be asked to develop or expand evidence-based services that may include, but not be limited to: the provision of sterile syringes, safe sex kits, prevention education about synthetic opioids and other substances, overdose prevention kits including naloxone distribution, peer worker engagement, medical services, case management and referral to treatment. Warm handoffs that facilitate engagement in care and referrals to treatment for individuals seeking these support services are also critical components of this grant program. Harm reduction services will be trauma-informed and guided by harm reduction stakeholder groups and other community members.

The U.S. Health and Human Services slammed The Shade Room, Washington Free Beacon and The Daily Mail for pushing fake news. Here the resident white nationalist Tuckems.

HHS said, “These comments are misleading and misinformed. Too many Americans have lost their lives to drug overdose. Evidence-based community harm reduction services such as naloxone, fentanyl test strips, and syringe services programs help people stay alive and are proven strategies for addressing this tragic epidemic. The Harm Reduction Grant Program offered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is designed to put these services within reach for Americans who are struggling with substance use so they can stay healthy and safe, avoid overdose death, and find pathways into evidence-based treatments.”

Start reading books and stop trusting the fucking internet.

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