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Rev. Al Sharpton is in Trump's crosshairs. |
The far-white agitator is the most annoying figure in the junk food media. He along with the rest of those extremists on Fox News have long attacked Rev. Al Sharpton of the National Action Network.
Sharpton is often a target of conservative ire because of his "in your face" activism. Sharpton is also a commentator and host on MSNBC's PoliticsNation. His show is on weekends at 5pm.
Sharpton was then friends with Trump back in the day. Things change. Especially when Trump decided to question Barack Obama's birthplace.
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Trump keeps the fire burning. |
In the latest round of attacks on people of color, bigot Trump decided to go after Sharpton.
Someone please explain to Nancy Pelosi, who was recently called racist by those in her own party, that there is nothing wrong with bringing out the very obvious fact that Congressman Elijah Cummings has done a very poor job for his district and the City of Baltimore. Just take...— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2019
....a look, the facts speak far louder than words! The Democrats always play the Race Card, when in fact they have done so little for our Nation’s great African American people. Now, lowest unemployment in U.S. history, and only getting better. Elijah Cummings has failed badly!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2019
Speaking of failing badly, has anyone seen what is happening to Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco. It is not even recognizeable lately. Something must be done before it is too late. The Dems should stop wasting time on the Witch Hunt Hoax and start focusing on our Country!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2019
“Elijah Cummings has had his chance to address it (crime & conditions in Baltimore) for decades, and he hasn’t gotten it done.” @PeteHegseth @foxandfriends How can he get it done when he just wants to use his Oversight Committee to hurt innocent people and divide our Country!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2019
There is nothing racist in stating plainly what most people already know, that Elijah Cummings has done a terrible job for the people of his district, and of Baltimore itself. Dems always play the race card when they are unable to win with facts. Shame!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2019
If racist Elijah Cummings would focus more of his energy on helping the good people of his district, and Baltimore itself, perhaps progress could be made in fixing the mess that he has helped to create over many years of incompetent leadership. His radical “oversight” is a joke!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2019
Under the Trump Administration, African American unemployment is the lowest (best) in the history of the United States. No President has come close to doing this before! I also created successful Opportunity Zones. Waiting for Nancy and Elijah to say, “Thank you, Mr. President!”— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2019
I have known Al for 25 years. Went to fights with him & Don King, always got along well. He “loved Trump!” He would ask me for favors often. Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score. Just doing his thing. Must have intimidated Comcast/NBC. Hates Whites & Cops! https://t.co/ZwPZa0FWfN— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2019
Baltimore, under the leadership of Elijah Cummings, has the worst Crime Statistics in the Nation. 25 years of all talk, no action! So tired of listening to the same old Bull...Next, Reverend Al will show up to complain & protest. Nothing will get done for the people in need. Sad!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2019
If the Democrats are going to defend the Radical Left “Squad” and King Elijah’s Baltimore Fail, it will be a long road to 2020. The good news for the Dems is that they have the Fake News Media in their pocket!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2019
Al Sharpton would always ask me to go to his events. He would say, “it’s a personal favor to me.” Seldom, but sometimes, I would go. It was fine. He came to my office in T.T. during the presidential campaign to apologize for the way he was talking about me. Just a conman at work!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2019
Crazy Bernie Sanders recently equated the City of Baltimore to a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY! Based on that statement, I assume that Bernie must now be labeled a Racist, just as a Republican would if he used that term and standard! The fact is, Baltimore can be brought back, maybe......— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2019
....even to new heights of success and glory, but not with King Elijah and that crew. When the leaders of Baltimore want to see the City rise again, I am in a very beautiful oval shaped office waiting for your call!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2019
Sharpton who is close friend to Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) has been very vocal about his old friend's not so subtle attacks on people of color.
Trump says he knew Sharpton for 25 years. He called him a "con man" who hates whites and cops.
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Sharpton meets with Elijah Cummings. In the background is former lawmaker turned Fox News commentator Jason Chaffetz. |
He said that he never slept with Stormy Daniels while Melania Trump was pregnant with his son Baron. Why did he sue her for speaking out against him?
He said won the election fair and square. Why did Russia meddle in the U.S. Election to ensure he would win and not the world's pick Hillary Clinton? Why would Hillary Clinton want to deliberately lose an election? That's not the deep state. That's a bunch of bullshit.
Softball Hannity has a part in this controversy. He was the far-white agitator who became a strong vocal supporter of Trump.
Sharpton said that Trump and Republicans is a "particular venom for Blacks."TRUMP: "Baltimore, under the leadership of Elijah Cummings, has the worst Crime Statistics in the Nation. 25 years of all talk, no action! So tired of listening to the same old Bull...Next, Reverend Al will show up to complain & protest." https://t.co/IAgYErZuKQ— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) July 29, 2019
"He attacks everybody (of color). I know Donald Trump. He's not mature enough to take criticism. He's like a child," Sharpton said to an event in Baltimore.
Trump says I’m a troublemaker & con man. I do make trouble for bigots. If he really thought I was a con man he would want me in his cabinet.— Reverend Al Sharpton (@TheRevAl) July 29, 2019
Discussing Trump’s attacks on me. I have known him for a long time and have marched against him. I will always stand up to bigotry and injustice. pic.twitter.com/ZTIi7ASw0r— Reverend Al Sharpton (@TheRevAl) July 29, 2019
Speaking about reversing the economic erosion of home ownership in Black communities at the conference on the Black Economic Agenda this morning in Baltimore. pic.twitter.com/ZRJQgST2vh— Reverend Al Sharpton (@TheRevAl) July 29, 2019
Former Republican National Committee Chairman and MSNBC commentator Michael Steele came to Sharpton's defense as well as Baltimore. Steele grew up in Maryland and was then a lieutenant governor of the state. He said that Trump needs to put down the phone and make the bold effort to come into Baltimore's west neighborhood. Directly said that you want this "shithole" improved.Trump at NAN Convention 2006 telling James Brown and Jesse Jackson why he respects my work. Different tune now. pic.twitter.com/mvNQmPdLUh— Reverend Al Sharpton (@TheRevAl) July 29, 2019
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Alveda King is the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. She doesn't represent the King family or the Southern Christian Leadership Committee. She represents the Looney Coons. |
Maryland's Republican governor, Larry Hogan, also rebuked Trump on Monday, calling the president's posts "just outrageous and inappropriate" during an appearance on a Baltimore radio show.
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Trump gets a hold of his Black friends to denounce the one who accused him of racism. |
Hogan has consideration to jump into the Republican primary to challenge Trump. Perennial candidate William Weld, a former Massachusetts governor is running. Former Republican lawmaker and South Carolina governor Mark Sanford is considering a run against Trump.
The president's aggression toward Cummings follows widespread condemnation Trump has drawn from national Democrats in the past month for racist rhetoric aimed at a high-profile quartet of freshman lawmakers. The four progressive members of the so-called squad, all women of color, include Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.
Trump managed to recruit the coons to the picnic.
Alveda King, Darrell Scott, Terrance K. Williams, Diamond & Silk decided to head to the White House to help Trump cover up his racism.
Look folks, we have a problem here. People of color are under attack. Donald J. Trump, Republicans and the far-white agitators are enabling a race war. They are embolden to directly attack people of color. They don't understand that people of color are patiently waiting to strike back.
The Democrats need to get their act together.
The Democrats need to stop looking for the white uneducated as their path to victory. They need to recruit newly registered voters, people of color who aren't satisfied with the status quo and regular folks who struggle to make a living.
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The Baltimore Sun says Larry Hogan is a better Republican than Trump and the leaders of his party. |
I am tired of career politicians, religious zealots, millionaires, ex-military and the well-off winning these elections.
Can't the average American who works two jobs get elected?
Can't the struggling mother of five get a job as a local U.S. Representative?
Or is this another way to say if you're not well-off, you might as well just remain in place!
The Sean Hannity Word Vomit coming in August.
Added: The far-white seems to come to Black blogs with trolling.
Highlight and magnifying glass folks.
Anonymous NoApologies said...
All of the worst places in America have one glaring fact in common. They are dominated by the democrat party. Corruption, crime, homelessness, low employment, substance abuse, school drop out rates, all while luring in more desperate people from among the illegals with promises of tax-paid sanctuary. Madness!
5:58 AM
I will say to the person who posted it: If you don't like what's going on, do what Trump said.....! If you want to solve a problem, get your ass off that computer and pick up a shovel, a paintbrush, a hammer and a voter registration card. Stop the madness of trolling and do something that's worth value. Stop being a pathetic troll.
Shut the fuck and stop wasting our time.
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