Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Louisiana Mom Burned Alive Could Be.... A Hoax!

Sharmeka Moffitt may have lied to federal authorities when she claimed that she was badly burned by a group of individuals. She claimed it was an act of the domestic terrorist group the Ku Klux Klan. Of course, this will be harped by conservatives from now until the election because it's a racial hoax by a Black person.
Before I was going to write another piece on the rise of right wing extremism. But I was kind of cautious about this one!

Sharmeka Moffitt, age 20 had a tragedy happen to her over the weekend. She was attacked by a group of men who allegedly raped her, burned her and carved Nigger and KKK in her vehicle.

At first you would think that horrible incident would merit the local authorities, U.S. Justice Department and FBI to investigate. But when they've poked through the holes, they've determined that it's a hoax and the woman may face serious charges for this incident.

Because if the notion of a violent crime was to be committed by an individual who has ties to White supremacists groups, I've figured that these people would likely kill this person! It's not likely they'll burn the individual without at least watching them die.

Now I remember sometime ago, Bethany Storro, a Washington state woman who accused a Black woman of splashing acid on her face. Well it turned out to be a hoax. The woman wanted to get a facial surgery and scorn her former boyfriend. Also Storro is writing a book about her hoax.
Ashley Todd tried to sabotage Barack Obama's presidential campaign in 2008 with a racial hoax. Todd claimed that a Black person mugged her and curved a backwards "B" in her face after he claimed he hated Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) the 2008 Republican nominee.
And the most famous racial hoax. Ashley Todd. The McCain volunteer who claimed a Black man mugged her and curved a backwards "B" in her cheek. That turned out to be a hoax and it splashed on the infamous conservative agitating website The Drudge Report. It was then hampered by Neil Cavuto, Neal Boortz and Rush Limbaugh during the later weeks of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections. The perception of the Black person being an Obama supporter drove the notion that violent events happen when Republican expresses their support of a nominee. That incident put Todd in bad company with the news media. I am guessing she's going to cast her vote for Mitt Romney with less scandal!

This tragedy would have brought forth the civil rights groups, liberal agitator Al Sharpton and conservative ire because it's an incident that involves race and the perpetration was a White person!

It's getting worse! From hanging effigies of the president, to spray painting racial slurs on the buildings of college campuses, some classify as hate crimes, some hoaxes.

In Louisiana. A woman was burned and her vehicle was curved with the infamous domestic terrorist group the Ku Klux Klan.
Bethany Storro accused a Black woman of splashing acid in her face. She made the story up in order to get facial surgery and get back at a scorned boyfriend.
It's unbelievable and it's gotten play on websites like The Raw Story, a liberal investigative journalism blog.

I took a few hours off the internet and word has it that the woman made the story up!

My famous words to racial hoaxes: THAT BITCH LIED! 

And to make matters worse, she may end up hurting President Barack Obama in the long run. Because if the conservative media licks their chops, expect this to be another talking point to rile up White voters who have trouble accepting a Black president.

News One reports, the Louisiana woman who alleged that she was attacked and set on fire by men wearing “white hoodies,” lied about the incident according to police investigators, reports the Franklin Sun.

After analyzing the evidence at the State Police Crime Lab, it was discovered Moffitt’s fingerprints were on the cigarette lighter and the lighter fluid recovered near the wooded area around the crime scene.

“There is more physical evidence along those lines that back this up,” Thomas said.

At a news conference held at LSU Medical Center on Monday evening, Moffitt’s mother, Edna Moffitt said her daughter was in critical condition with third-degree burns on her arms and other areas and would undergo surgery Tuesday.

False rumors regarding the incident were spread on various social media outlets Sunday night just hours after the incident took place. On many of the Twitter and Facebook posts, users speculated the attack was a hate crime and Moffitt was attacked for wearing a President Obama t-shirt when she was “raped and burned alive”.

Moffitt’s mother and Thomas confirmed Monday that the Obama T-shirt rumor was false and there was no evidence of sexual assault.

A racial slur and the letters, KKK, that were written in toothpaste on Moffitt’s vehicle were linked to female DNA, authorities said.

“All of the evidence is pointing back to the victim inflicting this upon herself,” Thomas said. “No evidence has shown any other person was involved.”

“This case is solved,” Thomas added.

Pieces of the case fall apart after accuser confessed she made the story up!
She got a sympathy from hundreds of individuals hoping that the incident didn't rehash them days of racial tension in the south. What she's done is not permanently damaged her body, but made another reason to why White supremacists hate the Black community.

They hate us because in their opinion, we wear racism on our sleeves. And to make the notion of a Black person creating a racial hoax reminds the conservative/White supremacist bubble of Tawana Brawley or Crystal Magnum. This also gives them the notions of O.J. Simpson and The New Black Panthers standing outside of the polling station in Philadelphia.

And of course the conservative word salad is basically this was one of "OBAMA'S CHILDREN" in word play to the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin being politicized by the president and conservative agitators.

Newone reports, the small town of Winnsboro, LA was thrust into chaos in the wake of the incident, and candlelight vigils were held for the “victim” as fears about a resurgence of hate crimes shook the area.

Franklin Parish Sheriff, Kevin Cobb, said that the town has remained united through the incident and they need to remain supportive:

“I want to thank the community, who under these stressful times they allowed law enforcement to do their job to seek information, collect evidence and follow the facts,” Cobb said. “Although I think what she did was wrong and had major consequences not only for her, but throughout our community and our country.

There’s something wrong here, and we need to help individuals like this. In the same way our community came to support her as a victim, I still hope the community will support her emotional and physical recovery.”

No charges have been filed against Moffitt. The Sun reports that the case has been turned over to the 5th Judicial District Attorney’s Office.

In a state with a history of unspeakable acts of violence against Black citizens, Moffitt’s claims were especially dangerous. Hopefully, the band-aid she has ripped off the racial tension in the town of Winnsboro does not cause any more conflict.

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It's Just A Piece Of Paper!

Zina Houghton was the shooting suspect's target. She was killed after the shooter, husband Radcliffe Houghton was told not to be near her. The restraining order that was filed against him was supposed to protected her! It triggered the shooter to snap. This leads to a controversial issue with the mentally disturbed and firearms.
Part I - The Restraining Order

The Wisconsin spa shooting tragedy has caught the attention of many Americans. Of course its driven by so many culture war issues. First let's take a moment to send our condolences to the victims of this horrible tragedy. Second, this should give pause to why even a restraining order isn't going to stop a deranged individual.

A restraining order is granted to the individual by the court. It's meant to be a protection from a harasser. 

In the mind of a person served a restraining order, SNAP!

Radcliffe Houghton is the perfect example of the mentally disturbed. According to family members of both him and his wife Zina, they were having a difficult marriage. Zina tried to protect herself from an individual who was known to have tendencies of violence. 

This didn't stop him. After he was told by a judge to forfeit his firearms, he went on to purchase another firearm. Instead of getting help for himself, he decides that since he's gotten a restraining order! His life was crumbling and he wanted revenge!

He accused his wife of cheating on him! He threw acid on her. He slashed her tires and threaten to burn her with gasoline. He had thrown her clothes outside and poured tomato juice on them and her vehicle.

He was deranged. For all the things that were described by most in the media, one thing is clear! He had a motive! He wanted to show the world that: "if [I] could not have her, no one could!"

Radcliffe Houghton, age 45 went into the Azana Spa near Brookfield Mall in Wisconsin. He managed to take three lives before taking his own life! 

Part II - Taboo Of Interracial Love
Mass shooter Radcliffe Houghton.

Now onto the issue of interracial couple! Once a taboo, many interracial couples are getting married. Marriage by White women and Black men are on the rise! That has those in the conservative/White supremacist bubble angry!

A product of an interracial marriage is Barack Obama, the first Black president. Born to an African father and American white mother, the Democratic Party's standard bearer is the first elected leader of color.

What gives the notion of a browner nation is the Non-Hispanic White population is declining! White people make up 74% of the nation's population. White men men are declining in population. That has White supremacists highly upset. They are distraught over the fact that 2012 is the beginning of a browner nation. In approximately 40 years, Hispanics/Latinos will become the second largest birth population. They already make up 15% of the nation's population. 

As of May 2012, the first signs of a decline race started when it was calculated that interracial babies are growing faster than non-Hispanic Whites. 

Alright Radcliffe Houghton was married to his wife Zina. She was white and he was Black. 

Already, you probably got White supremacist and conservative websites already trying to spin this into the infamous stereotype of "BLACK ON WHITE" crime. 

The theme of most extremists is their perceived threat of the Black man who rapes White women or the thought of killing the White man! They think the Black man is stealing from the White man by looting and rioting. They think the Black community is pillaging from the White man by taking handouts like food stamps and welfare.

The interracial factor is a taboo still in some households in America. It's still a controversial issue with family members who have conservative views. Although equally, liberals, moderates and conservatives all warming up to interracial marriage, it's still a catch up for conservatives. Liberals and moderates are more willing to accept interracial marriage

What if your son brought home a White woman?

What about your daughter bringing home a Black man?

Would your parents approve of this relationship?

Would your family member (i.e. sister, brother, grandparents) would approve of it?

Whether it's a straight or gay couple, interracial love is rising!

Part III - Bullets With No Name!

Just this year alone, we seen multiple mass shootings in 2012. The Republican Party and even the Democratic Party have became very cautious when it comes to guns.

I mean I know I am an owner of a firearm. I don't have to be a card-carrying member of the National Rifle Association. I am familiar with the tactics by the gun lobbyist group and their attempts to scare up fundraising.

The reason why Republicans are trying to push this narrative the president is coming for your guns is pretty much the same old strategy of fear-mongering.

No one is coming the guns!

The likelihood of a Barack Obama victory is possible (once from very strongly). The candidacy of Mitt Romney doesn't bring ease to those gun owners as well. What brings gun owners out in droves is the liberal with a record of trying to stop firearm. Has the president signed legislation that restricts firearms?


The Republicans inserted legislation to allow firearms in national parks. Firearm sales are on the rise and many irrational Americans are stockpiling bullets for the "GREAT RACE WAR".

Pop singer Chris Brown has a restraining order against him after a violent confrontation with Rihanna. The pop singers are reportedly back together.
Part IV - Conclusion

Radcliffe Houghton is a monster. I know he's was an emotional train wreck. I can understand having dealing with heartbreak. But for him and many others, letting go of the ones you've love is harder than a piece of paper.

That restraining order doesn't mean much to a deranged individual. It's a trigger!

I wish things could have turned out well! But unfortunately, Houghton didn't want to abide to a court order!

How can a piece of paper protect a victim when it's not reliant on stopping the perpetrator (from causing harm)?

Mitt Romney: Commander-And-Chief You're Not!

The final debate and it looks like Barack Obama won this one!
The final debate. The last stop before the national election. Two candidates come out to test their foreign policy experience. They're competing against greater odds, Monday Night Football and the National League playoffs.

The last debate that covers the only thing that Mitt Romney failed at studying: Reality!

The perennial candidate is now the Republican nominee for president. He's in a dead heat with President Barack Obama. The former Massachusetts governor wanted to test his foreign skills overseas and yet proven to be a failure at that!

So instead of improving his image abroad, he continues on this "blinders" tour with this notion that every time President Barack Obama acknowledges an issue of our history, it's an "apology" tour!

Mitt Romney took all his Frank Luntz, Fox News, Drudge Report talking points to the debate. And yet it was the embattled president who cleaned his clock. Giving it's Monday, it gives liberal agitators a week to maneuver the message that Mitt Romney isn't ready for primetime.

What seems to be the worst thing in the debate is how Mitt Romney had an opportunity to knock out the president over his tepid response to the Libyan attack, but he didn't! It's like a repeat of the president's disastrous night of not mention the 47% gaffe.  It's like Mitt Romney didn't want to be there! Is this bounce that Mitt Romney's getting going to end?

Mitt Romney managed to stay focused on the economy only to have it beaten back by the president.

While moderator Bob Schieffer didn't bring up drug cartels in Mexico, space exploration, border security, Operation Fast & Furious, climate change, United States trade with Canada, NATO, the United Kingdom, the European debt crisis and its affects here, it's was mostly stuck on issues that were mainly related to helping Mitt Romney score an edge.

Already liberals are saying it was a hands down victory for the president. Conservatives are decrying it was a sign of desperation to blaming the moderator for allowing this debate get out of control.

And Mitt Romney did get disrespectful to the president and Schieffer.

But anyways, my take on it is simple!

He's not a proven leader.

Anything else I forgot to mention?


That's all!


Vote early, vote now!

Help put Barack Obama back into the White House!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Blame Game: Wisconsin Spa Shooting!

Radcliffe Houghton standing in pose with firearm. He is responsible for a mass shooting at suburban spa and salon in Brookfield, Wisconsin. He committed suicide after he killed his wife and injured others.
The media reported that a man went into a suburban spa on the premises of a Wisconsin mall. This person shot and killed three before he turned the gun on himself. President Barack Obama, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and Republican nominee Mitt Romney sent their condolences to the families of the victims.

The media is trying to figure out how this tragedy happened. They think that Radcliffe F. Houghton was distraught over a pending divorce. The man opened fire injuring numerous others.

But the question that most should wonder, how come this person had a firearm when he held a restraining order?

How come this individual wasn't looked at as mentally disturbed or likely to cause/inflict harm upon someone after his estranged wife reported he slashed the tires of her vehicle?

And why isn't this a flag of the growing issue with firearms and the mentally disturbed?

What you're expected from the conservative media is basically the blame game!
Picture of shooting victim, Zina Houghton. This is the wife of shooter Radcliffe Franklin Houghton.
Obviously I'm expected that Breitbart will report that the shooter is a registered Democrat!

The Drudge Report will lay out the "Scary Black Man With A Gun!" Of course, you see the picture above, it's the shooter. And of course in Romneyland and the conservative/white supremacist bubble, this is one of "OBAMA'S SONS!"

The White supremacists websites will harp about the epidemic of Black on White crime! Reason why, the wife is a White woman and the shooter is a Black man.

Conservatives will eventually attack the president for politicizing a tragedy! And they're still harping on the Libyan attack also!

The National Rifle Association will rally their fundraising efforts by saying that this is a gateway for President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to take away firearms. There's no legislation proposed or even thought of during this lame duck session of the U.S. Congress. Although the president supports the ban on dangerous assault weapons in the city, Republicans would gladly try to say "Obama's coming for the guns" regardless of what he says. They're sketchy on former governor and perennial candidate Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee. He once supported the assault weapons ban and doesn't own firearms.

But the point of this is simple. If you look at the situation, our country is on the path to slow recovery. The Republicans have delayed progress for their lame attempts to stop the president.
Distraught and shock at such an event by a dangerous individual.
And it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Zina Houghton was killed when he approached the Azana Spa and Salon in Brookfield, Wisconsin.
He also taken the lives of two other women. One being a single mother of a teenager. Another one isn't confirmed but it's still pending.

The Brookfield Police and FBI are investigating the history of this man.

Houghton's father Radcliffe, Sr. express remorse and sorrow about this tragedy. His father released a statement expressing sorrow for all the victims lost or injured during this weekend tragedy.

As I went through the web, I've seen a website that is considered conservative. It's already going around.

So of course, the blame game is what conservatives play. They know that an unemployed firearm owner is likely going to commit an act of terror upon anyone when they're distressed. Houghton was unemployed, depressed and feuding with his wife. He had envisioned her probably cheating on him and among other things.

But since this is a Black person, it's another attempt of NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama.

The individual alone is the monster.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to those who were lost in this senseless tragedy.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Katt Williams Pulls A Gun On Faizon Love!

Keep it pimpin'! Katt Williams, known for his role as Money Mike in Friday After Next pulled a gun on people. One of the hip-hop community's most famous comedian plays most roles as a pimp or hustler in movies and television.
The hip-hop community once again deals with another figure in their ever controversial music genre.

However, this individual isn't really a rapper, but a comedian who appears in hip-hop videos, the famous Ice Cube movie Friday After Next, and the Boondocks by Aaron McGruder.

Katt Williams a Los Angeles comedian who is known for his slick talking comedy skits is in custody after he allegedly pulled a firearm on fellow actor Faizon Love.

Both are comedians who appeared in the Friday movie series with Ice Cube.

Williams is a recovering drug addict who lost his fight in soberness.

Love claims that the 39-year old actor/comedian pulled an unloaded firearm on him after a drunken outburst and scuffle with him. But the entertainment news agitator E! reports that the comedian was outside of hot spot the Supperclub when the incident took place. He was subsequently released without any charges being filed.

"Katt Williams never stepped one foot into Supperclub," Supperclub owner Abdi Manvi tells E! News. "He was apprehended in the parking lot behind our building. Supperclub's security stationed at the back door of the restaurant/club witnessed Katt getting into an argument with another man, and they began to scuffle."

"The police were called to deal with the issue, and he was discovered to be armed," Manvi added. "Many times, Supperclub is used as a logistical landmark that the police call out to mark the area to which they respond. However, he was not inside the club."

LAPD confirms that Williams "was detained outside of the Supperclub, not inside the location."

The gun was reportedly found in Williams' car and two other members of his entourage were also taken into custody for questioning, with one of them booked on an unrelated traffic warrant.

A rep for Katt could not be reached for comment. But the Friday After Next star told the site while he was in cuffs that the whole thing was a mixup.

"They made another mistake. Third one in six months after settling with me," said Williams.

Faizon Love, comedian and actor.
TMZ, the celebrity news agitator known for its sensationalist stories stated that Faizon Love feared for his life when Katt Williams pulled a gun on him this week, telling TMZ ... Katt's obsession with drugs and firearms could have cost him his life.

Love called into TMZ Live Friday to explain what went down Tuesday night -- when Katt pulled a gun on him at a parking lot outside Supperclub in Hollywood.

Love says ... when Katt pointed the weapon at him, he 100% feared getting shot, explaining ... "When someone pulls a gun and they on that narcotics ... you don't know what's gonna happen."

One of Love's homeboys managed to snatch the gun from Katt -- and discovered it was unloaded.

Katt was arrested that night for a possible gun violation, but was later released from custody -- and no charges have been filed.

As for what caused the beef, Faizon wouldn't say.  It's something that happened 6 months ago, but he insists it was NOT about money.

Tragedy In Wisconsin!

Radcliffe Franklin Houghton shot and killed numerous individuals before turning the gun on himself. The shooting in Brookfield, Wisconsin continues a trend of dangerous mass shootings. This is approximately three months since the Aurora, Colorado shooting in which James Holmes killed twelve and injured nearly 70 people.
There's late word that a mass shooter in Wisconsin is reported dead. The name is Radcliffe Franklin Houghton, a 45 year old man who was apparently shooting at employees at a local mall spa. One of the employees was the shooter's wife. The suspect killed himself at the scene.

The gentleman is an African American man.

In Brookfield, Wisconsin, about ten miles from Milwaukee, a mass shooting occurred near the Brookfield Mall. The shooting has causalities. According to the Associated Press, about three people are dead so far.

There's numerous individuals who were shot and injured.
The shooting was at a spa near the Brookfield Mall in Wisconsin.
The Azana Spa shooting was on Sunday. The motive of the shooting was an apparent domestic violence issue in which the shooter, probably his wife and another individual died in the shooting.

Soon we'll hear from condolences and sympathy from President Barack Obama, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

Of course since this is Black person involved, you'll eventually get the conservative media (or White supremacists, in general) agitated about the person's political affiliation, the epidemic of Black on White crime, conspiracies about the president coming for their guns (or in some case Mitt Romney coming for the guns)! 

You'll hear conservatives blame liberalism and Black leaders for this.

Of course, they'll ignore the fact this individual fits the notion of disturbed or the mentally challenged operating firearms.
Visual design of the Brookfield Mall in Wisconsin.
The NRA will denounce the shooting and say that it's not the firearm, it's the owner.

This is an ongoing story and we here at Journal de la Reyna will keep you posted on the latest developments.

We also send our condolences to those who were lost in this senseless tragedy.

Also sending our condolences to actor Alex Karras, famed football star who became the TV dad on 80s sitcom Webster, former presidential candidate George McGovern and former senator Arlen Specter.

Chevy Chase: I'm Not Like That! They Gave Me The Lines!

Famed comedian and director Chevy Chase is under fire for using a racial slur while on set of his program Community. The NBC program is a stable of the network and Chevy Chase is frustrated with the creative direction of the show. I think he wants out!

As one of the original members of SNL (Saturday Night Live), Chase has been known as a stable of the slapstick and witty humor that carried Lorne Michaels' show for over 30 years.

While it's confirmed by Deadline and entertainment news agitator E!, the Community star didn't direct his racial slur at the Black actors on the set.

Now what's this with the pass!

Conservatives are always thinking they're the butt of ire when it comes to racism. How about a liberal activist who supports the president but hates his script as Pierce Hawthorne, a millionaire who enrolls at Greendale due to boredom? The character Chase plays is often seen as the least liked member of the group due to his self-importance, incoherence and casual bigotry. Despite his apparent arrogance, Pierce is aware of his place in the group, and he often attempts to appear cooler, fit in, and make others like him more.

Chase's famed role as Clark Griswold, the famed patriarch of National Lampoon's Vacation movies, helped through cult classics such as  Caddyshack, Fletch, and ¡Three Amigos!

 He has hosted the Academy Awards twice (1987 and 1988) and briefly had his own late-night talk show, The Chevy Chase Show. Chase's return to the smaller screen has him kind of being a sideliner and not a headliner.

I guess he's not impressed with the role of the straight man!

E! News reported that the 69-year-old actor, who has voiced his opinions regarding the show numerous times, this time utilized the N-word.

Chevy Chase rants at Community creator in newly released voice mail and calls the show "mediocre sitcom"

However, it apparently was not directed towards African-American castmates Donald Glover and Yvette Nicole Brown but rather his discomfort with the way things were going with his narrow-minded character, Pierce, in which he suggested he may next be asked to call Glover's character Troy or Brown's character Shirley the N-Word.

He also reportedly  "apologized immediately" to his fellow castmembers.

But as he's expressed before, Chase has not had the smoothest ride while being on the NBC show. Chase even revealed to The Huffington Post: "It was a big mistake [taking the role]! I just sort of hung around because I have three daughters and a wife, and I figured out I might as well make some bread every week, so I can take care of them in the way they want."

He also added: "The hours are hideous, and it's still a sitcom on television, which is probably the lowest form of television."

So what has kept the man on the show? "I think the reason I have stuck around is because I love these kids, the cast—they are very good."

However, the feelings might not be mutual as Yvette took to Twitter in what may be a related post, tweeting, "I have the gift of walking away. Always have. #ThatIsAll."

Yvette Nicole Brown, Donald Glover, and Ken Jeong are people of color on the program.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Yes, It's Still About Race!

More stuff from the people over at Romneyland! Nazi swastika at Colorado Obama campaign office.

The Huffington Post reports that an Obama campaign office was targeted by vandals. They report that another attempt attack on the office by an individual. They put the Nazi swastika on the office of a Jefferson County, Colorado office. Another office in Downtown Denver had a window shot through.

The NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama continues with deranged conservative individuals who take this smear campaign against the first Black president a little too far!

It would look like this race for the White House is getting more nastier and Republicans turn a blind eye when this stuff is going on!

They claim that this stuff is a deliberate attempt by liberals to make Republicans look like racists. They scream it's all a hoax that someone who spray paint racial slurs or 20th Century themes such as the swastika on the windows of an Obama campaign office.

They would think that hanging empty chairs with watermelons or nooses is just a fandom of Clint Eastwood.

They think that those right wing emails are quite funny when they're disrespecting President Barack Obama, the Black community, Latino community, Trayvon Martin, or those in the LGBT communty.

If this was part of the Tea Party, you hear them push this stuff out! When's the last time they've ever done that?

And to top this off, you got people like Matt Drudge, John Derbyshire, Pat Buchanan, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Roger Ailes and even his network Fox News.

Of course, they pretend that this stuff is just pigment of the imagination.

It's About Race!

Ohio resident hangs up an Obama effigy with the support of Mitt Romney.
Noah Rothman over at Mediaite is the conservative voice of the liberal-leaning news agitation blog. Dan Abrams of ABC News created Mediaite. He has taken his media empire and expanded it to not only cover politics, but sports, food, women's issues, and celebrity stories.

Rothman posted an column about the possibility of President Barack Obama losing the election. He claims that the Democrats and their progressive allies will claim that Republicans were playing the race card from the bottom deck. I want to say that he's justifying the case by even writing this column.

This gentleman and many others in the conservative media pretend that the blinders are on and it's only the president and people like Vice President Joe Biden, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and liberals.
Drudge post a story of Afghans angry at the United States bombing of innocents and they burn effigies of the president and the Untied States government.
He must have forgotten about the recent issues with people hanging effigies of the president.

Did he forget that his allies in the conservative media were harping over the "OBAMA" phone?

Did he forget a news channel published a story trying to depict the president as a scary/angry Black guy when he invited Jay-Z, Chris Rock, and Charles Barkley to his 50th birthday party?

On his website, they reported that Matt Drudge, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson tried to push a story that was already covered five years ago. They put forth this video to target the president as a racist.

Did he forget this stuff or is he pretending it for credibility?

Let us not forget that the comment section of most blogs. Whenever it's linked through The Drudge Report it's likely going to attract some outrageous word salad from a person.

In the next week, I will continue on the focus on why conservatives need Obama to keep their cash cow flowing! They're so busy trying to create a NIGGERIZATION of the first Black president.

Yeah, it's known and it's best to keep them from winning.

Winning on hate and division is what the Republican Party does! They've always tried to paint Democrats as obsessive to race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings. Maybe that's why Democrats are trying to pass laws to improve the lives of the middle class and Republicans aren't hip to it!

That's why they like to paint the Democrats as dependents and victims. They love to make the case that if President Barack Obama fails it's not because of them, it's because of him. They've tried to defeat him the moment Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader), Rush Limbaugh, and Fox News got on the bullhorn and hoped that the president failed.

President Barack Obama can order the killing of Osama bin Laden! Yet, that's not his credit, it's the people he ordered to Pakistan or former president George W. Bush's credit.

President Barack Obama has managed to take unemployment down 3.5% in his years of office. Yet it's the Republican governors and their austerity cuts that are credited. Because they'll never claim that they've asked for federal funds for repairs to infrastructure, education or job training.

President Barack Obama takes responsibility for a tragedy on September 11, 2012. But to Republicans it's selective memory loss. They forgotten that former president George W. Bush was responsible for the nation's worst tragedy on home soil. September 11, 2001 was the nation's worst tragedy in 70 years. And what's worse, former president Bush didn't react until the second plane attacked the World Trade Center.

And yet, this rally cry to support an inconsistent politician like Mitt Romney has the Democrats scrambling for another offense.

It's a hard fought battle and we need to keep on the offense.


Early voting hurts Mitt Romney!

That's why the Republican Party trying to curb it!

We need to help President Barack Obama win!

Put him back in the White House.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Did Ann Romney give the president a flip off?
Mitt Romney's NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama is getting worse!

Many Republicans are trying to attempt to find flaws in the president's strategy.

Right now, Republicans are cheering the amazing improvements of Mitt Romney's once failing campaign. We all but written off the perennial candidate for president, but after a disastrous performance at the first national debate by President Barack Obama, the Republicans are looking to knock him out of the White House.

Here's another gem of the Republican nominee's family. See the video of Tagg Romney saying that he wished he could take a swing at President Barack Obama. The president dismissed the Republican nominee's criticisms of him. And this second debate gave a spark to his worried Democratic base. Tagg Romney of course was joking, but you know the Romney's have a bland sense of humor. The only thing funny about this guy is the fact he's says things like $10,000 bet, Big Bird, binders of women, two Cadillacs, and his staff saying he'll Etch-A-Sketch his policies. The president labeled Romnesia!

Mitt Romney does flip flop alot, but Republicans are desperate and they'll take an inconsistent politician like him over the president anyday.

And another gem from the good friends of Addicting Info, Ann Romney. The former state first lady wasn't really happy with the president apparently. A person caught Mrs. Romney giving the finger to the president.

Now I don't think that it's really that important, but since the Republicans were crowing about then candidate Barack Obama scratching his face and it landed on The Drudge Report, it's only fair right?

Republican Mitt Romney also got a few laughs with the president at a charity event in New York. Still as condescending as ever. But this is what people like him are. He's so cocky, it's unbelievable. This is the Al Smith Dinner in which the candidates have a few roast at one another.

Part I - Mitt Romney

Part II - President Barack Obama

Weak Tea?

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) could be defeated!
The Tea Party was crushed by the Establishment! They nominated the Establishment candidate Mitt Romney as their leader and now voters have a chance to vote for him or President Barack Obama in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election.

Merely three years ago, hundreds of protests began in February 2009 on the whims of conservative outrage to the first Black president. They've masqueraded their crusades against the president based on claims of massive spending, taxes and socialism.

Things that portrayed a "NIGGERIZATION" of the first Black president. Spawned by online activism and borrowed from Congressman Ron Paul's (R-Texas) supporters came the Tea Party movement. The first massive Tea Party movement started in April 2009 and was sponsored by the conservative Fox News Channel and its then lead agitator Glenn Beck.

Signs were aplenty and controversy was there. From comparisons to Hitler to pictures with bones in President Barack Obama's nose, the Tea Party was dubbed by its foes as the last remnants of racism in the modern history. While the Tea Party roundly dismissed this, they've brought on Black, Hispanic, Asian and even gay activists who were supporters of the Tea Party. They were the stooges to a growing movement in a sea of White faces.

They were pushed by Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska. She was dubbed the "Tea Party maven" or the "Mama Grizzly" of the movement. She spawned activism and became the voice of the movement in 2010.

Her endorsements of Minnesota Republican congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), Joe Walsh, Allen West, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Kristi Noem, Scott Brown, Tim Scott, Rick Scott, Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), Paul LaPage, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Pat Toomey, Nikki Haley and others. Some made it to the governor's chair, the state house, the U.S. House, and the U.S. Senate.
Counting the days! Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) is facing a tougher election this time.
Their most biggest rallies were in April 2009 when it started. In 2010, the Democrats passed historical healthcare reform, the Republicans and Tea Party were standing on the lawns of the U.S. Capitol shouting and threatening the Democratic members as they cast their votes.

In 2010, the Republicans won control of the House of representatives, state/territorial governorships and the voice of the American people.

Now in 2012, the Tea Party is hardly mentioned. The signs and protest are gone. Sarah Palin is barely mentioned in the news. It seems like even forefront members like Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Glenn Beck, Herman Cain, Dick Armey, Christine O'Donnell, and even Fox News were caught off guard by this. They were beaten by the Establishment.

The Establishment (or moderate Republicans) were the thorn in the Tea Party. The moderates were willing to help President Barack Obama when it came to major legislation. The Tea Party wants none of that.

Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana), Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and then senator Bob Bennett of Utah were defeated by a Tea Party backed candidate. Congresswoman Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio), Congressman Don Manzullo (R-Illinois), and Congressman Cliff Sterns (R-Florida) were defeated in GOP primaries.

They were sent home even though they're highly conservative members of the House of Representatives.

Now it's likely the Democrats dream of winning back the House is far fetched. They have to build a new coalition of progressive, moderate and even slightly conservative members willing to sacrifice their principles for the good of the country.
Congressman Sean Duffy (R-Wisconsin) is working harder to keep his seat. The former reality television star is among some of the Tea Party endorsed candidates who are facing tougher elections this time!
They couldn't have a strong majority when you got members who side with Republicans on issues that could roll back progress. The Democrats have more party switches than Republicans nowadays.

Artur Davis, a former Alabama congressman who served as a Democrat reemerged as a conservative Black Republican. He was the only Black legislator from a deeply conservative state such as Alabama.

Democrats hope that the Tea Party mishaps could bring fortune! Already we had Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Illinois), Congressman Allen West (R-Florida), Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), Congressman Sean Duffy (R-Wisconsin), Congressman Don Young (R-Alaska) having tougher races. They could be defeated.

The real prize is getting Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) out! She's a prime target for defeat by a stronger Democratic challenger.

We'll see in the coming days.

But anyways, please vote early.


Help put Barack Obama back into the White House!

Man Working For GOP Busted For Throwing Away Voter Registration Forms!

In the crucial state of Virginia, a worker for a firm required to register new voters threw them away.

A young man who works for a firm that assist in *GASP* helping Republicans.

You think the Republican desperation is there? Mitt Romney made a surprising turnaround in the polls. After numerous disastrous gaffes, the Republican nominee is either leading or closing in with President Barack Obama in the national polls. The electoral college lead the president had is all but evaporated and puts about a handful of states in the hands of either Romney or in toss up columns.

Here's the individual.

This is 23 year old Collin Small. According to Rockingham County Sheriff's office, Small is accused of destruction of voter registration applications, obstruction of justice, and disclosure of voter registration application.

A witness saw voter registrations in the dumpster. And of course the witness tipped off the police.

This is an ongoing issue in this election. They're trying to help Mitt Romney win. They're trying to keep minorities, the poor and the disabled from the ballot boxes.

A young woman in Colorado was trying to register only Romney supporters.

The Republican nominee tells business owners to warn them if they avoid him at the ballot box, they can kiss their jobs goodbye.

Ohio residents in minority neighborhoods are seeing billboards up warning them about voter fraud being a felony. The state governor and secretary of state are trying to cut back early voting on the last three days, defying a Supreme Court ruling.

Arizona, Florida and Wisconsin voters who are Hispanic are getting flyers telling them in Spanish the wrong date for voting. November 6, 2012 is Election Day but some flyers are saying to come vote the next day.

It's getting worse! With the first Black president, the Republicans and its allies in the conservative movement are devising a NIGGERIZATION against Barack Obama.

Early voting is a thorn to the Republican Party. Many Americans who traditional vote on Election Day are usually Republicans. Mitt Romney can't inspire his supporters to early vote (although he's trying)!

President Barack Obama is giving up North Carolina. He's not worried about that state no more! What he's putting his chips on is Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado, Florida, Virginia, New Hampshire, Nevada and even Democrat leaning state Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Colin Small could face time in prison for what he's done. It's likely that Small may rat out who put him up to this! Of course, he's a rookie, the professional shyster is either working for his company or a member of the Republican Party. And to make matters worse, the Republican Party of Virginia have no comment about the situation.

Pinpoint, an independent private organization contracted by the Republican Party of Virginia, for purposes of general voter registration.

The forms were discovered on October 15, the deadline for voter registration in Virginia. Local officials said the forms would be counted and that the incident did not appear to be widespread.

In a statement, the Sheriff's office said there was "no indication that this activity was widespread in our jurisdiction; it appears to be very limited in nature" but that "there is the possibility that additional charges may be filed in the future if it is deemed appropriate."

It was unclear whether the voters whose registrations were thrown out were Democrats or Republicans, because Virginia does not register by party.

Brian Moran, the chairman of the Democratic party of Virginia, called on Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and state authorities to investigate whether the recent incident could be tied to a larger effort of voter suppression.

GOP trying to curb advantages to help President Barack Obama win!
"This individual was an employee of the first firm the Republican Party of Virginia hired to do voter registration before they fired that firm amidst allegations of fraud in other states. Virginians deserve answers as to how this person was still working for Republican campaigns here and whether his behavior was directed by his superiors or party officials," he said.

Moran went on to say, "In order to assure Virginians that this was not part of a larger Republican effort, Attorney General Cuccinelli and state authorities must conduct a thorough investigation into how Virginia Republicans conduct their voter registration and turnout efforts on behalf of George Allen, Mitt Romney and Republicans across the state.

In a statement, Republican Party of Virginia chair Pat Mullins called Small's actions "a direct contradiction of both his training and explicit instructions given to him."

"We were alarmed by allegations recently made regarding an individual in Harrisonburg," he said. "The Republican Party of Virginia will not tolerate any action by any person that could threaten the integrity of our electoral process."

Mullins said Small was immediately fired and that the party was "grateful to the local sheriff's office and Registrar for acting so quickly to protect our democratic process and will fully cooperate with any requests made by them."


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