Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tragedy In Istanbul: Suicide Bombing!

Suicide bombing at Istanbul's Ataturk International Airport.

The junk food media is covering the massacre at Istanbul Ataturk International Airport. The Turkish authorities and the American authorities are investigating the incident. The attack happened around 10pm overnight and the causalities are great. We don't know if any Americans or Western nationals were among the dead.

The Islamic State hasn't claimed responsibility but it's likely their involvement.

Turkey had been the victim of several terrorist attacks in 2016. There were two bombings in January and March of this year. Then there were a few incidents in June.

Some of these events could have been sponsored by the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons or the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) but the groups aren't saying much.

Two men approached the X-ray scanners at a security checkpoint and opened fire. They were fired upon by the law and then when they got them on the ground, they pushed a button on their collars and "BOOM" the room goes into dark.

The terrorist killed themselves and three people in the vicinity.

There could be over 100 people killed in this event. So far the death toll is in the double digits.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (media called ISIS) is the terrorist group de jour. They are the most brutal group past al Qaeda. The terrorist organization has been actively recruiting Western members to their group.

The event was captured on social media. A video posted on Twitter shows a view from a camera inside the airport terminal. A few dozen people are walking around and then a bright flash and fireball erupted in the background.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yildrim both express sorrow and anger tonight. They believe that individuals involved will be nabbed quickly.

The airport is closed. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and the FBI are on the ground.

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State John Kerry have also send their condolences to the victims. They promise that the event will merit in a response from NATO.

It was clearly an act of terror.  Facebook activates the "I AM SAFE" function. Has it been activated for the most recent attacks besides Istanbul and Orlando?

Will the conservatives blame President Barack Obama for not saying "radical Islam" or "ignoring the threat"?

Let me say this with no remorse, saying "radical Islam" isn't fighting terrorism. It's just divisive and ignorant upon the conservatives to say that. If they really want to fight terrorism, they need to first understand what drives them to terrorism.

The U.S. Congress needs to pass comprehensive background checks and an assault weapons ban to keep terrorists and mentally insane from obtaining firearms. They need to also keep military grade explosives out the reach of non-military officials.

It won't be long before the suicide bombers come into our airports. And of course, the U.S. Congress will allow it to happen because they don't want the "needless" regulations.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Wiz Khalifa: Kanye West Still An Ass!

Wiz Khalifa doesn't forgive or forget. After this year's dust up between celebrity agitator Kanye West, the King of Everything said that things aren't KK with Yeezus!

Wiz Khalifa was the target of a Kanye social media rant. When Wiz posted on Twitter he wanted to get a high on some KK (Khalifa Kush marijuana), Kanye thought he was talking about banging his wife Kim Kardashian.

Kanye said that Wiz Khalifa was a mediocre rapper. He said that his ex-girl Amber Rose tasted more than the bud. He also launched an attack on their son Sebastian Thomaz. He said that his son was a product of Kanye's greatness.

The attack on his son sparked this feud. The rapper said it on record, "Don't mess with my girl or my son". It was a jab at Kanye and Machine Gun Kelly who previously dated Amber Rose.
Wiz Khalifa is still pissed about Kanye's diss on his son.
Amber Rose stepped in and slammed Kanye for going after their son. She said that Kanye likes to get his salad tossed and he played around with didlos. Kanye quickly scrubbed his social media and took a break from it for a moment. He apologized to Amber Rose for going after their son and said that it was a misunderstanding.

Wiz didn't buy the apology. He said that the attack on his son was below the line. Wiz believes that Kanye still holds some grudge against him for being with Amber Rose. Kanye dated Amber for four years before Wiz came into the picture.

Wiz and Amber were married for a couple of years. They had finalized a divorce in 2015.

Kardashian is the country's most notorious celebrity agitator.

Wiz Khalifa released his album Khalifa and the TGOT Mafia presents Rude Awakening with Juicy J this year.

Kanye West released his album The Life of Pablo this year and the Cruel Winter album is coming in July.

Jesse Williams: Just Because We're Magic Doesn't Mean We're Not Real!

Jesse Williams passionate speech on Blackness goes viral.

Jesse Williams plays Avery Jackson on the Shonda Rhimes medical drama Grey's Anatomy. He's a passionate supporter of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. And today, he couldn't be more prouder of the group and their place in history.

He accepted the BET Humanitarian Award on Sunday.

Williams delivered a passionate speech about how the junk food media reacts towards Black America. He addressed the recent high profile police incident that killed unarmed Black citizens.

He also singles out the situations at the Cincinnati Zoo and Walt Disney World as an example to how the junk food media reacts towards it.

Peace peace. Thank you, Debra. Thank you, BET. Thank you Nate Parker, Harry and Debbie Allen for participating in that.

Before we get into it, I just want to say I brought my parents out tonight. I just want to thank them for being here, for teaching me to focus on comprehension over career, and that they make sure I learn what the schools were afraid to teach us. And also thank my amazing wife for changing my life. 

Now this award - this is not for me. This is for the real organizers all over the country. The activists, the civil rights attorneys, the struggling parents, the families, the teachers, the students, that are realizing that a system built to divide and impoverish and destroy us cannot stand if we do. It's kind of basic mathematics, the more we learn about who we are and how we got here, the more we will mobilize. Now this is also in particular for the black women, in particular, who have spent their lifetimes dedicated to nurturing everyone before themselves. We can and will do better for you. 

Now what we've been doing is looking at the data and we know that police somehow manage to de-escalate, disarm and not kill white people every day. So what's going to happen is we are going to have equal rights and justice in our own country or we will restructure their function and ours.

Yesterday would’ve been young Tamir Rice’s 14th birthday, so I don’t want to hear anymore about how far we’ve come when paid public servants can pull a drive-by on a 12-year-old playing alone in a park in broad daylight, killing him on television then going home to make a sandwich. Tell Rekia Boyd how it’s so much better to live in 2012 than 1612 or 1712. Tell that to Eric Garner. Tell that to Sandra Bland. Tell that to Darrien Hunt.

Now the thing is though, all of us in here getting money, that alone isn’t going to stop this. Now dedicating our lives to get money just to give it right back for someone’s brand on our body, when we spent centuries praying with brands on our bodies and now we pray to get paid for brands on our bodies.

There has been no war that we have not fought and died on the front lines of. There has been no job we haven't done, there's been no tax they haven't levied against us, and we've paid all of them. But freedom is somehow always conditional here, 'You’re free,’ they keep telling us, ‘But she would’ve been alive if she hadn’t acted so… free'.

Freedom is always coming in the hereafter, but, you know what though, the hereafter is a hustle. And let's get a couple of things straight, just a little sidenote, the burden of the brutalized is not to comfort the bystander. That's not our job, stop with all that. If you have a critique for the resistance, our resistance, then you better have an established record of critique of our oppression. If you have no interest in equal rights for black people than do not make suggestions to those who do. Sit down.

We’ve been floating this country on credit for centuries, and we’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and out of mind, while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment like oil, black gold, ghettoizing and demeaning our creations then stealing them, gentrifying our genius and then trying us on like costumes before discarding our bodies like rinds of strange fruit. The thing is, just because we’re magic, doesn’t mean we’re not real.

Thank you.

This passionate speech has went viral and it's expected that conservatives will laud the speech as "anti-cop", "racist" or "anti-White". And the concern trolls will say that Black leaders don't care about violence in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, etc.

Justin Timberlake caught some flack after being touched by Williams' speech.

Timberlake posted on social media to praise Williams. It kind of backfired.

He got some serious flack from fans and critics for not understanding that he is part of the problem.

He responded back to his critics.

He soon would apologize for his choice of words.

This speech has gotten so much attention I bet you money, some agitator will mention it.

Watch the video.

BREAKING: SCOTUS Knocks Down Texas Anti-Abortion Law!

The Supreme Court rules in Texas anti-abortion law. 

The Supreme Court struck down the anti-abortion law that the state of Texas passed in 2013. The 5-3 decision was a blow to conservatives. This decision eliminates a state's attempt to pass restrictive laws to curb a woman's right to choice.  This is the biggest ruling since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

The Texas statute was to close up a handful of abortion clinics in the state. The Court ruled it unconstitutional.

The Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt is the most significant ruling for pro-choice activists. If the ruling went the other way, states would impose stricter laws preventing abortion.

Texas insisted that the HB 2 law was constitutional. Ruth Bader Ginsburg questioned the state's law.

She wondered how this bill would help women who wanted a safe term. Texas was mandating that abortion clinics undergo costly upgrades to look like hospitals and abortion providers must get "special privileges" at hospitals. It was a backdoor plot to eliminate abortion clinics.

Stephen Breyer wrote in his decision that "the surgical-center requirement, like the admitting privileges requirement, provides few, if any, health benefits for women, poses a substantial obstacle to women seeking abortions and constitutes an 'undue burden' on their constitutional right to do so".

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott wasn't pleased about this decision. Lila Rose and her allies in the anti-choice movement were hoping to gain momentum.

The Center for Medical Progress was partly involved in this as well. The ringleader of the anti-choice group tried to infiltrate Planned Parenthood facilities to expose executives taking pride in terming live fetuses.

Former state lawmaker Wendy Davis got some vindication. She fought this all the way to the Court.

Her failed bid for governor was a downer but to watch Abbott fail at his job is probably the sweetest revenge she's gotten so far today.

Anthony Kennedy joins Elena Kagan, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor in the decision to spare abortion rights.

Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented the decision.

This polarizing decision comes a week after the Court struck down President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration. Conservatives were happy Obama was handed a defeat. Now this decision will have conservatives concerned.

With an evenly split court, most of the rulings conservatives supported could be at risk of being tossed out or stuck down. Republicans continue to delay the nomination of Merrick Garland.

They believe that Obama's pick could swing the Court in a progressive direction. It's too late.

Truly, this was a blow to conservatives and the anti-choice movement.

Women have a right to choice. Although I am no fan of termination, I do support a woman's right to do so. It's a freedom that helps protect a woman's health.

Would you allow a woman to carry a rapist's baby?

Would you allow a woman to die if the baby was causing her health to decline?

An unwanted pregnancy is a dangerous experience for women. If the Court was to deny women a right to choice, the black market abortion providers would be on the rise.

Sanford Mayor Got Jacked! Guess Who They Blame!

Sanford mayor was a victim of a car jacking.

Sanford mayor Jeff Triplett was on his way out when two men who jacked him for his whip.

Triplett was standing outside in the early morning hours when three men approached him. They pointed a gun at him and ordered him to give up his car keys, phone and wallet.

They ended up taking advantage of the nice Mercedes, the mayor was riding in.

The law quickly got a hold of 18 year old Jermaine Home and Demarcus Paige, a 17 year old teen.

The third suspect hasn't been caught by the law but it will likely be soon.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty. They will face aggravated robbery, a charge that could land these men in the iron college for LIFE. They also could be facing 15 year bid for having weapons in the pursuit of a violent crime.

Now this happened in the city where George Zimmerman managed to get away with murder.

Zimmerman was following Trayvon Martin in a residential neighborhood when Zimmerman got out of his vehicle. Zimmerman claimed that Trayvon ground and pounded him. He said it was "self defense on the rules of Stand Your Ground". Zimmerman shot Trayvon in the chest killing him instantly.

Zimmerman getting off sparked the Black Lives Matter movement.

To this day, Zimmerman has no apologies. He continues to terrorize Florida.

So here's a poll for you!

Sanford mayor was car-jacked. Suspects were caught. Who takes the blame?

Barack Obama
Trayvon Martin
George Zimmerman
The Suspect (s)
Quiz Maker

So I am guessing either you're blaming President Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin, #BlackLivesMatter or liberals for the actions of these individuals.

50 Cent Saw Bars After He Rapped Bars!

Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson was busted in St. Kitts and Nevis for being himself. The media mogul was cursing in the island nation. It's illegal to cuss in the country.

50 Cent needs to get a travel pamphlet when he travels outside the United States. He certainly has no clue about the laws in foreign nations. He's lucky he's not in Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates or North Korea with the blow. 

The rapper would be flogged or shot by state executioners. 

50 Cent was reportedly arrested in the Caribbean nation of St. Kitts and Nevis. 

He dropped "M-fer" on the stage after performing his greatest hits. According to TMZ, Curtis "Money Blowing" Jackson was warned not to use profanity in the nation. He was told by the custom agents. 

While in the nation, he performed around 40,000 people. When the DJ told 50 that he couldn't use the vulgar version of his songs, he said "fuck it". Then when onstage he uttered the word and it got him a night in lockup and a hefty U.S. fine. He sung his hit song, P.I.M.P.

He was booked and spent a night in the lockup. He will appear in court on the charge and be forced to spend a little of his earnings from the concert. 

50 had to lose his passport and travel documents. They want his ass in the courtroom. 

One of 50's roadies was also arrested after he shouted at the law and called them a bunch of....well he's got to lose his travel documents as well. 

50 Cent is innocent until proven guilty. I don't know the laws in St. Kitts and Nevis, but I am guessing it's going to be at least a year in the iron college.

Protesters Tangles With White Extremists In Sac Town!

Protesters shut down White extremist rally.

The Sacramento Police earned that overtime pay. There was a riot in California's state capital. A group of White extremists were trying to rile up the diverse city with a recruitment forum.

It seems like the protesters managed to "shut it down".

The white extremists were ready for a fight and they brought their pocket knives and started to slice.

About 10 people were injured. Two ended up with a

Around the noon, the baldies dressed in black came to the state grounds to denounce immigration, Blacks, Muslims and liberalism.

This group who I will not acknowledge teamed up with a local baldy group to conduct this rally.

They wanted to Make WHITE America Great Again! The extremists were cheering the Brexit results.

The law witness one of these extremists stab a counter protester in the neck.
Hate on the rise in the U.S.
This asshole who I've mentioned on this blog was there in attendance. He was the guy who was in Kentucky screaming in the ear of a Black woman and then he shoved her.

He's the professional bigot. He uses his internet savvy and charm to recruit extremists to his organization.

The rise of Donald Trump has gotten White extremists inspired. Groups were angling around 1,000.

Now it's probably running about 1,230 active hate groups. The Southern Poverty Law Center has noticed this spike.

Conservative agitators bemoan about President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, liberalism, illegal immigration and "radical Islam". Their loyal base of sponges are soaking this shit up. They blow the dog whistle with this nonsense about "taking the country back" and Obama giving "free" to......

White extremists are more bold about their views. They don't dog whistle their hatred of Blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, Muslims, Jews and those in the LGBT community.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

GOP Gov. Paul LaPage's Wife Side Works At A Seafood Shack!

Maine's First Lady serving food at a local dinner.

The Maine governor's wife serving at a restaurant during the summer. The governor Paul LePage is a divisive Republican to ever hold office. He is extremely controversial.

He hides behind his Black son while taking shots at the Black community.

LePage was in the junk food media recently blaming the heroin crisis on "D-Boy" knocking up White chicks in his state.

He believes that Black thugs are trafficking the narco into his 98% White state of Maine.

Maine the northernmost state in New England. It borders New Hampshire and Canada's French provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick. Maine is just as remote.

He hoping to pass state laws requiring low income residents to have drug testing before they acquire any assistance from the state's safety net.

The Maine governor’s salary is the lowest in the United States at $70,000 a year and Maine first lady Ann LePage said she is working at a seafood restaurant in Boothbay Harbor to put aside a little cash to buy a car.
Paul LePage the Republican governor of Maine with his wife Ann.
“Oh honey, it’s all about the money,” she told local TV broadcaster WGME this week. On her Facebook page, she wrote on Monday: “Having a great time. Great food, great view, and great service!”

LePage, 58, who sports a T-shirt, jeans and an apron at work, said customers are often taken aback when they see her at the restaurant.

“People expect something different of you because of whom I am married to, the governor,” she told a customer in comments played by the broadcaster.

At a town hall event this month, Governor Paul LePage mentioned his wife’s job, saying she was following in the footsteps of their daughter who made about $28 an hour last year as a food server.

“She (my daughter) did so well that, my wife, the first lady, is waitressing this summer,” he said in a video played by the TV station. The governor’s office was not immediately available for comment.

The Republican governor has faced criticism for comments such as saying out-of-state drug dealers were coming to Maine and impregnating “white girls.” Critics called the comments racist, while LePage told reporters he had misspoken.

George Will Divorces The GOP!

Right wing asshat George Will quits the GOP. He says that Trump's nomination is the final straw.

Fox News pundit George Will has had it up to here with Donald Trump and the acolytes.

The controversial conservative pundit says that the Republican Party is gone off the rails.

Will who works for the right wing network also writes for The Washington Post is no stranger to controversy. He was banned from many speaking events after he said some pretty ignorant stuff about women in his books.

"This is not my party," he told the audience at the Federalist Society in Washington, DC.

Will says that he will become an independent. He switched from Republican to unaffiliated long before he lit into the Republican Party.

"I just know who I won't be voting for," he said.
Trump says that his critics are the reasons to why he's winning.
Will is no fan of Trump. He is a part of this #NEVERTRUMP movement. He said that the Republicans must stop Trump before he makes it to the White House.

Trump said that Will is a "major loser."

Mary Matalin, who is married to Clinton-supporting James Carville said that she's leaving the Republican Party as well. She changed her affiliation to Libertarian after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) got blown out in Indiana.

She is not a fan of Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton. She said that Clinton presidency with a Republican congress is far better than a Trump presidency with a Republican rubber stamp Congress.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Future Gone E.T.!

Future warns rivals not to go after him. He's turned up!

Atlanta's codeine obsessed trap rapper once again throws down with another banger. Future and DJ Esco released the mixtape Project E.T. on Friday. He took aim a bunch of individuals who took shots at him.

Get in line.

Future is about to spaz on 'em.

Future the hottest act in the game. He released three albums that went platinum and number 1 on the Billboard charts. He's going on tour with Drake and is planning on releasing his fifth album on Epic Records this year.

Future is going after Rocko, Desiigner, Ciara and Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson.

Future made a threat on Russell Wilson. Future refers to O.J. Simpson and double murders ... and includes a line threatening an unnamed dude who's trying to "f*** my baby mama."

Project E.T. from Future and DJ Esco. Streamed over 1.4 million times.
The track from DJ Esco's mixtape is called "Juice" -- and includes the lines: "Murder trial, O.J. Simpson. White on white, O.J. Simpson. Double murder, O.J. Simpson."

But then he spits this line ... "Tryin' to f*** my baby mama, dog what's up with you? You gon' make me get a heat, I'm pullin' up on you."

Future released EVOL in February and it went platinum. It was released on APPLE Music. This mixtape is released through APPLE Music, LiveMixtapes.com and DatPiff.com.

Feds Bust White Drug Cartel Trafficking Hard!

Feds bust up a drug cartel trapping out of a college campus.

The Raw Story reports that the feds stop a South Carolina drug cartel who were trafficking the hard for years without being caught. It was one of Charleston, SC's biggest drug busts in the city's history.

These individuals were present and former members of the College of Charleston. They were funneling hundreds of dollars of cocaine, pills, and other narcotics into downtown's rave scene.

They were selling the hard straight out of the campus. They were operating in million-dollar homes steps away from the college oak-shaded courtyards, networks of students and former students stamped out pills by the thousands with a factory-grade press using chemicals from Chinese internet suppliers and other sources.

These people were drug lords in their given right.
Samantha Hincks, 26; Zackery Kligman, 24; Daniel Katko, 25; Robert Liljeberg, 22; Benjamin Nauss, 23; Jake Poeschek, 21; Jonathan Reams, 19; Michael Schmidt, 21; and Christopher Sliker, 22 (Mug shots)
Feds bust a South Carolina drug cartel. These drug lords were selling out the trap with no remorse.

Samantha Hincks (age 26), Daniel Katko (age 25), Zackary Kligman (age 24), Robert Liljeberg (age 22), Benjamin Nauss (age 23), Jake Poeschek (age 21), Jonathan Reams (age 19), Michael Schmidt (age 21) and Christopher Sliker (age 22) were busted by the feds.

Each of these drug lords were in their early 20s, white and generally privileged. They left a paper trail of criminality by posting on social media their spending habits. They were bragging about being on private planes, eating at fancy restaurants and partying with the local elites.

These drug lords had "pledged" support to a local fraternity. One man arrested in the law's investigation of therm was telling pledges to "run errands" to get in. One of the drug lords was a former president of the Kappa Alpha Order fraternity.

They used to host parties where the girls got into the lean. They got turned up by the lean being spiked with the Xanny family.  The pledges were turned up. They found interest in the lifestyle.

A gunman put in the work on a young man. Patrick Moffly was shot in the chest at his apartment.

Moffly, 23, son of a former Charleston County school board member, had connections to the drug cartel. He was lying in a pool of blood surrounded by Xanax pills.

Moffly's death is a part of this probe into who ordered the hit on the young man.

Officers discovered a cache of drugs and money in this home on 47 Ashley Avenue.

The yayo was inside a false bottom of an Arizona Tea can in a bedroom refrigerator. Over $7,500 in Xanax pills and $7,000 in marijuana were found in small baggies. One bag was labeled, "Jolly Rancher".

Hincks and her boytoy Poescheck were the first arrested in this. They were part of The Citadel but dropped out.

Charleston Police, the ATF, and U.S. Attorney's Office of South Carolina is determined to put these individuals in federal time out for a long time.

The Charleston Police express anger at the college community for not tipping them off to this. This drug cartel was running the game for nearly five years without a peep.

A man's life was taken away and the college students played the "no snitch" policy.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Patrick Moffly.

The individuals are innocent until proven guilty. These individuals involved in federal drug trafficking could face a maximum penalty of 30 years to LIFE in federal time out. They also could face a fine that could total over $250,000. If they were involved in the murder of the Patrick Moffly, they could face state charges that could be classified as a "DEATH CARD" sentence.


I've often told my co-worker at my job that her stubbornness will kill her. I mean what I say when I say these things. I guess Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is just as stubborn as my co-worker.

He will not concede in the bid for the Democratic nomination.

I am getting to the point where having him in this race is just a distraction.

Republicans are seizing upon this notion of dysfunction. Donald Trump is courting disgruntled Bernie supporters.

Again, you can't be a progressive if you're a supporter of Donald Trump.


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