Suicide bombing at Istanbul's Ataturk International Airport. |
The junk food media is covering the massacre at Istanbul Ataturk International Airport. The Turkish authorities and the American authorities are investigating the incident. The attack happened around 10pm overnight and the causalities are great. We don't know if any Americans or Western nationals were among the dead.
The Islamic State hasn't claimed responsibility but it's likely their involvement.
Turkey had been the victim of several terrorist attacks in 2016. There were two bombings in January and March of this year. Then there were a few incidents in June.
Some of these events could have been sponsored by the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons or the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) but the groups aren't saying much.
Two men approached the X-ray scanners at a security checkpoint and opened fire. They were fired upon by the law and then when they got them on the ground, they pushed a button on their collars and "BOOM" the room goes into dark.
The terrorist killed themselves and three people in the vicinity.
There could be over 100 people killed in this event. So far the death toll is in the double digits.
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (media called ISIS) is the terrorist group de jour. They are the most brutal group past al Qaeda. The terrorist organization has been actively recruiting Western members to their group.
The event was captured on social media. A video posted on Twitter shows a view from a camera inside the airport terminal. A few dozen people are walking around and then a bright flash and fireball erupted in the background.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yildrim both express sorrow and anger tonight. They believe that individuals involved will be nabbed quickly.
The airport is closed. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and the FBI are on the ground.
President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State John Kerry have also send their condolences to the victims. They promise that the event will merit in a response from NATO.
It was clearly an act of terror. Facebook activates the "I AM SAFE" function. Has it been activated for the most recent attacks besides Istanbul and Orlando?
Will the conservatives blame President Barack Obama for not saying "radical Islam" or "ignoring the threat"?
Let me say this with no remorse, saying "radical Islam" isn't fighting terrorism. It's just divisive and ignorant upon the conservatives to say that. If they really want to fight terrorism, they need to first understand what drives them to terrorism.
The U.S. Congress needs to pass comprehensive background checks and an assault weapons ban to keep terrorists and mentally insane from obtaining firearms. They need to also keep military grade explosives out the reach of non-military officials.
It won't be long before the suicide bombers come into our airports. And of course, the U.S. Congress will allow it to happen because they don't want the "needless" regulations.
World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy.