Sanford mayor was a victim of a car jacking. |
Sanford mayor Jeff Triplett was on his way out when two men who jacked him for his whip.
Triplett was standing outside in the early morning hours when three men approached him. They pointed a gun at him and ordered him to give up his car keys, phone and wallet.
They ended up taking advantage of the nice Mercedes, the mayor was riding in.
The law quickly got a hold of 18 year old Jermaine Home and Demarcus Paige, a 17 year old teen.
The third suspect hasn't been caught by the law but it will likely be soon.
The suspects are innocent until proven guilty. They will face aggravated robbery, a charge that could land these men in the iron college for LIFE. They also could be facing 15 year bid for having weapons in the pursuit of a violent crime.
Now this happened in the city where George Zimmerman managed to get away with murder.
Zimmerman was following Trayvon Martin in a residential neighborhood when Zimmerman got out of his vehicle. Zimmerman claimed that Trayvon ground and pounded him. He said it was "self defense on the rules of Stand Your Ground". Zimmerman shot Trayvon in the chest killing him instantly.
Zimmerman getting off sparked the Black Lives Matter movement.
To this day, Zimmerman has no apologies. He continues to terrorize Florida.
So here's a poll for you!

Sanford mayor was car-jacked. Suspects were caught. Who takes the blame?
So I am guessing either you're blaming President Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin, #BlackLivesMatter or liberals for the actions of these individuals.