Conservative agitator gives White extremists a bone.
A local agitator in Houston got into a verbal tirade with a black caller. The agitator discussing the Umpqua Community College shooting tragedy.
The racist right has determined that the terrorist was of "mixed race" and he deliberately murdered Christians. Some of the claims are disputed. Again, I don't give a flying fuck about his motives, his race, gender, sexuality, religion, political views, and social standings. What he did was callous murder of innocent people.
The only true fact to this tragedy is the nine killed before the law got him is true.
The junk food media and the agitators are debating the politics of guns and race.
This trash is named Michael Berry. The folks over at Media Matters for America managed to capture the agitator's rancid rant about Black America.
Conservative agitator defends the Confederate flag.
Berry said "black people don't know how to exist without white people to blame their problems on" and "most white people would like to get as far from black people as they possibly could and never have to see another black person" during a call-in segment on his radio show, which he also used to promote October as "White History Month."
Berry asked listeners to call in and list stereotypical things white people like. When one caller said white people "like to talk about black people," Berry responded by describing how blacks and whites talk about one another. "Most white people would like to get as far from black people as they possibly could," said Berry, continuing, "Black people are obsessed with white people... black people don't know how to exist without white people around to blame their problems on."
The names of the victims were released tonight. The Thursday shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseberg, Oregon have once again brought to the forefront the gun debate.
Lucero Alcaraz of Roseburg -- 19 years old.
Quinn Glen Cooper of Roseburg -- 18 years old.
Kim Saltmarsh Dietz of Roseburg -- 59 years old.
Lucas Eibel of Roseburg -- 18 years old.
Jason Dale Johnson of Winston -- 33 years old.
Lawrence Levine of Glide -- 67 years old. Mr. Levine is the teacher.
Sarena Dawn Moore of Myrtle Creek -- 44 years old.
Treven Taylor Anspach of Sutherlin -- 20 years old.
Rebecka Ann Carnes of Myrtle Creek -- 18 years old.
These innocent lives were lost to a terrorist who had mental issues. However, the partisan agitators have found the real person who committed the criminal act. They fingered President Barack Obama for "politicizing" a tragedy.
The first thing that came out the gate was the Douglas County sheriff. He is under heavy criticism after it was revealed that he wrote to Vice President Joe Biden denouncing the gun control proposals.
He once told Biden that his coalition on gun violence is a bunch of bullshit.
Matter of fact, he was a Sandy Hook kookspiracy nut. While he's entitled to his opinion on gun control, he was unaware of the tragedy that would soon hit his town. The city of Roseberg hasn't had this type of tragedy happen since the high school shooting almost 10 years ago.
Douglas Sheriff John Hanlin saw Newtown happen before his eyes. The murder of innocent lives at the hands of a coward at Umpqua Community College. And he's still not budging on gun control.
Like in my earlier post, I've said that I don't give two fucks about the terrorist's race, motives, political views, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion and social life.
The right already said he's of "mixed race" and a supporter of BlackLivesMatter. There's a claim that the terrorist singled out Christians.
The left already said he's a "conservative Republican" and a supporter of radical groups like the Irish Republican Army and a gun aficionado.
None of this stuff matters. What matters is the police's official report and the terrorist's manifesto.
Karma. Oregon sheriff is catching flack for slamming the families of Sandy Hook. Republican sheriff slammed Vice President Joe Biden and the president over gun control.
Obviously, his social media will open the door to why he committed this act.
In my opinion, I see a callous murderer of innocent lives. Nothing more.
I'm trying my best to not blame people for the terrorist's actions.
Like I've said, I wouldn't dream of harming those because of failure.
I own firearms. I don't have no reason to use them in any event. I've been spurned by women. I've lost my great job. I currently work at a job that I can't stand. I drive a crappy car. I've been profiled by law enforcement and I've been robbed by thieves.
Yet despite all the bad luck, I don't go around saying I'm going to kill the world for my failures.
People with mental issues are often the reclusive, the rejected, the spurned, the loner and the forgotten.
It's time to change course. We need a real discussion on gun control!
Looks like the economy is stalling again. With China's economy stalling, global markets have seen a decrease in progress. China's economy is big enough to take everyone down.
U.S. employers added only 142,000 jobs in September keeping the unemployment rate stalled at 5.1%. That release closes out the Summer. Showing that a weak jobs report will result in the usual partisan blame game.
Weak job numbers assure conservatives the talking points saying President Barack Obama's policies have the country going in the wrong direction. Weak job numbers assure liberals the talking points saying the Republican controlled Congress have the country going in the wrong direction.
Average hourly earnings up just 2.2 percent from last year.
Employers decided to halt hiring causing a ripple effect on the economy. For the last two months, wages and hiring fell raising doubts on the economy. Is it strong enough?
With the service and manufacturing industry cutting hours and positions, many are finding it harder to obtain a better job.
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
U.S. factories are feeling the global chill and shed 9,000 jobs in September after losing 18,000 in August, according to the Labor Department's survey of employers.
The recent pace of job growth should have been enough to push the unemployment rate lower because only around 100,000 new jobs are needed a month to keep up with population growth.
But the jobless rate held steady at 5.1 percent. The unemployment rate is derived from a separate survey of households that showed 350,000 workers dropping out of the labor force last month, as well as a lower level of employment.
Average hourly wages fell by a cent to $25.09 during the month and were up only 2.2 percent from the same month in 2014, pointing to marginal inflationary pressures.
This terrorist massacred innocent lives at a community college in Oregon.
Now as always we point the finger at.....!
The tragic shooting in Oregon at the Umpqua Community College in which now a confirmed 10 people (including the terrorist) were killed. The town of Roseburg, OR is expressing shock and sadness.
The terrorist Chris Harper-Mercer is a man who had issues according to the law.
Witnesses claim that he entered the campus around 10 AM and started firing non-discriminatory.
Some said that he bucked the English teacher and ordered students to the ground. Ordering them up one by one demanding to reveal their religion. He would buck the ones who claim they're Christian.
Some say that he was shooting at multiple buildings. We can't confirm much other than the terrorist killed and didn't seem to care who he killed.
He was quickly killed by the law after he tried to aim at them.
President Barack Obama visibly angry over this. He said that this stuff continues on and its numb to the public.
He was 26 year old sociopath who probably was rejected by society. He claims that he is a non-religious conservative Republican. Some say he was "mixed race". Some say he was a supporter BlackLivesMatter. Others say he wasn't. The friends and family say he was the "nice guy".
The nice guy is the most dangerous person to ever own a firearm.
Oregon's Democratic Governor Kate Brown and President Barack Obama have sent their sympathies to the family and call for the time to pray for the victims. The Douglas County sheriff said that he will never speak the name of this terrorist. He believes that giving him name drops amplifies more extremism.
I don't give a flying fuck about his political views. I don't care who he supports. Regardless of this nonsense, this terrorist murdered innocent people.
The terrorist wanted name recognition. He felt that the more he kills, the more name drops from the junk food media.
Cause he can't win a date online.
Democratic governor Kate Brown express shock and anger at the terrorist. She promises a swift investigation into the motives of this terrorist.
Yeah, I have this problem too, but damn I'm not going to kill anyone over it.
This terrorist ruined the dreams of many. This event has sparked President Barack Obama to speak out against the inept lawmakers in Congress. Their refusal to pass a reasonable gun control law is partly because of the lobbyist influence on them.
The National Rifle Association is pushing the narrative that more guns are needed to prevent mass shootings. The Republicans in the clown car have express sympathy for the victims. They stop short of telling the public that we need to change course on gun crime.
Gun crime is the number one threat in America.
Almost every day a person has lost their life to firearms. Regardless of how these events happen, a person dies because of a gun violence.
The terrorist's social media comes into question. Of course in the blame game, the junk food media tries to unearth the political leans, the criminal history and the social activities to paint this terrorist as....a political football.
Okay who's going to be blamed for the Umpqua College Shooting?
If you picked G as your answer, then you're correct. This terrorist deserves all the blame for the actions rendered today.
However, if you're here to place blame on everyone else but the shooter, you're not helping.
I know that the right and the left both point fingers at politicians, media figures and agitators. I'm just as guilty as many here reading this. I can tell you that I'm not a fan of conservatives. Matter of fact, I can't stomach them. I've listened to them. I've read from their blogs. I've looked at the comments from internet trolls and pseudo commentators.
The moment the president spoke about the routine of mass shootings, I tuned into that annoying conservative agitator's right wing carnival. Right out the gate, he blabs about the president "politicizing" a tragedy. Well this would be the 15th time in his seventh year as president.
It shouldn't even be this many. That network and conservative agitators running with the "hatred of Christians" meme. Once again, there's no confirmation of what the motives are.
Also, the conservative Craigslist went down the "I" count and it was front page.
Matter of fact, the remarks in comment section have been utterly nasty. Not only to the president but to the staff and students of Umpqua Community College for not allowing guns on campus.
When it turned out that the terrorist was a conservative Republican, the shuck and awe became denial and political catnip for the left. Matter of fact, Jim Hoft's Craptopia is trying to debunk the claims.
He said that the social media profile of the terrorist is a bogus copy and paste from liberals.
See if it was a Muslim or even a Black man, Hoft would run like the bullshit he is trying to link everyone and anything to the left.
Rather than place the blame solely on the insurgents (i.e. The Tea Party, Republicans and conservatives), I rather place the blame on America.
Exiting with hands over head.
I blame the country for allowing this constantly to happen. I blame this country for neglecting our civil duties to protect lives here and abroad.
We have country that has over 145 gun incidents since Sandy Hook. About 45 school shootings since Sandy Hook. Many of these events got covered by the junk food media. Some haven't.
We have heard shootings of news reporters, movie goers, innocent bystanders, and campuses of schools.
Over 8,500 shootings (assuring death) this year alone. At average 43.2 people are shot a day.
Over 2,300 people have been injured by firearms. That means 5 out of 10 people were killed by firearms every hour.
We don't have the names of all the victims yet. I would love to show my condolences to them.
Me and S. Baldwin seen it happen far too often. It's a part of the ongoing cycle of violence.
The president is right on this. We've grown numb to these events.
Because after a few days, we'll be focused on another tragedy or another political football for the agitators to debate on.
Those families deserve answers and government that can solve them. Saying that you believe in the Second Amendment and you believe that laws aren't going to stop violence is bullshit.
Some get the opportunity to hug their children and parents. Others will have the tragic opportunity to bury their family member.
I own firearms. I don't have no reason to use them in any event. I've been spurned by women. I've lost my great job. I currently work at a job that I can't stand. I drive a crappy car. I've been profiled by law enforcement and I've been robbed by thieves.
Yet despite all the bad luck, I don't go around saying I'm going to kill the world for my failures.
People with mental issues are often the reclusive, the rejected, the spurned, the loner and the forgotten.
And yet, we allow them access to firearms.
Developments continue as they unfold.
World News Today send our condolences those lost in this senseless tragedy.
The state of Oregon and America mourns the lost of lives in a mass shooting at Umpqua Community College.
World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this horrific tragedy. There was an unknown amount of victims in this shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseberg, Oregon.
I can't say how many victims died in this tragedy. But the causalities are high and it's expected to be one of the worst events in modern history. The terrorist was captured by the law. Not determined if the law put the threat down.
Around 10pm (PST) the first 9-1-1 call was made from inside the campus, stating the terrorist was walking through several campus buildings, shooting people indiscriminately.
The terrorist was pronounced dead after engaging responding police officers in a shootout. Most of the shootings occurred inside at least two buildings.
There has been over 142 school shootings since Newtown, CT. This would be the umpteenth mass shooting tragedy in the seven years since Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States.
President Barack Obama has had enough of this. He just spoke tonight on the today's tragedy.
Like I've said, there's a shooting everyday. Gun crime is the number one threat facing this country. It beats terrorism and Ebola. There hasn't been an attack on our soil by a foreign terrorist since 9/11.
The Republican controlled Congress is extremely inept. They haven't got the balls to pass any legislation that could stop these ridiculous mass shootings. They rather take away American's healthcare, deport immigrants, spy on mosques or get in between a woman's legs.
The terrorist is a 26 year old man from Oregon.
No one in this Republican-controlled Congress will say enough is enough. They're afraid of the National Rifle Association. They are afraid of that network and that old fart Limbaugh. They are afraid of a worthless politician running for president.
They will spend time deflecting the issue. They will say that the president is always politicizing a tragedy. Concern troll will find some way to say that if "we only had more guns" and "liberal laws allowed this".
So who's gonna take the blame for this tragedy?
If you picked F, you're correct. The shooter deserves all the blame. But if you decide on picking you're picking the other choices, then you're part of the problem.
Terrorism at Oregon college campus.
This terrorist may have posted on social media.
There are reports that the terrorist may have warned about the shooting on the anonymous message board 4Chan.
CNN is reporting that police are investigating whether the posts were connected to the shooting.
The post Wednesday night at 7:19 p.m. local time said “Some of you guys are alright. Don’t go to school tomorrow if you live in the northwest.”
Witnesses said the gunman told the students in a classroom to stand up and state their religion before he began firing away, the News-Review, a local newspaper, reports.
The terrorist was named Chris Harper Mercer, 26 years old.
We will keep you posted on the latest developments as it occurs.
Ahmed Mohamed is attacked by Fox News and the far-right.
Rapper Nas released the single Sly Fox almost ten years ago. It was a single that aimed at the right wing network for deliberately picking fights for ratings. He said that the network is mindless trash.
It seems like that network continues to push the mindless trash.
That network decides to make it a mission to destroy the Irving, Texas teen who was arrested for making a clock his teachers thought was a bomb. The teen was arrested and then released. The reason why it got so much attention, the teen was a practicing Muslim.
Ahmed Mohamed became an overnight celebrity after the picture of his arrest went viral. An outpouring of support came across the country. The president, Mark Zuckerburg of Facebook, Apple and Harvard all threw their support to Ahmed.
Everything was looking good for Ahmed.
That's until that network decided to look into it. Right out the gate, they invite conservative internet troll C.J. Pearson on.
The teen became famous for ripping President Barack Obama for not loving America. He came on to whine about how the president jump to conclusions about Ahmed.
They bring on the infamous former LAPD detective Mark Fuhrman. This is the detective who was found in contempt of court for perjury in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. Fuhrman uttered racial slurs about suspects during his time as a lawman.
This guy called Ahmed a troublemaker.
Fuhrman's ignorance was on full display.
That network even invited the Republican mayor of Irving on to denounce the publicity, the president and Ahmed for causing her city to cast in a negative light.
Beth Van Duyne put in her city charter that Shir'a Law is prohibited in her city. She gave Glenn Beck the opportunity to grow The Blaze in her town.
Now they get a story from the Dallas Morning News, quote a former teacher and run with this narrative that Ahmed was "ALWAYS" a trouble maker. Allegedly, “a family friend says it came from blowing soap bubbles in the bathroom.”
Going against the grain, those three nut bags (Steve Doocy, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Brian Kilmeade) were running this story about some pedophile looking teacher saying that Ahmed was a "weird" kid who blew bubbles in the bathroom.
This guy above is Ralph Kubiak: Ahmed’s seventh-grade history teacher and fellow outsider.
He's the guy who claims that Ahmed was a “a weird little kid” and described him as “one of those kids that could either be CEO of a company or head of a gang.”
The ever shameless agitators.
This is coming from a guy who looks like a pedophile who molest boys. Funny stuff. This is what that network brings on to attack Ahmed.
What the network left out was the teen being bullied by fellow peers. He was picked on for being a Muslim. Every invention he managed to share with his class, the teachers would often marvel at it.
But there were some in the Irving Independent School District who watch that network and saw the Islamic State march along a path with tennis shoes and AR-15 rifles. Then that annoying conservative agitator telling the viewers that Obama said the extremists were the "JV team".
The network would run stories about the beheading of White or Christians victims alongside the president on vacation. Then the network would put on bigots who believe Muslims have privileges like prayer rugs and dismissal from school cause of religion. That network would give Islamophobes like Frank Gaffney Bridget Gabriel and Pam Geller airtime to denounce Muslims and supporters of Palestine. The network would host pseudo-analysis like Ralph Peters, David Hunt and Steve Emerson on to boldly say that Muslims are being radicalized and sneaking into the country from the Mexican border.
Indiana lawmaker exits stage right. Some pro got him for his phone and leaked a sex tape.
When you do in your home is your business not mine. But when you're on record saying that my business shouldn't even be mine, you're getting called out!
An Indiana lawmaker abruptly resigns amid a sex scandal. This lawmaker allegedly tried to sponsor a law that requires residents to take drug test before they were issued a portion of the safety net.
Once again, Republicans are inept in governing! This and many other state lawmakers along with the insurgents in the U.S. Congress have really made Americans distrust government.
Hopefully, the Republicans end up destroying one another before they destroy the country.
Indiana State House Majority Leader Rep. Jud McMillin (R) quit after telling several contacts in a text message last week, “My phone was stolen in Canada and out of my control for about 24 hours. I have just been able to reactivate it under my control. Please disregard any messages you received recently. I am truly sorry for anything offensive you may have received.”
Neither McMillin nor House Speaker Brian Bosma (R) have identified what the “offensive” material could be. But according to the Indianapolis Business Journal, it included at least one sexually-explicit video.
The Indianapolis Star has learned that the surprise resignation came after a sexually explicit video was sent via text message from McMillin's cellphone. It's unclear who sent the text or how broadly it was distributed.
The Brookville Republican sent a separate text message apologizing to his contacts for "anything offensive" they may have received after he said he lost control of his cellphone. Brookville is a town that is 75 miles from Indianapolis and 45 miles from Cincinnati.
McMillin, whose Facebook page says he is married, did not respond to messages from The Star seeking comment. He said in an emailed statement only that he has "decided the time is right for me to pass the torch and spend more time with my family."
The comic explains it all.
"Now I want to focus all of my attention on making my family's world a better place," he said.
McMillin said in a text message last week, "My phone was stolen in Canada and out of my control for about 24 hours. I have just been able to reactivate it under my control. Please disregard any messages you received recently. I am truly sorry for anything offensive you may have received."
McMillin was elected to the District 68 seat in southeastern Indiana in 2010. He quickly rose through the ranks to become majority floor leader and was widely considered one of the more ambitious lawmakers in the House Republican caucus.
"Our caucus is thankful for Representative McMillin's service to our state, and we fully support his decision to step down in order to focus on his family," House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, said in a statement Tuesday afternoon.
Jud McMillin appeared on this network to discuss his welfare drug test bill.
But some questioned his addition to the leadership team given his controversial past.
In 2005, his career as an assistant county prosecutor in Ohio came to an end amid questions about his sexual conduct. He admitted to a relationship with the complainant in a domestic violence case he was prosecuting, but he insisted the relationship began after he stepped off the case, according to the Dayton Daily News. He resigned a week after he stopped working on the case.
An Indianapolis Star investigation in 2013 also found that McMillin and other government officials in southeastern Indiana supported grants for companies to which they had close family or financial ties. In McMillin's case, he advocated for a $600,000 grant for a project involving Destination Brookville, a company he started and later ceded to his mother and family friends.
McMillin's exit is the second high-profile departure of a GOP House leader in as many years. Former Rep. Eric Turner, R-Cicero, resigned last year amid allegations he helped kill a bill that would have hurt his private business interests.
It's also the second sex-related scandal to rock the Indiana House this year. Rep. Justin Moed, D-Indianapolis, apologized earlier this year after a website exposed his sexting activities with Indiana porn star Sydney Leathers.
Hillary Clinton slams Republicans and that network for Benghazi witch hunt.
This slip up by the Republican Majority Leader shows the public that the GOP is inept in governing!
Matter of fact, this could rebound Hillary Clinton's struggling campaign. She's not really struggling but the way the junk food media puts it, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is catching up. Vice President Joe Biden can join the CNN debate anytime he wants.
Hillary Clinton is not trustworthy and old. Whatever, however and whenever!
If the junk food media is so fucking liberal, why does that network lead in ratings?
If the junk food media is so fucking liberal, why is President Barack Obama still stuck in 40s?
Damn it, the junk food media isn't liberal. It's a part of a well oiled machine in which collects revenue from partisan debates, sensationalism, and repetitiveness.
The Republican slip of the tongue came from a California lawmaker.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) went to that annoying conservative agitator's program last night. He is jockeying for House Speaker. He explains to the annoying agitator that Hillary Clinton's slide in the polls were caused by the House Select Committee on Benghazi and the classified server.
He basically said that Republicans were devoted to pushing this Benghazi nonsense until the election.
“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?” McCarthy said on that network. “But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable.”
Despite Clinton being cleared of any wrongdoing, the Republicans are now focused on her server.
Already fucking up!
They gave the talking points to the junk food media. They ran with it. Now in October, Clinton will head back to Washington to testify again about Benghazi and the server.
Clinton used her private email instead of a government sanctioned email. She said that no classified information was leaked to the press. Clinton admits that she had failed in transparency. Giving her potential run for president, she should have saw this coming. The Republicans are relentless in their "fact finding" missions.
The slip of the tongue caught wind at the Hillary Clinton campaign. The campaign slams McCarthy and Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) for playing politics on the blood of Americans killed in the September 11, 2012 attack.
Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Clinton, called McCarthy’s remarks “a damning display of honesty by the possible next speaker of the House. Kevin McCarthy just confessed that the committee set up to look into the deaths of four brave Americans at Benghazi is a taxpayer-funded sham. This confirms Americans’ worst suspicions about what goes on in Washington.”
As you know, the country's worst attack on soil happened under a Republican president. September 11, 2001 is memory to the Republicans. The still act like their policies were beneficial to the country.
If you are debating over which event was the worst, you would pick 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina.
Compared to Benghazi and the BP Oil Spill, Bush would lose this debate hands down.
We gave Bush a second term because of his "keep us safe" policies.
Cecile Richards testified in Congress. Many pundits think it was a big sideshow.
If fixing stupid was easy, Washington edition.
While I don't support abortions, I don't believe it's my right to tell a woman whether to keep an unwanted pregnancy. I think women should have the right to make this difficult choice. I learned that a few years back when I dated a woman who I had gotten pregnant with my child. She had an abortion.
Matter of fact, that was probably one of the worst experiences in my life. And most recently, a woman I've dated hid her pregnancy from me. She was pregnant with another man's child.
I learned that I'm too damn nice and I've almost given up on finding love.
The Republicans may stall the government shutdown. Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) is weeping his last role as the House Speaker. His sudden resignation from Congress sparked a major civil war between the establishment and the insurgency.
Finger wagging from lawmakers. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is an insurgent.
The insurgency continues to push Republicans further to the right. They still are fighting battles they'll never win.
Women rights is a very important issue. Planned Parenthood is a women's health clinic that assist women in family planning, women cancer screening, sexual disease treatment, and provide assistance to abortions.
Republicans who hate "big government" believe it's their business to be in a woman's legs.
These Republicans are so fucking stupid.
A majority of Americans polled said that Planned Parenthood is needed. A majority of single issue Republican voters support stripping funding from Planned Parenthood and every abortion provider.
Rep. Mia Love (R-UT) and many of her insurgent members were disrespectful to Planned Parenthood CEO.
Cecile Richards, the CEO of Planned Parenthood was called to testify at a majority Republican committee.
Many of the insurgent lawmakers were interrupting her and tossing around baseless claims about the Planned Parenthood CEO. Matter of fact, they gathered their talking points from the secretly recorded videos provided by an extremist group masquerading as a firm.
The videos that were released in this year were heavily elected and doctored. These videos haven't stopped the Republicans from stripping Planned Parenthood.
They vow to shut down the government if they can't take away a woman's right to choice.
Any thoughts on this controversy.
By the way, insurgent Black lawmaker Rep. Mia Love (R-UT) got a chance to show the country how truly crazy she is.
Dana Loesch got trolled and she threw a hissy fit.
I thought the conservative agitating, gun totting mother of three from the outskirts of St. Louis was bigger than that!
The Blaze's Dana Loesch got shook by a stalker online. Loesh got trolled by some nobody who mocked her in a gun training video. She had to call upon the U.S. Justice Department and FBI to find out who the fuck is trolling her with threats on her life.
She appeared in the NRA's "I'm Not A Victim" promotional.
Of course, Loesch uses the "thug" in this promotional.
The troll decided to mix it up a bit.
And holy shit, she got pissed. Matter of fact, she asked her supporters to troll the troll.
The edited version of this ad included Loesch holding a gun, then gunfire and blood spatter. The post was from a Twitter user named Tom Adelsbach, who describes himself as a "Graphic Artist, Website Designer, Flash Animator" from Chicago.
Soon I will add Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to the list of many here on World News Today. The California congressman who became a rising star since the departure of Eric Cantor is thinking about becoming the next House Speaker.
K-Mac is the Republican Majority Leader. He represents the 23rd U.S. Congressional District of California. The district carries Bakersfield, a large city with a population of 376,000 residents.
The current district is centered in areas of the southern San Joaquin Valley and southern Sierra Nevada, the Tehachapi Mountains, and the northwestern Mojave Desert. It includes the cities of Mojave and Ridgecrest, as well as most of Bakersfield. Sequoia National Park and Sequoia National Forest are within it.
If he's picked to become the new Speaker, he will have a lot of work ahead of him. He will face an already invigorated President Barack Obama. Obama has won the summer.
Obamacare survived another Supreme Court challenge. Marriage equality is valid in the all states and territories. The Iranian deal will go into effect. Cuba and the United States are establishing friendly relations. Planned Parenthood will not be defunded.
Conservatives are demanding Republicans stand firm against Obama or face a primary challenge.
The president promises that anything the Republicans pass will fail. He concludes that the Republican civil war is damaging the party and hurting the country. The party has become more extreme in their views.
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) the outgoing Speaker of the House blasted the insurgency. He believes that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) are false prophets. He believes these politicos are fucking stupid.
He announced on Friday that he's bouncing out of Congress effective immediately. In late October, Boehner will give up his role as the House Speaker and representative. He basically said to Republicans, "Fuck you! I'm Out! Good luck on getting things done with Obama!"
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) may become the new House Speaker. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) were Speakers of the House. President Barack Obama believes Republicans infighting causing government shutdown.
Boehner's congressional district is up for grabs. Insurgents are looking to replace him, A right wing bigot sheriff named Richard Jones is considering a run for the seat. The Butler County Sheriff is willing to take his anti-immigrant, anti-BlackLivesMatter rhetoric to Washington, DC.
McCarthy on the other hand is hoping the Republicans will give him a chance. The insurgents are really happy with picking McCarthy as the new House Speaker.
Matter of fact, Rep. Daniel Webster (R-FL) is plotting to derail McCarthy's coronation.
The insurgent lawmaker announced his bid to become the speaker as well.
The insurgent and establishment are showing teeth. The departure exposed some real bad tension between Republicans.
Kevin Owen McCarthy (born January 26, 1965) is the House majority leader of the United States House of Representatives and the U.S. representative for California's 23rd District.
A Republican, he was formerly chairman of the California Young Republicans and the Young Republican National Federation. McCarthy worked as district director for U.S. Representative Bill Thomas and in 2000 was elected as a trustee to the Kern Community College District. He then served in the California State Assembly from 2002 to 2006, including from 2004 to 2006, as the minority leader. When Thomas retired from the House in 2006, McCarthy ran to succeed him and won the election.
The 23rd district, numbered as the 22nd District from 2007 to 2013, is based in Bakersfield and includes large sections of Kern and Tulare counties.
McCarthy was elected House Republican chief deputy whip, from 2009 to 2011, and House majority whip, from 2011 until August 2014, when he was elected House majority leader to replace the outgoing Eric Cantor, who was defeated in his primary election.