Sunday, January 06, 2013

GOP Feuds With Chuck Hagel! | Sour Krauthammer Says Hurricane Relief Is Rape!

President Barack Obama wants Chuck Hagel to be Defense Secretary. Republicans are opposed to the idea. This is a picture of the two when there were senators. Barack Obama was an Illinois senator running for president in 2008. He accompanied then Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel in Jordan.

A twofer!

The 113th Congress is in session. They first certified that Barack Obama won the reelection with 332 electoral votes over perennial loser Mitt Romney 206.

Now that that's out of the way, the president has work to do. First is fill the vacancies in his cabinet and then federal court.

The former Republican Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel is likely to replace Defense Secretary Leon Penetta.

President Barack Obama is going to swing the cabinet around with the departures of Penetta, Department of Transportation Ray LaHood, CIA director David Petareus, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner.

Republicans already signal a fight with the president over these replacements. Senator John Kerry and Hagel are the mentioned as replacements to fill the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense.

Republicans already threaten filibuster over Kerry because of the Benghazi scandal. The Republicans want to have Secretary Hillary Clinton to testify to Congress about her role in the failed security of the Libyan consulate that lead to the deaths of four Americans one being a Libyan ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

Republicans are going to give former senator Chuck Hagel a hard time to be confirmed as well. To make this worst, Republicans deem Hagel a "RINO" because he is endorsed by President Barack Obama. The controversy lingers among the senator's apparent criticism of Israel. Even some Democrats are concerned about this nomination.

The Jewish nation has been a key figure in the conflict over in the Middle East. The nation is conflicting with the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Those factions want to create an independent nation of Palestine, but it's constantly tied up with the United States, Israel and United Kingdom's blocking at the United Nations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a highly conservative leader. President Barack Obama and Netanyahu have a tremulousness relationship to say at least. The prime minister ignores warnings from the Untied States and the United Nations constantly. The areas near Jerusalem are where Israelis want to build settlements (or real estate properties) on the Gaza Strip.

This has been a major conflict and this engages in the unrest of the Middle East.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is a firebrand among the conservatives. He promotes himself as a "fiscally responsible" Republican who will be the voice opposition to President Barack Obama.
Chuck Hagel on one hand said he represents the needs of the American people, not Israel! This lit up the right wing media. They already dismissed him for his endorsement of the president over perennial losers Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) and Mitt Romney.

The Daily Telegraph reports that Republicans sharply criticized the selection, promising to question Mr. Hagel on Israel and other controversial views in confirmation hearings by the Senate, which must approve his appointment.

Lindsey Graham, a Republican Senator for South Carolina, on Sunday described the pick as an "in-your-face nomination", telling CNN that Mr. Hagel "would be the most antagonistic secretary of defense towards the state of Israel in our nation's history".

Despite being a fellow Republican who sat in the Senate for the party from 1997 to 2009, Mr. Hagel holds markedly less hawkish views on foreign and military policy than many former colleagues.

The 66-year-old Vietnam veteran endorsed Mr Obama, a Democrat, in 2008, having criticized the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and urging a less gung-ho approach to America's alliance with Israel.

Mr. Hagel also voted against sanctions on Iran and urged Israel to engage in direct talks with Hamas, the militant Islamic group.

Mitch McConnell, a Senator for Kentucky and the party's leader in the upper chamber, predicted that Mr. Hagel would face "a lot of tough questions" from disgruntled Republicans.
 Congressman Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) is a favorite among the Tea Party Movement. Cotton retired as an U.S. Army Captain ran for congress and won. The freshman congressman is likely going to be on the television. Conservatives will push for him to run for president, since he's a rising star.
"His views with regard to Israel, for example, and Iran and all the other positions that he's taken over the years will be very much a matter of discussion in the confirmation process," he told ABC News.

In addition to ongoing tensions over Iran's nuclear program, Mr. Hagel is also likely to have to confront sharp cuts in spending on the military proposed by Mr. Obama and opposed by many Republicans.

Ted Cruz, a newly elected Republican senator for Texas and a favorite of the right-wing Tea Party movement, said that he too was "concerned" about Mr. Hagel's past statements. He accused Mr. Obama of being "high on re-election".

Mr Obama's Democratic party holds a majority in the Senate and it is highly unusual for a president's opponents to block the appointment of cabinet secretaries, even in times of sharp political division.

However, while in the minority, Republicans could wield the filibuster – an obstructive tactic – to prevent Mr. Hagel's nomination from being brought to a vote.

The pick was defended by Heidi Heitkamp, a Democratic senator for North Dakota, who described Mr. Hagel as "a tremendous patriot and statesman".

"This kind of fight is the kind of fight that the people of this country get so frustrated by," Ms. Heitkamp told ABC News.

Controversy over the likely nomination comes weeks after fierce Republican opposition torpedoed the hopes of Susan Rice, reportedly Mr. Obama's first choice to be Secretary of State.

Ms. Rice, America's UN ambassador, came under attack from Mr. Graham and two other senators for her role in the administration's public mishandling of the September 11 attack in Benghazi, Libya.

After Ms. Rice announced that she was withdrawing her name from consideration, Mr. Obama nominated Democratic Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, the former presidential candidate, to replace Hillary Clinton.

Charles Krauthammer used a bad analogy for hurricane relief.

Now you tell me Republicans! Why on earth are you that willing to expose your problems to the forefront.

Republicans have not only let their private affairs get into the public, but it allow the Democrats to rebound in popularity. The Republicans and conservatives are so extreme, they can't even trust one another now!

Last week, Congressman Peter King (R-New York) slams House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for allowing the Hurricane Sandy relief bill die off. Boehner promised that a bill will be passed. On Friday, it was passed overwhelmingly but there were some Republicans who continue to hold the line for their "principles".

Arkansas Republican congressman Tom Cotton is a growing face in the Tea Party and he got his opportunity to flex his pea brain on the national networks. Senator Ted  Cruz (R-Texas) also managed to be the new voice of the Tea Party, with his broad and yet incorrect statements of the president.

It's likely they'll buddy up with the likes Fox News personalities Sean Hannity and Greta Van Susteren soon.

To make matters worse, it's just not Cotton and Cruz! The whole U.S. Congressional delegation from Kansas voted against the relief bill. These people unwilling to help the needy are embraced by the likes of famed writer and conservative alumni Charles Krauthammer. The often vocal Krauthammer went into a rant over how Democrats blaming former President George W. Bush for his handling of Hurricane Katrina.

So instead of figuring out who to the blame, Krauthammer says it's was the best idea for House Speaker Boehner to let the legislation die. He concluded that the relief bill was a "rape of the Treasury".

Tell me, Krauthammer, would you like to say this to the family who lost their home?

I guess he doesn't understand what New Jersey hot fist special is?

Governor Chris Christie (R-New Jersey), a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate has hammered Republicans for constant delay of relief to his state.

I guess you might want to wheel yourself back a couple of feet. Krauthammer is paralyzed from the neck down after he fell in a diving accident. He is a Canadian-American duel citizen. He was born in Montreal, Quebec, but currently resides in Washington, DC.

Who Are You Calling A "Low Information" Voter?

A low information voter listens to people like Rush Limbaugh!

When you lose a presidential election, you figure out why did the nominee lose?

Many figured that perennial loser Mitt Romney ran a horrible campaign. They believe that his infamous 47% comments doomed him. They figured that due to the inconsistency of policies, most Americans couldn't trust him as president.

Despite these issues, many Republicans and their conservative agitating allies in the media are making another reason to why liberals consider them condescending, ignorant, racist morons!

The condescending comments begin with retiring radio shock jock Neal Boortz. The complaining began during the elections. When this ongoing whinefest of Benghazi came forth, Boortz whined that many people aren't concerned about this controversy. Boortz blogged about a conservative agitator confronting Ohio University students attending President Barack Obama event. The edited video has the agitator confronting students off guard with questions about Benghazi and the taxes. Hence forth, the newest right wing talking point, call an Obama supporter a "low information voter"!

Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck Michelle Malkin, Fox News, The Drudge Report and many other conservative agitators in the media are now pushing the notion that most Obama supporters are "low information" voters. They complain that many Obama supporters care about issues like Kim Kardashian's pregnancy, Lindsay Lohan and American Idol.

Neal Boortz and Herman Cain. The Atlanta based shock jock is retiring from radio. Perennial candidate Herman Cain will takeover for Boortz at the end of the month.
Okay, honestly most Americans don't follow politics. People find it to be extremely boring and too hostile.

People shouldn't discuss politics, sports, religion and past relationships around the table. These issues cost friendships and break up families.

It's a taboo in the country to discuss race relations in our country.

The younger generation wants change to the nation. They want the rich to pay more taxes, the president and Congress to compromise on issues, gay marriage, easy access to loans, and entitlements.

Unfortunately, the conservative agitators in the media haven't got a simple understanding of what a low information voter is! These websites Snopes, MyRightWingDad, The Drudge Retort (not The Drudge Report) show the most common fallacies spread around by conservatives. Now you tell me who is a low information voter when you go around saying that:

  • Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
  • Barack Obama is a Socialist.
  • Barack Obama is a Muslim.
  • Barack Obama endorses The New Black Panthers.
  • Barack Obama is a communist.
  • Barack Obama hates America.
  • Barack Obama's real name is Berry Soetoro.
  • Barack Obama is the anti-Christ.
  • Barack Obama hasn't released his real birth certificate.
  • Barack Obama's speech to school students to do well in school is a means to indoctrinate our kids with a left-wing political agenda.
  • Barack Obama promised that unemployment would not go above 8 percent if the stimulus was passed. 
  • Barack Obama’s spending has resulted in a huge budget deficit.
  • Barack Obama's father is Frank Marshal Davis.
  • Barack Obama is coming for the guns.
  • Barack Obama spends taxpayer money to take vacations. Barack Obama vacations more than any president.
  • Barack Obama and Michelle Obama demanded and spent more money than any first family to move into the White House.
  • Barack Obama received extra money as part of his Nobel Peace award and he pocketed it all.
  • Barack Obama has been secretive and unwilling to allow public or media access.
  • Barack Obama is giving away free phones and money.
  • Barack Obama wants government control of the car industry and health care.
  • Barack Obama gets favorable media coverage.
If you believe in these things, then I guess you're more informed than the rest of America. But I can tell you that honestly, you're looked upon as crazy in my opinion if you believe half of the crap conservative talk radio tells you! 

Now if you want to have a dose of reality, how about Rush Limbaugh appearing on Family Guy! He openly admits that his talk radio rambling is all an act! Seth McFarlene, an Obama supporter and marijuana legalization advocate plays the role as family dog Brian Griffin (as well as patriarch Peter, rebellious toddler Stewie and sex crazed Quagmire). Family Guy lampoons the conservative agitator and Republicans. This clip from YouTube leaves out some of the most controversial scenes of the episode. 

The Family Guy episode from 2009 is called Excellence In Broadcasting.

ADDED: Okay, here's a reason to why President Barack Obama won! He maintains an active grassroots campaign based on highly skilled campaign operatives who keep close contact with individuals who voted for him in the last election. The president and his staff maintains constant contact through Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, email, text messaging, and field offices.

The president opened more field offices in swing states surpassing each failed Republican presidential candidate and eventually perennial loser Mitt Romney. President Barack Obama courted the entertainment industry to woe over voters. With celebrities who reach out to a larger audience, it made the president's reelection more easier than most people thought.

The Republicans and conservatives in the media have failed in active grassroot campaigns. The fallout from Tea Party Nation, FreedomWorks and Crossroads GPS shows that money can't buy an election. The Republicans spent more money trying to defeat President Barack Obama on a theme of NIGGERIZATION. The reckoned with a community organizer. The community organizer took these fools down hard. The news will get worse for Republicans come this second term. President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party are hoping that the momentum of distrust to Republicans continues. Democrats hope they can take back the House of Representatives.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

An Amazing Life!

Oldest living African American woman died this week.
There's been plenty of supercenturians but none so than Marnie Rearden, the oldest African American woman. At age 114, she died Wednesday confirming her family.

Mamie Rearden of Edgefield, South Carolina who held the title as the country's oldest person for about two weeks, died Wednesday at a hospital in Augusta, Georgia, said Sara Rearden of Burtonsville, Maryland, and Janie Ruth Osborne of Edgefield. They said their mother broke her hip after a fall about three weeks ago.

"My mom was not president of the bank or anything, but she was very instrumental in raising a family and being a community person," said Sara Rearden, her youngest child. "Everybody can't go be president of a bank or president of a college, but we feel just as proud of her in her role as housewife and particularly as mother and homemaker."

Mamie Rearden, who was married to her husband Oacy for 59 years until his death in 1979, raised 11 children, 10 of whom survive, Sara Rearden said. She lived in the family homestead with a son and a daughter on land that had been in the family since her father's accumulation of acreage made him one of the area's largest black landowners.

Her father sent her off to earn a teaching certificate at Bettis Academy on the far side of the county, spending an entire day on a loaded wagon to reach the school along dirt roads, her daughter said. She taught for several years until becoming pregnant with her third child.

In the mid-1960s at age 65, when some settled into retirement, she learned to drive a car for the first time and started volunteering for an Edgefield County program that had her driving to the end of remote rural roads to find children whose parents were keeping them home from school, Sara Rearden said.

Mamie Rearden always counseled that her children should treat others as they wanted to be treated and that included never gossiping or speaking ill of others. When asked about a preacher's uninspiring sermon, her daughter recalled her mother saying: "`Well, it came from the Bible.' She never would bad-mouth them."

GOP Grumbles As They Finally Pass Hurricane Relief!

Congress passed Hurricane Sandy relief, finally!

This week has been very bad for Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio). He's taken a lot of lumps from the left and yes, even the right when it came to debating important issues.

The 113th Congress appoints him again as the Speaker Of The House. This time, the weeping speaker is going to bring his A-game to President Barack Obama. Boehner and the more conservative Republicans members of the House of Representatives have fought over the past month with the fiscal cliff.

The fiscal cliff was a contentious debate. The Republicans fought tooth and nail for spending cuts. That didn't happen. President Barack Obama managed to box them in with tax cuts. The Bush tax cuts will expire for the upper end earners. And despite bipartisan passage of the fiscal cliff, Republicans were grumbling over this.

What also have Republican at odds with one another was hurricane relief. Speaker Boehner pulled the plug on the Hurricane Sandy relief causing a major rift between New York and New Jersey Republicans.

Congressman Pete King (R-New York) at first warned that if Congress fails at passing hurricane relief, he would rally local Republicans to not donate to the party.

All of this infighting was put to rest after Republicans elected John Boehner as the House Speaker. A few rogue members wanted former congressman Allen West to take the helm. Democrats rather had Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California) as the speaker.
Republicans maintained this narrative that entitlements are out of control and their job is to prevent government dependency. 

Congress passed the relief bill today and it will be sent to President Barack Obama to be signed. The $9.7 billion package is guaranteed to aid those affected by the devastating superstorm that hit the Atlantic coast in October 2012.

The New York Times report that intense pressure from New York and New Jersey, Congress adopted legislation on Friday that would provide $9.7 billion to cover insurance claims filed by people whose homes were damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. 

The measure is the first, and least controversial, portion of a much larger aid package sought by the affected states to help homeowners and local governments recover costs associated with the storm. The House has pledged to take up the balance of the aid package on Jan. 15.

The House passed the insurance measure 354 to 67; it then cleared the Senate by unanimous consent. President Obama is expected to sign the measure into law.

In the House, all of the votes against the aid came from Republicans, who have objected that no cuts in other programs had been identified to pay for the measure despite the nation’s long-term deficit problem. The 67 Republicans who voted against the measure included 17 freshman lawmakers, suggesting that the new class will provide support to the sizable group of anti-spending conservatives already in the House.
Still weeping! 
Speaker John A. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, brought the bill to the House floor after he drew criticism from Democrats and Republicans alike for adjourning the previous Congress earlier this week without taking up a $60.4 billion aid bill that the Senate had passed to finance recovery efforts in the hurricane-battered states. Among those most critical of Mr. Boehner were several leading Republicans, including Representative Peter T. King of Long Island, who is a senior member of Congress, and Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, who is a possible presidential contender in 2016.

The bill adopted on Friday would give the National Flood Insurance Program the authority to borrow $9.7 billion to fill claims stemming from damage caused by Hurricane Sandy and other disasters. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, which administers the flood insurance program, recently notified Congress that it would run out of money within the next week to cover claims filed by individuals.

“The administration is pleased that Congress has taken action to ensure that FEMA continues to have the funds to cover flood insurance claims, including over 100,000 claims from Hurricane Sandy the agency has already received,” Clark Stevens, a White House spokesman, said in a statement. “We continue to urge Congress to take up and pass the full supplemental request submitted last year to ensure affected communities have the support they need for longer term recovery.”

Congress’s action did not fully mollify lawmakers from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and other states struck by the storm. Some officials continued to criticize the chamber’s leadership for failing to act more quickly on the larger aid package, saying it provided the necessary financing to help the region rebuild.

“I am optimistic and worried,” said Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York. “Optimistic because there is pressure on the House to produce. Worried because I know how difficult it is to get things through the Congress.”

Mr. Christie and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, a Democrat, issued a similarly cautious statement.

“Today’s action by the House was a necessary and critical first step towards delivering aid to the people of New Jersey and New York,” they said. “While we are pleased with this progress, today was just a down payment, and it is now time to go even further and pass the final and more complete, clean disaster aid bill.”

The overall measure would provide money to help homeowners and small-business owners rebuild; to repair bridges, tunnels and transportation systems; to reimburse local governments for overtime costs of police, fire and other emergency services; and to replenish shorelines. It also would finance an assortment of longer-term projects that would help the region prepare for future storms.

Some Republicans have been critical of the size of the proposed aid package, and have suggested that it includes unnecessary spending on items that are not directly related to the hurricane, like $150 million for fisheries in Alaska and $2 million for museum roofs in Washington. Representative Frank A. LoBiondo, Republican of New Jersey, said Friday that the measure going before the House later this month would “strip out the extraneous spending directed to states not affected by the storm.”

“Today’s vote is a key step in getting critical federal assistance to the residents, businesses and communities devastated by Hurricane Sandy,” Mr. LoBiondo said in a statement. “I hope my colleagues recognize politics has no place when dealing with a disaster and that the overwhelming bipartisan support demonstrated today is present as the remaining federal aid is considered.”

In the House debate leading up to the vote on Friday, several lawmakers said it had taken too long for Congress to provide federal aid to the region and urged the speaker to make good on his pledge to bring the $51 billion aid package to the floor later this month.

“We have been waiting for 11 weeks,” said Representative Carolyn B. Maloney, a Democrat from New York City. “It is long overdue.”

Friday, January 04, 2013

Al Gore Sold Out Both Ways!

Al Gore is catching flack for getting a huge payday. Current TV is being sold to Al-Jazeera Worldwide and the network will finally break into the United States with groundbreaking coverage.

Former Vice President of The United States, Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Al Gore, once again puts himself in the news for all the wrong reasons. Today, the former vice president attracts not only outrage from the conservatives but the liberals as well.

Gore became a media mogul in the late 2000s when he and Joel Hyatt created Current TV. The network revamped its image last year with the addition of commentators who represented the progressive movement.

Well as of today, it's confirmed that Current TV was sold to Al-Jezeera, a Qatar based network that covers international news and politics in the United States. The network will revamp its image and purge itself of likely most of the staff.

Liberal agitators such as Cenk Uygur, Bill Press, David Shuster, Stephanie Miller, John Feuglsang, Joy Behar, former New York governor Eliot Spitzer and former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, were eager to jump into Current TV after the network had bumped off its former star Keith Olbermann.

Olbermann, the once mighty voice of MSNBC abruptly left the network after conflict with the network president and took an opportunity to join the Current TV staff. For at least one year, Olbermann brought his Countdown program with the same themes and unique stamina. But that all turned sour when Current fired him and they're feuding in court over a contractual agreement.
Keith Olbermann short tenure with Current TV went sour after nearly a year on the air.

Current TV staff, program hosts and cable subscribers were caught off guard by the decision.

The network prompted itself as the alternative to "MSNBC" and "Fox News". Unfortunately many cable subscribers couldn't get it on their regular lineups. Time Warner Cable, the nation's second largest cable provider has pulled the plug on Current TV after it learned that Al-Jazeera was moving in. The cable company attracted controversy for the pull and now its considering to add the news network to its lineup.

Fox News is the sworn enemy of President Barack Obama, former president Bill Clinton and Gore. The conservative news network wasted no time attacking the decision for Gore to sell his network.

Many of the commentators, one being the serial annoyance Sean Hannity were eager to attack Gore for allowing the sale of the network go forth. He went on to criticize Gore for being an advocate of the environment but he's willing to sell out for the oil rich nation of Qatar.

Bill O'Reilly was the most harshest of the commentators. Mediaite obtained the portion of The O'Reilly Factor in which the serial agitator blasted Gore for hypocrisy. O’Reilly took issue with Gore’s hypocrisy in trying to finalize the sale before the fiscal cliff deadline this past Monday night to avoid paying higher taxes, as well as doing a deal with “anti-Americans” at Al Jazeera. O’Reilly declared that Gore has “shamed himself” with the deal.

Stephanie Miller, a liberal talk host on Current TV.
Many conservatives believe that Al-Jazeera is "anti-American" for promoting terrorists videos, graphic images of victims, and hostile leaders criticizing the United States. Others consider the network very balanced in their coverage.

Al-Jazeera is by far one of the world's leading news organizations. They've covered news that most networks such as CNN, MSNBC and Fox News refuse to cover. While Fox News and MSNBC rank as the nation's largest cable news companies, these networks fear Al-Jazeera approach to the news will shape the opinion of the nation. So by Al-Jazeera jumping into the fray, one could think this will shake up things.

Now liberals are kind of mad that Al Gore would hire these commentators to host programs on the network and then give them the news that their jobs may be lost after the deal.

Stephanie Miller in particular is the 10th most listened radio host in the country. Her show Talking Liberally, comes forth through The Stephanie Miller Show, a nationally syndicated morning show. Miller, a comedian and liberal agitator is one of the fixtures of the network. Her radio show competes with conservative agitators Laura Ingraham and Glenn Beck. Ingraham and Beck are ranked the 4th and 5th most listened to in the nation respectfully.

Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks.
Eliot Spitzer was the former governor of New York embedded in a sex scandal. He left abruptly the governorship. He went on to host a program with Kathleen Parker on CNN. When Parker left after a few months, Spitzer took over and ran his program. With CNN's ratings down and the MSNBC and it's ratings of Rachel Madow, Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Lawrence O'Donnell improving, CNN let Spitzer go. They replace his show with Anderson Cooper. Spitzer replaces Keith Olbermann after he got into it with Current TV staff.

Jennifer Granholm, the former governor of Michigan came into the limelight after a passionate speech in favor of President Barack Obama. She was granted her own program and garnered positive reviews. Now that's uncertain where she'll go but it's likely ABC News since she rose to fame after she left Lansing, Michigan.

Bill Press is the morning host who features his program out of Washington, DC. He hosted The Bill Press Show on Current TV as the Full Court Press. Press is formerly a host on CNN's Crossfire. Press has filled in for MSNBC hosts before he went on Current TV.

Cenk Ugyur is also another fixture to Current TV. He is the host of The Young Turks, a daily program that runs concurrently on the internet and the network. Like Olbermann, Uygur had issues with the direction of MSNBC. He was angered by the decision to put Al Sharpton into his 6pm. When the network refused to hear him out, Uygur left the network. He began hosting The Young Turks on Current TV at 7pm. Uygur brings TYT to the nation. The program also has a YouTube channel which features some of the shows best interviews.

Their futures with Al-Jazeera America is uncertain but it's likely they'll be purged upon the change.

Eliot Spitzer joined Current TV in 2011.
The Associated Press reports that Al-Jazeera, the Pan-Arab news channel that struggled to win space on American cable television, has acquired Current TV, boosting its reach in the U.S. nearly ninefold to about 40 million homes. With a focus on U.S. news, it plans to rebrand the left-leaning news network that co-founder Al Gore couldn't make relevant.

The former vice president confirmed the sale Wednesday, saying in a statement that Al-Jazeera shares Current TV's mission "to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling."

The acquisition lifts Al-Jazeera's reach beyond a few large U.S. metropolitan areas including New York and Washington, where about 4.7 million homes can now watch Al-Jazeera English.

Al-Jazeera, owned by the government of Qatar, plans to gradually transform Current into a network called Al-Jazeera America by adding five to 10 new U.S. bureaus beyond the five it has now and hiring more journalists. More than half of the content will be U.S. news and the network will have its headquarters in New York, spokesman Stan Collender said.

Collender said there are no rules against foreign ownership of a cable channel — unlike the strict rules limiting foreign ownership of free-to-air TV stations. He said the move is based on demand, adding that 40 percent of viewing traffic on Al-Jazeera English's website is from the U.S.

"This is a pure business decision based on recognized demand," Collender said. "When people watch Al-Jazeera, they tend to like it a great deal."

Al-Jazeera has long struggled to get carriage in the U.S., and the deal suffered an immediate casualty as Time Warner Cable Inc., the nation's second-largest cable TV operator, announced it is dropping Current TV due to the deal.

"Our agreement with Current has been terminated and we will no longer be carrying the service. We are removing the service as quickly as possible," the company said in a statement.
Jennifer Granholm delivers a passionate speech for President Barack Obama. She hosted The War Room on Current TV.
Previous to Al-Jazeera's purchase, Current TV was in 60 million homes. It is carried by Comcast Corp., which owned less than a 10 percent stake in Current TV, as well as DirecTV. Neither company announced plans to drop the channel.

In 2010, Al-Jazeera English's managing director, Tony Burman, blamed a "very aggressive hostility" from the Bush administration for reluctance among cable and satellite companies to show the network.

Even so, Al-Jazeera has garnered respect for its ability to build a serious news product in a short time. In a statement announcing the deal, it touted numerous U.S. journalism awards it received in 2012, including the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award Grand Prize and the Scripps Howard Award for Television/Cable In-Depth Reporting.

But there may be a culture clash at the network. Dave Marash, a former "Nightline" reporter who worked for Al-Jazeera in Washington, said he left the network in 2008 in part because he sensed an anti-American bias there.
Joy Behar is a co-host on ABC's The View. But on weeknights she host her own program on Current TV.

Current, meanwhile, began as a groundbreaking effort to promote user-generated content. But it has settled into a more conventional format of political talk television with a liberal bent. Gore worked on-air as an analyst during its recent election night coverage.

Its leading personalities are former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer, former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm and Cenk Uygur, a former political commentator on MSNBC who hosts the show called "The Young Turks." Current signed Keith Olbermann to be its top host in 2011 but his tenure lasted less than a year before it ended in bad blood on both sides.

Current has largely been outflanked by MSNBC in its effort be a liberal alternative to the leading cable news network, Fox News Channel.

Current hired former CNN Washington bureau chief David Bohrman in 2011 to be its president. Bohrman pushed the network to innovate technologically, with election night coverage that emphasized a conversation over social media.

Current TV, founded in 2005 by former vice president Gore and Joel Hyatt, is expected to post $114 million in revenue in 2013, according to research firm SNL Kagan. The firm pegged the network's cash flow at nearly $24 million a year.

Kanye and Kim's Pregnacy Brings Out The Haters!

                                 The report of their first child brings out the right-wing bigots and racists.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's announcement of their first child has brought out the racists in American Renaissance, an extremely right-wing conservative website obsessed with "miscegenation" and "Black and Latino Crime" and "Black and Brown inferiority."  They hate the idea of interracial relationships, especially between Black men and Non-Black women.  It brings out the hate beast in them.  It's sad that in a world of unemployment, social upheaval, they fixated in Black men and Nonblack(White) women relationships.  So much that up to 600 posts were made on that pathetic website.

Congratulations, Kanye and Kim on your first child!

Ohio Rust City Torn By A Rape Involving High School Football Stars! [NSFW]

Disturbing photos of young girl being carried by two young men. The photo gives a picture to the possible rape of this person. The rust belt city of Steubenville, Ohio is once again the center of a national controversy.

Stuebenville, Ohio is the center of a national controversy this year. Two high school football stars are charged with the rape of a teenage girl.

A reminder to those reading, we advise that you take discretion in reading this. The article with commentary includes portions of The New York Times, Slate and the Associated Press. The individuals are innocent until proven guilty, and we here a Journal de la Reyna want justice served to those who committed this horrible act on this young girl.

This controversy attracted worldwide attention after Anonymous, the hacktivist group unearth the social media of those involved in this sexual assault.

Also what this attracts is conservative ire and White supremacists. The fact that one of the accused is Black and the young girl is white will certainly rile these extremists up! This would lit up their forums with ugly racial slurs, word salads about Black on White crime, and of course an Obama name drop! This will be a reason for these extremists to paint Blacks as sex crazed NIGGERS who voted for that MUSLIM SOCIALIST WHO DISGRACED THIS COUNTRY with his GUBMINT GIVEAWAYS!

Steubenville, Ohio is American made city that sits on the banks of the Ohio River.
The social media is a tool to help people connect. So far this year, Facebook surpassed over 1.3 billion in registered members. The social network is also a tool for the most controversial things. It's why most people work in education, the media, government, and private sector warns their employees not to engage in matters that may land them in the unemployment line.

Ma'lik Richmond one of the members involved. He participated in the so-called "Rape Crew" assault of a young girl.
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter are the most popular social networks in the country. They've entertained, angered and inspired many. But unfortunately, they can make people do the most stupidest things.

The two involved in this rape, Trent Mays and Ma'lik Richmond are going to face the judge this month for their participation in the alleged sexual assault of the young girl. Many are seeking to put these guys in prison for life.

Trent Mays faces court date for rape and kidnapping.
The New York Times reports that some people in and around Steubenville had gotten word that the night of fun on August 11 a party that was held by outgoing high school students might have taken a grim turn, and that members of the Steubenville High football team might have been involved.

Twitter posts, videos and photographs circulated by some who attended the nightlong set of parties suggested that an unconscious girl had been sexually assaulted over several hours while others watched. She even might have been urinated on.

In one photograph posted on Instagram by a Steubenville High football player, the girl, who was from across the Ohio River in Weirton, West Virginia, is shown looking unresponsive as two boys carry her by her wrists and ankles. Twitter users wrote the words “rape” and “drunk girl” in their posts.

Rumors of a possible crime spread, and people, often with little reliable information, quickly took sides. Some residents and others on social media blamed the girl, saying she put the football team in a bad light and put herself in a position to be violated. Others supported the girl, saying she was a victim of what they believed was a hero-worshiping culture built around football players who think they can do no wrong.

On August 22, the possible crime made local news when the police came forward with details: two standout Steubenville football players — Mays, 16, from Bloomingdale, Ohio, and Ma’lik Richmond, 16, from Steubenville — were arrested and later charged with raping a 16-year-old girl and kidnapping her by taking her to several parties while she was too drunk to resist.

The case is not the first time a high school football team has been entangled in accusations of sexual assault. But the situation in Steubenville has another layer to it that separates it from many others: It is a sexual assault accusation in the age of social media, when teenagers are capturing much of their lives on their camera phones — even repugnant, possibly criminal behavior, as they did in Steubenville in August — and then posting it on the Web, like a graphic, public diary.

Twitter post from Michael Nodianos.
Within days of the possible sexual assault, an online personality who often blogs about crime zeroed in on those public comments and photographs and injected herself into the story, complicating it and igniting ire in the community. She posted the information on her site and wrote online that the police and town officials were giving the football players special treatment.

The city’s police chief begged for witnesses to come forward, but received little response. In time, the county prosecutor and the judge in charge of handling crimes by juveniles recused themselves from the case because they had ties to the football team.

“It’s a very, very small community here,” said Jefferson County Juvenile Judge Samuel W. Kerr, who recused himself. His granddaughter dated one of the football players initially linked to the incident. “Everybody knows everybody.”
Michael Nodianos, a player who shows off while firearm sits at the bottom.
After more than two months in jail, they are under house arrest on rape charges, awaiting a trial that has been set for Feb. 13. Mays, a star wrestler, also faces a charge of disseminating photographs of a nude minor. The kidnapping charges were dropped.

The parents of the boys, who declined requests for extended interviews, said that the boys were innocent. The boys’ lawyers assert that the boys have been tried unfairly online, and vow they will be exonerated when all the facts are known.

The case has entangled dozens of people in and out of this town.

Three Steubenville High School athletes became witnesses for the prosecution and testified against Mays and Richmond, their friends, at a probable cause hearing in October. The crime blogger and more than a dozen people who posted comments on her Web site have been sued by a Steubenville football player and his parents for defamation. The girl’s mother, in several brief interviews last month, said her family had received threats, so extra police have been patrolling her neighborhood.

The victim is not a Steubenville High student; she attended a smaller, religion-based school, where she was an honor student and an athlete.

At the parties, the girl had so much to drink that she was unable to recall much from that night, and nothing past midnight, the police said. The girl began drinking early on, according to an account that the police pieced together from witnesses, including two of the three Steubenville High athletes who testified in court in October. By 10 or 10:30 that night, it was clear that the dark-haired teenager was drunk because she was stumbling and slurring her words, witnesses testified.
Ma'lik Richmond and Trent Mays photos were obtained by hackers and passed along the White supremacists websites.
Some people at the party taunted her, chanted and cheered as a Steubenville High baseball player dared bystanders to urinate on her, one witness testified.

About two hours later, the girl left the party with several Big Red football players, including Mays and Richmond, witnesses said. They stayed only briefly at a second party before leaving for their third party of the night. Two witnesses testified that the girl needed help walking. One testified that she was carried out of the house by Mays and Richmond while she “was sleeping.”
Protest in Steubenville over the police and school district covering up the crime.
She woke up long enough to vomit in the street, a witness said, and she remained there alone for several minutes with her top off. Another witness said Mays and Richmond were holding her hair back.

Afterward, they headed to the home of one football player who has now become a witness for the prosecution. That player told the police that he was in the back seat of his Volkswagen Jetta with Mays and the girl when Mays proceeded to flash the girl’s breasts and penetrate her with his fingers, while the player videotaped it on his phone. The player, who shared the video with at least one person, testified that he videotaped Mays and the girl “because he was being stupid, not making the right choices.” He said he later deleted the recording.

The girl “was just sitting there, not really doing anything,” the player testified. “She was kind of talking, but I couldn’t make out the words that she was saying.”

At that third party, the girl could not walk on her own and vomited several times before toppling onto her side, several witnesses testified. Mays then tried to coerce the girl into giving him oral sex, but the girl was unresponsive, according to the player who videotaped Mays and the girl.

The player said he did not try to stop it because “at the time, no one really saw it as being forceful.”

At one point, the girl was on the ground, naked, unmoving and silent, according to two witnesses who testified. Mays, they said, had exposed himself while he was right next to her.

Richmond was behind her, with his hands between her legs, penetrating her with his fingers, a witness said.

“I tried to tell Trent to stop it,” another athlete, who was Mays’s best friend, testified. “You know, I told him, ‘Just wait — wait till she wakes up if you’re going to do any of this stuff. Don’t do anything you’re going to regret.’ ”

He said Mays answered: “It’s all right. Don’t worry.”

That boy took a photograph of what Mays and Richmond were doing to the girl. He explained in court how he wanted her to know what had happened to her, but he deleted it from his phone, he testified, after showing it to several people.

The girl slept on a couch in the basement of that home that night, with Mays alongside her before he took a spot on the floor.

When she awoke, she was unaware of what had happened to her, she has told her parents and the police. But by then, the story of her night was already unfolding on the Internet, on Twitter and via text messages. Compromising and explicit photographs of her were posted and shared.
The Guy Fawkes Mask represents Anonymous. They hack into controversial groups and exposes them to the world.
Within a day, a family member in town shared with the girl’s parents more disturbing visuals: a photograph posted on Instagram of their daughter who looked passed out at a party and a YouTube video of a former Steubenville baseball player talking about a rape. That former player, who graduated earlier this year, also posted on Twitter, “Song of the night is definitely Rape Me by Nirvana,” and “Some people deserve to be peed on,” which was reshared on Twitter by several people, including Mays.

The parents then notified the police and took their daughter to a hospital. At 1:38 a.m. on August 14, the girl’s parents walked into the Steubenville police station with a flash drive with photographs from online, Twitter posts and the video on it. It was all the evidence the girl’s parents had, leaving the police with the task of filling in the details of what had happened that night. The police said the case was challenging partly because too much time had passed since the suspected rape. By then, the girl had taken at least one shower and might have washed away evidence, said McCafferty, the police chief. He added that it also was too late for toxicology tests to determine if she had been drugged.

“My daughter learned about what had happened to her that night by reading the story about it in the local newspaper,” the girl’s mother said.

“How would you like to go through that as a mother, seeing your daughter, who is your entire world, treated like that?” the mother said. “It was devastating for all of us.”
Big Red takes a big nosedive!
Mays and Richmond were arrested August 22, about a week after the girl’s parents reported the suspected rape.

Anonymous got involved after a blogger reported that the Steubenville Police and school district were planning on dismissing the case based on lack of evidence. The internet group hacked into the social networks and unearth a disturbing video in which some of the students openly bragged about the crime.

The group thinks that school district and police are going to cover up the crime and they've rallied an online activism to have all members involved to be shamed for allowing two men to walk free while a victim suffers.

Steubenville is a rust belt city sits on near the banks of the Ohio River. This city is a part of the Wheeling, West Virginia metropolitan area. Ironton, Ohio, Stuebenville, Ohio, Weirton, West Virginia, Wheeling, West Virginia are consolidated with the Pittsburgh/Washington, Pennsylvania metroplex. High school football is a growing theme in the once booming town of steel mills and coal.

All the information comes from the New York Times, Slate, The Huffington Post and the Associated Press.

The young men in this video are bragging about the party and the rape. This is disturbing. We here at Journal de la Reyna advise discretion when viewing this.

Bada Boom!

Vacations are for hard workers. President Barack Obama deserved one after bitter fight with Congressional Republicans. He also can celebrate the unemployment numbers. The job report has recorded over 155,000 hiring positions.

Okay, we ended the year of 2012 with Congress being the most dysfunctional ever. They were ranked the worst legislative body ever in 60 years. We ended 2012 with incumbent president Barack Obama easily winning reelection over perennial loser Republican Mitt Romney. We ended the year with major celebrities passing away. We had three major tragedies unfold. The Aurora, Colorado shooting, The Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut and Superstorm Sandy destroying New York and New Jersey has the American public demanding government intervention. We ended the year with unemployment ticking up once again.

However the news is great in a way that helps motivate President Barack Obama to the negotiation table when dealing with a freshman class of conservative Republicans. This new class of Republicans plus the old establishment will waste no time trying to drag another political fight into the whims of public. The old guard was embarrassed by the fiscal cliff fiasco.

Unemployment for based on December hiring was around 155,000 (excluding those who dropped out the workforce) bringing the figure up to 7.8 percent. This sets January as the period for slow growth based on lagging retail sales and the Congress last minute decision to pass a federal law that makes the Bush tax cuts permanent for those who make less than $400,000.

The Associated Press reports the solid job growth wasn't enough to push down the unemployment rate, which stayed 7.8 percent last month, according to the Labor Department's report Friday. November's rate was revised higher from an initially reported 7.7 percent.

Stock futures rose modestly after the report was released.

Robust hiring in manufacturing and construction fueled the December gains. Construction firms added 30,000 jobs, the most in 15 months. That likely reflects additional hiring needed to rebuild after Superstorm Sandy and also solid gains in home building that have contributed to a housing recovery.

Manufacturers gained 25,000, the most in nine months.

Even with the gains, hiring is far from accelerating. Employers added an average of 153,000 jobs a month last year, matching the monthly average in 2011. Employers added 1.84 million jobs in 2012, the same as the previous year.

Still, the stable hiring last month means employers didn't panic during the high-stakes talks between Congress and the White House over tax increases and spending cuts that were not resolved until the new year. That's a good sign for the coming months, since more budget disputes are expected.

While the parties reached a deal this week that removed the threat of income tax increases on most Americans, they postponed the more difficult decisions on cutting spending. And the government must also increase its $16.4 trillion borrowing limit by around late February or risk defaulting on its debt.

There were indications in the December report of the job market's ongoing sluggishness. The number of Americans unemployed actually rose 164,000 to 12.2 million. The unemployment figures come from a separate survey of households, while the job counts are derived from a survey of businesses.

Still, the economy is improving. Layoffs are declining, and the number of people who sought unemployment aid in the past month is near a four-year low.

The once-battered housing market is recovering. Companies ordered more long-lasting manufactured goods in November, a sign they are investing more in equipment and software. And Americans spent more in November. Consumer spending drives nearly 70 percent of economic growth.

Manufacturing is getting a boost from the best auto sales in five years. Car sales jumped 13 percent in 2012 to 14.5 million. And Americans spent more at the tail end of the holiday shopping season, boosting overall sales that had slumped earlier in the crucial two-month period.

Of course this won't satisfy the angry rhetoric of conservative talk radio and those in the Republican Party.

They'll dismiss this as another ploy to make the president look good and the Labor Department playing with the numbers again!

The 113th Congress is now in session with the greatest number of women in the House and Senate by far.

Also the very same idiots who rush to the cameras will certainly drag another controversy or two into the fold.

Already, former presidential candidate and unhinged idiot Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) wants to repeal Obamacare. That was the first bill introduced into Congress.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

....And All The Kids' Man!

Shawty Lo brings his BIG family onto television.
Rappers are putting down the microphone and picking up the camera. The camera follows them into the abyss  As the gullible audience flocks to see the rapper perform their duties on and off the stage, these rappers introduce you to their families. Sport stars, rappers, rockers and singers started the tradition with MTV. When MTV introduced the world to their cribs, many Americans realized that it's cool to be an entertainer.

Nowadays, it's not so cool when you're broke and you're willing to exploit your family for financial gains!

Atlanta based rapper Shawty Lo comes into the limelight. The rapper who once snapped his fingers with rap group D4L and now swinging his new G-Unit spinner as an affiliate to 50 Cent's crew. The rapper joined the reality television circuit with the 10 mothers of his 11 children.

Shawty Lo appears under Asylum Records, Inc. The company is licensed under Warner Music Group.
Dey know I'm on television! Why dey hatin'?- Shawty Lo.
Backlash ensues. The network that is planning on filming the reality series is under fire as well!

Oxygen is catching some major flack for allowing the rapper to downgrade his family in such a matter.

Civil Rights groups are demanding they scrap the idea of having this.

Conservatives and White supremacists are thrilled about this!

These extremists can finally prove that all Black men are sex crazed NIGGERS who are willing to put their NIGLETS into the spotlight for their GUBMINT handouts and OBAMA bucks! 

This will agitate them into attacking Black people, hip-hop music and of course President Barack Obama. 

Newsone reports that the show is going to bring controversy and ratings! The rapper's pilot is going to be a one-hour special called “All My Babies’ Mamas,” which features the day-to-day drama-filled shenanigans of Atlanta rapper Shawty Lo, his 10 baby mamas and their army of 11 children, reports TV By the Numbers.

Each baby mama has an eye-catching title such as the ‘First Lady E’Creia,’ who handles Lo’s finances and who was actually engaged to him at one point after he already had three children. Then there’s Angela, the “Fighter Baby Mama,” Amanda, the “Jealous Baby Mama,” Sujuan, the “Wanna-be Bougie Baby Mama” and Tamara, the “No-Drama Baby Mama.”

The rapper is currently dating his new girlfriend, Ashlin, who is also featured on the show and who claims to be madly in love with him. The woman is similar to the age of his oldest daughter.

Carlos Walker (born March 31, 1976), better known by his stage name Shawty Lo, is an American rapper, founder of D4L Records, and member of hip hop group D4L.

Other rappers who are professional entertainers moved into acting and reality television. Most recently, Clifford Harris, who performs as T.I. has a hit show on VH-1. The show T.I. and Tiny: The Family Hustle comes after the rapper's wife Tameka "Tiny" Cottle-Harris is a successor to Tiny & Toya. Cottle did a reality show with Antonia "Toya" Carter the former wife of Lil' Wayne.

GOP: Pay To The Federal Workers Ain't Gonna Happen!

Congressman Darrell Issa (R-California) sponsors a bill that puts another freeze on federal workers. Since 2009, President Barack Obama ordered a freeze on all federal employees. The freeze expires in 2013. Many federal workers will see cost of living adjustment rise and their paycheck shrink because of Republicans and their ridiculous determination to stop "big government!"
2013: A new year of the same shit!

If you're angry at Washington, DC's politicians, don't worry it continues on as the swearing in of the new 113th session of Congress.

This year opens a new chapter with the same pages of drama, action and of course comedy.

Out goes Richard Lugar, Ron Paul, Ben Nelson, Kent Conrad, Gabrielle Giffords, Dennis Kuncinich, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Olympia Snowe, and Scott Brown. In comes the replacements.

Before they come in they'll notice something a little less in their paychecks. The 112th Congress stabs one more dagger in the heart by stopping the executive order sponsored by President Barack Obama to give all federal workers a pay raise.

So that means those federal workers that aren't in Congress are not seeing the green! They'll be seeing the red and they'll be eager for 2014 to come and then they'll vote these newbies out too. The Republicans and some Democrats put the block on the raise of federal workers. Despite pleas from members of the Democratic fold, Republicans would stiff the millions of federal workers to keep the government running.

The Republican "principles" are going to doom this country.

The Washington Post reports the House of Representatives passed a freeze the salaries of lawmakers and federal employees.

Despite Democratic objections, the bill passed 287 to 129, with 55 Democrats voting with Republicans to approve the measure.

House Democrats charged that the vote to freeze salaries was intended to provide political cover for conservative Republicans planning to vote against the fiscal cliff bill passed early Tuesday by the Senate.

Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pennsylvania)
The fiscal cliff deal, passed with 89 votes in the Senate, includes language that would block a 0.5 percent cost of living pay increase for lawmakers, reversing parts of an executive order Obama issued last week – because Congress had yet to set the federal government’s pay scale for 2013.

Voting against the fiscal cliff plan might leave some House Republicans open to charges by future political opponents that they voted to give themselves a raise, or didn't vote to block a congressional pay raise, Democrats charged.

The GOP-backed bill introduced late Monday would freeze the salaries of lawmakers and the nation’s 2 million federal employees for the remainder of fiscal 2013.

Currently, federal worker salaries are frozen through the end of a short-term spending agreement that expires in March. As part of efforts to curtail the deficit, federal employees have not seen a cost of living increase in their paychecks in more than three years.

Holding the pay vote before the fiscal cliff bill is voted on, “is one of the most cynical things I've seen,” said Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Virginia), whose district is home to hundreds of thousands of federal employees.

“It’s being held purely to provide protection for House Republicans who want to vote against the fiscal cliff deal.”

The pay bill is cosponsored by Congressmen Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pennsylvania) and Darrell Issa (R-California).

Issa denied Democratic claims that his bill provides cover for GOP colleagues, noting that Obama could have opted to continue the pay freeze already in effect.

“We had to do this,” Issa said, adding later that Obama “had a two-year pay freeze already underway, he could have just continued it.”

In a statement, Issa argued that Obama’s “across the board pay increase for white collar workers is not necessary to retain talented employees and just wastes taxpayer money.”

“Federal employees have continued to receive promotions and within-grade pay increases over the past few years of the supposed ‘pay freeze,’ and voluntary separations from the federal government are near all-time lows,” he said.

Since taking control of the House last year, Republicans have cited federal compensation packages as a prime example of government waste, charging that federal employees have enjoyed modest pay bumps during the freeze as they are promoted through the ranks.

But dozens of Democrats usually vote for the GOP-back pay measures, making it an issue that regularly splits the caucus between labor-backed lawmakers and Washington-area Democrats who represent communities where thousands of federal employees live and work.

GOP: Take That Hit To The Face, Bitch!

Democrats are angry at the Republicans right now! The 112th Congress matches the 80th Congress in lackluster progress. This is the modern day "DO NOTHING CONGRESS". Over 2,500 bills and only 219 of these bodies became law.

The DREAM Act, gun control and the debt ceiling will be another round of partisan gridlock by Republicans in the House of Representatives. Filibuster reform, treaties, possible nominations to federal courts, a Supreme Court pick and confirmation of cabinet members will be stalled by Republicans in the Senate.

The 113th Congress takes forth in 2013. As January 4, 2013 begins, many of the failed politicians are packing their bags and heading back to the private sector. The new class and a few perennials are welcomed to the circus. As of right now, Republicans have 234 members to the Democrats 201 in the House of Representatives. The Democrats will have 53 plus 2 independents who caucus with them and Republicans will have 45 in the Senate. President Barack Obama continues on into the second term in mid-January.

After bitter fights, a very important law to curb violence among women is dead in the water. Republicans blocked the reauthorizing of the Violence Against Women Act.

Despite pleas from the Democratic and some Republican women, House Republicans have blocked the Violence Against Women Act, making it the first time the bill has not been renewed since 1994. GOP legislators balked at the legislation's inclusions for Native Americans, immigrant women, and LGBTQ folks.

Now if you hear crap from Republicans being the party of Civil Rights, kindly tell them: They're full of shit!
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire), Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California), Senator Patty Murray (D-Washington) warn Republicans the dire consequences if VAWA wasn't passed.

The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) is a United States federal law signed by President Bill Clinton on September 13, 1994. The Act provided $1.6 billion toward investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women, imposed automatic and mandatory restitution on those convicted, and allowed civil redress in cases prosecutors chose to leave unprosecuted. The Act also established the Office on Violence Against Women within the Department of Justice.

VAWA was drafted by the office of Senator Joe Biden (D-Delaware) (who would later become the current Vice President of the United States), with support from a broad coalition of advocacy groups. The Act passed through Congress with bipartisan support in 1994, clearing the House by a vote of 235–195 and the Senate by a vote of 61–38, although the following year House Republicans attempted to cut the Act's funding.

In the 2000 Supreme Court case United States v. Morrison, a sharply divided Court struck down the VAWA provision allowing women the right to sue their attackers in federal court. By a 5–4 majority, the Court's conservative wing overturned the provision as an intrusion on states' rights.

VAWA was reauthorized by Congress in 2000, and again in December 2005. The Act's 2012 renewal was fiercely opposed by conservative Republicans, who objected to extending the Act's protections to same-sex couples and to provisions allowing battered illegal immigrants to claim temporary visas. In April 2012, the Senate voted to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, and the House subsequently passed its own measure (omitting provisions of the Senate bill that would protect gay men, lesbians, American Indians living in reservations, and illegal immigrants who were victims of domestic violence). Reconciliation of the two bills has been stymied by procedural measures, leaving the reauthorization in question.
Violence Against Women Act is a big effin' deal! Vice President Joe Biden was a senator when he sponsored the legislation that was passed by Bill Clinton in 1994.

So as of today, without passage, I am guessing that an abusive partner can obtain a firearm and proceed to killing a former lover!

So I guess it's fair to hit a pregnant woman in the stomach if she gets into an argument with her partner?

So I guess it's fair to attack a couple who is gay because you see them holding hands in public?

So I guess it's fair to attack Native Americans because you feel like they don't deserve property rights that were stolen by them in the imperialistic society America is looked upon as?

So I guess that an immigrant can be attacked because the person can't speak English?

This is what Republicans want! Republicans want drug testing of the poor, cuts to safety nets, probes of Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, and LGBT groups.

The Republicans want to flex their muscles around Middle East, allow firearms in schools, movie theaters and on public transportation. They don't care about the issues that involve the rest of the world, they only care about themselves.

In their warped minds, their version of patriotism is the all out bigotry of a person's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings. They believe that anyone who supports President Barack Obama is either too lazy to work or too stupid to vote!

They call the people who support President Barack Obama, low information voters. But yet these are the ones who can't tell you what the meaning of Communism and Socialism!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Ohio Woman Attacks Man: Forgot To Tell Him She's HIV Positive!

Chewanna Henderson ruins holidays! Ohio woman stabs man after fight! She didn't tell the man she was HIV-positive and he slept with her!
Leftovers from the holiday!

This story once again gives Blacks and Hispanics a bad name. This story will agitate the conservative/White supremacy forums. This will make the case to paint Blacks as "sexually crazed monsters" and the like. This invites the extremists to use NIGGER!

Of course the word salad will be accompanied by an Obama name drop or two.

As much as I talk about issues, one issue that is major is HIV. The deadly disease is another tragedy! Many Americans contract the disease from sexual contact, sharing uncleaned needles, blood transfusions and from mother to child.

Human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

During the initial infection a person may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness. This is typically followed by a prolonged period without symptoms. As the illness progresses it interferes more and more with the immune system, making the person much more likely to get infections, including opportunistic infections, and tumors that do not usually affect people who have working immune systems.

HIV is transmitted primarily via unprotected sexual intercourse, (including anal and even oral sex), contaminated blood transfusions, hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

Some bodily fluids, such as saliva and tears, do not transmit HIV. Prevention of HIV infection, primarily through safe sex and needle-exchange programs, is a key strategy to control the spread of the disease.

There is no cure or vaccine; however, antiretroviral treatment can slow the course of the disease and may lead to a near-normal life expectancy. While antiretroviral treatment reduces the risk of death and complications from the disease, these medications are expensive and may be associated with side effects.

We have to keep spreading the world to Beat AIDS. The disease kills thousands of people. But if you contracted the disease, it's not a "death sentence!" You can live a healthy life and still have the disease. You can still have sex and raise children. But it's just a risky move for those to practice sex without protection.

Strap it up! Keep the rubber on if you don't want it or an unexpected childbirth.

If you have an addiction to heroin and you use needles, please take precautions not to share your needles and clean them out frequently. Heroin is a class felony that could land you in prison for years.

Over in Cincinnati, Ohio, a woman is arrested for assaulting her partner with a kitchen knife (after she told the partner that she's HIV positive). I don't buy the partner stuff, the man picked up a HIV-positive prostitute. The stuff happens! You're human! But still the risk is there and the man took it!

Chewanna Henderson, 33, of Anderson Township, is accused of two counts of felonious assault. She allegedly engaged in sexual conduct with a man but failed to tell him that she tested positive for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, Hamilton County court records show. And she’s accused of attacking him with a kitchen knife Friday.

Henderson faces two additional charges, theft and escape, stemming from her arrest Saturday. Police allege Henderson grabbed officers’ handcuff keys, unlocked her handcuffs and tried to flee but an officer stopped her, court records say.

In a sworn written statement, Lincoln Heights Police Sgt. Jesse J. Green said Henderson told him “she did not notify (the man) that she was (HIV-positive) because he bought her a puppy and gave her somewhere to stay.”

Green alleges that Henderson and the man got into an argument Friday about “friends that came to the residence,” and Henderson “picked up a knife from the kitchen counter and stabbed (the man) in the back left side of the head.”

On Monday, a judge set Henderson’s bail at $77,500. Her next court date is today!

Henderson becomes the latest local person charged with felonious assault for allegedly withholding a positive HIV diagnosis from a sex partner.

A former Ohio wrestler, Andre Davis is spending over thirty years in prison for not telling his multiple partners about his HIV status.


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