Tuesday, April 04, 2017

The O'Reilly Exodus!

Now Bill O'Reilly is the latest right wing agitator on the ropes. An ad boycott could undo the cable news host.

I can picture Ludacris laughing in his home watching his old nemesis suffer.

Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly is under fire. For years, he's been able to escape the storm of controversy. O'Reilly's oftentimes controversial rhetoric was really popular with viewers.

The O'Reilly Factor pulls in heavy viewing audiences and is a profitable show.

It seems like now his mouth could be his undoing.

As of today, many companies are pulling from his show after allegations of his parent company 21st Century Fox paying out numerous women after they claimed O'Reilly had sexually harassed them.

Now the Color of Change, Media Matters for America, Sleeping Giants are teaming up.

They are working on getting major advertisers to leave en masse.

As of tonight over 18 companies have pulled from The O'Reilly Factor.

Sanofi Consumer Care
Constant Contact
Ainsworth Pet Nutrition
T. Rowe Price
Credit Karma
True Car

This controversy is ongoing and it won't be long before the executives over at 21st Century Fox and even Bill O'Reilly himself addresses this.

I mean the pressure is on and people are working hard to get rid of the divisiveness. We need to put an end to the hate, sexism, anti-Black, anti-LGBT, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim rhetoric.

These agitators in the junk food media make a profit off of hate. It's time to hit them in their wallets!

Progressives, who's next to fall?

Will it be Fox News, Tucker Carlson (The Daily Caller), Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Mark Levin, Eric Bolling, Joseph Paul Watson (of Infowars), Alex Jones (of Infowars and Prison Planet), Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit), Jeanine Pirro or Sean "Softball" Hannity?

Who's next? Who is the next conservative agitator to fall? @slpng_giants

Alex Jones
Gateway Pundit
The Drudge Report
Michelle Malkin
Ann Coulter
Mark Levin
Tucker Carlson
Joseph Paul Watson
Eric Bolling
Sean "Softball" Hannity
Poll Maker

So any thoughts on Bill O'Reilly's advertisers leaving his show?

Will he be the next to fall?

Deliver Us From Freedom!

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) in a picture that speaks a 1000 words.

The drinking game when it comes to healthcare reform.

When you hear the words "free market" or "health care savings accounts" start drinking.

The Trump team isn't done with "repeal and replace" of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

The White House confirms that they are talking with numerous Republicans to get a compromise on their long awaited healthcare replacement. The Trump team is trying to smoother tension with the "do-nothing" House Freedom Caucus.

The caucus was facing heat from Trump after they sunk his Trumpcare package.

The "do-nothing" Freedom Caucus has wanted a full repeal of the law. They want to gut regulations that made the ACA the stable law it is today.

"I'm cautiously optimistic that we may be able to reach a path forward by week's end," said a source close to the Freedom Caucus. They were interviewed by the conservative Washington Examiner.

The American Health Care Act (known as "Republicans won't take responsibility, Obamacare-Lite, Trumpcare or Ryancare") was a bill that House Republicans introduced early this year in order to repeal the full Affordable Care Act.  Republicans were all on board until they couldn't see the bill.

The bill was withdrawn from the floor on March 24. It gave Donald J. Trump one of his biggest failures as the fuhrer of the United States.

The Republicans are trying to work out a deal that could impact millions of Americans already enrolled. The proposals that Republicans are rolling out could make it harder for the poor to pay for quality insurance.

Fox News Runs A "Scandal" On Susan Rice!

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice slams Trump and Fox News for running a fake story about her.

Remember the "smoking guns" that Fox News produces are often squirting water.

Fox News is the only network covering it. When the other networks aren't covering the story, either they don't care or do they are actually doing the "fact-checking" of the claims.

And the person they accused of causing a scandal is firing back.

To make this clear, there were two stories about former Trump advisors being involved in a scandal.

Why wasn't Fox News covering that?

While the junk food media is talking about two former Trump advisors getting contacts from agents of Russia, the only network that tries to give Donald J. Trump favorable coverage is still trying to blame former president Barack Obama for the ordeal.

While the network is facing a flurry of sexual harassment lawsuits and allegations, the Fox News Channel is still conducting "business as usual." The business is to distract the American people with "fake news" stories. Trump is calling upon Fox News to find someone to blame besides Obama. 

Eli Lake of Bloomberg View and Fox News broke the story about former National Security Advisor Susan Rice is behind an "unmasking" of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

This "unmasking" had gotten Michael Flynn, a commentator and former National Security Advisor was sacked after a few weeks on the job. The right is trying to find someone to blame for Flynn's undoing. 

So what got the right outraged is the fact that Rice (ah hem, National Security Advisor) is doing her job to figure out if Russian operatives were meddling in the U.S. election. 

And let's make this clear, it was legal for her to conduct information sweeps of individuals who may have been involved in foreign espionage.

The reasons Fox News targeted Rice: Benghazi. They are still reliving the 2013 interviews in which Rice told the junk food media that a "controversial video" sparked the deadly attack on a U.S. Consulate facility.

Rice fired back at the Trump people by penning an op-ed in the Washington Post. The former national security advisor and United Nations ambassador said that the false and misleading statements show a "disturbing pattern of behavior that poses a real and potentially profound dangers to U.S. national security."

She also made note of the last controversy that sidelined Andrew Napolitano.

She added that misleading statements will damage "the perception that the United States is steady, rational and fact-based."

"To lead effectively, the United States must maintain respect and trust. So when a White House deliberately dissembles and serially contorts the facts, its actions pose a serious risks to America's global leadership, among friends and adversaries alike," Rice said.

Sean "Softball" Hannity is trying his best to distract. He puts on Sinclair Broadcasting Group's reporters to justify a claim that is unverified. Mind you these were the same people who believed that bulk data collection was good for the nation under a Republican and not a Democrat.

Why don't Donald J. Trump look at his daily briefings?

Why is Trump taking his briefings from opinion shows like Fox News?

Monday, April 03, 2017

McConnell: Gorsuch Is Gonna Get Confirmed!

McConnell declares Gorsuch will be confirmed.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) were on GOP Sundays to discuss the showdown for confirmation. Neil Gorsuch is the nominee for the Supreme Court and Republicans vow to get him through with 60 senators voting on him.

McConnell is the Majority Leader and most corrupt lawmaker in Washington. Schumer is the Minority Leader and the most willing lawmaker to support a war in the Middle East. They both support Israeli interest and are willing to throw America in another war.

McConnell is confident that Democrats will eek Gorsuch through.

The junk food media believes that McConnell will invoke unilateral majorities to get Court nominees through.

The "nuclear option" is a rule that requires a simple majority to get a nominee through. This rule was abolished in 2013, when Democrats were getting tired of Republicans holding up nominees like Loretta Lynch from taking position as Attorney General.

Democrats vow to obstruct the nominee and are willing to force Republicans to play procedural tactics to get Gorsuch and other nominees through.

When Republicans refused to give Barack Obama his third nominee for the Court, Democrats were seething with anger. Merrick Garland was sidelined because of McConnell's pledge to not have a confirmation of a nominee during an election year. He claims that former vice president Joe Biden, then a senator invoked a "made up" rule on nominees.

For over a year, the Court was stuck with eight. And McConnell was plotting to delay it longer if Hillary Clinton would have won.

Donald J. Trump won. And Republican continue to hold the Congress. Now they believe they can get their agenda done.

So far, the accomplishments were either self-inflicted wounds upon the majority, held up, sent to and struck down by federal courts. Trump is feuding with the Freedom Caucus, the coalition of "do-nothings" who vow to force Trump even further to the right.

Gorsuch is a perfect fit for the conservative majority. But Democrats aren't willing to give this nominee a fair shake.

Gorsuch is a controversial pick from the start. Democrats have every right to oppose this nominee and every other nominee. It's not going to stop the Republicans from getting what they want.

Democrats must unite and fight.

So far three sissies will vote for Gorsuch. Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) are on the "YES" vote. These assholes are the problem as well.

Democrats must purge those who will not support the progressive agenda. Let them become Republicans and caucus with the "do-nothings" of the Senate/House/Devil's Freedom Caucus.

So far, most Republicans support the nomination of Gorsuch. They need eight senators from the Democratic Party to confirm him.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. Angus King (I-ME) caucus with the Democratic Party.

Black Workers Still Lag In The Workplace!

Black America is tired of being sidelined for promotions and opportunities to grow.

When you get older and you work a job that you consider to be a "dead end", you start figuring that is it time for an out?

I've worked for a company for nearly 20 years. I am a dedicated hard working Black man.

But today, I am concerned that for all the hard work and dedication, I'm not getting a leg up at my employer and it's frustrating me.

As I see my white co-workers get the opportunities for management and promotions, I see the lack of diversity at my employer. There are no Black managers at my employer. And I am starting to notice that I'm the only Black worker at my department. Hence the notion that for all the hard work and dedication, Blacks are still a long way to the promise land.

This is a real issue going in.

Educated, dedicated and hard working Black Americans are still being sidelined.

White people who lack education, work ethic and are likely to leave within a year still earn more and are usually hired faster than the Black dedicated, hard working and well educated.

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Time To Go!

The calls for a cannon firing are growing and Bill O'Reilly is now taking desperate steps to curb the shitstorm.

Bill O'Reilly is by far the most popular cable news agitator. His show, The O'Reilly Factor pulls in over 3 million viewers. His show has reign as the number one cable news program.

And today, he is facing calls for a cannon firing. This time, it's louder than ever and 21st Century Fox is considering the possibility of losing a cash cow.

The New York Times who O'Reilly often targets in his program had a bombshell story about the payouts to women who accused the conservative agitator of sexual harassment.

Since Roger Ailes was unceremoniously fired out the cannon nearly a year ago, the people over at Fox News are trying to keep their ship afloat. In the era of Barack Obama and now fuhrer Donald J. Trump, the network's ratings are still stronger than ever. Fox News is still top news channel even without Ailes and it's seem like it's not loosing steam.

O'Reilly as a lead in has made the company very profitable. But for all the profits and ratings, did Fox News allow a sexual predator continue to reign?

O'Reilly faces a series of allegations from numerous women. Some of these agreements totaled out to be worth $13 million.

Andrea Tantaros, Andrea Mackris and Dr. Wendy Walsh were victims of O'Reilly's harassment.

Also Rebecca Diamond, Laurie Dhue, Rachel Witlieb Bernstein, and Juliet Huddy were victims of O'Reilly's unwanted advances.

Walsh on her part hired Lisa Bloom and is willing to publicly acknowledge the agitator's unwanted advances.

She was a former guest on The O'Reilly Factor. She was offered a deal as a contributor to the program. It never happened because she declined an invite to meet O'Reilly in his hotel suite in 2013.

Turning down O'Reilly got her blackballed and she was none too happy about it.

A public relations firm being led by disgraced detective Bo Dietl was trying to do some research on the accusers. Dietl was instrumental in the smear campaign of Ailes' accusers.

O'Reilly calls it "extortion" because he's a controversial figure.

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Feds Spot Armed Teacher And Teen Close To The Border!

Tad Cummins and Elizabeth Thomas were spotted in Oklahoma City. The two are considered armed and dangerous. 

The Donald J. Trump supporting former teacher and his tryst, a troubled 15 year old teen were spotted in Oklahoma City. The two are within days of making it into Mexico. Once they head to a nation that does not extradite criminals to the United States, it's a wrap.

Mind you that the young teen willingly took off with this guy. The feds are closing in on them. They are urging Mexico and Canada to arrest them if they approach the border.

They are considered armed and dangerous.

The junk food media has focused their attention on this. Tad Cummins is a 50 year old man who lost his job teaching in a Tennessee school. He was caught making out with a 15 year old girl who was enticed by him.

Cummins took out loans and bought a vehicle. He would pick up Thomas at a Shoney's and they took off. He is planning on planting a seed inside Thomas. And it's likely...he impregnated her.

The two were spotted in Oklahoma City in March at a local Walmart. This is the first clear sign of the two being seen.

Cummins is a survivalist. Thomas is willing to sacrifice her life for him. That's why I believe these two are dangerous.

The video shows that the two were changing their appearance. Cummins is spotted with a darker beard. Thomas is spotted with reddish hair.

I am still disturbed by the family of Elizabeth Thomas releasing a video of her helping her brother sew a Confederate flag. It almost makes me believe that the family has racial angst towards non-White people. Of course, the family supports Trump as well and kookspiracy theories.

I don't blame the victim. I don't condone rape. We here do not condone criminal acts by any person regardless of gender, race, sexuality, nationality, political and economic standings. 

Why I point out the teacher being a Donald J. Trump supporter?

Because the conservatives are obsessed with blaming Blacks, Muslims, immigrants, and liberals for the criminal acts of a person.

Cummins is solely responsible for his actions. His politics doesn't matter to me honestly. I just want to rub this in the eye of conservative trolls.

Again they are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Cummins faces kidnapping, sexual assault of a minor, child enticement, having criminal tools and deliberately fleeing and eluding federal and state agencies.

Thomas may face delinquency, having criminal tools and deliberately fleeing and eluding federal and state agencies.

Those who are assisting them will be charged with criminal charges as well.

Republicans View African Americans Very Negatively!

White Republicans view Black Americans very negatively.
The Washington Post has conducted a study about how White people view African Americans based on political party.

Some things never change. Republicans view Blacks negatively when it comes to intelligence, work ethic, and family.

This polling was conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago.

White Republicans often critique Black men (and women) very negatively. They often resided on cultural stereotypes. White Democrats are no better but view Blacks less negatively.

Once again, the Democratic Party has changed significantly. Hence the election of Barack Obama, the two term first African American president. The Republican Party has still lags in diversity.

Given that Donald J. Trump's surprise victory has opened the door to outright racism in the United States. Many view the country is more divided than ever.

A terrorist who traveled to New York City to inflict harm on Black people was charged with federal hate crime charges as well as state charges of murder. The terrorist murdered Timothy Caughman, a man who did absolutely nothing to this guy. This terrorist's frustration with Black America was the fact that Black men were dating White women. He wanted to attack a Black man who dressed like a thug and a professional Black man who is arm clinged to a White woman.

Reminder, Jesse Lee Peterson is an example of Black extremism. He is regressive and divisive. Peterson gets frequent airtime on Sean "Softball" Hannity's programs. Peterson once said of Blacks Americans being trapped in poverty, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, constant complaining about White people and government entitlements.

Friday, March 31, 2017

It's Not The Friendliest Border Anymore!

The Haskell Free Library is located directly on the U.S.-Canadian border. The library has a taped line on the floor letting people know whether you're in the United States or Canada. Donald J. Trump's border enforcement policies could make it extremely difficult for Canadians and Americans to enter without restrictions.

The friendship is becoming quite testy. People who live in Canada are having trouble entering the United States. When it comes to work visas, travel plans, and school, there are some Canadians being turned away at the gate by the United States Customs and Border Agency.

The border patrol is now making life difficult for people who live in Canada, those who have property on the border and of course some who live in areas where it's essential to be in the United States and Canada.

Fuhrer Donald J. Trump's promise to secure the border isn't just focused on Mexico. It's focused on the longest and unmanned U.S.and Canadian border.

The United States and Canada share a complexed border. Some of the border cuts in areas like homes, businesses and private property.

Examples include the town of Derby Line, Vermont. The town sits directly on the border and there are businesses, a road and a library that literally divides the countries. The town is directly within a block of Stanstead, Quebec.

Some who live Canada have to work in the United States. Cities like Buffalo, Detroit and Niagara Falls are directly on the border. The city of Blaine Washington, has the Peace Arch.

The town of Point Roberts, Washington sits on a peninsula at the tip of British Columbia, a province in Canada.

People who live in Point Roberts have to cross the border more than two times a day to get to school, food and resources from both countries.

And the tiny hamlet of Estcourt Station, Maine. You have to enter Canada to get to this area. The logging roads that lead to the town from the American side are treacherous. It's risky enough to get through the rugged and hardly traveled roads of Maine's autonomous region.

The town sits directly on the border and it has the Quebec area code. The town has about 5 people living there and the houses are literally on the border. The largely populated town of Pohenegamook, Quebec and Estcourt Station are unified. The residents are American and Canadian. They find difficulty living on the border.
Estcourt Station, Maine and Pohenegamook, Quebec. This property literally sits on the U.S.-Canadian border.
Since 9/11, the U.S. border patrol made it top priority to keep illegal entry from happening. Even in a tiny hamlet like Estcourt Station, a Canadian who wants to fill up at the local Gulf station in Estcourt will have to report to the U.S. Border Patrol located about 3/4 mile from the station. And if it's not open, people are required to stay away from the area. They could face a hefty fine and jail time if caught.

Residents have to follow the rules when entering their properties. They can cut their grass, barbecue their food and enjoy the sunset in their backyards. But they have to stay in the backyards and never travel further into the brush. Because if they enter the brush, they entered the United States illegally.

They are sometimes trapped in their homes from 5pm on Friday until 9am on Monday.

And this has gotten the attention of American lawmakers. Some are shrugging it off. Others aren't.

Immigration attorneys believe that Trump's proposals are unconstitutional and vow to fight his executive orders in federal court.

Trump's policies could hurt relations with our trading partners Canada and Mexico.

GMA Is So Tired Of Divas!

Troubled waters over at GMA. The co-hosts are pissed with Michael Strahan's diva behavior.
Michael Strahan's arrival to GMA was controversial. He would depart from Live! with Kelly and Michael abruptly without acknowledging it to his co-host Kelly Ripa. This became one of the most talked about stories of 2016.

Ripa was torn by the decision and took a leave of absence. She would later to return to address the departure of Strahan and her frustration with ABC executives.

So far, Ripa hasn't found a replacement to the Live show. Even without a co-host, Ripa's show is seeing strong ratings and it's likely that she'll do just fine without a permanent co-host.

Strahan is causing drama with the co-hosts over at GMA. There's a well-publicized feud going on over at GMA. Longtime veteran hosts Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos are tired of Strahan getting special treatment. They believe that Strahan's ego is ruining the traditional strength of GMA.

GMA is catching up in the ratings war with Today.

Today which is facing its own controversy with the hiring of Megyn Kelly and the firing of Tamron Hall.

Even pop culture reporter Lara Spencer is getting fed up with the lack of airtime. She is annoyed that Strahan is stealing her pop stories and she feels like she's being minimized by Strahan.

You know Kelly Ripa is enjoying this.

Strahan also does analysis on Fox NFL Sunday and hosts the $100,000 Pyramid. When he departed from Live! he was barred from promoting products and his own signature line clothing company.

Black-ish Takes On Chris Brown!

The latest episode of black-ish has Chris Brown in it. It should be considered a "lost episode" because the fans hated this.

The hit ABC sitcom black-ish is taking on Chris Brown. The troubled entertainer made a guest appearance on the show and fans of the show are outraged over this.

Brown was playing a rapper brought in to help Dre (played by Anthony Anderson) to help boost his advertising firm.

The pop star's squeaky clean image was completely tarnished after he assaulted his then ex-girlfriend pop singer Rihanna. That forever tarnished his image as a "bad boy with a temper."

And even though he didn't have a full guest spot on the show, the fans were pissed that a man with a history of criminal behavior could be given such a prestige.

The show also featured Emmy award winning actress Tracee Ellis Ross, Yara Shahidi, Marcus Scribner, Miles Brown, Marsai Martin, Jeff Meacham, Peter Mackenzie, Wanda Sykes, Deon Cole, Jenifer Lewis and Laurence Fishburne.

Brown who just recently came under investigation for threatening Karrueche Tran after the two got into a dispute over their daughter. Tran got a restraining order against him. The California in-house told Brown to give up his firearms and computers.

Tran said that Brown had physically assaulted her and their daughter.

black-ish is greenlighted for another season. This episode maybe on the back burner when it hits syndication. The show surpassed into syndication and this episode maybe considered "lost" after it hits the local television markets.

It may never be replayed again on ABC if fans call out the executives.

Brown who has a notorious history with violence and is under investigation for allegations of threatening individuals.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Michael Flynn Might Sing Like A Canary!

Michael Flynn might talk to the FBI.

It seems like Michael Flynn, the former National Security Adviser for the Donald J. Trump team is possibly talking to the FBI on his role in the Russian meddling of the U.S. elections.

The Wall Street Journal broke the news tonight.

"General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit," Robert Kelner said.

Kelner is Flynn's attorney and he said that the former general is willing to explain.

"Out of respect of the Committees, we will not comment right now on the details of discussions between counsel for General Flynn and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, other than to confirm that those discussions have taken place."

Flynn made an offer with the FBI, the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. The allegations of Trump's allies making contact with Russian officials is big news.

Flynn was ousted a few weeks into Trump's term became a lightening rod for paid contributions to the Russian government. He disclosed sanctions with a Russian ambassador when then president Barack Obama ordered them.

He also had good footing with Vladimir Putin, the Russian Federation president.

White House press secretary Sean Spier said the issue has nothing to do with Trump.

This story is getting deeper and deeper. Wondering how much information will come out?


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