Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2013

Caribou Buh-Bye!

Former Alaskan governor and conservative agitator Sarah Palin has ended her dealings with Fox News. The conservative leaning network was hoping the former vice presidential nominee would run for president.

It didn't turn out that way. The Republicans were hoping for a miracle in the winds, but sadly they've gotten the perennial loser Mitt Romney as their nominee. The conservative media was hopelessly defending such a moron.

Sarah Palin, husband Todd, her daughter Bristol and her baby daddy Levi Johnston made the news rounds for the last few years.

Todd Palin was trying to build a name for himself. The former first dude endorsed Newt Gingrich in the presidential elections and was hoping that he would get some name recognition.

Bristol Palin became famous for being pregnant during the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election. She gave birth to her son. Bristol became a spokesperson for teenage abstinence. She eventually landed on ABC's Dancing With The Stars. She competed with celebrities such as Kristie Alley, Apolo Anton Ohno, Kyle Massey, David Hasselhoff and Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino.

The father, Levi Johnston became a cultural figure for all proud rednecks! He gotten tired of the Palin family and decided to ditch them. He went on to somewhat "endorse" Barack Obama for president. He also broken up with Bristol. He went on to having another child with younger woman and married her last year.

Sarah Palin was close friends with Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, Glenn Beck, reality star Kate Gosselin, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) and John Ziegler.

I guess she and Roger Ailes aren't friends anymore. To make it clear, Roger Ailes wanted to hire on Palin solely to groom her for a potential run for president. When she declined to run, the network was deflated of a viable candidate. Palin announced on conservative agitator Mark Levin's radio show to declare that she's not running for president, angering Roger Ailes.

The New York Magazine reports that Ailes was so frustrated he almost wanted to fire her on the spot. He later would tell the New York press that the former governor "had no chance" of becoming a president.

The Fox News chief wasn't angry about the decision itself. Rather, he was livid that Palin made the October 5 announcement on Mark Levin's conservative talk-radio program, robbing Fox News of an exclusive and a possible ratings bonanza. Fox was relegated to getting a follow-up interview with Palin on Greta Van Susteren's 10 p.m. show, after the news of Palin's decision had been drowned out by Steve Jobs's death.

After the announcement, he called Fox's executive vice-president Bill Shine into a meeting. Shine is the network's principal point of contact with Palin. Ailes told him she had made a big mistake. "I paid her for two years to make this announcement on my network," Ailes pointedly told Shine. Sources described the episode on condition of anonymity, given the sensitivity of the relationships.

Palin is said to have made her announcement on Levin's show because she's been upset that Fox News has given a platform to Karl Rove, one of her principal critics. "She isn't happy with Karl," one Palin adviser told me. "From day one, he hasn't been very nice." Levin had become Palin's biggest booster in the conservative commentariat, and Palin is known for rewarding loyalists, and punishing her detractors.
Roger Ailes had put his chips on seeing President Barack Obama being defeated. It didn't turn out that way. He fired Sarah Palin from Fox News. He's looking forward to firing Dick Morris. Karl Rove was rehired to Fox News this year. Rove is given limited speaking time on Fox News, though.
Shine was deputized to handle the matter. He spoke with Palin's agent, Bob Barnett, and told him that Ailes was furious with Palin's move and that she was at risk of being "benched." Fox still had to pay her, but they didn't have to give her airtime. Barnett spoke with Palin and told her about the problem. After she apologized, he called Shine back and told him that Palin recognized the misstep.

But tensions between Palin and Fox haven't subsided. Ailes, who told Newsweek that he hired Palin when she was "hot," clearly hoped she would boost ratings. But beyond her prime-time commentary, Palin hasn't turned into the television asset Ailes had hoped. Palin's contract is up in 2013 and it's became clear that the current fracas will mean the end of her future on Fox News. Part of her appeal as a pundit was that every appearance on the network was turbocharged by the "will-she-or-won't-she run" speculation. She's now given up that chip to play.

But Palin knows that she still has value as a gatekeeper to her grassroots base. A Palin adviser told me that she is planning to make an endorsement for a candidate in 2012. Palin, being Palin, is keeping it tightly held. "I have an idea of who it is," the adviser said, "but I'm not telling." What's clear is that Palin would be smart to make that announcement on Fox News.
Conservative agitator John Ziegler was Sarah Palin's closest friends and defenders. He went out of his way to help her. Ziegler was disappointed in the former governor. He made a controversial film in 2009 called Media Malpractice: How Obama Won The Election? The film claimed that supporters of the president were not informed and blinded by the "liberal media" bias against Senator John McCain (R-Arizona). McCain ran failed presidential campaign. Mitt Romney would later find himself as a failed presidential candidate.
Even her biggest defender John Ziegler turned sour on her. He wrote on The Huffington Post complaining about the former governor bubble bust. Ziegler complain that ever since her resignation, Palin has pretended to be a Tea Party Republican, endorsed three losing senate candidates in very winnable races, done a cheesy reality show, joined a partisan network, pretended to run for president for attention, and endorsed the corrupt Newt Gingrich for president as well as the absurd concept of a brokered convention.

He added that in a remotely rationally world, she has disqualified herself from ever holding legitimate elected office again. She is no longer a legitimate political figure. She is just a politically based and self-interested entertainer like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Bill Maher.

Unfortunately, far too few of my fellow conservatives seem to want to understand this obvious reality. Roger Ailes isn't always right, be he sure is here. Palin's Today Show stint made it clear that her Fox days may be numbered. Palin strayed away from Fox News numerous times. She appeared on NBC's Today show to compete with the rising Good Morning America. GMA was trying to muscle in Today's ratings when they've reintroduced Katie Couric on the program. NBC fired back with Sarah Palin being a feature on the network.

Ailes was so mad, he considered pulling her off the air entirely until her $1 million annual contract expires in 2013.
The Tea Party lost its queen.
I guess this time it's true. After three years as a paid contributor for the channel, FNC and the former Republican vice presidential nominee have decided to cut ties.

A source close to Palin told Real Clear Politics that it was [Roger Ailes'] the governor's decision not to renew their contract.

The Tea Party Queen is now joining perennial losers Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, and birther queen Orly Taitz as washed up politicians.

I guess Palin could blame President Barack Obama for all her failures. After all, they ran on this game until he won reelection.

The best of Sarah Palin will be explained in this video.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

NRA Got The Ringing In Their Ears!

The president will deliver his proposals to the nation today and it's going to have some major gridlock in Congress. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will address a group of survivors and their children. The one thing that's riled up the conservatives is the fact the president is using children in his speech to the nation.

The National Rifle Association didn't waste much time to attack the president.

The first thing they've gone after was his children.

Now seriously, he's the freaking President of The United States!

He happens to be the first Black president in a very toxic political environment.

If one thing hasn't soaked in these heads is the fact that many Americans want stricter gun laws! They want the mentally insane and disturbed to not own firearms! They want to close gun show loophole! They want to have reasonable solutions to gun control! That may include limiting how many rounds go into a magazine!

Then these extremists rush to grab more guns! It's almost a shame that even though gun sales are up, Republicans and their conservative allies will spook the Elmer Fudds into believing that Big Ear Jungle Bunny is coming for their guns.
Take a shot at the children of President Barack Obama! - National Rifle Association
The NRA has the nerve to call the president an "ELITIST". Coded language perhaps?

The dog whistle was blowing constantly over four years of President Barack Obama's term.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has the nerve to call President Barack Obama a "KING".

Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas) threatens impeachment for proposals and executive orders.

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin are urging succession on their radio show.

The National Rifle Association is one of the oldest gun rights group. They have over 4 million members and have an operating lobbying arm. Many traditionally RED states have members who advocate for lax gun laws. They scare up fundraising whenever a Democratic president is in office. President Barack Obama is the first Black president to serve under such hostile political warfare.

The NRA and conservative agitators will scream for their gun rights! They want gun rights for WHITE MEN only! GUN CONTROL for BLACKS, HISPANICS/LATINOS, and MUSLIMS!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

GOP: You Sandy Degenerates Ain't Getting Relief!

Even Hurricane Sandy is a partisan event!

That's not what the Republicans are saying, but that's how they're reacting to the proposals that gives relief to those who suffered devastating since Hurricane Sandy hit the Atlantic coast in October.

We're beginning 2013 with the same bunch of stupidity and gridlock caused by the Tea Party who stood up for their "principles" against big spending.
Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) stalling hurricane relief.

Conservatives are so fucking stupid. They are stalling progress only to piss off President Barack Obama.

The Republicans are infighting with one another over relief! Republicans who represent areas hit by Hurricane Sandy are angry with members of the Tea Party stalling passage of the relief bill that the U.S. Senate passed December.

Most Americans want higher taxes on the upper income, Republicans to work with President Barack Obama, reasonable spending cuts, reasonable gun control, relief to disaster victims, responsible immigration reform, no cuts to defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps and farm aid.

How come this stuff fails to sponge inside the heads of Republicans?

They fear the repercussions of the conservative base. Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, The Drudge Report, Grover Norquist, The National Rifle Association, The Club For Growth, and The Heritage Foundation are powerful forces in the Republican Party. They've been weaken after the president won reelection. So in order to gain ground, the conservatives want an all out purge of moderate Republicans.
Congressman Pete King (R-New York) is angry at members of the Republican House for stalling Hurricane Sandy relief. King is a controversial politician. A notorious Islamophobe, King sponsored bills that discriminated against Muslims. 
Over eight weeks since Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey, New York and New England, many Americans held back on spending. The East Coast represents 1/3 of the economy. Those living on the Atlantic coast control most of the spending in retail. Retail spending went down and that impacted economy.

Even though many entertainers and charity organizations managed to obtain donations, the need is great.

Republicans can't spare the funds to repair those who were hurt by such destruction.

Many members of New York's U.S. Congressional Delegation slammed Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and many other Republicans for killing the vote on Hurricane Sandy relief.

"This is absolutely indefensible," said Republican Congressman Peter King of New York on the House floor Tuesday night. "We have a moral obligation to hold this vote."

The fiscal cliff votes show a strong rift within the Republican Party.

As the 113th Congress begins, Republicans are going to decide on the fate of House Speaker John Boehner, the Republican Ohio Congressman who managed to vote in favor of the proposal that raised taxes on those who make over $400,000.

Boehner who rose to the top spot after defeating Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California), America's first female Speaker of The House. He and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) rank very poorly among the American public.

President Barack Obama was ranked the most admired politician by Gallup. His job approval is averaged at 54% at the close of the 112th Session of Congress.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013


Turd pies were served to the Republicans. President Barack Obama wins the battle. Closing out the 112th Congress, the lawmakers passed the fiscal cliff bill with pouting and bickering among leaders in the Republican Party.

The Republicans are fighting within their ranks. Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Virginia, Majority Leader) is coming out against the Senate proposal that starves off extreme tax hikes and spending cuts. He voted with a slight majority of Republican members against the fiscal cliff bill passed by the Senate.

The U.S. Senate passed a proposal that assures that the tax cuts for the middle class stay permanent and the rate of tax hikes go up for those making over $400,000. Spending cuts goes off the table for two months.

The House Republicans are once again jeopardizing their majority. The public supports higher taxes on the rich. The people voted for President Barack Obama to handle the economy. It's unfortunate that the Republicans played this all the way to the very end. Bitterly fought and now it's over!

The next controversy will be the debt ceiling. Another gridlock fight with new members of the 113th Congress.

It's just confirmed by the Associated Press that the House of Representatives passed the bill.

Republicans were upset the deal did not have cuts.

"We not only need to grow the economy but we also have to address the fundamental causes of our debts and deficits and that's out-of-control spending, obligations that we have not got the financial wherewithal the meet," said Congressman Dave Camp, (R-Michigan) the top Republicans on the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee.

"So this is a first step -- permanent tax policy that then sets the stage for comprehensive and fundamental tax reform and then addressing out- of-control spending. So this will be several steps. This an an important one."

Liberals were unhappy Democrats left out a number of their goals for the bill, and that they did not push for setting the upper limit for retaining the old tax rates at $250,000 -- a promise Obama campaigned and won on. Obama had hoped to raise $1.6 trillion in revenue over 10 years. The bill only raises $620 billion, suggesting to many Democrats that future deficit reduction could come from cutting cherished programs.

"We're going to look back on this night and regret it," said Congressman Jim Moran (D-Virginia).

Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-New York) said passing the legislation was as if, "someone stopped hitting you in the head with a hammer, and you're supposed to say 'Thanks so much!'"

Yet most Democrats were willing to back the measure.

"Yes, to all of those who say all the other things that don't happen in the bill -- I don't know any piece of legislation I've ever voted for that did everything that I thought it should do," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) said. "While this bill doesn't accomplish all that we need to do … it is a good way for us to have a happy start to a new year by taking this first step."

Democrats also were pleased that for the first time in decades Republicans signed onto a measure that leaves taxes higher this year than the the year before.

"This legislation breaks the iron barrier that for far too long has prevented additional tax revenues from the very wealthiest," said Congressman Sander Levin (D-Michigan) "It raises $620 billion in revenue by achieving the president's goal of asking the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans to pay more while protecting 98 percent of families. That's right -- that's what it does. I want to emphasize this contrary to propaganda coming from the other side -- it prevents 98 percent of businesses from another tax increase."

Despite the general unhappiness with the measure, which President Barack Obama has said he'll sign, it does achieve some major policy changes, chief among them making permanent the Bush-era tax cuts for couples earning under $450,000 and individuals earning under $400,000.

The bill also keeps the estate tax threshold at $5 million, extends emergency federal unemployment benefits for one more year, and delays for two months the "sequester" that made up the spending cut portion of the cliff. It also extends the stimulus-boosted child tax credit and the college tuition credit for five years, individual and business tax breaks for two years, and the Medicare "doc fix" for one year, preventing a 27 percent payment cut for physicians. The Alternative Minimum Tax will be permanently fixed, and the the farm bill will be extended for one year.

Republicans in the House spent much of Tuesday threatening to blow up the bill over the the lack of spending cuts. They went so far as to propose amending the measure with a $328 billion package of budget reductions, but facing the likelihood that a revised measure would fail muster with Democrats, caved in after two lengthy meetings behind closed doors.

Having lost a battle that many of them fought for years, the GOP was looking forward to future chances to extract cuts, likely setting up more last-second showdowns in March. That's because the two-month delay of the sequester ends March 3, right around the time the nation is expected to reach its borrowing limit -- which Congress has to extend to pay the bills. Funding for the federal government also runs out on March 27.

The GOP sees each of those as leverage points.

"We still have more opportunities. We've got the debt ceiling coming, sequestration," said Congressman John Fleming (R-Louisiana) among the first in his party to acknowledge that with the Bush tax cuts having expired at midnight, there was little else the GOP could do beyond take the senate deal.

"So we're going to get taxes off the table," Fleming said. "The president can't say, 'We've go to raise taxes first before we get to spending cuts.' We will have already done that. Now the topic will be spending cuts, from this point out."

The disarray on the Republican side had many wondering if House Speaker John Boehner's job was in danger, but most members said it was not, and that Boehner ably managed the eruption of discontent in his ranks.

"I think he showed he's trying to listen to the conference in regards to giving everybody an equal shot at moving something forward," said Congressman Richard Nugent (R-Florida), who opposed the bill. "But you also have to be pragmatic about what's going to pass."

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Keep Screaming!

President Barack Obama's growing frustration with Congress eases with an executive order giving them and federal workers a slight increase in pay. The fiscal cliff/debt ceiling debate continues and it's likely they'll come up with a compromise.
The phony outrage machine is cranked up once again for the agitators of the online world. Conservatives and some liberals are scoffing the idea of the president issuing an executive order giving Vice President Joe Biden, all federal workers and members of Congress a pay raise.

By the way, many states are going to raise their minimum wage rates as January 2013 begins.

Conservatives are screaming that federal workers shouldn't be entitled to any raises whatsoever!

Shame though, these same individuals would punish the mail carrier, the FBI agent, a member of the military, the TSA worker, the IRS agent, the National Park ranger, a member of National Archives and numerous others for getting a pay raise.

The 112th Congress by far was the least productive. Republicans and the Tea Party have "stuck" to their principles and ended up sinking their job approval into the low.

As of March 27, 2013, federal employees will see a half-percent to one percent pay increase, marking the end of a pay freeze that has been in place since late 2010. Congress hasn't seen a pay raise since 2009.

This Executive Order will make Vice President Joe Biden's pay increase from $225,521 to $231,900 a year, before taxes. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will see his salary increased to $224,500 and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) will take home an annual pay of $194,400 after his raise.

Congressmen and senators make $174,000 a year and will see an extra $900 in their annual pay packages before taxes next year.

The Hill Reports that the order is issued as President Barack Obama and Congress work to reach a deal on the "fiscal cliff" of tax hikes and spending cuts set to begin in January.

Unless Congress acts within the next few days, more than $500 billion in tax increases and spending cuts will take effect in January, and the fiscal shock would likely cause a new recession.

By law, Congress cannot get a larger increase in salary than the adjustment given to federal workers.

President Barack Obama proposed that workers get a 0.5 percent pay increase last year and wanted it to take effect on January 1. In September, the president agreed with Congress to delay the pay increase at least until the expiration of a continuing resolution funding the government at the end of March.

Federal workers have been laboring under a two-year pay freeze ordered by President Barack Obama in December 2010 to try to reduce spending. Congress has not seen a pay increase since 2009.

Here's a solution to all these agitators concerns: How about you fools stop wasting your energy keystroking on the internet! Take action and run for Congress. I mean if you so tired of Washington, DC, and the antics of both political parties, vote them out or run for the office.

I mean you can't do nothing if you're sitting on your lazy ass complaining about how it's "all Obama's fault" and never yours!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Honest Opinion Of The Tea Party And Republicans!

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), House Speaker, Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Majority Leader Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) are scorned by the public according to most polls. The Republican Party's stubborness and bitterness (likely racist) campaign against President Barack Obama has caught up and people are tired of it! 
As the sequester (fiscal cliff/debt ceiling) debate continues with neither side willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation, we here at Journal de la Reyna continue to keep you informed! The nation is gripping for a tax hike and possible spending cuts that may eventually take our country into another recession. Gun control is front and center as a result of the Sandy Hook shooting. Each of these important issues are taking either the backseat or thrown inside of the trunk when it comes to Republicans. I want to share my honest opinion of the Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement in general.

I can't stand them. I am very frustrated with Republicans, conservative agitating and the extremism.

By far this 112th Congress is the least productive in history. This is also the first Congress since 1947 in which a member of the Kennedy family has not served, as well as the most politically polarized Congress since Reconstruction, with record low approval ratings. This ties the 80th Congress of 1947 when Republicans took control during the times of President Harry Truman. The 80th Congress was nicknamed the "Do Nothing Congress" by President Harry Truman. The Congress opposed many of the bills passed during the Franklin Roosevelt administration. They also opposed most of Truman's Fair Deal bills. Yet they passed many pro-business bills. During the 1948 election Truman campaigned as much against the "Do Nothing Congress" as against his formal opponent, Thomas Dewey.

The very same thing only 63 years later. The Republicans gridlock Congress in order to sabotage President Barack Obama. When the 2012 election came forth President Barack Obama was at low job approval ratings, but by the end of his term, he ended up winning reelection against perennial loser Mitt Romney.


It doesn't sink in their empty heads that they've lost the presidential election. It doesn't sink in their empty heads that they barely hold control of the House of Representatives and the Senate is still in Democrat control. The Republican leaders are looking even more worse. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader) and Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of The House) are now ranked unfavorably by a majority of Americans. It doesn't sink in their empty heads that most Americans want higher taxes on the rich, Mitt Romney to go away, and the Republicans to work with the president.

The Republicans are more Whiter and less moderate.

As the president wraps up his first term, his second term will begin with the very same idiots who screwed up the country. The president will continue to have his policies or nominees stalled or blocked by constant obstruction. Republicans agitate this debate that it's our current president's fault for the economy tanking.

Clearly wiping away the history of a two termed president who allowed the country to go into two wars. A president who allowed tax cuts for the rich go forth without paying for them. A president who raised the debt ceiling more than 8 times without much obstruction. A president who took us into The Great Recession.

That allow a Democratic senator become the President Of The United States. And during his first term, Republicans seemed willing to work with the new president. This new president allowed members of the House and Senate come to the White House to eat with him, watch movies and travel on his plane. This new president allowed Republicans come to the table on issues to jump start the economy. It took a conservative agitator and a cable news channel determined to see that this new president fails.

They didn't want no part of this new president's agenda.

So what do these Republicans do?

They create this Tea Party movement. This movement is based off of phony patriotism, bitterness and a strong hatred of the first Black president.

Now of course, not all Republicans are racists. There are reasonable members of the national party. But as of today and for the majority of this new 113th Congress, Republicans are by far the most extreme!

This week alone brings us to the finale of the debate.

It's now at least 25% chance of Congress passing a law that stops the fiscal crisis that may loom in the coming month.

As far as the Republicans are concerned, they've stood up for their principles! Their principles will destroy the nation and President Barack Obama is willing to tarnish them for sabotaging the economy.

Republicans aren't willing to support their own ideas. The Tea Party bucked Speaker Boehner last week.

They're trying to invoke fear in the Democrats. The Republicans and their allies are targeting Democrats and Republican members who support gun rights but support legislation that offers reasonable gun control. They are already focused on taking Democrats in politically Republican states.

They want to line up political novices such as Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former governor Jeb Bush and others as the 2016 Republican presidential nominee.

They want to blame President Barack Obama for the mess he inherited from the Bush Administration.

They couldn't give him four years to get things done. Most of his agenda was stalled or caught in gridlock.

Although historical laws were passed and signed by President Barack Obama, the Republicans wasted no time trying to repeal them. They've wasted taxpayer money passing symbolic legislature repealing Obamacare. They've spent a majority of Congressional funds to defend the Defense Of Marriage Act, a controversial law that defines marriage between man and woman, slightly outlawing gay marriage.

There were many reactions to the possible government shutdown with some saying the economy could be hurt during a fragile recovery and others saying the lack of an unnecessary bureaucracy would not be noticed. There was also criticism that while senators and representatives would continue to get paid others such as the police and military personnel would either not be paid for their work or have their payments deferred.


Again I personally don't care what these people do in their private lives. But since these guys promote themselves a family values and upright citizens, one is to believe these guys are serious about family values!

No. Not one bit!

These so-called "family values" members of the Republican Party were partying like rock stars. Recently Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Virginia. Congressman Scott DesJarlais (R-Tennessee) admitted he had an affair on his second wife and the mistress had an abortion after he learned the woman was pregnant. Congressman Ben Quayle (R-Arizona) was defeated in a primary by Congressman David Schweikert (R-Arizona). Quayle and Congressman Kevin Yoder (R-Kansas) have took their clothes off and dived into the Dead Sea in Israel. They created a sex scandal. Republican Arizona sheriff Paul Babeu was caught in a gay scandal with his former boyfriend being an illegal and the sheriff being a hardline extremist on border security.

Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich both natives of Georgia ran for president. Cain, a perennial candidate for higher office and talk show host once ran restaurants. Cain brags about turned around struggling Godfather's Pizza. Gingrich, a former Congressman and later House Speaker now does speaking tours and promoting books. Both are not family value candidates. They've both had numerous affairs on their wives. Gingrich dumping two wives to be with his current wife Republican operative Calista. Cain, a married man himself, kept his wife out the spotlight. His wife is a life-long Democrat and was likely to vote for the president. He had admitted to having an affair with three women, one filing a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, a famous actor ran for governor in 2003 as a Republican. Many conservatives and even some Democrats wanted the actor to win. And he won easily. He served the remainder of Democrat Gray Davis' term and easily won reelection. During his time as governor it was revealed that he had an affair with the nanny of Schwarzenagger and wife Maria Shriver's children. The former governor father a child who is about the age of his youngest son. Shriver, a news reporter and reality television celebrity. She is a decedent of the Kennedy family by mother Eunice (nee Kennedy). The couple recently had a divorce.

Mark Sanford, then governor of South Carolina was a hard line family values politician. It was revealed in 2009 that the governor left the United States to have an affair with an Argentina news reporter. His wife, Jenny is trying to rebuilt her tarnished image by running for political office. Sanford, himself wants to claim the seat that Tim Scott held before he was appointed as a senator.

Joe Walsh, an outgoing Illinois congressman is a deadbeat parent. He has the nerve to attack single women such as Sandra Fluke. He speaks ill of Black voters and their overwhelming support of the president. Walsh had the nerve to attack a veteran who is disabled. His opponent Tammy Duckworth is a double amputee combat veteran and Walsh treated her as a some degenerate! He was handed a defeat. He was a defiant in defeat. John Ensign was a Nevada senator. He resigns because he was caught in an affair and had his parents bail him out!


Republicans prop up Black, South Asian and Hispanic members like trophies. Republicans flex their color card with Tim Scott, senator from South Carolina, Herman Cain, South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, Allen West, outgoing congressman from Florida, Marco Rubio, senator from Florida, New Mexico governor Susana Martinez, Raúl Labrador, congressman from Idaho and Ted Cruz, the new senator from Texas.

These extremists prop themselves as "freed" slaves off the "Democrat Plantation".

Republicans online and sometimes in the general public make ridiculous assertions about being the party of Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s. The Republicans were a minority in Congress during the 1960s and they managed to court the conservative Moral Majority! They constantly bothered President John F. Kennedy for being too liberal and meddling in the affairs of White people. After President Kennedy was assassinated, his successor President Lyndon B. Johnson took control of the agenda. They nominated extremist Berry Goldwater, a senator from Arizona to take the helms of the Republican Party. They push forth this narrative that the New Deal was a failure, the Great Society is "big government" run amuck, and the Black Civil Rights leaders were trouble makers!

Republicans didn't want part of Johnson's agenda. In their distorted minds, they claim that without their help, they wouldn't have passed historic laws that ended segregation.  They continue to beat up on former Vice President/media mogul Al Gore's father and the late senator Robert Byrd for stalling Civil Rights laws of the past.

This current Congress managed to stall Civil Rights legislation for Hispanics by refusing to pass the DREAM Act. The Republicans look at Blacks as dependent on welfare, entitlements and vote only on race! Instead of wondering why these growing minorities are supporting Democrats, the Republicans are trying to pass laws that restrict minorities and the poor from voting.


The Defense of Marriage Act was passed in the 1990s after the Republicans pressured President Bill Clinton into signing the law. The law was pushed in with tax increases. The laws is discrimination against same sex couples. The law is on the docket in the Supreme Court.

The Republicans want NPR and PBS to lose public funds. The Republicans want Planned Parenthood to lose funding and women to not have preventive healthcare.

The Republicans want to end labor unions by passing legislation that restrict collective bargaining rights. They want to maintain legislation that keep wages low and productive activity high.

The conservative agenda spreads into businesses like Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, Papa John's and Denny's want to punish the working class for supporting President Barack Obama.

Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, and Andrew Breitbart worked overtime on culture war issues. They rallied against the Obama administration and had people fired. These ridiculous conservatives grabbed their cameras and ran into the poor neighborhoods of America to find a Black person to make the case against the president. They interviewed a woman in Ohio and she says "I get a Obama phone!" This lit up the internet of hate and Republicans wanted to have this become a rally cry for ending the safety net for poorer Americans.

They were up in arms over Fast & Furious and Benghazi incidents. They tried to damage Attorney General Eric Holder and United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. They want them marched out of Washington, DC in handcuffs. They want to see the president impeached for tragedies such as these since firearms were used in these tragedies. But when real tragedies occur such as Sandy Hook and Aurora movie shootings, the Republicans rather allow this continue because these infringe on "their rights" as Americans to own firearms.

Even though most want issues to be solved, Republicans are the only ones standing in the way of progress!


The Republicans would rather see the economy tank in order to blame President Barack Obama for the crisis.

The Republicans wrapped their asses around American flag in defense of these silly culture wars.

The Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement are reactionary bigots. These bigots harbor hatred of minorities, the lower class, the middle class, the working class, independent women, and the LGBT community.

The Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement have issues a person's with race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.

The Republicans are determined to defeat the president at any cost.

The Republicans and their conservative allies are the racist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, condescending, pain inducing morons that the Democrats and liberals paint them out to be.

And today and probably for the most part, I will no longer support Republicans and their conservative allies.

I hope you understand that this time it's personal!

Friday, December 21, 2012

John Boehner Can't Get His Own Party Together!

Republican leader tears up after PLAN B comes up short of votes. Republicans playing with the fiscal cliff and it's going to have causalities. Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) may go down in history as one of the worst Speakers ever!
The Ohio representative who is the current Speaker of The House has been boxed in by President Barack Obama. The fallout over taxes has Republicans scrambling! The Republican leader has to make a tough decision. As Washington prepares to go over the fiscal cliff, Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of The House) has to make tax rates go up for those who made over $250,000. Tonight, his own Republican House members aren't going to any tax increases, regardless of the situation.

President Barack Obama's honeymoon period began after he won reelection. The president's job approval is at 56% according to the Gallup Poll. This matches May 2011 when the president announced that he ordered the successful mission to kill Osama bin Laden. This is the final year of the president's first term but it seems like it's his second term already! The unprecedented gridlock even after the elections has the public souring on the Republicans. And the slim majority in the House of Representatives may be lost if this stuff continues.

Boehner for his part tried to limit the tax rates. He wanted to raise taxes on the millionaires and not those who make $200,000 to 1 million. President Barack Obama was sliding into that direction. Republicans have not supported this nor the president's plan. The fiscal cliff is rounding down to less than nine days and the Republicans have piss off a majority of the American people.

Mitt Romney lost! Republicans barely have control of the House of Representatives. The public want the rich to pay more. The public doesn't want cuts to safety nets. The public want reasonable cuts into the safety nets.

The Republicans and their conservative allies are going to be blamed.

The president is getting tired of the games being played over the debt ceiling and fiscal cliff. He already played his hands and Boehner is shaky. On top of that, his own Republicans are screwing him.

Tonight's pull of the so-called "PLAN B" of raising rates on millionaires is just too much for even Republicans to swallow. Now we're four days away from Christmas and it's likely the president and Congress will be in Washington during this period.

"The House did not take up the tax measure today because it did not have sufficient support from our members to pass," Boehner said in a statement. "Now it is up to the president to work with Senator Reid on legislation to avert the fiscal cliff. The House has already passed legislation to stop all of the January 1 tax rate increases and replace the sequester with responsible spending cuts that will begin to address our nation's crippling debt. The Senate must now act."

Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada, Majority Leader) ordered all members of the senate to stay in Washington until this is done. Boehner will likely do the same if the Republicans continue to hold back his proposals.

This is a reminder to why it's important that you don't support Republicans! This is a bunch of bitter ass old White people who continue to screw the nation up because of their hate of a Black president. Some members of the Tea Party Caucus are so screwed up! They don't even see that this gridlock will be their downfall. This playing with the country's economy for partisan purposes hurts the nation.

Republicans fear Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, Matt Drudge, Fox News, World Net Daily, the Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, and the National Rifle Association. The Democrats are putting in their spine and are likely going to be more aggressive against these foes.

Boehner may not have the gavel for much longer if the Republicans continue to be an obstruction to him and the president.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Obama: I'll Look The Other Way!

Smoke one, I'm not looking! - President Barack Obama.

Two states passed legislation to make recreational use of marijuana legal in Washington and Colorado. The Department of Justice is by order of law to arrest and prosecute those who contribute or sell the green.

It's still a federal law. The marijuana usage or distribution of it is a class 0 to 5 felony. The worst felony, is interstate commerce of the weed over state lines. If caught, you the individual could face up 10 to 25 years in prison for trafficking. The usage of the weed is misdemeanor or the lowest class 5 felony.

Cocaine, heroin, bath salts, methamphetamine, unlicensed firearms, arson, child prostitution, and money laundering are considered felonies that could carry 5 to 20 years in prison. Based on standings those issues, these could carry life in prison (by which it's more likely a violent crime could occur).

On ABC News, President Barack Obama told Barbara Walters that the issue of Colorado legalizing the weed is "not a top priority". There's "bigger fish to fry" according to the president.

So for weed smoking advocates: Snoop Dogg, Ludacris, Cypress Hill, Wiz Khalifa, Method Man, Redman, Willie Nelson, Dr. Dre, Game, Seth MacFarlane, and many others "light up"!

The president is going to probably use executive order to make the possession of marijuana a minor issue.

The Obama administration is still considering its response to the states that have legalized marijuana. Obama added in the interview that he doesn't support widespread legalization "at this point."

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Republican Senator Jim DeMint Out!

The king of gridlock Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) is resigning.
Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) is a controversial figure in the Republican Party.

The South Carolina senator a favorite among conservatives across the country is resigning to become the president of The Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is conservative organization that promotes an extremist agenda and has been influential in electing Republicans to higher office.

He was considered a kingmaker in the Tea Party movement. One of the five members of the gridlock circus. Senator DeMint, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), and Senator Jim Infohe (R-Oklahoma) are the reasons for gridlock. Their leader Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, minority leader) openly embraces their obstructionist views.

He is resigning from the U.S. Senate effective immediately. He would end his session in January. This will leave the seat open and put the Republicans at 44 senate members.

South Carolina is a conservative state. DeMint easily won reelection in 2010 after taking on weak candidate, the perennial loser Alvin Greene.
Congressman Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) may replace controversial senator.
Senator DeMint didn't endorse any of the primary candidates running for president.

The Republican Party still hurt from their presidential loss are engaged in a civil war within its ranks.

Conservatives are frustrated over the Republican Party plans to purge members of the Tea Party movement out of the House Committee posts.

Perennial loser Mitt Romney's loss to President Barack Obama left the Republicans with a gaping hole!

They've lost the women and Hispanics. They've can't win back the Black voters. And it's going to get worse if they allow the United States to go off the fiscal cliff. The Republicans on a double edge sword. They lose if they support the president's proposal to raise taxes on the rich. They lose if they continue to cause gridlock in spite of the general public wanting them to compromise with the president. They lose because it was reported that the committee positions were given to men. One being given to woman with little authority.

It's reported that the senator wants Congressman Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) to take the helm of his seat.

Scott is the only African American Republican. Scott won reelection easily. Congressman Allen West (R-Florida) an African American politician was defeated in closely watched election race. There are no African Americans in the U.S. Senate. The last one was Roland Burris, the person who replaced Barack Obama when he became president.

The only thing I got for Jim DeMint today is.........Goodbye, and good riddance! You're not going to be missed!

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Boehner: Weeps No Deal!

Weeping Speaker! Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) is under pressure to compromise. Boehner is the current Speaker of the House of Representatives. He won the title after defeating the Democrats and their leader Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California), then a Spaker herself. She is the current Minority Leader of the Congress.
He's was once my congressman. He is known as Cryboehner!

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) represents the Eighth Congressional District. His area includes his residence of West Chester township, the cities of Hamilton, Middletown, Eaton, Troy, Greenville, Tipp City, and parts of Springfield.

When Ohio lost two congressional seats his area was redistricted from nearby Piqua and Dayton were given to Congressman Bob Latta (R-Ohio) and Mike Turner (R-Ohio).
Tea Party backed congressman Michigan Republican Justin Amash. 

He became the Speaker of The House in 2011 after the Democrats lost their majority of the House of Representatives.

The country's first female House Speaker, California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was the Democratic Party's head leader during the 110th to 111th sessions of Congress. During her term, things were done!

President Barack Obama managed to get his healthcare reform passed, the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell repealed, the stimulus to jumpstart the economy, passed regulations to stop financial institutions from taking risky loans, passed equal pay for women, passed.

Boehner on the other hand became the voice of the opposition. And by far one of the worst House Speaker, ever!

Congresswoman Candice Miller (R-Michigan)
Under his leadership, he managed to take Congress job approval to the low teens. Now as we approach the 113th Session of Congress, we're going to see the Republicans continue the "I hope Obama fails" strategy.

Already the Republicans have face harsh scrutiny for having mostly White men head their committees. The only female member of a committee Congresswoman Candice Miller (R-Michigan) is being criticized as a sympathy move by the Democrats.

The fiscal cliff debate is an ongoing issue. Some members of the Republican Party are slowly breaking away from the bombastic rancor of Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist and Fox News.

Congressman Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma) is one member frustrated with this. The only Native American member of the Republican ranks is telling the Republicans give in. Bohener smacks back hard and warns his Republican caucus not to give in into the president's demands.

The Republicans are fearful of Grover Norquist and Rush Limbaugh.
Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah)

Reuters reports that a growing number of Republicans in the House of Representatives - including a handful of Tea Party-backed conservatives - are signaling greater flexibility than their leaders to reach a "fiscal cliff" deal with President Barack Obama.

They are not buckling on demands to slash spending or agreeing with Obama's exact proposals to avert across-the-board tax hikes and spending cuts set to start on January 1.

But unlike House Speaker John Boehner, they suggest they would be open to higher tax rates on wealthy Americans as part of a broader deal to slash deficits.

Obama is hoping to appeal to more potential renegades to get a deal to avoid the massive tax hikes and spending cuts that economists say could tip the economy into a recession.

"If we can get a few House Republicans on board, we can pass the bill ... I'm ready to sign it," Obama said on Friday at an event in Pennsylvania.

The vast majority of Republicans in the House, led by Boehner, say they will not accept any higher tax rates, preferring to increase tax revenue through reforms and closing loopholes.

Congressman Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma) is bucking his party over tax increases.
But among those newly voicing flexibility is Tea Party-endorsed Representative Sean Duffy of Wisconsin, who said he backs a "balanced" approach - adopting the language Democrats, including Obama, use to describe a tax rate increase on the rich, although he said he would rather raise revenue in other ways.

"I'm not at rates, I'm at revenue, I'm at loopholes," Duffy said. "But listen, revenue should be revenue, whether you are doing it by rates or loopholes."


Representative Allen West of Florida, who had strong Tea Party backing but lost his bid for a second term, said he was open to a higher tax rate on those earning more than $2 million - a far higher threshold than Obama's push to raise taxes on families with net incomes above $250,000 a year.

"If you want to talk about a compromise, that's a fair compromise," West said. "I want people to get to that million, I want people to get over that. Small business are 75 to 80 percent of our economy. I want to incentivize them."

Even though West lost his seat, he would still be able to vote on a fiscal cliff deal since the new Congress is not sworn in until January.

Congressman Justin Amash (R-Michigan), another Tea Party movement favorite, said everything needs to be considered to reduce the country's debt burden.

"I don't think it would be a good idea to raise tax rates," said the Michigan representative who identifies himself as a libertarian. But Amash said: "I am not going to take anything off the table if we can resolve some of our biggest issues as a country."

Congressman Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho)
Amash has a perfect conservative voting record according to the Club for Growth, which evaluated whether freshmen lived up to their promises of fiscal constraint.

Several members or their aides expressed similar sentiments earlier in the week, among them seven-term Representative Mike Simpson of Idaho.

Republicans hold 241 of the 433 seats currently filled in the House, which has two vacancies. If Democrats vote as a solid block, they may need another 25 votes from Republicans to extend expiring tax cuts for 98 percent of taxpayers, as Obama wants, leaving the wealthiest with tax increases.

These comments contrast with what is still seems to be the dominant sentiment among Republicans, as voiced by Idaho Representative Raul Labrador.

"Any Republican who is talking right now about raising taxes is a fool. They are going on national TV and they are saying they are going to raise taxes for a phantom deal that doesn't even exist," Labrador said.

House Republicans also separately expressed concern that they are losing the publicity edge to Obama.

"We are getting our socks cleaned in the PR wars," said Representative Pat Tiberi of Ohio.

(Additional reporting by Richard Cowan; reporting By Rachelle Younglai and Kim Dixon; Editing by Fred Barbash and Vicki Allen)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gun Shop Bans Obama Supporters!

Ad in the White Mountain Independent newspaper
Look here, if I have to deal with one more asshole in the Republican Party, I might just open up my own firearms and accessories store!

Republicans are two feet in the manure over tax increases on the upper income earners, they're scaring White people with talk of guns being confiscated, gays kissing in your face, and that woman who wants her "Obama phone".

They have worked a NIGGERIZATION on President Barack Obama, UN ambasssador Susan Rice, Attorney General Eric Holder, Shirley Sherrod, and Van Jones.

They can't get it through their thick heads that minorities are a growing majority.

They can't get it through their thick heads that women, civil rights activists and the LGBT community are going to push the extremist agenda of the Republicans right out of Washington, DC.

Congress is at 14% job approval. By far one of the worst U.S. Congressional Session ever!

This NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama has sponged inside these individuals heads!

I stated this one too many times!



I am really wondering how far these people will go!

With all these mass shootings in the country, one would of have thought that gun control laws were passed and more Americans are restricted from owning a firearm.

President Barack Obama hasn't signed one bill or an issued executive order to restrict ownership of firearms.

But tell that to those fear mongering idiots in the National Rifle Association. The gun lobbyist group has tried to push forth these bulletins to scare up fundraising. They advocate this crap to these gun owners in suburban America.
Cope Reynolds. An idiot with firearm could be dangerous!
A firearm dealer has banned Obama voters (likely Black and Latinos) from his store!

A gun store owner in Arizona has banned people who voted for President Obama from entering his store, even though Democratic voters were a small minority in his town.

Cope Reynolds, owner of the Southwest Shooting Authority in Pinetop-Lakeside, Arizona, published an advertisement in a local newspaper, prohibiting Obama supporters from visiting his business.

“If you voted for Barack Obama, your business is NOT WELCOME at Southwest Shooting Authority. You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm,” reads the ad, which cost the man about $250 to run in the White Mountain Independent newspaper.

Pinetop-Lakeside has a population of 4,280, only 736 of whom voted for Obama. Even though this is a small minority, Reynolds is still outraged by their political choice. He is particularly opposed to Democratic views on entitlements. He also fears that Obama would restrict gun rights.

“It is about the direction this country is going and the direction it’s been going for the last four years, and I feel like the people who voted for him are by and large the ones that are on the many entitlements and free stuff that they've been getting,” Reynolds said in an interview with Huffington Post.

Although Obama has not enacted any serious gun regulations since he became president, his mention of a possible ban on assault weapons during the second presidential debate sparked concern among gun owners.

Reynolds believes the president was waiting to impose tighter regulations once he had the security of re-election.

“There are a lot of people who feel like he’s going to take the guns away and rightly so,” Reynolds said. “I think that he will. I think that our rights will be infringed in a big way and very soon.”

But there’s one major problem with Reynolds’ new policy: it can be impossible to tell how someone voted just by looking at them, and it’s easy for Obama voters to lie. Asked by the Phoenix New Times how he weeded out Obama voters, Reynolds said he was just trying to make a statement.

“Obviously, this is nothing more than a political statement,” he wrote in an e-mailed statement. “Of course, it would be impossible to enforce. If they don’t say anything, we’ll never know. They could purchase whatever they wanted, and they would probably get a big kick out of thinking they are rubbing it in our face as they walk out the door.”

But those who own up to voting for Obama will not be served at the store.

Americans who are stupid make these type of signs!
“I should have as much right to post a sign on my door as those that post ‘No Guns’ on their doors,’” he added.

In 2008, Reynolds also bought an Obama mask on which he put a turban. He displays the mask in his store.

Reynolds said he supports Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, but only because "he's the lesser of two evils."

Reynolds said his disdain for Obama has nothing to do with race. He would have voted for Alan Keyes or Condoleezza Rice " if they were in the presidential race.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

All Boys Club?

Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader), House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Virginia, Majority Leader). The 113th Congress will begin in January 2013. The Republicans are under fire for having mostly men in their leadership committees.

The Republicans control the House of Representatives. As they begin to shuffle the chairs around, many critics are pointing out that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is appointing mostly men to most of the chairmanship committees in the 113th Congress.

Not a single woman will lead any of the major House committees in the 113th Congress.

Republicans still simmering from their trouncing in the presidential election, they are doubling down on their racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending, pain inducing rants about President Barack Obama and his allies in the Democratic Party.

With Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) running a NIGGERIZATION of UN Ambassador Susan Rice, the Republicans still trying to screw the president.

The Politico reports that the House Republican Steering Committee announced an all-male slate of committee chairs, including 12 returning lawmakers who will head up some of the most important panels in Washington. The chairs for the House Ethics Committee and House Administration Committee have yet to be chosen, so a woman could end up in one of those slots.

The Democratic minority does have leadership post for their members. Besides Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California) being the Minority Leader, House Democrats are likely to have five women as ranking members committees: Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D- New York) or Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) on Appropriations, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-California) on Financial Services, Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (D-New York) on Rules, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) on Science and Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez (D-New York) on Small Business.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Could The GOP Be Cleaning House?

Grover Norquist. The Republicans are putting distance between the tax rights advocate and other conservative agitators.
Grumbling from supporters has the national party rethinking!

Could Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, Fox News, and Grover Norquist be the reasons to why Republicans are out of style?

The cracks are coming!

There's too much division post election. Still you have bunch of bitter ass Americans still upset that President Barack Obama trounced perennial loser Mitt Romney.

Matt Drudge's website attracts extremists!
The Republicans lost two easily held on U.S. Senate seats. They managed to hold on the U.S. House of Representatives for now! They redistricted the areas to make it harder for Democrats to win.

Republicans wrapping themselves in the culture war have taken a toll among the American public. They allow the demographics to shift and now Republicans are primarily an all White elitist male party.

They successfully painted a NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama with baseless lies about his religion, birthplace and political standings.

You can't argue with someone with two feet deep in the manure over fictitious lies.

Some think the president is a Muslim.

Some think the president is a socialist.

Some think the president is a racist.

Some think the president has no experience in leadership.

Some think the president is coming for the guns.

Some think the president spends time with celebrities instead of running the country.

Some think the president doesn't deserve credit for any of America's achievements.

Some think the president deserves the blame for America's failures.

Some think the president is a giver to food stamps, welfare, and government assistance.
Rush Limbaugh's rhetoric represents the mindset of most Republicans.
And all of this stuff has riled up Blacks and Hispanics. This type of stuff made the turnout higher among those in the 18 - 29 age bracket. And all of these attacks on the president are an attack on the Black community as a whole. All this stuff has put the Republican Party in the placing of lunatics and idiots.

The perennial loser Mitt Romney also set them back hard. He represents a field of failed candidates who tried one too many times. Besides the name of Bush still simmers among most Americans.

What happens in the long run if the Republicans continue to stick to their attacks?

They lose!

So now there's talk about trying to bring other groups into the fold.

The cracks are showing within the Republican Party.

Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia), Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Congressman Peter King (R-New York) are distancing themselves from Grover Norquist.

David Brooks and Steve Schmidt are warning Republicans to avoid Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge as sources of information.

Many Republicans aren't looking into WorldNetDaily, Twitchy and Breitbart as much as they used to!

Republicans are considering to move themselves back to the middle. They want to be conservative! Not extremists!

They have a long way to go! Especially among Hispanics and Blacks.

Many Americans who voted for Barack Obama as their president want the high end earners to pay a little more in taxes. That's a theme Republicans are not supporting. They're feeling the pressure and it's seems to be working.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Fox Host: I'll Go On A Diet If [More Americans] Qualify For Food Stamps!

Andrea Tantaros
Andrea Tantaros, Fox News commentator.
That's not what Andrea Tantaros said, but that's what she believes. The United States Department of Agriculture has the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to help Americans who have to feed their families.

Republicans are still simmering over their loss in the presidential election. Conservatives are fuming over the rise in food stamps. They still think that individuals who depend on government assistance as "parasites".

Those "parasites" voted against the Republicans and sent perennial loser Mitt Romney and many others packing!

The Five is on Fox News. The show replaced Glenn Beck in 2011.

Since the show's beginning they've had a handful of individuals debate the latest issues around Washington, DC and America. The show is round table of conservative agitation with former Jimmy Carter adviser Bob Beckel, the token liberal.

Tantaros, Bob Beckel, Greg Gutfield, Dan Perino, and Kimberly Guilfoyle are the feature players of the show.

What was said on that program makes you wonder why Republicans have no heart for the middle class!

What was said makes you wonder why Mitt Romney shown disdain for the American people!

This type of nonsense is regurgitated through Americans who have no clear understanding of reality. These individuals show no compassion towards those who are government assistance.

I've stated this once again for the ones who read this and many articles posted by me and LeReyna:

The safety net includes social security, disaster relief for hurricanes and earthquakes, disability, food stamps, farm aid, Medicare, Medicaid, the Pell grant, veteran's assistance and welfare.

The middle class, lower class and those who are too poor are the core of the safety net.

With the rising food and gas prices, people are turning to food stamps, food banks and government assistance to keep themselves from landing in the homeless shelter.

Without a safety net, these people will rob and kill those who have the luxuries of having food in the refrigerator or in the pantry. They would steal fuel, water, bread and meat to keep feeding their families. And yet, these Republicans and their conservative allies are thinking the poor are the reasons for the economic recession. Perhaps those who complain about the poor, should walk a day in that person's shoes!

The Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement are heartless when it comes to the lower and middle class. In their warped minds, the lower class and those who are too poor are stealing from the taxpayers by accepting food stamps, welfare and necessaries.

We've seen how conservatives reacted to the Lifeline Phone program. An Ohio woman  who supports President Barack Obama (by the way, she's Black) was harping about the "OBAMA PHONE". The woman was considered middle class and she was saying that the president was giving away "free stuff" if he's elected!

Now if you're a rational person, you've ignored that! But in the minds of conservatives, this woman is a government parasite, and the word salad of racial slurs and Obama name dropping.

If you're wondering about the dog whistle comments by perennial loser Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), when it comes to food stamps and poverty, you'll hear them say that they're trying to create prosperity not dependency!

The Republicans and their conservative allies are trying to create a NIGGERIZATION of the president.

With talk about the first Black president being aloof, a giver to dependency, and willing to allow events happen while he's partying with celebrities are dog whistles to White conservative males.

Think Progress and the Huffington Post has reported that Fox News' Andrea Tantaros, who co-hosts "The Five," likened food stamps to a dieting technique during her appearance on Fox Business.

When host Stuart Varney asked her if she could live off $133 to spend on food monthly, Tantaros replied, "I should try it because do you know how fabulous I’d look?"

She continued, "I’d be so skinny. I mean, the camera adds ten pounds, it really does. I’d be looking great." Varney seemed fairly amused by her answer.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Talk Radio Host Promotes Racist Secessionist Movement While Selling His Stupid Survival Kits!

Outrage from the far right leads to secessionist talk and Alex Jones leads the way!

There's just enough of this nonsense going around! Talk radio has been making a fortune! Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage and Laura Ingraham are the top five talk radio host in the nation.

They're the most controversial figures on the AM (and sometimes FM) dial.

Ed Schultz, Thom Hartmann, Joe Madison, Stephanie Miller and Alan Colmes are the top five liberal talk radio host.

A summary of the top ten talk radio host in America.

1) Rush Limbaugh
2) Sean Hannity
3) Michael Savage
4) Glenn Beck
5) Laura Ingraham
6) Ed Schultz
7) Mark Levin
8) Joe Madison
9) Howard Stern
10) Stephanie Miller

Talk radio is actually declining in listeners. Rush Limbaugh practically destroyed every hard fought gains this year. After the Sandra Fluke incident, many Americans felt that talk radio has gone too far in rhetoric. Many talk radio hosts push the bar lower when it comes to politics. Each host allows an extremist to vent off frustration of the president. Some of these people use their freedom of speech to inflict harm on to others.

These talk radio hosts make profits keeping Americans divided.

White men are the most pessimistic when it comes to the president, the economy and a changing demographic. And who could agitate them more than a conservative talk radio host or a news network devoted to trashing the president and his allies in the progressive movement.

The talk of Hostess closing down, the Benghazi tragedy, the David Petraeus sex scandal, and talk of secession from the United States are the rally cries for conservative outrage.

One lesser known figure in talk radio has been building an audience in the conspiracy movement.

Alex Jones, the founder of PrisonPlanet and InfoWars host a radio show and internet program weekly. And since he's existence, he's attracted a following.

Many of these individuals are into the conspiracy of the September 11th, 2001 attacks being an inside job. Some believe that the New World Order puts in puppet governments. Many of these individuals are into conspiracies about the Project for th New American Century (PNAC), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Operation Northwoods, and the Bohemian Grove retreat. These individuals are supportive of perennial loser Ron Paul. Many of these individuals believe the president wasn't born in the United States. Many of the individuals are buying rationing equipment from the InfoWars website.

Alex Jones is making a fortune scaring up people.

He is calling for a second "American Revolution" against the president. Being a sponsor of the secessionist movement, Jones has been active in getting individuals to flood The White House's official petition board with ridiculous requests to leave the United States.

Although we laugh at these people for their hard fought efforts to build a country of hate, it's primarily growing from frustration from the White supremacists online.

Diane Roberts writes about the growing outrage in the far right.
Diane Roberts from The Guardian reports this growing movement of petitions spurs from the angst of President Barack Obama trouncing Mitt Romney in the election.

Evidently suffering from a nasty strain of Re-election Derangement Syndrome, some Americans want to leave the country. They don't want to flee to Canada or Mexico (too many foreigners), but create their own little nations in which they can breathe the unregulated air of liberty, free from the godless, Kenyan, Muslim, Marxist tyranny of Barack Hussein Obama.

Secession is back. White supremacists, Christian fundamentalists, and other malcontents lost in the back streets of Crazytown, post petitions on the White House's "We the People" website, demanding that their state be allowed to separate from the Union. While the polar ice melts, the US army's top brass struggle to contain bimbo eruptions and Israel does its damnedest to start the third world war, these sore losers want to re-enact 1861.

Petitions have now come in from all 50 states, though the top seven are Texas, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee. All were once part of the Old Confederacy, and all (except Florida) went for Mitt Romney. At the same time, they take almost one-quarter of the federal dollars allotted to the states. But irony, as everyone knows, has a liberal bias.

Texas's petition, now boasting 100,000 signatures, argues secession is necessary to protect people against the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other noxious big gubmint cabals determined too trample their rights. Signatories want to reinstate "the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government".

Though these petitions have zero legal status, and less chance of going anywhere, the White House has promised to respond to anything that gets more than 25,000 signatures. It's unclear how soon a response will come, what form the response will take, and whether it will involve uncontrollable giggling and a free bottle of valium.

Secessionists, however, remain undeterred. Alabama's petition was filed by Derrick Belcher, currently an operations manager for a trucking company, but once the proud owner of a popular topless car wash in Mobile, Alabama. He lost his business when he was arrested and charged with obscenity in 2001. The heavy hand of the state destroyed his American dream:

"The government ripped my business away, and now they're choking America to death with rules and regulations."
Groups such as the Texas Nationalist Movement and the Republic of Texas, which believe that the state was annexed illegally by the US government (they don't say much about who "annexed" it from Mexico) took heart in 2009 when Governor Rick "Oops" Perry warned that if the "federal government keeps thumbing its nose at the American people", Texans might have to take drastic action:
"When we came into the nation in 1845, we were a stand-alone nation. And one of the deals was, we can leave any time we want."
Actually, that never was the deal: Texas can't flounce out of the Union any time it feels like it. Nor can the others. "States rights" zealots may insist the tenth amendment to the constitution allows any state unhappy with the federal government to withdraw peacefully and nullify any federal law the state disagrees with, but that's all gone, as it were, with the wind. The question of federal supremacy was settled at Appomattox in 1865. General Robert E Lee himself ordered that the Confederate battle flag be furled and the nation reunited.

Fox News, naturally, takes secession quite seriously, with panel show "The Five" and pundit Sean Hannity treating the idea with a respect it doesn't deserve. Rightwing news aggregator Matt Drudge also gives secession house room on his Report. A few prominent paleo-conservatives have joined in the secesh chorus as well: "Saturday Night Live" star turned washed up celebrity Victoria Jackson passionately wants her home state of Florida to leave the Union, tweeting:

Jackson also wonders if maybe Barack Obama stole the election, since it's the sort of horrible, criminal, no-good thing he'd do.

The editor of World Net Daily, a site which continues to assert that Obama was born in Kenya (unless he turns out to be the Anti-Christ, after all), sighs "Divorce is an ugly word," then goes on:
"The election of 2012 provides more stark evidence that we are not really one country, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We are already two peoples – those of us still loyal and faithful to the God-inspired founding American principles and those who have gone awhoring after the idols of government coercion."
Republicans in elected office, however, are backing away from secession as fast as they can. Governor Perry, no longer flirting with separatism, opined that while Texans are frustrated with the federal government, breaking up the country isn't a great idea on the whole. Other governors – even in the deepest depths of the south – want no part of it. Bill Haslam, governor of Tennessee, said, "I don't think we'll be seceding"; a spokeswoman for Alabama's chief executive said, "Governor Bentley believes in one nation under God"; and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley asked, "Didn't we try that once before?"

Pro-union Americans have filed their own petitions on "We the People", calling for anyone who signs a secession petition to be deported or declared a traitor. Residents of Texas' capital city, home of the "Keep Austin Weird" bumper sticker, say if Texas succeeds in striking off on its own, they want to secede from secession. They'd be happy without the rest of the state, charging that they suffer from "lack of civil, religious and political freedoms imposed … by less liberally minded Texans".

Who'd miss Texas anyway? As long as we get Austin, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Ornette Coleman, the Dixie Chicks and Lyle Lovett, they can have George W Bush, Ron Paul and the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders.


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