Showing posts with label Pam Geller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pam Geller. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sponge Soak Tosses Coffee On Praying Muslim!

This sponge soak got irate at a man who was doing a Muslim prayer at a San Francisco park. 

The rhetoric of Donald Trump and the other clowns running has created this negative backlash.

Now a California state worker may face a cannon firing after a video showing her getting into a verbal tirade with a man who was holding a Muslim prayer at a San Francisco park.

Rasheed Albeshari whipped out the camera and filmed the woman holding a coffee cup berating him over his religion.

When a park ranger told the woman to move along, she gets into another verbal argument with Rasheed and then tossed the hot stuff on him.

The name of the woman was released by the San Francisco Chronicle. Denise Slader is now getting her share of death threats from the trolls and outraged.

Albeshari who lives in San Francisco and drives for Uber and Lyft when not studying at the City College of San Francisco decided to get out of the car and take a video of the incident. He said he and his friends had initially gone to the park to barbecue and play volleyball.

“I would have never thought this would happen specifically, in California and in the Bay Area," he said, adding that he moved to the region from North Carolina.

Still, he said, the Bay Area is home.

"This is where I live and I'm going to stay here, I'm going nowhere, because I love this place, even though this lady tried to make a hateful place but she failed," he said.

Albeshari, 31, said he's been flooded with messages and calls of support since he posted the video.

"It's just amazing how Americans are," he said. "It's overwhelming to see all that support."

Slader told KTVU that she "wanted to tell them about Christ and that what they're doing, what they believe in, their Allah that he was praying to right there in the park openly, is not of god, it's of the devil."

She said that "the self-defense part of me as a human being kicked in, and I hit the camera with my umbrella."

A man who answered the phone at Slader's Castro Valley home on Wednesday morning said she was not available to speak.
I'm an American. I have a right to pray in my country.
The incident posted on social media went viral. The junk food media had to find out whether this woman resided in the area. It turns out that she not only lives in San Francisco, but works at the iron college. 

She is a program technician in the parole division. A spokesman for the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation says that Slader is treading on thin ice. 

The law may charge Slader with a hate crime. That crime alone could have her seeing the inside of the job she once worked for. A hate crime charge in California could carry up to ten years. 

Slader is innocent until proven guilty. 

World News Today wishes Rasheed Albeshari and his family well on their journey.

#Islamophobia After praying, this lady approached us and started yelling at us that we're brainwashed for believing in Allah, "Allah is evil" she said. I started video taping her, I ,also, was hit by an umbrella before taking a shower of coffee right on my face. And what happened next was this..
Posted by Rasheed Albeshari on Monday, December 7, 2015

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Trump's Muslim Remarks Ain't Gonna Hurt Him!

Not going to dent him. The negative is actually helping him.

The junk food media had said this before about Donald Trump's poll numbers being in trouble.

The Republicans said that "we don't know if this could hurt Trump with the voters". 

And like the last time, he ended up surging. The Republicans believe that political correctness is making their candidates too soft. They overwhelmingly support Trump when it comes to handling terrorism. 

Given his lack of experience in foreign policy, many Republicans believe that if you're too much of a fixture in Washington, DC, you're a nobody to them. Even Ted Cruz suffers. He's supposed to be the anti-government lawmaker. But since he's a fixture in Washington, many Republicans don't support him.

Republicans really have a real mess on them. The insurgents still support The Donald despite all the extreme rhetoric coming out his mouth.

Last night, Trump called for a ban of all Muslims entering the United States. The remarks grew a loud applause from his supporters, widespread condemnation from the Democrats and even the Republicans.

Trump made his remarks down in South Carolina on the commemoration of the Pearl Harbor attacks.

He read from a paper remarks from the junk food media. Trump at first blast the junk food media for being dishonest in his quoting. He called the junk food media, "scum". He reads a poll from the Center for Security Policy, about foreign sentiment about America from Muslims. 

The Southern Poverty Law Center said that the Center for Security Policy and its founder Frank Gaffney are anti-Islam and openly called for profiling of Muslims in the United States.

Trump gets riled up by the tragedy in San Bernardino. As he read from the paper he called for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. That remark got a thunderous applause from his crowd.

He said "we have no choice". 

He finished reading the paper by saying the sentiment from Muslims towards America is hateful.

He was on the USS Yorktown and told a crowd that American Muslims justify attacks on the country and support Shir'a law. The comments he read came from the Center for Security Policy.

For the Republicans, they likely agree with Trump's remarks. They just don't say that shit in the public venue. They say this shit behind closed doors and through dog whistle politics. Matter of fact, they wished they could have said what Trump said but they don't say it like that. 

They usually motivated by the words "radical Islam". Trump's remarks are equal to what the Republicans and their conservative allies say about Muslim everyday.

Here's our poll

Do you believe that Trump's remarks will doom the Republican Party?

Poll Maker

View the video in its complete form. Before you take our poll.

Anyway, the comments attracted major controversy. The Republican candidates quickly condemned him. Several fellow Republican presidential candidates were quick to condemn Donald Trump’s call Monday to end all Muslim entry to the United States.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham was first to respond, calling the statement "downright dangerous" to the United States, and he was quickly followed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie who called it "ridiculous" and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush who called Trump "unhinged."

Jeb Bush said via Twitter. "His 'policy' proposals are not serious."

John Kasich slammed Trump's "outrageous divisiveness," while a more measured Ted Cruz, who has always been cautious about upsetting Trump's supporters, said, "Well, that is not my policy."

Trump's plan also drew criticism from the heads of the Republican Party in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, the first three states to vote in next year's presidential primaries.

New Hampshire GOP's chairwoman Jennifer Horn said the idea is "un-Republican. It is unconstitutional. And it is un-American," while South Carolina chairman Matt Moore said on Twitter, "As a conservative who truly cares about religious liberty, Donald Trump's bad idea and rhetoric send a shiver down my spine."

Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said Trump's proposed ban would apply to "everybody," including Muslims seeking immigration visas as well as tourists seeking to enter the country.

His campaign did not immediately respond to questions about whether it would also include Muslims who are U.S. citizens and travel outside of the country, including members of the military, or how a determination of someone's religion might be made by customs and border officials.

Instead, Trump said via a campaign spokeswoman: "Because I am so politically correct, I would never be the one to say. You figure it out!"

There are more than 5,800 servicemen and women on active U.S. military duty and in the reserves who self-identify as Muslim and could be assigned to serve overseas. Trump said in an interview Monday night on the right wing network, "They'll come home." He added, "This does not apply to people living in the country, except that we have to vigilant."

It was also unclear whether Trump's ban would apply to Muslim allies in the fight against Islamic State militants. Ari Fleischer, a former aide to Republican President George W. Bush, tweeted, "Under Trump, the King Abdullah of Jordan, who is fighting ISIS, won't be allowed in the US to talk about how to fight ISIS."

But at Trump's rally in South Carolina, the proposed ban struck supporter Shelley Choquette as reasonable, because "it's not going to be forever. I think everybody needs to be checked."

Religion can factor into immigration decisions, but that typically happens when people are fleeing religious persecution. People of a particular religion may get favorable treatment by the United States, as when Russian Jews sought to leave the Soviet Union.

In the late 1800s, Congress passed legislation broadly aimed at halting Chinese immigration. But said Leti Volpp, a University of California expert on immigration law, "there is no precedent for a religious litmus test for admitting immigrants into the United States."

"Excluding almost a quarter of the world's population from setting foot in the United States based solely upon their religious identity would never pass constitutional muster," Volpp said.

Trump's proposal comes a day after President Barack Obama spoke to the nation from the Oval Office about the shootings in San Bernardino, California, which Obama said was "an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people."

The FBI said Monday the Muslim couple who carried out the massacre had been radicalized and had taken target practice at area gun ranges, in one case within days of the attack last week that killed 14 people.

Trump's campaign has been marked by a pattern of inflammatory statements, dating back to his harsh rhetoric about Mexican immigrants. He has taken a particularly hard line against Muslims in the days since the Paris attacks, advocating enhanced surveillance of mosques due to fears over radicalization.

"Donald Trump sounds more like a leader of a lynch mob than a great nation like ours," said Nihad Awad, national executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "He and others are playing into the hands of Islamic State. This is exactly what Islamic State wants from Americans: to turn against each other."

White House spokesman Josh Earnest accused Trump of playing on people's fears and trying to tap into "a darker side, a darker element" of American society.

From the Democratic presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders said "Trump and others want us to hate all Muslims" and Hillary Clinton called the proposal "reprehensible, prejudiced and divisive."

On Capitol Hill, Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona said, "It's just foolish."

But will it hurt Trump in the campaign? "I have no idea," McCain said. "I thought long ago that things he said would hurt his prospects, and he continues to go up."

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has also spoke out against the comments of Trump. The civil rights organization strongly believes the rhetoric from Republicans is sparking a rise in Islamophobia. They think that Trump is a demagogue.

Fox Couldn't Stomach The Sh*t Coming Out Of Ralph Peters' Mouth!

Asshole calls President Barack Obama a "pussy".

Retired U.S. army colonial Ralph Peters got freezer burn after he went on that right wing business network to call President Barack Obama a vulgar woman's body party.

Let's put it in layman's terms: He called the president a pussy!

Stuart Varney of "Varney & Co." asked about Obama's Sunday night address on terrorism, Peters melted down.

"Well, first of all, he keeps speaking about 'we can't give into our fears.' You know, 'don't be afraid.' Look, Mr. President, we're not afraid. We're angry. We're pissed off. We're furious. We want to see you react. We want you to do something," Peters' tirade began.

"You're afraid. I mean, this guy is such a total pussy, it's stunning," Peters exploded.

"We the people, the American people, who he does not know in any intimate sort of manner. We want action. We want action against Islamic State and then when the president is telling us he is going to destroy ISIS," he continued.

"This is a president who has done more harm to American police departments than he has done to Islamic State. This is a president who restrains our military. He uses it not to defeat ISIS, but for political purposes for political cover. This is a president who doesn't want to hurt our enemies, this is a president who cares more about thugs in Guantanamo or thugs in Ferguson, Missouri, than he does about law-abiding American citizens and their right to live in safety and peace."

As the smoke cleared, Varney, who could tell Peters was "super angry," scolded his guest for using such vulgar language.

Peters apologized and Varney tried to move on. He then asked Peters if there was "anything" in the president's speech that could contribute to defeating ISIS.

"No," Peters began, "with The New York Times, he's convinced the problem is gun control -- that's what we've got to fix. And the problem is Islamic terror. Now certainly, Stuart, we could use more intelligent approaches to keeping guns out of the hands of psychotics -- the Founding Fathers did not intend for every drunk psycho to have a machine gun collection. But law-abiding Americans owning guns is not the problem here. The problem is Islamist terrorism, and the president will not even say Islamist terrorism."

Varney stopped Peters' rant again. He said Peters had used "some very strong language" about the president of the United States and that he had to ask Peters to either apologize for what he said or retract his statement.

"I apologize. I apologize," Peters said.

Trying once again to get the interview back on track, Varney asked Peters what he would have liked Obama to say during his address.

"I'm not interested in what he says anymore," Peters said. "I want him to do. I want him to act. I want him to take on Islamic State. I want him to unleash our military. And yes, Stuart, I do apologize for giving in to my anger, but I feel like you know the American people understand where I'm coming from on this. My choice of words was incorrect, but my sentiment, I think, is shared by many."

Varney then concluded the interview with a gentle admonishing of Peters.

"Calm down, lad. Calm down," Varney said.

On Monday afternoon, Bill Shine, senior executive vice president of programming for the right wing network  said in a statement obtained by HuffPost that Peters' comments were "completely unacceptable for our air." Shine said the cable network does not condone the use of such language and that it had suspended Peters for two weeks.

When Republicans are running their mouths, some of the stuff they be saying is close enough to uttering Barack Obama's a NIGGER.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Jerry Falwell, Jr.: If [Muslims] Ain't Acting Right, Shoot Them!

Liberty University president says that people should strap up if the Muslim threat comes to Lynchburg.

The racist right continues to fuel Islamophobia. They are also giving the Islamic State the reason to attack the United States. The Republicans and their conservative allies are playing the "radical Islam" drinking game.

Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, that old fart Limbaugh and that annoying conservative agitator are creating a toxic environment in the United States.

And now you can add Jerry Falwell, Jr. to the list of many agitators who play upon the fear.

He is the president of the ultra-conservative Liberty University. The university is a hub of Lynchburg, Virginia, a community that sits about 115 miles from Richmond. Falwell says that students should go ahead a strap up against "radical Islam".

He is the son of the late religious right leader Jerry Falwell. Falwell was one of the country's notorious right wing extremists. He was anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-immigrant and borderline racist.
Liberty University sits in the city of Lynchburg.
Junior was pissed over the fact President Barack Obama was calling for background checks when purchasing firearms. To the conservatives and oral rifle suckers, background checks is gun control.

He pressed students to carry weapons on campus following Wednesday’s mass shooting in San Bernardino.

"It just blows my mind that the president of the United States [says] that the answer to circumstances like that is more gun control," he said to applause.

"If some of those people in that community center had what I have in my back pocket right now …," he said while being interrupted by louder cheers and clapping. "Is it illegal to pull it out? I don’t know," he said, chuckling.

"I’ve always thought that if more good people had concealed-carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before they walked in," he says, the rest of his sentence drowned out by loud applause while he said, "and killed them."

“I just wanted to take this opportunity to encourage all of you to get your permit. We offer a free course,” he said. “Let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here.”
Insurgent Nevada assemblywoman Michele Fiore poses with her family and their firearms. 
Gun control to a resentful White conservative is "THEY COMING FOR ME GUNS!"

Radical Islam to a resentful White conservative is "MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS", "BOMB THEM BEFORE THEY BOMB US" or "ARABS ARE TERRORISTS!"

Black Lives Matter to a resentful White conservative is "BLACKS ALWAYS BITCHING" or "THEY SUPPORT KILLING POLICE".

Immigration reform to a resentful White conservative is "SECURE THE BORDERS", "CHINA IS BAD", "SYRIA REFUGEES ARE TERRORISTS" or "MEXICANS ARE SCUM".

Planned Parenthood to a resentful White conservative is "BABY KILLING", "BLACK GENOCIDE", "BAD AS THE NAZIS" or "SELLING BABY BODY PARTS".

Liberty University is the hub of presidential candidates. Many Republican and Democratic candidates go to court the evangelical vote. Ted Cruz announced his bid for president there. Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders spoke at the university.

The Radicals Are Calling Islam Radical!

The only muscle the Republicans got is their tongues. They can talk tough but does it mean they'll act the part?

We're almost a week in and the topic of terrorism in the United States has become shiny coin the junk food media is chasing.

The San Bernardino tragedy sparked discussions over immigration, terrorism, gun violence, and profiling.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has become the scare de jour for the Republican Party. The candidates are calling "radical Islam" the number one threat to the United States.

But you and I know that gun violence is the number one threat in the United States, and the Republicans are too damn stupid to understand that.

Last night President Barack Obama delivered a statement to the nation. The 15 minute speech explained his aggressive approach to taking on terrorism.

The Republicans as usual denounced it. They complain that the president doesn't say the magic word whenever he explains his fight against terrorism.

You often notice that the tone of the rhetoric is becoming more angrier.

Muslims are fearing the backlash after the Paris and San Bernardino attacks. This latest attacks were sparked by individuals who pledged their support to the Islamic State.

Did you know that the Republicans rejected a strict background check law when it comes to the firearms?

They strongly rejected the idea to pass legislation to keep these nuts from obtaining firearms. They say that a terrorist or criminal can obtain access regardless of what law is passed. And these are the same people who say that the healthcare law is unconstitutional despite going through two Supreme Court rulings.

In truth, the terrorists want Republicans to win the White House. They believe the Republicans are stupid. The Republicans will let an attack happen. Their anti-government rhetoric will eventually cut a program that could protect the country. The terrorists will often seek opportunities in the United States and their lax gun control laws to stockpile. They will use the benefits of the Republicans to cause another mass murder.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Fear Factor!

I don't fear any man, beast, machine or weather.

I am tolerant of race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, political and economic standings.

Everyone has a bias towards something. I admit that I do have strong bias towards things as well.

My biggest bias is towards idiocy and ignorance.

I want you to understand that I do not fear Muslims. I am not afraid of terrorists. I am not going act like a hero in a mass shooting event.

If I have to protect myself, I would use a firearm. But I rather have firearms in the hands of law enforcement, military and those who are qualified to handle them.

I want too see a stricter background check on people who purchase firearms. I want gun owners to have liability insurance and mandatory jail time for misuse of their firearm.

I want Republicans and Democrats to stop bickering over issues that aren't relevant to the country.

Gun violence is the number one threat in our country. Terrorism is a threat but it's not a daily occurrence. We have more gun incidents in our communities. More than most of the modern world.

Anyone who loses a child or a parent to gun violence is terrorized by this.

If the San Bernardino event was classified as terrorism, why don't they have every mass shooting or single gun crime be labeled as terrorism?

Why must we continue to fight each other on who's patriotic?

Why does the junk food media and politicians continue to stroke the fear for ratings and short term gains?

Saturday, December 05, 2015

The Junk Food Media Has No Shame!

Ethics violated,

The home of terrorists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik was raided by the feds. The feds went into their Redlands, California home to gather evidence. They managed to break down the door and scoop up all the needed evidence that matters. They are trying to piece together the motives of the seemingly "NICE" family.

The feds would board up the home after they raided it.

The landlord of the home decided to allow the junk food media access to the home. 

A moment in history where the frenzy of getting the story becomes the story. 

It was reported that Inside Edition wanted to pay the landlord $1,000 for access to the property.

NBC News was embarrassed over the actions of an MSNBC reporter who entered the home. He went through the stuff and found identification. He would boldly show that social security numbers, bank account statements and address of family members not associated to the case.  

I am amazed that the junk food media never went into the homes of other mass shooters.

Nobody in the junk food media went into the homes the Sandy Hook shooter, the Colorado Springs shooter, the DC Navy Yard shooter, the Aurora movie theater shooter, the Charleston church shooter, the Umpqua Community College shooter, and the Virginia news crew shooter.

The New York Times decided to do something it hasn't done in 100 years. They decided to place the editorial on the front page of the newspaper. It's blasting the Congress and NRA for being turning a blind eye to the NUMBER ONE THREAT in the America.


Idiots like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and the remaining clowns running for the Republican nomination offer no real solutions to stopping these issues. 

Friday, December 04, 2015

Syed Farook And Tashfeen Malik Found Themselves Daesh'ed!

As the Feds determine the motive, conservatives balk at the fact the mass shooters were on social media talking about their support for the Islamic State.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Department of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson told Americans to be vigilant throughout the holidays. It seems like everything being said is often ignored by those in the White suburbs of America.

Terrorism exists in the United States. It's not solely acts committed by Muslims.

If we treated all mass shootings as an act of terrorism, you would see these assholes in Washington, DC actually pass legislation to get things done. But alas, they're not. They're afraid of political backlash from conservatives and the NRA.
The woman who may have conspired the attacks.
They just don't give any notice to what President Barack Obama says. They're so fixated on listening to ankle biting lawmakers and agitators. Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and the remaining clowns running have no real ideas on how to take on a leaderless group of individuals. All they have in their mindset is kill more people to show how tough America is.

These people flex their tongues when it comes to taking on terrorism. They don't see that human lives matter. They don't even value Black lives.

The people who were neighbors of Syed Farook didn't get that message. They didn't want to tell the law that they felt he was doing something that just didn't seem right. They feared that the junk food media would label them as bigots.

This terrorist is an American born man who married a Pakistani woman. They were proud parents of a 6 month old daughter at some point. The people said he was a "NICE GUY". They didn't think he would do that.

He was dedicated worker. He was a devout Muslim. He lived a modest life. What happened?

What inspired him to commit a mass shooting on his fellow man?

Eight of the 14 victims killed in Wednesday's mass shooting.
These terrorists managed to kill 14 people and wound over 30 people. Many of the victims were one of the terrorist's co-workers and former friends.

The names of the victims. These were obtained from Time Magazine. The magazine released the list of victims from age 26 to 60 years old.

Shannon Johnson, 45, Los Angeles (DOB: 03/06/70)
Bennetta Bet-Badal, 46, Rialto (DOB: 03/08/69)
Aurora Godoy, 26, San Jacinto (DOB: 02/01/89)
Isaac Amanios, 60, Fontana (DOB: 06/29/55)
Larry Kaufman, 42, Rialto (DOB: 08/12/73)
Harry Bowman, 46, Upland (DOB: 06/08/69)
Yvette Velasco, 27, Fontana (DOB: 04/03/88)
Sierra Clayborn, 27, Moreno Valley (DOB: 06/15/88)
Robert Adams, 40, Yucaipa (DOB: 05/02/75)
Nicholas Thalasinos, 52, Colton (DOB: 10/14/63)
Tin Nguyen, 31, Santa Ana (DOB: 04/06/84)
Juan Espinoza, 50, Highland (DOB: 06/24/65)
Damian Meins, 58, Riverside (DOB: 02/02/57)
Michael Wetzel, 37, Lake Arrowhead (DOB: 04/29/78)

Many of those in law enforcement peeped into the social media of the wife. She is allegedly declaring an allegiance to the Islamic State.

Big fucking deal. It doesn't bring back the lives of those lost in this senseless tragedy. For all I know, it's just an opinion. The actions carried out by the terrorist matter. I don't blame no one but the shooters.

 This shows me that the U.S. government is devoted to spying on Americans. I can say I pledge support to the extremist group. What they gonna do about it?

I mean if we're that obsessed with the Islamic State, we're giving them the victory. I don't want to give them the satisfaction of winning the war on who's got the bigger balls.  I don't give two fucks about the Islamic State or their followers.

The U.S. government hasn't concluded their investigation into how this event happened.

Conservatives are saying that the president won't recognize the threat of "radical Islam". They seriously believe that the president is being "politically correct" when dealing with the threat.

Republicans and their conservative allies say that the president shouldn't politicize mass shootings. This has been the umpteenth time the president gave remarks on mass shootings. He has stressed that his big failure is not signing a law that slows down the gun violence. The Republicans refuse to vote on background checks and gun control regulations. The Islamic State and al Qaeda have followed U.S. politics for a while. They believe that the Republicans are stupid. They rather have Republicans in the White House.

Republicans and their obsession to cutting government and relaxing laws are giving terrorists an opportunity to purchase firearms without being questioned. The relaxing of laws are giving terrorist an opportunity to find areas where they can commit mass murder on individuals.

They seem to miss the message when they are politicizing the event to advocate profiling of Muslims, Blacks and Hispanics. They politicize theses events to scare White folks into stockpiling firearms.

The New York Daily News has had enough of the Republican showboating. The newspaper hits them hard. They aimed at the Republican candidates for taking the time to send their prayers to the victims but offer no legislative action or stump speech about gun violence.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

White Extremists Threaten Texas Mosque!

Who is the real threat in the United States?

Who are the real terrorist here in the United States?

Let's clear a few things up. There are 1.5 billion practicing Muslims in the world. There are 40 million people in the United States who are practicing in Islam.

Muslims condemn violence. It is truly the religion of peace. There is an element of society who inherited this belief that the Western world is deliberately trying to wage war against Muslims.

There are factors to why terrorism exist. Usually it involves poverty, a lack of education, political corruption, a sense of no hope and of course lack of support.

In the United States, the junk food media has pushed this narrative that ALL Muslims are scary.

The Republicans and their conservative allies are exploiting the Paris attacks as a buffer to push a narrow minded and downright racist agenda.

They are trying to push religious tests, ban Syrian refugees, and force police profiling on Muslims.

They are stroking fear and paranoia.

Now an armed group of White extremists are bothering parishioners at the Islamic Center in Irving.

David Wright III decided to be dick. He wanted push his Islamophobia through the social media.

He published the names and phone numbers of people who attended or supported the mosque.

His organization the Bureau of American-Islamic Relations (BAIR) is a play on the Council of American-Islamic Relation (CAIR). The group is anti-Muslim and pro-gun.


The White extremists believe they can convince the Texas Republican governor Greg Abbott that Shir'a Law is a coming and White folks better be aware of it.

His defense to having firearms at these protest rallies: "Self-defense".

The controversy was sparked also by the Ahmed Mohamed controversy. The young teen was a student at a Irving school. He was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to his class.

It became a rally cry for conservatives to attack Muslims.

Republicans are stupid as fuck. These idiots want gun control for Blacks, Hispanics, and practicing Muslims. They want Christian people to have more rights than those who aren't religious. They want to get into women's lives by passing restrictive laws that outlaw abortions and paid maternity leave.

It's like they're asshole backwards when it comes to progress. And now because of this resentment, White extremists are inspired to kill.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Youngstown State Hit With The Daesh-fiti!

A rock can't be moved. Students at Youngstown State are shocked that someone defaced a rock with the infamous extremist group. The FBI is investigating the vandals involved in this.

The law is probably going to step up patrols around the campus of the Ohio university.

Youngstown State University was hit with graffiti supporting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Terrorism became the new [political football] for political agitators to flex the only muscle they've got in the arsenal. Their tongues are not a strong weapon but they use them very well. The words of utter fear and distrust seem to be the Republican Party's key to stroking White resentment.

There was a rock on the campus decorated with the colors of the French Republic. The rock was defaced with a painted Islamic State flag. It also praised the attackers and vow that America's next.

The Mohaning County Sheriff, the FBI and Ohio State Patrol are investigating the incident.

On the rock, "France deserves destruction," "YSU supports ISIS," and "We are coming for you." Students quickly spray-painted the rock white and covered it with patriotic and peace-related messages, but the impact was still felt on campus. "It definitely sent, like, a terror around, and then there was a shooting threat last week, so it's just like one after the other," says student David Ottney. Another student tweeted, "Whoever did this to the rock needs [to be] expelled. ISIS is not some joke. Terrorism is not a joke."
United We Stand.
Mohamed Mishmish, an international student, talked about his writing of a peace message on the rock: "I came here today to write 'peace' in Arabic to show that if there should be anything defaced in Arabic on this rock, it should be peace-condoning and not in the name of terrorism," he says. According to the school's Facebook Page, police are investigating, the FBI has been contacted, and "there is no credible threat to the campus at this time." Classes were still in session today, reports the junk food media. The rock has been used for decades as a place to write messages about campus organizations and events.

Many across the world includes me and S. Baldwin have condolences to the victims of the Paris attacks. A group of terrorist from Belgium sneaked into France and plotted a mass shooting and suicide bombing in the heart of Paris.

These terrorists wanted to engage in this mass causality event sparked by the Charlie Hebdo Mohammad cartoons and France's role in the fight against the Islamic State.

There were 130 innocent lives killed. The terrorists managed to die in their attempts to disrupt the lives of Parisians.

The mastermind and some of his family were killed in a raid over the past weekend.

Interpol, the FBI, and other law agencies are determined to find Salah Abdeslam, the surviving member involved in the terrorist attacks.

The United States has issued a worldwide travel alert in the wake of the attacks. The State Department has warned Americans to be vigilant when traveling this Thanksgiving week.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Ahmed Mohamed Sues Irving, Texas!

Ahmed Mohamed sues the city of Irving.

The Texas teen who gained national fame for getting arrested after he brought a homemade clock to school is suing the city and school district for slander and ask for punitive damages. Ahmad Mohamed's family called the incident "unfortunate circumstances" and the treatment a "violation of his civil rights".

Ahmed's family hired lawyers and they are demanding $15 million in damages and a public apology from the Republican mayor who went on television to slander him.

According to his the lawyers, his civil rights were violated and he and his family have suffered physical and mental anguish as a result of his arrest over a homemade clock, which teachers at MacArthur High School believed was an explosive device.

Ahmed, a young engineer and fan of robotics, modified a pencil case to work as a clock and brought it to school in September, with the intention, he said, of impressing his teacher. He was, however, later accused of trying "to make a bomb," pulled out of class, sent to the principal's office, threatened with expulsion and led out of the school in handcuffs.

In letters to the City of Irving and the Irving Independent School District, Ahmed's attorneys say the way the school and police officials treated him was motivated by "rancid, openly discriminatory intent." Ahmed was targeted "because of his race, national origin, and religion," the letters continue.

It attracted national attention. Ahmed was getting praised from President Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Tim Cook of Apple, the Council on American Islamic Relations and support from #BlackLivesMatter.

The hashtag #IStandWithAhmed became a viral sensation. Many in the junk food media have figured that the school district went overboard.

The concern trolls on the other hand, were blasting the president and Ahmed for "politicizing" the situation. One in particular, a pint size carnival barker named C.J. Pearson went on social media to blast Ahmed for playing the "race card" and being down right dishonest about his clock. C.J, one of the conservative agitators in the junk food media also attacked the president for inviting Ahmed to the White House when he didn't invite the family of murder victim Kate Steinle. C.J. is a Black conservative agitator who rose to fame calling the president "anti-American" for not saying "radical Islam".

That right wing network and conservative blogs were snuffing through the shit trying to find something to stick on Ahmed.

Some of the Republicans in the clown car attacked Ahmed. One being Ted Cruz, the Republican senator from Texas. He believed that Ahmed was using this an opportunity to push a radical agenda.

Ahmed will certainly attract conservative outrage in the coming days. Stay tune for the overreaction from the Republicans and their conservative agitating allies.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cool Was Obama's Middle Name!

This is why I think President Barack Obama is so cool. He basically shows the world that America cares. He's not like those reactionary shit throwing morons.

Over here in the United States, there are people who "seriously believe" that refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria are terrorists. The U.S. intelligence agencies believe someone between the age of 14 to 50 are possible agents for the Islamic State.

The president and team are well aware of the threat. He urged the American people to be vigilant in the wake of the Paris attacks.The Paris attacks have become a political football over here in America.

Republicans and few spineless Democrats are trying to pass legislation that bans refugees from coming in the country. The president vows to veto the bill.

The Islamic State believes that the Western nations are declaring a war on Islam. They are encouraging young Muslims into the fold.

The Republican clowns running for president claim that they can fight terrorism. Using their tongues is the only thing strength they got!

Yet, they can't do nothing about the mass shootings happening in their own country. It seems like they're asshole backwards when it comes to the real threat here in the United States.

Hopefully this shows the world how refugees aren't the blow 'em up and shoot 'em up folks the conservatives paint them out to be.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Conservatives Blame ALL Muslims For Terrorism!

Muslims are Americans too. The Republicans and their conservative allies are stroking fear once again against Muslims for short term gains.

One week since the mass shooting and bombing in Paris. We're still talking about it.

The word vomit  "radical Islam" is being spewed by conservatives. It's a fucking shame that even though most Muslims condemn violence, they are blamed for almost every terrorist attack happening in the world.

We just don't get it....

I mean how many terrorist attacks happened in the United States since 2001?

We have more mass shootings in the United States and most of these violent acts are committed by Americans who have easy access to obtaining firearms.

The inept Congress panicked. They decided to pass reactionary laws that violate our promise to a be a "beacon of freedom" in the world.

Republicans aided by a few Democrats passed a bill that would cease the influx of refugees from Syria for the time being. The Republican-sponsored bill would make the FBI director personally sign off any Syrian who manages to pass the background checks. It will keep Syrians from entering the country for an additional 40 months.

Many of the candidates still running are calling for a border closing at the U.S.-Mexico border and a religious test.

Ted Cruz sponsored a bill that will revoke one's U.S. citizenship if you have an ounce of support for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Rand Paul sponsored a bill that will deny Syrians the safety net if they have family members who support "radical Islam". Lindsey Graham wants troops on the ground in Syria to destroy the Islamic State.

The front runner Donald Trump would establish monitoring of mosques and vows to shut them down if they attempt to plot massacres of Americans.

Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee wants Christian Syrians to come only into the United States.

Ben Carson had posted an inaccurate map of the states that oppose Syrian refugees. He referred refugees as rabid dogs. Marco Rubio has decided to call it a "clash of cultures" and the fight is against "Islam".

They are calling for identification badges and special restrictions for worshiping Muslims.

There was vandalism on mosques. An Indiana man tried to rip off a woman's headscarf last month. The Ahmed Mohammed clock controversy was a hot button issue. The draw Mohammed contest sponsored by right wing extremist Pam Geller this year sparked outrage.

And who are the real radicals in the United States?

I know that Muslims in the United States hate to hear their religion be used in these tragic attacks overseas.

The blame game seems to be a seasoning on the shit salad the Republicans prepare for the American people. This year alone, they've been reactionary in almost every thing that's happened here and abroad.

Republicans have pushed hateful agendas against Muslims, BlackLivesMatter, immigrants from Mexico and Planned Parenthood. None of these agendas seem to work when they can't get them passed given a rational president is occupying the White House.

Again, I rather have a rational president than a bunch of shit throwing morons who flex their tongue instead of their brain. I rather not profile Muslims, Black and Latino people for being criminals. I rather not see myself arguing with trolls over my love/hate relationship for this country.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of the Bali attacks.

According to the junk food media, there were gunman who stormed a Radisson Inn in Bamako, Mali. There were people killed and two of the gunman had held 140 guest and 30 workers hostage.

There were guest who came from Algeria, India, Chinese, Russia, Turkey, France, Moroccan, and the United States.

No word of any hostages besides the three (1 French and 2 Malian). The gunmen may have been killed in this attack.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Cruz: Say That S**t To My Face, Barack Obama!

Obama's comments about "popping off" riled up the Texas senator.

The human soapbox of right wing insanity responds back to President Barack Obama.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was a tad bit annoyed by the president's remarks. The president basically put the Republicans on blast. He said that promoting religious tests is unpatriotic and un-American.

The president was annoyed with Republicans "popping off" about how he's not taking the threat seriously.

The president has pretty much taken the threat seriously. He's just not juggling balls and throwing pies at the terrorists. The president has said that the campaign against the Islamic State will take some time. He said that he doesn't want to put ground troops into Syria provoking another war in the Middle East. He said that the threats are here but Americans must be vigilant.
Don't come at me about how I handle things.
It would be nice to hear a real strategy to take on the threat without having all the "themes" and "bluster".

Well the Republicans candidates aren't having it. They want to use the Paris attacks as a political football to push a hateful agenda against Muslims, refugees and immigrants.

Cruz, who is running for the Republican nomination is a turd flipper. The Texas sentator (who I refer to as a Stallmigo) boldly calls the president "lawless" and vows to oppose everything that is promoted by him and the Republican controlled Congress.

When asked about the president's comments Cruz basically said that Obama should say it to his face.

"Come back and insult me to my face," said Cruz.

"I prefer it in the United States and not overseas, where you’re making the insults," Cruz said of the unlikely debate. "It's easy to toss a cheap insult when no one can respond."

Cruz believed that the president's actions to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees is a disaster.

Cruz is responsible for the government shutdown of 2013. Many Republicans are tired of him. They believe he showboats and offers no real ideas. He's one of the least accomplished lawmakers running for president. The other ones include: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY).

All four them have no record of accomplishment. They are well established lawmakers.

Any proposals that were made by these lawmakers often are rejected before reaching the senate floor.

Let's be honest, Republicans are not capable of governing.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant wants Republicans to win the White House. 

They believe that the Republican Party and their conservative allies are stupid. They figure that a Republican president will bankrupt the United States trying to fight them. 

The Islamic State believes that Republicans and the conservatives and their obsessions with cutting government and Islamophobia, will inspire recruits. They vow attacks against the country. They want to go after places Americans often neglect as "soft targets". 

Republicans have no room to talk. Under a Republican president and a Republican Congress, we had the worst attack on our country on September 11, 2001. Republicans like to flex their muscle in the fight against terrorism. But the only muscles being flexed around are their tongues. And believe me, I rather have a calm leader like President Barack Obama over a bunch of irrational shit throwing morons like Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Obama: A Lot Of Big Talk From A Whole Lot Of Little Men!

I've heard that Republican governors want to block access to refugees because of the Paris attacks.

They believe that the federal government will not do proper vetting of those seeking refuge from the civil war in Syria.

They claim that terrorists could infiltrate fleeing refugees seeking asylum. The president said that the United States is willing to accept 10,000 Syrians to seek asylum.

The president gets annoyed by the quarterbacking from his critics. The Republicans once again blame the president for the Paris attacks. They believe that he's not taking the threat of terrorism seriously.

He won't even say the "radical Islam". It's the new phrase used in the word vomit drinking game.

The Republicans and their conservative agitators offer no real solution on how to combat terrorism.

The only answer to the problem, attack President Barack Obama and his allies for not saying "radical Islam" and not recognizing the threat.

When Republicans can prove they're tough on terrorism, come and see me!
President Barack Obama said that critics love "pop off" with their opinions about the U.S. campaign against the Islamic State without offering real ideas to combat the threat.

He says they should present a specific plan. And if his critics think their advisers are smarter than Obama's, the president says, "I want to meet them."

Obama says his sole interest is in keeping the American people safe. He says he's not interested in doing what works politically or will make him or America look tough.

Some Republican presidential candidates have called on Obama to send U.S. ground troops into Syria. Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz have said that any U.S. assistance to Middle Eastern refugees should focus primarily on Christians fleeing persecution.

Ben Carson recently said he had information on China's involvement in Syria. Obama officials said they had no evidence of that. Carson expressed surprise that "my sources are better than theirs."

Now clearly, Republicans have no room to talk. The worst disaster to happen on American soil happened under a Republican president.

Mind you that Republicans now taken this nationalist stance against immigrants. They seriously ignore the principles of America being a "welcoming place". Donald Trump believes that we should eliminate Islamic mosques in the United States. Carson claims that "radical Islam" is the new Nazis. Cruz wants to say that Obama throws Israel and Christians under the bus.

These clowns are scared of the Muslims.

Most Muslims condemn this senseless violence.

A repetitive pattern of the Republicans and their conservative allies.

When Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter.

When the Black community demands police reform and body cameras, Republicans claim that they're not focused on Black-on-whatever crime. They claim that protesting against injustice is liberal indoctrination and professional race-baiters. The Republicans believe that Black Lives Matter embraces cop killing.

When you talk about comprehensive immigration reform, they call it amnesty. They don't want to grant hardworking immigrants the opportunity to be American citizens. In their minds, if they pass this monumental Civil Rights bill, the Democrats get the credit.

Republicans are just as radical as the terrorists. They want to meddle in the lives of women by cutting funds to Planned Parenthood.

They want to eliminate birthright citizenship. They want to put undocumented immigrants into federal time out. They want to pass this Kate Steinle law to punish small time undocumented criminals.
A lot of smoke but no fire.
They want to repeal Obamacare despite the Supreme Court ruling it constitutional.

They want to repeal Dodd-Frank and let the financial market crash again.

They want to build a huge border fence on the U.S.-Mexican border ignoring the U.S.-Canadian border being loose.

They want to let the TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline flow through the Midwest with dirty tar sand oil they'll export to East Asia.

They want to pass religious freedom laws that discriminate against Muslims, the LGBT community non-Christian residents.

Gun crime happens everyday in the United States. They can't figure out what is the worst event to exploit. When the victim's families call for gun control and more accountability towards gun ownership, Republicans stand in the way with ridiculous hypotheticals. They will says that the victim's families are exploiting their member's death for a gun grab.

They continue to cry about the the junk food media being liberal despite being Republican candidates getting more attention than the Democrats.

The Republican Party fucking sucks. They make stupid look smart.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

They'll Sh*t In Their Pants If It Happened Here!

Terrorism is a part of the daily routine. The American politicos flex their "I'm a big  muscle in the wake of the tragic terrorist attack in Paris, France. 

Let me be clear, gun violence is a bigger threat here in the United States, than terrorism. Terrorism and diseases such as HIV and Ebola are exploited by the junk food media for fear.

The 15 Republican knuckle heads like to flex their "I can do this" muscle. They have no real answer to stopping terrorism. All I hear from the candidates is blaming people for unfortunate circumstances.

We haven't had a horrific [international] terrorist attack on our country since September 11, 2001. But to the Republicans and agitators in the media, President Barack Obama can't do nothing. The president has been aggressive against terrorism. It's unfortunate that the Islamic State and al Qaeda exists. Our country's influence in the Middle East has sparked feverish outrage.

The United States has blind support for the Israeli government's apartheid on the West Bank and Gaza Strip is one main reason.

We uprooted foreign leaders who we believe impedes on our "capitalism" and "values".

Americans show constant bigotry towards people because of their race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, political and economic standings. Terrorism is inspired by animosity towards these groups.

Terrorism exists. It's not going to stop. It's a part of daily routine here and abroad. It's a shame that we don't consider every mass shootings in our country as terrorism. It's a shame we don't consider any gun crime as terrorism. 

I don't call it radical Islam like the Republicans and conservative agitators.

I call it terrorism.

HIV exists. It's not going to stop. It's a part of the daily routine here and abroad. Heroin and denial are the reasons to why the virus continues to thrive here in the United States.

No one talks about that in the debates. Nobody understands that heroin is causing HIV risks. Matter of fact, heroin should be second. Because so many suburban White people are killing themselves. White women are using  heroin at a faster pace.

Me and S. Baldwin send our condolences to the numerous victims of the Paris attacks. On September 13, 2015, seven terrorists aimed at numerous venues in the Parisian night. The terrorists managed to kill 130 people and injured numerous people. It's confirmed that an American student studying abroad was one of the victims of this tragedy. Nohemi Gonzalez was one of the first confirmed Americans killed. She was only 23 and a student from Cal State University.

Now the world is mourning the losses.

Everyone here in the United States are showing solidarity by going to social media and posting their thoughts.
James Foley's family blames Obama for their son's death. Instead of blaming the terrorists, conservatives find the real threat to America is the President of the United States. 
This became an issue for the Republicans and Democrats. Last night Democratic debate on CBS began with a focus on the tragedy. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O'Malley all had an opportunity to express their desires to take on the threat. They offer no real answer to how to take on the threat.

The Republicans on the other hand now are using this as a banter to attack President Barack Obama.

In an interview on ABC, the president said that the Islamic State is being "contained".

Conservative agitators and the candidates are seizing on that remark as a reason to say the president is aloof and not taking the threat seriously.

The U.S. gained some ground in the fight against the extremist group. An U.S. airstrike may have killed Mohammad Ewazi, the junk food media's so-called "Jihad John" spokesman.

The French government has been active in retaliation. The junk food media broke the news that French fighter jets strike on the de facto base of the Islamic State.

On GOP Sundays, you had commentators, agitators, and politicos wonk it out about how to fight an organization that seems to be getting more powerful by the day.

Republicans now saying that we shouldn't allow Syrian refugees asylum. They believe that terrorists could slip into the United States. Terrorism is already here in the United States. We have our own people leaving their families to join the Islamic State and al Qaeda.

Terrorism is going to be around 24/7.

Americans should use their common sense.

Always expect something to happen.

We should not live in a bubble fearing the unknown.

We never expect mass shootings in our country let alone a terrorist attacks.

Republicans don't see any reason to close the gun sale loopholes. Even if we accept Syrian refugees, they go through a background check. If one does slip into the United States, they'll have access to firearms through strawman purchases.

We have mass shootings everyday in the United States. There was a mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in October and one just last night. There was an entire family murdered in Jacksonville by a man.

So I don't want to hear this talk about terrorism, radical Islam and boots on the ground. We have people murdering people with firearms here in our country. This is the real threat to the country.

If that ain't terrorism, I don't know what it is?

Friday, November 13, 2015

Tragedy In Paris: Terrorism On Friday The 13th! #PrayForParis

The global city of Paris was rocked by a horrific terrorist attack.

I don't want to jump to conclusions on the death count, but I can tell you that the causality count is extremely high. Me and S. Baldwin send our condolences to the victims of tonight's tragedy in Paris.

According to the numerous sources, there was a series of mass shootings and bombings in the entertainment districts of Paris.

This worst of the attacks happened at the Le Bataclan Music Hall. The concert featured American rock band Eagles of Death Metal. While people were cheering on the music, these terrorists opened fire on concert goers, people enjoying dinner and watching a soccer event. These individuals who were cornered by the law decided to take more lives out by detonating suicide explosives.

This tragedy has merit global attention.

#PrayforParis is trending on the social networks.

The blame game also is trending.

I am picturing our conservative agitators saying that President Barack Obama didn't do enough or say enough. I can imagine that terrorism will be front and center in the Democratic debate. I can imagine that Republicans will agitate bigotry towards Muslims.

Muslims condemn this tragedy.

The French government imposed a mandatory curfew for the entire country. President François Hollande announced that borders are closed. He also vows to find everyone involved in this tragedy.

The leaders come to the aid of the French government. President Barack Obama, Britain's David Cameron, Canada's Justin Trudeau, Germany's Angela Murkel, and Russia's Vladimir Putin all send sympathies to the French Republic.

The Beirut bombings, the Jordanian police officer who murdered American contractors, the apparent take down of the Russian Boeing plane has intelligence agencies pointing fingers at the Islamic State.

At least seven individual attacks took place, comprising of at least six shootings and three explosions.

Shootings were reported around the Rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi, Rue de Charonne, and Rue Bataclan.

Petit Cambodge and Le Carillon shootings

A shooting at the Petit Cambodge ("Little Cambodia") restaurant in the 10th arrondissement of Paris resulted in several deaths, which are reported to be between four to eleven.

The assailants also shot people outside a bar called Le Carillon near the Canal Saint-Martin.

According to a police official, 11 people were killed at the restaurant. The assailants reportedly "fled in one or two vehicles" after the shootings.

La Belle Equipe shooting

Shots were fired at La Belle Equipe, a restaurant in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.

Bataclan theatre siege and mass shooting

Shootings and hostage takings occurred at the Bataclan theatre in the 11th arrondissement where the American rock band Eagles of Death Metal were playing to an audience of around 1,500. 60—100 hostages were taken.

The band's members escaped without injury.

Someone who escaped the attack told a journalist that the attackers mentioned Syria and that there were five or six attackers. One witness in the Bataclan stated that a gunman yelled "This is because of all the harm done by Hollande to Muslims all over the world."

There were further attacks reported on police and first responders who arrived at the scene after initial reports of shooting inside the theatre.

One of the attackers at the Bataclan had explosives, according to a police officer at the scene.

Julien Pierce, a journalist from Europe 1, said that he saw armed men enter the Bataclan, and two or three men not wearing masks fired indiscriminately on the crowd.

The siege ended at 1 am.

The police reported that an estimated 100 people were killed at the theatre.

Four attackers were killed, three of whom died by detonating their suicide belts.

Stade de France explosion

At least 10 people were injured or killed in an explosion at a bar near the Stade de France in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis.

The President of France, François Hollande, was at the Stade de France attending an international friendly football match between France and Germany. Hollande was safely evacuated from the scene and met the French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve to coordinate a response to the emergency.

Explosions were heard on the live televised broadcast of the match.

Following the game, fans were brought onto the pitch to await evacuation as police monitored all exits from the venue.

I stand with the people of France in the wake of this horrific tragedy. We will continue to follow this tragedy.

If you want to help, please donate to the American Red Cross and Amnesty International for assistance.

U.S. May Have Killed Jihad John!

Jihadi John.jpg
English spokesman for the Islamic State may have been killed in an American airstrike.

Another man who gave up the life to join the Islamic extremist group was killed an American missiles drop. The U.S. military hasn't put a confirmation out there but the junk food media has broke the news that the British man who was a spokesman and executioner for the Islamic State was killed in a drone strike.

When it comes to brutal videos being posted on social media, the extremist group turns to YouTube.

He was accused of beheading three Americans, two British men and two Japanese men.

James Foley, Stephen Sotloff, David Haines, Alan Henning, Peter Kassig, Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto were victims of tribunal. This man would warn Western leaders that the deaths of innocent Muslims will be spilled with the blood of Westerners. These men were beheaded when the ransom demands weren't met.

This man took pride in this. He would often boast that more killings could come and often asked for more American intervention.

The airstrike hit was in Syria. He left his home and was traveling on the road when the hit came. The hit was a "flawless" target kill. The U.S. will evaluate the area before they can pass confirmation of death.
Mohammed Emwazi (born Muhammad Jassim Abdulkarim Olayan al-Dhafiri) was a Kuwaiti-British man who is thought to be the person seen in several videos produced by the Islamic extremist group ISIL showing the beheadings of a number of captives in 2014 and 2015. He was born in August 1988.

Mohammad Emwazi was outed by the intelligence agencies after they determined his departure from Britain to join the extremist group. Some of his friends and family described him as a angry young man. .

The family of James Foley came out with a statement saying that the death of this man doesn't change the fact that President Barack Obama failed their son.

Okay, that annoying conservative agitator and Pam Geller often criticize Obama for being weak on terrorism.

Under Obama's order, the CIA and U.S. military has killed al-Qaeda's Osama bin Laden, Adam Gahdan, Anwar al-Awlaki, Abu Anas al-Libi and Fazul Abdullah Mohammed.

They have disrupted the Islamic State's leadership role by hitting top chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Besides Mohammed Emwazi, German rapper Deso Dogg (Denis Cuspert) was killed in a drone strike a few weeks ago.

World News Today send our condolences to those innocent victims killed in these senseless tragedies.

Monday, November 09, 2015

The Junk Food Media Shields Israel's Brutal Killings Of Palestinians!

When you hear about the conflict in the Middle East, the American junk food media often says that the region is unstable.

We can credit one country in the middle of the conflict.

Remember this year, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said publicly that Israel will continue building settlements and peace with Palestine isn't happening.

That helped push Netanyahu to win another term as the country's most controversial leader.

Netanyahu will come back to the United States to meet President Barack Obama again. This will be the first time they've meet. The last time Netanyahu came to the U.S., he was invited by the ex-Weeper John Boehner on the whim of a hotly contested election in Israel.

Netanyahu spoke to the Joint Session of Congress to denounce the Iranian deal. The president wasn't thrilled that he showed up to denounce the historic deal. The deal was proposed by the U.S. with assistance from China, Russia, Great Britain, Germany and France.

Obama and his administration behind the scenes hates dealing with him. The Netanyahu administration share the same mutual disdain.

Enter Ran Baratz, a media adviser who got the White House infuriated this month. This guy has appeared on conservative agitating media popping off.

He declared that President Obama is a modern day anti-Semite and said of Secretary of State John Kerry being the intellectual body of a 12 year old.

Netanyahu's choice of Baratz is pretty much, a middle finger to the president. Baratz is a hardliner who believes that Israel should wipe the Gaza Strip and West Bank off the map.

The junk food media immediately pounced on this figure after he shared some not so nice social media postings about America and the first Black president. He also went after the Israeli president Reuven Rivlin.

Rivlin, who is the president of the country doesn't have much power. He's basically the ceremonial and figurehead of the country. Netanyahu is the chief. The prime minister of Israel is the most powerful leader in the country.

Rivlin was mocked by Baratz for flying economy class and shaking hands with Muslim citizens. In other words, Rivlin is weak.  He has gotten a share of death threats from extremists.

The P+6 deal is in effect and Iran is keeping its word on disarming. The deal will have a 10 year freeze on nuclear progress. They will have access to nuclear energy. The will have sanctions lifted accordingly.

Israel since its founding became a lightening rod to conflict. Many view Israel as the biblical Holy Land. Its most sacred sites are clustered in Jerusalem’s Old City, including the Temple Mount, Dome of the Rock shrine, Al-Aqsa Mosque and Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Many Muslims believe that the Israeli government has systematically punished the Palestinians with sanctions and unwarranted genocide.

When rumors of the Israeli government blocking access to a historical mosque, tension once again rose in the region.

In a 3:1 ratio, Israeli have killed Palestinians. The junk food media covered last month's tension.

A major escalation occurred at the outset of October, marked by daily stabbing assaults by "lone wolf" Palestinians, and other attacks by Palestinian terror cells, mainly in the contested Old City of Jerusalem and in East Jerusalem.sparking fears of a Third Intifada.

Commentators have variously analysed the phenomenon as the consequence of either a viral social-media campaign that may have influenced and motivated the Palestinian attackers, or as a result of frustration over the failure of peace talks to end the decades-long occupation and the suppression of human rights.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been accused of incitement to violence.

The mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat encouraged "licensed gun owners to carry their weapons to increase security."

During October, at least 68 Palestinians, were killed by Israel military and border police forces, 43 of whom were identified by the IDF as attackers in incidents such as stabbing, vehicular and gun attacks, though the interpretation of some of these incidents as 'terrorist' attacks has been questioned. In the same month, according to the Palestine Red Crescent Society, Israeli operations aimed at suppressing or dispersing demonstrations and protests in many of which stones, rocks and Molotov cocktails are thrown, injured an estimated 8,262 Palestinians, 2,617 by gun wounds, 760 by live fire, 1,857 by rubber-coated steel bullets.

As of November, 817 violent demonstrations occurred as well as 851 stone throwing and 377 molotov cocktail incidents, in which one Israeli was killed.

Since the eve of Rosh Hashanah, 11 Israelis were killed by Palestinian violence. IDF have recorded 75 indiscriminate terrorist attacks by Palestinians against Israeli civilians and security forces, 43 of which were in the West Bank, 22 in the Jerusalem municipality, and 11 within the Green Line (excluding Jerusalem), in which 10 Israelis were killed. An Eritrean was shot and lynched after mistakenly identified as an attacker during the Beersheva bus station shooting and died later.

 Israeli security forces arrested five members of a Hamas affiliated terror cell that killed 2 Israeli civilians on October 1.

The number of rocket attacks from Hamas lead Gaza strip increased in the same month.

In addition in early October, a 'lone wolf' Palestinian female bomber detonated a bomb in her car after being stopped on a road to Jerusalem, while yelling "Allahu Akbar."

The international community considers the use of indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations as illegal under international law.

Tensions will be on full display as Netanyahu visits the White House.

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