Showing posts with label Mark Zuckerberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Zuckerberg. Show all posts

Monday, July 01, 2013

Kiss The Cook Goodbye!

Reality television star catching flack for uttering racial slurs about Blacks.

Even in the midst of a major controversy involving celebrity chef Paula Deen, another reality television star goes off on the social networks attacking the Black community.

There's a show on Fox called MasterChef. It's part of the Kitchen Nightmares series with British celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay.

The show picks amateur and home chefs in a competitive race. The one to be chosen with bring forth their  signature dish for the three judges. Each judge takes a taste of the dish and gives his opinion before voting a "yes" or a "no". At least two "yes" votes are required to earn a white MasterChef apron, allowing the competitor to advance.

Krissi Biasiello, a contestant on the fourth season of Fox's "MasterChef," has a nasty social media past.

The Philly Daily News catches the competitor popping off at the mouth. Mediaite obtains the portions of the controversial Twitter post. The woman deleted her person page but kept her fan page online. Unfortunately whomever gotten a hold of the posts are sharing them with the reps for Fox Broadcasting and Entertainment.

Mediaite claims that a reporter unearthed the two now-deleted tweets showing Biasiello making some pretty derogatory comments last year.

Biasiello is a 34-year-old paralegal based out of Philadelphia. She is currently placed within the top 11 contestants on this fourth season of MasterChef, a competitive cooking reality program co-hosted by Gordon Ramsay.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Embarrassing Pictures Force Woman To Sue Former School!

Chelsea Chaney is suing her former high school after a picture of her turned up on public websites.

Since this is an issue of what you post on the social networks, we will clearly explain this story.

Even though this has nothing to do with him, Snoop Dogg (or known as Snoop Lion) continues to be in the news. This controversy once again shows that whatever you post on the internet is there "FOREVER".

I've learned this. And hopefully she'll learn this.

At least on this message she will now make sure that everything posted stays just simple. She will keep her posting on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube smaller and it may drive her away from them.

I've done it. Millions of others have too.

A woman from Georgia is suing her former high school after it was revealed that some of her pictures on the social network Facebook were turning up on the school's rules of the media policy website.

She wants $2 million in damages for the embarrassing photo being seen. She is standing near a cuttout poster of Snoop Lion. She is wearing a scantly clad bikini.

The Daily Nothing has covered this. Of course I am guessing they were hoping that Big Snoop would have some role in this so they could blame President Barack Obama for this. They reporting that Chelsea Chaney, who is now a freshman at the University of Georgia, said the photo was taken on a family vacation when she was 17 years old. She took the picture sometime ago.

Chaney posted the photo on her Facebook page, believing that only people she had accepted as Facebook friends (and, of course, their friends) would be able to see it.

The director of technology at Starr’s Mill High School then decided to show the image during a well-attended district-wide seminar focused on the long-term dangers of social media.

In the seminar, which allegedly occurred when Chaney was a student at the school and a minor, the caption of Chaney’s bikini-clad photo was allegedly: “Once it’s there, it’s there to stay.”

“I was embarrassed. I was horrified,” Chaney told a WSB-TV reporter. “It never crossed my mind that it would ever — that this would ever happen to me.”

The school official allegedly failed to obtain — or, apparently, even try to obtain — Chaney’s or her parents’ permission.

The unnamed school official did later apologize, in writing, explaining that the image had been “randomly chosen.”

Chaney did not accept the apology. She also remains skeptical of the motive.

“I just don’t think it was random,” she said. “It wasn’t my main picture. You had to go looking through it.”

Pete Wellborn, an attorney now representing Chaney and her family, told the ABC affiliate that he has filed a lawsuit on her behalf for $2 million, alleging that the school district violated federal law, state law and Chaney’s constitutional rights.

Wellborn maintains that a person does not cede rights to others by posting images on Internet sites such as Facebook.

“Their idea that putting something on Facebook gives them a license to steal it and carte blanche to do with it what they did is wrong ethically, it’s wrong morally and it’s absolutely wrong legally,” the attorney argued.

“I just don’t want this to happen to another student,” Chaney added, according to the station.

The school district denied legal liability but otherwise declined to comment on the litigation.

Snoop Dogg appears on Doggystyle Records/RCA Records.


Saturday, June 08, 2013

They're F**king Animals Says 911 Operator!

Racist: April Sims, from Dallas, Texas, compares black people to 'animals', says they have 'sh** for brains' and blames them for wasting time calling 911
Pretty stupid. A woman gets her walking papers after uttering racial slurs about 911 callers.

If you're a supporter of the conservative movement, then you'll realize that the state of Texas is likely a home for you and your ignorant friends.

April Sims, a 911 operator is in some hot water for some of her comments on the social networking websites. The stupid broad had went into the internet complaining about how Black people are "animals" and how "they have 'shit for brains'" and blames them for wasting time calling 911.

The posts on her page were not available but one of her Facebook friends sent them to a local news station.

One read: "Black people are outrageous! They are more like animals, they never know how to act, just loud Niggers! Always causing problems."

"I can count on one hand the black people I know who don't have [expletive] for brains. I can count on one hand the black people I know who aren't selfish."

The Daily Mail obtained these offensive posts and the city of Dallas are calling for an investigation into her and her fellow staff members.

Another post said: "You want to call 911 cause your boyfriend put his hands on you and you want to press charges when you don't even know his real name?!"

"Sure let's make a police report for Dino, that is his street name."

The broad was terminated for reckless judgement while on social networking websites. This incident also put her former co-workers on egg shells the next time they have a problem with "us Black folk".

The policy prohibits employees from posting items or information that may adversely affect the morale, confidence, and public respect of the department.

She was hired by the department in December.

Dallas City Councilman Dwaine Caraway told WFAA that the incident 'embarrasses not just the department, it embarrasses the city.

"Number one, I am shocked and it saddens me to know that this is going on and still taking place in today's time, especially here in 911."
Remarks: The posts on her page were not available but one of her Facebook friends sent them to a local news station
Blacks are just loud NIGGERS says April Sims.
Sims is said to have contacted a News8 reporter last night to say that nothing on her page has been deleted.

On her Facebook postings, someone asks her if her page was hacked. She responds by saying she stands by every word.

Also on her page, in response to someone who challenged the remarks, she hinted at some of the difficulties facing 911 operators and callers.

"You should be more worried about the fact that there is often no Spanish speaker on duty. We have to call a 3rd party language line therefore causing those citizens to wait over a minute for emergency assistance."

"All because the city doesn't want to pay employees more speak Spanish. That’s what you should be worried about."

Her page still states that she works as a '911 CALLTAKER at Dallas Police Department'.

I am guessing now that she's gotten international attention, she'll eventually apologize for her comments. She'll say that she was misguided by stereotypes and has friends who are Black. She probably says that she's a fan of Lil' Wayne and Michael Jackson.

Of course, this woman invited herself some death threats from the mentally disturbed. It never fails that for every time you're engaging in this type of behavior and you're a public servant it makes its harder for Black people to trust those in law enforcement.

She made the Dallas Police look extremely bad. Seeing that the police force is trying to clean house after an incident involving some of its officers. Two officers profiled two Black man in his neighborhood.

Friday, April 05, 2013

"Best Looking" Attorney General Sparks Controversy!

California Attorney General Kamala Harris and President Barack Obama. The uproar over  "the best looking" attorney general is another example of the junk food media's coverage of the president. Of course, inserting that the president is a "sexist" and rumors of affairs will swirl around the internet.

Sound the alarms, the president is a sexist! Why you ask?

Because President Barack Obama made a comment about the Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris being an attractive woman, and the media circus goes bananas. Of course, in the conservative/white supremacist bubble they're word vomiting about how the "dictator" is a "sexist pig".

Soon you're hear stories about the president having an affair with Harris. Of course, Harris is married with children. Harris was part of the Obama campaign outreach for Hispanics and Asian/Pacific Islander voters.

Of course, this was Obama at a fundraiser where the microphones were off and the media was excluded.

So this is what blew up Twitter overnight.

Another newsworthy story posted on that guy who throws shit to the wall hoping it will stick!

Obama assessed the beauty of California’s attorney general Kamala Harris, calling her “the best looking attorney general,” during remarks at a fundraiser in Atherton, California.

The junk food media continues to be shunned by the president. The conservatives seriously believe the media is in the tank for the president. As of recently, the media tuned in to see Kerry Washington's show Scandal.

They're hiding in the bushes looking for the slip of the tongue by the president, First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Whatever they say, it's certainly going to raise the conservative/white supremacist bubble.

The Washington Post reports that Obama diverged from his prepared remarks to praise the looks of the state attorney general, Kamala Harris.

She’s brilliant and she’s dedicated, she’s tough,” he said. “She also happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general.

It’s true! C’mon, he added, to laughter from the crowd.

Obama is in California raising money for the 2014 election cycle. This event raising funds for the Democratic National Committee was a garden party at the home of Levi Strauss-heir John Goldman.

Harris is seen as a potential gubernatorial candidate, although her speech at last summer’s Democratic National Convention did not generate much buzz. SCOTUSBlog has named her as a potential Supreme Court justice, while acknowledging that electoral timing might make her an unlikely pick. The daughter of an Indian mother and a Jamaican-American father, she has been described as “the female Barack Obama.”

Monday, March 18, 2013

Man Wants Idiotic Thief To Return His iPad!

A month later, Engstrom and his family were surprised when a stranger's self-portraits began appearing on their Apple devices. "After a while we figured out what was going on," Engstrom told KTHV News. "That's the person that has my iPad." A stupid woman decides to steal a man's iPod and the man seeks to publicly humiliate this individual into returning it.

Well it's picking up steam on Buzzfeed, a liberal-leaning news agitating blog that covers viral videos and stories.

Could you imagine the moron would try to use his device to take a self-portrait of herself?

You know this mug will be featured on some racist watering hole.

When the public sees this face, they'll alert the police.

Still you got to admit that in the digital age, you wouldn't be that stupid to post a crime you do online, right?

This kind of nonsense will light up the conservative/white supremacists forums with ugly racial slurs, word vomits about Black on White crime, and of course an Obama name drop! This will be a reason for these extremists to paint Blacks as NIGGERS who commit crimes to the WHITE MAN! They've concluded that the NIGGERS voted for that MUSLIM SOCIALIST WHO DISGRACED THIS COUNTRY with his GUBMINT GIVEAWAYS. 

The conservative/white supremacist bubble will name drop Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Trayvon Martin in their word vomits. 

White supremacists already label Black people as "animals" who have their monkey paws on their properties.

Rewind to the CPAC event. A white nationalist was saying that he's being disenfranchised because of him being a WHITE GUY. He thought it was cool that Blacks deserved to be enslaved. In his mind, he believes that crime would be down if Blacks were enslaved.
Allen Engstrom will take his campaign to the internet. He will post the photo of the iPad thief online to eventually shame the individual into returning the device. The police are hoping they'll find the woman as well.
Now this young woman makes the guy look like a genius. Black people like this individual makes agitators like Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Neal Boortz, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin, and the numerous White supremacists online rally their base of bigotry.

Allen Engstrom of North Little Rock, Arkansas is making the news recently. He was on a plane trip from Phoenix to Denver when his iPad was left on the plane.

Engstrom says that the iPad has his name and contact information etched onto its back, so whoever has the tablet knows that it's not theirs.
Since he linked his iPad to Apple's iCloud service, all his music, photos and podcast were on every device his family owned. A month into the iPad being missing, these strange pictures started to show up on his other Apple devices.

Engstrom realized that something was amiss when his young son received a bizarre picture via the family’s photo stream.

"He said, Mommy, who's this? And of course, she said, I have no idea who that is. It showed up on my phone too," Engstrom told Denver's KTHV. "After a while, we figured out what was going on. That's the person that has my iPad."

While it’s unlikely that Engstrom will be able to recover his stolen iPad, he has managed to capitalize on the thief’s stupidity.

On one picture, he wrote “Hey cool! This is an actual pic of the wonderful person who stole my iPad. Apparently the pics she is taking of herself are backing up and appearing on my phone. No I'm not kidding, this is really happening.

"I have no problem with putting it on Facebook, because, hey, it's fun for me, and it's apparently fun for a lot of other people, and there's always the chance that someone will say, hey, I know who that is," Engstrom told KHTV. "And I want my iPad back."

Engstrom's social media exploits have also generated some leads. By coordinating with fellow Twitter and Facebook users, he has learned that the iPad bandit lives in Phoenix, as well as her Instagram account name.

Of course, all of this could have been avoided if Engstrom hadn't turned off the device’s location function.

This broad is not any one of his friends. So he was hoping that he could communicate to the woman to get it back. After all he left his name and information inscribed in the back of the iPad, just in case if it was lost.

To this day, the device hasn't been returned.

So the only way to get this iPad back, he takes his revenge on the thief by posting all her photos online through his Facebook and Twitter pages.

It's going viral.

So far the public campaign is growing and people are starting to notice. It's just a matter of time and patience.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Is Facebook On The Decline?

Has Facebook reached the peak? Will it head for the decline!


Today, I offer my honest opinion on the world's largest social networking website and the potential for a mighty downfall. As Facebook reached the peak of 1 billion active users, the world's largest social networking website has finally "jump the shark" and the peak of its popularity!

I can testify as a member of this!

For years I wanted to be with the "IT" crowd. I wanted to be "friends" with anyone and anybody!

My family, friends, ex-girlfriends, co-workers, and even my boss were friends on Facebook. I kept in touch with them through birthdays, anniversaries, new children, deaths and celebrations. I've posted on their walls about my life and how I'm doing! The more friends I've gotten, the better I felt. It's was one of the greatest feelings to be wanted. I mean "how cool is that?"

Then I realized that I wasn't moving as fast as my friends and family. They're celebrating weddings, births, and new achievements. I haven't experienced any in the past four years. So I seen myself at a peak of jealous and depression.

Longing for the days of success, I seen myself as a failure!

Since I gotten involved in politics, sports and social issues, I let myself become a somewhat popular figure on social networks. I have talked about issues in politics, my community and the media. I done it on my YouTube page and sometimes on my Facebook page.

Some didn't like the way I talked about it! So of course, these individuals bait you into a hostile discussion. Of course I'm getting angry with a complete stranger on a social network? Kind of silly right? Well when you're exhausted all you could of the individual you block that person!

You thought it would be over!


Well some didn't like that! So they pretend to be a friend and you add them! And of course they start stealing your pictures and learn how you operate online! They get a hold of this and then create many phony profiles of you. Then they prowl on your friends and bait them into a hostile debate.

Then you get harass by "yourself".

"I don't care what you do!" So why would I care about Facebook and other social networks?

I grown tired of MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube!

I mainly focused on social blogs such as this one and others I've done!

Reasons for Facebook's decline!

1) Jealousy Among Friends And Family Members: Seeing your ex-lover showing off their new partner. One of your ex-lover became a first time parent and you thought it would been you! Your friend was invited to a wedding of a rival. You had a friend who shows off their new "ride"! Too many pictures of your friend's children or changes to their home. Your family members have a special relationship and your not apart of it! Family members brag about winning the lottery, new home or meeting famous celebrities.

You always thought you could of had a piece of the action!

You're not alone!

Many psychologists see that Facebook has contributed to a rise of anger, depression and resentment towards friends, family members, celebrities and politicians. To think that when you hear a person say that "Facebook is so much like high school!" you're thinking damn it's too much drama! Of course we're all human! Facebook triggers emotions. I have seen friends and family members share emotions online and it's never enough!

2) Social Networking Etiquette: How is that, LOL (Laughing Out Loud)?

You know most Americans are trying to shorting their language online. We learned that the possibilities are endless for the newest "it" word.

Many people on Facebook lack the social etiquette when it comes to issues. Some people are failing into the trap of Facebook's don'ts. For one thing, we're all human and we have emotions. We like to share things to friends, family and even complete strangers.

The most dangerous thing to do is add "everyone"! Not everyone is your friend. For far too long, I've accepted friends from across the world. Some were cool, others weren't.

The 'friends" that were accepted weren't so nice!

You set yourself for a potential of hacking into your account. Your most happiest or embarrassing pictures are going to be on a file sharing site or a porn website. A cyberbully/cyberstalker will take your pictures and make derogatory themes using Photoshop and Photo Magic.

You may find some things objectionable. Say if you're a fan of Barack Obama and your friend is a fan of Mitt Romney. You would see a bitter fall out over politics.

Say if you're speaking in abbreviation (ROFL, LOL, and LMAO), some may understand these. Others think you may have to educate yourself!

3) Mark Zuckerberg. A billionaire before 30. He and his co-founders have became exceptionally rich. But have they've become a product of the very thing they've hated! Being one of the elites?

You hear stories about the often hoodie wearing social nerd and his vast expansions. But like every citizen in this country, he's a success story. Having dropping out of Harvard to become the CEO of a major social networking company, it pretty neat.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The young billionaire urges high school students to get involved with innovation.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.

Last year, Zuckerberg announced that Facebook was going to trade publicly on the NASDAQ stock exchange. When the bell drop, it help propel him into an instant millionaire.

He would later marry his longtime girlfriend a few days later.

Facebook purchased photo sharing website Instagram.

The Facebook stock bust. Now people were expecting the Facebook stock to soar. It didn't. It's trading between $19 and $35 a share. Still a lot of money involved. But a major fail.

What happened?
Are you addicted to Facebook?
People are still very cautious about investing in the internet. Hence the Silicon Valley bust of 2001.

It seems like now even responding on his personal wall may cost some funds. The Wall Street Journal reported that it may cost you money to post on famous celebrities "personal" pages. It's being tested and most aren't hip to the idea.

It's always free for you to create a Facebook profile. But the added features that come with it will start costing you some cash.

Some decry this a Facebook selling out to the very heart of its existence.

4)  Randi Zuckerberg. The sister of founder Mark Zuckerberg was in the news last year. She was the chief marketing director for Facebook. She became a victim of the very thing that millions of users complained about, their privacy.

A friend of a friend saw a personal picture of her with her brother and family.

Randi was really pissed at a user using her personal photos on Twitter. She took to Twitter and responded to the user with some not so nice comments.


The woman responded back to Randi and apologized. She stated that since she's a subscriber of the feed, she (and hundreds of others) saw Randi's photo and wanted to share it.

Randi didn't see that. Although she accepted the apology, she made a snide comment afterwards.

Hence this little spat made the news. In all the fuss, the media made light of it and people labeled her a hypocrite for allowing Facebook to use pictures of others without their permission. And seeing that privacy was a major concern among parents, who's to say what's your and not Facebook's.

5) Privacy. As Randi saw it, her business isn't your business.

And that's a problem here on Facebook. With the new features on the social networking website, one could figure it's not that hard to keep your most important pictures out of the limelight.

Your job interview could go sour if the person who is doing the hiring searches on your Facebook profile and find some picture that find offensive.

You may support a political candidate but your business doesn't.

You trashed your former job, your former co-workers and your old boss. You bragged that you've gotten a job interview before you've got hired.

Your pictures of that last party where you're totally wasted.

It's all a part of the social norms you're going to regret when you post online.

Privacy advocates are trying to convince Facebook to make it harder for employers to search your profile and even obtain your passwords.

Some people are willing to take a huge risk in order to get a job. They'll allow the employer to search their profiles.

Cyberstalkers and cyberbullies love the opportunity to see a lapse in privacy. Some will steal your photos and use them for offensive themes.

6) Phony Profiles: We're only one person. Probably with the same name but different looks! Facebook has a rise of this problem. Since it's free to create a social networking page, Facebook can't stop the ongoing issue with fake profiles and bogus links to steal information.

Do you like a television show like Modern Family?

Did you like singers like Lady Gaga's Facebook page?

Did you want to post a comment on the "official" page of Labron James?

All of these profiles explained are created by their representatives to keep you informed about their appearances or events coming up! They rarely if ever be on the internet. Celebrities do have a Facebook page that stands alone without the glamour and glory. When you're on top, many want to take you down!

It's mostly MEN who create phony profiles of you!

Some men can't take "NO" for an answer! It's a famous quote for women who can't get rid of their ex-boyfriends or husbands.

Yes, this is a big issue! Some who create phony profiles never understand the consequences of it!

Some people have no lives so they'll try to ruin yours in order to make themselves feel better!

7) Breeding Ground For Hate Speech: I don't like you and your kind!

I'll create pages for hating you and those who think or look like you!

Etiquette is a theme that is commonly ignored on social networks.

When you have a disagreement with a person, do you let it go or do you jump into the fray?

Ideological changes in our society has pitted Americans into a colorblind mentality! If it didn't happen to me, why should I care?

I can tell you that there's more hate themed pages on Facebook. The freedom of speech allows these individuals to put up websites disparaging women, Blacks, Hispanics, those in LGBT community, those who practice in Christianity, Muslims or Jewish.

White supremacists and political junkies alike have taken to Facebook to vent off inflammatory rhetoric!

Many extremists online have personally vented off their hatred of President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Republican nominee Mitt Romney, New Jersey governor Chris Christie, and among others in the political arena.

8) Cyberbullying/Cyberstalking: I'm you or at least I'm pretending to be you!

I've had people use my photos without my permission. I had people create multiple Facebook profiles, YouTube profiles, Blogger pages with the intent to "shame" me, slander me and paint me to be something I'm not.


The cyberbully/cyberstalker creates emotional distress. The individual can ruin your reputation and cost you your job. Having someone posting your personal address and phone number in a fake profile is the ultimate insult. The cyberbully/cyberstalker invite problems by harassing you with personal threats and unwanted advances.

It's only funny, until someone gets hurt. And believe me it's getting worse on Facebook.

The legal ramifications are coming. Some are resulting to suing Facebook to subpoena the person who created the website.

Megan Meier, Phoebe Prince and Tyler Clementi were victims of not only bullying but cyberbullying and cyberstalking. Each of these individuals committed suicide.

9) Stock Price Tumble/Tax Breaks: The Facebook stock fail already signals the demise. When Facebook went public, many thought that this would be the new digital bubble. Alas, it wasn't!

Stock traded below the intended value and so far managed to keep above the average of $30.00 a share.

In shares, you could have $300 million if you play the stock market right!

And recently, Facebook came under scrutiny for getting a nine figure tax break. That $1.1 billion in earned revenue gave the social network $429 million.
Click it.
10) DCMA, Usage Of Pictures And Videos Without Permission: With the copyright being the center of social networking, you may end up posting someone else property on Facebook and it's likely going to have you paying royalties.

11) Who's Your "REAL" Friends: You are loved! You've felt the need to keep on adding friends. Friends of friends. People who are complete strangers. Wow, you're looking like a winner! Wait a minute!

Your best friend dropped you a friend. You sent an invite to a girl you like and she's not accepted your friend request. Oh wow, you didn't get invited to an event of a friend. Your friends missed your birthday and didn't like your important moments.

People usually get really riled up with friends dropping friends on Facebook. Somehow if you spurn someone online, it may come back to haunt you in the long run.

12) Crime: Only an idiot would post an unlawful act on Facebook. Yet, there's hundreds of people who do this. From the young woman who robbed a bank and posted on social networks to a person admitting he killed a person, Facebook is the bragging rights for criminals.

You go on a long vacation and have a picture of your home in the background. It's an invitation for a burglar.

People have the opportunity to look at a person's location marker to determine where they live or where they work.

It's like catnip to the criminals who figure since you're not at home! You bragged about having an Xbox, iPad, or Samsung digital television you got for Christmas. You leave for work or vacation and when you come home, it's gone.

13) Suicide: The most horrible thing in life is to lose a family member or a friend to a suicide. Like this is a common theme here with Facebook. It allows hate speech, cyberstalkers, cyberbullies and privacy invasions to occur online. Some people ignore it. Others let it drive them to death.

When MySpace was at its peak, Megan Meier hung herself. The young teenager killed herself after a former friend and her mother created a fake profile to lure the girl into thinking this was a boyfriend.

Phoebe Prince, a young teenager from Massachusetts killed herself after her tormentors bullied her at school and on Facebook.

Tyler Clementi was the Rutgers Student who committed suicide after his roommate and another woman broadcast online Clementi's relationship with another man to the college campus. The young man jumped off the George Washington Bridge because of it.

Facebook does create suicide for hundreds of individuals who felt the world is too cruel and they have no other option but to end it all.

In closing, Facebook also can inspire grassroots activism in the terms of suicide among those who use the website.

Many should understand the plight of Facebook and how it's impact has made social networking easier.

I say this with no regrets.

I'm taking an indefinite break from Facebook crowd. It's too much drama and I don't want to be in it!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Applebee's Cans Worker After Complaining Online About Rude Customer!

Ill will: Applebee's waitress Chelsea Welch was shown the door two days after she posted Pastor Alois Bell's passive aggressive memo on Reddit
Ms. Chelsea Welch, I've been in your shoes! I promise it'll get better! - Blue Light Buzz
Customer leaves server an offensive message on a receipt. The server post it on the social networks and she gets fired for the posting!

A lesson to me and millions of users of the social networks, once you post something and it hits the internet, it's there forever. And it could get you in trouble not only with your family, but your job! It could get you a lawsuit! It could lead to law enforcement arresting you! The digital fingerprint is just easy to obtain than a person's fingerprint!

Take this as a lesson to how bad publicity eventually gets a worker fired. And even though, she didn't intend on making her job look bad, her behavior express irresponsibility and lack of judgment.

The young woman Chelsea Welch, a server at a St. Louis area Applebee's got stiffed a tip from a customer.

The customer leaves a not so nice comment on the receipt and the young woman took it to Reddit and it went viral.

I am assuming that the customer got the death threats and probably a dose of national shame. So in order to get revenge, the customer calls the corporate offices of Applebee's. The company had no choice but to fire the young woman.

Even though Chelsea deserves to vent off her frustration with rude customers, her position is to basically shrug it off and move on! And yes it's very hard to take it! But if you work in retail, it's best to satisfy the customer.

The customer was a pastor of a local church. Alois Bell is the person who left the message "I Give God 10%, Why Do You Get 18%?

Speaking out: Pastor Alois Bell says the note was a 'lapse in judgment'
Alois Bell, the pastor who caused a controversy!
The Daily Mail tells the tale of a pastor, a waitress and the not so "GODLY" tip!

An Applebee's waitress has been fired after a bizarre handwritten note from an annoyed customer turned into the latest internet sensation.

The waitress in St Louis, Missouri, identified as Chelsea Welch, was shown the door two days after she posted the passive aggressive memo on the popular site

Next to the line indicating that an 18 per cent tip had been automatically added to the bill, the customer, a local pastor, crossed out the tip total, replaced it with a 'zero' and wrote: the offensive message.

She then signed the bill 'Pastor Alois Bell.'

Befuddled, Ms. Welch posted a photo of the bill on Reddit with the headline: 'My mistake sir, I'm sure Jesus will pay for my rent and groceries.'
Fired Applebee's waitress Chelsea Welch
Chelsea Welch was served her walking papers after posting a complaint about a rude customer on Reddit.
Ms. Welch said she was not the waitress who received the note, and posted it on behalf of a fellow Applebee's worker.

But as the posting took on a life of its own on the internet this week, Ms.Welch was fired.

She said that she's a dedicated employee and was shocked to hear the news.

Ms. Welch told The Consumerist: 'When I posted this, I didn't represent Applebee's in a bad light. In fact, I didn't represent them at all. I did my best to protect the identity of all parties involved. I didn't break any specific guidelines in the company handbook - I checked.

She went on: 'But because this person got embarrassed that their selfishness was made public, Applebee's has made it clear that they would rather lose a dedicated employee than lose an angry customer. That's a policy I can't understand.'

In a statement to The Smoking Gun, Applebee's spokesman Dan Smith said: 'Our franchisee has apologized to the guest,' and that the employee who posted the bill to Reddit 'is no longer employed by the franchise.'

Speaking to KTVI-TV on Thursday, the pastor said she should have thought better of the message she wrote.

Ms. Bell, who preaches at the Truth in the Word Deliverance Ministries, told the station: That was a lapse in my judgment. I should've have did that. I apologize for that. I'm human. I did that.'

She also said that despite reports, she didn't stiff the waitress. In fact, she left two tips - the 18 percent automatic tip and an additional $6 she left on the table.

Also on Thursday, a 'Boycott Applebee's for Chelsea Welch' page sprung up on Facebook, with users venting their outrage against the chain and one user even offering Ms. Welch a job.

This pastor is a Black woman. The server was a White woman.

A big Black woman! A young White woman!

Guess what this is going to do?

I'll bet you that the moment it hits the conservative/White supremacist bubble, it's going to be another word salad mixed with racial slurs and nuts! Of course another dig at President Barack Obama and primates!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Obama: [GOP] Really Need To Drop Rush Limbaugh And Fox News!

President Barack Obama aims at Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

President Barack Obama plans an aggressive agenda. The president is aiming at two old foes that seem to keep his name in the negative light. In a interview with The New Republic, the president lets the publication know that he's no fan of these two and warns the Republicans to drop them fast!

Fox News and conservative agitator Rush Limbaugh finally pissed off President Barack Obama. The first four years were devoted to trashing him and his administration. The conservative leaning network plays favorites to Republicans and not so nice to Democrats.

President Barack Obama feels now rejuvenated and willing to taking on adversaries in the media. The conservative media was disasterous for the Republicans, the National Rifle Association, FreedomWorks, CrossroadsGPS and other organizations that swore a swift defeat of an embattled president. President Barack Obama outmatched the Republicans and now has them painted as extremists.
Rush Limbaugh is going to respond to the president's criticism after The New Republic interview.
They're going through some deep soul-searching.

Chris Hughes, the co-founder of Facebook and an outspoken advocate for LGBT rights, owns The New Republic. He was a coordinator for the president's reelection campaign.

Hughes owns the liberal news magazine and revamped its image. The president's interview signals a rebirth of the once struggling organization. This article will go viral soon. It will also merit swift responses from Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and their supporters.

Believe me, it's like the 2009 issue all over again!

The president ate with Republicans and stated to some congressional members that "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done!"

Before the president took his first oath of office, Rush Limbaugh offered some not so nice compliments to him! He stated that he "hopes Obama fails". That became the rally cry among the Republicans and their conservative allies.

The New Republic has released the article. Some of the most important pieces of the article include his criticism of Fox News and Limbaugh. The part that got the most attention:
I think if you talk privately to Democrats and Republicans, particularly those who have been around for a while, they long for the days when they could socialize and introduce bipartisan legislation and feel productive. So I don't think the issue is whether or not there are people of goodwill in either party that want to get something done. I think what we really have to do is change some of the incentive structures so that people feel liberated to pursue some common ground.
One of the biggest factors is going to be how the media shapes debates. If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you'll see more of them doing it.
I think [House Speaker] John Boehner (R-Ohio) genuinely wanted to get a deal done, but it was hard to do in part because his caucus is more conservative probably than most Republican leaders are, and partly because he is vulnerable to attack for compromising Republican principles and working with Obama.
[L]et me be clear. There's not a — there's no equivalence there. In fact, that's one of the biggest problems we've got in how folks report about Washington right now, because I think journalists rightly value the appearance of impartiality and objectivity. And so the default position for reporting is to say, "A plague on both their houses." On almost every issue, it's, "Well, Democrats and Republicans can't agree"—as opposed to looking at why is it that they can't agree. Who exactly is preventing us from agreeing?
The president also sets the record straight on issues that most conservatives seem to ignore! In the interview, the president urges the public to demand their elected leaders to pass comprehensive immigration reform and a ban on assault weapons. The president knocks the NRA for their ad on him and his children. He also shared to The New Republic that he's a shooter too!
[When I am at Camp David] oftentimes [I've invited] guests of mine to go up there. And I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations. And I think those who dismiss that out of hand make a big mistake.
Part of being able to move this forward is understanding the reality of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas. And if you grew up and your dad gave you a hunting rifle when you were ten, and you went out and spent the day with him and your uncles, and that became part of your family's traditions, you can see why you'd be pretty protective of that. 
So it's trying to bridge those gaps that I think is going to be part of the biggest task over the next several months. And that means that advocates of gun control have to do a little more listening than they do sometimes.
The very mention of Rush Limbaugh will have him in a giddy. The fact that he's mention gives him a badge of honor. Because the president mentions him, the conservative agitator will brag that he's getting under the president's skin.
The president's far left agenda spells trouble for Americans! - Bill O'Reilly.
The president clearly wants to fight against Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News, The Drudge Report and the NRA! He's grown tired of the divisive bullcrap spewed by the likes of these people.

I am all for taking them down hard!

Let's root for President Barack Obama to take these extremist on!

The fight didn't end on election day! It ends when you see Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and their conservative allies tone down or get shut down!

NOTE: These individuals are entitled to their opinions and the like. But due to the recent violent incidents that happen during the first term, I seriously think that there will more mass shootings inspired by the angry rhetoric of talk radio, Fox News, the conservative blogs and White supremacists websites. And yes, some crazy WHITE EXTREMIST will carry out an act of terror in the name of politics or religion.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I've Never Seen Barack Obama Eat Watermelon!

Real laugh riot!
But those conservatives once again bring forth their hatred of the nation's first Black president in a negative condescending and practically racist theme.

No surprise that the state of Kentucky is the hub of Appalachia. These poor ignorant ass White people fear the Godless Muslim, Socialist, Commie, Traitor And His Fat Ass Wife That Looks Like A Baboon.

See it's never us that invoke the hate, it's always them. They prove to Blacks, Hispanics and non-White Americans that Republicans aren't focused on the concerns. They're focused on dividing us with class warfare and then turn around and blame President Barack Obama for their own doing.

A Casey County man says the life-sized mannequin in his front yard of President Obama holding a slice of watermelon was meant as a joke and not a racist display.

"The way I look at it, it's freedom of speech," said Danny Hafley. "I don't know how other people will take it."
WHITE EXTREMIST Danny Hafley stands near his statue.
Hafley bought the Obama mask on sale after Halloween and put up the display around the time of November's presidential election.

The mannequin, dressed in a grey suit, clip-on tie and blue-collared shirt, was originally standing in Hafley's yard but the homeowner decided it would look better near the road.

"That's my buddy," Hafley said. "He don't talk. Don't make no smart comments. If I had a dollar for everyone who stopped and took a picture of it I'd be a millionaire."

When asked the reason behind the watermelon, Hafley responded that he thought the figure "might get hungry standing out here."

While several neighbors didn't find anything wrong with the life-sized doll and said Hafley had the right to display it, one anonymous neighbor felt others would find it racist.

"If he wants to place it someplace else that would be fine," said the neighbor. "We don't have black people in this community but I'm sure they travel this road like everybody else does. They could be offended. I don't agree with it."

The neighbor added that the figure originally had a sign asking people to pray that Obama won't destroy America.

This isn't the first time Hafley has made such a display. He pulled off the mask and unbuttoned the suit coat to show a white mannequin with a drawn-on moustache wearing a blue-collared shirt with "Stupidville Police Department' written on the right side. Hafley said he designed it after Hustonville Police Chief Fred McCoy.

"Freddy is what I named him," Hafley said.

Hafley says he doesn't plan on taking down the display until the springtime or whenever it gets him in trouble.

"He's pretty popular," Hafley said. "If he's as popular in Washington as he is here then he's a popular man."

To add insult to this conflict, his daughter took to Facebook to defend her father's blatant racism.

Karen Conley ·  Top Commenter
What an idiot.
Just another toothless, white-trash, redneck that gives Kentucky such a bad reputation.

  • Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
    This toothless, white-trash, redneck that you are referring to, served his country in the U.S. Army for 18 years and defended millions of strangers in Viet Nam. Therefore , I think that he earned his right to voice his opinions and display anything he wants.

Lou Belton ·  Top Commenter · Auburn University
and you're an ugly hog. Go on a diet fatty. (I earned the right to say that because I served in Iraq)

Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
Lou Belton Did you loose your eyesight while you were in Iraq? Because I am definitely not ugly or fat. LOL Seriously, is that the best you can come up with?

Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
And again, he earned his right to defend his "racist" ideas when he defended his country in Viet Nam!

Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
Mark Preston So they can then force him to remove it???? That is exactly what would happen. This started out as a political statement. He put this on display asking people to pray for America, because 4 more years with Obama as president will destroy America. He removed it a couple of weeks ago because of the holiday season. But someone made the comment that he removed it because he got scared when a car full of African American's stopped and told him to take it down. That's when he put the display back up, but added the watermelon to it.

Brandy Mitchell-Williams · Customer Service Manager at Foam Design, Inc.
What a freaking Moron!!! Angie Hafley, you're a freaking racist moron too. Like father like daughter!!

  • Valerie Smith ·  Top Commenter · Louisville, Kentucky
    Yeah right, cars full of African Americans cruise Casey County all the time! You know it's true, someone made a comment about it.

  • Glen Sault ·  Top Commenter · Naval Opthalmic Support & Training Activity
    Oh, a car full of African Americans stopped by to tell him to take his statue down. Bet they were Black Panthers, too.

  • Randall Russell · Casey County High School
    To know Danny, he wouldnt have taken it down because a car full of black folks stopped by and told him to.

  • Elizabeth Nicole Parlato ·  Top Commenter
    Angie Hafley Stevens oh my god lol. yeah sure youre right, he has the right to make himself look like a racist idiot (just like you do) but we also have the right to call him out on being a piece of human trash. a car full of black people, omg lol. Serving in vietnam doesnt give him some kind of shield that keeps people from calling out what a hateful bigot he is. Are you from that area too?? is everyone there so hopelessly racist?

Steven Eric Richardson · US Navy Electronics Technician School
He's just asking for a brick to be thrown though his window.

  • Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
    You are probably correct. But you know what? At least he is man enough to stand up for what he believes in. He is prepared to face whatever consequences this may bring him. This was originally displayed during election time with a sign that read, "4 more years of this will destroy America." It wasn't until someone else tried to turn it into something racist, that he added the watermelon. It wasn't racist views that started this whole thing. It was his fear of "Godless" man being elected as our president again. He believes in God and believes that God should be an important part of our government, school, daily lifes, etc. He believes in our constitutional rights (all of them........freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, etc)

It's proven time after time that Americans are so fucking stupid! !t's unbelievable at times. Once again White extremists online and in the general public figure these negative stereotypes of Black people being chicken bone sucking, watermelon eating, purple drank slurping, welfare grabbing, gubmint gibb mes is true! They think the Black people voted for President Barack Obama so they can get their Obama Phones and Obama Money!

They attack hip-hop music for embracing in the gun culture. But when a White mass shooter kills Americans, it's not about the guns it's about the man. They want gun control over Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. But never the White guy. It's gun rights for them.

That is the reason to why Republicans and their conservative allies are the racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending idiots liberals paint them out to be!


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