Showing posts with label Jon Stewart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jon Stewart. Show all posts

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Conservative Outrage Over Stephen Colbert!

Comedy in bad taste?

The Comedy Central satirist and fake anchor of The Colbert Report is facing criticism over an apparent knock at Asian Americans. One in particular is a conservative agitator who doesn't even acknowledge her heritage as a Filipino-American.

The turd flipper and her blog finally found racism. There's a movement online to cancel the comedian's show.

The hastag #CancelColbert is springing up on the social networks because apparently Stephen Colbert said something that pissed off the Asian American community.

Let's take a look at the controversy.

Suey Park is the creator of the Cancel Colbert movement. She is a well known internet activist and her impact has got the junk food media involved. The feud is ongoing because she felt that even though he's entertaining the audience, his mention of Asian stereotypes have crossed the line.

This seem to grab the attention of the conservative agitator who is known throw racial slurs and insults in the direction of those she disagrees with. The turd flipper continues to be the gadfly of the racist right.

Colbert then addressed the firestorm from his personal Twitter account, and the official "The Colbert Report" account later clarified that Comedy Central, not Colbert or anyone who works for his show, managed that account.

The official Colbert Report tweeted also

Any thoughts on this controversy?

Do you believe the turd flipper is just meddling or Stephen Colbert is a flaming liberal racist as she calls him?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obama: [At Least] I Wasn't Punked On TV Like Bill O'Reilly!

O'Loofus gets his facts wrong as usual.

The Loserville agitator would slam President Barack Obama for making a last ditch effort to promote the American Care Act. He would compare this event to the 19th Century president Abraham Lincoln.

Well the president decided to aim a 3-point shot at the conservative agiator.

O'Loofus (aka Bill O'Reilly) is the number one news agitator. His show The O'Loofus Factor, is the prime time king in ratings. That along with Undermine Report with Bret Beier are the only outlets President Barack Obama gone to during his ongoing war with Loserville.

The arm chair generals are pissed that Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin took control of Ukraine's Crimea, a former state that became an independent autonomy under Russian control.

The racist right and their allies believe that the world is coming to an end because the president is cutting back on military forces. After a long wary war in Afghanistan, we're closing it out with all the troops coming home.
Obama believes Loserville is the communication arm of the Republican Party.

The neo-con racists are doing the fives (what, who, why, where and how). They want the president to do more than impose sanctions on Russia. They want the president to do something other than go on Between Two Ferns.

They were pissed that the president went to a mock interview with actor Zach Galifianakis to plug the ACA.

O'Loofus struck hard on the president by saying "....for a president under intense scrutiny they do a comedy show raises some questions. First of all, I don't really have a problem with it in general but I think the timing hurts Mr. Obama, the timing continues to be problematic and Putin is clearly testing the President.

It looks like Putin believes the President is a light weight with a comedy video counter that? I'm just asking. Here's the most important thing the Affordable Healthcare Act is dubious to say the least. And using a comedic Web site to enroll people is a little bit desperate, don't you think? I mean I'm all for PR and if Carney wanted to go on Funny Or Die, fine but the President of the United States?

All I can tell is you Abe Lincoln would not have done it. There comes a point when serious times call for serious action. We're a divided nation which Talking Points believes is in decline. Mr. Obama is quick, has a good sense of humor. Those are assets.
Stephen Colbert punks Loserville quite often.
But he needs to be aware. He needs to be aware of how his enemies perceive him because I believe the testing of America is just getting started."

O'Loofus believes that the interview was demeaning and an embarrassment to the office.

President Barack Obama responds back to the criticism.

"First of all, if you read back on Lincoln, he loved telling the occasional bawdy joke, and, you know, being out among regular folks."


The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Video Archive

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Conservative Outrage Over Obama Interview By Zach Galifianakis!

Zach Galifianakis shows President Barack Obama his spider bite.

The most internet savvy president goes to a webcast for his last ditch effort to encourage young Americans to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. He appears on Between Two Ferns with comedian Zach Galifianakis, the breakout star of the hit movie The Hangover.

The president gets ribbed in good humor by the comedian over some of the most asinine kookspiracy-themed questions agitated by the racist right.

Some of the questions that Galifianakis asked were:

“What is it like to be the last black president?”

“Which country were you rooting for in the Winter Olympics?”

“Where are you planning on building your presidential library? In Hawaii or your home country of Kenya?”

It was a great interview. All in good fun for Mr. Obama. However in good fun, here comes the criticism.

The Obama Derangement Syndrome is in full effect by our friends in the racist right.
He wasn't impressed by the president's interview with Zach Galifianakis.
King Hippo launches his assault on the interview:

KING HIPPO: Obama was on a Web comedy show. The show is called Between Two Ferns, and what it is, it's an Internet talk show. It is hosted by a comedian by the name of Zach Galifianakis. It's a parody of talk shows and essentially what it does is it gets A-list guests in there and roasts them in the form of an interview. It strips away all the pomposity and it is these people being treated -- I don't know why do it, but they show up and they get mocked and laughed at and insulted, and Obama showed up at this thing. Obama was a guest.

Now, if you wonder why people are losing respect for the president -- and I think people are. I think what's happening here is actually devastating to the office, and it began with Bill Clinton. It began with Bill Clinton. There was an arrest and a restoration when George W. Bush was there, but the office of the presidency has taken a big hit dignity-wise. And with Obama constantly on TV and constantly campaigning and making jokes and yuk yuks about inconsequential things, but doing it to build a bond between himself and the lowest-common-denominator voters, the low-information voters, it's an unseemly, sad thing.

Loserville goes right into the mix with their criticism of the interview.

Then of course some of the country's most annoying agitators make noise about it.

Honestly, this is a bunch of humorless nitwits. They really find it funny when their friends in the racist right pass around those "funny" emails depicting the president and First Lady Michelle Obama as monkeys.

Sure they love to photo blast the president to objects and stupid themes.

It's a damn shame that once again Obama Derangement Syndrome continues to infect those agitators in the junk food media. They can't go a day without saying something about the president.

Republicans and their allies in the racist right relish on negativity. If it wasn't for negativity, the Tea Party Movement wouldn't exist. I mean you the right to criticized the president. But somehow this criticism is different.

I mean with the first Black president, Republicans and their hateful allies are trying to use every dirty trick out of the book to win back Congress. They will try to ruin President Obama with their hateful agenda.

They don't care about the middle class, women, people of color and those who aren't like them.

Ahem, Blacks, Hispanics, the LGBT community, Muslims, and atheists exists.

And these groups are growing. I suggest that Republicans better know your generation. The young voters are likely the ones who could put them back in the minority.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

K.O. For Holiday Greet!

The War On Christmas.

Loserville hosts its annual War on Christmas segments. From mid-November to Christmas, the news readers and conservative agitators on the network find a part of America where the holiday is under attack from secular activists who want to Christ out of the holiday.

Bill-O, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win, Megyn The Outrage Princess, and the Bow Tied Manchild have covered the war from the frontlines of the studios of Loserville, hoping for an ultimate victory against the axis of Atheism.

The service industry urges its workers to avoid saying Merry Christmas because it may offend non-Christian buyers. They believe that every holiday is equally acceptable. When you think about Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year's Day, it's too many holidays.

Holidays that are often busy shopping days for retail and hospitality services. The service industry is a beast.

Shoppers who have economic woes and also a strong detest to being wrong have become the norm of the service industry. I don't say the customer is ALWAYS right. The customer is entitled to it. Regardless of how wrong the shopper is, management is willing to save the sale if they satisfy the customer.

Being a fateful watcher of Loserville could be a problem for the woman who punched a Salvation Army bell ringer in the arm for saying Happy Holidays to her.

Kristina Vindiola told KNXV that she was collecting donations outside a Walmart in Phoenix and chose the wrong greeting for one woman.
Kristina Vindiola assaulted for saying "Happy Holidays" (WMAR)
Kristina Vindiola was hit by an angry shopper after she said "Happy Holidays" to her.
“The lady looked at me,” Vindiola recalled. “I thought she was going to put money in the kettle. She came up to me and said, ‘Do you believe in God?’ And she says, ‘You’re supposed to say Merry Christmas,’ and that’s when she hit me.”

Vindiola said that she notified Walmart managers that the woman had hit her in the arm, and the police were notified.

“She should’ve just been happy I said ‘Happy Holidays,’ but I got hit because I didn’t say ‘Merry Christmas,’” she pointed out.

After reviewing Walmart surveillance video, Phoenix determined that there was not enough evidence to arrest the suspect. Vindiola is considering taking legal action against the woman.

The Raw Story covers this controversy. It's probably the latest things that comes from the social networks.

When people are obsessed with their hatred of President Barack Obama and devoted followers of conservative media, you would expect this. Luckily this person didn't pull a gun out and shot the young woman.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Update: Megyn The Outrage Princess Got Flack!

Megyn The Outrage Princess got flack for saying Jesus and Santa were just White, don't you know?

The Loserville host has put her foot in the mouth.

On Wednesday night, Megyn The Outrage Princess was pissed that a Slate writer had wrote that Santa Claus didn't always have to be an old White guy and she suggested to be neutral, she wanted a penguin to be Santa.

The Outrage Princess worked up a frenzy and told the Loserville audience that Santa and Jesus were White and called the writer ridiculous but later added, “For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white,” Kelly said. “But this person is just arguing that maybe we should also have a black Santa. But Santa is what he is.”

And it took off from there.

Many thought the comments were stupid if not borderline racist.

So bad that even the crown prince of fake news made a comment about her misfire.

Jon Stewart, take it away!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

The Simpsons Take Aim At Loserville!

Kent Brockman reunited with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow after he rejected her offer to host his own cable news show.

The Fox animated sitcom took another shot at Loserville.

To make it even better, the invited Rachel Maddow on the episode.

The Simpsons is the longest running primetime sitcom. With 533 episodes and running, America's most successful comedy is not a fan of the conservative leaning network.

Sometime ago, Loserville warned the producers not to run a ticker on the program. They seriously believe that the ticker could confuse viewers.

The Simpsons also managed to take a shot at CNN for their horrible ratings and The New York Times for its decline sales and readership.

The Simpsons reflect on a death of a character. Channel 6 anchor Kent Brockman played by Harry Shearer (talk radio host/voice actor) meets Maddow and felt regrets about missing his break to enter cable news.

So he heads to New York to take a job with Loserville and had second thoughts after a Loserville executive gave him remote control to make a Republican lawmaker become a Democrat after he said some embarrassing stuff.

Harry Shearer is the host of Le Show on NPR stations. He is the voice of Ned Flanders, Montgomery Burns, Symthers, Principal Seymour Skinner, Lenny, Otto The Bus Driver, Reverend Lovejoy, Dr. Hibbert and Reiner Wolfcastle.

Yeah, it's an ongoing feud with the producers and the conservative news network.

Other members of the news media include: Keith Olbermann, Dan Rather, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Rupert Mudoch (CEO of NewsCorporation), Larry King, Anderson Cooper and Brian Williams.

MSNBC recently added actor Alec Baldwin to their weekend lineup. Lawrence O'Donnell is off on Fridays, and in order to fill time, Baldwin was given a spot. His program is on at 10pm.

Ironic he actually is feuding with That Guy Who Helped Obama Win. That Guy was demoted to the 10pm spot when Chief Roger had enough of the sideshow. Chief Roger replaced the 9pm spot with Kelly The Ambulance Chaser.

Friday, October 25, 2013

North Carolina GOP Fires Chairman After He Said Some Racist Sh*t!

Don Yelton and Neo-Confederate extremist H.K. Edgerton. Yelton was fired from his duties after he appeared on The Daily Show to show his funny side. Edgerton is a Black extremist who believes that he's a descendant of the Black Confederacy soldiers.

Reince Priebus: So how's that diversity tour?

I am guessing that rainbow will still have more shades of White.

The Republican's rehabilitation tour is a disaster. They still haven't learned their lesson from the 2012 U.S. Elections.

Looks like Jon Stewart has knock one out the park again. As a comedian and satirist, it almost hits close to home on how he's criticizing the president and Congress.

Stewart figured that the politicos in Washington are pretty useless.

He's so right!

The Daily Show covers the ongoing controversy with North Carolina's voter identification laws that will probably affect thousands of its residents who may not have access to the ballot box.

This jackass Don Yelton was let go after he made some inflammatory statements about Blacks and President Barack Obama.

Of course, now that's he's out, he's now saying that the Republicans are "just like him" and they're a bunch of "wusses" for not speaking what is the truth.

Aasif Mandvi is a comedian and writer for The Daily Show. He managed to interview Congressman John Lewis (D-Georgia) on the Supreme Court's decision this year to strike down the key proponent of the Civil Rights Act.

And of course, this asshole Yelton had the nerve to call Blacks "LAZY" and hope the Republican governor Pat McCrory continues his path to guarantee Republican victories.

Keep telling your Republican friend, that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn't a Republican. If he was, he would be ashamed of the Republican Party today.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Arsenio Hall: We're Making History!

Back from the dad

Television personality Arsenio Hall made a big comeback this month. September is off to a great start for the Arseino Hall Show. The debut of his late night talk show proves to be fruitful. His ratings are good.

Coming out of semi-retirement the entertainer revived The Arsenio Hall Show. On most of your CW affiliate stations, Arsenio is on. During the 1990s he would do celebrity interviews and became a focal point to Arkansas governor Bill Clinton, a man who would later become the 42nd President of the United States.

The show was aimed primarily at the younger urban audience, with Eddie Murphy (a personal friend of Hall's) and other performers often featured. Other semi-regular guests who were on The Arsenio Hall Show included Andrew "Dice" Clay and Paula Abdul.

Paula Abdul and Snoop Dogg (Snoop Lion) would later returned for debut of his new show.

The show quickly appealed to young people of all races and began to attract a wide variety of guests (although this popularity with audiences was short-lived, leading to the show's cancellation).

It became the show for entertainers to go to in order to reach the "MTV Generation."

The show was known for the audience's chant of "Woof! Woof! Woof!" while pumping their fists in a circular motion. Some say this was appropriated from the fan chants at Hall's hometown team of Cleveland Browns games. Others have speculated that it came from the chant of Black Greek Letter Organization Omega Psi Phi fraternity. In any case, it quickly became associated with Hall's show and with Hall himself. Arsenio was also well known for his long fingers, and it became a long-running gag including some episodes on In Living Color.

Arsenio brings his "woof-woof" fist pounds and his antics back to the late night.

Arsenio is competing with Jay Leno, David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Conan O'Brien.

Even the political agitators are throwing their weight and well wishes to Arsenio.

We'll see how it goes. Arsenio Hall, we wish you well dog!



Wednesday, July 03, 2013

BREAKING: Egypt Dumps Mohammed Morsi!

egypt morsi
You're out of office.

We're experiencing another ouster of leadership in the African/Middle Eastern nation of Egypt.

A coup removes the conservative leader Mohammed Morsi.

The Associated Press reports that Egypt's military has ousted the nation's Islamist president, replacing him with the chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court, calling for early presidential election and suspending the Islamist-backed constitution.

Army chief Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, in a televised address to the nation on Wednesday, said a government of technocrats will be appointed to run the country during a transition period he did not specify.

An aide of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, Ayman Ali, said the former leader has been moved to an undisclosed location. He gave no details.

Cheers erupted among millions of protesters nationwide who were demanding Morsi's ouster. Fireworks lit the Cairo night sky. Morsi supporters elsewhere in the city shouted "No to military rule."

The Society of the Muslim Brothers  (Arabic: جماعة الإخوان المسلمين‎, often simply: الإخوان المسلمون, the Muslim Brotherhood, transliterated: al-ʾIkḫwān al-Muslimūn) is the Arab world's most influential and one of the largest Islamic movements, and is the largest political opposition organization in many Arab states.

Founded in Egypt in 1928 as a Pan-Islamic, religious, political, and social movement by the Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna, by the end of World War II the Muslim Brotherhood had an estimated two million members.

Its ideas had gained supporters throughout the Arab world and influenced other Islamist groups with its "model of political activism combined with Islamic charity work".

Bassem Youssef, a comedian and entertainer from Egypt really set the groundwork for the ouster.

Morsi and the government targeted the entertainer with prison time for insulting him and Islam.
Bassem Youssef, an Egyptian entertainer played a key role in getting Morsi out of office.
On January 1, 2013, the daily Al-masry Al-youm reported that an Egyptian prosecutor was investigating Bassem Youssef on charges of maligning President Mohammed Morsi, whose office claimed that Youssef's show was "circulating false news likely to disturb public peace and public security and affect the administration."

Despite all of the controversy it sparks, El Bernameg has been a major success.

It is constantly topping the regional YouTube charts, making Bassem Youssef's YouTube channel the most subscribed to in Egypt.

On March 30, 2013, an arrest warrant was issued for Youssef for allegedly insulting Islam and Morsi. The move was seen by opponents as part of an effort to silence dissent against Morsi's government. Youssef confirmed the arrest warrant on his Twitter account and said he would hand himself in to the prosecutor's office, jokingly adding, "Unless they kindly send a police van today and save me the transportation hassle."

The following day, he was questioned by authorities before being released on bail of 15,000 Egyptian pounds.

The event sparked international media attention as well as a segment on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show in which he declared his support for Youssef, calling him a "friend" and "brother" and saying to Morsi: "What are you worried about? You're the President of Egypt! You have an army! [Youssef]'s got puns and a show; you've got tanks and planes."

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Mark Sanford: South Carolina, Please Forgive Me!

Former Republican South Carolina governor Mark Sanford is trying to restart career.

The disgraced former governor of South Carolina is fighting for redemption. He's taking on a famous celebrity's sister in the fight for a politically conservative U.S. congressional district, once held by him, and the former Tim Scott.

He is facing Elizabeth Colbert-Busch, a the Director of Business Development at Clemson University’s Restoration Institute. She is the sister of Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert.

Colbert being one of the most recognizable names in pop culture has made this race even more tighter.

Sanford is fighting for political life. And this political fight may come out to be a nail-biter to say at least.

The first district is a strongly Republican district. No Democrat has ever this area in over 30 years.

As governor, Sanford had a contentious relationship with the South Carolina legislature: notably, he made public statements that he would reject stimulus funds for his state from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

He wasn't a popular governor. He often clashed with the even members of the South Carolina state house when it came to issues because he stood on his "family valued" conservative principles.

The congressional seat was held by Henry Brown, a conservative Republican. But due to the ongoing issues with Congress and fatigue, he retired and Tim Scott went on to take the mantle. Tim Scott served one term before Republican governor Nikki Haley chose him as a senator.

Scott was the representative of that district. He was promoted to become the Republican U.S. Senator after Jim DeMint resigned to take over The Heritage Foundation. Scott, is the first African American politico in the U.S. Seante since Senator Roland Burris of Illinois. He and Massachusetts Mo Cowan, the Democrat make the only two Black senators in 113th Congress. Cowan will retire after the special election in Massachusetts. Scott intents on running for the remainder of the term.

Anyways, as her duty Republican governor Nikki Haley ordered a special election for the open seat.

Sanford, a former governor and representative himself written his political future in disgrace. He made a bogus claim that he was taking a hike in the Appalachian Mountains with staffers. Unbeknownst to the public and his wife, he was secretly traveling to Argentina to meet his mistress (and future baby mama).

He was a married man with four children, why would he travel to another country?

His excuse, he was in love! Of course, we understand. But the junk food media knew what's up!

He was floated around as a potential candidate for the Republican nomination in 2012. Alas, that was squashed and the Republicans allowed the perennial loser Mitt Romney to sent them to defeat.

Sanford and later former presidential candidate John Edwards ended up making the news for all the wrong reasons. Besides being caught up in romantic trysts, the politicos were pretty much written out of

His political adviser and strategist was his wife Jenny, the rock of his life for 20 years was betrayed by this guy who found interest in María Belén Chapur, a news reporter from Argentina. He would eventually leave the state house and travel to the penthouse.

This would eventually end their marriage. Jenny was often floated around as a potential contender for the Republican vacancy, but alas, she wanted no part of it. So here comes the ex-husband and his smoking hot girlfriend and the path to redemption election push.

To say that Sanford's legal and political woes are over is an understatement. The Republican National Committee abruptly pulled all support from the Sanford campaign in the wake of revelations that Jenny Sanford had filed a trespassing complaint against him on February 4.

According to the complaint, Jenny Sanford had caught her former husband sneaking out of her home in Sullivan's Island, using his cellphone as a flashlight. Under the terms of their divorce agreement, neither Mark nor Jenny Sanford may come to the other's house without permission--a condition Jenny Sanford alleged that Mark Sanford had flouted on numerous occasions despite Jenny Sanford filing a "no trespass" letter with the Sullivan's Island Police Department.

In a statement, Mark Sanford admitted that he'd gone to the house to watch the second half of Super Bowl XLVII with his son. He claimed to have tried to contact Jenny beforehand, but was unable to do so. Jenny Sanford filed the complaint the next morning. Several Republican operatives said that they were upset Sanford had known about this complaint for some time and failed to disclose it.

Sanford actually debated a cardboard cutout of Minority Leader Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California) in an attempt to paint Colbert-Busch as a devoted follower of the Democratic leader.

Larry Flynt, publisher of adult themed Hustler Magazine endorsed Mark Sanford for Congress saying "His open embrace of his mistress in the name of love, breaking his sacred marriage vows, was an act of bravery that has drawn my support."

Republicans cautiously endorsed him for the seat. But if the polls say that Colbert-Busch is slightly ahead of the embattled Sanford, it's going to be a major upset.

In their only debate, Colbert-Busch knocked the former governor over his trip and reckless behavior. The embattled Sanford ignored it and tired to zero in on the experience of the candidate as well as the celebrity of "Hollywood Elites" such as Stephen Colbert.

This is one of the most memorable races ever! For the fact that a scandal prone governor faces the sister of an American comedian is quite entertaining (only if there wasn't these jokers running for office, it would be funny)!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Conservatives Outraged Over Obama Firing A Gun!

obama skeet shooting
President Barack Obama shooting! Conservatives wanted proof that he shoots and they're still not satisfied!

Obviously, these Republicans and their conservative allies didn't think President Barack Obama shoots! 

Of course with all the training from the United States Secret Service and Central Intelligence Agency, the president is probably prepared to beat someone down or fire upon that individual if he's cornered and his protection was penetrated! 

To think the president has no firearm training was silly! 

The president probably carries a firearm! And these stupid ass conservatives wouldn't even know!

Seriously, did you think that President Barack Obama never owned a firearm?

Well in the minds of these WHITE EXTREMISTS, the president can't shoot a gun and he's determined to strip them of their Second Amendment Rights.

Of course, Jon Stewart made note to the president that anything he does isn't going to win over Republicans!

No matter what evidence, the Republicans continue to be skeptical about the president admitting that he "shoots all the time".

The Drudge Report splashed on the screen a picture of the president laughing with his cabinet with the screen caption "I Go Shooting All The Time!"

Now the proof and yet, the gay conservative agitator isn't impressed!

I am assuming these racist bigots aren't either!

I guess when Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and the National Rifle Association wanted proof, they got it!

The White House released a photo of the president firing a rifle practicing skeet shooting!

Put this in the rifle and shoot it!

Anyway, I want the Republicans to get even more nutter (or I meant nastier)! Because they've already riled up the Black and Latinos across this nation! Hopefully the energy continues on so it could affect members of Congress. The Democrats want to target members who've been the spotlight for far too long!

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) is one member they want out of Congress.

President Barack Obama is going to be aggressive against the NRA, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Drudge and World Net Daily. He's had enough of the false information being spread by these fools!

They've made a complete NIGGERIZATION of the first Black president who managed to write a legacy of great achievements despite these WHITE EXTREMISTS in the conservative movement. Note I don't say Republicans or Democrats often, but a WHITE MALE is likely going to have a reactionary response to the president, regardless of what he does!

Now that they see a Black man with a gun!




Friday, October 26, 2012

Barack Obama: [Romney's] A Bull****ter!

Preaching to the choir of disrespect or telling the truth?

The conservative agitating machine is in an uproar about President Barack Obama slamming Republican nominee Mitt Romney for being dishonest on his assessments of the first term of his presidency.

In an interview with the Rolling Stone, the president goes forth to say that the perennial candidate is a "bullshitter!"

So I guess in the mind of Sean Hannity: How presidential?

Hannity is a notorious name dropping asshole. He has the nerve to call the president the "anointed one" and "president crybaby" among other insults.

Hannity also goes to defense of Rush Limbaugh who called the president a "jackass" and "Barack Kardashian".

Fox News is already sinking their teeth into the comments. If one thing is clear about civility, Fox News has none for either candidate. You remember they've pushed this notion that the Republicans are looking for the anti-Romney candidate and now full flip to supporting this guy and attacking the president for his honest opinion about this candidate.

Did they cover the issue when Mitt Romney's son Tagg jokingly threaten to take a swing at the president after the second debate?

That interview came just around the time they've finished their first debate and Mitt Romney was going around saying that the president is "out of time" when it came to policies and "he must go" after getting his first taste of a large crowd. Remember the rhetoric of "division and hate"! It came from Mitt Romney.

Anyways here's the Fox News clip.

The Guardian reports the an off-hand and off-colour remark by Barack Obama may have signaled a decision by his campaign to go nuclear on Mitt Romney's shifting ideological track record.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, conducted by celebrated presidential historian Douglas Brinkley, Obama labelled Romney a "bullshitter" – and rather than backing away from the comment, a senior Obama campaign adviser said it raised "trust" issues with Romney's candidacy.

Brinkley's interview recorded a conversation between Obama and Eric Bates, the executive editor of Rolling Stone. Bates told Obama that his six-year-old daughter had a message for the president: "Tell him: you can do it." Obama replied with a grin:

You know, kids have good instincts. They look at the other guy and say, 'Well, that's a bullshitter, I can tell'.

Asked to explain Obama's remark, spokesman Dan Pfeiffer told reporters that he hadn't seen the article, but went on to say: "Trust is a very important part of the election. The president is someone who says what he means and does what he says, and Governor Romney's answers in the debates on domestic issues and foreign policy raise real questions about that."

Pfeiffer warned people not to be "distracted by the word" bullshitter but to focus on the issues.

Since the debates, Obama has called Romney's shift towards the political centre "Romnesia" for overlooking his past positions.

In an interview with CBS this morning, Brinkley said the term is a translation of what Obama was already saying on the campaign trail: "It's another part of Romnesia, I suppose. The working man's Romnesia is BS-er."

The Romney campaign said Obama's language was a sign of desperation. "President Obama is rattled and on the defensive. He's running on empty and has nothing left but attacks and insults. It's unfortunate he has to close the final days of the campaign this way," Romney campaign adviser Kevin Madden told CNN.

Hannity is worked up over bullshit! John Sununu and Bill Richardson battle.
Elsewhere in the interview, Obama says he will be "proud" if historians use the term Obamacare to describe his healthcare reforms. "People will say, this was the last piece of our basic social compact – providing people with some core security from the financial burdens of an illness or bad luck," Obama says.

On Romney's unguarded private remarks that 47% of Americans regard themselves as victims and entitled to welfare support, Obama said he was surprised. "That sense that folks who have contributed to this country but are at the lower ends of the income scale are somehow looking for government to do something for them, or feel some sense of entitlement, is just fundamentally wrong," he said.

The interview will appear in print in the forthcoming 8 November edition of Rolling Stone and is online now.

Sean Hannity puts on the controversial John Sununu to debate this non-story. They debate former New Mexico governor and presidential candidate Bill Richardson.

When you have a host calling the president the anointed one, the former governor of New Hampshire saying the president is busy smoking something then you're completely out the loop of reality!

These agitators in the media are the reason why Jon Stewart labeled Fox News, "Bullshit Mountain"!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ignore The Pollster Behind The Curtain!

Right wing slug Dean Chambers tries to discredit national polls.
When President Barack Obama succeeds, his political foes scream. And this latest scream is the continuation of denial. The national polls are showing that the president is leading against Republican nominee Mitt Romney. And this is dispiriting his core supporters.

Just when you thought the Republican Party couldn't sink any lower, here comes their newest talking point!

The polls over samples "DEMOCRATS" and the "LIBERAL" media is trying to help the president win!

I swear that Republicans and their conservative allies are going to do some serious soul searching after this!

I mean how can a political party be so ideologically rigid?

What the heck wrong with this party?

Okay, now these polls mean something!

President Barack Obama is leading in the crucial states of Ohio, Florida and Virginia. The states of Florida and Ohio are very important to the general election due to the mixture of politically liberal and conservative citizens in each metro area. No Republican ever won the White House without carrying Ohio.

Mitt Romney is going to do marathon campaigning in Ohio up until this election.

Republicans are expressing serious concerns about the way Mitt Romney is handling his campaign.

The debates that are coming are the last hope for a major turnaround.

When you look at the paradox of how the Republican Party is losing the edge in voter enthusiasm they're trying to hold on to what they have by saying that the polls mean nothing. They'll say Michael Dukakis led in the polls before he took a total nosedive.

So is Mitt Romney trying to find Willie Horton or President Barack Obama riding on a military tank?
This is the face you want to see on November 6, 2012.
Some right wing pollster by the name of Dean Chambers created UnSkewed Polls. He basically trying to create some conspiracy theme to saying that the Romney campaign is actually ahead.

Once again, why get angry at these morons?

Instead of getting angry at these conservative agitators, do me and LeReyna a big favor!

What we need to do is VOTE!

Don't worry what these people say about you, just ignore them and stay the course!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Jon Stewart: Fox News Cried "Wolf" One Too Many Times! It's Getting Old!

The Operation Fast & Furious distraction scandal has the political parties at odds with one another.

Republicans are looking forward to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over this. Some conservative Democrats will break with the party in order to push forth this witch hunt vote!

I think that the Republican Party and its conservative allies are screwing the country in order to hurt the president. They don't care about progress. They cheer for failure! They scream at success. These are the people who cheered for the United States losing out a bid for the Olympics. These people are upset that gas prices reached its peak at $4.139 a gallon! When it decreased to an average low of $3.439, they scream that it's a conspiracy to help the president. The president gave Americans tax cuts but in the conservative media led by this network, the president is coming for your guns, taxing your families and giving his "homies" a pass on issues while the "White man" suffers!

The conservative Fox News Channel has been the Republican Party's press secretary. From the lunatic rantings of Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren and even Karl Rove, the network has been a major thorn to the president and his progressive allies.

Jon Stewart of The Daily Show talks about this latest scandal by piecing together the blatant hypocrisy of the network's flip-flops and unjustified outrage over things they've supported in the past.

It's almost a shame that a comedian can expose the extremist agenda of America's Most Watched Network.

The network that advocates dog whistle propaganda to rile up the White working class, Rust Belt, Bible Belt voters into opposing President Barack Obama.

Courtesy of Comedy Central

Part II

Let's break it down once again about the White voter and President Barack Obama.

White people are the most pessimistic of the president and are the likely ones to complain about his policies and his race. 

I for one am the angry Black male! I am tired of defending the indefensible. For way too long, I just toyed the notion that the Republican Party isn't a bunch of old white racists. Alas, I was wrong!

You can't defend a political party that wants nothing to do with you or the president. I can't support a party that wants to harm others under the guise of the radical Christian agenda. I don't want to support a party that wants to be intrusive of a woman's right to have children or an abortion. I don't want to be a part of a political party that denies rights to people who love the same sex and feel the need to marry just like a straight couple. I don't want to be a part of a party that concludes that "Black folk just outta be off welfare and food stamps" even though a vast majority of the recipients are White. I have gave myself the benefit of the doubt that most conservatives are smart people, just a little misinformed. No. They're not smart, nor informed. They're the reactionary bigots that created the political environment and its led by Fox News and the Republican Party. In these warped minds, anyone who supports President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party is a bunch of anti-American communists who want to take from those hard working folk!

These stupid bumper stickers tell ya to honk to annoy a liberal! How about a finger to rile up a conservative?

Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) is facing a tough reelection this time.
The Democratic Party is a bunch of spineless wusses. They have all the ammunition to go after these lunatics, but they hold their hands back because they don't want to lose what little White votes they got! They're so scared of the angry White conservative male threatening to dismantle their political futures, some of these lily livered Democrats distance themselves from the president. The Hispanic vote is nearly yours and the Black vote is locked. 

All you need now is to tell the independents and women to fall in line! You keep it focus on issues like the economy and the possibility of economic chaos if the Republicans return back to power. I mean I don't predict the future! Republicans and its conservative allies are so fearful of the future! I almost wished they could predict a person's untimely death!

Who's to say if things may get better if Republicans take control?

Who's to say if things get better if President Barack Obama is reelected?

Yeah, I am talking to you skinny mini Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri).

Seriously, we need leadership from the president. He has to get his groove back and hammer these worthless ass politicians and that stupid network. That stupid network has no credibility whatsoever!

Why are the Democrats afraid of it?


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