Showing posts with label Interracial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interracial. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Blame Game: The Murder Of Three Young Muslims In North Carolina!

Three innocent lives were lost to gun violence. This cold blooded killer murder this family over issues with their religion. The racist right wants to label the suspect a "liberal" extremist.

This cold blooded killer is the person the media should focus on. Of course, the junk food media and the partisan agitators have to make note of the suspects "political affiliations" and the victims being Muslims.

A young couple and family member were gunned down by this ignorant bigot. This bigot is facing capital murder in the deaths of Yusor Abu-Salha, 21, and Razan Abu-Salha, 19, along with Yusor's husband, Deah Barakat, 23.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to Yusor, Razan and Deah. Their innocent lives were cut short by this Craig Stevens, a 46 year old nerd who had hatred for Muslims.

The agitators are figuring this is a hate crime. Obviously the junk food media has concluded that this dispute occurred over a parking spot.

Police received a report of gunfire shortly after 5pm yesterday in the Chapel Hill neighborhood of Finley Forest; all three victims died at the scene. In a statement today, CHPD reports "our preliminary investigation indicates that the crime was motivated by an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking."
Criminal act....
The Charlotte Observer notes that all three victims were Muslim, and speculation is rife on social media that it could have been a hate crime. The Independent notes a Facebook page in Hicks' name that shows him to be an apparent supporter for "Atheists for Equality" and a frequent poster of images that mock religion. 

Barakat was a doctoral student in UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Dentistry. The sisters were N.C. State University students.

Barakat's wife, Yusor Abu-Salha, was scheduled to start dental studies at UNC in the fall; the two worked together to lobby for global public health and had just married on Dec. 27 (wedding photo here). Sister-in-law Razan was studying architecture at North Carolina State University. An "Our Three Winners" Facebook page dedicated to the family is up, with a poignant "About" section that says, "Deah Barakat, Yusor Abu-Salha and Razan Abu-Salha have returned to their Lord. They have set an example in life and in death."

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Cheers & Jeers!

The president and Congress hear the cries. The president acts out on his word. Republicans vow to fight.

Republicans vow to fight the president every step of the way. During this lame duck session of Congress, the outgoing Democrats are probably going to the networks or private practice. Some may even jump onto the agitator radio circuit.

President Barack Obama delivered his statements Thursday. He told the nation that he's going to enact executive orders in the wake of the failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

Immigration advocates and some undocumented workers and their families are praising this decision.

Tonight the president announced his plans to use his executive action to ease up on deportation.

This plan will assist about 1/3 of the undocumented migrants who already been in the country for nearly five years will be exempted. This is brought

The Benghazi select committee spurred by conservative agitators and Republican lawmakers netted again no fault towards the president, Hillary Clinton and CIA.

The Benghazi attack happened on September 11, 2012 when four Americans were killed after a militant group run up on a CIA-sponsored consulate. They used the cover of an anti-Muslim movie to draw an attack on the facility. The mastermind is held in American custody. The racist right has used this as a tool to Republicans win control of Congress. They were trying to find outrageous conspiracies and discredited individuals as

The Ferguson decision will be coming soon and the president urges calm to the residents of the metro St. Louis area.

The nation awaits to hear the fate of the Ferguson officer Darren Wilson.

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Queen Bey and Blue Ivy's Halloween Costumes Are A Dedication To Michael Jackson!

I love this. It's so sweet. Beyonce and her daughter Blue Ivy both dressed up as Michael and Janet Jackson for their Halloween. You gotta love this.

A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Minnesota Dad Tased In Front Of His Children!

Chris Lollie with his two children. Father was busted in a St. Paul plaza after police claimed he was disturbing the peace. Father did nothing wrong at the time of confrontation.

St. Paul Police are doing some damage control after a father filmed his confrontation with two of their officers. The officers confronted the father after he was sitting near a bank waiting on his children.

The police claimed that the father was disturbing the peace and was disorderly. For him to sit in a public plaza waiting on his children and the law bothering him for doing so warrants an investigation into the officer's handling of the situation.

Again "WE BLACK FOLK" and the law are like distant cousins. Blacks have the phobia that the law will shoot first and question last. The law often have problems with the residents of a majority Black community (or neighborhood). The law often try but fail at getting information

Say if there was a shooting. The law needs to know what happen. They want to prevent a potential criminal from committing a domestic attack. But with the Black community, they believe if you tell the law, you could end up dead or arrested yourself.

The Huffington Post and Addicting Info got the goods on Lollie's confrontation. The video is making rounds around the social networks. It's driven the narrative that police are trigger happy when confronting Black people.

Chris Lollie is a father of two. Earlier this year, Lollie recorded an altercation with the police. Police were called to the scene, and the 27-year-old began filming the interaction on his cell phone. The situation escalated, and police allegedly used a stun gun on Lollie before arresting him. As his footage began making the rounds online this week, the police defended the arrest, but Lollie says the incident was racially motivated.

Lollie's disturbing cell phone video is making headlines as a national debate swells around racial profiling and excess use of force by police departments across the country.

The footage begins as he walks with a female officer, explaining to her that he had been sitting outside the bank for 10 minutes before he was asked to leave. He tells the officer he didn't see signs saying he was on private property and didn't think it was fair that he was being asked to move.

"The problem is I'm black," he can be heard telling the officer. "That's the problem. ... I’m not sitting there with a group of people. I’m sitting there by myself. By myself, not causing a problem.”

Shortly after, a male officer walks up to them, and the exchange becomes heated. Lollie appears to drops his cell phone as he is presumably restrained by officers.
The law before they were to bust Chris Lollie.
"Put your hands behind your back or you're going to get tased," a voice can be heard saying as Lollie frantically repeats that he hasn't done anything wrong.

“I'm not doing anything! Stop, please,” Lollie yells as a clicking noise, possibly from a stun gun, can be heard in the background. “Can somebody help me? That’s my kids, right there! My kids are right there!”

"I don't have any weapons or anything, and then you tase me? For what?" he is heard saying shortly after.

The charges were dropped. Chris has brought his encounter to the social networks. What do you think of the incident?

Was it right for him to be arrested for doing nothing wrong?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Mariah Carey Fired Nick Out The Cannon!

Famed pop singer Mariah Carey six year marriage to reality star/hapless talent Nick Cannon may have went south pole. There's talk that the two have been on ice for months and the lawyers are trying to divide up the assets and custody of their two twins.

On a Power 106 FM, a Los Angeles hip-hop station, Cannon went to naming who he's banged (and tried to marry). One in particular got his ass was the fact he was one of the many men who banged Kanye West's wife Kim Kardashian. He talks to hip-hop/celebrity agitator Big Boy about his conquest.

The trouble comes at the peak of Cannon's rise to fame. He released the controversial rap album White People Party Music this year. He also rebooted Wild'n Out. He signed on a few more gigs with America's Got Talent. That added to the royalties from Mariah's catalog got them netting over $550 million.

Nick Cannon has confirmed that the marriage is over.

Mariah Carey, 44 and Cannon 33 have been married since 2008. They didn't barely know each other. Six weeks later they've confirmed they got hitched. They ended up having two children Marilyn and Morocco.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

White Majority On The Decline In Schools!

American institutions are getting browner.

May 2012 marked the beginning of an end for a majority population.

As of today, this August marks the beginning of the school season for 2014 - 2015.

It seems like White students are no longer a majority in all schools. Que the outrage from our conservative agitating friends of the American junk food media.

The far right websites are going bananas over the latest revelation.

The Associated Press reports that a cheerful sign outside Jane Cornell's summer school classroom in Pennsylvania's wealthiest county says "Welcome" and "Bienvenidos" in polished handwriting.

Inside, giggling grade-schoolers who mostly come from homes where Spanish is the primary language worked on storytelling with a tale about a crocodile going to the dentist. The children and their classroom at the Mary D. Lang Kindergarten Center, near both mushroom farms and the borough's bucolic red-brick downtown, are a subtle reminder of America's changing school demographics.

For the first time ever, U.S. public schools are projected this fall to have more minority students than non-Hispanic whites enrolled, a shift largely fueled by growth in the number of Hispanic children.

Non-Hispanic white students are still expected to be the largest racial group in the public schools this year at 49.8 percent. But the National Center for Education Statistics says minority students, when added together, will now make up the majority.

About one-quarter of the minority students are Hispanic, 15 percent are black and 5 percent are Asian and Pacific Islanders. Biracial students and Native Americans make up a smaller share of the minority student population.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan called the changing population a seminal moment in education. "We can't talk about other people's children. These are our children," he said.

The shift creates new academic realities, such as the need for more English language instruction, and cultural ones, meaning changes in school lunch menus to reflect students' tastes.

But it also brings some complex societal questions that often fall to school systems to address, including issues of immigration, poverty, diversity and inequity.

The result, at times, is racial and ethnic tension.

In Louisiana in July, Jefferson Parish public school administrators reached an agreement with the federal government to end an investigation into discrimination against English language learners.

In May, police had to be called to a school in the Streamwood, Illinois, a Chicago suburb, to help break up a fight between Hispanic and black students after a racially based lunchroom brawl got out of control.

Issues of race and ethnicity in school can also be more subtle.

In the Kennett Consolidated School District, Superintendent Barry Tomasetti described parents who opt to send their kids to private schools across the border in Delaware after touring diverse classrooms. Other families, he said, seek out the district's diverse schools "because they realize it's not a homogenous world out there."
Your children could grow up to be an agitator like this guy.
The changes in the district, about an hour southwest outside of Philadelphia, from mostly middle-to-upper class white to about 40 percent Hispanic was driven partly by workers migrating from Mexico and elsewhere to work the mushroom farms.

"We like our diversity," Tomasetti said, even as he acknowledged the cost. He has had to hire English language instructors and translators for parent-teacher conferences. He has cobbled together money to provide summer school for many young English language learners who need extra reading and math support.

"Our expectation is all of our kids succeed," he said.

Private schools nationally are changing as well, seeing a smaller number of white students and a greater number of Hispanic students in their decreasing pool of children.

The new majority-minority status of America's schools mirrors a change that is coming for the nation as a whole. The Census Bureau estimates that the country's population will have more minorities than whites for the first time in 2043, a change due in part to higher birth rates among Hispanics and a stagnating or declining birth rate among blacks, whites and Asians.

Today, slightly more than 1 in 5 kids speaks a language other than English at home.

But even as the population becomes more diverse, schools are becoming more racially segregated, reflecting U.S. housing patterns.

The disparities are evident even in the youngest of black, Hispanic and Native American children, who on average enter kindergarten academically behind their white and Asian peers. They are more likely to attend failing schools and face harsher school discipline.

Later, they have lower standardized test scores, on average, fewer opportunities to take advanced classes and are less likely to graduate.

Duncan said the disparities are unacceptable, and the country needs to make sure all students "have an opportunity to have a world class education, to do extraordinarily well."

As the school-age population has become more nonwhite, it's also become poorer, said Patricia Gandara, co-director of the Civil Rights Project at UCLA who serves on President Barack Obama's advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.

Roughly one-quarter of Hispanics and African-Americans live below the poverty line - meaning a family of four has nearly $24,000 in annual income - and some of the poorest of Hispanic children are dealing with the instability of being in the country illegally or with a parent who is, Gandara said.
Diversity is coming.
Focusing on teacher preparation and stronger curriculum is "not going to get us anywhere unless we pay attention to the really basic needs of these children, things like nutrition and health and safety, and the instability of the homes," she said.

This transformation in school goes beyond just educating the children. Educators said parents must feel comfortable and accepted in schools, too.

Lisa Mack, president of the Ohio PTA, encourages local leaders to include grandparents and replace events such as a sock hop with one with a Motown theme that might be more inclusive or to provide opportunities for people of different ethnic groups to bring food to share at monthly meetings.

"I think one thing that's critical is that schools and PTAs and everyone just need to understand that with changing demographics, you can't do things the way you've done them before," she said. "That you have to be creative in reaching out and making them feel welcomed and valued and supported in the school system."

Some schools are seeking teachers to help reflect the demographics of their student population.

Today, fewer than 1 in 5 of the public schools teachers is a minority. "It is an ongoing challenge to try and make our teacher population reflect our student population," said Steve Saunders, spokesman for the Adams County, Colorado, school district outside Denver that has seen a large shift toward having Hispanic students.

The New America Foundation, in a recent report, suggested teacher prep programs have at least one class for teachers on working with non-native English speakers and that education programs embrace bilingualism.

Andrea Giunta, a senior policy analyst at the National Education Association who focuses on teacher recruiting, retention and diversity, said you can't assume that teachers are a good match just because of their background.

"Just because you speak Spanish doesn't mean you speak the same Spanish your students are speaking and communicating with," she said.

This comes as the NEA, the nation's largest union, just elected an all-minority leadership team in July. The new president, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, is Latina, and the vice president and secretary-treasurer, Rebecca S. Pringle and Princess Moss, are black.

In Kennett Square, superintendent Tomasetti said Hispanic students in his district are performing at levels, on average, higher than their peers statewide. One recent graduate, Christian Cordova-Pedroza, is attending Harvard University this fall. Cordova-Pedroza is one of five children of a mushroom farmer from Mexico.

Cordova-Pedroza credited the motivation instilled by his parents combined with access to a variety of educational opportunities for his success, including an after-school program that included tutoring and help with college applications. He also was active in a Latino leadership club that helps provides translation services in the community and participated in summer programs at Penn State and Princeton.

"Certainly, I had to work hard to get there, but I feel like at every opportunity that I had a chance of participating in or doing that, I was always like, `Yes, I want to do that,'" he said.

Nearby, at El Nayarit Mexico Grocery Store, owner Jaime Sandoval, a native of Mexico with six kids, said he's been pleased with the education his children have received. His 9-year-old daughter, he said, wants to be a teacher.

"She loves to read and all that stuff," Sandoval said. "She always has good grades on English and she loves it much."

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Detroit Mom Got A Lucky Break!

If today was yesterday, a single mother would never believe this day would come. Michigan woman won the Mega Millions.

Being a single parent is a 24/7 business. There's no breaks and no vacations. Without a dutiful partner in parenting, the mother or father must handle duties of their child.

Most of the time, the parent will do as best as they can to support their child. It's a part of the daily routine in the United States. 

The racist right can't stomach the single parent home. They attack single parents with multiple children as "parasites" dependent on the gubmint.

The racist right believe that women who have multiple children with different fathers are likely to be stuck on welfare, food stamps, and dependency.

Kelsey Zachow isn't one of those type of people. She worked two jobs. She took care of her child and boyfriend's child. She is a nursing assistant and part time bartender.

Her biggest break came when she would go to the local store and purchase a Mega Millions ticket on a day that most consider unlucky.

Zachow, a 24-year-old mother in Detroit had been working two jobs to pay the bills. Last month, on what has typically been seen as an unlucky day, Friday 13, Zachow bought what would end up being the winning ticket to the Mega Millions lottery, ABC15 reported. The mom who walked away with the $66 million jackpot says that she values her family's security foremost, and will begin her spending spree by setting up college funds for her son and her boyfriend's daughter.

"I have always wanted an electric blue Ford Mustang, and one day I will get one, but helping my family live comfortably comes first for me," Zachow said at a press conference, according to the New York Daily News.

The Huffington Post reports that the young mother had been working as a medical assistant and part-time bartender, the outlet reported. Because her boyfriend has been laid off for almost a year, Zachow has had to support him, as well as their children.

Though Zachow routinely bought lottery tickets every week, she didn't expect the big winnings, and hadn't even checked whether she won until more than a week after she purchased the ticket. She says she screamed as she ran to tell her boyfriend.

"My boyfriend thought I got in a car accident, or hit someone on the street," she said of her reaction to winning, according to the Macomb Daily.

While the 24-year-old will use the funds to provide a comfortable life for her family for now, Zachow also hopes to use her newfound wealth for other noble causes in the future.

"I always wanted to open a no-kill animal shelter of some sort but right now it’s taking care of the little one," she told the Macomb Daily, referring to her 7-month-old son.

Well wishes to Ms. Zachow.

In most states, the Powerball and Mega Millions are played. In 43 states with the District of Columbia and U.S. Virgin Islands, the two multi-state lotteries are often played when the prizes reaches over $200 million respectively.

The Mega Millions is once again rising to record setting amounts. So I am guessing by game time it will be over $700 million by draw time.

Are you game?

I know that your risk is 1:345. So that means the odds of winning is one in 345 million.

If you're not aware of the game, it's pretty simple. The Mega Millions is a multi-state game that covers 45 states including the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The cost of playing a Mega Million ticket is $1. The ticket comes with a Multiplier (except in California).

The jackpot starts at $15 million.

The drawings are on Tuesday and Friday night at 10:59pm EST.

The game cost only $1 per unit. You must pick five numbers from 1 to 75. When you're done, you get the opportunity to pick a Mega Ball. Out of 15 numbers, you will have to pick one Mega Ball number. The jackpot results are a match of 5 White Balls + 1 Megaball. A player can win $1 million (if you score 5 out of 5 without the Megaball).

You're allowed five lines per unit you're playing one single drawing ticket at $5 per unit. So basically you're playing $1 per line. Add the multiplier and its one per line with multiplier so it would be $2 per unit. So at five lines per unit and with multiplier its $10 per unit.

The game in states that are participating included a multiplier. The multiplier is a function that allows the player to increase their wins by a special X ball. The multiplier is (1X), (2X), (3X), (4X) and (5X).

Powerball is played in 43 states including The District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands.

The cost of playing a Powerball ticket is $2. The ticket comes with the Power Play (except in California).

The Power Play cost $1 dollar. There is a set prize amount for Power Play addition. You can earn up to $1 million or $2 million upon the Power Play (if you score 5 out of 5 without the Powerball).

There are five Powerball numbers. From 1 to 59, you must pick the numbers. When you're done you have an opportunity to pick a Powerball. The Powerball number is out of 35. The jackpot results in a win of 5 White Balls + 1 Powerball.

The Power Play was reestablished as a multiplier. The function allows the player to increase their odds by the special X ball. The multiplier is (1X), (2X), (3X), (4X), and (5X).

The drawings are on Wednesday and Saturday night at 10:59pm EST.

The Powerball jackpot usually starts at $40 million.

Okay, I know there are some who are novice and never had an experience at playing.

The Mega Millions and Powerball tickets that are played cannot be canceled.

Be careful when making a bet decision.

Of course you have to be over 18 years old to play a Mega Millions or Powerball ticket.

All results for Mega Millions and Powerball are from the state that you've purchased your ticket from. You can't go into a South Carolina Education Lottery retailer with a ticket from Indiana's Hoosier Lottery. 

The impact of being a millionaire comes with a price. You could blow money fast in a few years. Believe me there have been many Americans who lavish in luxury only to be broke in less than 10 years.

The rules of winning the lottery.

Best advice for all who win the lottery, is keep a cool head. Let's cover the 10 things about winning the lottery according to me. You can use this advice if you want to!

The first thing you do is write your name down on the back of the winning ticket. Say if you lose the jackpot ticket! If you have forgotten to sign the ticket and it gets lost, then it's your word against the winner's. I also added this to my words of wisdom. Make sure that whenever a lottery retailer is to handle a jackpot ticket, ask the cashier to make sure you hear the "winner" sound. Most machines will make a noise if you're a winner. There are also ticket verify stations located near a lottery terminal. Make sure before you hand a ticket to a cashier, you are sure you won a jackpot. Ask for a claims form and/or a validation claim voucher.  Also for tickets that may be over a certain amount (i.e. amounts over $2,500), you might have to go to the lottery's regional offices. The offices are located in metropolitan areas. There are also apps on your iPhone, Android, and smart devices. You can avoid the lines, by going to iTunes or the Google Play store to get a free app for your local state's lottery. Never put your trust in a cashier who doesn't have experience in handling jackpots or validations of high value tickets.

Second, make sure you cancel out your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other social networking website your on. That's the next thing that happens when you're a winner.

Third, you cancel your phone number and limit your email intake. Obviously you'll be swamped with phone numbers and well wishers asking if you're willing to shelve out a little cash.

Fourth, hire a qualified lottery attorney. Make sure you have a qualified attorney who specializes in handling large sums of money. Don't assume every attorney is well respected in handling your financial earnings.

Fifth, don't quit a job until you are sure you've won the lottery. Don't rush to judgment about being a lottery winner. Sometimes a person who wins the lottery never expects it to happen so don't sit around the house hoping the day will come you'll be the millionaire.

Sixth, pay off debts to college loans, house, billings, and credit cards.

Seventh, invest your money in a trust fund if you have children or family members you can trust if you should die.

Eighth, have fun with your earnings. Don't blow it on things that obviously will attract negative attention.

Ninth, be humble. Cause money will change a person when they're rich.

Lastly, The Have-Nots Will Always Try To Make You Feel Guilty About Winning. Ignore Them And Be Happy About Your Success.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Sia Furler: The Uncanny International Pop Star!

The world's most reclusive pop singer has major bids for Rihanna, Katy Perry, and Queen Bey.

Sia Furler is about to be an uncanny breakthrough [pop] singer. Her sixth album (and perhaps her first international debut) 1000 Forms of Fear is released.

Now she's "regrets" the fact that she's gaining notoriety for being a gifted talent. She is an Australian singer, actress and music writer.

As a writer, Furler has collaborated with many artists including Christina Aguilera, Eminem, David Guetta, Flo Rida, Afrojack, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, Lea Michele, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Kylie Minogue, Leona Lewis, Hilltop Hoods, Katy Perry, Kesha, Rita Ora, Britney Spears, Jessie J, Oh Land, Angel Haze, Celine Dion, and Maroon 5. She co-wrote and featured on Billboard Hot 100 top ten hits, "Titanium" with David Guetta, with whom she also produced the single "She Wolf (Falling to Pieces)" and "Wild Ones" with rapper Flo Rida. All three songs achieved international success.

In an interview with Nightline, Sia addresses becoming a pop star in her own right. However, she rejects the notion of being famous. She's is not interested in the fame. In fact, she won’t show her face in interviews, including with “Nightline.”

“I don’t want to be famous, or recognizable,” she said. “I don’t want to be critiqued about the way that I look on the Internet. ... I’ve been writing pop songs for pop stars for a couple years and see what their lives are like and that’s just not something I want.”

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Mugshot Of The "Handsome Thug" Goes Viral!

Arrestee's 'handsome' mug shot goes viral
Smile for the cameras. A man in the county lockup won praise for being the most handsome mugshot ever!

It's Friday and I am guessing that no good news is bad news. The country is going nuts over some guy who had the perfect mugshot.

While in the California country lockup, Jeremy Meeks got over 33,000 "likes" on the social networks.

Meeks, a 30 year old felon was booked for weapons charges. While it was posted by the Stockton police department,  the mugshot gains positive feedback. No previous arrest photo has garnered so much positive attention since the department set up the Facebook page in March 2012, says Joseph Silva a spokesman for Stockton police.

The Associated Press reports that Meeks got praise for his high cheek bones, chiseled face and striking blue eyes.

"I have not seen that many likes for a photo before," he said.

By late Thursday, Meeks' arrest photo had garnered more than 33,000 "likes," and 10,400 comments, and had been shared more than 3,300 times.

"Wow. That is one good looking mug shot!" one person wrote.

"Momma, I'm in love with a criminal," another joked.

Some online commentators even said Meeks looked like he belonged in an Abercrombie & Fitch ad or on the show "America's Next Top Model."

Still others were disapproving, such as one observer who said, "He may be a tad bit cute, but with six felonies, he ain't that cute."

Meeks was one of four men taken into custody during Operation Ceasefire, a multiagency mission to curb a recent increase in shootings and robberies in the Weston Ranch area of Stockton, a Northern California city of about 300,000 nestled amid the network of waterways that form the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.

Four firearms were confiscated during a sweep Wednesday involving the Stockton police gang unit, the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Task Force and other agencies.

Silva called Meeks "one of the most violent criminals in the Stockton area," though he declined to provide any details on the crimes that Meeks is believed to have been involved in.

Meeks, who is being held in lieu of $900,000 bail, is scheduled to be arraigned Friday afternoon.

Silva did not know whether he had retained a lawyer.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Something Ain't Right At Will And Jada's House!

The Fresh Prince and his princess are facing legal troubles.
Famed couple Will and Jada Pickett Smith are facing some questioning by the Los Angeles Children's Service because of their daughter Willow's crazy antics.

The Huffington Post reports that media sources swirling around their young daughter Willow was lying up with an older man. That picture below has the media going bonkers. Now all of sudden, our friends in the junk food media will "whip their hairs" into this scandal.

“The investigation was formally opened last week and is being taken very seriously by the department. Will and Jada Pinkett Smith have been extremely cooperative with officials. Of course, they aren’t happy that their parenting skills are under scrutiny, but they understand," a source told the website, adding that social workers will be speaking to Willow separately, as well as former Disney star Moises Arias, who was pictured with her in the photo.

The Huffington Post has reached out to both Smith and Pinkett Smith's reps for comment, but has yet to hear back at this time.
Moises Arias and Willow Smith lying on a bed shared on social media
Picture worth a thousand words.
Meanwhile, the 42-year-old actress and matriarch of the family, brushed off the notion of any controversy after the photo of Willow sparked attention, telling TMZ's cameramen:

"Here's the deal: There was nothing sexual about that picture or that situation. You guys are projecting your trash onto it and you're acting like covert pedophiles, and that's not cool."

Will Smith has yet to make any comment regarding the photo, but viral photos seem to run in the family, as a photo of him helping a fan announce her pregnancy has exploded online.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

We Will Survive The Challenges Ahead!

Ohio Governor John Kasich leads the applause for Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight after they received a courage award from the state in February
Ohio Republican governor John Kasich cheers on the Cleveland kidnapping survivors, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight (now Lily Rose Lee).

Michelle Knight, Gina DeJesus and Amanda Berry had overcome the odds.

A year ago in Cleveland on a quiet street, the yells of a young woman. Local neighbors were startled by a young woman and her child pleading for them to call the police. The young woman would tell the tales of being held captive in the house and tells the world that she's Amanda Berry.

Amanda Berry was kidnapped in 2003. She was leaving her job at Burger King when out of nowhere she would disappear. Her disappearance sparked national coverage.

She would tell the neighbors that two other women were in the home of this crazy man named Ariel Castro.

The other women were Michelle Knight, a young mother who ran away and Gina DeJesus, then a teenager who was walking home from school and was abducted in 2004.

Three women were held captive in a Cleveland area home. They spent nearly a decade in an old Seymour Avenue home being enslaved by Castro.

Castro, a former school bus driver and local musician held these women against their will. He would torture them, rape them and cause them miscarriages.

Castro would rape Amanda and father a child by her. He would beat Gina and Michelle when they couldn't bore his children. They would sit in a separate room in a well secured home.

Castro was a divorced father of four. He divorced his wife after he abused her. According to the law, Castro would have a sexual fetish. The man would troll the stroll for hookers and occasionally meet women on social networks. Castro feared rejection.

Castro groomed a distraught Michelle after she lost custody of her son. She would be the first victim of the horrors.

On May 6, Castro and his brothers would leave to take care of an errand. Amanda would find a portion of his home that had a broken door. She would use that broken door to escape.

Cleveland Police, the FBI and Cuyahoga County Sheriff would gather around the Seymour Avenue home grabbing evidence and reveal to the junk food media about this home being a "place of horrors".

Deep inside Castro's home was hidden rooms. Those hidden rooms and his basement were padlocked.

Castro's four grown children would be advised not to stroll around his home too much. He would regularly attend church, have relationships with women and troll for hookers. When he was done, he would go back home and have his three.

Castro's arrest ended the horror. When interviewed by the law, he would tell them that he "let his guard down" and he was thankful for allowing the law to catch him. When he was to go to trial, he wanted to plea not guilty knowing that if he was found guilty he would be given the gas chamber. So he copped a plea. That plea meant for him to give up his home, his assets would go to the victims, he would have no contact with his family or the victims, and he would spend the rest of his life in the iron college with no parole.

He took the deal. And off he goes to Orient Lockup. After a few months in the iron college, Castro would hang himself. The law knew he was suicidal, but somehow two correction guards got the pinkslip after Castro put the blankets around a bar and let his neck slide between them.

As a year passes by, I've read that the three women were award a victim's compensation and are trying to adjust to their lives.

They still live in the Cleveland area. Michelle Knight, 33 year old has distanced herself from the events. She no longer talks to Amanda Berry or Gina DeJesus. She would change her name to Lily Rose Lee, got tattooed and pierced. She reunited with her family and her son. She is attending a cooking school.

Gina DeJesus, 24 and Amanda Berry, 27 are going to be Washington, DC this week to meet with the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children. They will accept an award for their bravery and speak to national speakers including Elizabeth Smart, a survivor of a kidnapping in the 1990s.

Amanda and Michelle are mothers of children.

We here at Journal de la Reyna wish those three young women the very best. Personally, I wish each woman well. They've survived a madman's horror. They are truly loved and blessed.

We love you Michelle (Lily), Amanda and Gina! We hope that you can move forward in your lives.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Honey Maid: Where's The Love?

A few wholesome commercials pissed off the racist right.

Me and S. Baldwin believe in diversity. We covered many issues facing those of color.

It's part of the reason to why I post on Journal de la Reyna. I'm here to be the voice of those who believe in diversity and equal treatment. I am here because I want to share with the readers a very honest opinion about my community, the government and the things going on in the junk food media.

We do not discriminate against race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, political and economic standings.

Again you may find my opinion to be pretty upfront and you may not like what I've posted. That's perfectly fine. I don't force anyone to read anything I post. We don't hold no gun to anyone's head telling you to read anything here on Journal de la Reyna.

We do not subject ourselves to reading the word vomit from a person who flexes their "internet gangsta".

I don't read comments anymore. I don't worry what they say about me nowadays. I rather see them lose it when we're declared the winner.
Wholesome families were featured in Honey Maid ad. Interracial, same sex, single parent and military families were featured in the ad to promote Wholesome.
The Nabisco Company faced some heavy heat from the racist right after they've aired some online ads featuring a diverse group of families.

This Is Wholesome is the new trademark for the graham cracker Honey Maid and its affiliate Teddy Grahams products.

The company is hoping to celebrate diversity and love among all Americans.

Some families included a single dad and his son, two interracial couples and a same sex couple. Some commercials were spoken in Spanish.

Those were totally awesome commercials.

The racist right was pissed that they seen a White man hold the hand of a Black woman. And yeah, they had an opportunity to see two men who love each other and their children in the ad.

Just last year, me and S. Baldwin were talking about the Cheerio's ad in which an interracial couple and their child made the racist right go bananas.

And of course, YouTube has now made it harder for people to post offensive comments on their pages.

Twitter and Facebook are looking at ways to predetermine who are the "troublemakers" online.

Of course the freedom of speech does come with a price. I mean they're entitled to be the condescending assholes the rest of rational points them out to be.

But since this is an election year, do you believe this could help motivate voters?

Because at every turn the Republicans are blocking equal pay for women, equal rights for the LGBT community and the poor.

There's a bonus: General Mills went ahead with the sequel to the Love commercial by featuring the interracial family and their soon to be new edition.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Man Got Locked Up While Girlfriend Went Into Labor!

Macea Saunders
Macea Saunders holding his newborn son. He was pretty upset that the law declined his offer to escort him and his laboring girlfriend to the hospital. 

Over in Pittsburgh, a bittersweet happy ending for a man and his girlfriend. As he was riding in the nearby suburb of Pleasant Hills, the man knew his girlfriend was going into labor. He tried to flag down an officer for an escort to the nearest hospital.

He didn't think that the officer would check his status as a wanted suspect. So he got the cuffs on him and his girlfriend got a ride by ambulance to the hospital. Although she gave birth to a healthy boy, the father who was released hours later wasn't there to see the miracle.

He and his girlfriend are pissed and they want to know why the Pleasant Hills police wanted to be such dicks.

WPXI reports that Shayla Crews, gave birth to a son Monday, but her boyfriend, and father of the baby, Macea Saunders, was not there.

“I just thought about him being there, and he wasn’t there. I could start crying now.  Just thinking about it makes me emotional,” said Crews.

The Pittsburgh-area couple said they flagged down a police officer to escort them to the hospital.

“My contractions were so close together that I didn’t think I was going to make it to the hospital, so we pulled over and flagged him down.  He came up behind us and turned his lights on,” said Crews.

Saunders said the officer then took the frantic father-to-be in custody.
Shayla Crews and Macea Saunders together with their child. They have a memorable experience to say at least.
“He pulled me out of the car. Before he asked me what my name was, he pulled me to the back of the trunk and started questioning me,” he said.

Pleasant Hills police said, “Saunders was wanted out of Washington County for aggravated assault.  He became agitated and used profane language.  That's why he was taken into custody."

Police said Saunders was also driving with a suspended license.

Saunders said he wasn’t notified about an outstanding warrant.

He was released from jail a day after the birth, he said.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why I Cannot Say That Hemings-Jefferson Relationship is Romantic

Why I Cannot Say That Hemings-Jefferson Relationship is Romantic(Updated)

I cannot in the whole world say that the relationship between Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings is one of romance. I'm sorry I'm not buying into mainstream media and pundits history revision. These were the same people who venomously deny that Jefferson coerced and abuse Sally Hemings, let alone an involuntary relationship. There are still many who totally deny the Hemings-Jefferson relationship to this day. Don't these people see before their eyes the many complexions Black Americans are today? They are not the products of recent couplings, but of coerced and abusive relationships between Black women and White men during slavery, segregation, and Jim and Jane Crow. My friendly blogger Ann said in her commentary:

"Until the day comes when an enslaved woman can have a say-so over her body, the children that come from her body, and how and when she can decide herself what she will or will not be able to do with her body, the word mistress will never be used by me in the same sentences with the words slave and master, regardless as to whether it is Thomas Jefferson or any other white slave master."

Not only Black women suffer the indignity of abuse, rape, and sexual exploitation by all men, but they were routinely deny respect and equal protection under the law(read At the Dark End of the Street by Danielle McGuire).  Antimiscegenation laws were a proof of such indignity. Refusing to be called by their last names is showing disrespect. 

While mainstream media and society are very obsessed over the presidency of President Obama, society doesn't want people to discuss about the other racial mixing that is both very coercive and exploitative. Barack Obama is a product of consensual interracial relationship and marriage, that of a Black man and a white woman. America is more sympathetic and comfortable with that combination although they show contempt toward that combination.  Read Richard Cohen's racist article regarding the DeBlasio family this past November. Then again, they don't pose a threat to the structure of American white supremacy because the white woman who marry black men takes his status.

It's time to talk about this shameful, sordid history instead of sweeping it under the ground as usual.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

It Was The Phone That Killed Cali Teen!

A teen who was a star soccer player at her junior high school was killed by a freight train. Jenna Betti went to retrieved her phone and mistaken the train distance. She was struck and killed. This is one of the selfie photos Jenna took with her heartbroken mother.

We're in the digital age.

About 90% of American citizens own and operate a phone. The land line phone is on the decline and most Americans are now getting all their needs through their phone.

And with the phone comes the responsibility. Smartphone theft is on the rise and people are losing their lives over this. The companies and software developers are working to prevent this from happening. They are creating freeware and anti-theft tools to keep track of a stolen phone.

States are passing stricter laws that fine, vehicle operators who are on the road while on the phone.

I admit that I often do a lot of texting on the phone while operating a vehicle. That is extremely dangerous.

Many Americans lost their lives on the highways because of a five second text or a phone conversation.

You don't get an opportunity to avoid a hazard when you're arguing with a friend or family member.

You crash into a vehicle. Either you kill someone or you're the one!

We all must use common sense when using a cellphone!

A 14-year old girl paid the price for her phone. She lost her life when a Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway train struck and killed her in California.

Jenna Betti from Martinez was trespassing on the railroad tracks with her boyfriend. Upon hearing a freight train approaching, they first moved off the tracks. But somehow, Betti dropped her phone. She went to retrieve her phone and got caught off guard by the speed of the train. The train struck her and killed her upon impact.

The girl and her boyfriend didn't use common sense when they walked on the tracks. Then of course, instead of moving off the tracks, the young teen decided that the phone was more important than her life.

Jenna's mother Denna posted on the social networks about her daughter's death. Denna wrote, "She didn't judge the approach, and the train creates a vacuum, we were told, and it sucks you in."

"Thank you for all your love, support and prayers during this very difficult time," her mother wrote. "Why they made such a horrible decision we'll never know."

It's probably safer to watch a train approach from a distance.
It is extremely dangerous for anyone to walk on railroad tracks. No matter what the situation, a train can come and you wouldn't even know it. Many people paid the price for trespassing on the tracks.

It's a class A misdemeanor for anyone caught on the railroad tracks. The individual could be arrested for trespassing or impeding on the right-of-way of transit.

It's a CLASS THREE FELONY if you're caught putting something on the tracks to derail or impede on the transit of a train. You can go to the iron college if you put something on the tracks and cause a train to derail.

If you're stuck on the tracks call the police or the rail company to inform the operator of the train.

A train can't stop like a car and semi-truck. It could take up to a full mile to come to a complete stop.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the family of Jenna Betti.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Runaway Ohio Teen And Her Abductor Are Caught!

The law caught federal fugitive Mark Edwards after he was sought in the abduction of Michaela Bruce. The teen is also facing charges for deliberately trying to flee and elude law enforcement. Edwards and Bruce are in Clark County lock up respectively.

From Tuesday to early Saturday morning, Mark Edwards and Michaela Bruce were on the run.

The 44-year old man and his 14-year old lover were caught not far from where the initial search began.

The two were deliberately running from the law. According to Bruce's mom Tammy, the teen was in love with her abductor and the law enforcement feared the two could cause great harm to others if they were cornered.

The Clark County Sheriff, Springfield Police and U.S. Marshals were aiding with the FBI in their investigation of the fugitive. Edwards who was under indictment for unlawful contact with a minor was supposed to be in court that day.
Mark Edwards dressed up with his teenager lover in his arms. Michaela Bruce deliberately ran off with Edwards. She claims that the two are in love. They were caught on Friday.
So now I guess he got in touch with Bruce and told her to meet him somewhere and that's where the near long week adventure began.

While Clark County Sheriff Gene Kelly said the continuing onslaught of tips to his office led deputies to a Clark gas station at Selma and Sunset in Springfield, where Edwards and Bruce had gone to find food and water. Deputies stopped the van not long after that.

Kelly said the girl told authorities she and Edwards had been sleeping under a stairwell and had been walking railroad tracks -- she's not sure where they were. She'll remain in county juvenile detention tonight, the sheriff said. She'll likely be charged with delinquency by reason of interference of custody and inducing panic.

According to the Clark County Prosecutor's Office, a bond for Edwards will be set this weekend on new charges that include felony fleeing and eluding. Other charges are likely to include interference of custody, a misdemeanor. Edwards, who said nothing to reporters as he was walked through the sheriff's office to the county jail late Friday, is likely to be arraigned Sunday morning, we're told.
Michaela Bruce will be punished for her role.
The $50,000 bond for Edwards, set in an earlier criminal case against him that involved him running off with Bruce, has been forfeited.

"My daughter's safe. That's what counts. God brought her back," said Tammy Bruce, who was called to the sheriff's office when she was notified about her daughter. "My prayers were answered. My whole family's prayers were answered. I thank the public... just thank everybody for your prayers."

Earlier, Edwards and Bruce were leaving CVS, their vehicle was spotted by a deputy, prompting a pursuit. Deputies cut off the pursuit in Springfield when Edwards, believed to be driving a car, ran a red light.

That car, with a blown tire, was found later. Also found in that car, which Clark County Sheriff Gene Kelly said was rented by Edwards' wife on Tuesday, were cell phones belonging to Edwards and he girl. The box of hair color, which hadn't been used, was also located in the car.

Items believed to belong to Edwards and Bruce -- including identification belonging to Bruce, a machete, a book bag and eyeglasses possibly belonging to the girl -- were located in a room. Kelly said it's believed Bruce and Edwards were on their way back to the hotel room when the pursuit started. The state bureau of criminal investigation is analyzing those items for DNA.

"We're checking absolutely everything that is coming in," Young said. "Until we find the needle, we've got to find the haystack.... It's very possible someone has lent some assistance to them, which is even more frustrating when they're not coming forward."

The Springfield News-Sun, after obtaining records into the background of Edwards, is reporting that the self-described "Bigfoot hunter" camped in a tent near her house in German Twp. in order to meet the girl for sex. Edwards and Bruce are believed to have had a relationship since last August and their flight, which began a few hours after he refused a plea deal on charges of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor and interference with custody, violates a restraining order filed by the girl's family.

The Springfield News-Sun, The Dayton Daily News and The Associated Press contributed to the story.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Could Your Teen Be In Trouble Too?

Caleb Gordley was killed after he went to the wrong house. His family wonders why the neighbor would shoot the teen in the back after he was leaving the home.

American teen has went to a party sneaking out of his father's house.

After being dared by his friends to drink, the young teen was drunk and goes into the house of a neighbor.

The neighbor was startled by the intruder and proceeded to get his .40 cal.

The teen went into the wrong home. And apparently he startled his neighbor. The neighbor went forth to pop four rounds off the .40 cal and one managed to hit the young teen.

16-year old Caleb Gordley, a Virginia teen who wanted to be the next Jay-Z. He was an inspiring rapper and high school athlete. His dreams to be an inspiration were shattered in a tragic incident.

That one night of partying with friends nearby was a mistake. Like all teens, some managed to get in trouble for things. Caleb wasn't that type of person. I mean one dirty room grounded him for the week. But during the week, he was told of a party at one of his friend's house. He would sneak out of the house and head over.

Now being dared to drink and smoke by fellow peers is a problem. The problem of peer pressure leads teens to unwanted pregnancies (parenthood), sexuality transmitted diseases, underage consumption of alcohol or narcotics or usage of firearms.
Shawn and Jennea Gordley are visually upset over the death of their son. They want to answers to why the parents of the teen who held the party without their acknowledgement. They also were upset that the neighbor would shoot an unarmed teen in the back.
The family of Caleb Gordley is totally pissed about their neighbor doing the unthinkable. The neighbor would put a bullet in the back of the teen. They figured that if you're going to shoot at someone go for the front.

The family believes that race and hate contributed to the death. Many figured that the teen is totally at fault.

Shawn and Jennea Gordley have spoken out about this. And they want to let the country know that their son wasn't a criminal. He was a just a good teen who made a reckless decision. They want to make parents aware of the situations of teenage drinking.

ABC's 20/20 does a segment about this Friday.

The homeowner believed Gordley was a burglar and fired his gun at the teen several times.

Gordley's parents initially forgave the shooter, Donald West Wilder, but new details in the police report, released to them nearly five months after the incident, have changed their minds.

“At no point, from the homeowner's...testimony, the account of the events, did he ever describe Caleb in any way being aggressive,” Shawn Gordley, Caleb Gordley’s father, told ABC News’ “20/20.”

An autopsy report also confirmed that Caleb Gordley died from a gunshot wound to the back.

“He shot him in the back,” Caleb Gordley’s mother, Jennea Gordley, who is divorced from his father, told “20/20.” “If you're really in fear of danger of your life and your family's life, why would you allow a person...that appeared to be dazed to you, walk right past you and then you shoot him in the back?”

Caleb Gordley had just been grounded for a week several days before he was killed in March 2013. The popular student-athlete and aspiring rapper was never much of a partier, but was itching to get out of the house by the end of the week. He even tweeted throughout the day saying, “Honestly who’s throwin a party tonight?!” and “Somebody make a party right now. I’m tryna to have fun tonight no lie.”

“He’s not much of a drinker, but he just wanted to try some that night,” Kory Carico, Caleb Gordley’s good friend, who was with him the night he died, told “20/20.”

At midnight on Saturday night, Caleb Gordley slipped out of his father’s upscale suburban home and headed for a friend’s house a few blocks away. For two hours, the teens tossed back vodka shots. By 2 a.m., a woozy Caleb Gordley decided it was time to go home before his dad noticed he was gone.

“He got pretty drunk,” Carico said. “I took him back to my house, and I was going to make him stay there, but...He knew he had to get home. I knew that for sure. He kept bothering us about it.”

Carico helped a seriously impaired Caleb Gordley walk home to the quiet cul-de-sac where the houses look nearly identical.

“I’ve never come in the back way before, but the houses look similar, so I figured it was his house because he thought it was his house, too,” Carico said.

Caleb Gordley climbed in through the window of the house he thought was his. “The alarm went off, and then I saw the light come on,” Carico said. “Then I heard yelling, which I thought was his dad, so I started running because I thought I was going to get in trouble.”

But it wasn’t Caleb Gordley’s house. It was the home two doors down from his own, where Donald West Wilder, 43, lives with his girlfriend. Startled, Wilder grabbed the 40-caliber pistol equipped with a laser and flashlight that he kept next to his bed, thinking a thief was breaking into his home at 2:30 a.m.
Caleb Gordley mistaken the neighbor's home as his.
According to the police report, Shawn Gordley said, Wilder immediately saw Caleb Gordley in the kitchen area when the motion lights came on, did not recognize him, and yelled at him to get out of the house. Intoxicated, Caleb Gordley continued to walk through the home and headed towards the stairs.

“The homeowner said he made eye contact with Caleb, and there was a dazed look on his face, so he knew he was on drugs, alcohol, whatever the case may be,” Shawn Gordley said. “As he came up the steps, he said he saw no weapon, nothing like that.”

Caleb Gordley kept walking up the staircase, where Wilder’s girlfriend was sleeping upstairs. Frightened, Wilder fired one warning shot and one aimed at Caleb Gordley. “Caleb, according to a statement, turned around, didn’t attack the person shooting at him and simply said, according to the statement, ‘You just shot me,’” Shawn Gordley said. “At which point, he turned back around and proceeded to walk to what he thought was his own bedroom.”

Caleb Grodley's parents Shawn and Jennea are warning families about teenage drinking.
After Caleb Gordley reached the top of the stairs, Wilder fired two or three more shots, according to the police report. One shot went through Caleb Gordley’s back, and another, which was aimed at his head, missed.

“You have a person that…actually comes in through a window…The alarm sounds off…He was six-foot tall, unknownst to the…homeowner, wearing dark clothing,” Sheriff Michael Chapman of Loudon County, Va., told “20/20.” “You look at everything in context of what’s going on: 2:30 in the morning, somebody breaking in to your house, you..had no idea who this person was.”

“You could have...shot him in leg,” Shawn Gordley said. “Instead he lined himself up at the perfect angle to shoot a hollow point bullet through my son's lung and explode his chest and then a fourth shot at his head for good measure.”

No charges were ever filed against Wilder. Through his attorney, Wilder declined a request from “20/20” for an interview, saying in statement, “As you can imagine, the incident was an unfortunate tragedy on every level...As we are not confident that participating in your program would contribute to the healing process, we are unwilling to so participate.”

Ten months after Caleb Gordley’s death, his family and friends are struggling to understand how his mistake ended so tragically and still waiting for an apology in person from the man who took his life.

“Do I hate him? No. Do I want him put away? No, I don't think that's going to solve anything,” Jennea Gordley said.

“I put all of the blame on me at first. I thought it was all my fault, because I took him to the wrong house,” Carico said.

“We can’t just forget about him and let him go. I have to remember him for the rest of my life,” said Carico.


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