Showing posts with label Carly Fiorina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carly Fiorina. Show all posts

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Mutiny I Tells Ya!

The Republican Party is in such disarray. There's thoughts of a mutiny within the party.

The Republicans are feuding with one another over the direction of the party. There's talk of a brokered party. Donald Trump isn't the only one thinking about bolting from the party. It seems like Ben Carson is now having thoughts of becoming a spoiler if he's rejected as the Republican nominee.

Trump who is leading in national polls is a threat to the Republicans and Democrats.

Trump's fiery rhetoric hasn't really dented him in the polls.

But Ted Cruz is catching up and he's determined to take down Trump. The Texas senator was recorded saying that Trump and Carson are just hype. He believes they'll fail at becoming the nominee.

That set Carson off.

Many big name donors were disappointed with the flock of candidates.

They said that the race is unpredictable and if Trump, Cruz or Carson should become the nominee, many establishment Republicans may not support it.

Reince Priebus is very concerned that a brokered party could spell disaster for the party as a whole.

Donald Trump's rise to the top of the 14-candidate field has confounded establishment Republicans who have been waiting in vain for the New York billionaire's insurgent campaign to collapse.

Trump has repeatedly threatened to embark on an independent run for the White House if the party does not treat him fairly.

Now as usual, I am expected to hear from concern trolls about the Democrats and the mess they got on them. First things first, Hillary Clinton is the clear front runner in the race for the Democratic nomination. She's not getting too much press coverage. I mean she has appeared on talk shows and GOP Sundays to talk about issues. Republicans have a 3:1 ratio in media coverage and they still complain about it.

Bernie Sanders is leading in New Hampshire and catching up in  Iowa. The independent senator and many operatives in the Democratic Party are pissed that the junk food media is giving too much time to the Republicans and Hillary Clinton.

Ask Martin O'Malley about how he's doing. He's trailing so bad, he doesn't even get media coverage.

Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) and co-chair Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) are feuding with one another over the direction of the party. Gabbard, a conservative Democrat is concerned that Clinton's vulnerabilities could harm their chances at winning.

Concern trolls will say Bernie Sanders, Jim Webb and Martin O'Malley are tempted to go independent too. Why don't the junk food media talk about Jim Webb threatening to go independent?

Well here's a shocker to the concern troll. Jim Webb was polling at ZERO. Martin O'Malley is polling at ZERO.

Bernie Sanders is polling at 25%. That is a quarter of the Democratic primary voters. Sanders could spell trouble for Hillary Clinton.

Monday, December 07, 2015

The Radicals Are Calling Islam Radical!

The only muscle the Republicans got is their tongues. They can talk tough but does it mean they'll act the part?

We're almost a week in and the topic of terrorism in the United States has become shiny coin the junk food media is chasing.

The San Bernardino tragedy sparked discussions over immigration, terrorism, gun violence, and profiling.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has become the scare de jour for the Republican Party. The candidates are calling "radical Islam" the number one threat to the United States.

But you and I know that gun violence is the number one threat in the United States, and the Republicans are too damn stupid to understand that.

Last night President Barack Obama delivered a statement to the nation. The 15 minute speech explained his aggressive approach to taking on terrorism.

The Republicans as usual denounced it. They complain that the president doesn't say the magic word whenever he explains his fight against terrorism.

You often notice that the tone of the rhetoric is becoming more angrier.

Muslims are fearing the backlash after the Paris and San Bernardino attacks. This latest attacks were sparked by individuals who pledged their support to the Islamic State.

Did you know that the Republicans rejected a strict background check law when it comes to the firearms?

They strongly rejected the idea to pass legislation to keep these nuts from obtaining firearms. They say that a terrorist or criminal can obtain access regardless of what law is passed. And these are the same people who say that the healthcare law is unconstitutional despite going through two Supreme Court rulings.

In truth, the terrorists want Republicans to win the White House. They believe the Republicans are stupid. The Republicans will let an attack happen. Their anti-government rhetoric will eventually cut a program that could protect the country. The terrorists will often seek opportunities in the United States and their lax gun control laws to stockpile. They will use the benefits of the Republicans to cause another mass murder.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Kasich: If Trump Wins The Nomination, I Might Quit The Republican Party!

Ohio governor John Kasich is getting desperate. He launched an attack against Republican front runner Donald Trump. The insurgent's lead is HUGE.

Ohio Republican governor John Kasich has went forth to the junk food media declaring that he will likely not support the Republican nominee if he isn't the one. He said that Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are destroying the party.

Conservatives see Kasich as well as Jeb Bush, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and New Jersey Chris Christie as the establishment.

Many conservatives see Trump as the candidate who tells it like it is. Despite his recent controversies involving the mocking of a disabled reporter, the retweeting of a racist mock statistic and the database for Muslims, Trump is still leading in the national polls.

It's stomped the Republican establishment.

It seems like Donald Trump is a real "serious" contender in this race for the White House.

Kasich isn't like this one bit. So he teamed up with allies who are willing to shelve out $$$$$$$$$ for an anti-Trump campaign.

On GOP Sundays, the governor went on to talk about his struggling poll numbers. Kasich dismissed the polls and declared that he's in it to win. He said that Trump will not be the nominee.
Kasich is a low energy candidate. Donald Trump is surging.
“I think he’s very divisive and I do not believe he will last,” Kasich said when asked if he would support Trump if he wins the Republican primary.

Kasich pointed to Trump’s recent back and forth with The New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski as a reason he won’t win the nomination. Trump has drawn criticism this week for appearing to mimic Kovaelski's mannerisms, caused by a muscular disorder, which Kasich said Trump “absolutely mocked.”

“Somebody who divides this country, here in the 21st century, who’s calling names of women and Muslims and Hispanics and mocking reporters, and says, ‘I didn’t do it,’ but he did do it, it’s just not going to happen,” said Kasich.

Kasich added that Trump’s popularity has been overblown. The two have sparred at recent debates, and Kasich released a video this week featuring a veteran comparing Trump’s rhetoric to that of the Nazis.

“Everybody needs to get over it and take a deep breath,” Kasich said.

So Kasich is dropping the "nice guy" act and telling the junk food media he's not divisive. Let's go back to the Kasich years in the Ohio state house.

The controversial SB-5 law, the John Crawford shooting, the Tamir Rice shooting, the Republican redistricting scandal, the political kickbacks, and pulling back infrastructure funds for the state are reasons to why he's struggling to win the nomination. He doesn't give two fucks about the issues in the state. He's just trying to appeal to his radical base.

Many see Kasich as a failed governor. He won reelection because the Democrats had a candidate who was a natural born loser. Kasich isn't the savior of the Republican Party.

He's the reason to why the party is so fucking stupid. He tries to act smart, but in reality he's stupid.

He's not as stupid as former Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, but he's right up in the area.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Ignoring The Real Threat!

The terrorist was a White man who had mental issues and a heinous motive.

As the name of the victims were being released, the motive inspired by this terrorist could be possibly anti-government, anti-choice and anti-Obama. The recipes of rhetoric being vomited by agitators in the junk food media.

Of course, I don't blame the agitators for the actions of this terrorist. But since the junk food media is invested in this, I might as well tell you what the real problem is.

We're just tone deaf when it comes to these awful tragedies.

The families of Jennifer Markovsky, 36, and Ke'Arre Stewart, 29, confirmed their identities Sunday, The Denver Post reports. Jennifer was a mother of two who took her friend to the Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs. She was shot on site during the terrorist's medley. She was married and was a stay a home mother.

Ke'Arre served a tour of duty for the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. He was married and the father of two children. He was shot outside the grocery store near the women's health facility.

A terrorist killed two innocent people. Both of them were parents and had bright futures ahead of them.
The third victim, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs police officer Garrett Swasey, was identified previously and remembered during a Sunday morning service at New Hope, the church where he served as an elder.

Before joining the UCCS police force, he was a nationally ranked junior figure skater and ice dancer.

He was married with two children.

The terrorist is being held on capital murder charges. He was denied a "get out free card". This terrorist is innocent until proven guilty. If found guilty on the charges, he could get the gas house.

The right wing network and the Republican candidates are deflecting the terrorist attack in Colorado Springs to the left.

They continue to ignore the real problem here in the United States.


You notice for every mass shooting, every police shooting of an unarmed person of color, and terrorist attack, conservatives use this as a moment to deflect from the real reasons why this stuff happens every freaking day in the world.

Concern trolls are Republican and conservative nobodies who like to deflect the real issues to hypothetical rhetoric and false equivalency.
Garrett Swasey died in the line of duty.
The Republican candidates once again deflect the narrative of this tragedy to point the finger at Planned Parenthood, BlackLivesMatter, President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

On GOP Sundays, you have Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson and Republican lawmakers denouncing the terrorist but avoiding calling this act in Colorado Springs an act of terror.

Scratch that Huckabee did call it an act of domestic terrorism.

Fiorina found some way to place #BlackLivesMatter and the left in the fold. “This is so typical of the left to immediately begin demonizing a messenger because they don’t agree with the message,” Fiorina said.

Fiorina has been one of the most forceful Republican candidates in denouncing Planned Parenthood after heavily edited undercover videos were released supposedly showing Planned Parenthood staff discussing the provision of fetal tissue samples for research purposes.

Planned Parenthood locations across the country have faced an increase in violence since the release of the heavily edited videos by the anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress. There have been four arsons at Planned Parenthood locations in California, Illinois, Louisiana and Washington since the release of the videos.

Fiorina called the Colorado Springs shooting a “tragedy” and denounced the shooter as a “deranged” man who should be tried for murder.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Shooting At Planned Parenthood In Colorado!

Mass shooting in Colorado Springs targeted Planned Parenthood. 

The Republicans were pretty confident that they could take on the women's health provider. Because of the undercover videos that were released showing Planned Parenthood workers explaining fetal tissue, Republicans have vowed to defund the organization.

Insurgents like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina have vowed defund Planned Parenthood.

It was getting major play on that right wing network. The AM agitators have brought it up.

It also inspired terrorists to create havoc among the providers and patients. There were over 10 incidents where terrorists have sought havoc on Planned Parenthood. This one happens to attract the junk food media's attention.

A terrorist who opened fire on lawmen and innocent civilians at a Planned Parenthood yesterday. The residents of Colorado Springs, Colorado once again experienced another major shooting in their community. The last shooting was a 31-year old terrorist who opened fire on civilians. He managed to kill four before the law killed him.

The city of Colorado Springs is one of the safest cities in the United States. These latest incidents of mass shootings in the city have the nation once again griping with the debate over firearms and the threat of terrorism (i.e. right wing extremism).

The president and Colorado's Democratic governor John Hickenlooper were notified.

World News Today send our condolences to those lost in this senseless tragedy.

CNN reports that three people were shot dead Friday, including university police Officer Garrett Swasey, whose body was escorted out early Saturday morning by his fellow officers. Five officers and four civilians are hospitalized in good condition, according to city police Lt. Catherine Buckley, after the assault.
This terrorist currently held in lock up on capital murder of a lawman and civilians.
And then there's the challenge of making sense of all this bloodshed: Why, on the day after Thanksgiving, would a man walk up to a clinic with his guns out and then hold out for hours before finally surrendering?

Planned Parenthood, which delivers reproductive health care and sex education to women and men across the United States, has come under attack before. But the group said Friday night that it didn't know anything about this facility being "targeted deliberately."

"The heart of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains is broken ... as we try to make sense of the horrific tragedy," the provider's regional division tweeted.
Ketanya Craion was a hostage. She said that see the terrorist shooting at the law.
And authorities have not outlined a motive in Friday's incident that had those in the clinic huddling in horror and others hunkering down in fear in nearby stores and offices.

They have, however, identified the man they say is responsible: 57-year-old Robert Lewis Dear.

This terrorist was being held without bail Saturday in a Colorado Springs jail, according to the El Paso County Sheriff's Office website. He is scheduled to appear in court on Monday.

Ketanya Craion was in an exam room when the shooting began Friday morning. Three people were killed and nine others were injured before police arrested 57-year-old Robert Dear after an hours-long standoff.

“When I saw him shooting the guns, it looked like he was talking to himself as he was shooting,” said Craion.

Craion said she ran out of the exam room and into another, where she found a nurse and a patient unaware of the shooting.

“She was about to release the other girl to go back to the lobby because she was done with the services that they were doing,” she said. “When I came in, they weren’t aware of anything until they heard the gunshots and me identify that there was a gunman on site.

Craion said she and the others pushed an exam bed up against the door since it didn’t have a lock. The three of them sat in front of the door for about five hours.

Police haven’t released a motive for the shooting or said whether the Planned Parenthood clinic was the intended target. Dear exchanged gunfire with police throughout the day, authorities said.

“It looked like maybe there was someone outside that he was trying to aim at before he actually entered in the Planned Parenthood,” said Craion.

Okay, I want to know who's actually going to take the blame? Obviously the junk food media will attack someone. Obviously I am going to automatically blame the shooter. But who would you blame for this tragedy.

Now that the Planned Parenthood Shooter is captured, who really deserves the blame?
Barack Obama
Lila Rose
Fox News
Carly Fiorina
The Shooter
All Of These Above
Poll Maker

Let me be clear, that gun violence is the number one threat in the United States. I believe that our country is so tone deaf to mass shootings. It's like President Barack Obama said, we're numb to these events.

We reacted quickly to the terrorist attacks in Paris, France. The moment it was revealed the terrorist were supporters of the Islamic State, American lawmakers automatically tried to pass legislation to restrain Syrian and Iraqi refugees from entering the country. They did more in Congress to stop refugees from entering the country than trying to stop mass shootings.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Tongue Is The Only Muscle Republicans Flex When They're Handling Terrorism!

The Republicans are weak on terrorism.

I've always said that I rather have a rational president than a shit throwing moron. If President Barack Obama was to run a third term, I will assure you, he would win.

Given the entire field of Democrats and Republicans, it's basically a bunch of wannabes and should not have beens. A handful of perennial candidates and a bunch of sissies.

None of them inspire me to vote for them. Seriously, even Hillary Clinton is a huge bore. Clinton is too freaking polarizing. It's frustrating that she fights dirty against Barack Obama more than the Republicans. The Republicans are constantly name dropping her without even backing up their claims. They just see Benghazi and Bill Clinton's personal business as a reason to stop her.

Donald Trump is a egotistical manic who craves attention. He's clueless on how to fix America's problems. The only thing that keeps him viable is the fact he talks tough and people soak that up.

Ben Carson is a bore. Either he pretends to be stupid or getting up there. He can't tell you really much. I mean he's a damn former neurosurgeon and he can't figure out how to handle a problem.

Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Martin O'Malley and Chris Christie are the wannabees. They think that since they won reelections, they believe that they're entitled to be president.

Marco Rubio, Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham have no legislative accomplishments. They believe that if Barack Obama can do it, they can to. But what makes them so dumb is the fact that Obama doesn't try to isolate potential voters. These idiots do. Even if they seek the middle ground, they talk like a bunch of condescending dicks.

Besides Clinton, there's a handful of perennials. Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Jim Gilmore should head back to the curb. They're trash.

Barack Obama would mop the floor with these idiots. Given if he would have ran in 2012 and 2016, he would beat these idiots in a landslide like he did John McCain and perennial loser Mitt Romney.

Despite the onslaught of agitating from the Republicans and conservatives, many Americans would rather have a leader who thinks before making crucial decisions.

I want to kindly remind the concern trolls and blame Obama crowd that Republicans have never kept us safe. They have selective memories when it comes to keeping Americans safe.

If you seriously believe that Republicans are strong on terror, then you should be congratulated on how stupid you are.

Republicans are stupid. They can't have it both ways when it comes to protecting Americans. We haven't had a major terrorist attack in the United States since 2001. We have had more mass shootings in the United States and the Republicans are cowards when it comes to dealing with the safety of Americans.

Gun violence is the NUMBER ONE THREAT in the United States. Terrorism, Ebola, and HIV are major issues that face Americans. It's unfortunate that the threat of gun violence is by far more problematic.

Republicans so fixated on flexing the only muscle they've got: their goddamn tongues.
Poker face. President Barack Obama is aggressively fighting terrorism and Republicans are fighting him.
The Republicans and their conservative agitators allies have been "popping off" about how they would take on the media's boogeyman. The junk food media is the best public relations firm for the Islamic State.

The Islamic State is trying to convince people that the United States and their allies are attacking Muslims. They are encouraging men and women to retaliate against the West for destroying families.

The Republicans have complained that the president and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton failed to mention the threat of  *drumroll* "radical Islam".

The president warned his critics that they're new found interest in the safety of Americans will inspire the Islamic State to attack the country. He said that the anti-Islamic rhetoric is fueling tensions and its causing strains with allies wary of American influence.

The president is trying to built a coalition to take on the Islamic State.

Our conservative allies are so obsessed with the president not leading in the fight against the Islamic State. They seriously believe that Obama is "leading from behind".

In Washington, DC, many lawmakers are turning yellow. The House passed a bill that would restrict Syrian refugees from entering the country without even more stricter background checks. The Senate will take on the issue. The president will veto the bill if it reaches his desk.

The reactionary response to Syrian refugees has also gotten the attention of state governors.

Republican governors and state lawmakers have went out their way to try usurp federal law by restricting immigrants and refugees from seeking asylum. Then they're talk

The drinking game of Islamophobia has stroked tensions within the United States. White male resentment is on the rise and it's fueling Donald Trump's rise in the national polls.

Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are cruising on the White male resentment.

None of the candidates have a real solution to taking on the Islamic State. Many of their ideas equal what the president is doing. The only thing that Republicans refuse to do is say that they're willing to allow American troops in Syria.

Well maybe Lindsey Graham.

Nevertheless, Republicans are extremely weak on terrorism. George W. Bush and his administration ignored the threat. On September 11, 2001, four airplanes crashed into Washington, DC, New York City and rural Pennsylvania.

Bush had a Republican controlled Congress. They've wanted to cut government. They've cut intelligence.

Now if you really want to see how Republicans handle a crisis, look towards Hurricane Katrina. The Republicans certainly didn't keep us safe. The policies of the Republican president kept us in Iraq for nearly 10 years and Afghanistan for an infinite amount of years with no end in sight.

Under President Barack Obama, the U.S. law agencies, the military and intelligence agencies have captured drug lords, terrorists, sex traffickers, and gang members.

The president rather engage the enemy with the drone missiles.

The Republicans put their fate in irrational leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin.

Now the United States issued a worldwide travel alert for travelers. The U.S. State Department issued this alert for the potential threat of lone wolf attacks from terrorists.

The United States considers the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant an enemy. The Islamic State considers the U.S. and their allies the enemies.

W.A.R. should be an acronym for We Always Respond (or likely Whites Always Respond).

Because White resentment leads to war. And all this fear mongering pretty much gives the Islamic State the advantage.

The terrorists managed to put the fear in Republicans.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cool Was Obama's Middle Name!

This is why I think President Barack Obama is so cool. He basically shows the world that America cares. He's not like those reactionary shit throwing morons.

Over here in the United States, there are people who "seriously believe" that refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria are terrorists. The U.S. intelligence agencies believe someone between the age of 14 to 50 are possible agents for the Islamic State.

The president and team are well aware of the threat. He urged the American people to be vigilant in the wake of the Paris attacks.The Paris attacks have become a political football over here in America.

Republicans and few spineless Democrats are trying to pass legislation that bans refugees from coming in the country. The president vows to veto the bill.

The Islamic State believes that the Western nations are declaring a war on Islam. They are encouraging young Muslims into the fold.

The Republican clowns running for president claim that they can fight terrorism. Using their tongues is the only thing strength they got!

Yet, they can't do nothing about the mass shootings happening in their own country. It seems like they're asshole backwards when it comes to the real threat here in the United States.

Hopefully this shows the world how refugees aren't the blow 'em up and shoot 'em up folks the conservatives paint them out to be.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Obama: Quit Promoting The Terrorists!

President Barack Obama hits back at the Republicans for armchair bitching.

The Republican Party is now turning the Paris attacks into a political football. They were quickly blaming President Barack Obama for the attacks. They cite the president's interview on ABC saying that the Islamic State is "contained" as a reason. They conclude that the president is "weak" on terrorism.

Under Obama's watch there hasn't been a major terrorist attack in the United States. There were more mass shootings under the president's watch.

Now Republican governors and lawmakers are pushing agendas to prevent refugees from entering the United States. They are giving the Islamic State a reason to attack the country.

One Texas Republican state lawmaker said that having refugees here will grant them access to firearms. He cites his own state as being a reason. The Republican involuntarily said access to firearms is too damn easy.

The Republican rhetoric is the best recruitment for the terrorists.

The Islamic State believes that Western societies are destroying their lands. France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States are often in cited as enemies of the extremist group.

The Islamic State was once the al Qaeda of Iraq. They broke away from the group after Osama bin Laden was killed in May 2011. They have gained popularity through the Syrian civil war.

Now the Islamic State has gain ground in Iraq. Conservatives claim that the president's decision to leave the Iraqi War led to the Islamic State growing in power.

Obama gets really annoyed by the armchair generals. He admits that the Paris attacks were a setback to the progress made in the fight against the extremist group. But said that throwing American troops into the Syrian Civil War is a risky move.

Obama warned Republicans that panicking and pushing hateful agendas is fueling the Islamic State recruitment.

While in the Philippines, the president spoke about taking on global terrorism, China's influence in the region and how he's dealing with Congress.

He said that the anti-refugee rhetoric and fear mongering needs to stop.

"Apparently they're scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America," Obama said.

Mocking GOP leaders for thinking they're tough, Obama said overblown rhetoric from Republicans could be a potent recruitment tool for the Islamic State group. He insisted the U.S. process for screening refugees for possible entry into the U.S. is rigorous and said the U.S. doesn't make good decisions "based on hysteria" or exaggerated risk.

"We are not well served when in response to a terrorist attack we descend into fear and panic," the president said.

Obama's comments during a meeting with Philippine President Benigno Aquino marked his harshest condemnation yet of Republicans' response to the Paris attacks blamed on Islamic State that killed 129 people last week. Republicans in Congress and on the 2016 presidential trail have urged an immediate closure of America's borders to Syrian refugees, but the Obama administration has shown no sign of backing off its plans to bring an additional 10,000 Syrians fleeing civil war into the U.S.

Obama took particular ire at a proposal by GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush to admit only Christian Syrians. Bush later clarified he wants to give preference to Christians but not exclude properly vetted Muslims. Still, Obama said the idea of only allowing Christians in amounted to "political posturing" that runs contrary to American values.

In Congress, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have urged at least a temporary halt in the resettlement of Syrians, while disputing Obama administration claims that the small numbers making their way here so far are being thoroughly investigated. Obama said he's been waiting for a year and a half for lawmakers to take up refugee legislation, questioning why they are now suddenly in a rush.

Defending his administration's screening program, Obama said it takes 18 to 24 months to clear a refugee for entry, following vetting by the U.S. intelligence community and other agencies as well as biometrics.

Although there are indications that one of the IS attackers carried a Syrian passport and may have arrived in France alongside refugees, Germany's top security official has said the passport might have been a fake intended to stoke fears. Still, Obama acknowledged that the U.S. public was concerned about attacks on the homeland, noting that Paris "reminds us of home.

"I understand why Americans have been particularly affected," he said.

al Qaeda and the Islamic State wants a Republican to win the White House. The Islamic State thinks Republicans are stupid. Republican are weak on terrorism. The terrorists believe the Republicans will bankrupt the country trying to fight them.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bobby Jindal Is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ !

Piyush "Bobby" Jindal bows out the race. Couldn't make it out the bottom!

Now there's 14 candidates in the clown car. It seems like soon to be former governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal is bowing out. Bobby Jindal, the Louisiana governor will vacate the governor's mansion on a bad note. He's going out with the state in massive disarray.

Jindal is one of the most dullest candidates running in this race. He started a second-tier and ended a second-tier.

"I've come to the realization that this is not my time, I've come here to announce that I am suspending my campaign for President of the United States," he told the right wing network's Bret Beir.

His numbers were dismal even in the face of the minor league debates. Jindal once said that the Republican Party can't be the party of stupid. He ignored his own advice.

Since being governor of Louisiana, he took a hard line conservative stance on issue. He rejected climate change despite Hurricane Gustav and Katrina. He pushed creationism in public schools.

He also pushed executive orders to fulfill his promise to discriminate against same sex couples without facing lawsuits. He even embrace the lunacy of Kim Davis, the controversial Kentucky county clerk who refused to sign off marriage licenses to same sex couples.

He even lost his support of Duck Dynasty. The family decide to embrace Donald Trump.

So who's going to the second stringer debate?

John Kasich and Rand Paul may find a place to the kiddie table.

Now the run-off election will happen in a few days. Republicans are likely to win this race. The Democrats have not thrown much into the race. Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is (D-FL) is facing a backlash of her lack of interest in these races. Democrats believe that she's willing to throw everything away for Hillary Clinton.

The race between the Democratic state lawmaker John Bel Edwards and Republican Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) got a lot nastier. The Paris attacks has become Vitter's last hope for victory. Republicans are hoping to seize on racism and Islamophobia as their path to the governor's mansion.

Bobby Jindal will find a place on radio or television. Matter of fact, he may have a job in Bollywood movies.

He can play the role of an awful governor of a state.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Debate IV: The Curds Meet The Turds!

Another debate with no real answers. Just a lot of soapbox rhetoric.

The right wing business network hosts the debate in Milwaukee. The candidates meet once again for another round of bitching about President Barack Obama's policies and how they're going to stop Hillary Clinton.

The kiddie table debate.

Who won the lower tier debate?

Mike Huckabee
Bobby Jindal
Chris Christie
Rick Santorum
Quiz Maker

Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, and Rick Santorum.

Lindsey Graham and Jim Gilmore were banned from this debate.

Christie on economic growth. Christie wants to share a story about his experience in New Hampshire about a supporter having anxiety towards the economy. Of course, the Republicans stalled the president's policies. Christie vows to repeal the Dodd-Frank law. First one to drop Clinton's name in this.

Huckabee on manufacturing and technology. Brings up the tax code. Huckabee wants to pass the Fair Tax. He said that manufacturing jobs left since 2000. Huckabee complains about the trade agreements that advocated American companies to ship jobs overseas. Huckabee like Christie wanted to eliminate the IRS.

Santorum on payroll to job growth. Santorum said that if you can listen to how Democrats think. He points to the Democratic debate. He said that he's said that manufacturing should be released from the Obama regulations. He said that he can create a path to prosperity. He said that you don't need to go to college, just get out of high school and head to work.

Jindal on oil prices. Jindal is exiting after the runoff election. He was being asked about oil decline. Jindal dismissed the comments. He said that his state of Louisiana benefits from oil. He said that Obama's policies left people in poverty, stuck on food stamps and unemployed. He drops Clinton in his soapbox.

Christie on free stuff. Demcorats have promised to work for the middle class. Christie shrugged off the notion of being the party of selfishness. Christie bold face lied about the tax policies proposed by Bernie Sanders. He also said that he doesn't want government to be in the way.

Santorum on single parenting. Santorum wants to do something about the tax code. He wants to give tax credits to single families. He says that fathers aren't viable in the lives of children. He said that we should be more pro-family.

Huckabee on entitlement reform. He considered it suicide. He says that poor people are being punished when they are on welfare. He wants to

Jindal blast the four senators running on being inept. He said that some of the governors running are weak. Jindal dismisses his dismal record as governor of Louisiana. He said that Republicans should not be a carbon copy of the Democratic Party.

Huckabee says that as a governor he cut government. He blasted Jindal for targeting governors. Christie was tossed the ball.

Santorum blast Huckabee on government spending.

Christie on the debt. He said that Republicans shouldn't be fighting with each other. He said that Republicans should fight Hillary Clinton. She's coming for the wallet said Christie.

Santorum on bailout and auto industry. He said that Washington should not have bailed out the car industry. He thinks that the president is choking competition. Santorum is a supporter of the Import-Export Bank. Santorum wants to blast lawmakers for saying one thing but doing another.

Huckabee on refugee crisis. He said that we should not bring them here. He says that English should be the official language. He also said that the president hasn't helped Kurdish rebels.

Christie on national security. He says that Chinese doesn't respect Obama and Clinton. Christie said that he was a victim of the hacking scandal. If the Chinese commit cyber warfare under his watch he will let them have it. Christie will threaten to take on Chinese sovereignty

Jindal doesnt trust Obama on trade and the Iranian nuclear deal. Jindal says that why should we send a "big government" Republicans into Washington. He said that would favor trade deals but will not continue the policies placed by Bush and Obama.
The candidates once again debate economic issues.
Christie hits back on Jindal. He said that why would Jindal focus on Republicans. Christie said that Clinton is running to the left to meet up with Bernie Sanders. Jindal said that Christie expanded food stamps. Note that Hurricane Sandy was a factor. Jindal ignores the fact that Louisiana is the biggest precipitant of food stamps. Hurricane Katrina has destroyed lives. It's been over 10 years and the state is still not ready for another catastrophic storm.

Candidates asked on Obamacare. Santorum wants to rid of all Obamacare. Santorum says that Cruz wants to shut the government. Santorum says Bush wants a healthcare law that offers bigger entitlements. Jindal and Christie were blasted by Santorum. He told them that they need a juice box for their efforts. Santorum soapboxes on his days as a senator. He said that he will challenge the Clinton machine. Santorum ignores the infrastructure question.

Huckabee complains about the lawmakers ignoring the issues at the Veteran's Administration. Christie also made his concerns about the lawlessness of the Obama administration. Christie made a plug for the presidency.

Taxes became one of the topics for the candidates.

Santorum - 20% Flat Tax. Keep the Capital Gains Tax low. Don't allow state and local taxes to be meddled with. What he wants is 20% - 33%
Huckabee - Get rid of all taxes. He said that we should punish people for working hard. He wants to continue to pass this Fair Tax.
Jindal - 25%, 10%, 2%. Everyone should pay for something. Have some skin in the game. He said that out control spending is destroying the country.
Chrisite - 28% taxes and 8% for lower tier.

Santorum also said that he wants the government out of infrastructure. He shouts into his microphone saying that he's willing to push an agenda.

Huckabee on the Fair Tax. He said that his plan isn't the problem. He said that people will continue to have a little money in their pockets.

Jindal on eliminating the corporate tax. He vows to make everyone pay for something. He wants to downsize the IRS, repeal the death tax and take back America from Obama's grip on the economy.

I got bored with the debate. They were extremely inept candidates. The kiddie table was a huge bore.

Quick Poll

Who won this debate?

Donald Trump
Ben Carson
Carly Fiorina
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
Rand Paul
Jeb Bush
John Kasich
Poll Maker

The big debate with Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, and John Kasich.

Marie Bartiromo and Neil Cavuto were the main moderators and Wall Street Journal's Gerard Baker was the stand-in moderator.

The debate is on. The candidates were asked about the $15.00 minimum wage. Trump said that he will not support the rate hike. Carson was asked about it. Carson believes that people need to be educated on the minimum wage. He says that if we raise the wage, business will cut jobs. He complained about the Black unemployment. He said he will not support the rate hike.

Rubio on the Democrats and their free giveaways. He said that the American dream is universal. He said what makes America so better is the hard work of people. He also oppose the rate hike. He believes its a disaster. So he disparages the protesters. He wants tax reform and controlling the debt, repeal Obamacare, and get rid of "dead end" jobs.

The debt. Kasich was questioned on the debt nearly $20 trillion. Kasich brags about Ohio's turnaround. He said that he raised the minimum wage in the state. He said that people need help. He has a plan. His plan will cut taxes and lower rates for everyone. He promises he can balance the budget. He won't raise the minimum wage.

The IMF question. Cruz was asked on tax reform. He soapboxes on how he stood up to big government. He calls Obama's economy a disaster. He said that he will promote a Flat Tax. He said that he will repeal unnecessary regulations.

Kasich wanted to interrupt but Bush got into him about it. Bush is asked about people giving up on jobs. He slams Obama's policies. He wants to repeal the Clean Air Act. He wants to repeal the Clean Water Act. He believes that small business are the key to the nation's growth. He slams Clinton for grading Obama's economy as an A. He went into the soapbox of people being on food stamps, welfare and not working.

Fiorina on the economy recovery. She responds to the question by saying that she met a supporter who wondered how this country going to handle a potential Clinton presidency. Fiorina called Obama's government corrupt. She said that she wants to challenge the status quo. She wants to reform the tax code. She wants it limited to three pages. She will support a line item veto. She wants to hold government officials accountable. Take back our country came up in her soapbox.

Paul was asked about income inequality. Paul agrees with the notion. He believes that income inequality is blamed on Democrats who run the cities and states. He wants to end the Federal Reserve. He said that if you want a better economy, move to a Republican state.

Carson on his controversial lies. Carson responds with a snide remark towards Cavuto. Carson has no problem with talking to the junk food media. He has a problem when they deliberately distort the truth. Carson brings up Benghazi. He claims that Clinton talked to the Libyan leaders, and her daughter citing the September 11, 2012 attack as terrorism. He called Clinton a "liar".  He says he's an honest person.

Trump on the immigration reform and DAPA. Trump jumped for joy hearing the conservative court slam the president's executive orders. Trump says that immigrants are hurting the nation. He believes that drugs and crime and a weak border gives immigrants opportunities to take jobs from Americans . Trump wants to send people back. He said that if you don't like it, tough.

Kasich responds to Trump. Kasich believes that we should put up a wall. He said that its not possible to get rid of people. He said that we should push immigration reform. He believes its a silly argument. Trump slams Kasich for being inept. He said thank god Ohio has oil. Trump said that we have to get tough and quit being soft on immigration. Trump said that Jeb Bush should speak.

Kasich said that it's false for Trump to get rid of illegal immigrants. Trumps said that we're billions of dollars in debt. Bush made a snide remark towards Trump. Bush said that the candidates who believe that if we stick to anti-immigrant beliefs, Republicans might as well hand the election to Clinton.

Trump responds back. It's unfair to legal immigrants. He believes that they are

Rubio on technology. He said that we're behind in standards of education. He thinks that we could rid ourselves of unnecessary regulations, repeal Obamacare and better tax code the country will succeed.

Cruz on entitlement reform. He believes we should raise the retirement age. He said that Democrats are weak and if Republicans wants to be like them, they will lose. He didn't really ask the question. Cruz got applause for his soapbox on the junk food media. He believes that journalists should get a pay cut. He soapboxes about his history.

Fiorina on Obamacare regulations. She calls it "crony capitalism". Fiorina also blasted the law for being too long. She offers no alternative. She soapboxes on the "free market" nonsense. She says the "secret sauce" of the government is innovation. She says government crushes opportunities. When asked about an alternative, she said let the states decide on how to handle health care.

Carson on tax reform. He is in favor of a Flat Tax of 15%. Trump believes that wealthy should pay a little more. Carson thinks it's best to have proportionality. Carson wants to close tax loopholes and deductions. He wants to find ways to get people out of poverty.

Paul on blowing up the tax code. He wants a 14% Fair and Flat tax. He wants to have government so small you can barely see it. He wants to propose a balance budget that keeps the economy neutral. Paul supports the Mack Penny Plan.

Cruz on tax reform. He calls Washington a cartel. He says that he wants to eliminate the income tax. He wants a 10% flat tax across the line. He believes that taxes are hammering small business. Cruz makes a plug for his campaign during another stupid soapbox. He said he vows to destroy the IRS.

Bush on tax reform. He says that Obama and not George W. Bush ruined the economy. Even though Republicans opposed the president's policies for the last seven years it's Obama's fault.

Rubio on tax credits. He said the most important thing in his life is being a parent. He soapboxes on how the family is the key principle to the better tax code. He said that families are raising future taxpayers. He said that people are concerned with day to day means. Yet, he opposes the minimum wage.

Paul claims that Rubio's proposals are a government entitlement. Paul said that Rubio's plan is liberal. Rubio said that his tax plan is beneficial to the American family. Paul hits him on military spending. Rubio slams back on Paul being an isolationist. Rubio said that radical jihadist are trying to destroy us. He believes the Chinese are becoming a threat. Paul said that we're no safer from bankruptcy with these reckless military spending. Cruz jumped in. Cruz must defend this nation. He said that we will spend to secure the nation border. He wants sugar subsidies repealed. He wants to continue defense spending. Fiorina wants a zero based budget. Fiorina slams the senators for being all talk and no action.

Trump grumbles as he's not getting attention. Trump also said that we need a big military. He said Paul's strategy is weak.

Kasich complains about not getting any attention.

Trump slams China and the Asia-Pacific trade deal. He said trade deal being passed is terrible. He believes that lawmakers don't read bills. He cites Obamacare. He says that China, India and Russia mock Obama and America. He says that currency manipulation is a bad thing. He said we're losing jobs too damn fast.

Paul hits back by saying that Trump isn't correct. He said that China has no part in the Asia-Pacific deal. Paul got at Trump with his own comments. Paul says that government is inept in leading us through appropriate trade deals.

Terrorism in the world. Carson is against putting troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The 50 troops in Syria and 10,000 in Afghanistan question. Carson believes that Obama is being rolled by Vladimir Putin (of the Russian Federation). He said that the United States has to lead against global jihadist.

Homeland Security. Bush says the biggest threat is Islamic terrorism. Not gun violence. He said that the Islamic State gains are as big as Indiana. He believes in a NO FLY ZONE in Syria. He says we should put our trust in rebels who may have ties to other extremists. He says that Obama's policies aren't keeping us safe. He said that his brother G.W. Bush kept us safe.

Trump on Russia being the biggest threat to the United States. Once again ignoring gun violence. Trump says that Iran, North Korea and Russia are the biggest threats. He says Kim Jong-Un is a madman. He says let Russia spend their time fighting the battle. He says why should we continue to be the world's global leader. He says that America troops should focus on allies that help us when we need it. Trump rather see money invested in infrastructure.

Bush respond back. He says that leading from behind is not a game. He slams Trump. He says that we can't allow Russia to take control of Syria. He used the scare tactics of Christians being beheaded.

Trump hits back saying that we can't trust Bashir Al-Assad nor the rebels. If the U.S. takes a side then we will have another quagmire. Trump says that we should take Iraqi oil to pay for American troops and their families.

Fiorina hits back at Trump and Paul for showing weakness and lack of understanding. She also says that we should follow the Israeli model of military training. She also agrees with a NO FLY ZONE.

Fiorina also believes that Americans should be at the ready at the many bases in Western Europe.

Paul responds to Fiorina and Bush. He believe that the Republicans and Clinton are war mongers.

Trump knocks Fiorina for interrupting Paul. Kasich tries and fail. Paul snide remark to Fiorina also merit a boo from the crowd. Paul says that we should arm our enemies.

Rubio wanted to join this. Rubio called Putin a gangsta. He says that Russia is thinking about global conquest. He blast Obama for allowing it to happen. Rubio made a plug for Sheldon by mentioning Israel. Rubio soapboxes on Saudi Arabia's strict laws.

Kasich finally gets a question. He grumbles. The question on China. Kasich says that the U.S. will respond back to cyber threats. Kasich brings up his long past days as a congressman. He supports the NO FLY ZONE. Kasich also demands that Saudi Arabia cuts off the radical clerics and billionaires who support terrorism. Kasich says that the world should allow Israel to continue its sanctions on the Gaza Strip and West Bank. He says that the world shouldn't criticize Israel. He soapboxes on Clinton and Ohio. He made a snide remark towards talk time to the moderators.

Bush on bailing out banks and the automotive industry. Bush says that the Dodd Frank law is terrible. He believes that Clinton would continue full steam ahead on unnecessary regulations. Bush says that Clinton is a flip-flopper. Bush say that Obama's policies could cause another financial crisis.

Carson on big banks. Carson believes that we should have some control over the banks. He believes that corporations are artificially raising debt and its creating a bubble. Carson believes that Obama's policies have taken America's lead down. He say that middle class suffers from Clinton's proposals. He believes that taking rich people's money will not solve the problem. He said that doesn't want to break up the big banks.

Rubio also interrupted. He said that the government is responsible for the big banks. He said that the lobbyists are controlling the strings. He says that the "Too Big To Fail" phrase sticks when we have this bubble continue.

Kasich also interrupted. He said that those invested in the bank profit well. He said those on Wall Street are greedy. He says that we need values and ethics.

Cruz on punishing greed. Cruz would prosecute corporate greed. He said that he would not bail out the banks and automotive industry. Cruz also says that Democrats and Big Government Republicans are a rich man's best friend. Cruz brings up an African American supporter. He says that the IRS brings up unnecessary regulations to punish this supporter. Cruz said that the supporter went to court to fight the IRS and won. Cruz will let a major bank to fail. Cruz takes donations from big banks. The Republican senator continues another soapbox. He said he will not support Bank of America if it was struggling. He blames Obama's governance for corporate greed.

Kasich slams Cruz for being heartless. He said that Cruz is grandstanding. He said that why would you elect a candidate who would be happy you lose your earnings. He said that we need candidates who don't have compassion towards the little guy.

Kasich and Cruz get into a shouting match. Boos and hissing. Kasich said you can't turn a blind eye to watching a bank fail.

Fiorina says that government created the problem. She rehashes Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. She blames Bush and Obama for crony capitalism. She says that the Consumer Protection Bureau is socialism run amok.

I got to the point where it was getting boring. I had to end it quickly.

Let's get this straight. Who won the debate?

Lower tier debate: Chris Christie.

Main debate: Marco Rubio, Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina.

Who actually won the debate?

The junk food media. Once again letting these candidate unload without being checked.

Any thoughts on this debate?

It didn't have all the fireworks as the CNBC debate but it did have it's moments.

Thursday, November 05, 2015


Christie doing the "Dad" dance.

New Jersey governor Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee got sent to the kiddie table. That right wing business network along with Wall Street Journal announced the participants of the fourth Republican debate.

On the stage of course, the new front runner, Ben Carson. Then bombastic Donald Trump comes in next. Then the rest, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich and Rand Paul.

I guess all that Clinton and Obama name drops and telling like it got Christie heading to the kiddie table along with Huckabee. The Kim Davis fiasco may have helped insurgent Matt Bevin take the clown car to Frankfort, but in Milwuakee. Huckabee will be breaking bread with even lower tiers Bobby Jindal and Rick Santorum.

Lindsey Graham, George Pataki and Jim Gilmore were sent to the dumpster. They were barred from the debate.
Off to the kiddie table.
The controversial sheriff David Clarke and failed presidential candidate Wisconsin governor Scott Walker will be there to watch the clowns throw pies and poo after each other.

After the disastrous CNBC debate, Republicans are monitoring the words of the moderators. The candidates demand that all debates are "fair to them".

The previous debate gave conservative agitators a "talking point". The junk food media hates Republicans and conservatives. They have proof.

That so-called liberal media has given more airtime to Republicans than those wascally Democrats.

I mean Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders gets attention from the junk food media. Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio get 3 times more coverage.

Martin O'Malley barely gets any attention.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Insurgent Wins Kentucky Governor's Race!

<span class='image-component__caption' itemprop="caption">Matt Bevin responds to a question during the League of Women Voters debate, Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015, in Richmond, Ky. (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley)</span>
Governor-elect Matt Bevin. The controversial Republican businessman won the Kentucky governor's race.

He's perennial no more. Insurgent candidate Matt Bevin eeks a victory against Democratic Attorney General Jack Conway. Bevin, an insurgent backed businessman was a risky choice for the Republicans.

The Republicans didn't put too much money in this race. And now it's likely Bevin may return the favor to the Republicans. The establishment should be concern with this. They didn't help him throughout his campaign. I can bet you that Donald Trump and Ben Carson will try to use Bevin as an example of conservatives winning without being "politically correct".

Bevin ran ads throwing Conway into the Obama den.

This Kentucky healthcare exchange could be at risk if Bevin decides to scrap the idea.

Kim Davis must have been a contributing factor to Bevin's victory. Earlier this year, Davis, a county clerk was jailed for refusing to follow federal order to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

Republicans are now motivated with this win. Democrats now hold 17 governorships and Republicans now hold 33.

Bevin will be like Terry Brandstad, Paul LaPage, and Scott Walker.

Bluegrass State voters took to the polls on Tuesday to elect Bevin, who will replace outgoing Gov. Steve Beshear (D). He defeated Democrat Jack Conway and Independent candidate Drew Curtis.

Bevin, only the second Republican elected to Kentucky's highest office in 40 years, is best known for his insurgent-backed challenge to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in the 2014 GOP primary for Kentucky's Senate race. He announced his run for governor in January, going on to defeat other Republican gubernatorial hopefuls, including former state Supreme Court Justice Will Scott and State Agriculture Commissioner James Comer.

Conway, who first announced his intent to run for governor in May 2014, has served as Kentucky's attorney general since 2008. He ran against Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) in 2010 and lost. Before that, he was a private attorney.

Conway and Bevin took part in several heated exchanges leading up to Election Day, with The Courier-Journal reporting the insurgent accused Conway of "lying" during a recent debate.

This election has also put Medicaid expansion in the spotlight, the AP reported last month. Bevin pushed to repeal and replace Kynect, Kentucky's health coverage program, while Conway argued to continue the Medicaid expansion -- which saw twice as many people signed up in the first year as state officials had predicted -- unchanged.


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