Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Fox Puts The Dog Out!

Fox News White House chief Ed Henry placed in the freezer after he admits to having an affair while on company time.

While I don't care what goes on in the bedrooms of people, this story reeks of hypocrisy. 

Whenever Republicans bring up sex scandals, they often say Bill Clinton. They often ignore Republicans when it comes to having affairs. The sex scandals often ruin the reputation of the party being worthy of having "family values". 

The Fox News Channel is conservative. They often play a role in pushing Republican talking points.

Republicans have often appeared on the network to trash the Clintons. But as soon as a scandal involving them unfolds, they go dark and the network covers up for them.
This pretty face may have doomed a political agitator's marriage and career.
Fox News has ran thousands of reports about allegations of cheating from Bill. The former president admits faults. He knew the risk. He hurt people. Namely his wife and their daughter. 

The network is running stories about Clinton's sex scandals to damage the reputation of Hillary Clinton, the former first lady, senator, secretary of state, who is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party.

Now it seems like the one person who often confronted her about scandals found himself in a scandal.

Ed Henry, the Fox News correspondent was placed in the freezer after it was revealed he had numerous affairs on his wife while on the payroll. He had admitted to having a sexual relationship with a Las Vegas woman who plays the role of satisfying his needs.
Ed Henry had a pretty face at home and he blew it for a prostitute who roll'd him.
Henry was the gnat who pestered Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail with those stupid Benghazi accusations. 

Henry also handles the White House. He is in the press room giving Press Secretary Josh Earnest a migraine with questions about how President Barack Obama's policies hurt the world and why he can answer stupid questions based off conservative outrage. He gets access to the president.

It might be revoked if he shared confidential information to the mistress.

Henry joined the conservative network in 2011 after leaving CNN. He's been running with this woman named Natalia Lima. The woman is a hostess.

Lima says she met Henry on social media shortly after his 2010 marriage to Shirley Hung a NPR editor. She says it turned physical 10 months ago. “Whenever he was in town, we would pretty much just have sex," Lima says. "He has a really high sex drive."

Henry has two children from a previous relationship.


Friday, April 08, 2016

Bill Clinton: Quit Blaming Hillary For My Mistakes!

Tangling with Bill Clinton. Protesters got him riled up.

In Philadelphia, 42 got riled up by protesters who are still pissed about the school to prison pipeline enacted by him. Bill Clinton was campaigning for his wife Hillary when he was interrupted by #BlackLivesMatter activists.

Clinton managed to pass Republican-sponsored legislation that enacted welfare reform and drug sentencing laws that could charge a person a high crime for possessing an ounce of marijuana.

Clinton's tough on crime laws led to the mass incarceration of people of color. Some of the activists are probably sons and daughters of those put in the iron college for LIFE.

Clinton let them have it.

One person held up a sign that read, “Hillary is a murderer,” while another yelled that she should be tried for “crimes against humanity.”

The protesters were referencing Clinton’s 1994 Violent Crime Control and Prevention Act, which is now widely accepted to have sparked a wave of mass incarceration, especially among people of color. Hillary Clinton has come under fire for her support of that legislation, as well as decades-old comments regarding a now-debunked myth about child “super-predators” who were supposedly responsible for crime. She’s since apologized for those words.

“I had an assault weapons ban in [my version of the bill],” the former president said Thursday in defense of the 1994 legislation. “I had money for inner-city kids, for out of school activities, we had 110,000 police officers so we could put people on the street, not in these military vehicles, and the police would look like the people they were policing.”

Despite those efforts, Clinton said he was told that Republicans wouldn’t pass the legislation without more sentencing provisions.

“I talked to a lot of African-American groups — they thought black lives mattered,” continued Clinton. “They said, ‘Take this bill, because our kids are being shot in the street by gangs. We have 13-year-old kids planning their own funerals.’”

Clinton went on to say that gun violence and crime ultimately went down as a result of the crime bill. The legislation passed with harsh sentencing requirements like three strikes laws, which put many people — including low-level offenders — in jail for long periods of time. While crime did indeed decrease after the bill’s passage, experts are divided on what role it may have played, if any. Clinton has conceded in the past that certain provisions contributed to mass incarceration.

Later in the exchange, Clinton appeared to respond to criticism of his wife on the “super-predator” myth.

“I don’t know how you would describe the gang leaders who got 13-year-olds hopped up on crack and sent them out in the streets to murder other African-American children,” he said. “Maybe you thought they were good citizens, [Hillary] didn’t. ...You are defending the people who kill the lives you say matter.”

While the crowd appeared to vocally support Clinton’s exchange with protesters, at times chanting “HRC” to drown out their shouting, critics online saw Clinton’s remarks as a woefully inarticulate moment for the former president. Many were quick to argue that Clinton had dismissed the protesters’ concerns, and in turn defended the tough-on-crime rhetoric of the era and the merits of his approach to criminal justice.

Clinton then went on to defend his welfare reform proposals, arguing that he left the program in good shape, only to have a wave of Republican leadership at the state levels come into power and undo the work he’d accomplished.

After spending nearly 10 minutes rebutting protesters, Clinton suggested that critics not dwell so much on the past — and not blame Hillary Clinton for things that she wasn't involved in.

“All I know is this electio'ns about the future,” he said. “They’re trying to blame her for something she didn't do.”

Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have called for the end harsh penalties for minor drug charges. The Republican candidates are mixed on it.

John Kasich and Ted Cruz have turned somewhat Libertarian on it. They may eventually support the decriminalizing of an ounce marijuana.

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Heart Bern!

Bernie Sanders hits Clinton hard and the Democrats are starting to panic. They believe the two are going to hand Republicans the White House.

Many in the junk food media are finally giving Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) the attention he wanted.

The Democratic candidate for president is getting lots of coverage for his huge victories in Hawaii, Washington, Alaska and now Wisconsin. For his wins, he's attracting controversy along the way. 

The fight for the Democratic nomination is getting even uglier. Hillary Clinton and Sanders are trading barbs over whose more qualified to be the President of the United States. 

Many women see that Sanders's response to Clinton as seen as sexist.

Sanders fired a shot that struck a nerve with Democrats. He said that Hillary Clinton isn't qualified to be the president. 

"She has been saying lately that she thinks that I am, quote unquote, not qualified to be president," Sanders said. "Well let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton: I don't believe that she is qualified if she is — if she is, through her super PAC, taking tens of millions of dollars in special interest funds," he said. "I don't think that you are qualified if you get $15 million from Wall Street through your super PAC. I don’t think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in Iraq."

Sanders also cited Clinton's support for "virtually every disastrous trade agreement," and specifically the Panama Free Trade Agreement, as additional reasons why she is not qualified. 

Conservatives are seething over this. The agitators from the right are seeing the cracks. 
The Democrats are going through a civil war as well.
Not only Sanders allowed the discussion turn into mudslinging, he gave ammunition to the conservative agitators in the junk food media.

Clinton never said Sanders is "not qualified to be president," as the senator claimed. She did, however, repeatedly demur on questions about Sanders's qualifications during an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Wednesday. Clinton said his rough interview with the New York Daily News on April 1 showed that Sanders has been "talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood, and that does raise a lot of questions."

Sanders's criticisms of Clinton focused on her policy positions, but to many of her supporters they came off as a personal insult. 

It's just politics as usual.

I am not inspired by Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich.

They all are flawed candidates. I would rather see Barack Obama run for a third term. Obama would clobber the 2016 presidential candidates.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

BREAKING: Nancy Reagan Passed Away!

Breaking the widow of former president Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan passed away at age 94.

The former first lady was the rock to Ronald Reagan who she referred to as "Ronnie".

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, the Bush family, Bill and Hillary Clinton were notified of this.

The Republican candidates were notified as well.

The former actress who got roles in many movies and television married Ronald Reagan after a messy divorce from his first wife Jane Hyman.

Nancy Reagan was a charming woman. She was the mother of liberal activists Ron Reagan and Patti Davis. Her step-son Michael Reagan is a conservative agitator.

She will be missed among the Republicans and Democrats alike.

Nancy Davis Reagan (born Anne Frances Robbins) was an American actress and the wife of the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan. She was the First Lady of the United States from 1981 to 1989.

Nancy was born in New York City. After her parents separated, she grew up in Maryland, living with an aunt and uncle for some years.

As Nancy Davis, she was a Hollywood actress in the 1940s and 1950s, starring in films such as The Next Voice You Hear..., Night Into Morning, and Donovan's Brain. In 1952, she married Ronald Reagan who was then president of the Screen Actors Guild. They had two children together. Reagan was the First Lady of California when her husband was Governor from 1967 to 1975 and she began to work with the Foster Grandparents Program.
Outpouring of grievances from President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, former first ladies Barbara Bush, Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton. Clinton is the only former first lady running for president.
Nancy Reagan became First Lady of the United States in January 1981, following her husband's victory in the 1980 presidential election. She was criticized early in his first term largely due to her decision to replace the White House china, despite its being paid for by private donations. She aimed to restore a Kennedy-esque glamour to the White House following years of lax formality, and her interest in high-end fashion garnered much attention as well as criticism. She championed recreational drug prevention causes by founding the "Just Say No" drug awareness campaign, which was considered her major initiative as First Lady. More controversy ensued when it was revealed in 1988 that she had consulted an astrologer to assist in planning the president's schedule after the attempted assassination of her husband in 1981. She had a strong influence on her husband and played a role in a few of his personnel and diplomatic decisions.

The Reagans retired to their home in Bel Air, Los Angeles, California, in 1989. Nancy devoted most of her time to caring for her husband, diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 1994, until his death at the age of 93 in 2004. Nancy remained active within the Reagan Library and in politics, particularly in support of embryonic stem cell research, until her death in March 2016.

World News Today send our condolences to the Reagan family.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hill's A Bern'n!

Hillary Clinton's conservative critics can take a chill. It seems like she's hot! Clinton won the South Carolina primary tonight beating Bernie Sanders 3:1.

While the conservatives were determined to have a fight in the South, Clinton easily beaten a formidable Sanders. I mean this comes a blow to Sanders who was hoping to upset Clinton.

Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) came out in favor of Clinton last week and provided a ground game for her.

She lost to Barack Obama in 2008 but a huge margin. Now it seems like the Black voters have decided to turn out for Clinton in droves. This was by far the largest turnout for the struggling Democratic candidate. I mean even the Black turnout was bigger than Obama's

Clinton promises to follow the president's policies and take on critics obsessed with Benghazi and her emails. She also stayed on the message of helping the middle class and building bridges and not walls.

The walls jab was aimed at Donald Trump. Trump promises that Mexico will pay for the border fence.

Hillary used her star power to bring out the vote. Katy Perry, Sybrina Fulton, the mother of slain teen Trayvon Martin, Bill Clinton and their daughter Chelsea Clinton-Mezvinksy to urge voters to turnout for her. The mothers of Eric Garner, Dontre Hamilton, Sandra Bland and Jordan Davis came out in support of the former secretary of state.

Clinton frequently emphasized racial justice in her campaign, calling for gun safety reforms after the shooting at a church in Charleston killed nine last June. She called for police to wear body cameras after a white officer shot and killed the unarmed black man Walter Scott in North Charleston in April. Earlier this week, she held a forum with mothers of unarmed young African Americans who have been killed in high-profile acts of brutality.

Clinton's lopsided win provided an important boost for her campaign — and a moment to wipe away bitter memories of her loss to Barack Obama in South Carolina eight years ago. She won the support of nearly 9 in 10 black voters, crucial Democratic backers who abandoned her for Obama in 2008.

During a raucous victory rally, Clinton briefly reveled in her sweeping support from South Carolina voters, hugging backers and posing with them for selfie photos. But then she pivoted quickly to the contests to come.

"Tomorrow this campaign goes national," she said. "We are not taking anything, and we are not taking anyone, for granted."

Sanders, expecting defeat on Saturday, left the state even before voting was finished and turned his attention to some of the states that vote in next Tuesday's delegate-rich contests. In a statement, Sanders vowed to fight on aggressively.

"This campaign is just beginning," he said. "Our grass-roots political revolution is growing state by state, and we won't stop now."

Clinton's victory came at the end of a day that saw Republican candidates firing insults at each other from Super Tuesday states. Donald Trump, working to build an insurmountable lead, was campaigning in Arkansas with former rival Chris Christie and calling Marco Rubio a "light little nothing;" Ted Cruz was asking parents in Atlanta if they would be pleased if their children spouted profanities like the brash billionaire, and Rubio was mocking Trump as a "con artist" with "the worst spray tan in America."

Clinton allies quickly touted the breadth of her victory. Besides blacks, she won most women and voters aged 25 and older, according to early exit polls.

Sanders continued to do well with young voters, his most passionate supporters. He also carried those who identified themselves as independents.

A self-described democratic socialist, Sanders has energized his supporters with impassioned calls for breaking up Wall Street banks and making tuition free at public colleges and universities. But the senator from Vermont, a state where about 1 percent of the population is black, lacks Clinton's deep ties to the African-American community.

While Sanders spent the end of the week outside of South Carolina, his campaign did invest heavily in the state. He had 200 paid staff on the ground and an aggressive television advertising campaign.

Exit polls showed 6 in 10 voters in the South Carolina primary were black, by far the largest proportion in any of the contests so far. About 7 in 10 said they wanted the next president to continue Obama's policies, and only about 20 percent wanted a more liberal course of action, according to exit polls conducted by Edison Research for The Associated Press and television networks.

Clinton's sweeping victory suggested South Carolina voters had put aside any lingering tensions from her heated 2008 contest with Obama. Former President Bill Clinton made statements during that campaign that were seen by some, including influential South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn, as questioning the legitimacy of the black presidential contender.

This time around, Clyburn endorsed Clinton, and her husband was well-received as he traveled the state on her behalf. She focused on issues with particular resonance in the black community and held an emotional event with black mothers whose children died in shootings.

Clinton's second White House bid lurched to an uneven start, with a narrow victory over Sanders in Iowa and a crushing loss to the senator in New Hampshire. She pulled off a 5-point win over Sanders in last week's Nevada caucus, a crucial victory that helped stem Sanders' momentum.

Clinton's campaign hopes her strong showing in South Carolina foreshadows similar outcomes in states like Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Virginia that vote Tuesday and have large minority populations.

Taken together, 865 Democratic delegates are up for grabs in the Super Tuesday contests in 11 states and American Samoa. Sanders is hoping to stay close to Clinton in the South while focusing most of his attention on states in the Midwest and Northeast, including his home state of Vermont.

Sanders has built a massive network of small donors and has the money to stay in the race deep into the spring. Still, Clinton's campaign sees a chance to build enough of a delegate lead to put the race out of reach during the sprint through March.

Clinton's will pick up most of South Carolina's delegates, widening her overall lead in AP's count. With 53 delegates at stake, Clinton will receive at least 31. Sanders picked up at least 12.

Going into South Carolina, Clinton had just a one-delegate edge over Sanders. However, she also has a massive lead among superdelegates, the Democratic Party leaders who can vote for the candidate of their choice at this summer's national convention, regardless of how their states vote.

Looks like even Drudge couldn't denounce this victory.

That annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity was trying his darnedest to denounce Clinton for playing the "race card". He'll certainly address this issue with that coon Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County.

Congratulations to Hillary Clinton on her victory.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Around The Bush!

Miss me, yet?

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is bring out his brother.

Mr. 43, himself, George Walker Bush.

The campaign trail is getting a little rockier for the former Florida governor. Bush is hoping to cash in on his brother's popularity in the deeply conservative state.

The Bush family is in South Carolina in a last ditch effort to score a win. They're touting the narrative that "Trump is a reality television star" while the Bush family "kept America safe".

As you know, George W. Bush is relatively unpopular among many in the nation. He left the country in such disarray and to this day never apologized for his actions. Bush gave America, Barack Obama.

After winning two terms, Obama managed to proceed over the most partisan Congress to ever exist.

Republicans forgotten that 9/11 happened under George W. Bush's watch. They forgotten that Bush is responsible for the negligent handling of Hurricane Katrina. But it's the Democrats fault right!

Republicans made it top priority to defeat him as best as they could. They figure that its fiction that Obama's impact helped the economy. They believe that the numbers are fixed when it comes unemployment. The Republicans believe that a united front in creating stability in the Middle East is betraying Israel. Republicans are fearing that Obama picking a potential Supreme Court justice nominee could swing the court away from its conservative slant.

The Republicans are cautious about addressing the obvious. They'll scapegoat Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama as the blame for the nation's woes.

Now that the partisan bar shifted from terrorism to the potential swing of the Supreme Court, Bush is hoping that his brother's legacy of appointing John Roberts and Samuel Alito could bring conservatives back to their senses.

Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are aiming at Bush. They believe that appointing Roberts as the Chief Justice was a big mistake. Trump aimed at Cruz for backing him. Cruz aimed at Trump for supporting the liberal justices in some issues.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is a failed presidential candidate. He went ahead and endorse Bush for president.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for president.

Here's the video of the Brothers Bush with the most annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity.

Hannity is one of the biggest ass kissing shrills for Republicans. He constantly bitches about Obama's policies and Bush doing his best to "keep America safe".

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Freaking Platitude Debate!

If I was a Republican, I would be ashamed. I would be ashamed that these candidates have no clear strategy when it comes to solving problems. 

CBS will host this latest train wreck with the Republicans.

I am so done with debates and these clowns. They have no real idea on how to solve problems. All they can pull out their asses is.....platitudes.

Heat is being felt on the stage. CBS News hosts John Dickerson and Major Garrett along with Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal host this debate in Greenville, South Carolina.

The six candidates running for the Republican nomination already got a jilt in the system. With the death of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, Republicans will have no choice but to address what's going to happen with the court.

I am going to be clear that the Republicans are desperate.

What pisses me off, is the platitudes being spoken by the Republican candidates. They offer no real solutions to fixing this country.

Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, John Kasich, and Jeb Bush square off with the gloves off and feelings hurt.

Of course, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and liberalism will be hammered by the candidates.

If you're watching the debate, get some Advil. Also if you're playing the drinking game, look for the same shit and same name drops.

Who Won The Debate?

Donald Trump
Jeb Bush
Marco Rubio
John Kasich
Ben Carson
Ted Cruz
I Don't Care! I'm Voting For The Democrat!
Hell I'm Not Voting! They All Suck!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Dems The Debates!

The first debate of the year for the Democrats. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) go at one more time before the Iowa Caucus.

Did you know that the Democratic debate is on tonight on NBC?

Of course, not! Many Democrats are grumbling about this! They blame Democratic chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) for her deliberate attempts to place the debates in positions where viewership is expected to be low.

She's a supporter of Hillary Clinton. Although she is trying to distance herself from endorsing candidates, the Florida lawmaker is so in the tank for Clinton.

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and possibly Martin O'Malley will have a chance to duke it out one more time before the Iowa Caucus.

Obviously, the Clinton and Sanders Campaign will spar at each other tonight. 

Clinton is leading in national polls, but Sanders is catching up with her. He is leading in New Hampshire and Clinton is leading in Iowa. It's pretty much a neck and neck race.

Both of them will praise and criticize President Barack Obama's policies. They will obviously go after the Republican front runners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. They will address controversies sparked by their campaigns. Clinton obviously will be hit on her trustworthiness. Sanders will be hit on his "socialist" views on America.

Lester Holt, Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd will have the moderating seat.

Expect the viewership to be in the 5 million.

I will probably not watch it. It's a shame that the field is weak. 

I like Bernie Sanders. But it seems like it's a deliberate attempt to give Hillary Clinton an advantage by limiting the debate schedule. Unfortunately I am not inspired by any candidate running for president.

The Democrats are not hitting Republicans hard enough. Republicans are too extreme. They aren't focused on real issues.

Both candidates appeared on GOP Sundays along with Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Jeb Bush.

If you're watching it, good for you! You might get an opportunity to get some much needed sleep.

Matter of fact, the Republican debate was really noise pollution. I couldn't stand it. It was nothing more than tongue flexing and Obama bashing. It was truly a waste of time to listen to them. But if you're a Republican primary voter, you got all you needed. 

We're a few weeks to the Iowa Caucus. Are you hoping for your candidate to win?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Nation Of Cosby Seeks Aid!

Cosby still fighting a win-less war.

Coming out of hiding, Bill Cosby decides to hand ring the accusers who went to the junk food media.

Cosby who admits to drugging women and having sex with them. He says that the sex was consensual. Cosby decides to save what's left of his falling career as America's "favorite dad".

Cosby decides to sue Tamera Green, Therese Serignese, Linda Traitz, Louisa Moritz, Barbara Bowman, Joan Tarshis and Angela Leslie.

Lawyer Monique Pressley says the women published false statements about the 78-year old entertainer. The suit says that the women made "malicious, opportunistic and false and defamatory accusations of sexual misconduct against him." His attorneys claim that these women "knowingly published false statements and accusations."

Cosby decides to fight back against the accusers. There's about 50 accusers.

The suit was filed in response to a defamation lawsuit brought against him by the accusers.

Gloria Allred represents a majority of Cosby's accusers. She was once a friend of the Cos.

Actress/model Janice Dickinson also knocked Cosby in a lawsuit. She believes he took advantage of her. She also broke her silence on the numerous issues Cosby threw towards her.

These accusations spanned throughout 30 years. Many of the accusers are pass the window of pressing charges.

What these accusers want is for Bill Cosby's legacy as the "moral figure" to go down in flames.

What they want is for Camille to understand that her husband was running the streets.

Cosby survived many tragedies in his time as entertainer. The death of his only son Ennis and the extortion attempt from another accuser happened when the heat wasn't on him. Ennis was murdered on California's busiest bypass Interstate 405 in 1997. Cosby was accused by Autumn Jackson. Jackson claimed Cosby was her father. Cosby had an affair with Shawn Upshaw and it may have produced a daughter. Jackson was sentenced to time in the iron college for extortion.

In 2015, all the networks that had Cosby-related shows were pulled. MTV networks (Nickelodeon, TVLand, Nick, Jr./Nick@Nite), TV One, BET, BounceTV, Ion, and others pulled the plug on the shows.

A Different World is the only Cosby themed show still on for the time being. The episodes featuring Cosby were pulled from lineup. That would be episodes in Season One with Lisa Bonet and Marissa Tomei.

Cosby was stripped of his honorary degrees. He lost his statues in his honor at HBUs. Drexel, Temple, U-Mass, Wilberforce, Central State, Clark Atlanta, Spellman, Morehouse,  Howard and Florida A&M put the brakes Cosby's donations and pulled his name from the campus.

Cosby is married. He has five children and three grandchildren. His only son was murdered. Cosby is an actor, comedian, movie producer, author,

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Larry Lessig Is The Odd Man Out!

Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig ends his presidential run.

Now the Democrats have three candidates.

Harvard professor Larry Lessig bows out. He wanted to take big money out of these elections. Lessig believes that the junk food media wasn't taking his candidacy seriously.

By him bowing out of the race, it leaves Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley.

Clinton is leading in most polls. Bernie is catching up. O'Malley is still a blip on the radar.

Lessig is likely going to endorse a Green Party candidate. He, Jim Webb and Lincoln Chafee are pretty upset with Democratic National Party leader Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) and co-chair Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI).

The two lawmakers are feuding over the direction of the party.

Lessig believes that the Democrats are totally fucked up. They banned him from the debates. Even though he ranked at 1.3% in the national polls, the DNC says that he's not qualified.

I am guessing that he'll avoid endorsing the candidates. I am certain that he'll throw his chips into the Green Party and their possible candidate Dr. Jill Stein.

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Fred Thompson Passed Away!

Fred Thompson and his wife, author Jeri.

Fred Thompson was a senator, presidential candidate, talk radio host and actor. He gained critical acclaim as being the hardliner Manhattan District Attorney Arthur Branch on Law & Order.

The former Tennessee senator and 2008 Republican presidential candidate passed away today confirms his family. He passed away in his hometown of Nashville, TN today.

CNN reports that Thompson had cancer.

Thompson died after a recurrence of lymphoma, his family said in a statement Sunday. He was first diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma more than a decade ago.

"It is with a heavy heart and a deep sense of grief that we share the passing of our brother, husband, father, and grandfather who died peacefully in Nashville surrounded by his family," the statement read.

Thompson, a Republican, won a special election in 1994 to fill Al Gore's vacate U.S. Senate seat. He was re-elected for a full term two years later and announced in 2002 that he would not run again.

As an actor, Thompson appeared in the films "The Hunt for Red October," "Die Hard 2" and "In the Line of Fire," among others.

"Fred stood on principle and common sense, and had a deep love for and connection with the people across Tennessee whom he had the privilege to serve in the United States Senate. He enjoyed a hearty laugh, a strong handshake, a good cigar, and a healthy dose of humility," his family said.

"Fred was the same man on the floor of the Senate, the movie studio, or the town square of Lawrenceburg, his home."

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Fred Thompson.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Who Really Deserves The Blame For 9/11?

Donald Trump has pissed off the establishment. The Republicans believe that Trump went out of line when he went after George W. Bush.

Trump basically said that 9/11 happened under Bush's watch. Gasp, he stepped on the third rail. Now he's facing a backlash from his brother, contender Jeb Bush.

Bush slammed Trump for being a publicity hound. Jeb is stern on this belief that his brother "kept us safe". Jeb is now raising money off the Trump comments. He hopes to show Republicans that Trump is a buffoon who can't lead the nation in the wake of a tragedy.

Republicans will never admit blame for their fuck ups. September 11, 2001 and August 29, 2005 were some of the country's worst disasters on American soil. The attacks and Hurricane Katrina were under Bush's watch. These disasters among the two wars, the economic collapse that led to a recession, and inept leadership in Washington got Republicans kicked out of Congress. It led to Barack Obama winning the White House.
They can't catch a break.
And ever since Barack Obama became the president, Republicans claim the country is "less safe" under his leadership.

When it comes to the blame game. Who's gets the blame the worst attack in American history?

Don't you know that it's Bill Clinton's fault?

He deserves the blame. He allowed al Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden escape Sudan. This is what that annoying conservative agitator's balking about. He even has a video saying that Clinton admits he was the one who let bin Laden escape.

Nevermind Richard Clarke's warning being ignored by Bush, Dick Cheney, then FBI chief Robert Muller and then National Security Adviser Condolezza Rice.

Nevermind that Clinton took consideration with al Qaeda after the first attack on the World Trade Center. He vowed to track these extremists down. The embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania were a reminder of al Qaeda's presence. The USS Cole bombing happened in 2000. Clinton wanted to take them down. But according to the Republicans, that was the dog chasing the tail.
Seven times so far and yet nothing incriminating. Republicans spent over $5 million on these hearings.
Republicans were more focused on impeaching him over his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

In 2011, Osama bin Laden was killed in a raid. When the nation heard the news of his untimely demise, Republicans were quick to congratulate George W. Bush. They slammed President Barack Obama for "dancing in the end zone".

The Republicans and that network were demonizing Bill and Hillary until they got out of the White House. Barack and Michelle final years in the White House are being demonized by the network.

Everything and anything is being criticized by these profit rage hypocrites.

Here's the flash poll.

Which president deserves the blame for 9/11?
Barack Obama
George W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Poll Maker

Now the network that devoted to blaming the Benghazi attacks solely on Hillary Clinton is now trying to rewrite history. According to the conservative agitators in the junk food media, they claim that Clinton gave a stand down order during the September 11, 2012 tragedy.

Hillary Clinton will appear at a House Select Committee this week to testify to why she used her personal server instead of a government server. Many in the junk food media have now dismissed the Republican-led committee as a partisan witch hunt.

The cat came out the bag when Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) went on that annoying conservative agitator's program to declare that the committee was devoted to destroying Hillary's bid for the White House.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is dismissing the notion the debate is partisan. He went to the junk food media to tell the public that he demanded those not involved in this committee hearing to "shut up".

Trump is still the front runner. Even though the junk food media is getting tired of him and Ben Carson, the media loves this stuff.

Jeb Bush is trying to save his struggling campaign. That network and House Republicans are trying muddy up Hillary Clinton's presidential run for partisan gains.

Your thoughts on the matter? Post comments below.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Trump: Under Bush's Watch, 9/11 Happened! It's The Truth!

It's gotten ugly in the race. Trump goes on the third rail.

Donald Trump is still the front runner. It's a shocking to the establishment that a reality television star is trouncing the favorite sons. Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and even Ted Cruz are taking nosedives while Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina continue to soar.

Republicans are feuding with one another. The fights are ugly and the possible nomination of Trump may spark a boycott within the party.

Trump is never apologizing for anything. He's went after a lot of people. But one person, Republicans seem to still respect is 43.

Trump went into sensitive territory. He managed to tell the truth about the handling of terrorism.

The Politico reports that Trump gave an interview to Bloomberg. The clown went right into it.

“I think I have a bigger heart than all of them," Trump responded. "I think I’m much more competent then all of them. I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during [George W. Bush's] time.”

Ruhle interjected: “Hold on, you can’t blame George Bush for that."

“He was president, OK? Don’t blame him or don’t blame him, but he was president," Trump continued. "The World Trade Center came down during his reign. If you look at Sandy Hook, those people are still begging for help."

That was aimed Jeb Bush. Bush is struggling in the polls. He was the "favorite son" of many in the establishment. But since Trump joined the race, the establishment candidates took a nosedive.

This feud between Bush and Trump has gotten the junk food media's attention.

According to the Republicans, you can't blame Bush for 9/11. It wasn't his fault. Of course, you can't blame him for missing the urgent memos about foreign terrorists plotting an attack on the United States.

 9/11 was Bill Clinton's fault. He failed to understand terrorism. He was busy messing around with interns at the White House. He let our embassies and USS Cole get attacked.

Clinton ignored Osama bin Laden.

When the first attack on the World Trade Center happened, Clinton was not doing his job.
No comment.
Truth is that nine months into George W. Bush's first term, the world saw the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon and a piece of rural Pennsylvania go up in flames. The flames of terrorism happened under Bush's watch.

After the tragedy, the president and Congress mounted war. We soon went into war with Afghanistan and later into Iraq. We were under the impression that Bush "kept us safe".

When Bush won his second term, a horrible hurricane struck the Gulf coast. Hurricane Katrina came to shore and destroyed New Orleans. We were under the impression that Bush "kept us safe".

Those events are examples of Bush keeping us safe. Of course, Republicans will always resort to finding fault in Benghazi over 9/11.  For Republicans and their conservative allies, Benghazi was a bigger disaster than 9/11.

Former president George W. Bush decided to stay out of the race. He's "endorsed" Jeb. But in reality, he's painting and keeping his distance from the political theater.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Huckabee: Trusting Bernie Sanders Is Like A Hungry Korean Around A Dog!

A joke that fell extremely flat.

They don't believe in political correctness. So it's no surprise that this clown made that joke.

It fell flat just like his poll numbers. Mike Huckabee is no stranger to controversy. He's often saying stupid things while pretending to be a Christian moralist.

This is the clown who defended the ugly troll in Kentucky who tried to deny marriage licenses to gay couples. Yeah, she had an opportunity to met Pope Francis last month. It was one of the biggest things to happen to the ugly troll. Unfortunately, the Pope had to wash his hands of the nasty and take his campaign to New York to feed the homeless.

Huckabee and the religious right wanted to make her a martyr to religious freedom.

So far it's backfired. The feds might throw her back in the iron college. The marriage licenses are under scrutiny. Some say that the licenses were altered. The ugly troll may have ran a bait-and-switch on some of the licenses.
Dog gone it. Bernie Sanders is getting much needed attention.
Nonetheless her biggest supporter is struggling in the polls. He's being clobbered by the inept insurgents. Donald Trump and Ben Carson. They are still leading despite the media getting really tried of them.

Republicans feel that a new face is better than a perennial candidate like Huckabee.

As the Democrats wrapped up their first debate, Huckabee went to social media to complain about how "boring" the debate was. He also wanted to make the world scared of a "Democratic Socialist".

It's true that Koreans do cook dogs for consumption. It's a controversial practice. Some people believe that eating dog meat is for medicinal usage.

Many activists slam the idea. The inhumane slaughter of dogs makes the motive even more controversial.

Any thoughts on the controversial comments from this perennial loser?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Sean Hannity Word Vomit II!

Count how many times he mentions Barack Obama's name!

The country's most annoying conservative agitator is a serial name dropper. So far if you listen to three hours on AM and one hour on that network, you will hear Obama's name dropped over 100 times.

Sean Hannity can't go a day without making a snide remark about the president, Hillary Clinton, liberalism and the junk food media. The constant insults, the constant hand ringing, the constant mentions of 20th Century policies and history has this guy stuck in the past.

He brings up the very same regurgitated stuff you hear from the other AM agitators. What makes him so annoying is that he doesn't seem to care if he's liked or not. As long as he can drop Obama in a sentence, he's done his job right.

That old fart Rush Limbaugh at least takes a moment to get off the Obama addiction. I mean he'll bring up Clinton and other things, but he doesn't go 100 miles and running on Obama like Sean Hannity.

He was voted the worst cable news host to ever host a program. Not many people believes him to a be a serious journalist. Many Republicans believe that he will destroy their chances at winning elections.

I've talked so much about him, I'm starting to get tired of it. Ignoring him is probably the one thing we would love to do. But it's something about him that draws the 15 million listeners and 2.3 million viewers.

Sean Hannity seems like a good person. I mean he's pretty damn honest about his views about President Barack Obama.

You have to picture him as the guy in the group who you have a beer with. Once you turn on a television and the face of a politician comes on, he'll go into an epic rant about it and turn the entire group off.

For over eight years, I've heard Sean Hannity ramble on about how the government is a mess, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton are liberal this, liberal that! So far, he's broken a record of repetitiveness. He has mentioned radical Islam, Donald Trump and curmudgeon more than I've expected.

No one is saying Sean Hannity is a bad person. Matter of fact, he seems like a normal guy minus the college Republican jock behavior. He is a well paid agitator. He deserves credit for being a force to helping push conservatism into the mainstream.

However, he's an example of what's wrong with the Republican Party.

Sean Hannity has tendency to repeat himself over and over again. It's probably because he has either OCD, ADHD or mild bipolar disorder. I am not a medical doctor, but its pretty clear that this annoying agitator has some form of disorder.

Here's some of the most frequently said words on that agitator's program

Obama (Barack, Obamacare, Michelle)
The President
Great American
Radicalism (in regards to liberalism)
Radical Islam
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Blame Bush
The Power of the Purse
Ground and Pound
Neville Chamberlain
Evil In Our Time
Anointed One
Big Time AJ, What's Going On Baby.... (in reference to extremist Black caller)
MSNBC (or NBC News)
Ed Schultz
The Great One...(Ratface Mark Levin)
Charging like a football player
That Thrill Up His Leg (Chris Matthews statements on Obama)
Louis Farrakhan
Muslim Brotherhood
Sista Soulja Moment
ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
Martha's Vineyard
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Jeremiah Wright
Bill Ayers
Bernadine Dohorn
Shir'a Law
I Gotta Tell You Something Else Here
Benjamin Netanyahu
The Left
Joe Biden
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid
Radical Mullahs
46 47 50 Million On Food Stamps
90 92 93 Million Are Not Working
Ronald Reagan
Energy Independent
Drill (for oil)
Doomed To Repeat It
Under This President...

Now here's your challenge. Here are some BINGO boards with some of the most frequently mentioned themes of Sean Hannity. If you can listen to three hours of his radio show or one hour of his right wing carnival, you may be able to mark your board.


Are you familiar with his word vomit?

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Warren G. Harding Had A Little Side Chick That Bore A Baby Girl!

Warren G Harding-Harris & Ewing.jpg

The worst president in American history has nothing to lose. The 29th President of the United States, Warren G. Harding was regarded as one of the modern history disasters. His short term was marred with scandals. 

Besides the Teapot Dome scandal, accusations of infidelity were mentioned. 

Today, the decedents of Harding finally acknowledged the the president has a mistress and it bore a child.

The president's daughter.
It was Nan Britton, a then 16 year old teen who grabbed the eye of Harding. Harding was working in Marion as a newspaper editor. He was considering a run for U.S. Senate. 

I guess before he jumped into the race, he popped Nan's cherry. 

Harding would not deny it. He was known as a big player in the Senate and later the White House. He has been accused of having numerous affairs with as a senator and then president.

But he wouldn't talk about around his wife and his children. 

Nan has claimed that Harding would demand for her. She would come into the White House around the secret door and guided into a private quarters where Harding would get some Nan.

Nan would eventually give birth to a girl. Elizabeth Ann Britton Harding Blaesing was born in 1919, just a few months into his first term.

The family have acknowledged that Elizabeth is a Harding by blood.

Matter of fact this puts to rest a long deep controversy that swarmed the legacy. Many felt that Nan was a celebrity agitator who seeks fame off the back of Harding.

No longer that exists.

Nan would die in 1994 and Elizabeth would die in 2005. Both can rest knowing that Harding is the father.

Maury Povich would be happy to have this on his resume.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Jimmy Carter In Dire Straights!

Jimmy Carter announced he has cancer. The 39th President of the United States served from 1977 - 1981. 

The 39th President of the Untied States announced he has cancer. The 90 year old James Earl Carter, known as Jimmy Carter announced that he was being treated for his liver and it was discovered that he had cancer in more than just his liver.

The former president will be treated at an Atlanta hospital.

The White House got the word today and issued their sympathies for the former president.

Carter and George H.W. Bush are 90 years old respectfully.

Bush is the oldest surviving president.

Both Carter and elder Bush have served one term as president. They struggled through an economic downturn in which it costed them their chances at securing a second term.

Carter has been involved with Homes for Habitat for years. He's been active in the volunteer work.

World News Today send ours prayers to President Carter.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

George H.W. Bush Injured In Fall!

President Barack Obama meets former president George H.W. Bush.

The 41st President of The United States had an injury and was taken to a local hospital in Bangor, Maine. George H.W. Bush is the oldest former president living. Bush is 91 years old and is in a wheelchair. He is suffering from Parkinson's Disease.

Apparently he fell and broke his neck. The family issued a statement saying that Bush is being treated for his injuries. He's in fair condition.

Bush was the one term president during 1989 to 1993. He was elected in 1998 in a landslide against Michael Dukakis. Bush served one term as the president and was responsible for the Gulf War, the Los Angeles riots, the War on Drugs, the Read My Lips, No New Taxes pledge and two recessions.

Bush was a former vice president, congressman, an ambassador and director of Central Intelligence Agency.

Bush was defeated by Bill Clinton in 1992. Clinton went on to serve two terms with hostile opposition from Republicans. Clinton managed to straighten out the economy. Republicans never credit him for the work.

Bush's son then Texas governor George W. Bush ran in 2000 and won against Al Gore, Clinton's second banana. The former Vice President lost in a narrow electoral vote. Which sparked harsh criticism of Bush being elected by the Supreme Court and not the American people.

George W. Bush served from 2001 - 2009 and led the country into two wars after the September 11, 2001 attacks. He also resided over Hurricane Katrina, two global recessions, and a handful of culture war events. By the time Bush left office, the economy was tanking.

Barack Obama won the election in 2008 and is currently the President of the United States.

George W. Bush was the 43rd president and his brother Jeb is running in the clown car.

The current living former presidents:

George H.W. Bush 69 years old
Bill Clinton 69 year old
George H.W. Bush 91 years old
Jimmy Carter 90 years old

Barack Obama is currently 53 years old. He will turn 54 in August.

Obama reached out to Bush yesterday to send his prayers.

World News Today send our prayers to George H.W. Bush.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bernie Sanders: If The Election For Claire McCaskill Was Held Today, She Would Lose!

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) aims at Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Sen. Sanders (I-VT) is gaining steam in some polls. McCaskill openly endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. She is a fierce defender. But will liberals defend McCaskill in the 2018 U.S. Midterms?

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is gaining momentum against perennial candidate Hillary Clinton. These clowns are running for the blue nose while the Republican candidates are running for the red nose.

Sanders is a senator from Vermont who is a Democratic Socialist. He is registered as an independent.

He and Sen. Angus King (I-ME) are senators who caucus with the Democratic Party. The independent senators don't often side with most issues the Democratic Party stands for, but they agree that the Republicans are too extreme in their stances.

So it's quite funny that a fellow senator would go after her own because in her mind, he's "too extreme" for people like her.

It seems like the endorsements of Hillary Clinton are in full swing. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) is the first to aim a shot. She went on the junk food media programs to lob a shot at the candidate. On MSNBC's Blow Joe, McCaskill went on the attack.
Bernie is no joke. He's catching up to Clinton in some polls.
She says the junk food media went soft on Sanders. They fail to note his socialist views. They can't see that Hillary is getting unfair coverage in the junk food media.

Sanders has shot back. He said that McCaskill is such a tool. She supports policies that won't please the Democratic Party. She barely survived a challenge from an insurgent who believes women can have "legitimate rape".

The policies he support are pretty mainstream and he's vocal about it. Sanders said that no matter what she does, she's going to be defeated in the 2018 U.S. Senate race by a formidable Republican senate nominee.

Fans of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) have swung a protest towards McCaskill. The vow to see her either defeated in the primary or defeated in the race.

McCaskill is going to be finding it harder this next election. I doubt Bernie will campaign for her reelection.

Louisiana Republican governor Piyush Jindal (known by most as Bobby) has quietly entered in the race for the clown car. He's the 13th candidate to be in this. He is a huge bore and already facing an uphill climb.

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Fox Defends A Molester!

A Kelly File exclusive, Defending anti-gay bigots whose son molested his sisters.

Megyn The Outrage Princess is giving the Duggar family an opportunity to explain Josh's inappropriate actions. It's funny that Megyn The Outrage Princess and her network are willing to give an opportunity to shield an extremely conservative family given the controversy.

Say if this was President Barack Obama or Bill Clinton. They would not interviewed them. They would spend all their time interviewing hearsay. They already have tied Democratic donor Jeff Epstein to Bill Clinton.

Megyn The Outrage Princess certainly targeted Clinton for knowing Epstein.

So why is it not fair to tie Josh to Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, Stallmigo Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Mike Huckabee?

These people who claim this and that. Never allowing the accused to defend themselves. That applies only to conservatives. They get an opportunity to defend themselves in the wake of sexual crime.

If the criminal act was done by a Republican lawmaker, somewhere in the network's chryon, the lawmaker is a Democrat.

Josh refuses to speak to the junk food media. His publicist told the media that he's very sorry about his past transgressions.

He was a teen when he molested four of his siblings and other girls.

What makes a case like this complex, this man Josh was molesting younger children.

InTouch Magazine broke the story and managed to put patriarchs Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their 19 children and six grandchildren in a negative spotlight.

TLC have put the show on ice. They don't know if they will continue with the show and spin off.


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