Showing posts with label Allen West. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allen West. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


The Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall links up the article about the rodeo clown who caused such an uproar at the Missouri State Fair. The rodeo clown was wearing a mask of President Barack Obama.

The announcer at the event was coaching the audience to have the clown be chased by a bull. Even some of the rodeo clowns went over to bobble the lips of the mask.

People from Show Me Progress posted this  video online and here comes the outpouring.

The outpouring of outrage and condemnation is equal. There were some who felt that the liberal outrage isn't merit for the all the offensive things said about previous presidents (i.e. Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush). They believe that the rodeo clown was an idiot, but it's not racist or offensive (according to them).

Liberals and civil rights leaders both see this different. Never in 50 years has the political discourse gotten so ugly says those liberals. The liberals believe that politics had no business at a family event that is non-partisan.

The controversy made it to the state house in Jefferson City. Governor Jay Nixon (D-Missouri) was not pleased with this. He ordered all rodeos to be canceled. The Missouri State Fair banned the announcer and rodeo clown. They're no longer participants at the state fair.

White House responds to the controversy. They weren't happy to say at least about the offensive show.

Also The Kansas City Star is covering the controversy. The controversy sparked a major discussion about how Americans view race. The Star had to disable comments after they've determined that a majority of the rhetoric were worse than the guy wearing the Obama mask.

The comments had to be highly offensive. Some of the word vomit issued towards the president, the Black community and those who disagreed with rodeo clown antics are pretty ignorant to say at least.

Mary Sanchez of the Kansas City Star wrote that if this is how America most often uses the vast resources of the Internet, we’re in trouble.

Yeah, we're in trouble indeed.

Remember that anonymous commentator who calls me "racist" every time a story that involves the Black community gets posted on Journal de la Reyna?

This person's insults are mild compared to the majority of those who vomit on the comment pages of most social networks and news agitating websites.

She even added that this is embarrassing. The initial event and the reaction. Politicizing a family fair event and winding up the crowd for a buffoonish depiction of the president about to be trampled by a bull are not funny.

In the video, the radio announcer and had made a comment about the president acting like a clown.

Even the White House responded to the controversy.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said earlier Wednesday the flap was "not one of the finer moments" for his home state of Missouri, although said he had not spoken about the incident with the president.


Oh, I'm also hearing that story about three Black teens beating up a White teen in Florida. The conservatives are outraged over the fact that the president or Rev. Perm didn't discuss this controversy. After all in the conservatives mind, it's all Trayvon Martin and nothing else.

Well for two things, the individuals who caused this crime were arrested and are facing justice. Whereas in the case of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. The shooter of Trayvon Martin didn't get arrested for nearly six weeks. He basically walked after he just said that Trayvon Martin attack him and he had to shot him.

The police believe the shooter and the guy walked. Not one charge until an outpouring of protest against the Sanford Police and Zimmerman.

That's boneheaded congressman from Texas, Republican Steve Stockman wants to threw a parade for the rodeo clown.

Seriously, we're facing a morality deficit. The deficit continues with people like this clown, Congressman Stockman, and That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall. They give cadence to these radical extremists.

These individuals are the reasons to why I seriously believe that Republicans are racist.

Oh by the way, here's That Guy Who Helped Obama Win (aka That Scumbag On Loserville) talking to a Black Missouri delegate and that buzztop Black Republican Allen West.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hannity: Jeremiah Wright Taught Obama How To Hate White People!

I refer to this person as That Guy Who Helped Obama Win.

The controversial conservative agitator known only as That Guy Who Helped Obama Win once again gets livid over the president. He is pissed that the president spoke on an issue that really matters to the Black community.

That Guy Who Helped Obama Win is gleefully putting on controversial figures to up his ratings. He's like an average carnival barker who has this radio program in the afternoon and television program on Loserville.

He is the go to guy for Republicans, conservative activists and people who have issues with race. The conservative agitator defends bigots, racists, idiots and criminals. If they're Republican or conservative, he'll be there front in center giving them a voice. Most of these individuals are so controversial, they are often not invited on television programs because they'll say some shocking statement.

That Guy is proud of his doings. He's ranked the second most listened and watched conservative agitator in the nation. He and King Hippo are often the most targeted by liberal agitators because they say so much ignorant things, it's amazing they still have a voice on radio.

The list of controversial individuals That Guy Who Helped Obama Win interviewed:

Karl Rove (Rolly Polly)
George Zimmerman
Michelle Malkin (Turd Flipper)
Sarah Palin (Palin Da Ass)
Dog The Bounty Hunter
Oliver North
Don Imus (Rusty Imus)
Juan Williams (Uncle Juan)
Malik Shabazz
Jesse Lee Peterson (Other Jesse)
Mark Fuhman
Jerry Falwell
Rush Limbaugh (King Hippo)
John Bolton
(Paula Deen)

He will likely interview Paula Deen in the coming weeks because of her controversy. She was fired from The Food Network after she and her brother said racial slurs about Black patrons.

Anyway, the Black community is highly upset over the George Zimmerman trail. They figured that since he was a WHITE MAN, Zimmerman got off with murder in the state of Florida. He shot and killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teenager who was on his way home. The case has sparked feverish discussion on race, class and the mistrust of law enforcement in the Black community.

That Guy Who Helped Obama Win as usual focuses on made up controversies to embarrass the president.
The Black community and police are friends of convenience. They're like distant cousins.

President Barack Obama had to speak on the issue because he too was a Black man who was profiled by police.

Some just can't stomach the ideas of the president speaking to the Black community. That Guy Who Helped Obama in particular is one that gets highly upset over it.

"Now the president's saying Trayvon could've been me 35 years ago," That Guy Who Helped Obama Win said on his radio show. "This is a particularly helpful comment. Is that the president admitting that I guess because what, he was part of the Choom Gang and he smoked pot and he did a little blow — I'm not sure how to interpret because we know that Trayvon had been smoking pot that night."

A man with the biggest case of Obama Derangement Syndrome continues to rile up his gullible audience with these bogus stories and ad hominem attacks. That Guy continues to create controversy where there is none.

The Huffington Post reports that as usual the conservative agitators were smoking out their ears when the president spoke on the issue of race in America.

One asshole named Todd Stern from Loserville called the president, "race-baiter-in-chief".

Hence the irony of that. Look in the mirror, you asshole!

That Guy Who Helped Obama Win continues his ongoing obsession with Jeremiah Wright, the former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

The former pastor lit up the internet during the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election. The pastor went into a rant about how the United States for years have killed and destroyed lives in the name of "freedom".

That Guy wasted no time trashing the pastor and then Senator Barack Obama for the controversy.

He would often obsess over this. He couldn't help himself. Every time an issue of race comes forth, this foolish conservative agitator finds a way to bring up Jeremiah Wright every freaking time.

I am guessing since I missed most of his radio program, I had to figure he would somehow inject him in this.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Illinois GOP Chairman Calls Black Republican A Hoe!

Ericka Harold, a Black Republican candidate for Congress is called a prostitute and a mixture of racial quotas. Her own political party was the ones throwing out the comments toward her. 

First there was Tim Scott. Then there was Allen West. They were the first Black Republicans to hold a position as elected members of Congress.

Scott represented the 1st Congressional District in South Carolina until he was recently promoted to become a U.S. Senator for the state. He currently is running for reelection.

West on the other hand represented the 22nd District in Florida. He ended up losing his election to a moderate Democrat. He's signaled he may run for the seat once again. He is currently on Loserville.

Those were the first in many. They're Black Republicans. And there's more to come.

There was Mia Love, Angela McGlowan, Michael L. Williams, Vernon Parker, Herman Cain and Neal Boyd. Each of these Black Republicans lost either in the general election against a Democrat or Republican.

You know I get tired of this parallel from these guys.

Anytime I hear a Black Republican scream about the "Democrat Party" being the party of slavery, I look at them and just shake my head. I see these NEGROS are emboldened in the past and not the future.

Instead of getting over their racial angst with the Democrats, they double time on the stupidity.

Forgotten a simple fact: The Democratic Party has nominated and the American people elected the first Black president twice. The Democratic Party had succeed in having the first woman Speaker of the House.

The first party to have a woman lead the national party today.

Where have the Black Republicans been?

Under the rock?

Hence the reasons why I can't stand Black conservatives and those who stand with them. These NEGROS aren't looking through the prism of the stain colored glass. They still believe that the Republican Party favors the Black community. They continue to push the notion that Republicans rather see "us Black folk" becoming successful. These NEGROS believe that a majority of "us Black folk" are dependent on the "gubmint" and we worship the alter of "Brotha Barack".

These NEGROS think the Democrats are passing around the racist emails.

They think women's rights organizations such as Planned Parenthood are committing genocide to Black babies.
Congressman Rodney Davis (R-Illinois) is running for reelection.
In the same breath they'll claim that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was a Republican while bashing civil rights activists. These NEGROS want to say Fredrick Douglass every five seconds to every attack his son Martin L. King III, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the NAACP. They'll scream Booker T. Washington when they're saying that our "Brotha Barack" hates White people.

These NEGROS think a majority of Blacks are stuck on a plantation.

I am guessing that they're bitching about "us Black folks" being stuck in the projects or urban slums while they're polluting the suburbs. They'll destroy the environment to get away from "us Black folk".

Enter Erika Harold, a former Miss America, biracial woman who is a Republican. She is running for a congressional seat being held by Republican Rodney Davis, a first term member of the 13th District.

The Associated Press reports that an Illinois Republican official resigned from his leadership post Thursday amid outrage over an email in which he berated a biracial former Miss America as a "street walker" who could fill a law firm's "minority quota" if she loses her bid for Congress.

The controversy, involving a county GOP leader in central Illinois who campaigned for U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, created a new rift for Republicans already struggling to expand and attract women and minority voters.

Davis demanded the resignation of the county official, Jim Allen, after learning of what he called a "wrong, appalling and incredibly demeaning" email targeting Erika Harold, Davis' opponent in the March 2014 Republican primary.

Sent to Republican blogger Doug Ibendahl, the email referred to Harold as a "street walker" and "love child" of Democrats and suggested the Harvard graduate could fill a "minority quota" at a law firm should she lose the race.

Ibendahl, also a former party official, posted the email Wednesday on his website.

"I hope some of these bullies learn a lesson from this," he told the Associated Press on Thursday. "Our party has a huge branding problem nationwide, especially in Illinois. This guy's attitude sets us back. It's confirmation as to why women and minorities don't take the Republican party seriously."
Former Miss America is running for Congress.
Allen apologized for his message in a brief statement to the (Champaign, Ill.) News-Gazette and resigned from his post Thursday afternoon.

Harold released a statement, saying Allen's comments have "no place within public discourse."

Champaign County GOP Chairman Habeeb Habeeb —who is staying impartial in the 13th District GOP primary — was so offended by the comments he left a message for Harold and personally apologized to her father.

"I don't see that kind of vitriol in everyday Republican circles," Habeeb said. "The party has changed and these things just set us backward."

The incident highlights the rocky path the national party has forged in recent months, with comments such as Allen's derailing efforts by the GOP to become more of a "big tent" organization.

After performing poorly at the polls in November, Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus released a "prescription" for the party's future. Along with changing its tone on social issues to win over younger and minority voters, the party would need to make a concerted effort to elevate more women, Priebus said.

Along with state party officials, Priebus on Thursday joined in the chorus calling for Allen's resignation, via Twitter.

"Chairman Allen's astonishingly offensive views have no place in politics. He should apologize and resign immediately," Preibus wrote.

Harold seeks to be catalyst for change in the GOP. When she announced her bid earlier this month, Harold said she believes she can help expand the party's voting base and reach people who don't traditionally vote Republican.

Former Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady, who stepped down last month after coming under fire from state central committeemen over his support of gay marriage, said comments like Allen's are an unfortunate distraction.

Without a Republican governor in Illinois or a Republican president to act as the party's "mouthpiece," Brady said, these comments only get more traction. But they also create a sort of wag-the-dog situation, working to block the election of Republican to those roles.

Davis' congressional district in in central Illinois has been targeted by the Democratic Congressional Committee as a pick-up seat in 2014.

Davis, a freshman, in November defeated emergency room doctor David Gill by approximately 1,000 votes. It was Gill's fourth bid for Congress.

"We do need to welcome folks from all walks of life, regardless of where they come from what they look like and what their policy preference is," said Davis said. "There are no excuses for his behavior. I am not making any. I sure hope it doesn't affect my campaign."

Monday, June 17, 2013

Palin Da Ass Is Back on Loserville!

Idiot politico rejoins Loserville. 

Loserville hired her again.

Another rewrite in the history books. The former vice presidential nominee rejoins her fellow nuts over there for another round of bashing President Barack Obama and prepping herself (seriously) for a run for the office in 2016.

Being a washed up politico is popular over there at Loserville. They're more of them on that network than those they've complained about. Of course, they call them "liberal" shrills for President Barack Obama.

I guess the feud between the network and her are history.

If this was a joke, I would be laughing.

Unfortunately, I wish this woman would take her ass back to Alaska and find Russia somewhere from her home in Wasilla.

I thought it was Caribou Bye-Bye over with those guys. They've gotten rid of that turd Dick Morris (Footlicker) and Chalk E. Becker.

Even Rupert Murdoch the powerful media mogul over at NewsCorporation got rid of his wife Wendi Deng after rumors swirled that she's taking backshots from former British prime minister Tony Blair.

To have that dingbat back on the network along with That "FOOLISH" Guy Who Helped Obama Win and Bill-O will be interesting.

I can see that her best friend for life Greta Van Susteren (Greta The Ambulance Chaser) is eager to have her on to discuss the latest "scandals" involving President Barack Obama.

"The power of Fox News is unparalleled. The role of Fox News in the important debates in our world is indispensable," Palin said in a statement Thursday. "I am pleased and proud to be rejoining Roger Ailes and the great people at Fox."

"I've had several conversations with Governor Palin in the past few weeks about her rejoining Fox News as a contributor," Fox News Channel President Ailes said in a separate statement. "I have great confidence in her and am pleased that she will once again add her commentary to our programming. I hope she continues to speak her mind."
Loserville CEO Roger Alies rehires the former vice presidential nominee back to the network.
I can see she'll return to Twitter to announce that she and Roger Ailes (Loserville honcho) kissed and made up. Of course, she'll be on Monday to repeat her word salad of stupidity.

Did you know that daughter/reality star Bristol Palin will trade places with Joan Rivers, the controversial celebrity agitator?

They will do ABC's Celebrity Wife Swap in which the daughter Bristol will join daughter Melissa and Rivers will join Palin Da Ass husband Todd.

Joan Rivers have a not so friendly relationship with the family.

One thing Rivers and the Palin Da Ass can agree on is their hatred of Katie Couric.

So I guess the Palin Da Ass will love to hear that 80 year old plastic doll give her two cents and three nickels about life in New York.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Bob Dole: My [Republican] Party Is Totally Screwed Up!

Former presidential candidate Bob Dole tells Loserville host Chris Wallace that the Republican Party is screwing up "big time" and it's probably too late to stop the damage.

Former Kansas senator and two time presidential failure Bob Dole makes an appearance on Loserville Sunday with Chris Wallace. The former majority leader had some choose words for the current aspects of the Republican Party.

A party that should shut the doors and stay closed for repairs. Come back in the next business days says the 90-year old Dole.

The Republican and his wife Elizabeth Dole were once proud moderate Republicans. Dole retired from the senate in 1996 and left politics. His wife Elizabeth served one term as senator from North Carolina. She was defeated by Kay Hagen.
The president's agenda is too radical. Our jobs as Republicans is to see forth its failure - Minority Leader of The Senate Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
Dole isn't the burly voice of the Republican Party these days. Just like George H.W. Bush, the former majority leader now is in a wheelchair and suffering from partial blindness. But his criticism of his own party is just as sharp as ever.

"It seems almost unreal that we can't get together on a budget or legislation," he said on "Fox News Sunday." "We weren't perfect, by a long shot, but at least we got our work done."

Dole, who served in the Senate from 1969 to 1996, wasn't fully critical of the president, but said part of the problem is that he "lacks communication with Congress" and should have gotten together with members earlier in his presidency.

Dole joked at first when asked by host Chris Wallace to quickly give his thoughts on President Barack Obama. "He's a great golfer, very articulate," Dole responded.

Still, he acknowledged it's not easy to work with the Senate, where he said "no doubt about it," cloture is being abused. He didn't spare the Republican Party his criticism, saying they need to be "closed for repairs" and come up with more plans and a vision for the future before the end of the year. Wallace asked him whether he'd even fit in with the Republican Party today.

"I doubt it," Dole replied. "Reagan wouldn't have made it, certainly Nixon wouldn't have made it, because he had ideas. We might have made it, but I doubt it."
No more backroom deals! - Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) 
It's tough to be a leader, he said, but his strategy was to get people together and then ask them to call him when they came to a deal. In the end, the leadership gets the blame when things go wrong, he said.

"Howard Baker said running the Senate is like herding cats, and it takes leadership," he said. "Somebody has to stand up and say, 'We're not going to do this.'"

King Hippo, The Guy Who Throws Shit On The Wall, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win, Turd Flipper, Chalk E Becker and Palin Da Ass are primarily the reasons to why the Republican Party is so screwed up!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Loserville Adds A Resident!

Funny, that's how we describe these guys over at Loserville!

The former Florida politico known for saying the most outrageous things. He was aided by That Guy Who Helped Obama Win. Now together they'll be on cameras bashing President Barack Obama.

Now that guy will have former Florida congressman, Black Republican Allen West to the roster of his right wing carnival.

We may have remember the former congressman from Florida for being an advocate of the Tea Party Movement.

West, a former army colonial who was discharged after there were accusations of him abusing detainees in Iraq.

West was propped up as the "new Black" in the Republican Party. He and Tim Scott became the first two Republican members of Congress since J.C. Watts, Jr., a Oklahoma Black Republican who served through the late 1990s.

Scott became the U.S. Senator of South Carolina in 2013.

There are no Black members of the U.S. Congress serving in the Republican Party.

Loserville decided to hire this ex-politico to rant and rave about how he's a "real Black man" and that "Communist" Barack Obama should be impeached.

Are the people over at Loserville grooming him for bigger office?

They've hired former Massachusetts Republican senator Scott Brown to the roster.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Black Voter Turnout Surpassed White Voters!

Can we keep this voting thing going? Black voters turnout heavy this last election. If we can get the Republicans out of Congress, we're going to need more than just a few Blacks in the voting booth.

Wondering if the Republican Party and their conservative extremist allies believe it's another attempt by those evil Black Panthers?

Wondering if these Knee-Grows voted for the color instead of the character?

Republicans are quick to dismiss the higher Black turnout on issues that had nothing to do with it. Of course, they'll claim that the name of the Democratic candidate is on the ballot twice. The Black voters embrace the "gubmint gibbs mes" from "brotha" Barack. The skin color is the only thing those "ignant Black folk" support.

Conservative talk radio and Loserville have been on a dog whistle campaign the moment Barack Obama announced he was running for president.

Still some white people believe that the president is either a socialist, Communist, a radical, a racist, a Muslim, a person who hates America, the devil and the guy who takes too many vacations on the taxpayer's dime.

Black voters see this as a disrespect not only upon the president, but the Black community in general. The first Black president ever to hold office and the conservative media treats President Barack Obama like he's a "thug" or being "not one of them".

It's shows through the Republican Party's intrusive strategy to win back the Congress. They've passed legislation that makes it a requirement to have an identification when voting. They want to eliminate overtime pay so businesses can work an individual for lesser pay. They want to cut domestic programs that could help the needy and poor. They refuses to cave on gun control, yet they're screaming at the Black man, the Muslim or the Hispanic man with firearms.
Reince Priebus, the Republican chairman has tried and failed to win over minority votes.
This may be the coming of a new era in voting. For the first time ever, Black voter turnout surpassed White voters. The White race is 74% of the United States general population.

With the shift in demographics making the Hispanic population the fastest minority group, White males are on the decline. And in thirty years, the White male will officially be a minority.

The Huffington Post and Associated Press reports America's blacks voted at higher rates than whites in 2012, lifting Democrat Barack Obama to victory amid voter apathy, particularly among young people, new census data show. Despite increasing population, the number of white voters declined for the first time since 1996.

Blacks were the only race or ethnic group to show an increase in voter turnout in November, most notably in the Midwest and Southeastern U.S., the Census Bureau said Wednesday. The analysis, based on a sample survey of voters last year, is viewed as the best source of government data on turnout by race and ethnicity.

The Associated Press reported last week that black voter turnout surpassed whites for the first time, based on an analysis by experts of earlier data.

In all, about 66.2 percent of eligible black voters cast ballots in 2012, up from 64.7 percent in 2008, according to census data. That compares with non-Hispanic white turnout of 64.1 percent, which fell from 66.1 percent four years earlier. As recently as 1996, blacks had turnout rates 8 percentage points lower than non-Hispanic whites.
Not helpful. Besides the first Black president is a Democrat. That's the emancipation!
Latino turnout dipped slightly, from 49.9 percent in 2008 to 48 percent, while Asian-American turnout was basically unchanged at 47 percent.

Voter turnout across all race and ethnic groups fell for a second consecutive presidential election, from 64 percent in 2004 to 62 percent in November, according to the census figures.

"Obama's win in 2012, despite the important Democratic constituency of young voters not participating at a high level, is good news," said Michael McDonald, a George Mason University professor who specializes in voter turnout. "The bad news is that voting is a habit – and the fact that we saw turnout declines among younger African-Americans suggests Democrats will have to work even harder to excite these voters in future elections."

The data underscore how turnout plays an important role in elections for both whites and blacks, who will remain the two largest racial groups of eligible voters for the next decade. While Hispanics are now the fast-growing demographic group, they currently make up a smaller share of eligible voters because many are children and non-citizens, limiting their electoral impact for the immediate future.

In 2012, the number of blacks who voted rose by 1.7 million. Hispanics added 1.4 million and Asian voters increased by 550,000.

Meanwhile, even though the white population is slowly increasing, the number of white voters dropped by 2 million – the first drop in absolute terms for any race or ethnic group since 1996.

By age, youth enthusiasm for voting fizzled in 2012.

About 41 percent of voters age 18-24 cast ballots in November, down 7 percentage points from 2008. The drop was greatest among whites, whose turnout fell from 49 percent to 42 percent. But young black voters also saw big declines, from 55 percent in 2008 to 49 percent. That's compared with a decline among young Hispanics from 39 percent to 34 percent.

The only subgroups showing increases in voter turnout were among blacks ages 45 to 64 as well as those 65 and older.

"Blacks have been voting at higher rates, and the Hispanic and Asian populations are growing rapidly, yielding a more diverse electorate," said Thom File, a census sociologist who wrote the voting analysis. "Over the last five presidential elections, the share of voters who were racial or ethnic minorities rose from just over 1 in 6 in 1996 to more than 1 in 4 in 2012."

"We do know the population is growing more diverse, and the electorate is growing more diverse in a different way," File added.

Other census findings:

_White turnout declined in 39 states from 2008 to 2012, including presidential battleground states such as Ohio, Virginia and Florida.

_The gender gap in voting persists, a trend since 1996. About 64 percent of women voted, compared with 60 percent of men.

_Declines in voter turnout also were seen most notably among single people, the unemployed, renters and those with only a high school education or some college, suggesting in part voter disenchantment amid a sluggish economy.

_Black voter turnout surpassed that of whites mostly in the Midwest region, which covers Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan, as well as the Southern U.S. region including Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.

Demographers say the numbers pose long-term challenges for Republicans, given that 80 percent of nonwhites voted for Obama in November.

Analyses by Brookings Institution demographer William H. Frey show that Republican Mitt Romney would have barely won the presidency if whites and other race groups had turned out at the same rates as they did in 2004, when black turnout was below its current historic levels. But if Democrats can replicate 2012 turnout rates in 2016, they would win the presidency, given current population trends, Frey said.

Paul Taylor, executive vice president of the Pew Research Center, indicated the economy will be an important factor in future elections, noting that Hispanics and young people were among the hardest hit during the high unemployment years of 2008-2012.

"Given what we know about the youth bulge in the population, Millennials and Hispanics will become ever more important voting blocs in upcoming presidential elections," Taylor said. "But in 2012, both groups left a lot of votes on the table."

The census figures are based on the Current Population Survey as of November 2012. Since Hispanic is defined by the government as an ethnicity and not a race, census figures for "blacks" and "Asians" may include Hispanics. Census data for "white" refer to whites who are not of Hispanic ethnicity.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Remember Jennifer Mee "The Hiccup Girl"?

Distraught: Jennifer Mee breaks down in court at a November hearing. In an interview released today she tearfully denied any part in a 2010 murder
Florida woman best known as the "Hiccup Girl" has a murder trial in May. The woman, Jennifer Mee was responsible for setting up a young man in a botched robbery that led to his murder. Mee, her boyfriend and another friend are facing life in the iron college if they're found guilty.

The young woman who was famous sometime back in 2007 for uncontrollable hiccups (Tourette's syndrome) is facing trial for murder. Jennifer Mee, Laron Raiford and her then boyfriend Lamont Newton were involved in a robbery/murder of Shannon Griffin, a young man who met Mee on Facebook.

Laron Raiford
Laron Raiford.
Mee denies that she set the young man up, but the court found otherwise.

Shannon Griffin was a survivor of the devastating Hurricane Katrina of 2005. Griffin moved with his mother to St. Petersburg from Mississippi. He was working and attending a local college. He apparently heard of the young woman through friends and the social networks. Mee arranged Griffin to meet her at a dope spot and the two men Raiford and Newton were to rob him of his stuff. Griffin put up a fight and one of the men shot him and killed him.

Mee is going to face the judge in May. She may take a plea deal to get a reduced sentence. Right now, if she is convicted for her role in murder, Mee will spend the rest of her life in prison.

Mee was then a 15-year old girl who was making the media circuit for a rare condition that caused repetitive and painful hiccups. Her parents tried to get her all the remedies to stop them, but to no avail.

Lamont Newton
Lamont Newton.
She managed to become the talk of the nation. Her famous interview on NBC Today gain millions of supporters wishing her well. She even got the opportunity to get a hug from Country music star Keith Urban.

Doctors found medication and therapy to help control the hiccups. For the most part, Mee was "cured" of her hiccups. But there lies the dark side of Jennifer Mee.

Mee was a rebellous teenager. She would often run away to live with her boyfriend Lamont Newton, a known dope boy.

She would post that "she was the Gangsta Boo of TBSP (Tampa Bay-St. Petersburg)".

Often on her social networking profiles, Mee would be seen showing mild raunchy of herself as well some pictures of her smoking the kush and drinking.

Laron Raiford and Newton lived in the neighborhood that Mee was to arrange this set up.

Newton wanted to get his girlfriend to lure her "date" to the house. They ended with this plan going wrong.

Mee initially tried to say that it's the fault of Raiford. She claimed that Griffin knew Raiford's previous girlfriend and the jealous boyfriend was going to beat the crap out of him.
Victim: Shannon Griffin
Shannon Griffin, the young man who was gunned down by Lamont Newton and Laron Raiford.
But the police got her to confess to being the bait for a robbery. Now that reckless behavior got her now fearing the shine will fade and the life will be surrounded by "BARS". Trust me, Mee fears going to the iron college.

But do you actually think she is not at fault for her role in Shannon Griffin's murder?
Then a teenager, the world showed sympathy to a young girl who could never cease the constant hiccups.
I mean she can say that she fell with the "wrong crowd" and "she didn't do this" in the face of the camera, but the truth is that she's cold-hearted and doesn't seem to care about the many lives that she's ruined in that night.

Hopefully, justice will be served and we here at Journal de la Reyna believe that Jennifer Mee, Lamont Newton and Laron Raiford deserve a fair trial. We believe if they're to be found guilty in this murder, they should spent the rest of their lives in the iron college.

Currently the three are currently incarcerated in the Pinellas County Jail in Clearwater, Florida.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the family of Shannon Griffin.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

CPAC: Chalk Full Of Nuts!

I wish I could have been your president, but that "N****r" Obama won and we're pissed about it! - Mitt Romney.

The event for all right wing extremists. Where being an Obama basher is a sure hand clapper. Conservatives will have to be farther to the right of Hitler in order to be a part of the jubilee.

They scratched off the fat guy who is governor of New Jersey. The fat guy embrace the federal assistance of that "Kenyan" Obama. That Virginia governor named Bob is dead to them after he said he wanted to tax his citizens.

The Conservative Action Political Conference is held in Washington. The American Conservative Union gives ratings to politicians who drink the blood of Satan. The one who could be the most conservative gets the invite. So if you're drinking Satan's blood, you're a die hard conservative.

Whereas a handful of nuts come together and with ideas of "America" and "liberty" vomited in a 15 minute speech. Where a bunch of washed up politicos and conservative agitators gather to cry about how that evil "Hussein" Obama defeated their standard bearer.

Perennial loser Mitt Romney and former running mate Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) appeared with the other headliners. Some of them testing the water for potential run for defeat in the presidential election.
Embrace my support, my cult followers! Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) gets the cult riled up just like his daddy.

Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Dr. Benjamin Carson, Texas governor Rick Perry (aka Mr. Oops), Sarah Palin, and Ryan are the often floated around names for a potential run at defeat. Each of them getting an opportunity to shine in the limelight as the person capable of fixing the mess that "Muslim" Obama created the day he took office.

Each event must include a few gun totting celebrates. Besides Mr. Opps, there's Wayne LaPierre and David Keane, the National Rifle Association's standouts. They're trying to scare the audience with threats of gun rationing and pea shooting liberals like the "Elitist" Obama.

Seeing that even a few tokens were present beside Scott, there was Dr. Carson. Carson is the guy who made his political debut at the National Prayer's Breakfast where he promoted conservatism to that "dictator" Obama.

He's back from the ass whooping he got in 2012, Allen West, the former Congressman of Florida.
The CPAC token quota got better, they've add Colonial Allen West to the roster. A defeated politician, the former Florida lawmaker hints another chance to reign in his influence in Washington against the "Socialist" Obama.

Seeing Mr. Oops and those washed up politicos Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Sarah Palin was amazing. They've managed to not only attack that "Communist" Obama but take shots at that perennial loser Mitt Romney.

I heard from Arianna's grapevine that even Fox News was snoozing on the perennial loser. They cut his speech shorter than "terrorist" Obama.

Even a few Democrats were there. Look there's a washed up politico like Pat Caddell at CPAC!

Wasn't he the one who wrote an article calling for the "racist" Obama to resign. He and Doug Schoen were on Fox News frequently saying that "totalitarian" Obama was going to lose.

Just ask Dick Morris if he still figured that perennial loser Mitt Romney was ahead of the game!

The Alaskan former governor Sarah Palin is probably kicking herself right now! No one is paying attention to her! So what does a "celebrity" like her go since Fox News let her out of her contract this year?
Why on earth you Republicans couldn't beat my [Democratic] Party? I practically spin the news in your favor! -  Pat Caddell, the washed up politico who once helped Jimmy Carter become president.
Donald Trump, the reality television star who is a mogul of a real estate company decided to be headliner to the event as well. Wow I wonder if the Donald would bring up the questions of that "retard" Obama and his forged birth certificate?

You know Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal and Jeb Bush got little attention for their speeches. After all didn't they once tell the Republicans that they can't run on stupid anymore?

Is Steven Crowder still running around trying to get hit in the face?

Did Artur Davis walk into the arms of friends? I guess he dreamed he was a Democrat. Today he's woken up to become a proud Republican. A former Democratic congressman who got pummeled in the primary nomination for Alabama governor, now wants to run in Virginia as a Republican. How Black is that?

How that minority outreach working for you?

I mean a few Brown and yellow tokens were featured speakers. But there was a whole lot of Confederate themed t-shirts on the backs of old fat White guys. I guess if you're thinking about giving Blacks an opportunity to be proud conservatives, I guess keeping them separated from the rest of society is a conservative principle. We should thank our slavemasters for giving us Black folk food and shelter. They just keeping the animals fed!

It's quite funny that the fat white guys were in the presence of a Black Republican.

The Black Republican thinks he's Fredrick Douglass. And he wants to say the Democrat Party, the one party to nominated that "NIGGER" Obama for president started the Ku Klux Klan.

I guess the Democrat plantation keeps them enslaved by the "gubmint". Ask the fat white guy about us Black folk being happy being enslaved. After all a few scraps and a nice shack keep the Black folk out of trouble right?

You know I am just as surprised that the cabal of lunatics would embrace failures. I mean how did Newt Gingrich get an invite? Didn't he sit next to that crazy liberal Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California, Minority Leader)? He was at the "tar baby" Obama's inauguration this year!

Could you count the amount of times a speaker says either America, Ronald Reagan, freedom, liberty, Iran, Obama, tyranny, military, new, liberal, Pelosi, Reid, kids (grandkids), future, time is now and take our country back?
No "oops moments" here, my friends! We're packing some heat! - Rick Perry.
I feel such comfort around you great people! You guys give an old gunslinger much love and I shoot my love back! - Wayne LaPierre, the spokesman for the National Rifle Association.

Why didn't you guys focus on that "moron" Obama's birth certificate? - Donald Trump

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hannity Knows The GOP Is His Pimp!

Sean Hannity was furious at Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota). He does a follow-up with washed up politicians and right wing extremists.
Conservative agitator Sean Hannity is still upset over the previous night's taping of his program.

Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) became the hero of the day for his combative response to Hannity's word vomit.

Hannity know who his pimp is! He is practically the go-to guy for Republican public relations. When Republicans need a time to promote their agenda, they turn to Hannity. When there's a need to prevent a scandal or a shield from accusations of racism, it's Hannity to the rescue.

And for all that ranting and raving, the conservative agitator on Fox News is suffering from a ratings drop.

Hannity and Bill O'Reilly have seen ratings drop. These last months show a decline in the key demographics.

Although they still pull in millions of viewers, that age 24 - 54 demo is the key to keeping a program on.

Since Hannity and O'Reilly failed in their promise of having Barack Obama getting creamed in the presidential election, many of their viewers are tuning them out.

Hannity's right wing carnival of agitation continues to put on the same old faces! These old faces are just regurgitating the same word salad of how they can't stand President Barack Obama and how the nation is stupid for voting for him.

The sequester is likely going to happen and the Democrats are throwing their hands up and saying there's nothing they can do! They want to cut spending, but in order to do that, the Democrats want tax increases on the wealthy.

Republicans solely want spending cuts. They want defense spending up and domestic spending down. They don't want to cut defense spending. Republicans want spending cuts to food stamps, farm aid, hurricane relief, welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, energy credits for solar and wind. They refuse to compromise on tax increases.

This sequester was passed by Congress in 2011. It was a part of the debt ceiling increase. The sequester was triggered after the "supercommittee" failed to find a solutions for a balance budget. Now the pain will be felt and it's likely the Republicans who will face the gauntlet of public scrutiny.
Hannity invites J.C. Watts, Jr. on his program to attack Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota).
Secretary of State John Kerry said it best that [here in the United States], you have a right to be stupid. Our country allows ignorance. Fox News and its personalities deliberately play upon the ignorance.

When you hear folks like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Michael Savage, Neal Boortz, and Herman Cain say supporters of President Barack Obama are "low information voters", you pretty much get upset over it. You think that these individuals as sore losers and figure that their supporters are reactionary bigots.

Last night's combative debate went viral. Many progressives praised Congressman Ellison for standing up to Hannity. Many conservatives believe the congressman was disrespectful and unhinged.

Hannity was so upset with Ellison talking over him, he cut the interview short.

On his radio show, Hannity bragged about the interview. He believed that Ellison was explaining a perfect example of the "socialist leftists" agenda.

His show now highlights the follow-up to last night's controversy with former Oklahoma congressman J.C. Watts, Jr.

Of course, Hannity baited Watts into slamming Ellison.

Watts and Gary Franks of Connecticut were the only Black Republicans serving in Congress during the late 1990s. Watts was elected during the Republican Revolution. Franks was a member of Congress during the early 1990s and was defeated in 1997 by a Democrat. Until 2011, Republicans had no members of Congress being African American.

Tim Scott of South Carolina was elected to the House of Representatives. He was recently appointed to be the U.S. Senator after Jim DeMint retired to be the president of The Heritage Foundation.

Allen West of Florida was elected to the House of Representatives. In the beginning he was just a perennial candidate. His losing streak came to an end after he beat incumbent Democrat Ron Klein in a bitterly fought Midterm election. He had a well-funded war chest in his bid for reelection. Even though he had endorsements from every extremist in the conservative movement, it didn't help him secure a victory. West was defeated by 29 year old Patrick Murphy, an accountant.

There are no Black Republicans in the House of Representatives. There are two Black members of the U.S. Senate. Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) and Senator Mo Cowan (D-Massachusetts) are the only Black members of the Senate.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

CPAC Snubs Christie!

The bromance is too much for conservatives. The annual CPAC convention keeps Republican New Jersey governor Chris Christie off their headliner list.

The Republican Party is in a civil war within itself. Many Republicans are fearing that they'll lose the House majority if they continue their infighting. The New Jersey governor Chris Christie is rising in his job approval. As the Republican governor of a deeply blue state, he handled a major crisis so effectively, his major opponents decided to not run against him. It's too risky for a Democratic candidate to take on a governor.

In late October, Hurricane Sandy roared through the Mid-Atlantic coast. It managed to hit the New Jersey shore and destroyed the lives of thousands (if not millions) of Americans. Christie throw aside his opposition with President Barack Obama and worked with him to get things done.

Christie embracing of President Barack Obama may have destroyed the perennial loser Mitt Romney. The Republicans were furious at Christie and blamed him for the loss.

Christie is being snubbed by the Conservative Political Action Conference. The headliner of previous years, the New Jersey governor was not invited to this year's event. Instead CPAC brings in the washed up politicians like perennial loser Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Allen West.

Headliners include Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin). Each of these individuals are potential candidates for the Republican presidential nomination.

While some praised the decision to not invite Christie, many Republicans fear that the snub could expose a deep rift between the Republicans.

What more can a Republican do?

Most Republicans held their ground during the Obamacare debate. They've stalled the Chuck Hagel nomination as much as they've could. The former Republican senator has become the new Secretary of Defense today.

Republicans had a huge problem with the voters. The voters figured that Republicans are too extreme and are out of touch with the direction of the country.

Christie basically ignored the snub. He responded with: "It's not like I'm lacking for invitations to speak around the country."
CPAC is the gathering of extremists and racists.
CPAC also has in attendance David Keene and Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association, Saratoga Springs, Utah mayor Mia Love, Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-New Hampshire), Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pennsylvania), Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky).

Some conservative groups were also snubbed. MSNBC/Blaze TV agitator S.E. Cupp opted out of the CPAC event because of her support of the GOProud.

The GOProud group are a bunch of gay Republicans that favors same sex marriage. That group is usually banned from CPAC because of its staunch stance to LGBT activism.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Perennial Loser Romney Won't Go Away!

Why won't this perennial loser and Paul Ryan disappear?

Geez, why won't he just go away!

Former Republican nominee Mitt Romney and his wife Ann return to the spotlight. They return back to friendly territory with Fox News. The Romneys will appear on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace.

After keeping a low profile, the perennial loser will return to reflect on his future plans.

There's rumors that his son Tagg or wife Ann will run for U.S. Senate, but nothing is confirmed.

Second, the former nominee will appear with washed-up politicians Rick Santorum, Artur Davis, Allen West, Newt Gingrich and former Tea Party queen Sarah Palin at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in the coming weeks.

CPAC guarantees an opportunity for washed up politicians, right wing extremists, and the potential failures for president to reign in on festivities.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) will be headliners at this event. These nitwits may run for president.

They'll follow the same formula that doomed Mitt Romney.

It's going to be the first time in awhile to see the failed Romney/Ryan presidential ticket appear at an event.

Monday, January 07, 2013

God I Hate Stupid A** Black Conservatives!

Deneen Borelli is a far right Black extremist who wrote books attacking the Black community and President Barack Obama. She represents the mindset of radicalism in the United States.

Before I give my honest opinion of Black conservatives, I want to make sure that I leave nothing out! I want to be clear that they're entitled to be the condescending, hateful bigots they've promote themselves out to be!

It doesn't matter if they're Black, White, Hispanic, non-White, Christian, Jewish, Muslim or non-religious.

Conservatism is dosed in the fuel of hate of someone's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings. They don't represent progress! Conservatives represent a shallow reality of American bigotry.

You can go into this narrative of me being hateful towards Black conservatives. I don't care anymore! I have no patience for this anymore!

I am tired of Black conservative agitators. I am tired of Travis Smiley and Cornell West running around with this "OBAMA GOT TO BE A BLACK MAN, FIRST" crap! I don't have no respect for them either! Smiley and West are liberal extremists and they will be addressed later.

If you think White conservatives are seriously disturbed individuals, you're right. But unfortunately, Black conservatives are just as bad. These individuals are progress in reverse when it comes to Civil Rights for all Americans. They believe that this country is on a slow path to destruction due to the policies of the "Democrat" Party and liberalism.

Jesse Lee Peterson is a Black extremist.
They rally around Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Booker T. Washington and Fredrick Douglass. They use their names in vein to promote a hateful agenda against Blacks, Hispanics, LGBT and the poor.

When you listen to people such as Jesse Lee Peterson, Alveda King, or even Deneen Borelli rushing to the cameras to promote conservative ideas, most look at them as extremists.

They hate when Black liberals call them "sell outs", "Uncle Toms", "bootlickers" and the such. Of course, they're so eager to call President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, "race hustlas", "racists" and "liberal slaveowners".

In my opinion honestly, I can't stand Black conservatives! They're just as bad as these White extremists in the conservative media.

How many times have you've heard from one of those Black conservatives who figured that Blacks were solely focused on helping "our brotha" Barack win reelection?

How many times have you've heard from a Black conservative about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. being a Republican?
Alveda King (right) is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She attends Tea Party spreading the gospel of her uncle being a registered Republican. Despite his surviving children saying otherwise, Alveda continues to profit off the legacy. Her uncle supported rights for all Americans. Alveda doesn't support abortions, gay marriage and immigration reform. She sits near Mike Huckabee, a former presidential candidate turned right wing agitator.
How many times have you've heard from a Black conservative when it comes to them being isolated from the rest of the Black community when they say condescending themes that paint a group as a threat?

How many times have you've heard a Black conservative say there "ain't no racism"?

How many times have you've heard a Black conservative say that if it wasn't for the Republican Party, civil rights would not have been passed?

How many times you've read in the comments section of a blog or even a Facebook posting saying that "all Blacks" are likely stuck on the plantation of "welfare", "gubmint handouts", "victimization", and "laziness"?

How many times have you've heard from a Black person who overwhelming supports Mitt Romney say that Republicans are the party that "freed" the slaves?

Okay, let me just say this clearly!


Yeah, I said it! I meant it, seriously.

Black conservative Larry Elder.
What the heck is wrong with these people?

Black conservatives are dumb ass human beings!

Why do we even give these people any attention anyways?

These individuals are just as upset over the president trouncing Mitt Romney, more than these White extremists in the Republican Party. They've complain about Blacks voting solely on race and not on policies!

I love how conservatives believe this crap about "patriotism" and "freedom"! These individuals are traitors to the nation and their freedom of speech should be noted for how society should basically ignore them for what they are, racist!

Why bother giving them airtime?

I mean seriously I think Rush Limbaugh and the like are profiting off of this "phony" conservatism! These guys aren't even conservative in the standard of Thomas Paine, Ronald Reagan or even George W. Bush!

These are stark crazy lunatics!

We do not live in a colorblind society. I don't understand why these idiots can't get it through their mentally inept heads. 

Conservatives are proven to show their extremism in the public arena. It's bad enough, they're sore losers, but their "principles" will doom this country!
Perennial candidate Herman Cain is a Black conservative agitator on radio.
If you hate the United States so much for its democracy and the leadership, go to a country of your choice!

Instead of wasting the time to create your own country on land that was originally owned by the Native Americans/First Nations, how about you grab all the garbage you've polluted the land with and make an island of filth and live your lives in hate of everyone else!

Seriously why should I waste my time giving these people a link to click on!

These assholes should shut up and move on with their lives!

But they can't do it! They're invested in hating on President Barack Obama for profit. Conservatives need an enemy. The media needs a scapegoat.

The changing demographics will be the end of the Republican Party. They can't get over the fact that non-White births surpassed this year and 30 years it's going to be a browner nation!

In a New York Times opinion piece by Adolph L. Reed, Jr., he states the Republicans boasting of newly appointed South Carolina senator Tim Scott, South Carolina's first Black senator. Scott will be the first black senator from the South since Reconstruction; the first black Republican senator since 1979, when Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts retired; and, indeed, only the seventh African-American ever to serve in the chamber.
James David Manning is a birther and Black extremist. He preaches at the ATLAH Worldwide Church in Harlem, New York. He is one of the many controversial figures on YouTube saying not so nice things about President Barack Obama and the Black community.
But this “first black” rhetoric tends to interpret African-American political successes — including that of President Obama — as part of a morality play that dramatizes “how far we have come.” It obscures the fact that modern black Republicans have been more tokens than signs of progress.

The cheerleading over racial symbolism plays to the Republicans’ desperate need to woo (or at least appear to woo) minority voters, who favored Mr. Obama over Mitt Romney by huge margins. Mrs. Haley — a daughter of Sikh immigrants from Punjab, India — is the first female and first nonwhite governor of South Carolina, the home to white supremacists like John C. Calhoun, Preston S. Brooks, Ben Tillman and Strom Thurmond.

Armstrong Williams, a closeted Black conservative agitator.
Oh, don't forget North Carolina's Jesse Helms, the firebrand Republican senator. Anyways, Reed stated that  even if the Republicans managed to distance themselves from the thinly veiled racism of the Tea Party adherents who have moved the party rightward, they wouldn't do much better among black voters than they do now. I suspect that appointments like Mr. Scott’s are directed less at blacks — whom they know they aren’t going to win in any significant numbers — than at whites who are inclined to vote Republican but don’t want to have to think of themselves, or be thought of by others, as racist.

Just as white Southern Democrats once used cynical manipulations — poll taxes, grandfather clauses, literacy tests — to get around the 15th Amendment, so modern-day Republicans have deployed blacks to undermine black interests, as when President Ronald Reagan named Samuel R. Pierce Jr. to weaken the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Clarence M. Pendleton to enfeeble the Commission on Civil Rights and Clarence Thomas to enervate the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Over the course of history, racial alignments have shifted radically. The Democrats were the party of white supremacy until the New Deal. The Republicans were a party of relative, if feeble, support for civil rights until the 1950s. The tables have completely turned. No Republican presidential nominee has won the black vote since 1936. All four black Republicans who have served in the House since the Reagan era — Gary A. Franks in Connecticut, J. C. Watts Jr. in Oklahoma, Allen B. West in Florida and Mr. Scott — were elected from majority-white districts.
Juan Williams is a Fox News commentator who masquerades himself as a "liberal analysis". In reality, he's a Black conservative who tries to be at least "rational" on most issues in the Black community.

There is little that connects these men to mainstream black politics or to the country’s first two black senators, Hiram R. Revels and Blanche K. Bruce, who were elected (by the Mississippi State Senate) during Reconstruction, that extraordinary and brief moment of African-American political empowerment after the Civil War destroyed chattel slavery.

Not until the Great Migration of blacks to Northern cities between the two world wars were they again capable of electing candidates of their choosing. In the South, blacks began to register to vote in substantial numbers only after the Supreme Court overturned the “white primary,” which had allowed Southern Democrats to exclude blacks by defining the party as a private club, in 1944. The Voting Rights Act in 1965 turned the trickle of black politicians into a flood.
Old school right wingers Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell reject Affirmative Action and believe in this fallacy of a "colorblind" society in which racism doesn't exist.
But the increase in representation has been a mixed blessing. Redistricting and gerrymandering have produced “safe” seats for black politicians across the South but have also concentrated black votes in black districts, giving white Republicans a lock. (As The New York Times reported, House Democratic candidates won about 50.5 percent of the national vote last month but only 46 percent of the seats; in North Carolina, they won 51 percent of the vote but only 27 percent of the seats.)

Reed mentions that the trope of the black conservative has retained a man-bites-dog newsworthiness that is long past its shelf life. Clichés about fallen barriers are increasingly meaningless; symbols don’t make for coherent policies. Republicans will not gain significant black support unless they take policy positions that advance black interests. No number of Tim Scotts — or other cynical tokens — will change that!

Conservatives got riled up with this one! Regardless of how many Black Republicans they've lined up, they'll still be labeled extremists in the eye of me! 

Let me repeat this for the slow readers who are conservative.

If you're still stuck on 20th Century, you better wake the heck up!

The future will steamroll over you if you're still stuck on Ronald Reagan and the fears of the past.

This country will succeed with or without you!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

GOP: You Sandy Degenerates Ain't Getting Relief!

Even Hurricane Sandy is a partisan event!

That's not what the Republicans are saying, but that's how they're reacting to the proposals that gives relief to those who suffered devastating since Hurricane Sandy hit the Atlantic coast in October.

We're beginning 2013 with the same bunch of stupidity and gridlock caused by the Tea Party who stood up for their "principles" against big spending.
Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) stalling hurricane relief.

Conservatives are so fucking stupid. They are stalling progress only to piss off President Barack Obama.

The Republicans are infighting with one another over relief! Republicans who represent areas hit by Hurricane Sandy are angry with members of the Tea Party stalling passage of the relief bill that the U.S. Senate passed December.

Most Americans want higher taxes on the upper income, Republicans to work with President Barack Obama, reasonable spending cuts, reasonable gun control, relief to disaster victims, responsible immigration reform, no cuts to defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps and farm aid.

How come this stuff fails to sponge inside the heads of Republicans?

They fear the repercussions of the conservative base. Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, The Drudge Report, Grover Norquist, The National Rifle Association, The Club For Growth, and The Heritage Foundation are powerful forces in the Republican Party. They've been weaken after the president won reelection. So in order to gain ground, the conservatives want an all out purge of moderate Republicans.
Congressman Pete King (R-New York) is angry at members of the Republican House for stalling Hurricane Sandy relief. King is a controversial politician. A notorious Islamophobe, King sponsored bills that discriminated against Muslims. 
Over eight weeks since Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey, New York and New England, many Americans held back on spending. The East Coast represents 1/3 of the economy. Those living on the Atlantic coast control most of the spending in retail. Retail spending went down and that impacted economy.

Even though many entertainers and charity organizations managed to obtain donations, the need is great.

Republicans can't spare the funds to repair those who were hurt by such destruction.

Many members of New York's U.S. Congressional Delegation slammed Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and many other Republicans for killing the vote on Hurricane Sandy relief.

"This is absolutely indefensible," said Republican Congressman Peter King of New York on the House floor Tuesday night. "We have a moral obligation to hold this vote."

The fiscal cliff votes show a strong rift within the Republican Party.

As the 113th Congress begins, Republicans are going to decide on the fate of House Speaker John Boehner, the Republican Ohio Congressman who managed to vote in favor of the proposal that raised taxes on those who make over $400,000.

Boehner who rose to the top spot after defeating Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California), America's first female Speaker of The House. He and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) rank very poorly among the American public.

President Barack Obama was ranked the most admired politician by Gallup. His job approval is averaged at 54% at the close of the 112th Session of Congress.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013


Turd pies were served to the Republicans. President Barack Obama wins the battle. Closing out the 112th Congress, the lawmakers passed the fiscal cliff bill with pouting and bickering among leaders in the Republican Party.

The Republicans are fighting within their ranks. Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Virginia, Majority Leader) is coming out against the Senate proposal that starves off extreme tax hikes and spending cuts. He voted with a slight majority of Republican members against the fiscal cliff bill passed by the Senate.

The U.S. Senate passed a proposal that assures that the tax cuts for the middle class stay permanent and the rate of tax hikes go up for those making over $400,000. Spending cuts goes off the table for two months.

The House Republicans are once again jeopardizing their majority. The public supports higher taxes on the rich. The people voted for President Barack Obama to handle the economy. It's unfortunate that the Republicans played this all the way to the very end. Bitterly fought and now it's over!

The next controversy will be the debt ceiling. Another gridlock fight with new members of the 113th Congress.

It's just confirmed by the Associated Press that the House of Representatives passed the bill.

Republicans were upset the deal did not have cuts.

"We not only need to grow the economy but we also have to address the fundamental causes of our debts and deficits and that's out-of-control spending, obligations that we have not got the financial wherewithal the meet," said Congressman Dave Camp, (R-Michigan) the top Republicans on the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee.

"So this is a first step -- permanent tax policy that then sets the stage for comprehensive and fundamental tax reform and then addressing out- of-control spending. So this will be several steps. This an an important one."

Liberals were unhappy Democrats left out a number of their goals for the bill, and that they did not push for setting the upper limit for retaining the old tax rates at $250,000 -- a promise Obama campaigned and won on. Obama had hoped to raise $1.6 trillion in revenue over 10 years. The bill only raises $620 billion, suggesting to many Democrats that future deficit reduction could come from cutting cherished programs.

"We're going to look back on this night and regret it," said Congressman Jim Moran (D-Virginia).

Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-New York) said passing the legislation was as if, "someone stopped hitting you in the head with a hammer, and you're supposed to say 'Thanks so much!'"

Yet most Democrats were willing to back the measure.

"Yes, to all of those who say all the other things that don't happen in the bill -- I don't know any piece of legislation I've ever voted for that did everything that I thought it should do," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) said. "While this bill doesn't accomplish all that we need to do … it is a good way for us to have a happy start to a new year by taking this first step."

Democrats also were pleased that for the first time in decades Republicans signed onto a measure that leaves taxes higher this year than the the year before.

"This legislation breaks the iron barrier that for far too long has prevented additional tax revenues from the very wealthiest," said Congressman Sander Levin (D-Michigan) "It raises $620 billion in revenue by achieving the president's goal of asking the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans to pay more while protecting 98 percent of families. That's right -- that's what it does. I want to emphasize this contrary to propaganda coming from the other side -- it prevents 98 percent of businesses from another tax increase."

Despite the general unhappiness with the measure, which President Barack Obama has said he'll sign, it does achieve some major policy changes, chief among them making permanent the Bush-era tax cuts for couples earning under $450,000 and individuals earning under $400,000.

The bill also keeps the estate tax threshold at $5 million, extends emergency federal unemployment benefits for one more year, and delays for two months the "sequester" that made up the spending cut portion of the cliff. It also extends the stimulus-boosted child tax credit and the college tuition credit for five years, individual and business tax breaks for two years, and the Medicare "doc fix" for one year, preventing a 27 percent payment cut for physicians. The Alternative Minimum Tax will be permanently fixed, and the the farm bill will be extended for one year.

Republicans in the House spent much of Tuesday threatening to blow up the bill over the the lack of spending cuts. They went so far as to propose amending the measure with a $328 billion package of budget reductions, but facing the likelihood that a revised measure would fail muster with Democrats, caved in after two lengthy meetings behind closed doors.

Having lost a battle that many of them fought for years, the GOP was looking forward to future chances to extract cuts, likely setting up more last-second showdowns in March. That's because the two-month delay of the sequester ends March 3, right around the time the nation is expected to reach its borrowing limit -- which Congress has to extend to pay the bills. Funding for the federal government also runs out on March 27.

The GOP sees each of those as leverage points.

"We still have more opportunities. We've got the debt ceiling coming, sequestration," said Congressman John Fleming (R-Louisiana) among the first in his party to acknowledge that with the Bush tax cuts having expired at midnight, there was little else the GOP could do beyond take the senate deal.

"So we're going to get taxes off the table," Fleming said. "The president can't say, 'We've go to raise taxes first before we get to spending cuts.' We will have already done that. Now the topic will be spending cuts, from this point out."

The disarray on the Republican side had many wondering if House Speaker John Boehner's job was in danger, but most members said it was not, and that Boehner ably managed the eruption of discontent in his ranks.

"I think he showed he's trying to listen to the conference in regards to giving everybody an equal shot at moving something forward," said Congressman Richard Nugent (R-Florida), who opposed the bill. "But you also have to be pragmatic about what's going to pass."


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