Saturday, July 02, 2022

They Rewrite History Like Its Nothing!

Obama did not have an easy ride during his two terms. Republicans and leftists want to twist his agenda. On top of that, he couldn't codify Roe v. Wade with conservative Democrats opposing.

When the far right and leftists blame Democrats for the world's problems, I shake my head in disgust.

They like to twist history and forgo reality. These extremists are so fucking ridiculous. We have enough of them in Congress. From Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Lauren Boebert, the signs of bipartisanship and cooperation are over. 

It's not even worth noting that President Joe Biden had hopes that things would return to normal. Alas, with Donald J. Trump and his allies still in the junk food media, the partisan gap will get worse.

Let's clear things up.

There were 133 days of the Democratic supermajority in the 111th Congress. Of course, Republicans kept Americans upset with culture wars as they are doing right now. They can't offer solutions so they offer scapegoats.

Immigration, Cash for Clunkers, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) along with fears of "death panels" from Sarah Palin and Trump, Roland Burris, socialism, birth certificate, Obama hates cops, the Tea Party movement and numerous other conspiracy theories helped Republicans get back to power.

Barack Obama had a 60 Senators in 2009. And only for 72 working days, Obama had very few Democrats get on board with his agenda. Many House Democrats were skeptical of the Affordable Care Act as well as the Obama agenda. The Democrats that came from Midwest and South were conservative.

First things first, Al Franken. His seat was held up for six months. He ended up being the 60th vote.

Arlen Spector switched parties making it the 59th vote.

Ted Kennedy passed away from cancer and Scott Brown won the seat in 2010.

Robert Byrd passed away in 2010 and the seat would soon go to Joe Manchin who was infamous for doing the shotgun on "cap-and-trade" as well as the "abortion" legalization.

I just want you to know that Fox had pushed conspiracy theories about Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, then vice president Biden and former president Obama.

Obama did not have a two year supermajority in Congress. If anything, Obama had only enough time to get at least a handful of things done. You had Mitch McConnell saying he'll be a one term president to Rush Limbaugh saying he hopes he fails. Thankfully Limbaugh is dead but not the spirit which resides in Trump.

Stuff like that distorts history. Trump and Republicans distort history. The leftists want to dispute actual policies that require more than just a presidential executive order.

What irates me is that Hillary Clinton warned Democrats that if you chose Trump, this could happen.

I guess this is why voting is extremely important this election. With Roe v. Wade and many other issues on the line, the need to beat back the noise is real.



Joe Lieberman who endorsed John McCain for president was holding up legislation and threatened to side with Republicans in regards to GITMO and the two wars. He was an independent who caucused with Democrats.

Bernie Sanders was pushing populism. As a democratic socialist, Sanders would do what he always does, depress turnout because Obama had to moderate policies.

The Obama Administration could not codify Roe v. Wade because of Ben Nelson, Jay Rockefeller, Mary Landrieu and Max Baucus. Don't get the story twisted, Obama had a congressional majority but a minority of Democrats opposing him.

Now Biden is dealing with Kyrsten Sinema and Manchin who are the only thing between democracy and chaos. Don't blame Obama, Clinton and Biden for white resentment. They warned you.

Trump was mentally unfit to be president and Republicans waited for decades to get their wish list of federal justices and partisan Supreme Court decisions.

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