Sunday, July 10, 2022

Pete Buttigieg Downs Fox Again!

Buttigieg gives Fox the smoke.

Fox was trying to bait U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg with a tweet from his husband Chasten. The secretary went directly to the point and tossed Washed Up 45's illegal attempt to undermine democracy into the mix. 

The folks at Fox are working overtime to destroy President Joe Biden.

This is the latest pivot from mass shootings, the overturning of Roe v. Wade and lower gas prices. As the country is moving past the coronavirus, the price of fuel went up during the illegal war Russia declared on Ukraine. Fox was literally beating this talking point about how Biden ain't doing much to stop these issues. Now gas prices are falling, demand for products is decreasing and a good jobs report has sparked Fox to worry about the Supreme Court's far right justices.

Karen Kavanaugh was forced out of his dinner by peaceful protests in Washington, DC.

Biden signed a bill into law that gives federal judges more protection. Kavanaugh, one of the most controversial justices is accused of sexual abuse. He sided with the far right's Court's decision to overturn a settled law.

He along with Idiot Karen Barrett, Karen Gorsuch, Karen Thomas, Karen Alito and Chief Justice Karen Roberts took away women's rights, doctor's professional duty to health and privacy. With Roe v. Wade overturned, the Midterms are now a toss up.

Enthusiasm could help Democrats retain the House and Senate. Republicans emboldened by culture wars, Biden's agenda and refusing to concede the results of the 2020 election will be their enthusiasm.

Morton's The Steakhouse faces more heat for criticizing peaceful protests.

On Fox News Sunday, the Karen asked Buttigieg about his husband's tweet sarcastically dissing Kavanaugh.

"When public officials go into public life, we should expect two things. One, you should always be free from violence, harassment, and intimidation. And two, you're never going to be free from criticism or peaceful protests, people exercising their rights," Buttigieg said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday. "Protesters are upset because a right, an important right that the majority of Americans support, was taken away."

That pretty much is how Democrats see it. You brought on yourself. Expect more protests in the wake of these radical Supreme Court decisions. Be lucky they aren't threatening to kill you or overthrow democracy.

During his interview on Sunday, Buttigieg insisted that he would have no problem if the same situation had happened to him while dining.

"I can't even tell you the number of spaces, venues, and scenarios where I’ve been protested. And the bottom line is this: Any public figure should always, always be free from violence, intimidation, and harassment but should never be free from criticism or people exercising their First Amendment rights," Buttigieg said.

Believe me, Buttigieg has been harassed by anti-LGBTQ protesters, environmentalists and leftists who claim he looks like a rat. Buttigieg, a former South Bend, Indiana mayor is an active military member. Buttigieg married educator Chasten Buttigieg (nee Glazmen) and they have two children. 

If we keep shutting them down with facts, legal retorts and keep reminding voters that Biden is there to be "boring" and not a "Democratic version of Washed Up 45" we will survive the noise.


Ignore the noise.

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