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Twitter and Facebook needs to do something now. |
With the Blogger interface, it is getting harder to make blog posts. I am not kidding.
The way they rolled this interface out maybe the death knell for the once beloved media platform.
I am not going to lie, this is frustrating and I am going to make my postings shorter and quicker now.
The coronavirus pandemic has killed over 400,000 Americans. The coronavirus has a daily kill rate of 5,000 a day. There are over 35 million people in the United States infected by the coronavirus. There is no end in sight. Despite Pfizer and Moderna rolling out their vaccines, the American people will not get vaccinations in 2021. It may be going into 2022.
Let's make this clear, Twitter is a private company. They have the right to regulate content and ban individuals they deem dangerous. This isn't a conservative or progressive issue. This is not a freedom of speech issue. This is term of service issue which these companies strictly enforce. You know the fine print that we just glance over.
It's time to send these individuals to the penalty box. Permanently banning these individuals could save our country from the brink of destruction.
Sarah Palin, Diamond & Silk, Ben Garrison, Richard Spencer, Colin Flaherty, Andy Ngo, Jesse Lee Peterson, Bill O'Reilly, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Candace Owens, Terrence K. Williams, Kaitlin Bennett, Tomi Lahren, Tara Reade, and David Clarke, Jr. are dangerous figures on social media and the time is now to push for a permanent suspension from all platforms. Mind you this is a short list of individuals. There are more than this but I am being practical.
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Time for Twitter and Facebook to end Candace Owens reign of terror. |
It infuriates me that for this many years, these agitators manage to profit off this divisiveness and vitriol against their fellow Americans.
I am getting really tired of explaining to you that we deserve better. If we continue to allow hate to fester in the country, we will expect more incidents like this.
U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was hit over the head with a fire extinguisher and it led to a massive stroke. He died of his injuries and the FBI is looking for those involved.
There's no talk about his life from the so-called Blue Lives Matter crowd. All you're hearing from far-right agitators is the veteran who penetrated the bubble and got shot.
She died and the far-right are now trying to turn her into a martyr.
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Tomi Lahren is a toxic figure. Twitter and Facebook please suspend her. |
The time is now for social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram to pull the plug on hate.
The pressure is on Mark Zuckerberg to crack down on hate speech and misinformation.
Jack Dorsey was explicit when he made the decision from his luxury vacation to ban the president from Twitter. The president lost the handle @realDonaldTrump, @POTUS, @TeamTrump and will likely lose @TrumpWarRoom.
Twitter also permanently banned Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, Ben Garrison, Gary Coby and thousands of bots and fake accounts.
In the wake of the U.S. Capitol mob violence, President Donald J. Trump was permanently banned from Twitter and suspended from Facebook indefinitely. Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube have followed suit on Trump's behavior.
The Congress is planning on impeaching Trump if he refuses to resign. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the current House Speaker of the United States has informed the president that an Article of Impeachment for insurrection is coming.
The Senate Republicans have said that a trial will not take place until the transition is over. They managed to confirm Amy Coney Barrett in less than 20 days, they can hold a trial against the president.
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This white nationalist Colin Flaherty is verified by Twitter and Facebook. He spreads hate and misinformation online. Get rid of this trash. |
Again, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the outgoing Majority Senate Leader has once again buried his head in the sand and continues to play partisan games. Given that he was on board with all of this nonsense.
The president's rhetoric has sparked a violent insurrection on the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. Many of those who entered the Capitol destroyed offices, stole from Speaker Pelosi's office, injured U.S. Capitol Police officers and forced Congress to now take action to protect democracy.
Those who committed these acts were immediately fired from their jobs. They face a federal sandwich by the U.S. Justice Department. They face a local lunch by the District of Columbia courts and some states are looking to criminally charge those who participated in this chaos.
Nearly 100 individuals were arrested. I won't mention their names nor their positions.
One Republican state delegate from West Virginia resigned from his duties after he was spotted on camera damaging the U.S. Capitol.
Vice President Mike Pence and some members of the White House Cabinet have talked about the 25th Amendment. Trump has not condemned the violence publicly. He had Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany speak on behalf of him. He reluctantly conceded to his successor Joseph R. Biden II.
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