Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Those Monsters Killed Kamille McKinney!

Birmingham mourns the loss of Kamille "Cupcake" McKinney.
There's no happy ending in this story. It's another senseless tragedy brought to you by a sexual predator and a lackluster junk food media. Had this been a little white girl who went missing, this would have been wall-to-wall coverage and agitators probing into the motives.

The state authorities confirmed that the 3-year old toddler who went missing at a birthday party over a week ago is found dead. Her body was found inside a dumpster and two monsters are caught.

I am angry. I am so fucking angry. I have a 3-year old son.

Kamille McKinney known by the family as Cupcake was found in a trash bin taken to a landfill.

The suspects are a Black man and a Black woman. The two were arrested on unrelated charges last week and were named as persons of interest in this.
These two are being charged with murder. The two are on suicide watch.
The little girl was at a birthday party and this predator lured her to her death.

Never had an opportunity to enjoy life and have a childhood. A life taken away by a predator with a dangerous sexual arousal for children.

The two will likely be charged with murder. The charges carry LIFE or DEATH if convicted. The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Their names are not going to be mentioned in this posting. They are being held in the lockup. One of them is on suicide watch.

The death of Kamille "Cupcake" McKinney is now trending. Do you believe the junk food media failed in maintaining coverage of her? (The answers will determine how trolls on social media operate. I expect a far-right troll to respond to our polls. So expect dumb answers and responses).

If Kamille was a white girl from an affluent community, the junk food media would be covering the disappearance nonstop. You would have tabloids and books based on the life.
The media did the most it could. Right now, there's more concerned with the impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump. They weren't concerned about a local news story.
I don't understand why this has to do with race. The suspects were Black. The victim was Black. This is a crime within the Black community. Civil rights leaders like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Black Lives Matter won't address criminality in the Black community.
I call this a symptom of a bigger problem. Black journalists have coined the term, "Missing White Woman Syndrome" for a reason. Kamille was a Black girl. She didn't fit the profile of what gets media coverage. Yeah, they now have a modest amount of coverage but that's thanks to social media and Black leaders demanding equal coverage.

The Birmingham Police responded to the death.

"I wish I had all of you gathered here with good news. I wish I could share a high five or some other type of celebratory salutation but I cannot," said Birmingham Police chief Patrick Smith.

"Tonight our entire city is in mourning," Kamille is gone. I would like to thank the public for all of the information, all of the tips, all of the video and for their cooperation with this police department during the course of this investigation."

The state and federal authorities have been watching garbage deposits across the area for the last few days hoping that they could get a break.
It's the most devastating thing to hear: The loss of a child.
The predator has a federal charge on his head. He was in possession of child pornography. He had multiple pictures of underage children on his phone. None of the children were Kamille. The predator posted a bond and was soon rearrested for the charges of murder.

The woman also has a state conviction on her belt. She was involved in a previous kidnapping case involving her own children. She was taken into custody wasn't issued a bond.

The mayor of Birmingham and the governor of Alabama demand that those involve get swift justice.

"At this moment that we're standing in, I ask one thing of this community: not to take sides and not to finger point. But if there is any finger pointing to do it is only at the perpetrator, who would kidnap an innocent 3-year old. This is a tough moment for this city. This is a tough moment for this family," said Birmingham mayor Randall Woodfin.
No happy endings for the parents of Kamille "Cupcake" McKinney.
Governor Kay Ivey released a public statement.

"I offer profound thanks to law enforcement and to all the volunteers who have worked tirelessly in search of this precious little girl. The heart of our state is borke, but we must do all we can to avoid this happening to another family. Our prayers remain with Kamille's family and all who have been touched by this nightmare."

Again with the thoughts and prayers. Fake sympathy doesn't heal wounds. It won't bring back that little girl the nation called "Cupcake."

I know I am cynical of "thoughts and prayers." I am tired of feel good-ism. I am tired of trying to make people cope with a reality that affects their lives. I am angry. I am not sad.

I am tired of trying to cope with death. Losing a child is the most devastating thing to happen to a person. Especially if the child die because of a stranger. Yeah, I would want avenge my child's death with the blood of that person.

Alas, I have to restrain myself. Because we're in a society where there's justice. If the predator doesn't commit suicide in lockup, I hope to see the court system hand the predator his (or her) fate.

Now expect state lawmakers to pass a controversial law name it after her and exploit it to take away civil liberties from individuals without due process.

They could pass laws like that but refuse to pass a gun reform bill.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a shame that they would do this to a baby... God's justice for "Cupcake" and her family


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