Thursday, February 28, 2019

Float On!

Talks fell apart. Trump goes home a failure.
Another failure for Donald J. Trump. He bowed to a dictator and got nothing out of it. The imbecile shook hands with Kim Jong Un and then bragged about how he was doing far more than any previous president.

Going home without a breakthrough is pretty much a failure.

Trump was embarrassed. The North Korean leader walked out of talks.

Kim Jong Un wanted the United States to relinquish sanctions. Trump refused to do so. So the North Korean leader told him talks are over.

Remember Sean "Softball" Hannity was criticizing Barack Obama and Democrats for the mere thought of talking to North Korea without preconditions. More on him, later.

Trump did it and got nothing out of it it was a wasted effort. A huge defeat for a guy who thought he could rush head first into a very complicated situation.
Trump takes Kim Jong Un at his word. He didn't know Otto Warmbier got a knuckle style chili.
On the other issue, Otto Warmbier.

Trump had threatened North Korea with the fire and fury of the U.S. military after the American student returned to the country in horrible conditions.

Warmbier was from Cincinnati and took a trip to North Korea. He was accused by the DPRK government of leaving propaganda in venues.

He was sentenced to hard labor for 15 years. During that time, those who held in captivity served him knuckle style chili. They put him into a coma and then after a year, they released him to the U.S. government.

Upon return, he died in a local Cincinnati hospital. Trump promised the family he will get revenge for the man's death.

Turns out he lied to the Warmbier family. Trump said that he believes that Kim Jong Un has no knowledge of the brutal treatment of Warmbier.
I'm not a journalist but I do the job of a journalist. Sean "Softball" Hannity got called upon at Trump's press conference. Completely going against all journalistic ethics.
Also in the press pool, Trump took a question from Softball Hannity.

Many in the press pool were shocked that Trump would take a question from a guy who claims he is not a journalist. The softball would toss one to Trump.

The softball asked Trump about Ronald Reagan walking out of talks in Reykjavik with Mikhail Gorbachev. He asked him if anything could be savaged out of the summit.

It was a total embarrassment to the United States. Trump flew to Vietnam on our taxpayer dime. He didn't visit the places where American soldiers were tortured. He pretty much stayed in the five star hotel watching Michael Cohen turn on him.

It was a slap to the face of veterans. John McCain, John Kerry, Robert Mueller and John Kelly served in the Vietnam War. Trump made no remarkable comments about the war.

Sometimes you have to walk.

Remember that when 2020 comes and former Trump voters come to their senses.

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