Sunday, August 19, 2018

You Won't Hire Me Because I Have A "Ghetto" Name!

Hermeisha Robinson was sent a rejection letter from an employer. They claimed that her name is ghetto.
At first I thought this was an isolated incident. Hell no, there's more than one person. Count 20 women and men of color reject because they have names that aren't white like, Jason, Lisa, Christine, Linda, Mark, Dennis or Mary.

A Missouri woman was just one of the many who received rejection letters from the St. Louis Mantality Health Center.

The rejection letters stated, "Thank you for your interest in careers at Mantality Health. Unfortunately we do not consider candidates that have suggestive "ghetto" names. We wish the best in your career search."

Hermeisha Robinson and Dorneshia Zachery both got this rejection letter.

Robinson, who applied for a customer service position at the health center. She responded to a now viral posting on social media.

At least 20 women were rejected by this company.

"When I read the email I was just appalled. Hermeisha is just unique. It's from my mom and my father," said Robinson.

Zachery was in tears when she saw that emial.

"The company looked at my name and said, 'No we don't care about what you've done in life, your name is going to dismiss you completely," said Zachery.

The clinic director Jack Gamache claims the company's account was hacked and the law are investigating the situation. Gamache claims there's a disgruntled employee in the ranks.

Yeah, this exist. Discrimination based on a person's name and perceived race has been an issue.

If you don't have a white person or white sounding name, you might not get a phone call from an employer.

Welcome to Donald J. Trump's Amerikkka.

But this has been going on before Trump. However, this stuff has increased since that imbecile took control of the government. The Republican Party is very unpopular. Because of Trump, many believe racism has only gotten worse under him.

Discrimination in the workplace continues to exist.

Capitalism once again is afoot. The so-called "free enterprise" is making the rich, richer. The poor, poor and even more ignorant to the current situation they're facing.

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