Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Ilhan Omar Victory Is A Win For Women Of Color!

State lawmaker Ilhan Omar wins Democratic nomination for U.S. House. She could be the first Somali-American woman elected to the House. She and Rashida Tlaib could be the first Muslim women in Congress.

As Keith Ellison wins the Democratic nomination for Attorney General, a state lawmaker who was elected the first Muslim woman elected to the state house shook the world by winning the Democratic nomination for the U.S. House.

Ilhan Omar, a Somali-American former refugee is going to be the nominee. She won the Minnesota House of Representatives only a few years ago and just serve under a year.

If she wins the general election, Omar will join Rashida Tlaib as the first Muslim women to be elected to the House of Representatives.

Born in 1982, Ilhan was born in Mogadishu, Somalia and raised in the town of Baydhabo. She was the youngest of seven siblings and grew up in an upper-middle-class household. When the civil war began in 1991, her family moved from Somalia and moved to Kenya. They spent a portion of her young life in a refugee camp before moving to the United States.

Ilhan lived in Arlington for a brief time before settling in Minneapolis. She learned English quickly and started her life in public service at an early age.

In 2016, she ran on the Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) ticket for the Minnesota House of Representatives. The DFL is an affiliate of the Democratic Party. She won to become the first Somali-American legislator in the United States.

She won the endorsement of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York Democratic nominee who rose to fame as the candidate who beat establishment favorite Rep. Joe Crawley (D-NY).

Ilhan attended North Dakota State University and graduated with a bachelor's degree in political science and international studies in 2011.

Ellison praised her victory as win for the people.

Ilhan has three children with her boyfriend (whom she calls her husband) Ahmed Hirsi.

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