Thursday, August 23, 2018

GOP Lawmaker Duncan Hunter, Jr. Served!

Trump supporting lawmaker Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) got served.

The BLUE WAVE is a coming and it may sweep the Republicans out the House of Representatives and the Senate. The country is fed up with the bullshit coming from an inept Congress and an imbecile former reality television star who is currently the occupier of the White House.

Donald J. Trump's allies are either being indicted, convicted or forced to resign because of scandal.

Rep. Duncan Hunter, Jr. (R-CA), the San Diego Republican lawmaker is facing corruption and campaign finance violations. He and his wife used campaign funds for their personal use.

Both were charged with misuse of funds, corruption and failure to disclose funds. These charges could put them in federal time out for 20 years.

It won't be long before the Democrats capture this seat. In a jumbled election, it doesn't matter who's on the ballot, as long as the candidate wins, they will be Representative-elect. Hopefully Hunter steps down putting a special election on the ballot. It will have Republicans scrambling for a replacement.

I mean this California lawmaker is in some deep shit.
Hunter and his wife Maragret are facing serious charges.
Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) isn't the only lawmaker with problems.

The San Diego Republican is facing a mess of indictments ranging from misuse of campaign funds to unlawfully ethics as a lawmaker.

Hunter and his wife Margret used $250,000 in campaign funds to purchase goods and services for their personal use and enjoyment. During a seven year period, Hunter overdrew his bank account more than 1,100 times. Automatic SARS (suspicious activity report status).

Hunter, used some of the campaign funds to finance video games for him and his children.

Hunter on his part denied the allegations. He placed the blame on Jefferson Beauregard Magoo and Hillary Clinton. As of today, Hunter was stripped of his committees.

Hunter and his wife were indicted on charges of illegally converting $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses and filing false records. They pleaded not guilty on Thursday.

Speaking to Fox News’ Martha MacCallum on “The Story,” Hunter said many of the trips in question “were fundraisers.”

He continued, “That’s how we campaign and try to raise money is by traveling, having dinners, meeting people and raising more money. That’s how people get to hear me and hear what I have to say, and they donate money.”

Still, he added, “My campaign did make mistakes. There was money spent on things, not by me but by the campaign, and I paid that back before my last election. I paid back $60,000 dollars after I did an objective audit. This is pure politics.”
Ammar Campa-Najjar is hoping to defeat the scandal plagued Duncan Hunter. He is Arab-Mexican American. 
Hunter said that he has been a “prolific fundraiser” and has raised “millions and millions of dollars for the Republican party, and for myself and other candidates.”

The congressman was pressed about a specific accusation: that he wanted to buy a pair of shorts during a Hawaii vacation but didn't have the money, so his wife told him to buy the clothing at a golf shop and describe the purchase later as “[golf] balls for the wounded warriors.”

“I don’t remember that but I would never do that,” Hunter said.

He also said that his wife handled most of the family expenses when he was first deployed to Iraq in 2003 and that she continued to manage them when he joined Congress.

His opponent is Ammar Campa-Najjar is hoping to beat Hunter.

The young Democratic upstart has no political experience is hoping Hunter's woes. He is hoping to become the first Palestinian-Mexican American to win a solidly Republican district.

The long shot campaign just got a boast of energy. The race is now leaning towards Hunter but it could swing into Toss-Up if Hunter resigns.

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