Friday, August 10, 2018

Devin Nunes Got Tapped By Protesters!

Republican dumbass Devin Nunes was caught on audiotape saying he will deliberately obstruct Mueller probe.

Lawmaker from California is now under fire for deliberately undermining the Robert Mueller probe.

He done fucked up.

Fresno lawmaker Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) is allegedly under federal watch along with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Sean "Softball" Hannity. According to Scott Dworkin, numerous Republicans are being warned to stay away from them. They fear that the feds are looking into deliberate attempts to obstruct justice.

Nunes is one of those members who is promoting a false narrative.

The lawmaker in a secret audio said that if Republicans control the House and Senate, they could continue to protect Donald J. Trump and impeach Rod Rosenstein and rid themselves of Robert Mueller.

"If [Jefferson Beauregard] (sessions) won't un-recuse and Mueller won't clear the president, we're the only ones, which is really the danger --- we have to keep all these seats," Nunes said at a private fundraiser. "We have to keep the majority."

It was played on MSNBC.

Rachel Maddow played the audio on Wednesday and it has been the talk across the country.

Nunes, a pro-Trump ally who Democrats accuse of trying to help in the Russia probe said that he will do everything in his power to distract the public from the Mueller probe.

Nunes fears that if Republicans impeach Rod Rosenstein it could hurt the Senate's chances of confirming Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh.

Nunes is embattled in his district. His district was considered a heavily favorite for victory. Now it's within reach of being picked up by the Democrats.

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