President Barack Obama heads to the home of Marc Maron to do a podcast. He talks about gun control, the shooting in Charleston and America still dealing with racial issues. Conservatives are attacking him for uttering the N-word. |
P.S., Barack Obama is a Black man.
Finally he acknowledges that racism is alive and well.
It's not over until we actually talk about these issues and make everyone understand that we're human beings first. Crime doesn't discriminate. Everyone has a form of bigotry in their views of issues. Hate speech is as American as apple pie.
Conservative outrage over the president appearing on the Marc Maron WTF podcast in which he utters NIGGER to the host. The president was discussing the historical history of Black America.
Here's what Mediaite picked up on during the podcast.
“It is incontrovertible that race relations have improved significantly during my lifetime and yours, and that opportunities have opened up, and that attitudes have changed,” the president told comedian and host Marc Maron. “That is a fact.”
“What is also true is the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, you know, that casts a long shadow and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on,” Obama continued. “We’re not cured of it.”
The biggest concern troll to ever exist in the media along with his Black friends. Two of them Deneen Borelli and Kevin Jackson have appeared on that annoying conservative agitator's program over the last few weeks to discuss racial issues. |
So he says NIGGER in the podcast. He boldly says the racial slur towards a White guy. Cue the outrage meter by the racist right.
Okay, folks, no fire here. Let's move along. The president is Black.
Think what some of our friends on the right really think of him when the cameras aren't rolling and the microphones are off.
I am betting they're dying to call him a NIGGER to his face. Obviously, the racist right would rather troll behind the bandwidth to call him and First Lady Michelle Obama everything racially insensitive.
Racial progress hasn't changed in America. Even though we have the first Black president, interacial births overpass White (non-Hispnaic) births, and younger minds are adjusting to diversity, some of our friends are still stuck in the past.
The past is the ones who believe the president doesn't care about Black America. Or when he does, he's only focused on Black America. According to them, he's anti-whatever.
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The Bonnie and Clyde of Black Extremism. Kevin Jackson and Deneen Borelli. Two Black conservatives who ignore their supposedly conservative friends uttering NIGGER to their faces. |
Concern trolls see crime through a racial lens. They don't see crime as an illegal act created by a person who wants to inflict some harm upon an individual or property.
The president is pissed. He's absolutely pissed that Congress failed to pass a reasonable gun control law. Since the Sandy Hook massacre, there's been numerous mass shootings in America.
The president doesn't regret saying NIGGER in the podcast. Matter of fact, he may have finally acknowledge the concerns that he's not Black enough.
Looks like the network who may have inspired that racist nut to kill nine people in a church has to pull out the deck its two favorite Black people when it comes to criticizing the president.
Enter Deneen Borelli and Kevin Jackson. The Bonnie and Clyde of Black Conservative Extremism.
I swear whenever there's a racial controversy, count on these Black concern trolls to pour more gasoline on an already burning fire.
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Jesse Lee Peterson is the only Black guy in America to believe that Blacks America lacks morals. He actually believes that Blacks are crying racism. Peterson probably would go after Deneen Borelli and Kevin Jackson for not being conservative enough. |
This clown is supposedly devoted to ending identity politics. He can't fathom the president saying such utterly angry words about his country. Unaware that the president faces daily racial attacks from his so called conservative buddies.
I haven't heard from Jackson on this
I want you to understand that Deneen Borelli is a paid agitator. The very ones who claim that DeRay McKesson is a paid agitator allow this crazy ass Black woman to rant. This horrible Black woman had the audacity to call the president the "rapper-in-chief".
“He has really dragged in the gutter-speak of rap music,” Borelli said. “So now he’s the first President of rap, of street? I mean, come on, he has lowered the stature of the high office of the president of the United States.” Borelli, who herself is African-American, went to accuse Obama of using the “insane, crazy comment” as a “grand distraction to take away from the people uniting.”
Is there a problem here? |
I forgot about our favorite Black extremist Jesse Lee Peterson. This nut is saying that the shooter's motives weren't about race. He believes that Blacks are overblown in their outrage. He actually believes White fears towards Black folks are legitimate.
"White Americans, speak up. Do not let anger stay inside of you.'Racism' and 'hate crimes' are used with a double standard against whites to intimidate and provoke whites and blacks to fear, anger, and division."
And yet, Barack Obama is the one who gets called out for outrageous statements.
Here's the podcast of Marc Maron.
Jesse Lee Peterson doing his "I'm a dummy" trick.
Deneen Boreli on that network that may have inspired that White terrorist to kill nine innocent people worshiping at a church.
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