Saturday, June 27, 2015

National HIV Testing Day!

The Department of Health and Human Services wants Americans to get tested.

Today is HIV Testing Day. On June 27, many communities are offering residents an opportunity for testing for the dangerous virus that can progress to AIDS.

HIV can be transmitted through sexual intercourse (anal, vagina and oral), sharing needles with an infected partner, and blood transfusions.

HIV can be affected greatly in the African American community. HIV doesn't discriminate against any race, gender, sexuality, religious, economic or political standings. 

Vicki West.
The disease can affect you from two weeks to up to 10 years. The person who is affected may not notice symptoms. 

HIV risk are greatly increased when the person isn't aware of the disease. The person may practice in unsafe sexual practices. The person may be a heroin user who uses needles that may be infected with another user's blood.

Chances have increased. At least out of 225 people at least ten would be living with the virus. 

HIV can not be cured. It can be treated. A person can live a healthy life with HIV if they take measures with their doctor and ensure a path to long life. HIV is not a shameful disease. 

If you inform your partner (or partners) you may save their lives too. 

Anyone affected with HIV and willingly spreads it to partners without informing them can face a CLASS THREE FELONY and it could land you in the iron college for minimum of 4 years up to 15 to LIFE.

Oral sex is risky for two reasons. Any sexual exchange of bodily fluids with a person infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, poses a risk of infection. Risk of STI infection, however, is generally considered significantly lower for oral sex than for vaginal or anal sex, with HIV transmission considered the lowest risk with regard to oral sex.

The National HIV Testing Day is organized annually by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's AIDS.GOV program. Walgreens is one corporate sponsor, and offers free HIV testing on that day at a number of its drugstore locations, in fact in 140 cities in 2014.

The day has been an event since 1995, when it was organized by the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA).

Vicki West is one of the country's most notorious HIV cases. She is a Dayton, Ohio woman who lives with the disease. She is a prostitute who is actively spreading the disease to individuals. She has been arrested over numerous times in Dayton and Cincinnati. 

Dayton and Cincinnati police have warned residents that HIV is active in prostitutes who engage in heroin and numerous partners.

Because of Vicki West, many states including Ohio have passed laws that will put individuals in the iron college if they're caught deliberately spreading HIV.

West is currently in the iron college. Last time I've check the inmate listings, she'll be back on the streets by the end of the year.

West will continue her path to destruction and Americans must take heed to her and those who don't practice safe sex .

So if you're sexuality active, a drug user, a person who is unsure about your partner, or just because you want to, get tested.

Getting tested for HIV doesn't make you any less of a person. It actually makes you a hero!

Talk to a doctor or sexual health counselor if you need to learn about HIV.

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