The gay conservative agitator is getting desperate. He continues to post racially-themed stories to rile up White voters to oppose the president. The likely possibility of the reelection of Barack Obama has conservatives scrambling for a way to get their groove back. |
Matt Drudge operates like a mini-Roger Ailes. His goals are simple. Drudge wants to get people easy coded messages and themes to make an opponent seem like a threat to American values. His website The Drudge Report maintains 3.45 million readers a day. I'm one of them. I always checking out what outrageous story is going to make the president and his allies look bad.
Here's one.
Here's the kicker of this story. It was two days ago when the president went on the radio.
But the damage was done and it's going to rile these conservative idiots up! They're losing their minds and it's likely they'll be losing their lunch knowing that Barack Obama beaten Mitt Romney in a landslide.
The president goes on a local Miami radio station with DJ Lez (aka The Pimp With A Limp) to talk about the campaign, pop culture and what he'll do in the next term. The president express his love of entertainers Pitbull and Flo Rida.
Pitbull is a Miami based Cuban-American rapper who skyrocketed to chart success with "Culo". Flo Rida is a rapper from Fort Lauderdale who gain pop success with "Low" with the Tallahassee based R&B singer/rapper T-Pain.
The president and First Lady Michelle Obama share a moment of silence at 8:43am outside the White House. The time of the first airliner hitting the North Tower of The World Trade Center. |
The president makes light of the struggling NFL team the Miami Dolphins. In a gesture of goodwill, the host asked the president about his team the Chicago Bears, and the president makes light of their recent lost at home.
Now what gotten the attention of the conservatives is no mention of 9/11. Now of course, that's blasphemy if the current president doesn't spend time remember 9/11.
Of course the president, First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have spoke today in regards to the tragedy that happen 11 years ago. This tragedy killed over 3,000 individuals.
Obama: DJ Laz.
Laz: O-Bama!
Obama: “What’s going on, man?”
Laz: “How are you, sir?”
Obama: “Blessed and highly favored.”
Laz: It is an honor and pleasure to have the president of the United States. I’m humbled
Obama: “I’m the one who should be humbled. You’re big time. You’ve got Pitbull and Flo Rida and all these guys just beating a path to your door. And so I’m hoping I can get a little of that magic from you in this interview.”
Laz: I’m wearing a Miami Dolphins jersey.
Obama: “You’ve got to start with that Dolphins thing. Did you see that HBO special Hard Knocks. That’s a pretty good show. As I recall, you guys didn’t win any… in the preseason”
Laz: Now I’m getting ragged on by the president of the United States
Obama: “I’m just saying you brought it up. My Bears – I’m feeling pretty good about them.”
Now I'm going to say this with the utmost disgust towards people like Matt Drudge, Michelle Malkin and the late Andrew Breitbart. You guys are so fucking retarded.
Yeah, I said it. Retarded conservatives. They deserve no respect! They pander to the worst kind of human beings to ever exist in this country. See these comments from the Miami Herald's website.
He can kiss my Dolphin-loving asstibula. I was an independent. If he hadn't already lost my vote, this would be it.
A disgrace of a man. Never mind POTUS.
I normally don't comment but this time I have to.
President Obama obviously has forgotten the job he was elected , to meet with Israel's prime minister (still considered an ally but the way things are going maybe soon wont be) he has no time in his schedule according to the White House , but of course we will make time for DJ pimp with the limp !
What the hell is going on !
When are you obama drones gonna figure out that this guy could care less about you. When are you going to wake up that he hates this country or do you all also hate this country? Lay down your pride and arrogance for one election.
The Ni@@er Pimp in Chief needs to get his head screwed on straight or he will be out of a job in November. Just sayin', you hear me Brotha'??
Holy Sh*t, this is one low-class president, or else he must really hate America.
The real story about Obama and the election is being buried. Do you know why Sarah Palin's bus tour was really canceled last year? Do you know why she stayed 30 miles away from the second debate and chose the death of Steve Jobs to announce that she's not running? Know what leaked out? Sarah Palin isn't in this race because too many people now know the truth. She was added to the McCain ticket with NO intention of winning..
Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret for the BIGGEST cover up in world history before it disappears forever.
Obama has no interest in life except what will get him elected. He has seriously dumbed down the political acumen of the United States. My independent vote is going to Romney!!!
This president and vice president have taken the presidency and vice presidency to a new low. Bear-hugs, snuggling up to biker chicks, talking lingo with hip hoppers, etc. Obama's spent more time on the golf course than he has in meetings discussing the cruddy economy. They've spent more time on the campaign trail than all other presidents combined. They go after a Navy Seal for telling the story about the OBL raid yet it was okay for them to release the details to a Hollywood producer so they could make a movie that attempts to make Obama look good. This guy is an embarassment and he needs to resign if he can't do the job he promised and was elected to do.
Its an impersonator. Its not OBAMA
America is going to obliterate this con man on 11/6/12. No amount of voter fraud can save him. Pariah. He will be a pariah.
When did you last meet with your jobs council?... 3 months ago...? Neat. Don't leave the pimp waiting though...
Ghetto trash. No wonder he can't even understand, much less work to solve, actual real-world problems.
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President Obama gives rappers Flo Rida (left) and Pitbull (right) a shout out! |
Last link of “America Deceived II” before it is completely censored: