For 133 days not two years, President Barack Obama's Democratic Party had a majority of the Congress. |
When will the Republican Party ever tell the American people the truth?
Fox News, The Drudge Report, conservative talk radio and the Mitt Romney Presidential Campaign have produced the message, "Are You Better Off 4 Years Ago?"
Stephen Colbert debunks the claim.
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If they thought the Democrats had two years of filibuster proof U.S. Senate, they're completely wrong.
The Democrats managed to obtain 60 senators after two events. First things. You have conservative Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut) and liberal Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont). They caucus with the Democrats which gave them 58. Arlen Specter, the Pennsylvania senator who was a moderate Republican endorsed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (The Stimulus). When Republicans ceased their fundraising for the senator, he defected and joined the Democrats giving them 59 votes.
The Minnesota recount. When Minnesota senator Norm Coleman and then GOP governor Tim Pawlenty challenged the count of declared winner actor/writer Al Franken, they delayed his seating for six months. The victory of Al Franken finally gave the Democrats 60 votes in July 2009.
This short lived supermajority had its effective strategy to passing legislation. But when it came to the final leg of the year, they've seen the death of Massachusetts senator Ted Kennedy. That put the Democrats in a vine. They had an interim senator fill the void. But the seat was then occupied in January 2010 by Scott Brown, a little known state legislator who rose to become a voice of the conservative Tea Party Movement. The death of West Virginia senator Robert Byrd put the Democrats at 58. The people of West Virginia elected their governor Joe Manchin to fill the remaining term of Byrd. Manchin has hinted that he'll defect to the Republicans if he manages to win reelection in 2012.
So what the Democrats had was 58 senators. In 2010 U.S. Midterms the Democrats lost seats in Illinois, North Dakota, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Indiana, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania.
Overall the Democrats have 51 members with two independents and Republicans have 47 members. The Republicans are likely going to recapture the United States Senate.
You also got to admit that members of the Republican Party had openly stated that they'll never support President Barack Obama whatsoever. Rush Limbaugh, the conservative agitator declared he hope the president failed. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) stated his only mission for his Republican allies is to deny the president a second term.
Whenever the president or his campaign team go onto the Fox News Channel, they're expected to have a combative interview with the host.
Whether it's Chris Wallace, the folks over at Fox & Friends or even the primetime conservative agitators, President Barack Obama and his team understand the purpose of the network.
The network is conservative. It's pro-Romney. It's misled viewers with stories that paint the president as an enemy of the state.
“The claim that Obama ruled like a monarch over Congress for two years — endlessly intoned as a talking point by Republicans — is more than just a misremembering of recent history or excited overstatement,” the Chicago Tribune‘s Eric Zorn wrote. “It’s a lie.”
“It’s meant to represent that Obama’s had his chance to try out his ideas, and to obscure and deny the relentless GOP obstructionism and Democratic factionalism he’s encountered since Day One,” he explained.
“They seem to figure if they repeat this often enough, you’ll believe it.”
Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority for 133 days.
The president goes back on the campaign trail. The president's DNC speech was overshadowed by former president Bill Clinton. But still it was the most praised acceptance speech by President Barack Obama.
Like Republican Mitt Romney, the main headliner was overshadowed by Governor Chris Christie (R-New Jersey) and actor Clint Eastwood.
A bonus feature.
Talking Points Memo is a liberal investigative blog. The website debunks the Republican National Committee's newest campaign ad. It features a former Obama supporter who actually is a paid RNC staffer.
The recent commercials and the Romney/Ryan ticket have produced the new slogan "Obama's Isn't Working!" They're desperate. They are now trying to find "disappointed Obama voters" to make it appear that the president's likability ratings are negative. This is also the infamous video in which a "white woman is upset with a Black man over an issue!"
We know what it means, grab the dog whistle and blow again!
how did you get 133 days? I read this to mean it was about six months (July to January). Great point though - it is amazing that they can push "2 years" lie because of people's short memories. No one ever corrects that. - buy viagra online []viagra uk[/url]
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