The radical extremism in the conservative movement is ongoing and their obsession with the president's birthplace, his family and of course his race are contributing factors to why they have such disdain for him.
President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, August 4, 1961. He is married to Michelle Robinson and has two children. Barack Obama is the first African American to be elected as the President of The United States. He is of mixed heritage. His mother [Stanley] Ann Durham and Barack H. Obama Sr. were wed at the time of the president's birth. The president's father separated from Durham and move back to his home in Kenya. The president's father studied in economics. The president's mother was anthropology, economics and rural development. Durham went on to marry Lolo Soetoro and have a daughter, Maya Soetoro-Ng. His parents are both deceased. The president's father has bore seven other children. One in particular the conservatives are talking about is the youngest son George. Dinesh D'Souza, Jerome Corsi and Rush Limbaugh were trying use George Obama as a scapegoat to paint the president as an out of touch politician. George Obama was featured in the D'Souza movie 2016: Obama's America, a controversial movie that "exposes" the radicalism of President Barack Obama.
The 2016 Obama's America movie has proven to be a successful documentary. Conservative agitators were promoting this movie through the social media. This movie is closing in on the success of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. So far the movie has generated nearly $50 million in box office sales. The Moore movie was extremely critical of President George W. Bush and his handling of the September 11th attacks, the media cheering on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and of course Congress lockstep with lobbyists. That movie gross over $200 million in box office sales.
The DVD that's being sent to swing states is called Dreams From My "Real" Father, a critical analysis of the president's father and conservatives scorn of community activist Frank Marshall Davis. The film’s director and producer, Joel Gilbert, said that the film was sent out to more one million voters in Ohio; 200,000 after a mid-summer conference, and a million after that. He said that 50,000 copies had been sent to voters in Nevada and 100,000 to voters in New Hampshire.
Joel Gilbert wrote anti-Obama book "Dreams From My 'Real' Father". |
Gilbert declined to say how much his company, Highway 61 Entertainment, is spending to distribute the film for free, but said that the film was making a profit through online orders. He also wouldn’t say how the company is funded and how they come up with the money to distribute so many free disks.
Yeah, I said it!
The president provided his short and long form birth certificates. This issue won't die. The president is an American citizen eligible to vote. That's a fact. No exceptions to the rule! It's true and there's no other evidence that proves otherwise.
So I don't know why they're obsessed with this Chicago activist Frank Marshal Davis, his father and step-father. It's ridiculous!
Besides this film director. You got the most notorious birthers!
Dinesh D'Souza (2016 Obama's America)
Donald Trump (media mogul)
Bill Cunningham (talk radio and reality show host)
Lou Dobbs (talk radio host and business analysis)
James David Manning (controversial Black preacher and activist)
Alex Jones (talk radio host and conspiracy theorist)
Joseph Farrah (founder of WorldNetDaily)
Jerome Corsi (political hitman and WorldNetDaily writer)
Wayne Allyn Root (talk radio host and conspiracy theorist)
Michael Savage (talk radio host)
Orly Taitz (perennial candidate and vexatious litigant)
Andy Martin (perennial candidate and vexatious litigant)
Rush Limbaugh (talk radio host)
You got to admit this is seriously Obama Derangement Syndrome from the likes of these agitators. They find this controversy a profitable experience. Because who couldn't resist to find some interest in this nonsense.
I mean this complete dog whistle to the angry conservative White male!
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