Not only this person said an offensive joke that is consider racist, but rather another sexist joke at the expense of First Lady Michelle Obama and Ann Romney.
It was rodeo clown Mike Hayhurst of Barstow, not announcer Ed Kutz of Arroyo Grande, who made a racist joke about Michelle Obama over the public address system of the Creston Classic Rodeo on Saturday, a rodeo board member confirmed.
Spectators initially believed that Kutz made the comment because both he and Hayhurst were on microphones at the same time.
Hayhurst has performed at the event for several years, but is an independent contractor and not officially affiliated with the rodeo, said Creston Classic Rodeo board member Mike Barrett.
Speaking on behalf of the rodeo’s nine-member board, Barrett said that the board is not responsible for the joke and will ask Hayhurst for a letter addressing the issue and a public apology. The board will discuss at its next meeting if it will fire Hayhurst, and will review scripts for future performances by any clown.
“We probably won’t be using his services in the future,” Barrett said of the clown.
Kutz, who was erroneously identified at the one who made the comment in initial reports, declined to speak to The Tribune Sunday.
ORIGINAL: An announcer at the Creston Classic Rodeo offended some in the audience Saturday when he made a racist joke about first lady Michelle Obama over the PA system. Now, at least one rodeo board member is demanding an apology.
“I was really appalled and the people around me were really appalled,” said spectator Dona Wilson of Santa Margarita. “He was acting like we were buying into his bigotry and we weren’t.”
Wilson said she heard a lady beside her say: “ ‘Whoa! Racist or what?’ ”
According to Wilson, the joke as told by the announcer, went something like this: Playboy is offering Ann Romney $250,000 to pose in the magazine and the White House is upset about it because National Geographic only offered Michelle Obama $50 to pose for them. “I can’t speak for the board, but I myself think that this is unacceptable behavior or conduct by the announcer,” said Mike Barrett, Creston Classic Rodeo board member. “I find it offensive, and I think that it’s conduct unbecoming the rodeo announcer.”
Wilson did not know the name of the announcer, but three board members told The Tribune the announcer was Ed Kutz of Arroyo Grande. It could not be confirmed that he was the one who made the remarks.
Barrett said he called Kutz and asked for him to apologize, but could only reach his answering machine.
Barrett, who did not hear the remarks firsthand, learned of them when his sister-in-law, Wilson, told his wife.
Rodeo clowns. A California rodeo announcer said an offensive joke about First Lady Michelle Obama. |
Aside from Barrett, only two of the rodeo’s nine-member board could be reached by The Tribune: Tom Hansen and Rick Heim both said they could not comment because they had not heard the joke.
None of the board’s other members returned calls from The Tribune.
Kutz could not be reached for comment.
Racist jokes about Obama appearing in National Geographic magazine have been circulating for several years.
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Breaking News
> Breaking News
> This just in...... have you heard it??
> Playboy reportedly offered Sarah Palin $4 Million to pose nude in their Feb. issue...
> Michelle Obama was offered 50 bucks from National Geographic.....
> And in other news.....
> We all remember the KFC "Hillary Meal"--- two small breasts and two big thighs.
> Now, KFC has announced an addition to their chicken dinners.
> It's called the Obama Cabinet Bucket.
> It consists of nothing but left wings and assholes.
Reminder: If you forward this, please remove ALL EMAIL ADDRESSES before you send it
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Be kind to your email friends by not sharing their email address with everyone!
This example comes from a blog that collects the most outrageous emails being forwarded to your crazy family member who obsesses with politics. Those family members who watch Fox News faithfully, calls in talk radio, spam your comment section and of course tells the person who doesn't agree with them a word salad of adjectives and nouns.
It's just a retread of this email. Just take out Sarah Palin, add Ann Romney.
San Luis Obispo Tribune contributed to this report.
1 comment:
That's disgusting on the part of the bigoted rodeo announcer. He ought to apologize to the President, the First Lady and their family for making such a vulgar racist comment.
La Reyna
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