Fuel prices are above $4.00 a gallon once again. Inflation and a bad drought has food prices soaring. The unemployment rate is still over 8%. The conflict in Afghanistan, Israel and the remaining Middle East appears to be on the verge of a diplomatic collapse. A dragging on European financial crisis could impact banks and loans at home. Partisanship has Congress in gridlock, delaying important votes.
Yet, former governor Mitt Romney the perennial candidate for president isn't ahead in the polls. He is struggling. Desperation is in the air and yes, it's there!
Three crucial states, Virginia, Ohio and Florida. These are the states that are swinging back into Barack Obama's corner. The president is enjoying a huge single digit lead in these states. I mean what happen to the Republican nominee?
First things first. Mitt Romney didn't make himself look good on Wednesday when he blasted the president for the U.S. Embassy attacks in Egypt and Libya. Romney got ahead of himself in a crucial test of leadership.
His diplomatic flub adds to the disaster in the United Kingdom in which he criticized the country's handling of the Olympics. The conservative leader of the United Kingdom, Prime Minister David Cameron was kind of weary of his comments.
His acceptance speech was overshadowed by actor Clint Eastwood and potential 2016 presidential candidate New Jersey governor Chris Christie. Christie admits that it's likely Romney may lose because of his failure to disclose Afghanistan and of course his proposals to fix the economy.
Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick mocked Romney at the Democratic National Convention in which he claimed that Romney only wanted to win so he could taste the position being a president (and of course not do the job that's assigned to him)!
As the commander-and-chief, the president has to not assume anything until the facts are presented and the causes are known.
The Romney Campaign is trying to do damage control after this. While still sticking to his guns on the issue of the economy, Romney is even losing the message on how to fix the economy. President Barack Obama has put forth the message of Mitt Romney being aloof and not concerned about the backbone of the economy, the middle class.
The refusal to release his plans to fix the economy, his tax returns, the talk of his car elevator, the two Cadillacs, the $10,000 bet, and numerous missteps has finally made the message clear. Mitt Romney isn't fit to be the President of the United States.
Now I know a lot of Americans are not satisfied with the economy. The president and U.S. Congress are polling badly when it comes to economy. The public knows that its was George W. Bush's fault for the economic turmoils. They should know that the Republicans are the reason why we're in this mess.
We're in a basic crisis with the Romney Campaign. His supporters and running mate are screwing up as well.
Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) the vice presidential nominee couldn't defend his own voting record when it came to budget cuts that include defense. The defense cuts are something that Mitt Romney opposes as a candidate for president. Ryan distance himself from most of his controversial voting records and his own austerity budget which could undo the safety nets to the economy.
The Drudge Report is trying to find more racially based stories to paint the president bad. They're not working.
Conservatives are upset over Romney's media press pool asking him tough questions about his decision to attack the president. That backfired too! The media press pool is getting tired of Romney ducking and dodging questions that matter to the general public.
Fox News and conservative talk radio is getting fed up with Mitt Romney not taking on the president harder.
Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, George Will, Peggy Noonan, Ann Coulter, Bill Kristol, and Joe Scarborough have went hard on Mitt Romney. They've all but let him know that he's going to hurt the Republican Party's chances at the presidency and their recapture of the U.S. Senate.
Don't let Romney's slip ups become a distraction. He has a slight advantage in this election. This election isn't over. President Barack Obama is still embattled and he can lose this election.
While Romney's mistakes are taken seriously by those who follow politics to the fullest, the average voter isn't concerned about this. These are ones who don't watch cable news and more likely to worry more about kitchen table issues (i.e. independents) are likely to dismiss this.
Romney leads in the independents.
The president got his groove back, but will this groove get his dispirited supporters back to the polls?
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