Monday, April 28, 2014

NY Republican Congressman Arrested!

Congressman Michael Grimm (R-NY) is under federal indictment for corruption.

Republican Michael Grimm of New York is reportedly surrendering to the FBI today.

According to sources, the embattled politico was under investigation for misuse of campaign fundraising.

Grimm represents Staten Island and parts of southern Brooklyn, including the neighborhoods of Bay Ridge, Bensonhurst, Dyker Heights, and Gravesend. Politically, it is the most conservative district in New York City, the only district in the city which leans towards the Republican Party in national elections, and the only district covering part of the city to be represented by a Republican. The district has significant Jewish, Irish-American, Russian-American, and Italian-American populations.

From 2003-2013, the district was located entirely in Brooklyn, and had a majority African-American population. Most of the old 11th is now the 9th District. Prior to 2013, most of the territory currently in the 11th had been the 13th District.

He is a former FBI agent, businessman, attorney, and U.S. Marine, having served in the Persian Gulf War.

In August 2012, the office of the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York said it was investigating Grimm's 2010 campaign. In November 2012, the House Ethics Committee decided to inquire into the campaign but agreed to "defer consideration" of it at the Department of Justice's request.

In January 2014, the FBI arrested Diana Durand on charges that she had illegally donated more than $10,000 to Grimm's 2010 campaign. Durand allegedly gave the campaign $4,800, the legal limit, but then used straw donors to donate more than $10,000 illegally. The FBI also charged Durand with lying to Federal agents about the matter. Grimm denied any wrongdoing.

The investigation, which originally focused on Grimm's 2010 fundraising, branched out to include Grimm's prior business dealings. On April 25, 2014, Grimm's attorney was advised by the U.S. Attorney's office that his client will be indicted on undetermined federal charges concerning a restaurant he had owned prior to running for Congress.

Earlier this year, Grimm threatened a reporter after an interview went bad. The reporter asked Grimm about his federal investigation and that's when the lawmaker went bonkers. He threatened to toss the reporter over the balcony of the U.S. Capitol.

He would later apologize to the reporter.

He, Congressman Vance McAllister (R-LA), along with former Florida Republican lawmaker Trey Radel may have given the Democrats an opening. The Politico have labeled these lawmakers the Bad Boys of Washington.

Could there be more Republicans under investigation?

This could change the outlook of a very nervous Democratic Party. They may suck right now, but at least they have a plan on how to get Americans back to work. Republicans have nothing. They have more enthusiasm and the ability (for now).

Republicans are slated to take back the U.S. Senate if Democrats fail to turnout for the U.S. Midterms.

Conservative Outrage Over Obama "BOWING"!

President Barack Obama meets a humanoid robot at a technology event in Japan.

For Pete's sake, the conservative outrage meter is so off the scale.

Newsflash: OBAMA IS A 6'2".

The president is taller than most world leaders. But you can't tell that to our conservative agitating friends.

I am getting really tired of these pathetic outrages from conservatives.

Who the fuck cares if President Barack Obama bows?

Who the fuck cares about Obama taking selfies with Vice President Joe Biden, baseball stars or foreign leaders?
The gateway to extremism.
Obviously, the racist right does. Because you find this on Breitfart and That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall's website.

The president was in Japan and he was introduced to a humanoid robot. The robot greeted President Obama.

The president was at Miraikan Science Expo in Tokyo, Obama got the chance to meet the latest version of ASIMO, Honda's humanoid robot that can speak and do very lifelike things. Obama and the robot even kicked around a soccer ball together.

Jimmy Kimmel saw how the racist right reacted to the president's bow to a humanoid robot.

He decides to calm the nerves and poke a hole in the outrage.

Kimmel laughed as he showed the headlines about Obama “bowing” to the robot posted on Drudge and Breitbart below, saying, “As if he surrendered his nuclear arsenal to it.”

Sunday, April 27, 2014

LA Clippers Players Turn Their Back On Racist Owner!

This scandal has gotten so much attention. All across the nation, people are sounding off about this NBA team owner talking shit about Blacks being at his games. It's almost a damn shame in the age of Obama, we just got through that White extremist killing three in Overland Park, Kansas. The U.S. Supreme Court upholds Michigan's ban on Affirmative Action at institutions.Then we have this jackass rancher from Nevada who was a hero to the racist right spouting off about the NEGRO.

Each incident has shown me and S. Baldwin that our country is still embolden in racism.

I wonder if That Guy Who Helped Obama will run to the defense of this asshole Donald Sterling?
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The LA Clippers won't take anymore bullshit from Donald Sterling.

Well Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Labron James, Charles Barkley and even President Barack Obama called for the resignation of Sterling.

The racist right takes to defense of course attacking the president and the NBA for blowing this stuff "outta of proportion".

TMZ Sports released what it said is an April 9, 2014 audio recording of a conversation between Sterling and his girlfriend or former girlfriend, V. Stiviano.

According to TMZ, Sterling and Stiviano argued in regards to a photo Stiviano posted on Instagram in which she posed with Magic Johnson. In the audio recording, Sterling allegedly tells Stiviano: "It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people."

Clippers president Andy Roesen issued a statement the following day, indicating that his organization was unsure if it was a legitimate and unaltered recording, that the sentiments attributed to Sterling did not reflect Sterling's views, and that the woman on the recording was being sued by the Sterling family and had "told Mr. Sterling that she would 'get even'" with him.

The Los Angeles chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) cancelled its plans for the following month to award Sterling for a second time with its lifetime achievement award.

President Barack Obama characterized the recording attributed to Sterling as "incredibly offensive racist statements". Obama then stated, “When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don’t really have to do anything, You just let them talk.”

That's pretty simple of these assholes in the conservative media and that NBA owner. They continue to be ignorant and we just allow them to keep talking. Because if we keep them talking, they'll self-destruct.

Hopefully this geezer gets booted from his team. Because the ways its going, someone got to give. And he will be the one to go!

What A Drag For Accused White Extremist Murderer!

AP Cross 140424 DG 16x9 608 Ex KKK Leader Was Given a New Identity Years Before Shooting

Glenn Miller (aka Frazier Glenn Miller or Glenn Cross) is a crazy ass White extremist. He's accused of murdering three innocent people at two Jewish centers.

Overland Park, Kansas police are trying to piece together the extremist's motives.

It was revealed that the White extremist love the prostitutes. The male prostitutes. Especially Black ones.

This comes as no surprise that the hateful asshole was trolling for the hoes.

ABC News reports that in the course of their investigation, authorities also learned the stunning details of Miller’s arrest a year earlier. Raleigh police officers had caught Miller in  the back seat of a vehicle, in mid-act with a black male prostitute masquerading as a woman.

“It was pretty shocking,” says McCullough, “because of his personal stances that he had taken and what he was now accused on engaging in.”

McCullough says he has read the police report of the incident but declined to comment on the specifics. “I would rather not go into the details,” he said. “They’re rather salacious. I think the facts speak for themselves and people can draw their own conclusions about how incongruous that is.”

Miller was not charged in connection with the prostitution arrest and no public record of the incident could be located. But in a recorded phone call with the Southern Poverty Law Center last fall, Miller claimed that he had lured the prostitute to the meeting with the intention of beating him.

Eventually, McCullough, the federal prosecutor, would approve a plea deal with Miller recommending a five-year prison sentence in exchange for his cooperation and testimony against his former compatriots. He would serve less than three years of that sentence at a prison in western New York.

“I am not certain that we got 100 percent of what we wanted,” McCullough told WTVD. “He did testify in a couple of cases here in the eastern part of the state, or agreed to testify where the people plead guilty knowing he was going to testify.”

In 1998, Miller was a key witness in a high-profile federal trial that charged more than a dozen white nationalists in an alleged conspiracy to levy war against the United States government. The Department of Justice had called it Operation Clean Sweep. Miller testified that he had received two payments totaling $200,000 from a leader of  the alleged conspiracy, but in the end all of those accused were acquitted and, incredibly, one of the jurors later married one of the defendants.

“His testimony was extremely weak,” says Leonard Zeskind, who tracked Miller’s activities in the 1980′s as research director for the Center for the Democratic Renewal, a civil rights group fighting Klan activities.

“I believe that Miller was essentially playing a game with the feds. And I don’t think he had any intention of becoming a good witness. The guy was a stone-to-the-bone Nazi,” Zeskind says. “He never gave that up. I am on the record as saying the man should have died in prison.”

But McCullough says that nothing would have changed what happened last week in Kansas. Even if he had refused to deal with Miller back in 1987, he would have spent no more than fifteen years in prison.

“We made the deal that we could make at the time and whether it’s right or wrong, it’s really kind of immaterial at this point,” McCullough says. “Human beings are unpredictable. I don’t think there is anybody who could know what he was capable of doing,” he said of the shootings in Kansas. “I certainly never saw that in his personality.  He was a blowhard who liked to be in front of a crowd. He liked to whip the crowd up and get the emotions running high.”

Very little is known of the years Miller spent in Iowa and Nebraska living as Frazier Glenn Cross.

“He asked for protection from both the White Patriot Party people and blacks in prison because he had alienated both groups,” says McCullough.  ”Obviously once he served his sentence he couldn’t go back to where his old compatriots were because he would be at risk.  So we had to put him somewhere safe.”

It’s clear that Cross eventually discarded his assumed identity provided by the federal government and resumed his life as the belligerent, unapologetic white supremacist, Frazier Glenn Miller.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Racism and Bigotry of LA Clippers Donald Sterling- SMH!

I can't let this one pass!

My take:

This guy is absolutely racist and bigoted, yet he had a Black girlfriend.  Racist white men want to have their cake and eat it too.  They also insist Black women to assimilate to their white male supremacist culture. That won't work because some Black women aren't giving up Blackness and Black culture. At the same time, those men denigrate Black men and women, telling them that they're "inferior" and have no rights bound to respect.

I wish some of my Black sisters in the "BWE" movment talk about this one.  How can one be with a man that is a racist and have one's sanity intact?  

That's white male privilege at work.  Entitled to have women of all races and be racist and hateful at the same time.  That proves Kristen Maye's and many other Black womens' viewpoint about racism in interracial relationships.  That painful history of Whites and Blacks along with Whites not giving up their "White Privilege" status and contemporary racism.



Read by Beulah Richardson at the Women's Workshop at the American People's Peace Congress held in Chicago on June 29, 30 and July 1, 1951 bringing a standing ovation from all 500 women attending.

It is right that I a woman black, should speak of white womanhood. my fathers my brothers my husbands my sons die for it: because of it. and their blood chilled in electric chairs, stopped by hangman’s noose, cooked by lynch mobs’ fire, spilled by white supremacist mad desire to kill give me that right

I would that I could speak of white womanhood

as it will and should be

when it stands tall in full equality.

but then, womanhood will be womanhood.

Void of color and of class, And all necessity for my speaking thus will be past. Gladly past. But now, since ‘tis deemed a thing apart Supreme, I must in searching honesty report How it seems to me. White womanhood stands in bloodied skirt and willing slavery reaching out adulterous hand killing mine and crushing me. What then is the superior thing That in order to be sustained must needs feed upon my flesh?

 Let’s look to history. They said, the white supremacist said that you were better than me, that your fair brow would never know the sweat of slavery. They lied White womanhood to is enslaved, The difference is degree. They brought me here in chains. They brought you here willing slaves to man. You, shiploads of women each filled with hope That she might win with ruby lip and saucy curl And bright and flashing eyes Him to wife who had the largest tender. Remember? And they sold you here even as they sold me.

My sisters, there is no room for mockery. If they counted my teeth They did appraise your thigh And sold you to the highest bidder The same as I. And you did not fight for your right to choose Whom you would wed But for whatever bartered price That was the legal tender You were sold to a stranger’s bed In a stranger land Remember? And you did not fight. Mind you, I speak not mockingly But I fought for freedom, I’m fighting now for our unity. We are women all. And what wrongs you murders me And eventually marks your grave So we share a mutual death at the hand of tyranny. They trapped me with the chain and gun. They trapped you with lying tongue.

For, ‘less you see that fault— That male villainy That robbed you of name, voice and authority, That murderous greed that wasted you and me, He, the white supremacist, fixed your minds with poisonous thought: “white skin is supreme.” And there with bought that monstrous change exiling you to things. Changed all that nature had in you wrought of gentle usefulness, abolishing your spring.

Tore out your heart, set your good apart from all that you could say, think, feel, know to be right. And you did not fight, but set your minds fast on my slavery the better to endure your own. 'Tis true my pearls were beads of sweat wrung from weary bodies' pain, instead of rings upon my hands I wore swollen, bursting veins. My ornaments were the wipe-lash's scar my diamond, perhaps, a tear. Instead of paint and powder on my face I wore a solid mask of fear to see my blood so spilled. And you, women seeing spoke no protest but cuddled down in your pink slavery and thought somehow my wasted blood confirmed your superiority.

Because your necklace was of gold you did not notice that it throttled speech. Because diamond rings bedecked your hands you did not regret their dictated idleness. Nor could you see that the platinum bracelets which graced your wrists were chains binding you fast to economic slavery And though you claimed your husband's name still could not command his fidelity. You bore him sons. I bore him sons. No, not willingly. He purchase you. He raped me, I fought! But you fought neither for yourselves nor me. Sat trapped in your superiority and spoke no reproach. Consoled your outrage with an added diamond brooch. Oh, God, how great is a woman's fear who for a stone, a cold, cold stone would not defend honor, love or dignity!

Your bore the damning mockery of your marriage and heaped your hate on me, a woman too, a slave more so. And when your husband disowned his seed that was my son and sold him apart from me you felt avenged. Understand: I was not your enemy in this, I was not the source of your distress. I was your friend, I fought. But you would not help me fight thinking you helped only me. Your deceived eyes seeing only my slavery aided your own decay. Yes, they condemned me to death and they condemned you to decay. Your heart whisked away, consumed in hate, used up in idleness playing yet the lady's part estranged to vanity. It is justice to you to say your fear equaled your tyranny. You were afraid to nurse your young lest fallen breast offend your master's sight and he should flee to firmer loveliness. And so you passed them, your children, on to me. Flesh that was your flesh and blood that was your blood drank the sustenance of life from me. And as I gave suckle I knew I nursed my own child's enemy.

 I could have lied, told you your child was fed till it was dead of hunger. But I could not find the heart to kill orphaned innocence. For as it fed, it smiled and burped and gurgled with content and as for color knew no difference. Yes, in that first while I kept your sons and daughters alive. But when they grew strong in blood and bone that was of my milk you taught them to hate me. PUt your decay in their hearts and upon their lips so that strength that was of myself turned and spat upon me, despoiled my daughters, and killed my sons. You know I speak true.

Though this is not true for all of you When I bestirred myself for freedom and brave Harriet led the way some of you found heart and played a part in aiding my escape. And when I made my big push for freedom your sons fought at my sons' side. Your husbands and brothers too fell in that battle when Crispus Attucks died. It's unfortunate that you acted not in the way of justice but to preserve the Union and for dear sweet pity's sake; Else how came it to be with me as it is today? You abhorred slavery yet loathed equality.

I would that the poor among you could have seen through the scheme and joined hands with me. Then, we being the majority, could long ago have recued our wasted lives. But no. The rich, becoming richer, could be content while yet the poor had only the pretense of superiority and sought through murderous brutality to convince themselves that what was false was true.

 So with KKK and fiery cross and bloodied appetites set about to prove that "white is right" forgetting their poverty. Thus the white supremacist used your skins to perpetuate slavery. And woe to me. Woe to Willie McGee. Woe to the seven men of Martinsville. And woe to you. It was no mistake that your naked body on an Esquire calendar announced the date, May Eighth. This is your fate if you do not wake to fight. They will use your naked bodies to sell their wares though it be hate, Coca Cola or rape. When a white mother disdained to teach her children this doctrine of hate, but taught them instead of peace and respect for all men's dignity the courts of law did legislate that they be taken from her and sent to another state. To make a

Troy Hawkins of the little girl and a killer of the little boy! No, it was not for the womanhood of this mother that Willie McBee died but for the depraved, enslaved, adulterous woman whose lustful demands denied, lied and killed what she could not possess. Only three months before another such woman lied and seven black men shuddered and gave up their lives. These women were upheld in these bloody deeds by the president of this nation, thus putting the official seal on the fate of white womanhood with in these United States. This is what they plan for you. This is the depravity they would reduce you to.

 Death for me and worse than death for you. What will you do? Will you fight with me? White supremacy is your enemy and mine. So be careful when you talk with me. Remind me not of my slavery, I know it will but rather tell me of your own. Remember, you have never known me. You've been busy seeing me as white supremacist would have me be, and I will be myself. Free! My aim is full equality. I would usurp their plan! Justice peace and plenty for every man, woman and child who walks the earth. This is my fight! If you will fight with me then take my hand and the hand of Rosa Ingram, and Rosalee McGee, and as we set about our plan let our Wholehearted fight be: PEACE IN A WORLD WHERE THERE IS EQUALITY.

Jackass Owner Of LA Clippers Utters Racial Hate!

Donald Sterling caught on tape uttering racial prejudice towards Blacks.

If this is what a controversial NBA owner thinks of Black people, then why on Earth would this man own a team that caters to 70% of the team being Black male?

It's ironic that the Los Angeles Clippers are in the NBA playoffs. They were considered one of the worst teams in the league. Now they're really smoking. They share Staples Arena with the longtime Los Angeles Lakers.

The jackass owner of the team would be force toe explain his reasons to why he doesn't want Blacks at his games. I want to know why this guy still has a NBA team?

It was released over the weekend by celebrity agitator TMZ.

It show the NBA owner Don Sterling making not so nice comments about Blacks at sporting events.

TMZ Sports released an audio conversation recorded by V. Stiviano, Sterling's girlfriend.

Both Stiviano and Sterling argued in regards to a posted photo Stiviano uploaded on Instagram where she posed with Magic Johnson. In the audio recording, Sterling tells Stiviano: “It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?

Sterling rails on Stiviano -- who ironically is black and Mexican -- for putting herself out in public with a black person (she has since taken the pic down).  But it doesn't end there.  You have to listen to the audio to fully grasp the magnitude of Sterling's racist worldview. Among the comments:
LA Clippers in the NBA Playoffs.
-- "It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?" (3:30) 

-- "You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want.  The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games." (5:15)

-- "I’m just saying, in your lousy f******* Instagrams, you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people." (7:45)

-- "...Don't put him [Magic] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me.  And don't bring him to my games." (9:13)

This fool has a history. Wikipedia has documented other events where Sterling, a Jewish business executive has turned his blind eye towards people of color.

In August 2006, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Sterling for housing discrimination in using race as a factor in filling some of his apartment buildings. The suit charged that Sterling refused to rent to non-Koreans in the Koreatown neighborhood and to African Americans in Beverly Hills.

The suit alleges Sterling once said he did not like to rent to Hispanics because they "smoke, drink and just hang around the building," and that "Black tenants smell and attract vermin."

In November 2009, ESPN reported that Sterling agreed to pay a fine of $2.73 million to settle claims brought by the Justice Department and Davin Day of Newport Beach that he engaged in discriminatory rental practices against Hispanics, blacks, and families with children.
File:Chris Paul dribbling 20131118 Clippers v Grizzles.jpg
Chris Paul.
In addition, Sterling was also ordered to pay attorneys' fees and costs in that action of $4,923,554.75. [Order Granting Motion for Prevailing Party's Attorneys' Fees and Costs, dated November 2, 2005, C.D. Cal. Case No. 2:03-cv-00859-DSF-E Dkt No. 454]. In granting the attorney's fees and costs Judge Dale S. Fischer noted "Sterling's' scorched earth' litigation tactics, some of which are described by the Plaintiffs' counsel and some of which were observed by the Court. The Court has no difficulty accepting Plaintiffs' counsel's representations that the time required to be spent on this case was increased by defendant's counsel's often unacceptable, and sometimes outrageous conduct." [Id. at p. 5]

In February 2009, Sterling was sued by former longtime Clippers executive Elgin Baylor for employment discrimination on the basis of age and race.

The lawsuit alleges Sterling told Baylor that he wanted to fill his team with "poor black boys from the South and a white head coach".

The suit alleges that during negotiations for Danny Manning, Sterling said "I'm offering a lot of money for a poor black kid."

The suit noted those comments while alleging "the Caucasian head coach was given a four-year, $22-million contract", but Baylor's salary had "been frozen at a comparatively paltry $350,000 since 2003".

  Clippers Owner Donald Sterling to GF - Don't Bring Black People to My Games, Including Magic Johnson
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